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Last Name First Name Phone # e-mail Department

Abernathy Clayton 405-733-2210 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Management

Abrams Alane 2990 [email protected] Math\Learning Center

Acker Brandy 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Ackerson Mark 2304 [email protected] Mathematics

Acosta Stephanie 3304 [email protected] Project: TEACH

Adair Dr. Aaron 2886 [email protected] Art, Comm. &Theatre

Adams Dr. Donna 2010 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Aldridge Joni 2424 [email protected] Biological Sciences

Alford Connor 2676 [email protected] Social Science

Allen Blake 2842 [email protected] University Marketing

Allen Heather 2932 [email protected] Library

Allsbury Bryanna 3296 [email protected] Academic Affairs

Alluisi Stanley 3241 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Management

Althoff Daniel 2584 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Altman James 2601 [email protected] Office of Finance

Anderson Dr. Angela 405-736-0222 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Management

Anderson Matthew 2088 [email protected] Music

Anderson Teresa 2066 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Antinone Patrick 2072 [email protected] Music

Archey Sasha [email protected] On Line Instructor

Arellano Ferrando 2979 [email protected] Accounting

Arnold Jennifer 2652 [email protected] Teacher Edu. Services

Atchley Laura 580-220-2863 [email protected] Ardmore

Bacon-Tonihka Claudia 5231 [email protected] Admissions McCurtain

Barber Kay 2362 [email protected] Management & Marketing

Barker Dr. Janet 2586 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Barna Dave 405-305-9841 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Management

Barnes Teriki 2268 [email protected] EOC

Barnett Mark 2738 [email protected] OKSBDC

Basham Lloyd 2979 [email protected] Management & Marketing

Baxter Keith 2250 [email protected] Athletics

Beach Gleny 2352 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Bearden Jackie 2314\2398 [email protected] Chem, Com. Sciences

Bell Dana 2132 [email protected] Purchasing

Benavidez Jazmine 3504 [email protected] Athletics

Benson Autumn 2684 [email protected] GEAR UP

Bentley Arnold 2533 [email protected] Campus Police

Bernhardt Laurisa 405-733-2210 [email protected] Tinker\Rose State

Billy Curtis 3314 [email protected] Native American Inst.

Birks Alesha 2184 Admissions\Immigration WC

Bisson Loni 2452 [email protected] Learning Center

Blackburn Jordan 3284 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Flight

Blackwood Jeremy 2096 [email protected] Academic Affairs\Music

Blankenship Marlin 3238 [email protected] Academic Advising

Boatmun Tim 2372 [email protected] Enrollment Management

Campus Police

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Bogard Cody 3223 [email protected] Accounting\Finance

Bomgardner Raymond 2979 [email protected] Management & Marketing

Bond Brenda 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Bond Tascha 2034 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Boothe Kathleen 2612 [email protected] EIL

Botts Aaron 405-733-2210 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Management

Bowen Dyanna 2220 [email protected] Academic Affairs

Bradshaw Dr. Chris 2426 [email protected] Occup. Safety & Health

Brannon Quiency 2592 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Braudrick Christi 2708 [email protected] Athletics

Bressler Linda 2570 [email protected] Accounting

Brewer Melissa 2190 [email protected] Biological Sciences

Bridges Howard 2211 [email protected] Sodexo

Bridwell Penny 2988 [email protected] Student Health Ser.

Brown Josh 3266 [email protected] Aviation

Brown-Harvey Amanda 2120 [email protected] Occup. Safety & Health

Browers David 2918 [email protected] Financial Aid

Bryan Alan [email protected] E.I.L.

Bryant Andrea 580-319-0361 [email protected] Ardmore

Bryant Lisa 2877 [email protected] OKSBDC

Buiukian Anna 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Burnette Brandon 2795 [email protected] Library

Burnette Kathleen 2932 [email protected] Library

Burns Sheridan 3104 [email protected] Native American Inst.

