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Martin Eibl

Senior Project Advisor

EASME B1 – H2020 Energy

Call H2020-LC-SC3-EE-11-2018-2019-2020

Aggregation – Project Development Assistance (EE-11)

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H2020 Funding for Energy Efficiency in a nutshell

• Under the societal challenge“Secure, clean and efficient energy”

• Call 2019: 16 topics and €112m funding available

• Deadline: 3 September 2019

• Managed by the EASME Energy Unit

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Webinar on Energy Efficiency Finance topics

13:30 - 14:15: Integrated home renovation services [EE2] (see

14:15 - 15:00: Aggregation - Project Development Assistance [EE11] (see

15:00 - 15:45: Innovative financing for energy efficiency [EE9] (see

15:45 - 16:30: Making the energy efficiency market investible [EE10] (see

Questions & Answers: [email protected]

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EU 2020 and 2030 climate and energy goals

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'Smart Finance for Smart Buildings' Initiative

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Aggregation - Project Development AssistanceCall H2020-LC-SC3-EE-11-2018-2019-2020

• Build technical, economic and legal expertise needed for project development

• Develop organisational innovations and minimise transaction costs

• High degree of replicability

• Remove legal, administrative and other market barriers

• Aggregate (pooling, bundling) projects to reach critical size

• Mobilize private finance

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H2020 PDA: main features

• Sectors targeted:

Existing Public and private buildings

Industry and services

Urban transport

Existing infrastructures(street lighting, water/wastewater)

• Investments launched before end of the action!

• 1:15 leverage ratio

• EU contribution: 100%

• Budget: EUR 6 million

Deadline: 3 September 2019

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H2020 PDA - Who do we target?

• Public and private project promoters

public authorities or their groupings,

public/private infrastructure operators and bodies,

energy service companies,

retail chains,

large property owners and


• Proposals from 1 single entity are eligible!

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H2020 PDA - Organisational innovation

• Innovation in the mobilisation of investment programme: bundling, pooling, framework contracts, stakeholder engagement, community finance…

• Innovation in the financial engineering: alternatives to traditional financing (by public authorities: direct financing or subsidies)

o Soft loans; Energy performance contracting (with third-party financing); Public ESCO’s; Investment funds on energy efficiency (Jessica / ERDF…); on-bill or on-tax finance; or anything relevant!

• Innovation can also mean: new target sectors, higher levels of ambition (e.g. EPC’s for low-energy retrofitting of buildings)

• You should demonstrate sufficient project maturity (starting point)

• The final beneficiaries (signing the investment contracts) should be involved


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Impacts: Investment

• Impact indicators: € invested (incl. leverage), saved energy, RES production, capacity building

• Investments must be described with sufficient precision

• Clarify the evidence provided for the investmentsTable 2.1a: Detailed description of the proposed investments

Investment sector: (please specify)

# Location (area, town…)

Type of investment Description of the investment


Total surface (m2)

Current energy consump-tion

Energy savings (%)

Renewable energy production (MWh/year)

Other quantifications

Payback time

Energy investment costs (thousands €)




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Proof of investment

# Type of investment Evidence of the investmentActor issuing the







Evidence of investment: signed contracts such as EPC, works contracts or similar with clear reference to energy related investments

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'Investment costs' refers to

• Investments which are directly related to or required for energy savings and/or renewable energy generation (“energy investment costs”)

• Other measures should not be included in the proposed investments

• For example in a building refurbishment:

o energy costs could include changing windows, insulating the façade and painting it after insulation,

o but not painting the hallways or changing the bath tub.

• Investment costs should include VAT only for entities which cannot reclaim it

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Key features for a successful PDA proposal

• Adequate starting pointwith identified targeted investments, needs and market barriers and commitment from key stakeholders.

• Clear conceptin particular on the steps to reach the planned investment and also on the financial engineering (e.g. alternatives to traditional financing such as Energy Performance Contracting). Pay attention to procurement processes and build them properly in your proposed work plan.

• Solid impact based on credible quantitative andqualitative estimations, incl. sound baseline, realistic assumptions and clear effort to monitor and report

• Proven engagement of the final beneficiaries of the investment at proposal stage and during the whole duration of the action

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H2020 PDA - Success rates over past years

Proposals Evaluated Recommended for Grant Agreement Preparation

Success rate

2016 14 5 36%

2017 16 5 31%

2018 10 6 60%

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2020 TOGETHER Refurbishment of public buildings and street lighting in the Piedmont Region (IT) - Completed

• Triggered EUR 12.5 million of energy investments

Change & management of heating systems in 118 buildings owned by the city of Torino

Energy refurbishment of 18 public buildings owned by 5 small municipalities

Bundling of 3,000 lighting points in the city of Torino and 6 small municipalities

• Achieved leverage factor of 1:26

• Innovation

"Joint Procurement" of innovative Energy Performance Contracts (EPCs)

Third Party Finance involving an ESCO and financial institutions

• Replication potential

Joint procurement and EPC in public buildings

Make PPP and Third Party Investment a common practice IEE-MLEI Project 13-841

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RHODOSHOPRefurbishment of public buildings and street lighting in the Rhodope Region (BG) - Ongoing

• Innovation

Establish a "Project Development Unit "

Capacity building

"Joint Procurement" of innovative Energy Performance Contracts (EPCs)

• Replication potential

Build on the experience of GRE-Liege financial model RENOWATT

Model largely replicable in Eastern Europe

Project website not available yet

• Follow-up of Citynvest

• Set-up a one-stop-shop to act as a procurement agency on behalf of public authorities

• Undertake energy retrofitting works in their buildings and street lighting

• Trigger a total of EUR 13.2 million investment (leverage 1:28)

Horizon 2020 project 748425

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Main differences between topics EE-2 and EE-11


EE-2 targets solely the private residential sector

EE-11 scope is broader

includes social housing, public, private and tertiary buildings, industry and services, urban transport and existing infrastructures (e.g. street lighting, water/wastewater).


EE-2: Integrated services shall be operational by the end of the project, at the latest

EE-11: energy investment must be triggered within project duration.

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42 PDA projects

• supported under Horizon 2020 since 2014

• 2014 PDA projects:!Mj83GK (EE-11-2014)

• 2015 PDA projects:!hX94qJ (EE-11-2015)

• 2016 & 2017 PDA projects:!nd94rd (EE-22-2016-2017)

• 2018 PDA projects (under preparation)

• supported under Intelligent Energy Europe from 2011-2013

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More information

• H2020 participant portal

LC-SC3-EE-11-2018-2019-2020 topic description:!rB68NF

LC-SC3-EE-11-2018-2019-2020 FAQs:!Uj96GX

H2020 Online Manual:!Kw37Ud

• Energy Efficiency info day:

• EASME Energy Efficiency webpage:

• Questions & Answers: [email protected]

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Thank you!


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