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  • 8/8/2019 Case Networks


    INTRODUCTION :Given is the synopsis for the casestudy of a networking system in one of the KOTAKMAHINDRAs branchin dombivali.

    Place : Kotak Mahindra Bank , Dombivali (w)Date Of Visit : 20 august , 2009 .

    Kotak Mahindra Bank is one of the best

    organization where we can study about networking and

    clear our concepts. We selected this particular network, so

    that the impact of networking on a corporate world can be

    studied closely. Mr .Prasad Mehta, a network engineer,

    actually helped us to clear our all queries and concepts of

    networking. In this case study, we have mainly focused on

    the concepts of technological development in networkingfield, along with the network design.We were really interested to :1]. To know how network operates?

    2]. What types of technology is available?

    3]. How does information flow?

    4]. Who is sharing the data and what kind of data is beingshared ? etc

    So finally, We have studied and tried to put forward

    the concepts of networks, in a simplest form. We have described the

    theory of every component in Kotak Mahindra Bank, to make the

    concepts clear and easy.

    BASIC CONCEPTS : K o t a k M a h i n d r a B a n k h a s i n a l l 3 4

    c e n t e r s i n Mumbai. Its main branch (head office) is in Wadala. T h e c e n t e r h a s 2 0 c o m p u t e r s ,n a m e d f r o m A t o T and have multiple laser printers which are shared by

    all the computers. These are called as nodes, i.e.

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    linking devices. It also has a TMS (Token Machine



    C o n n e c t i n g d e v i c e s u s e d a r es w i t c h e s a n d r o u t e r s .

    Switches are used because a hub has only 8 ports and

    if a system wants to connect more than 8 devices to a

    hub, a hub becomes inefficient .So a switch is used to

    connect a number of devices, which is then

    connected to one of the port of a hub, so that the rest

    of the ports of the hub remain free.

    THEORY : S w i t c h e s : T h e y a r e h a r d w a r ea n d / o r s o f t w a r e

    devices capable of creating temporary connections

    between two or more devices linked to a switch , but

    not to each other.

    R o u t e r s : I t i s a n i n t e r c o n n e c t i n gd e v i c e . R o u t e r s

    are more complicated. They have access to network

    layer addresses and contain software that enablesthem to determine which of several possible paths

    between those addresses is the best for a particular

    transmission. Thus, routers relay packets among

    multiple interconnected networks. Routers operate in

    physical data link and network layers of the OSI



    T h e d e v i c e s a r e c o n n e c t e d t o as w i t c h u s i n g c a t - 5 UTP (unshielded twisted pair) straight Cu-cable. The

    end connectors used for the cat-5 cables are called

    RJ-45 (regulated Jacks 45) connector.

    THEORY :

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    T h e m e d i u m d e f i n e s t h e s p e e d a tw h i c h d a t a c a n travel through a connection.

    C a t - 5 U n s h i e l d e d t w i s t e d p a i r

    c a b l e : I t i s a cable belonging to category 5. It supports upto 10

    megabit/sec. These cat-5 cables are capable of

    carrying data effectively at about 80-90 m . Main

    advantages of UTP are its cost and ease of use . UTP

    is cheap , flexible and easy to install.

    R J - 4 5 : I t i s a s n a p - i n p l u g l i k ec o n n e c t o r w i t h 8

    conductors. The connector is attached to the cable

    and the jack is the device that the connector plugs

    into. Thus, one end of cat-5 cable is inserted in RJ-45

    slot of computer and other end is terminated on

    Ethernet port of a switch.

    DATA TRANSMISSION : T h e t r a n s m i s s i o n o f b i n a r y d a t aa c r o s s a l i n k i s

    accomplished in serial mode.THEORY: S e r i a l D a t a T r a n s m i s s i o n : I ns e r i a l d a t a

    transmission one bit follows another , so we need

    only one communication channel rather than n to

    transmit data between two communicating


    T h e a d v a n t a g e o f s e r i a l d a t a

    t r a n s m i s s i o n i s t h a t with only one communication channel, serial

    transmission reduces the cost of transmission over

    parallel by roughly a factor of n.

    I n s e r i a l m o d e , o n e b i t i s s e n tw i t h e a c h c l o c k

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    TOPOLOGY: I n t h i s c e n t r e , a s t a r t o p o l o g y i s

    u s e d . B e c a u s e , i t

    is less expensive, requires less cabeling and easyto install and reconfigure.