Burton Alan 2731 [email protected] Univ. Communications

Butler Rachel 405-733-2210 [email protected] Tinker Air Force Base

Butler Terence 2721 [email protected] Upward Bound

Callicoat Rachel 2390 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Calix Shaun 2256 [email protected] Psychology

Campbell Catherine 2979 [email protected] School of Business

Campbell Kitty 2494 [email protected] School of Business

Campbell Michele 3326 [email protected] OKSBDC

Caplinger Kole 3250 [email protected] Aviation

Cardinalle Brandy 2436 [email protected] Academic Advising

Carillo Devin 2656 [email protected] Athletics\Kinesiology

Carlisle Jean 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Carson Luke 3275 [email protected] Aviation Flight

Carter Karen 2254 [email protected] Student Support Serv.

Cash Derek 2934 [email protected] Library

Casias Christopher 2720 [email protected] Athletics

Cheek Crystal 2470 [email protected] Office of Finance

Childers Rachel 2576 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Chilton Harrison [email protected] Aviation Flight

Cho So Young 3360 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Cicio Josalyn [email protected] Chem. Com. Sciences

Clark Amanda 405-733-2210 [email protected] Tinker Air Force Base

Clark Dr. Fendrich 2556 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Clements Deborah 3360 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Clure Dana 2548 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Coats Carol 2727 [email protected] Campus Police

Cobb Mary 2979 [email protected] Management\Marketing

Cochran Megan 3341 [email protected] Admissions\Recruitment

Coffee-Canler Kimberly 2098 [email protected] Single Mothers Grant Office

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Coker Derek 2950 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Coker Riley 2860 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Coley Cameron 2927 [email protected] Student Support Services

Collier George 2734 [email protected] School of Business

Cook (Hutchins) Courtney 2812 [email protected] Native American Inst.

Cook Durward 2869 [email protected] Campus Police

Cook Kandace 2846 [email protected] Alumni Relations

Cook Ryan 2885 [email protected] Talent Search

Corbett Bradley 2666 [email protected] Chem. Com. Sciences

Corbett Erica 2082 [email protected] Biological Sciences

Cotter-Lynch Margaret 2770\ 2986 [email protected] Honors Program\EIL

Cotton-Black Sami Jo 2790 [email protected] Kinesiology

Couch Frank 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Crabtree Zach 2478 [email protected] Athletics

Craig Susan 405-733-2210 [email protected] Tinker\Rose State

Craige Melinda 2953 [email protected] OKSBDC

Croft Matthew 2088 [email protected] Music

Crow Richard 5205 [email protected] McCurtain Co. Campus

Crow Tammy 5208 [email protected] McCurtain Co. Campus

Crutchfield Zendra RaQuitta 5238 [email protected] McCurtain Co. Campus

Csaki Dr. Bela 2921 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Cunningham Stephen 2932 [email protected] Library

Daigle Dr. Kay 2482 [email protected] Kinesiology

D'Arcy Kelly 2948 [email protected] Housing & Res. Life

Davis Alan 3278 [email protected] ADI\Aviation Flight

Davis Darrell 405-733-2210 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Management

Davis Jennifer 2930 [email protected] Upward Bound

Davis Kathryn 3185 [email protected] CIDT

Davis J.D. Michael 3090 [email protected] Compliance & Safety

Davis Nathaniel 2527 [email protected] Campus Police

Davison Stephanie 2267 [email protected] Career Man. Center

Deprang Connor 3259 [email protected] Aviation

Diaz Dr. Rolando 2380 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Dilbeck Susan 3252 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Flight

Dima Catalin 3330 [email protected] Music

Dixon Diane 2024 [email protected] Biological Sciences

Dollins Lindsey 2438 [email protected] Financial Aid

Doss Nancy 2182 [email protected] Financial Aid

Downs Paula 2088 [email protected] Music

Downs Sierra 2912 [email protected] Registrar's Office

Dugan Don 5225 [email protected] McCurtain Co. Campus

Duncan Joshua 2979 [email protected] Accounting & Finance

Durham Dr. Jake 405-733-2210 [email protected] Aviation

Dutton Seth 2433 [email protected] Athletics

Dyer Edward 580-224-8293 [email protected] OKSBDC

Elder Tiffany 2116 [email protected] CIDT

Eliserio Dawn 2656 [email protected] Athletics

Eliserio Gabriel 3048 [email protected] Athletics

Ellett Darla 3306 [email protected] Project: TEACH

Elliott Brett 2306 [email protected] Mathematics

Elmore Kevin 405-733-2210 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Management

