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By Professor Serge Jurasunas, N.D., M.D. (Hom) INTRODUCTION

During the past few decades food diet has been empirically suggested or prescribed to reduce cancer risk and as a support in treating cancer. In recent decades an increasing number of published research articles have been offering serious information about the value of certain foods that decrease the risk of cancer. We may remember Hippocrates who said, "Let food be your medicine." Now more than ever we have found out that food really can be our medicine.

The medical doctor treats but Nature heals. A healthy diet can help prevent cancer but the opposite is true. Diet becomes even more important when cancer is present. I hadfirst become acquainted with the therapeutic value of organic food when in 1963, Dr. Bernard Jensen invited me to his Hidden Valley Health Ranch located in the hills of Escondido where he developed organic agriculture to be used in the daily food diet of patients. This was when I initially heard about diet, organic food and carrot juice where I observed that patients recuperated quickly from their sick condition with their food diet and organic vegetable juices. I even saw cancer patients getting much

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better only from eating organic food, taking mixed vegetable juice and colon therapy, another first. In fact for me this was the trigger that drove me to change my life, adopt rules for a new way of eating and going to buy healthy foods in health food stores in Los Angeles as well as other vegetables and freshly made mixed vegetable juice at the central market. Later on I began to study Dr. Max Gerson's book, “A Cancer Therapy-The Results of 50 cases”. Once again I was learning about the therapeutic value of food and vegetable juice to treat cancer from both Dr. Jensen's and Dr. Gerson's work. It was enough for me realize that food isa very important step when it comes to preventing or treating cancer. Until additional research and scientific publications on the value of food were published, it felt as if we had been walking alone and preaching in the desert. Today however the same situation remains with the disease of cancer still not being cured despite the repeated expectations of conventional medicine to find a cure. In the interim the risk of developing cancer has jumped from 1person out 100 in the year 1900 to 1 person out of 3 today. This statistic begs the question: Are we going to continue like that or really do something about it?

I have been working with food diet and cancer patients for over 50 years and have been experimenting with different methods with thousands of my patients. Today I continue tohave patients free from their cancers coming to me who first came in for consultation 40 years ago and today they are still here.

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Do not be surprised since they have adopted a better way ofeating and introduced organic food into their kitchen. However back then nothing was proven in the relationship between food and cancer but today it is quite different. 45 years ago my wife and I started a small natural products firm and over the years it became a very large leading company in Portugal and even throughout Europe. We also

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started our own laboratory in order to manufacture the best natural products possible. We also bought a large farm near Lisbon and started organic agriculture, sold raw milk and fresh organic eggs. But most important of all was to teach people this knowledge. After developing a health food publication, we then opened 6 health food stores and the first health supermarket in Portugal offering organic fruits and vegetables, along with a vegetarian restaurant. This was just to underscore how important it was for me to educate people, besides working in my clinical practice with patients.


We have some good news from recent reports that estimate that 35% to 40% of cancer causes implicate a wrong food diet, meaning also that cancer patients are not healthy persons. We have to break the myth about someone being healthy and the next day he wakes up with a cancer. Over the past decades I personally have made some deep observations, prepared questionnaires, performed iris observations on a few thousand cancer patients concerning their diet and exact health condition. These people usually suffer from MALNUTRITION, food malabsorption, have bad bowel function, a bad nervous system, a bad liver, weak immune defense and when taking chemotherapy usually they get much worse. The exact health profile of cancer patients is also important to define to determine what foods are best for them. Many non-cancerous patients even show in their iris a cancer risk profile. Therefore this justifies following a better food diet as an important step in

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prevention. I have performed iris examinations on thousands of cancer patients and determined for most of them their irises show exactly where is the tumor located together with a variety of abnormal organic iris signs whichdemonstrate that cancer is not only a localized tumor but also a metabolic disease.


Wrong diet causes a perturbation of the intestinal microbiome. Many emerging studies have pointed out the role of our intestinal bacteria, around 40 billion which colonize our intestine and mostly associate with our health status, disease and our immune response. You can read in greater detail about this subject in my book, “Health and Disease Begin with the Colon.” I was among the first to focus on the importance of the intestinal flora especially to associate intestinal bacteria with a number of diseases, including Parkinson’s.

