  • 1. By Carrie White

2. Brian De Palmas 1976 film Carrie was based on Stephen Kings 1974 novel of the same name. The time he wrote this is imperative in understanding the characters of Carrie and her mother Margaret. Carrie can be seen as an allegory for the rise in child abuse in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In analyzing Carrie, religious significance at the time must be brought in as well. 3. Child Abuse In The Early 1970s and Late 1960s Child abuse did not necessarily increase during this time. It is not known for sure. However, this time period is when it really began to become a national issue and became prominent in news headlines. Advances in medicine were the main reason for this. Doctors were better able to identify abuse with new equipment, such as improved radiological machines. They also began to be more informed. Medical schools started talking about it. In 1962 a Dr. Henry Kempe described the medical aspects of what he called battered child syndrome for the first time. He documented over 300 cases of abuse seen in ERs. This is when state governments began addressing ways to deal with this. By 1967 every state had a law of some sort about abuse. It was in 1974, the same year Carrie was published, that the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) became the first federal law. 4. PSA on Child Abuse from the 1970s 5. Child Abuse In The Movie Carrie Carries mother was evil. The abuse is shown throughout the movie. It is shown when it actually happened and it is revealed through the effects it has on the characterization of Carrie. The abuse Margaret inflicts on Carrie is religious based. Margaret feels everything (literally) is a sin. So Carrie does not really stand a chance. She is punished for everything she does. Towards the end of the film it is revealed that Carrie was conceived when her mother was raped. This could explain why Carrie is punished so much. Margaret believes she committed the worst sin possible having Carrie. As she said in the movie, I should have given you to God when you were born but I was weak Therefore, Margaret takes it out on Carrie and blames Carrie for a mistake she had no control over (and wasnt even born when it happened). At times Margaret abuses herself as well. When waiting on Tommy to pick Carrie up for prom Margaret slaps herself and pulls her own hair. I think this is an attempt to make Carrie feel guilty. Carries quiet demeanor, desire for revenge, low self esteem, and not fitting in all stem from the abuse. 6. Examples of Abuse In The Movie Carrie Carries mother receives a phone call from the school after the incident in the locker room when Carrie started her period. Carrie comes downstairs and her mother throws a bible at Carrie. Margaret proceeds to lecture Carrie on Adam and Eve and how Eve was weak and that is why women bleed. Throughout this Margaret continuously hits Carrie. When Carrie tries to talk to her mother about Tommy inviting her to prom she throws a cup of tea into Carries face. At the conclusion of the movie Carrie returns home from prom distraught. She goes upstairs and takes a bath to get the pig blood off of herself. She does not realize Margaret is hiding behind the door. When she gets out Margaret emerges and Carrie begs her to hold her. She does but then brings out a knife and attempts to stab her daughter in the back and kill her. (though the result is the other way around; Carrie acts in fear and uses her telekinesis to get a knife and kill her mother) 7. Christianity In The Early 1970s and Late 1960s Between 1970 and 1975, 89% of Americans called themselves Christians. Something called the Jesus Movement began in the late 1960s. The Jesus Movement was the hippie aspect of Christianity. It is from this that the term Jesus freak came from. One of the main ideas behind the Jesus Movement was the need to go back to living and worshiping the way the first followers of Jesus had. Jesus freaks frowned upon most contemporary churches, viewing them as apostates. Beliefs of Jesus freaks revolved around faith, prayer, miracles, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit. Two years prior to the publication of Stephen Kings novel, the Jesus Movement reached its height. In 1972 the Explo conference occurred in Dallas, Texas. 80,000 people gathered together. Popular groups associated with the Jesus Movement included the Westboro Baptist Church. Westboro was extreme for its time. Worshipers could be found on the streets witnessing to druggies and other dangerous crowds. Most any type of Christianity during this period was fiercely sexist with powerful opinions on what women could and could not do. Menstruation had only just become an acceptable topic for schools. Christians believe this is a punishment for Eves disobedience. 8. Christianity In The Movie Carrie Carries mother, Margaret, is about the biggest Jesus freak I can imagine. Emphasis on the freak. Many people reverted back to simplistic living styles. Margaret, and thus Carrie, were two of those people. Carrie is only allowed to wear simple outfits. When seeing her daughters prom dress (in these days very modest dress) Margaret chastises her for showing her dirty pillows (i.e. breasts). Carries mother did not educate her on her body. Margaret was one of the believers that menstruation was a punishment because of Eves actions. Carrie had never heard of a period. That is why she freaked so much when she got her first one. Margaret was raped. She believes she sinned against God and despises herself for it. Much of this is taken out on Carrie. Carrie does normal teenage things and her mother punishes her because in her extreme, twisted religious views they are evil. 9. This doll in the closet Carrie was sent to whenever she got in trouble to pray is creepy.

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