
Catching Data the Easy Way (and FREE!)

DATAUsing (Mostly Google) TECHNOLOGY To Get It The Easy Way!NCSCA 2016 ConferencePresented by: Jenny Bates, School Counselor


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Overview of PresentationWho I amWhat can data do for you?Where to start?Samples and Examples (FREE!)

Please be considerate of one anotherMute or turn off cellphones; Leave to take a callBathrooms are located ____________No internet access: Presentation available: To receive presentation via email: complete sign in sheetAll information may be shared and/or edited for personal usePlease dont use for profit or take credit

Overview of Presentation (about 1 hour)Who is Jenny Bates?What can data do for you?Where do I start?Samples and Examples (FREE!)2

(Presentation available here)

Im a wife and mother and have been working with kids since I graduated college in 1999. Ive been a school counselor since 2004 and still love it! I also just completed a school leadership program and earned my license for school administration.

I believe in working smarter, not harder, and I LOVE what Google has done for me in my profession. It helps me stay organized and appear to be much more efficient than I would be without it! I also believe in SHARING our resources and helping one another without charging I want to give to others and learn something from them too!3

What can data do for you?Let data do the work for youshow how effective you are!

Why do we need data? What can we use it for and who can we share it with? Does it help us make a difference?4

The proof is in the data!Professional evaluationJob descriptionProgram evaluationNeeds assessmentImpact on students, families, staff

YES! Data can work to our benefit and help us improve professionally as well as help others understand why our role is important!

Professional evaluationWe all need artifacts and proof of the activities and programs we provide. Data is an easy way to show what you are doing and how you are meeting your professional goals and standards.We are in a time of accountability and are being required to SHOW our effectiveness!Job descriptionLets face it no one knows what school counselors do and many think we just sit in our office waiting for kids to come to us for counseling. We know this is not true! Data is a quick and easy way to share the many services you are providing and how much MORE you do than simply wait in your office for a crisis. We all have to promote our profession and advocate for ourselves. Sharing data will help others learn what you do and how you are helping them.Program evaluationIs what we are doing worth it? Is it effective? Is it making a difference? Are students growing? Can we improve?Needs assessmentEvery school is different we can use data to tell us what is needed and how we can help. What are the dynamics and needs of the students, families, staff? Impact on students, families, staffUse data to show how you have made a difference in a positive way. Show what your interventions have accomplished.5

Where do I start?Data can be overwhelming! Too much and it will be ignored; too little and it will be dismissed

The best place to start is at the END Begin with backward planning with the end results in mind.

Think about what you want to prove or demonstrate or collect and how you need that information to be presented. Then you can begin thinking about what information youll need to collect in order to prove what youre looking for.

Are you looking to see if a particular intervention was effective? Do you need to know what grade levels are most vulnerable to bullying? Do you need proof of how many students and parents youve had contact with and what types of contacts youve made?

What are you trying to prove or assess?What do you want to know? Depending on the type of information you want to get, the type of data collection will vary. Have students learned a specific strategy or content? Has the perception of something changed? Has attendance increased?Surveys: interpreted data and can be subjective; good for perception or thoughtsHard data: actual results of something that is not interpreted (attendance rate; EOG scores)Assessment data: results of assessment (classroom test; comparison of pre-post questions)6

What data do you REALLY need?What is important?What are you trying to prove or assess?Who or what is the data to be used for?

What is important?We can gather a lot of information, but much if it doesnt give us the insight we need. What is REALLY important and what information do I need to make decisions about my programming?Demographics: racial, sex, economical status, family information, housingAcademics:Attendance:Behavior:

What technology do you have access to? What are your resources available to use?PowerSchoolmClass or Academic assessmentsSurveys, TWC, Title IGoogle

Who or what is the data to be used for?Be sure the data you collect is user-friendly for the audience its intended for. It needs to be easily understood and give the information that is relevant to the particular clientele or audienceCharts and graphs are ALWAYS a great tool!!!


Samples & ExamplesFREE! FREE! FREE!

Lets face it, we dont have funding for our programs and we definitely dont get paid enough to spend our income on programs to collect dataespecially when so many programs are absolutely free!

Im going to talk a lot about how to use Google because it is a great tool for many situations and it is FREE!!!8

Basic Google RequirementsCreate a free Google accountGo to and click create account

Google Drive = AccessForms, Sheets, Docs, Slides, Websites

All you need to access the tools available is to create a FREE Google account.

It starts with an email account and gives you immediate access to Google Drive where you can use Forms, Sheets, Docs, Slides, & Websites


Google Forms LOTS of uses not just a survey!