Emberson Mitchell 3197 [email protected] Student Life

Emge Steven 2086 [email protected] Music

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Erickson Laura 2088 [email protected] Music

Ervin Keenan 3028 [email protected] Athletics

Ervin Jessica 2954 [email protected] OKSBDC

Erwin J R 3263 [email protected] Aviation

Estep Stacey 2958 [email protected] Office of Finance

Farris Sherrie 2140 [email protected] Office of Finance

Faubion Ron 2474 [email protected] Kinesiology

Faulk Kevin 2630 [email protected] Learning Center

Fears Zachary 2891 [email protected] Athletics\Kinesiology

Fenwick Tyler 2462 [email protected] Athletics\Kinesiology

Fischer Kristinia 2914 [email protected] Upward Bound

Flippen Brooks 2338 [email protected] Social Sciences

Flores Jimmy 2979 [email protected] Off Campus

Foley Hugh 405-714-4800 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Ford Brina 2883 [email protected] Talent Search

Forsythe Jana 580-224-8293 [email protected] OKSBDC

Foster Natalie [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Foulks Michelle 405-733-2210 [email protected] Tinker\Rose State

Franceskini Olivia 2871 [email protected] Sodexo Food Services

Franklin Shana 2988 [email protected] Counseling Center

Franks Molly 2451 [email protected] Athletics

Freeman James [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Friday Michael 405-733-2210 [email protected] Tinker Air Force Base

Fridley William Lloyd 2638 [email protected] EIL

Fridley Carolyn 2598 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Frinkle Karl 2028 [email protected] Mathematics

Fulenchek Debra 2988 [email protected] Counseling Center

Furton Aaron 3211 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Flight

Gaffney Michael 3245 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Flight

Gamble Kelly 5213 [email protected] McCurtain Co. Campus

Gantt Amy 2446 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Garcia Theresa 2060 [email protected] Admissions\Recruitment

Garman Mary Jo 2877 [email protected] OKSBDC

Garusinghe Dr. Srimal 2664 [email protected] Chem. Com. Sciences

Garza Kathy 3142 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Gatlin John 405-733-2210 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Management

Gentzel Todd 2088 [email protected] Music

Gerg Ian 3348 [email protected] Music

Giamporcaro Mario 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Goar Taylor 2447 [email protected] Athletics

Gold Sheila 3192 [email protected] Human Resources

Golden Teresa 2286 [email protected] Academic Affairs

Gonzalez Maria 2930 [email protected] Upward Bound

Gonzalez Roy 2088 [email protected] Music

Goonetilleke Jay 580-634-1905 [email protected] OKSBDC Okla. City

Gott Tyler 3258 [email protected] Aviation

Gray Russell 2737 [email protected] OKSBDC

Green Kelly 2458 [email protected] Kinesiology

Greenwood Jayanna 2302 [email protected] Library

Gross Kendra 5206 [email protected] McCurtain Co. Campus

Grover Darin 2472 [email protected] Kinesiology

Guillery Matthew [email protected] OKSBDC

Guzman Jennifer 2088 [email protected] Music

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Hackett Dick 2340 [email protected] Social Sciences

Hafner Jessica 3214 [email protected] Athletics

Hair Ron 2480 [email protected] Athletics

Hairrell Howard [email protected] McCurtain Co. Campus

Hall Charla 2378 [email protected] Psychology

Hall Jody 2526 [email protected] Campus Police & Safety

Hall-Flaggert Elizabeth 405-733-2210 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Management

Hammel Corey 2422 [email protected] Upward Bound

Hampton Ashley 3222 [email protected] Management\Marketing

Hansen Douglas 2240 [email protected] Music

Harbin Angela 2754 [email protected] Information Technology

Harbin David 2574 [email protected] Student Support Serv.

