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    by Peter Morrell (1984)

    Just as the earth consists of hard and soft material, such as rocks,

    water and air, so too does the human body consist of the liquid, racing,

    iron-filled blood, the sulphurous skin and hair and the hard, rock-like,

    calcareous skeleton. The legion correspondences that really exist

    between earth, minerals, remedies, body and disease-states are

    endlessly fascinating and profoundly enriching for the natural therapist

    to consider. These patterns, when exposed and explored in detail, also

    point to deeper, more meaningful psychological insights about our

    remedies, health and disease.

    Calcium manifests in the mineral world chiefly as chalk and

    limestone, as ossified deposits, layers of white or grey material

    consisting mainly of the compacted shells of dead microscopic

    organisms that lived in oceans millions of years ago and which then

    accumulated over vast periods of time to be changed into rock.

    Limestone and chalk contain fossils or fossil imprints, often in

    abundance, or are actually composed of fossils. More than any other

    rock, they seem to contain the most complete, the most detailed and the

    best preserved fossils. Shortly, we shall see their relevance and

    importance to our understanding of the Calc carb mentality.

    Calcium manifests in the living world as the shells of Molluscs,

    some marine worms, corals, many crustaceans, bryozoans, crinoids and

    sea-urchins and the calcareous spicules of sponges. Many of the

    molluscs, corals and worms are (like the typical Calc patient)

    profoundly immobile, while the crustaceans (eg crabs) use their

    calcareous shells merely as armour-plating with which to protect

    themselves from change and in the wars of existence. Very few of

    these animals are adapted for swift movement. Nor must we forget the

    calcareous shells of birds' eggs. As with all other vertebrates, in the

    human body, calcium manifests as the skeleton and teeth, but it is also

    important in fat metabolism, linking it to Vitamin D, for example.

    We can identify certain Calcium subthemes like ossification, time,

    depos-its, layers, roundness/plumpness, hardness, enclosedness

    (refuge), white-ness, immobility and alkalinity to name a few. These

    subthemes are found not only in the minerals, but also in the body, in

    the provings of calcium salts and in the Calc mentality.

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    In the birds' egg, we see the roundedness, the layering, the smooth

    matt whiteness and the inward enclosedness (refuge) of the Calcium

    type. Likewise there is a clear link between calcium as a medicinal

    agent and its use in cement, concrete, house building and an agent of

    defences and protection. Again, we see that the theme is one of laying

    down defensive structures, hard ossifications, stubbornness, hardness,immobility, unwillingness to change and longevity. Limestone and

    chalk are both porous and permeable rocks, that are not very soluble in

    water, though they do render water `hard' and calcareous. These rocks

    also become hollowed out by the erosive action of water and contain

    vast interconnecting systems of underground caverns. Lime is also

    used in agriculture to render more permeable the heavy clay soils of the

    eastern counties. Calcium has the same saturnine slowness typical of

    lead, trees, mountains and the earth itself. It has slowness to develop,

    longevity, sluggishness, obstinacy, stubbornness, inability or

    unwillingness to change and the lumbering immobility - mentally and

    physically - of molluscs. `Dull lethargic children who do not want to

    play' (Phatak, p126). They live as if in a different time-frame from the

    rest of creation. Little wonder then that the classic Calc type is so often

    described as overweight, pale, cold, slow and breathless!

    Related remedies are Silica, Plumbum, all silicates, Aluminium,

    Lycopodium, etc. All these remedies have broad parallels with the Calc

    state character-ised by slowness, etc as briefly outlined above. The

    rocks of the earth can be broadly grouped into three major categories of

    calcareous, silicious and aluminicious. The five major remedies here

    are Calc, Silica, Alumina, Calc silicate and Alumin silicate. One might

    also add Plumbum silicate, but it has not been proved, to my


    Is it really a coincidence that Hahnemann chose the Oyster shell,

    Calcarea ostrea, as the basis for the remedy we call Calc carb? Maybe

    he dimly sensed that the calcium of the Mollusc is the archetypal

    Calcium per forte of the living world, as opposed to the more inert

    limestone or chalk of the mineral world that was his other majorCalcium source. In strictly Steinerian terms, the Calc of molluscs is the

    calcium that has been absorbed, processed, and metabolised `through'

    the tissues of a living organism and thus we might believe it has been

    transformed somehow into a partially organic form and thereby

    rendered more suitable as an agent of healing in medicine. Certainly,

    Steiner (c1860-1925) held the view that a mineral or element is subtly

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    altered (`retuned') when it passes through an organism, and in different

    ways according to the particular organism it passes through. He also

    avowed that it thereby becomes stamped with a subtle `fingerprint' of

    features that typify the organism concerned. Thus according to this

    view, crabshell, eggshell and oystershell (maybe even from the same

    beach), would all differ from each other and from chalk, limestone orcalcite, in spite of their overwhelming chemical similarity.