Surveys, Polls, EvaluationsUse to get feedbackStudent ConnectednessNeeds AssessmentVotingLesson Evaluation

Assessments/TestsUse to assess where students areA test that grades itself!Pre/Post testGrowth/understanding of lessonsNotification Tool & Data TrackingUse to collect and analyze informationType and # of ReferralsNumber of parent contactsCounseling referralsDiscipline, Office, Behavior ReferralsAttendance or CheckIn-CheckOut

Automatically links to google sheetCreate graphs and charts; Track data

Surveys, Polls, EvaluationsUse to get FEEDBACKCan be used each year to review and modify planning and progress toward goalsSummary of Responses is automatically updated; creates graphs and charts for easy viewingEnd result: graph of percentage feeling connected to schoolStudent ConnectednessNeeds AssessmentVotingLesson Evaluation

Assessments/TestsUse to ASSESS where students areCan be used for academic, social, behavioral small group or classroom lessonsFlubaroo will automatically grade, analyze, and email feedback!End result: percentage of students needing extra support in specific areas; graphs of student progress or comparisons of pre/post resultsA test that grades itself!Pre/Post test (measure growth/understanding of lessons)

Notification Tool & Data TrackingUse to COLLECT AND ANALYZE informationCan be created to immediately send email notification when changes are made (when someone fills out the form)Some schools are using Forms to replace hard copies of discipline referralsSmall Groups: Attendance Group or CICO Simple check in procedure and gives automatic summary of data without inputting any extra informationEnd result: graph of student progress; immediate notification of referrals ; charts and graphs of referrals types, ages, grades, etc

What Type of Question Do You Need?

You first need to decide how you want your data to be presented is it best to see it in a pie chart, line, graph, or paragraph? This will help determine what type of questions to include in your Google form.11

Types of Questions (cont.)


Step by Step Instructions for Creating, Editing, & Sharing Google Forms

Unfortunately, without internet connectivity, I cannot walk you through creating a form, but this site, from Google, gives step by step instructions for creating, editing, and sharing forms.13

Short video of instructions for creating Google Forms


Samples of Evaluations & Surveys

Students feel heard and feel they can give feedback and will make a differenceNew Google Forms also shows results as a summary with all entries AND as individual entries so you can break it down by individual and see their responses!

(SAMPLE Student Connectedness/Feelings about School)(SAMPLE Program needs assessment)(SAMPLE Evaluation of program/Lesson)

Samples of Quizzes & Assessments

Automatically scores answers and calculates percentages for correct and missed responses

Also allows individual responses to be graded, discussed, and emailed directly back to student!

Old Google FormsTests that grades itself! using FLUBAROOUse Add-On to initiate Flubaroo grading (shown in next slide)New Google Forms automatically give option to make into a quizSummary of responsesIndividualized responsescan even email to student!

(SAMPLE Small Group Assessment w/Pre & Post test)You need to know if your intervention of a small group achieved your goal of improving (SAMPLE Bullying Test)Group summaryIndividual answers(SAMPLE Guidance Curriculum)

Samples of Using FlubarooCreate a google form with questions include name, email if availableAnswer form using answer key for nameMake sure all answers correctGo to spreadsheet, click add-ons and search flubarooFollow instructions and Viola!

Free Add-On created by a former teacher Flubaroo is a free tool that helps you quickly grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments. I designed it for my own classroom, and want to share it with other teachers... for free!

More than just a grading tool, Flubaroo also:Computes average assignment score.Computes average score per question, and flags low-scoring questions.Shows you a grade distribution graph.Gives you the option to email each student their grade, and an answer key.Lets you send individualized feedback to each student.

Short video of using Flubaroo


Samples for Notification & Data Collection Google Form to enter data

Automatically generates graphs

Set up Notifications to alert you immediately or daily when any changes are made!

Forms can be public (posted on websites and emailed) but the information will be confidential for the owner of the google form/sheet

Data collection toolsHow many referrals from each grade?How many parent contacts?(SAMPLE Bus discipline referral log)


Samples of Report Forms & Referrals

Automatically notifies you of referral for immediate response!

Keeps track of referrals and collects data for you!

Forms can be anonymous! Students are more likely to fill out a form than paper/pencil get more information from them!

Immediately notifies you of referral or entryQuick response time

(SAMPLE Bully Reporting) immediate notification so you can react to it(SAMPLE Student Referrals)keeps track of the number and types of referrals so you can adjust program needs

Samples of Report Forms & Referrals

Monthly reports track types of activitiesMay be used for artifact evidence on evaluations

This is what can be generated from a referral:Graphs of types, areas of need, grade levels, etc(SAMPLE Attendance)easily see who has completed lessons, groups, etc(SAMPLE Daily Log to record Contact/Session entries (type, grade, reason, etc)easily logs your activities for monthly reports, artifacts, or programming needs

Google SheetsGraphs, Data, & Reports (CICO Progress)Track student participation, grades, homework, behaviorSign-up sheetsCreate custom graphs, easy to readRisk AssessmentsSSMT Organizations

Easy to share and collaborate!