Some studies published in 2014 in a French scientific magazine (Science et Avenir Jan. N.803), have shown in order to increase the effectiveness of your anti-cancer treatment and have a better chance of success you need to have a healthy microbiome. This was the conclusion of the researchers from the Institute Gustave-Roussy for cancer (Paris), associated with colleagues of the prestigious Institute Pasteur. Some intestinal bacteria can stimulate the immune activity, while others may to the contrary inhibit chemotherapy response. This is why we need both on a preventive level for cancer treatment including intake of

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probiotics, fibers, kefir, fermented vegetable juices rich in lactic acid especially for cancer patients under chemotherapy. In my book I suggest the supplementation Symbioflor made from autolysat of human bacteria that I prescribe for my patients. This restores the correct combination of intestinal bacteria.


The publication of the results of 12 International scientific studies clarified the role of certain foods in cancer protection and it had shown that for instance we can reducethe risk of cancer by 30-50%, but only if we adopt new rules in our dietary style, if we don't smoke and if you also do 30 min daily exercise, your risk of cancer drops at least70% which is your best chance. Every day our body produces cancer cells from abnormal cells but some are destroyed through apoptosis (P53 gene) others by the immune system, while a tumor may develop if both defensemechanism are compromised. One other reason to have a better dietary style is that food and dietary compounds activate apoptosis and immune cell activity. Natural Killer cells (NK cells) are another important line of defense against cancer.

It has been definitively proven by tissue examination of persons who died from accidents and not only pathology that over 30% such women and men over 40 years old havemicro-tumors in the breast and prostate but also in the pancreas and lung. Every day some cancer cells are formed but destroyed or not able to start a mass called a tumor

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because they are not able to attract sufficient blood vessels for food and some oxygen in order to grow or they had been destroyed as previously explained. Every day the immune system destroys cancer cells at the rate of about 20every minute assuming that apoptosis or the immune system is active. A Natural Killer cell (NK cell) can kill a cancer cell in 5 minutes time and repeat this 27 times before dying.

I have seen patients with a very high P53 expression even up to 1000 times normal range and high P53 protein level, an indication of high stress with many damaged, cancer cells being self-destructed. This is our main protection but if your P53 does not activate then you may be on a way to developing a tumor. Such persons really need a healthier food diet rich in antioxidants and improve their immune cells activity since oxidative stress lowers NK cell activity.

Therefore natural combined food diet and dietary compounds can really protect from risk of cancer and in case of declared cancer can contribute to the remission or cure by improving the effectiveness of conventional therapy.

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Many foods contain specific anticancer agents that target apoptosis and activate our immune defense and these include: .Mushrooms, tofu, spices, cruciferous vegetables are on top of the list along with broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, watercress, eggs, cauliflower, artichoke, onions, red onions,garlic, red beets, celery for starters. They contain a variety of antioxidants and molecules like anthocyanin, flavonoids,apigenin, quercetin, sulphoraphane which occupy a top position in cancer prevention and cancer treatment. For

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instance several studies shown that quercetin can reduce therisk of certain cancers such as pancreatic cancer greater than 40%. One study done by the University of Maryland Medical Center had shown that quercetin enhanced the effects of doxorubicin and cisplatin and therefore work synergistically toward much better results. A new study by a team of researchers from Guelph University in Canada show that quercetin from red onion kills faster in vitro cancer cells than from white onion or other vegetables and shows greater efficiency toward breast cancer cell lines.Personally I occasionally use quercetin and curcumin whichmost of the time help to stabilize pancreatic cancer. Also allthe green vegetables especially the leaves containing chlorophyll promote oxygen supply and contribute to detoxifying the body. The French Oncologist, Professor David Khayat (author of several books on anticancer food) head of the cancer dept. at the Hospital Pitie-Salpetriere in Paris suggests a range of anticancer foods necessary to helpchemotherapy and avoid side effects. These include broccoli, garlic, pomegranate, green tea, resveratrol and curcumin. Prof. Khayat considers these as his 6 top best anticancer foods.

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However food diet is also a good way to prevent cancer especially with family cancer risk. Today it is common that one or more persons have died of cancer in the same familywhich increases the risk for the other members and justifiesa modification in their dietary style and even their lifestyle. (See my blog article, “You Don't Have to Die from Cancer” Again Iridology can be useful to profile cancer risk in such person.