    Calcium also has links with Phosphorus and Zinc oxide and

    luminescence where we may witness their use in luminous gas mantles

    (the `limelight') and cathode ray tubes (TV and VDU's). These also

    contain the notion of `after-image' or afterglow. These relate to the

    light absorbing quality and the memory trace ideas so close to Calcium

    itself. Note also the peculiar fact that glow-worms only live in

    limestone and chalky areas. This theme of bioluminescence is further

    carried by its link with Phosphorus as an element. There are also links

    between calcium and architecture, struts, bones and buttresses as

    revealed in the detailed micro-structure of bones (eg ribs, cranium and

    head of femur) and in the architecture of churches and cathedrals. And

    how such churches glow in the golden sunshine!

    Calcium is also closely allied to Magnesium, Strontium and

    Barium, both in the materia medica and in minerals. And with

    Magnesium we also think of Chlorophyll, the light-capturer, which is

    unquestionably the single most important chemical on the planet, as

    without it there would no photosynthesis and thus no other life. And

    through Magnesium we also think of Mag phos and Calc phos. With

    magnesium we might also think of the softer minerals Dolomite and

    Gypsum and thus the mighty Alps.

    Finally, chlorophyll and Mag phos might leads us on to reconsider

    the light-capturing, the glow-worms and then the link between the oily

    vitamins A and D and the Visual purple in the retina that enables us to

    see the world around us and record and store our visual memories. And

    also more distantly cognate with both are the nervous and photographic

    Argentum salts. Stretch ing things far too much that then leads us on to

    Mercurius and the stranger areas of the nervous system. But we have

    strayed from dear old Calcium by a long chalk! And thinking of chalk,

    we also think of cheese, both of which are rich sources of Calcium.

    And that brings us back to Phosphorus, fish, the brain-food and the

    nervous system yet again. Remember here also that chalk is also used

    for writing. Think chalk, think white cliffs of Dover and that links in to

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    the Romans and how those cliffs must have appeared - like huge

    defensive ramparts as old as time itself and repelling wood-be invaders

    perhaps? Calcium also links with vitamin D (Calciferol) and the fats, to

    the breast and milk feeding and thus to the nutrition of the infant and

    the problems of nursing mothers. This also links in with Rickets, a

    calcium deficiency-disease and also the general medical problems ofmilk, breasts, infantile milk intolerance, female reproductive

    hormones, fibroids and the other diseases of the female reproductive

    system. Milk, which is white like marble, is rich in Calc, Phos and fats.

    This also links to remedies like Lac deflor and Lac can. The typical

    Calc patient being milky white, breathless, malnourished, well-rounded

    and sensitive to cold. The strong link between calcium, reproduction

    and fats is further reinforced in birds' eggs, which are reproductive

    structures, contain high fat levels and have a calcareous shell.

    Like Lead and trees, Calcium is linked to the time-god Chronos, for

    it is in the minute sculpturing of seashells that we find the records of

    the days, weeks, months and years of their lives, etched minutely into

    the patterns of the layers of calcium carbonate. This also applies to

    snail-shells, where each twist of the shell represents a year and the

    finer serrations mark out the days, weeks and months. Time and the life

    of the animal, is recorded and `stored up' in the shells, just like the

    rings in the wood of treetrunks, the fossils in the rocks or the files in an

    archive or record. These can all be seen as aspects of Saturn or

    Chronos, the god of time and history. Skeletons and fossils are also like

    histories, memories and records of lifetimes and often lurk in our

    deepest cupboards! Heaping up or collecting the days, weeks, months

    and years in this way is typical of the sense of memory and history

    common to both Plumbum and Calc. And the keeping of records

    requires writing, say with chalk on a board or slate, or with a piece of

    lead (Plumbum). The god of time counts and records the passing of the

    days and records events, obsessed with history and the minutiae of life.

    So similar to the remark about Calc patients: `sits and thinks about

    little affairs that amount to nothing' (Phatak, p127). Witness also the

    intense clarity of their memories, dreams and visions! As if theirrecordings are so perfect.

    We might also see fossils as collected memories, records and

    histories that the Calc rocks have accumulated and retained in

    incredible wealth and detail. They are recorded with great faithfulness.