Harbin Drew 3318 [email protected] Network Operations

Hardgrove Kathleen 2453 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Hardy Michael 3080 [email protected] Mathematics

Harlin Teena 2126 [email protected] E.I.L.

Harman Austin 3169 [email protected] Network Operations

Harman Steve 2868 [email protected] Campus Police & Safety

Harmon Harold 2135 [email protected] Athletics\Kinesiology

Harness Jeremy 2462 [email protected] Athletics

Harris Rebecca 580-898-2723 [email protected] EOC

Harvey Jay 2424 [email protected] Biological Sciences

Harwell Jesse 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Haworth Susy 2706 [email protected] Upward Bound

Hawthorne Kelly 2839 [email protected] Physical Plant

Haywood Sue 3210 [email protected] Special Events

Heald Stephanie 2036 [email protected] Social Sciences

Heitz Layne 2682 [email protected] Mathematics

Helmer Nicole 3176 [email protected] Child Care Res. & Ref.

Hembrough Tara 2594 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Hicks Jennifer 2388 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Hightower Charles 405-733-2210 [email protected] Aviation

Hodson Jimmy 2290 Art, Comm. & Theatre

Hodson Susan 2058 [email protected] Academic Advising

Hoffpauir Amanda 2618 [email protected] ECU Nursing

Hoke Dan 2238 [email protected] University Comm.

Holeman Sherry 5220 [email protected] McCurtain Co.Campus

Holguin Cesar [email protected] OKISBDC

Holland Jacilyn 2980 [email protected] Administrative Services

Holland Stanton [email protected] Athletics

Hood Patricia 3243 [email protected] Aviation

Horton Cynthia 3016 [email protected] Housing & Res. Life

Howard Robert 2042 [email protected] School of Business

Howard Kathrine 3378 [email protected] Univ. Development

Hudgens-Toews Emalea 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Hughes Hallie 2308 [email protected] Mathematics

Hughes Sarah 2056 [email protected] Admissions

Hundley Sheryl 918-302-3613 [email protected] McAlester Higher Educ.

Hunkapillar Stacey 2200 [email protected] Academic Affairs

Hunt Tim 3205 [email protected] Aviation

Hunter Saliesha [email protected] Athletics

Hurley-Godwin Autumn 580-226-7362 [email protected] Ardmore

Hutchins Courtney 2812 [email protected] Native American Inst.

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Imotichey Julie 2187 [email protected] Financial Aid

Inbody Ashley 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Ingram Kendra 2767 [email protected] Management & Marketing

Ioannides Anatolia 2084 [email protected] Music

Isenberg Chrissie 2180 [email protected] Financial Aid

Jackson Sally 2094 [email protected] EIL

Jacobs-Pollez Rebecca 3030 [email protected] History

James Sharon 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Jobe Cindi 2265 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Jobe Jett 2644 [email protected] Athletics

Johnson John (Erik) 2466 [email protected] Athletics\Kinesiology

Jones Wayne [email protected] Occu. Safety & Health

Keeton Claudinia 2108 [email protected] CIDT

Keffer Jamey 3041 [email protected] Housing & Residence Life

Kells Stefan 2835 [email protected] Grayson College

Kelley Tana 2427 [email protected] Athletics

Kemp Angie 2826 [email protected] Sodexo

Kemp Jennifer 3103 [email protected] Native American Inst.

Kendrix Jantz 3255 [email protected] Aviation

Kernek Courtney 2022 [email protected] Mngnt. & Marketing

Key Shelly 2061 [email protected] Admissions\Recruitment

Kim Yoon 2066 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Kirven Sandra 2979 [email protected] School of Business

Knapp James 2016 [email protected] Sociology

Knight Jerry 2114 [email protected] IETV

Knight Stephen 918-960-0890 [email protected] OKSBDC Tulsa

Kramer Andrea 2934 [email protected] Library

Ladd Charles 2130 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Lamar-Owens Lyndsey 2741 [email protected] University Marketing

Landon Lisa 2810 [email protected] Campus Book Store

Langham Glenda 2174 [email protected] Registrar's Office

Lashley Andrea 3342 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Lawless Trenton 3578 [email protected] Online & Distance Advising

Lee Audrey 2457 [email protected] Music

Lee Chaehyun 2486 [email protected] EIL

Lehrling April MS RN-C 2988 [email protected] Student Wellness Serv.