In my anticancer diet that I give to my cancer patients we include watercress, broccoli, red beets, artichoke, black

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radish, daikon (a Japanese radish with high antioxidant properties and also anticancer), parsley, ginger, mushroom, garlic, radish, squash, parsley, eggplant,red onion, tomatoes, carrot, pomegranate, lemon, sprouts, red and yellow peppers, pineapple and papaya. Vegetables are either cooked or eaten raw or used to make mixed vegetable juice or prepared in a blender as raw food.

I always add parsley in the cocktail of vegetable juice since it contains a high level of apigenin, a molecule which acts exactly as the antineoplastic agent Glivec by blocking tumor blood vessels to stop its growth.

Fermented vegetable juice is recommended especially to balance the Microbiome and acid-alkaline ratio. Carrot, celery, red beet, potatoes and black radish are some of the fermented juices I suggest for my patients. See more about juicing in my book: “Health and disease Begin in the Colon Featuring Professor Serge Jurasunas Natural Medicine”

As part of my book I offer recipes for 10 varieties of healthy soup for detox but also excellent for cancer patients. Red beet is one of my favorites to mix with carrot juice for my cancer patients. Red beet helps to combat anemia occurring most frequently in patients undergoing chemotherapy but also red beet is a hydrogen acceptor at the mitochondrial level. (See my article: “The Clinical Evidence of Cellular Respiration to Target Cancer.”) Always add some ginger mixed with your cocktails of fruit because of its anticancer properties on the molecular level.

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Among the variety of anticancer food studies by researchers broccoli seems to have a top position. Let me explain that Broccoli and broccoli sprouts contain a large amount of sulforaphane, a natural compound that has been proven to possess anticancer activity especially to destroy breast cancer stem cells (usually responsible for disease recurrence). Many studies in vitro and in vivo have demonstrated this effect. For instance sulphoraphane has the ability to induce apoptosis and cell cycle arrest associated with the regulation of many molecules includingBcL2 family proteins, an oncogene responsible for increasing survival of cancer cells, caspases which are proteins associate with the mechanism of apoptosis. Even more interesting is that sulphoraphane is able to suppress angiogenesis and metastases invasion by down-regulation of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor that tumors use to build vascularization and MMP's 2-3 which are enzymes of degradation also used by the tumor to break down the collagen basal membrane, crawl and move up to enter into blood vascularization.

The intake of fresh vegetable juices increases your supply of vitamins, minerals, enzymes. This really improves the blood level of antioxidants which mostly decrease after chemotherapy and also help to detoxify. Vegetable juice is also alkaline therefore combats acidity and has a high redoxpotential to increase cellular energy.

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Intoxicated blood, necrotic tissue and oxidized fatafter chemotherapy

Over the past 38 years I have been used to doing Live Blood Analysis with my cancer patients coming in during their chemotherapy regimen. We had been surprised to observe a number of abnormal factors appearing as consequence of chemotherapy. After changing to healthful diet and intake of mixed vegetable juices and some supplementation you may observe major changes in the blood pattern. (See my book, “Health and Disease Begin in the Colon”, for illustrated clinical cases). We know that in laboratory tests introducing cancer cells in a tube filled withhealthy blood, cancers cells are destroyed. At least we also

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improve immune cell activity and the level of antioxidants and enzymes.

I have spent my whole life treating cancer patients with a diet rich in fruits and especially vegetables, steamed and prepared raw mixed in a blender along with other ingredients, as well as preparing beneficial mixed juice cocktails for my patients. Carrots and red beets mixed with some green leaves remain my favor therapeutic drink for my patients. Will often suggest at least 3-4 large glasses perday to be taken between meals, sometimes even as a substitute for dinner. In a review of 206 human studies carrot juice consistently emerged as one of the top cancer fighting vegetables, probably from its richness in beta-carotene but probably from other ingredients. It was also the favorite juice of Dr. Bernard Jensen when I studied withhim. He grew his own vegetables at Hidden Valley Health Ranch using only natural fertilizer, manure, dolomite and carrot was on the top of his list to make daily juices for in-patients.