Sheets are linked to a form or created independently, like a spreadsheet

Ability to add graphs and charts, just like in Excel

Shared sheets can be given different permissions view, edit, private, public, etc

Sheets can also be downloaded into Excel to create mail merges!

Samples of Sheets for Data Collection

Easily track and share data for student behavior and progress monitoringCICO ProgressBehavior interventions, academic interventions & Progress monitoringGrades, Homework, ParticipationRosters for services or interventionsStudent groups Easy to sort by Teacher, Grade, etc

Keep track of dates and other informationAccess it from anywhere!

How To Create A Mail Merge From A Google Sheet

From Google Sheet, Download as an Excel File

Open Word Document and create a letter,Add a mail merge from existing listSelect downloaded Excel formEnter labels into sections of letter for personalized reports. Print or email all at once!

You can also download Google sheets to Excel and create a mail merge in a Word document that will generate a generic letter with personalized entries to give to parents, staff, students.Step by step instructions at: The video shows steps for completing a basic mail merge

Samples:Angel Tree list/Outreach Services/Group AssignmentsProgress Reports/Test ScoresCareer Day Choices/Class Choices/Student Job & Work Permits


Sample of Using Google Calendar to Track ActivitiesWork schedule, personal calendar, and other calendars in one viewConfidential CalendarStudent NotesEasily change events, recurring events, remindersShare calendars (principal and staff can find you)Appointment slots of easy scheduling (classrooms, teacher conference, parent meetings, student schedulingList standards, character traits, and objectives to be taught throughout the year

Google Calendar: SampleDirect ServicesDSIndirect ServicesISProgram PlanningPPNon-Counseling Activities/DutiesNC

Use codes for easy download and sort

Appointments Create appointment slots, share link with people to sign up...automatically adds slots to your calendar and theirs!Personalized Calendars: Different Codes for various activities makes it easier to collect data laterDirect ServicesIndirect ServicesProgram PlanningNon-Counseling Activities/DutiesKeep a private (confidential) calendar and public calendarAdd public to website or share with staffPrivate-Student Notes: track simple notes on student/parent sessions in the notes area. Be sure this is a Private calendar! Scheduling: Access different calendars to see what is going on and when to schedule important events/meetingsSharing: share public calendar with your school, principal, websiteReminders (monthly reports, etc) can set up notifications of upcoming events

Sample of Using Google Calendar to Export Data

Export data to excel:

Convert calendar items to download into Excel or Sheets and sort by type of activity to create charts and graphs!

Data to Excel Sheet Click link and go! Easily sort data!FREE version allows 10 exports every 3 months!

Video showing exporting Google calendar into Excel

Exported calendar is easily sorted or graphed in Excel

Can also be downloaded into Google Drive and display ready made charts and graphs!


How to ShareSharing links and results

Easy to share links as well as results!29

Sharing Made EasySharing Google Forms:EmailEmbed in websiteSend linkHardcopySharing ResultsSummary of dataCapture imagePost onlineHardcopy

Sharing Google Forms:EmailEmbed in websiteSend linkHardcopy

Sharing ResultsSummary of dataCapture imagePost onlineHardcopy


Google SitesInformation about programming, activities, servicesCalendar, videos, presentationsCommunication, Resource Library, Quick LinksLinks automatically updated via google drivePicasa web albumsGoogle docs, slides, sheetsLinks to reports, surveys, contactsSet to notify you when changedLessons, Meetings, CurriculumMrs. Bates School Counseling: PBIS:

Create a new site and add the following examples: link, google form, image, new page: forms and documents must be public for others to view!Communication: Easily share information with public or select group of people; Immediately update information availableResource Library: Include links to helpful information for parents, schools, students, etc.all in one placeQuick Links: Include classroom lessons/links on your website to easily access during class or other meetingsSurveysDataContactsCalendar

Google Sites: Share for Easy Access

If you share a site with someone, it will show up under their list of google sites for easy access

Google Sites: Sample

PBIS Lessons, Surveys, Tests Links to Referral FormsInstructional Support Forms and Resources Links to Referral and Report FormsCounselor Monthly Report Links to Accountability FormsLessons for classrooms or parents Links and Forms embedded into site for easy access33

Questions? Comments?


ResourcesACA Code of Ethics. Retrieved from: Evans, B. (n.d.) Google Apps for Education: 40 Ways to Start Using Apps in SchoolsGcal2excel:, C., Disque, J., & Robertson, P. (2002). When parents want to know: Responding to parental demands for confidential information. Professional School Counselor (6:2). American School Counselor Association.


Resources (continued)National Board for Certified counselors. (1997). Guidelines for the new world of webcounseling. NBCC News Notes, 14(2). Retrieved from The WebCounseling Site. (2006). Retrieved from Wierzalis, E. (n.d.). Ethical/Legal Issues & The Professional School Counselor. University of North Carolina at Charlotte.


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