    THEORY : T h e t e r m t o p o l o g y r e f e r s t o t h ew a y a n e t w o r k i s laid out, either physically or logically. T w o o r m o r e d e v i c e s c o n n e c t t o al i n k ; t w o o r

    more links form a topology. T o p o l o g y o f a n n e t w o r k i s t h eg e o m e t r i c representation of the relationship of all the linksand linking devices to each other. T h e r e a r e f o u r b a s i c t o p o l o g i e s

    p o s s i b l e .

    1]. Mesh

    2]. Star

    3]. Bus4]. Ring

    T h e s e f o u r t o p o l o g i e s d e s c r i b e h o wt h e d e v i c e s in a network are interconnected rather than their

    physical arrangement.

    STAR TOPOLOGY : I n a s t a r t o p o l o g y , each device has a dedicated point to point link

    only to a central controller , usually called ahub.

    T h e d e v i c e s a r e n o t d i r e c t l y l i n k e dt o e a c h other.

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    A s t a r t o p o l o g y d o e s n o t a l l o wd i r e c t t r a f f i c

    between devices. T h e c o n t r o l l e r a c t s a s a n

    e x c h a n g e . I f o n e device wants to send data to another, it sends the data to the

    controller, which then relays the data to the other connected device.

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    A s t a r t o p o l o g y i s l e s s e x p e n s i v e .I n a s t a r topology, each device needs only one link and

    one I/O port to connect it to any number of

    other devices. This factor makes it easy to

    install and reconfigure.

    O t h e r a d v a n t a g e i s r o b u s t n e s s . I f o n e l i n k f a i l s , only that link is affected. All other links remain

    active. So, as long as, a hub is working , it can

    be used to monitor link problems and detectDEVICEA

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    defective links. So, it leads to easy faultidentification and fault isolation.

    LINE CONFIGURATION : F o r c o m m u n i c a t i o n , p o i n t t o p o i n tl i n e configurations is used.

    THEORY : L i n e c o n f i g u r a t i o n : I t r e f e r s t ot h e w a y t w o

    or more communication devices attach to a link.

    A link is the physical communication pathway

    that transfers data from one device to another.

    P o i n t T o P o i n t C o n f i g u r a t i o n : I tp r o v i d e s

    a dedicated link between two devices. The

    entire capacity of the channel is reserved fortransmission between those two devices. M o s t p o i n t t o p o i n t l i n ec o n f i g u r a t i o n u s e a n

    actual length of wire or cable to connect the two

    ends, but other options, such as microwave or

    satellite links are also possible.


    T h e t r a n s m i s s i o n m o d e u s e d i sf u l l - d u p l e x .

    THEORY : T r a n s m i s s i o n m o d e : T h e t e r m i su s e d t o d e f i n e the direction of signal flow between two linked

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    devices. F u l l - d u p l e x m o d e : I n d u p l e xm o d e , b o t h s t a t i o n s can transmit and receive simultaneously.

    I n f u l l d u p l e x m o d e , s i g n a l s g o i n gi n e i t h e r

    direction share the capacity of the link. This

    sharing can occur in two ways: either the link

    must contain two physically separate transmission

    paths, one for sending and another for receiving ,

    or the capacity of the channel is divided between

    signals traveling in opposite directions.

    SERVER : T h e m a i n s e r v e r i s i n W a d a l a . I ts t o r e s t h e

    database of all connecting devices. When we make

    and changes in a file stored in a particular device,

    connected to a server , same changes are made to

    the file which is stored on the server. The

    application installed in every connecting device,

    can be accessed directly from the server as well.THEORY : S e r v e r i s a c o m p u t e r o r a d e v i c ew i t h h i g h s t o r a g e capacity, that stores all data, entered on the variousdevices, connected to the server. A s e r v e r i s r e a l l y i m p o r t a n t d a t as t o r a g e s y s t e m and also it is very sensitive. Thus, it is kept in a

    separate room called server room.SWITCHING METHOD : I t u s e s p a c k e t s w i t c h i n g m e t h o d .

    THEORY :

    I n a p a c k e t s w i t c h e d n e t w o r k ,d a t a a r e t r a n s m i t t e d

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    in discrete units of potentially variable length blockscalled packets. T h e m a x i m u m l e n g t h o f t h e p a c k e ti s e s t a b l i s h e d b y

    the network. Longer transmissions are broken up into multiplepackets. Each packet contains not only data but also a header with

    control information. T h e p a c k e t s a r e s e n t o v e r t h en e t w o r k n o d e t o n o d e . At each node, the packet is stored briefly then routedaccording to the information.