    This magpie or squirrel tendency to absorb and collect, record and

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    store in detail for very long periods might be seen as a feature of the

    Calc mentality. It is like a mental equivalent of the afterglow on the TV

    screen when it is switched off. And in Plaster of Paris the Calc habit of

    making copies, taking impressions, of being a mould or template

    comes to the fore and is cognate for example, both with fossils and

    with cenent for joining walls. Plaster of Paris is also for setting bones!

    Another important aspect of Calc is that the two main mineral

    forms of it - chalk and limetsone - were formed by accumulation of

    calcareous particles in the oceans or in shallow seas. This links it as a

    remedy to Natrum mur and to Sepia. In the case of certain marine

    worms (Sterculids), if you look at their twisting and convoluted

    calcareous tubes, they very closely resemble veins in the body. Maybe

    that particular form of Calc could be used as a specific for varicose

    veins and clogging of arteries, heart attacks, even? There is not only a

    physical similarity here, it also operates on a functional level, as the

    tubes are being sclerotized, as the worm hardens its mucilaginous tube

    until it becomes hardened and limey. The close parallel between the

    condition and this particular form of Calc is very interesting and worth

    further investigation clinically. In the case of a common tropical form

    of Calc, brain coral, we can see a direct physical similarity to the brain.

    Maybe this should also be proved or investigated clinically as a

    separate form of Calc to discover if it has any specific usefulness for

    brain disorders of a sclerotic nature, such as apoplectic strokes due to

    hardening of the arteries or even Alzheimer's disease.

    Turning next to the psychological aspects of the Calc type, we

    might conclude that they are introverted, too sensitive, defensive,

    insecure, want security in shells and deposits, seek the security of the

    womb, the egg, the mother's milk (which disagrees), seek refuge in

    castle-like interiors protected by vast shell-like stone ramparts; relate

    badly to the cold, to water and winter, want to be immobile; eat

    uncontrollably and compulsively, without knowing why and hate

    activity as they sweat easily and become breathless and flustered.

    They appear to be locked in a heavily protected, stone-like shell of

    armour that greatly reduces their mobility, a crab-like carapace or shell.

    They seem to 'clam-up' and 'go into their shell', become agoraphobic,

    turn inwards to the detailed phantasmogoria of an inner world of

    visions, dreams and nightmares, where they seek refuge and security

    from the transient, unpredictable and painful events of the outer world.

    They seem to prefer the greyness of their refuge to the stark unbearable

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    contrasts of black and white outer reality. They fear change and resist

    change. Even their recording of time is like a clinging on to things and

    not wanting to let them go. It is like a form of attachment.

    They are disappointed and constipated people. There is the

    constipated mentality, just described. There is also an air of failure andwithdrawal to this mentality, a sloping off to lick one's wounds in a

    private refuge. They are stuck in a peculiar limbo-land which is neither

    one thing or another, which hovers in fact between night and day, an

    eternal twilight. They follow the moon, suffer menstrual irregularities

    for the same reasons and also reproductive problems and problems

    related to the link between outer world-cycles and inner world

    constancy. They retreat into the greyness of their shell as they dislike

    change of day-night, high-low rhythms of move ment of planets,

    change of cycles, highs and lows and attempt to regulate this outer

    change into a vastly attenuated realm of stillness, greyness, no change

    and their precious secret dreams and visions. There is ossification of

    emotions and inner-outer world, thoughts and aspirations as well as the

    outer processes of the body. Sluggishness is a very good general rubric

    for Calc carb, as it bridges both the Molluscan features we have

    explored and the general slowness.

    It is also important to remember that we all contain a bit of this

    mentality. We must resist the temptation to stand in judgement over the

    remedy archetypes, as we all have skeletons and must acknowledge

    these qualities of the Calcium in ourselves. We are all stubborn and

    resist change to some degree and we all at times find difficulty of

    going with the flow or want to control the outer world's more painful

    twists and turns. We all contain the Calc archetype, but clearly it finds

    its ultimate expression in the imbalances of the typical Calc person.

    Then these inbalances become pathological in their immensity. At that

    point the potentised remedy can perform its usual miracles.

    Turning finally to the materia medica we can see a repetition of

    many of the above themes we have listed about Calc. The Calc patient

    is fat, chilly, congested, sensitive in every possible way, has boney

    growths, ossifications, encrustations, polyps, cysts and warts.