Even after eating a portion of 4-6 vegetables per day, this is not enough to get the supply of antioxidants that we needand this amount is considerably more if it is for cancer patients. Today there is a dramatic decrease of fruit and vegetable consumption in children and juveniles which is tragic. Eating in restaurants like today with the typical meatand french fries with adults doesn't help to reduce cancer risk on the contrary. This also depends on the quality of the vegetables if they are organic or not. Just do not use industrially farmed food as found in supermarkets. Such

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vegetables have lost most of their nutritional properties in the countries that use more chemicals fertilizers. Soils begin to be totally depleted in nutritive substances. The US is the country that uses more junk food, insecticides, pesticides, hormones and GMOs, more Industrial foods than any other country. The US is no longer a healthy Nation but a sick Nation compared to many other countries.This really affects public health and increases cancer risk. Industrial farming and food storage decrease the nutritional value of both vegetables and fruit.

If you buy vegetables and fruit in large supermarkets you are sure to get poor quality and low nutritional value from your food

1 – Quality and nutritional value depend of the soil.

2- Harvest make lost 5% of their micronutrients 95% remains.3- Transport to the warehouse accounts for a Loss of 10% of their micronutrients. 85% remains.4- Storage results in a 10% loss of micronutrients. 75% remains.5- Foods, meat and other vegetables sent by railroad are frozen and loose another 10% of their nutrients in the defrosting process. 65% remains .6- Washing food, removes many minerals and vitamins and cutting their skins and outer layers of fruits and vegetables loose another 5% of their

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micronutrients.7- Food preparation. Boiling, baking, overcooking foods greatly decrease their nutritional content by as much as 50% of their nutrients. Even when properly cooked you loose 20%. 45% remains.8- The chemical reactions of chemical agents on food can render the remaining nutrients, vitamins and minerals inert. Often you may not have any nutrients at all in your plate. Another 10% is lost. 35% remains.

You actually get from your food not 100% of the original nutrients, but only 35% of their value. Therefore buying and cooking food is not so simple and requires some attention and desire to have some natural healing food on the plate. Besides the fact remains that we need food with as much nutrition as possible without insecticides and pesticides grown with no chemical fertilizers or a minimum.

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However people can find local farmers markets in their area by looking up local chapters in every state that carries organic food and vegetables, fresh eggs and natural honey. In Europe regular local organic marketplaces are growing and many small supermarkets now carry a AA organic fruit and vegetable section. The other important matter that we don't speak about is the fact that for most people, they are not used to these new foods and know less about how to cook or prepare them. This remains a major problem for many people. So while an anticancer diet is wonderful it is a diet that many patients will not always immediately

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Teaching is usually necessary along with cooking classes and recipe books. In our clinic we spend considerable time explaining our custom food diet for each patient after consultation but not every one can easily make the change. It takes a little more time to understand before they can adapt themselves to their new diet and lifestyle. Some patients even are unreceptive, where here I offer here the example of a woman (a medical doctor) with a pancreatic cancer who responded that diet was too complicated, finallydeciding to stay on chemotherapy. FRUITS ARE ALSO IMPORTANT Some fruits cannot be neglected like pineapple that contains enzymes such as bromelain and proteinase being good for protection against inflammation, excessive blood coagulation and may even reduce certain tumors. Pineappleis also a strong antioxidant. Red grapes are also excellent asthey contain resveratrol, polyphenols, also rich in potassium, manganese, copper, vitamin C and B-complex especially if there is a patient with liver metastasis or stomach cancer. In such cases I prescribe up to two pounds of red grapes per day together with some red grape juice.

You can mix pineapple juice with grape juice to make an excellent anticancer drink. Pomegranate also has anticancerproperties especially indicated as a prevention and treatment for prostate cancer. But other fruits such as raspberry, strawberry, blueberry and mulberry are rich in

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antioxidants, polyphenols and ellagic acid. Mulberries are rich in anthocyanin, catechins, flavonoids and various phenolic acids all with anticancer activity in a variety of cancer cell types. Eating these fruits during treatment acts synergistically with better response and less toxicity, especially in prostate cancer.