Lehrling Tony 2186 [email protected] Financial Aid

Leird Rodney 580-220-2863 [email protected] Management

Leonard Phillip 2260 [email protected] Biological Sciences

Levins Wayne 3218 [email protected] Occu. Safety & Health

Lin Ying-Chou 2152 [email protected] Finance

Lindley Austin [email protected] Social Sciences

Little Benjamin 580-376-5222 [email protected] McCurtain Co. Campus

Locke Pamela 2316 [email protected] Campus Police & Safety

Lodin-Chaffey Dr. Jennifer 2590 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Loper Jane 2721 [email protected] Upward Bound

Love Cynthia 5247 [email protected] McCurtain Co.Campus

Ludlam Brandy 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Ludrick Brad 2668 [email protected] Academic Affairs

Luke Kristie 2176 [email protected] Registrar's Office

Lykins Mary 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Lynch Jodi 2768 [email protected] Chem. Com. Sciences

Madewell Amy 2258 [email protected] Psychology

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Maness Debra 2158 [email protected] Human Resources

Mangrum Faye 2576 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Maple Jennifer 2210 [email protected] Advising Center

Maple Karen 2588 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Marcum Deann 2290 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Marcy Larry 2727 [email protected] Campus Police

Marley Zachary 2088 [email protected] Music

Martin Matthew 2592 [email protected] Campus Police

Martin Terri 2988 [email protected] Student Wellness Serv.

Matthews Charles 2358 [email protected] Mathematics

Maxwell Chase 2872 [email protected] Help Desk

Mayers Robert Stewart 2640 [email protected] EIL

McAllister Dr. Chris 5239 [email protected] McCurtain Co. Campus

McClanahan Barbara 5257 [email protected] McCurtain Co.Campus

McClour Marsha 2105 [email protected] Child Care Res. & Ref.

McCraw Liz 2080 [email protected] Student Affairs

McCraw Shannon 2552 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

McCulloch Elmer 5217 [email protected] McCurtain Co. Campus

McDanel Lisa 2274\2735 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

McDaniel Andy 3199 [email protected] ECU Nursing

McDonald Kathy 2312 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

McGehee Kim 2588 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

McKim Steve 2648 [email protected] Chemistry

McLain Dell 2560 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

McReynolds Trinity 2899 [email protected] OKSBDC

McWhorter Aaron [email protected] Aviation

Melancon Glenn 2342 [email protected] Social Sciences

Melton Dr. Dave 405-733-2210 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Management

Mendenall Josie 3346 [email protected] Biological Sciences

Mercer Don 2398 [email protected] Chem. Com. Sciences

Merritt Debra 2104 [email protected] Telecommunications

Metts Stephanie 2189 [email protected] School of Business

Miles Dr. Derek Anthony 2979 [email protected] Management\Marketing

Mills Amy 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Monk David 3220 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Moody Deanna 2318 [email protected] Occu. Safety & Health

Moore Jennifer 2490 [email protected] Human Resources

Moore Karen 2170 [email protected] Registrar's Office

Morales Karina 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Moret William Lloyd 3276 [email protected] Aviation

Moretti Christopher 2650 [email protected] Mathematics

Morgan Judy 3108 [email protected] Child Care Res. & Ref.

Morgan Zachary 405-733-2210 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Management

Morrison Sarah 2094 [email protected] E.I.L.