    Exostoses and peculiar deformities of bones, skin and nails (like Hekla

    lava). They are weak, lack stamina, have an inclination to sit rather

    than work, get breathless and sweaty very easily. Get gouty and

    rheumatic, joint problems and arthritic. Then there are the generals like

    slowness and weakness, dullness and great debility and tiredness.

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    These are typical. The symptoms of eyes, ears, nose and throat are also

    typical, showing congestions and catarrhs, loss of smell, dimness of

    sight and hearing, as if the consciousness would prefer to withdraw

    from the sensory world altogether. Stomach and digestion are impaired

    and the bowels very sluggish and constipated. There is marked love of

    or aversion to eggs. In general they adore eggs and hate milk, whichdisagrees. The rest is detailed in all the materia medicas.

    The Calc urge is more of a pausing, a rest, a putting down roots,

    leaving traces and keeping records, collecting memories, dwelling in

    matter and time and making deposits. This tendency seems to represent

    a deeper attachment to things and life and surroundings and thus a

    desire to keep a record of one's life. So the link with the past, time,

    matter, records, traces, memories and the old. Cognate animals are

    those that are sessile, have reduced motility, which put down roots or

    attachments to rocks or which have large shells, calcareous deposits

    around them or which leave a hard skeleton. The fact that they leave

    these hardened or sclerotized parts behind them after their death is

    evidence of their strong plant-like urge. These include molluscs, some

    marine worms, barnacles, crinoids and sea-urchins, tortoises & turtles,

    foraminiferans, crustaceans, bryozoans, etc.

    Also in the Calc mentality and in molluscs, marine worms, corals,

    bryozoans, etc, we encounter the most plant-like animals, those that

    must keep records and build up traces of their life. This desire to keep a

    record, to leave deposits, shells, bones and traces of one's existence is a

    plant-like drive that is much more diminished within the animal world.

    It manifests in the plant by the layering of tree-rings, which is an

    expression in the lignified cellulose of a record of the years. The tree

    rings are records of the passing years and represent the life record of

    that tree.

    Yet in all plants the record-keeping or sclerotizing tendency is very

    strong. While it is true that plants push out green shoots, like to grow

    and expand, they also tend to consolidate such gains by sclerotizing,

    hardening, making into wood and laying down harder tissues, thorns

    and spikes both for protection and to demarcate owned territory. Thus

    plants are the natural record-keepers and deposit makers of the living


    In its more extreme forms, this plant-like Calc force manifests as

    shrunken, withered leathery, thorny and spiky plant stems as seen in

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    the Cacti and many other succulents, in Lithops the stone plant and, of

    course, in trees. But even amongst trees, it manifests most typically in

    the dry, thorny, withered, hardened and emaciated kind of tree that has

    adapted to extreme aridity.

    In spite of many broad differences between Calc and Sepia, it isnevertheless useful to compare them both. In the Cuttlefish, the

    calcareous external shell of other molluscs has been greatly reduced

    and internalised to produce the `cuttlefish shell' so beloved of budgies!

    Going back to our previous analysis of the molluscan nature of Calc

    carb, we can see that by first reducing and then internalising the shell,

    Sepia has achieved a much greater mobility and has hidden away

    inside itself the basic Molluscan problem of being `insecure and

    defensive and needing a shell for protection against hostile forces in a

    painful world'. In exchange, of course, the Sepia has the ink-jet, the

    agility, the brilliant and mesmerising stroboscopic skin colour-changes,

    the improved stereoscopic vision and the aggressiveness of a marine

    predator. It has moved from the sessile and slow but secure life of a

    limpet or clam and out into the sea as an active hunter.

    Yet, talking remedies, we can see that Sepia has tried to solve the

    ancestral Molluscan problem of defensiveness and insecurity by

    reducing and internalising its shell. It is only partially successful in

    this. It is still very weird and unstable in its behaviour - evasive,

    jealous, emotion al, angry and callous. It has exchanged the 'femininity

    of submissiveness and immobility' (clam, limpet) for a mock male

    mobility and assertiveness that still appears incomplete, forced and

    imbalanced. The parallels here pathologically are too obvious to

    require further emphasis. So we could also extend this discussion

    indefinitely to all the other Molluscs and then take a look at the

    Crustaceans and Insects, who present similar problems, solved in

    different and novel ways. But that must wait for now.

    Sources:Bott, Victor, c1985, Anthroposophical Medicine - an Extn. of the Art of Healing, Steiner Press

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    Evans, Michael, c1985, Extending the Art of Healing, an Introduction to Anthroposophical Medicine, Steiner Press,


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