  • 1. Starting a business is easy . . .Growing it is tough.

2. What is coaching? focuses on clients taking action toward the realizationof their visions, goals or desires helps individuals and organizations develop morerapidly and produce more satisfying results. 3. Coaches Also Help the SuccessfulCoaching is not limited to those who are struggling.A running back for the Tennessee Titanssigned a four-year, $53.5 million contractextension, with $30 million in guaranteedmoney. Yet, he has a coach to help himdevelop strategy for the team theyll beplaying next and to analyze his performancewith the team they last played. 4. Coaches Are Not Consultants Coaches ask questions to enable theclient to recognize what is needed tomove forward. Coaches stay with clients to helpimplement the new skills, changes,and goals and to make sure they reallyhappen. 5. Coaches are not MentorsMentors provide expertise toless experienced individualsto help them advance theircareers, enhance theireducation, and build theirnetworks. 6. Coaches are not Therapists Therapy involvestalking about yourpast andunderstanding whycertain actionswere taken. Coaches focus onthe present andfuture. 7. Not Family or Friends Coaches have no investment inthe outcome. There is no preconceived ideaof what the client should orshould not do. There is no hidden agenda. Family or friends may be afraidfor you to changes. Your coachwill encourage change. 8. My mission is to help business owners develop a more structuredapproach to growing their business. After they decide whatsimportant to them, we work together to move in that direction.Enterprises that I work with end up implementing best practices fora small business, utilizing resources to increase efficiency, and aclear path toward their goals. 9. Mildred WaltersBizOwner Coach, LLCChange.Grow.Win! 10. PlanningI will help you develop a plan of action, with specificsteps to take and timelines for action. 11. StructureI will suggest structure to keep your goals top of mind toensure achievement. 12. ResourcesI have an arsenal of tools, which includes otherprofessionals, materials, and assessments to move thecoaching objectives forward. 13. BrainstormingI will work with you to explore your options. 14. PerspectiveI will provide a fresh or different way of looking at asituation, enabling you to explore other perspectives. 15. FeedbackI offer honest and thoughtfulfeedback, observations, insights and opinions with youragenda in mind. 16. CaringI bring to the relationship my strong desire for you toachieve your desired outcome. I demonstrate thisthrough listening, patience, confidentiality andempathy. 17. ChallengingI will challenge you in ways that stretch your beliefs, yourhabits and your vision for yourself. 18. Experience and KnowledgeI bring to my clients thirty plus years of business andprofessional experience, including responsibility for thebottom line. 19. Ten Years as Executive Director, Nashville BusinessIncubation Center--a program that helped hundreds ofsmall companies increase profits. 20. Associate CertifiedCoach DesignationAwarded byInternational CoachesFederation. President-Elect, ICF-Tennessee. Graduate of the Coach Ucomprehensive trainingprogram. 21. Co-Owner, Images, a specialty advertising company. Award winning author of four novels published byBET/Arabesque under the pseudonym ChristineTownsend and a self-published non-fiction book. 22. Bachelor of Science degree, University of Tennessee. Master of Public Administration degree, TennesseeState University. 23. Board of directors for Pathway Lending, a non-profitsmall business initiative that delivers capital andadvisory services to businesses in underservedcommunities throughout Tennessee. An active member of the National Association ofWomen Business Owners. 24. Mildred WaltersBizOwner Coach, LLC615-975-9235mwalters@mildredwalters.comwww.mildredwalters.comContact

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