
Callaway elementary school media center

Callaway elementary school media centerOrientation

Welcome to the Media Center at Callaway Elementary School. I will be taking you on a virtual tour highlighting areas of interest. 1What can you do in the media center? Check out a bookResearchRead a bookRead a magazineTake an Accelerated Reader (AR) test

You can do many things while our media center is open Monday through Friday from 7:15am until 2:15pm. These include checking out a book, research for a project or a subject you are personally interested in, read a book or magazine, take an accelerated reader test, and many more. 2Quiet zone

Please remember that our media center is a quiet zone. It is imperative to be quiet for those conducting research, reading or listening to a story in Cliffords Corner. 3Cliffords cornerWeekly story time

Cliffords Corner is where weekly story time takes place for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and first grade. All story times are incorporated with non-fiction elements. 4Magazines

This area is dedicated to magazines including Ranger Rick, Sports Illustrated for Kids and many more. These are not available for check-out. Teachers, there are magazines here for you too which include Mailbox, Teachers Helper and many more. Teachers may check-out these. 5Reference

This is the reference section. These books are used for research and are not available for check-out. They include World Book, atlases, periodicals and more. 6Biographies

Biographies are books about someones life. These books are marked with B on the spine. 7Non-fictionDewey Decimal System

The non-fiction area is organized by the Dewey Decimal System. Non-fiction books are true books that are numbered from 001 to 999 and include the first three letters of the authors last name. 8Fiction

Fiction books include chapter books like Captain Underpants, Magic Tree House, The Diary of a Wimpy Kid and many more. 9

Easy ReaderPicture Storybooks

Easy Reader books are for everyone. These books include book levels for kindergarten through fifth grade. The call numbers begin with E. 10Student computers

Student computers are available to locate books using OPAC where you can search by author, title, subject or key words. Accelerated Reader tests can also be taken on these computers or on your classroom computers. 11Circulation desk

This is the circulation desk. You will place your books to be checked-in behind the red bucket. You will check-out books at the front of the desk. You may check-out 2 books at a time and keep them for 2 weeks. Of course, you may return them early if you are finished. If you are not finished with your book within the 2 week period, you may come in and check-out your book again. 12Media room

This is the media room which holds all VHS and DVDs. Also, here is the media retrieval system in which videos and dvds can be played on closed circuit. Teachers choose a video or dvd and sign up for a day and time for the video to be retrieved. The teacher can then access the video by phone from the classroom. This is best used when multiple classes are watching the same video since all classrooms have a vhs/dvd player in the classroom. 13NewsRoom

The newsroom is located in the back of the media center. The morning news is broadcast by 4th and 5th grade students who are excelling in class. Mr. Fuller, our principal, is also a part of the morning news. Students learn how to be behind the scenes using equipment and how to anchor the news. 14Book FairScholastic Book Fair

We will have a Scholastic Book Fair twice a year, once in the Fall and another in the Spring. Clifford is our special guest at each book fair. He enjoys spending time with our Callaway students. 15We look forward to seeing you in our media center.

Last year students took 46,839 Accelerated Reader tests. Lets Do it again Callaway!

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