Nature offers us all the medicine we need in our food which is spread all over the planet but for decades we have ignored this and yes, even if the doctor is here to treat us we cannot forget that it is Nature that cures. Nature offers everything we need to stay healthy and to treat and to heal when we have lost our health. Pharmaceutical remedies do not cure, they only make one worse while Natural food is your best pharmacy.

There is not magic bullet in the war against cancer while during the past 4 decades we have been informed by mediaabout NEW AMMUNITION, NEW BULLETS, Soon the cancer is to be cure but we totally neglected about the therapeutic value of fruits and vegetables,spices and rely only on New toxic anticancer agents.


Apple-pineapple-ginger-red grape juice mixed together.


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One other interesting special food that works as prevention and in the treatment of cancer is curcumin or turmeric. Thisroot is often used in powder form to flavor foods in countries like Sri Lanka where the percentage of breast and prostate cancer is very low compared to industrialized countries. Of course we can use the powdered root to include in food but we can better utilize curcumin as a supplement meaning in capsules to target some of the mechanisms that contribute to tumor growth and expansion.

Curcumin targets most of the hallmarks of cancer such as apoptosis, angiogenesis, is anti-inflammatory, inhibits Cox2activity as well as targeting P53 tumor suppressor genes along with Bax and BcL2. Curcumin not only reduces the risk of pancreatic and prostate cancer but also plays a key role as an anticancer agent and support to chemotherapy. Curcumin works in synergy with quercetin and also with Biobran, a strong immunomodulator (See my last lecture, “New Modern Way to Treat Cancer”, on Slideshare.)

I use curcumin widely in the protocols of my cancer patients but in liquid form for quicker absorption and healing. My pharmaceutical laboratory produces this special curcumin that I have developed with the participation of our laboratory pharmacists. We can then expect quicker results when treating cancer patients. Our liquid curcumin has been tested by the Pharmacy Faculty atthe University of Lisbon for its superior quality of absorption compared with other types of curcumin on the market. One other important thing to remember is that

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when treating patients you need to have HIGH QUALITY supplementation, if you expect to have results. This always was my maxim since the beginning of my practice. In my lecture you can see stories of clinical cases and molecular markers testing before and after the treatment where it gives you an idea of what we can do and what we can scientifically prove concerning the value of our treatment.

Other foods include a source of protein and good fat are good farm eggs, almonds, nuts, grapeseed oil, olive oil, cartame oil, walnut oil, avocado and avocado oil, white fish, tofu, seitan, sesame seeds, millet, mushroom, chia seed, vegetable sprouts and seaweed. Broccoli contains a surprising amount of protein, 5 gr per 1 cup serving.

Quinoa white and red, millet, cottage cheese, even when mixed with a good source of cream are beneficial. Avocado is a healthy source of fat, potassium, glutathione and vitamin E, both potent antioxidants.


Tofu cut in cubes mixed with a slice of onion, seaweed, slice of avocado, slice of zucchini, chopped parsley and flavored with virgin cold pressed oil olive or avocado oil, apple cider vinegar and some vegetable salt.

The new ketogenic diet which today seems to attract many doctors is the subject of several publications based upon the combination of high fat intake, restriction of all carbohydrates and little intake of proteins, surprisingly

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includes bacon and pork meat (More difficult to digest) in this diet which to me is totally wrong. Eating bacon or fat meat is producing lipid peroxides in the blood. I often observe in cancer patients medium or large clusters of oxidize fat mixed with yeast-form like candida toxins. Nowbad fats attract oxygen molecules and therefore decrease the overall oxygen level in the blood which we should take into consideration, Suggesting this type of food to a patient with stomach cancer or pancreatic cancer with intestinal disorder, bad digestion and often gas can even make things worse.

Large clusters of oxidized fat and yeast-like candidaembedded inside

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Large lipid strand from bad dietary style

As soon as a Live Blood Analysis is made you can most notably observe clusters of oxidized lipids indicative of baddigestion, lack of pancreatic enzymes and even a bad liver, especially with patients that have pancreatic cancer or even colon cancer. Bacon is an unhealthy bad fat and therefore cannot be suggested to cancer patients. So you need to be cautious about any suggestion of pork meat in this diet.

(Cook together shitake mushroom, seaweed, and some vegetable sprouts. It makes a good anticancer dish.)

