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M.A.I.N Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

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MILITARISM Glorification of the military

When a nation’s armed forces come to dominate a country’s national policy.

As tensions increased leaders began to stockpile weapons and increase armies.

Many of these nationstried to outdo each other by trying to have the most modern weaponry and the most menin uniform.

1880 1914Germany




Military Sizes

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ALLIANCES Alliances began to from among countries

causing increased confidence among leaders. Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary,

Ottoman Empire, and BulgariaAustria-Hungary and Germany will be known as the

Central Powers Triple Entente: France, Russia, Great Britain

Later known as the AlliesEntente – alliances formed by signing non-binding

agreements to try & keep peace. Leaders knew if they declared war they would have backup.

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IMPERIALISM Many of the countries in Europe tried to

establish empires that expanded throughout the globe.

They were frequently getting into each other’s way which led to animosity between the countries.

During the Franco-Prussian War (1870) Prussia (Germany) gained control over a small border province, Alsace-Lorraine. France resented this takeover and gave motive for war 44 years later.

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NATIONALISMExtreme devotion to one’s nation

Europeans believed that a nation should express one ethnic group.

If a country existed as a representation of “its people” (the majority ethnic group) the minorities were being left out leading to increased tension.

Serbia’s national flag

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NATIONALISM (CONT) Nationalism helped

weaken empires such as Austria-Hungary and Ottoman.

Serbia became independent and threatened Austria-Hungary by trying to gain some of their land and setting example for Austria-Hungary.

Social Darwinists believed the best country would come out the winner.

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ASSASSINATION 28 June 1914 Heir to Austrian

throne Franz Ferdinand visits Sarajevo.

At the time, Bosnia was under the rule of Austria-Hungary. But it was also the home of many Serbs and other Slavs, leading to unrest. This area is called the Balkans, and it was known as the “powder keg” of Europe.

Hotbed of Slav nationalism

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“Black Hand” terrorists attack the Arch Duke

Bomb attempt fails in morning

Gavrilo Princip shoots Archduke and wife in the afternoon.

Austrians blame Serbia for supporting terrorists.

Seal of the Black Hand group

Gavrilo Princip

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FIGHTING BEGINS Soon after the murder Germany

promised Austria-Hungary its support. Austria-Hungary demanded Serbia investigate the assassination. Serbia declined.

Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia July 28, 1914. Russia allied with Serbia. Germany declared war on Russia. Britain and France joined as well.

Germany declared war on neutral Belgium in hopes of using it to enter into France.

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US ENTERS WAR US attempted to stay neutral and Wilson

encouraged neutrality. However in 1914 1/3rd of Americans were

foreign born. Many of these individuals supported their home countries though most sided with Britain and France.

3 positions on war: 1) Isolationists- believed it was none of

America’s business. 2) Interventionists- felt US should intervene 3) Internationalists- believed US should play a

role and work towards peace but not enter the war.

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• 11 million German-Americans

• Irish-Americans hated Great Britain

• Close cultural ties • Big business loaned

much $ to allies

Central Powers: Allies:

Nations 1914 1915 1916 Britain $594,271,863 $911,794,954 $1,526,685,102 France $159,818,924 $364,397,170 $628,851,988 Germany $344,794,276 $28,863,354 $288,899

US Exports to both sides:

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1. Blockades • Britain blockaded

(stopped) all German ships going to America

• Germany announced a submarine war around Britain

• In May, 1915 Germany told Americans to stay off of British ships

• They could/would sink them

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LUSITANIA• Lusitania

torpedoed, sinking with 1200 passengers and crew (including 128 Americans)

• Was eventually found to be carrying 4200 cases of ammunition

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2. Unlimited Submarine Warfare • 1917

Germany announced “unlimited submarine warfare” in the war zone

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3. Zimmerman Note • US intercepted a note from Germany to

Mexico, • It promised Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona

back in return for an alliance

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• Zimmerman Note + the sinking of 4 unarmed American ships led to a declaration of war by the United States

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