    CATEGORY OF THE NETWORK : L o c a l a r e a n e t w o r k ( L A N ) u s e d ,

    a l l o w s t o s h a r e different resources like laser printer betweencomputers.

    THEORY : A l o c a l a r e a n e t w o r k i s u s u a l l y

    p r i v a t e l y o w n e d a n d links the devices in a single office, building orcampus. LAN size is limited to a few kilometers. L A N a r e d e s i g n e d t o a l l o w

    r e s o u r c e s t o b e s h a r e d between personal computers or workstations. The

    resources to be shared can include a hardware or asoftware. L A N s a r e d i s t i n g u i s h e d f r o m o t h e r t y p e s o f

    networks by their transmission media, size and

    topology. A given LAN may use only one type of

    transmission medium. T r a d i t i o n a l l y , L A N s h a v e d a t a i nt h e 4 t o 1 6 M b p s range.


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    A l l t h e b r a n c h e s o f K o t a k M a h i n d r a u s e 0 ( z e r o ) series IP address , specified by Kotak Mahindrashead branch. It comes under class A.

    SECURITY : N e t w o r k s e c u r i t y i s s u e s i n c l u d e

    p r o t e c t i n g d a t a f r o m unauthorized access and viruses.

    U n a u t h o r i z e d a c c e s s : F o r an e t w o r k t o b e u s e f u l

    , sensitive data must be protected from unauthorized

    access. Protection can be accomplished at a number

    of levels. At the lowest level are user identification

    codes and passwords. Every device has its ownnetwork address, by which anyone can connect to the

    Case Study on Computer Networking( Kotak Mahindra Bank)

    INTRODUCTION :Given is the synopsis for the case

    study of a networking system in one of the KOTAKMAHINDRAs branchin dombivali.

    Place : Kotak Mahindra Bank , Dombivali (w)

    Kotak Mahindra Bank is one of the best

    organization where we can study about networking and

    clear our concepts. We selected this particular network, so

    that the impact of networking on a corporate world can be

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    studied closely. Mr .Prasad Mehta, a network engineer,

    actually helped us to clear our all queries and concepts of

    networking. In this case study, we have mainly focused on

    the concepts of technological development in networking

    field, along with the network design.We were really interested to :1]. To know how network operates?

    2]. What types of technology is available?

    3]. How does information flow?

    4]. Who is sharing the data and what kind of data is being

    shared ? etcSo finally, We have studied and tried to put forward

    the concepts of networks, in a simplest form. We have described the

    theory of every component in Kotak Mahindra Bank, to make the

    concepts clear and easy.

    BASIC CONCEPTS : Kotak Mahindra Bank has in all 34 centers inMumbai. Its main branch (head office) is in Wadala.

    The center has 20 computers, named from A to Tand have multiple laser printers which are shared by

    all the computers. These are called as nodes, i.e.

    linking devices. It also has a TMS (Token Machine



    Connecting devices used are switches and routers.Switches are used because a hub has only 8 ports and

    if a system wants to connect more than 8 devices to ahub, a hub becomes inefficient .So a switch is used to

    connect a number of devices, which is then

    connected to one of the port of a hub, so that the rest

    of the ports of the hub remain free.

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    THEORY : Switches : They are hardware and/or softwaredevices capable of creating temporary connections

    between two or more devices linked to a switch , but

    not to each other.

    Routers: It is an interconnecting device. Routersare more complicated. They have access to network

    layer addresses and contain software that enables

    them to determine which of several possible paths

    between those addresses is the best for a particular

    transmission. Thus, routers relay packets among

    multiple interconnected networks. Routers operate in

    physical data link and network layers of the OSImodel.


    The devices are connected to a switch using cat-5UTP (unshielded twisted pair) straight Cu-cable. The

    end connectors used for the cat-5 cables are called

    RJ-45 (regulated Jacks 45) connector.

    THEORY : The medium defines the speed at which data cantravel through a connection.

    Cat-5 Unshielded twisted pair cable : It is acable belonging to category 5. It supports upto 10

    megabit/sec. These cat-5 cables are capable of

    carrying data effectively at about 80-90 m . Main

    advantages of UTP are its cost and ease of use . UTP

    is cheap , flexible and easy to install.

    RJ-45: It is a snap-in plug like connector with 8conductors. The connector is attached to the cable

    and the jack is the device that the connector plugs

    into. Thus, one end of cat-5 cable is inserted in RJ-45

    slot of computer and other end is terminated on

    Ethernet port of a switch.

