Download - Caesar Key POints


Caesar Key POints1. To what decision does Brutus come in his orchard? Why?

2. What does Lucius give to Brutus in scene 1?

3. Why doesnt Brutus want to swear an oath with the conspirators? What does this say about his character?

4. For what reason does Metellus Cimber want Cicero to join the conspiracy?

5. Brutus is against including Cicero and against killing Mark Antony. Why? What does this say about his character?

6. Why did Brutus say, Render me worth of this noble wife!?

7. Of what does Calphurnia try to convince Caesar? Why? What does this illustrate about Caesars character?

8. Caesar yields to Calpurnias wishes at first. Why does he change his mind and decide to go to the Senate meeting? Decius says Calpurnia has misinterpreted the dream. Caesars hubris is very easily convinced, when Decius says that the senate wants to crown him king, and if he doesnt come, they might change their minds. Decius manipulates Caesars self-absorption in order to convince Caesar to the capital.

9. What does the note Artemidorus wants to give to Caesar say? Why is this note considered a motif? The plan has leaked, and Artemidorus wants to warn Caesar

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