Ginger root is one of the most potent anticancer cures with anti-inflammatory properties (NF-KB, TNF.a). It's

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antiangiogenic, apoptotic and works the same as a selectivechemotherapy to shrink tumors. Ginger root can be used in juice form mixed in with other vegetables or even in soup mixed with vegetables and cereals like quinoa. It can be used in a preventive routine or as a support in larger quantity. In small quantities ginger root slices are used today in many dishes.

All food sugar is to be avoided and considered only as a reduced source of carbohydrate as suggested in today’s ketogenic diet together with a higher amount of good fat (but also bad fat as explained above). It causes your body to switch to utilizing ketones (produced by burning fats) instead of glucose as the primary source of energy. Decreasing glucose production which is used by the tumor as energy will to the contrary starve the tumor. However at the same time it is important to address therapies that target the cell’s cellular cycle and pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptoticplayers. It is also important to realize that any diet needs some special direction according to the condition of the patient and the whether he or she can or cannot absorb foodor has lost too much weight and needs to recover with a personalized diet. This is the way I work with my patients. A short fast of 2-3 days (or 3-4) is recommended and this iswhat I suggest to my cancer patients with stage 3 and 4, often in bad condition with digestive problems. I also recommend one day on vegetable juice the day before going to chemotherapy if not undergoing one day of fasting.

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Case # 1Before Special Diet: We observe a large mass of heavy

crystals, mixed with fat and toxins. Abnormal damage tored cells is visible. Poor dietary style, meat eater. Bad colon

and Liver. Pancreatic and Liver disorder. Overall betterhealth condition.

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After the Diet: After 32 days on the diet we clearly observea 100% modification of the blood status. Clean blood plasma, no toxins, no crystals and normal shaped red cells.

Case #2:We observed a major degenerative condition from toxic agents. Damaged degenerated red cells with bacterial inclusion. High oxidative stress and poor immune defense. An balanced microbiome and liver disorder.

After the diet and treatment:

We really observed a major modification with clean blood,

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free from bacteria and having a good oxygen supply, normal shaped red cells and good membrane protection. During chemotherapy there was good protection from free radicals

After chemotherapy we recommend drinking a mixture of carrot, lemon, apple and parsley juice to promote detoxification. I have utilized this combination for the past 4 decades and now it has become a rule even in the ketogenic diet by restricting calories and helping the body to recover. Healthy cells are better protected from chemotherapy and it also helps to decrease inflammatory factors. Lately it has been shown that fasting during chemotherapy helps to reduce side effects. Fasting is nothing new and I personally became acquainted with fasting during the years 1964-1967 when I first read the important book by Herbert Shelton on fasting that even today remains a Bible in this area. But at least it is recommended for cancer patients to have a one day fast per week and one more day only on vegetable juice in order to detoxify the body. A 12-14 hour fast daily from dinner to breakfast is another very efficient way of fasting that I recommend to most of my patients. Short fasting deprives cancer cells from their energy supply and they thus become weaker and more accessible to chemotherapy or immune cell destruction. Short fasting or a mini-fasting several times per week decreases the level of IGF-1 a growth factor that the tumor uses to proliferate but also decrease the level of blood glucose. Cancer cells can make up to 10,000 receptors to attract growth factor while a normal cells have only 10

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receptors. Food restriction is also beneficial for the intestine where it may rest and it helps to increase the level of the immune defense.

You can also eat soup during five days, where it will work more or less like fasting. (See some recipes in my book.)

Much less free radicals are produced with a restrictive diet while we know that chemotherapy itself is a source of free radicals that damages healthy cells and promotes side effects. We know that cancer patients rarely died from the disease but as consequence of strong adverse effects. I haveseen cancer patients, both adults and juveniles coming into my clinic in a wheelchair resulting from peripheral neuropathy. Live Blood Analysis is important to perform when a cancer patient first comes in for consultation and to observe the accumulated damage resulting from bad dietarystyle and chemotherapy. Abnormal blood conditions include clusters of oxidized lipids often in large quantity, broken red cell membranes, RBC’s in rouleaux, candidiasis,damaged white cells and heavy crystal accumulations.