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    COMPUTER NETWORKSSubmitted to:

    Prof. Vandana KadamSubmitted by :A040 SONAL . SHETH.A041 SONAM . SINGH.A042 BHUSHAN. TAMBE.A043DEVAYANI.TELANGE.



    1]. Introduction

    2]. Connecting devices

    3]. Communication channel

    4]. Data Transmission

    5]. Topology

    6]. Line configuration

    7]. Transmission mode

    8]. Server

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    9]. Switching method

    10]. Category of the network

    11]. Security

    12]. Network Layout

    INTRODUCTION :Given is the synopsis for the casestudy of a networking system in one of the KOTAKMAHINDRAs branchin dombivali.Place : Kotak Mahindra Bank , Dombivali (w)

    Date Of Visit : 20 august , 2009 .Kotak Mahindra Bank is one of the best

    organization where we can study about networking and

    clear our concepts. We selected this particular network, so

    that the impact of networking on a corporate world can be

    studied closely. Mr .Prasad Mehta, a network engineer,

    actually helped us to clear our all queries and concepts of

    networking. In this case study, we have mainly focused on

    the concepts of technological development in networking

    field, along with the network design.

    We were really interested to :1]. To know how network operates?

    DATA TRANSMISSION : The transmission of binary data across a link isaccomplished in serial mode.


    Serial Data Transmission : In serial datatransmission one bit follows another , so we needonly one communication channel rather than n to

    transmit data between two communicating


    The advantage of serial data transmission is that

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    with only one communication channel, serial

    transmission reduces the cost of transmission over

    parallel by roughly a factor of n.

    In serial mode, one bit is sent with each clock


    TOPOLOGY: In this centre, a star topology is used. Because, itis less expensive, requires less cabeling and easyto install and reconfigure.

    THEORY : The term topology refers to the way a network islaid out, either physically or logically. Two or more devices connect to a link; two ormore links form a topology. Topology of an network is the geometricrepresentation of the relationship of all the linksand linking devices to each other. There are four basic topologies possible.1]. Mesh

    2]. Star

    3]. Bus4]. Ring

    These four topologies describe how the devicesin a network are interconnected rather than theirphysical arrangement.

    STAR TOPOLOGY : In a star topology,each device has a dedicated point to point link

    only to a central controller , usually called a

    hub. The devices are not directly linked to eachother. A star topology does not allow direct trafficbetween devices. The controller acts as an exchange. If one

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    device wants to send data to another, it sends the data to the

    controller, which then relays the data to the other connected device.

    A star topology is less expensive. In a startopology, each device needs only one link and

    one I/O port to connect it to any number of

    other devices. This factor makes it easy to

    install and reconfigure.

    Other advantage is robustness. If one link fails,only that link is affected. All other links remain

    active. So, as long as, a hub is working , it can

    be used to monitor link problems and detect

    defective links. So, it leads to easy faultidentification and fault isolation.

    LINE CONFIGURATION : For communication, point to point lineconfigurations is used.

    THEORY : Line configuration : It refers to the way twoor more communication devices attach to a link.

    A link is the physical communication pathwaythat transfers data from one device to another.

    Point To Point Configuration : It providesa dedicated link between two devices. The

    entire capacity of the channel is reserved for

    transmission between those two devices.

    Most point to point line configuration use anactual length of wire or cable to connect the two

    ends, but other options, such as microwave orsatellite links are also possible.

    TRANSMISSION MODE : T h e t r a n s m i s s i o n m o d e u s e d i sf u l l - d u p l e x .

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    THEORY : T r a n s m i s s i o n m o d e : T h e t e r mi s u s e d t o d e f i n e the direction of signal flow between two linked

    devices. F u l l - d u p l e x m o d e : I n d u p l e xm o d e , b o t h s t a t i o n s can transmit and receive simultaneously. I n f u l l d u p l e x m o d e , s i g n a l sg o i n g i n e i t h e r direction share the capacity of the link. This

    sharing can occur in two ways: either the link

    must contain two physically separate transmissionpaths, one for sending and another for receiving ,

    or the capacity of the channel is divided between

    signals traveling in opposite directions.

    SERVER : T h e m a i n s e r v e r i s i n W a d a l a .I t s t o r e s t h e database of all connecting devices. When we make

    and changes in a file stored in a particular device,connected to a server , same changes are made to

    the file which is stored on the server. The

    application installed in every connecting device,

    can be accessed directly from the server as well.