Morrison Dr. Susan 2092 [email protected] EIL

Mulig Elizabeth 3328 [email protected] Accounting\Finance

Mullens Cassie 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Musgrove Craig 2008 [email protected] Admin. Computing

Musgrove Rachel 2054 [email protected] Registrar's Office

Nelson Beverly 3096 [email protected] Semple Family Museum

Nelson Brian 3386 [email protected] Athletics

Newsom Thomas 2500 [email protected] President

Nichols Mellena 2488 [email protected] Occu. Safety & Health

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Nichols Nick 2326 [email protected] Occu. Safety & Health

Norman Kellie 3203 [email protected] Teacher Edu. Services

Norton Stacy 2432 [email protected] Sodexo

Nottingham Maribeth 2363 [email protected] EIL

O'Dell Lynette 5221 [email protected] McCurtain Co.Campus

O'Malia Kellie 3324 [email protected] Purchasing

Ousey Jack 2450 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Owen Chance 2726 [email protected] Talent Search

Owen Danielle 2172 [email protected] Registrar's Office

Owens Dorothy 2154 [email protected] Human Resources

Pace Sean 2088 [email protected] Music

Paiva Nancy 2324 [email protected] Chemistry

Parmer Luci 2566 [email protected] Management & Marketing

Pate Brandi 2107 [email protected] Library

Patterson Adeline 2308 [email protected] Mathematics

Patton Tim 2284 [email protected] Biological Sciences

Pavlovic Filip 2392 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Peeples Benjamin [email protected] Aviation Flight

Petty Sondra 2336 [email protected] Social Sciences

Pierce Brianna [email protected] Housing\Res.Life

Plyler Mignon 2094 [email protected] EIL

Poovey Hal 2384 [email protected] Occu. Safety & Health

Portwood Natalie 2891 [email protected] Kinesiology

Potter Thaddius 2165 Registrar's Office

Pratt Amber 2656 [email protected] Athletics\Kinesiology

Presley Lenora 2266 [email protected] Student Life

Prince De Ann 2702 [email protected] Library 

Pruett Jake 3370 [email protected] Biological Sciences

Pruitt Mike 3281 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Flight

Prus Karen 2672 [email protected] Social Sciences

Prus Randy 2582 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Prus Stephanie 3226 [email protected] Project: TEACH

Qian Lie "Leo" 2310 [email protected] #REF!

Quinn Ryan M. 2644 [email protected] Kinesiology

Ragsdale Kaylie 2464 [email protected] Athletics

Rahar Anthony 2891 [email protected] Athletics

Rainbolt Darryl 2931 [email protected] Library

Rainwater Kelsi 3314 [email protected] Native American Inst.

Ramsey Evelyn [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Ramos Amy 3216 [email protected] Administrative Services

Reed Gayla 3198 [email protected] ECU Nursing

Reed James 2364 [email protected] Student Affairs

Reed Dr. Michael 2476 [email protected] ECU Nursing

Reid Jon 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Resh Elizabeth 3256 [email protected] Aviation Flight

Rice Stanley 2688 [email protected] Biological Sciences

Richards Rhonda 2498 [email protected] Accounting

Ricketts Roger 405-733-2210 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Management

Ridenour Alisha 2496 [email protected] CIDT

Ridenour Shawn 2406 [email protected] Help Desk

Ridgway Charlene 2568 [email protected] #REF!

Risher Jeffrey 3224 [email protected] Management\Marketing

Rivers Sylvia 2088 [email protected] Music

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Rizzo Jennifer 2712 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Roberts Debbie 3014 [email protected] Upward Bound

Roberts Lillie 2290 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Roberts Samantha 2512 [email protected] President's Office

Robertson Marjorie 2156 [email protected] Human Resources

Robinson Horace Skip 2620 [email protected] Honors Program

Robinson Madi 2165 [email protected] Registrar's Office

Rogers Courtney 2943 [email protected] Kinesiology

Rogers Kyle 3275 [email protected] Aviation

Rogers Terri 2510 [email protected] President's Office

Roman Claudinia 2108 [email protected] CIDT

Roring Steven 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Rose Brandon 2924 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Rowland Jeremy 2546 [email protected] Graduate Studies

Rowland Lauren 2146 [email protected] Native American Inst.