Such food diet protects the nervous system and brain function since most cancer patients show a bad nervous system that gets worse during chemotherapy including cognitive disorders. A new science call psycho-neuro-immunology has shown that the nervous system is in contact with immune cells through biochemical communication and this is why depressive patients such as those with breast cancer are often more difficult to treat andneed some special support or food. But generally speaking

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today in the world we face a decline of the nervous functions, increasing cognitive disorder, and Alzheimers therefore underscoring the importance of prevention.


If a cancer patient is coming in before surgery, a food diet and vegetable juice will help for a better recovery without complications. Today more and more cancer patients are coming in for consultation before surgery which is a wise step. We know that during surgery there is a decreasing activity of immune cells and it takes about 14 days for recovery. Surgery increases the spread of cancer cells into blood circulation but the immune surveillance kills most ofthem but decreasing immune activity allows many cancer cells to survive and later on colonize some target organs and induce what we call a cancer recurrence. After surgery a healthy anticancer diet that also addresses activation of NK cells and Dendritic cells may kill many hidden cancer cells. The use of probiotics before and after laparatomy protects against the diffusion of pathogenic bacteria in the blood circulation that produces toxins that in turn inhibit immune cells, promotes angiogenesis and increases inflammation.

After cancer remission a healthy food diet reduces considerably the risk of disease recurrence especially with breast cancer. The immune system is one important key against disease recurrence and sometimes you need to help with some extra supplementation. (See my lecture: “After

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Remission What Nutritional Program Next.”)

Certain foods may be combined if the patient suffers from chronic constipation which is often the case with breast cancer patients. This is important and shows that diet must be also adapted to the particular needs of each patient. In my book I have a whole chapter about breast and colon cancer along with many ideas about how to treat constipation and how to detox. Many breast cancer patients have a serious colon disorder with a bowel elimination every 3-5 days. This is why I suggest for such cases to first begin with a 3-5 day colon detox diet before giving them a regular diet regimen.

Therefore the first days of diet should be tailored according to what we are observing before adopting a regular anticancer diet (See my book for examples of LBA observation). A detox, short fasting, and an anticancer diet will relieve the Extra Cellular Matrix from the accumulation of toxic waste and often from edema that blocks up all the exchange between the cells and the body. (Please refer to this the theory in my book.)


Approximate proportions in an anticancer diet are as follows:

60% vegetables. 10% proteins. 20% fruit. 10% carbohydrates.

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80% alkaline food, 20% acidic food.

Try to have 60% (or more) raw food. 40% cooked food.

Steaming vegetables at a low temperature is the best way torelease the nutrients and antioxidants.

Per day drink about 400-500 ml. (16oz.) of mixed vegetable juice.

2 meals per week: Eat only fruits such papaya, grapes, pineapple, apple, mulberry and raspberry.

2 meals per week: Eat whole grain rice, steamed vegetablesand kefir.

Eat one avocado per day which is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids of which the most important is oleic acid that reduces inflammation therefore excellent for cancer. Avocado is very high in potassium, contains copper, vitamin C, E, B-complex, many carotenoids and fibers. Avocado is a good antioxidant that protects the body against free radicals.

Whole grains: Millet, whole grain rice, bulgur, red quinoa.

An Anticancer diet has to show results on a molecular levelwhich I mostly achieve with my patients.

Increasing P53 gene expression level.

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Increasing P53 normal protein level.

Activated Bax gene expression.

Decrease or inhibit BcL2 overexpression.

Decrease or inhibit V.E.G.F (responsible for tumor vascularization.

An Anticancer diet must decrease and normalize Tumor Marker 2 Pyruvate Kinase activity (TM2 PK) an enzyme that the tumor uses to produce energy from glucose. It indicates the metabolic activity of a tumor (Also the inflammatory process).

We need a good source of vitamin B-Complex, magnesium,potassium, iodine, coenzyme A to activate the Krebs cycle in our mitochondria, mostly damaged in cancer patients. Reactivating mitochondrial function and ATP energy is one of the most important steps to fight cancer. Mitochondria are also dependent on an adequate supply of protein, fats, carbohydrates necessary to synthesize ATP energy. Membrane fluidity is important since apoptosis is driven bythe mitochondria when Bax protein penetrates into the pores of the membrane to in turn release the cytochrome enzyme that triggers the process of apoptosis. This is why I always use some supplementation such as Zell Live Yeast Cells preparation in liquid which serves as a real complete natural formula to regenerate the mitochondria. CoQ10 andcarnitine are hardly obtained through diet alone, especially in a vegetarian diet. (See my article published in Townsend

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Letter: “The Clinical Evidence of Cellular Respiration to Target Cancer.”August-Sept 2012, available online).