    THEORY : S e r v e r i s a c o m p u t e r o r ad e v i c e w i t h h i g h s t o r a g e

    capacity, that stores all data, entered on the variousdevices, connected to the server. A s e r v e r i s r e a l l y i m p o r t a n td a t a s t o r a g e s y s t e m and also it is very sensitive. Thus, it is kept in aseparate room called server room.

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    SWITCHING METHOD : I t u s e s p a c k e t s w i t c h i n gm e t h o d .

    THEORY :

    I n a p a c k e t s w i t c h e dn e t w o r k , d a t a a r e t r a n s m i t t e d in discrete units of potentially variable length blockscalled packets. T h e m a x i m u m l e n g t h o f t h ep a c k e t i s e s t a b l i s h e d b y the network. Longer transmissions are broken up into multiple

    packets. Each packet contains not only data but also a header with

    control information.

    T h e p a c k e t s a r e s e n t o v e r t h en e t w o r k n o d e t o n o d e . At each node, the packet is stored briefly then routedaccording to the information.

    CATEGORY OF THE NETWORK : L o c a l a r e a n e t w o r k ( L A N )u s e d , a l l o w s t o s h a r e

    different resources like laser printer betweencomputers.

    THEORY : A l o c a l a r e a n e t w o r k i s u s u a l l yp r i v a t e l y o w n e d a n d links the devices in a single office, building orcampus. LAN size is limited to a few kilometers. L A N a r e d e s i g n e d t o a l l o wr e s o u r c e s t o b e s h a r e d between personal computers or workstations. The

    resources to be shared can include a hardware or asoftware. L A N s a r e d i s t i n g u i s h e d f r o mo t h e r t y p e s o f

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    networks by their transmission media, size and

    topology. A given LAN may use only one type of

    transmission medium.

    T r a d i t i o n a l l y , L A N s h a v e d a t a

    i n t h e 4 t o 1 6 M b p s range.

    IP ADDRESS : A l l t h e b r a n c h e s o f K o t a kM a h i n d r a u s e 0 ( z e r o ) series IP address , specified by Kotak Mahindrashead branch. It comes under class A.


    N e t w o r k s e c u r i t y i s s u e si n c l u d e p r o t e c t i n g d a t a f r o m unauthorized access and viruses.

    U n a u t h o r i z e d a c c e s s : F o r an e t w o r k t o b e u s e f u l , sensitive data must be protected from unauthorized

    access. Protection can be accomplished at a number

    of levels. At the lowest level are user identification

    codes and passwords. Every device has its own

    network address, by which anyone can connect to the

    device and access the data. But if a user

    identification code and password are not known then

    we can connect to that device but cannot access the


    At a higher level, are encryption techniques. In thesemechanisms, data are systematically altered in such a

    way that if they are intercepted by an unauthorizeduser, it will not be accessible.

    VIRUSES : Because a network is accessible frommany points it can be prone to computer viruses. A

    virus is an illicitly introduced code that damages the

    system. A good network is protected from viruses by

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    hardware and software designed specially for that


    NETWORK LAYOUT : Every centre of Kotak Mahindra sends its data to the

    main branch for updating. All computers, from A to T, are attached to a switchwith the help pf a cat-5 cable and RJ-45 connector.

    One end of the cat-5 cable is inserted in RJ-45 slot of

    computer and other end is terminated on Ethernet

    port of a switch.

    The switch is then connected to a hub. One port ofhub has a connection with a laser printer, which is

    shared by all the computers, Also, a hub has a

    connection with a TMs ( Token Machine System ), so

    that TMS can register the token of a customer on the

    computer, directly. Other ports of a hub remain free.

    HUB is then connected to a router, which route thepackets from one network to the other, so that it getsto the final destination. Since, the data cannot be sent directly through a

    network, it has to convert into digital form, in short,it has to be modulated, so that it can travel through a

    network easily and safely. For this, a modem is

    connected to a router, which modulates and transfers

    the data through lease lines.

    To setup the internet connection, various serviceproviders such as Siffy broadband, Reliance , etc areused.

    When a connection is established, data flows throughthe lease lines and is received by the modem at thereceivers side i.e. at the main centre. Modem then

    demodulates the data and sends it to the router

    connected to it.

    Routers then route this data to the main server and

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    data gets stored on the server.

    If the device at the receivers side wants to reply tothe data to one of the device, the entire process isreversed. In this way data can be received and accessed by anyKotak Mahindra branch.

    CONCLUSION : This is how networking takes place inKotak Mahindras branch.



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