Ruminer Cindy 3358 [email protected] OKSBDC

Rupert Lori 405-733-2210 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Management

Rymel Dena 2040 [email protected] #REF!

Satterfield Rita 2929 [email protected] Talent Search

Sauls Lloyd 3240 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Management

Saunders Gary 580-376-5214 [email protected] OKSBDC

Scarberry M. Ed. Lyndi 3166 [email protected] Child Care Res. & Ref.

Scheuerman Michael 2898 [email protected] Music

Schuh Carrie 2252 [email protected] Kinesiology

Schultz Ken 2756 [email protected] Housing & Residence Life

Scott Tonnie 3158 [email protected] ECU Nursing

Seyeneh Mastewal 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Shaffer Kristen 2424 [email protected] Biological Sciences

Shannon Katheryn 2202 [email protected] EIL

Shaw Millie [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Shelton Patricia [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Sherrer Sarah 3320 [email protected] Housing\Res.Life

Shires Dr. Wilma 2346 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Shiver Jacob 3254 [email protected] Aviation

Short Morgan 2498\2799 [email protected] Housing\Res.Life

Shulenberger Sheri 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Shull Layla 3280 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Flight

Siebert Larry 580-216-2023 [email protected] OKSBDC Edmond OK

Silver Lawrence 3190 [email protected] School of Business

Simmons Terry 2806 [email protected] Library

Simmons Dan 2839 [email protected] Physical Plant

Simpson James 3249 [email protected] Aviation

Skinner Gladys 2142 [email protected] Res. & Sponsored Prog.

Smith Baily 2060 [email protected] Admissions & Recruitment

Smith Dr. Caleb 2242 [email protected] Chem. Com. Sciences

Smith Celestial (Dawn) 3185 [email protected] CIDT

Smith Christala 2116 [email protected] CIDT

Smith Jory 2110 [email protected] Telecommunications

Smith Melissa 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Smith Sharetta 2351 [email protected] Business Office

Smith Stephen [email protected] OKSBDC

Smith Tim 2444 [email protected] #REF!

Sneed Timothy 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

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Solum Nicole 3206 [email protected] Athletics\Kinesiology

Spahn Alex 3308 [email protected] Telecommunications

Sparacio Matthew 2626 [email protected] Social Sciences

Sparkman Dara 2094 [email protected] E.I.L.

Spears Drew 405-733-2210 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Management

Spencer Mark [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Spencer Susan 5214 [email protected] McCurtain Co.Campus

Standefer Chantelle 3103 [email protected] Native American Inst.

Stephens Dr. Hallie 2044 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Stephens Kalyn [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Stewart Jason 5227 [email protected] McCurtain Co. Campus

Stevens Robert 3181 [email protected] School of Business

Stockdale Laura 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Stout Dr. Jerry 2602 [email protected] EIL

Stout Michael 2660 [email protected] Administrative Services

Stowell Jason 2403 [email protected] Help Desk

Strickland Sharon 2104 [email protected] Telecommunications

Strutton Joan 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Su Ming-Shan 2280 [email protected] Chem. Com. Sciences

Sugg Carol 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Sullivan Gipper 2451 [email protected] Athletics

Sumrall Rachel 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Sutton James 2798 [email protected] Grounds Maintenance

Swearengin Jennifer 2216 [email protected] Academic Affairs

Tate Tiffany 3036 [email protected] Disability Services

Taylor Michelle 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Thomas Kyle 3246 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Flight

Thomas Makayla 2989 [email protected] Business Office

Thomas Matthew 2646 [email protected] Athletics

Thomas Sandra 3172 [email protected] Library

Throckmorton Todd 2468 [email protected] Athletics\Kinesiology

Tisue Josh 3265 [email protected] Aviation

Toews Rachel 2996 [email protected] Registrar's Office

Tollett Tonya 2166 [email protected] Admissions

Towne Ami 2173 [email protected] Business Office

Trayler Richard 2720 [email protected] Athletics

Trombley Susan 3212 [email protected] Enrollment Management

Turbeville Ben 3236 [email protected] Aviation

Umsted Janie 3292 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Van Bebber John G. 3252 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Flight