Chlorella tablets

If live yeast cells (Zell-Oxygen) are not available use a chlorella extract such as Sun-Chlorella (CGF: Chlorella Growth Factor which is also a cell with mitochondria). Thiscan be taken on a preventive basis or included in an

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anticancer treatment. Sometimes it is difficult to have all the supply of foods that we need or because of lack of timeor difficulty to get supply, so Live Yeast Cells preparation may be a very good alternative. The same can be said for chlorella extract which is the highest source of chlorophyll among other plants on this planet.

For more details about diet, detox, iridology, theories of cancer, about the value of vegetables, recipes and much more information consult my book.

“HEALTH AND DISEASE BEGIN IN THE COLON Featuring Prof. Serge Jurasunas Natural Medicine” (available through Amazon)

My new lecture was given at the 5th International Biobran Workshop in Krakow, June 2017, Poland.

“NEW MODERN WAY TO TREAT CANCER” (Available through Slideshare)

Diet makes an overwhelming difference when it comes to treating cancer especially when patients are under chemotherapy. First I have seen cases of cancer patients with reduced tumor size even before going to surgery. But generally speaking patients that follow our diet have a much different physical aspect on chemotherapy from patients taking only chemotherapy. 3 days of fasting does the same as one treatment of chemotherapy to stop tumor growth. In several congresses I have shown slides of patients under chemotherapy, not taking a special diet and

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of patients following our diet. There is a remarkable difference and a much better quality of life and life extension for patients with terminal cancer.

Here are some recipes that I have used over the past decades for cancer patients that have difficulty to absorbingfood, have lost much weight and in need some extra protein. Liquid food is a good answer for this type of patient.

Liquid Protein Salad

2 leaves of lettuceHalf of a small red beet1 small turnip2 heads of garlic1 chopped carrot1 egg yolk1 tablespoon of soya milk powder2 tablespoons of cottage cheese1 tablespoon of hazelnut butter1 cup of herbal tea or vegetable broth1 tablespoon of avocado oil.

Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix for a few minutes to obtain a consistent liquid. This is to drink and to swallow slowly for better digestion.

Vitality Drink:

3 small carrots

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2 heads of garlic1 small turnip1 small red beet2 slices of onion2 slices of green pepper1 small avocado1 slice of pineapple

Mix all the ingredients in a blender with 1|2 cup of grape orapple juice.

After mixing well add the following:

30 gr (1oz) of virgin 100% sunflower oil60 gr (2oz) of protein powder3 tablespoon of muesli cereal30 gr (1oz) of hazelnut1 teaspoon of chlorella powder

Mix well for a few minutes and be sure to drink this vital food slowly. It may be prepared as a substitute for one patient meal.

Energy Drink to Combat Constipation:(Extract from my book)

1 carrot1 large apple1kiwi 2 oranges100 gr fresh pineapple

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1 teaspoon ground flaxseed1 teaspoon sesame seeds2 teaspoons lemon juice

Juice the fruit and the carrot. Then place in a blender and mix with the remaining ingredients and blend for about 2 minutes.

Artichoke Soup:

This is a really an excellent soup to detox the liver having anticancer properties. In season you use the bottom (heart) of fresh artichoke or from a can or even frozen.

Ingredients for 4 persons:

4 artichoke bottoms4 leeks (only the white part)500ml of vegetable brothPinch of vegetable salt

First cut the bottom of the artichoke into four quarters, carefully wash and then cut up the leeks. Cook the vegetables in the broth for 20 minutes. Add a pinch of vegetable salt and to make the soup richer with more property, to detoxify, add a full tablespoon of spirulina or chlorella powder and blend in the soup. When serving add some cream (or soya cream for good flavor and as source of good fat.) It is a good soup that detoxes the liver and is well digested.

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(Extract from my book with more recipes of soup)


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