Transcript I JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2016 I 21


Canada Conference Connects Leading Retailers and SuppliersPrsm members from across Canada gathered in Mississauga, Ontario, October 27, 2015, for PRSM’s Canadian Conference. Attendees learned about the latest industry trends impacting retail real estate and market conditions in Canada while collaborating with peers and gaining valuable insights into facilities management issues.

Ross J. Moore, Director of Canada Research for CBRE, kicked off the conference by covering major changes in the Canadian retail market. Moore addressed changes in the marketplace for both retailers and consumers, and how changing demographics have impacted consumer spending, sales and income levels across Canada.

Moore reported that the 65 plus age demographic is the largest segment of the population, and that household income in Canada was up 1-2 percent, while wages are up 3.3 percent. Core Canadian retail sales rose 4.1 percent during 2015, and the number of U.S. shoppers is up along with spending by visitors from Europe and Asia.

The growth of online retail sales is taking approximately 50 percent of every dollar spent online, and this trend has resulted in major brick and

mortar retailers shuttering 572 stores representing 17.3 million square feet. However, urban, downtown retail growth in major metro areas like Toronto, Calgary and Montreal is up due to population growth and revitalization in those markets.

Ten-year occupancy rates for retail remain very high at 97 percent, and sales at Canadian malls are doing well, averaging just under $750 per square foot. Retail vacancy rates were highest in Edmonton, Toronto and Montreal and lowest in Winnipeg and Calgary, while Vancouver and Toronto have the most retail construction underway.

Following the opening session, attend-ees participated in concurrent sessions that addressed topics ranging from sourcing retail services across Canada, going green when you clean, tune-ups for packaged roof top HVAC equipment, making parking lots AODA compliant and how to use the new PRSM Janitorial Scope of Work Generator.

Terry Hay, CEO, Scandinavian Building Services, was honored with the PRSM Canadian Excellence Award during the networking luncheon. Bryan Walker, PRSM Association 2015-2016 President of the Board of Directors and Store

Facilities Manager, The Container Store, made the presentation.

“The Canadian Excellence Award was created to recognize the highest levels of professionalism in retail facilities man-agement. Recipients of the award are innovative leaders in the industry who excel in their company, and they also give back to the profession in terms of sharing their knowledge and experiences with others. I am pleased to present this year’s award to Terry Hay, an outstand-ing industry leader,” said Walker.

The afternoon session provided retail-ers and suppliers with opportunities to discuss future business opportunities during the Retail Quick Connect and the exhibit.

As the conference concluded, Patricia Dameron, PRSM’s Executive Director, expressed her insight about the event by saying, “PRSM is proud to provide Canada’s leading retailers and suppliers this opportunity to collaborate, learn about new ways to reduce costs and to partner with each other for business reasons while they expand their profes-sional network. We look forward to adding new Canadian members and to helping our existing members lead the way in retail facilities management.” l

From far left, keynote speaker Ross Moore, Director of Canada Research for CBRE. PRSM Canadian Excellence Award winner Terry Hay, CEO, Scandinavian Building Services, with Bryan Walker, President of the PRSM Board of Directors.

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