Vazquez Karen 2004 [email protected] Admin. Computing

Velazques Al 405-733-2210 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Management

Viney Joseph 3262 [email protected] Aviation

Vitez Milena 2256 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Waddell Gingerlei 2798 [email protected] Physical Plant

Wade Tonya 2186 [email protected] Financial Aid

Walker Jeri 2385 [email protected] Music

Wallace Alice 2294 [email protected] Music

Wallace Ron 2130 [email protected] Eng, Hum.& Languages

Walters Rebecca 2367 [email protected] Art, Comm. & Theatre

Webb Katherine 2460 [email protected] Athletics\Kinesiology

Webb Mark 2361 [email protected] University Development

Webb Susan 2702 [email protected] Library

Page 11: Campus Police 580-745-2727

Weger Stacy 2088 [email protected] Music

Weselek James 405-733-2210 [email protected] Tinker\Rose State

West Jarod 2124 [email protected] C.I.D.T.

Westman Dennis 2148 [email protected] Business Affairs

Wheeler Billy 580-376-5223 [email protected] McCurtain Co. Campus

Whisenhunt Cullen 2771 [email protected] Honors Program

White Jennifer 2558 [email protected] University Advancement

White Marc 2014 [email protected] Music

Whitlock David 2600 [email protected] Management\Marketing

Whitt James 5224 [email protected] Tech Support Idabel

Whittington Jaime 5212 [email protected] McCurtain Co. Campus

Williams Malcome 2721 [email protected] Texoma Upward Bound

Williams Taylor 3312 [email protected] Library

Williams Todd 2678 [email protected] EIL

Williamson Wayne 2100 [email protected] Telecommunications

Willman Scott MS ATC 2026 [email protected] Kinesiology

Wilmoth Cherrie 2690 [email protected] Kinesiology

Wimer Kenneth 405-733-2210 [email protected] ASI\Aviation Management

Wines Thomas 2917 [email protected] Network Operations

Winter Angelita 2913 [email protected] EOC

Wolfe Donna 2214 [email protected] Behavioral Sciences

Wood Cody 2404 [email protected] Network Operations

Wood Dr. Douglas 2272 [email protected] Biological Sciences

Wood Jamie 2002 [email protected] Admin. Computing

Wood Jannista 2368 [email protected] Student Affairs

Wu Ning 2564 [email protected] Biological Sciences

Xu Hanzhi 3225 [email protected] Accounting\Finance

Yarbrough Tasha 2952 [email protected] Campus Police

Youngblood Sydney 2451 [email protected] Athletics

Zhang Dr. Jiuhong 2246 [email protected] Chem. Com. Sciences

Zhu Mila 2223 [email protected] E.I.L.



Administrative Computing 2004















3036Compliance & Diversity

Art, Communication & Theatre


Aviation Sciences Institute

Behavioral Sciences


Acad. Advising & Outreach

Academic Affairs

Admissions \ Recruitment


Child Care Resource & Referral

Biological Sciences

Business Office

Campus Book Store

Career Management

Chem. Comp. & Physical Sci.

Alumni Relations

Administrative Services

Business Affairs

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Environmental Safety & Health 2868









Institutional Research & Records 2176






































Grounds Maintenance

English, Humanities & Languages

Graduate Studies

Help Desk

Disability Services

ECU Nursing

Educational Inst. & Leadership

Educational Opportunity Center


Honors Program

Housing & Residence Life

Human Resources

Information Technology

International Student Services


Learning Center

Magnolia Grill

McCurtain County Campus



Native American Institute

Network Operations

Occupational Safety & Health

Office Of Finance

Social Sciences


University Advancement

Student Affairs

Student Wellness Services

Student Life

Student Support Services

Talent Search



University Communications

University Development

University Marketing

Upward Bound

Veterans Services

Teacher Education Services

Registrar's Office


School of Business

Single Mothers Grant Office

Project Teach



Physical Plant

President's Office

Semple Family Museum

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