Page 1: Case Study Advanced Management Systems

Advanced Management Systems Ltd (AMS) is a privately owned, New Zealandsoftware solutions and services company that has been in business for more than30 years. We are a proven, trusted partner for many large organisations andgovernment departments.

Our key focus is not on information technology. It’s on helping business to bettermeet the needs of employees and customers - and finding solutions to deliverefficiencies that help the bottom line. We deliver much more than a backroom toolkit.

Our people include HR consultants, business analysts, project managers, whoteam with our systems management specialists and software developers. Theywork together to fit the right solution for our customers and deliver ongoingservice.

“Finding the right people for a business like ours is critical and, over the past year,AMS has used the NBR Talent online recruitment hub to appoint a ProfessionalServices Manager, Implementation Consultant and Help Desk Support Analyst,”Richard Taylor, GM Product Delivery said.

“With our most recent Professional Services Manager appointment, we werefinding challenges connecting with the right candidate utilising the traditional jobboard, networking and single agency channels.”

“Through posting the job on to the NBR Talent site, we were able to quicklybroaden the net to a wider network of specialist recruitment agencies."

“I would have no issues recommending NBR Talent to other businesses.”

NBR Talent is a National Business Review-initiated online recruitment hub thatlets you easily connect with talent from a large network of recruitment agencies.Our clients cut recruitment spend, decrease time to hire, eliminate hours ofpaperwork and have access to a wider network of recruitment partners.

To learn how NBR Talent can help you identify and hire the best candidatesquickly, visit our website or call: 09 928 5085 to speak to us and schedule anonline demo.

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