

• Immigrant: A person who comes to a new country to live there permanently

• Emigrant: A person who moves away from a country permanently

Canada Immigration• Immigrants or descendants of immigrants

make up 98% of Canadians

• As a result, Canada’s population can be described as multicultural

Where Do People Immigrate From?

• Answer the above question in your head, and think of reasons why they you think they are immigrating to Canada from there country.

Where Do People Immigrate From?

• This has changed immensely in the last 100 years

• late 1800s and early 1900s - Europe • Since then we have seen large numbers of

people from African countries and parts of Asia

• Most immigrants today come from Eastern Asia (China, India, Hong Kong)

• Refugees change every year, depending on politics

Canada ImmigrationPull Factors - qualities that attract you to

that country

• Freedom

• Peace

• Jobs

• Education

• Political Reasons

• Environment (climate, housing, medical care)

• Family ties

Canada ImmigrationPush Factors - reasons for leaving a country

• Loss of job• Recession• Violence• Oppression• Poverty• War• Fear• Natural Disasters

Canada Immigration

Why Choose Canada?• Large landmass, abundant natural resources

& small population• Democratic, open society• Multicultural population welcoming to

newcomers• Well developed infrastructure, health,

educational and other systems• Highly industrialized, vibrant economy with

many opportunities for skilled workers & business persons

Canada ImmigrationBenefits of Immigration• Increase population

• Economic Gain

• Increase in cultural diversity

• Increase in standard of living in the part of


• A younger workforce

• Skilled workers

3 Types of Immigrants

• Independent Immigrants

• Family Class Immigrants

• Refugees

Points System

• To get into Canada Independent immigrants must achieve a certain amount of points. – Must score a total of 67/100

• For Family and Refugee’s, acceptance is based on other criteria relating to circumstance and other family already here.


Independent Immigrants

• These are immigrants that come to Canada alone

• They are accepted based on a point system, and there are two sub-types.

• 67 points as a skilled worker will get you in.

• 35 points as a business immigrant as well as enough $$$ will get you in.

Family Class Immigrants

• To allow people to reunite with their family, partners, and spouses.

• Every family immigrant must be sponsored by a relative in Canada.

• Sponsors are financially responsible for 10 years.

Canada ImmigrationRefugees• A refugee is someone who fears persecution (or

even death) in his or her home country• Race, Religion, Nationality, political leaning,

appearance, membership to particular social group.

• People can apply to become a refugee while in Canada as a visitor or while living in their home country

Canada ImmigrationRefugees• The number of refugees coming to Canada ranges

from 24 000 to 32 000 each year

• UN recognized Canada with a special award because of Canada’s treatment of

refugees over the years

Canada ImmigrationWhy does Canada accept

refugees?• increase population• Accepted for humanitarian reasons: - Canada has the resources to help• Cultural connections

Canada Immigration

1.Philippines2.India3.China4.Britain5.United States6.France7.Iran8.United Arab Emirates9.Morocco10.France

Top 10 countries that immigrated to Canada (2010)

Canada ImmigrationThe number of immigrants for each province andTerritory2006 20101. Ontario (115,000) 118,1142. Québec (26,000) 53,9823. British Columbia (45,000) 44,1834. Alberta (15,000) 32,6425. Nova Scotia (3,800) Manitoba: 15,8096. Manitoba (3,600) Saskatchewan: 7,6157. Saskatchewan (1900) PEI: 2,5818. Newfoundland (600) Nova Scotia: 2,4089. New Brunswick (600) 2,12510. PEI (200) New Foundland: 71411. Yukon Territories (100) 35012. North West Territories (100) 13713. Nunavut 19

Do You Qualify?

• Group 1: – Age: 27– Education: High School– Experience: 3 years– English: High Proficiency– French: No Proficiency– No arrange employment– No Spouse– Have family in Canada–

Do You Qualify?

• Group 2– Age: 52– Education: Doctoral Degree– Experience: 4 Years– English: Moderate Proficiency– French: Moderate Proficiency– Arranged Employment– Married: Spouse has university degree– Have family in Canada

Do You Qualify• Group 3

– Age: 37– Education: One Year Diploma with 12 years

experience– Experience: 2 years recent– English: Basic Proficiency– French: Moderate Proficiency– No arrange employment– Married – spouse has PHD– No family

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