
CBD Diet Guide

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Terry Brandfass


How Does CBD Affect Your Weight?

Can CBD promote weight loss? I would like to take this opportunity to personally note my experience with CBD and my weight loss. I have struggled with weight loss all of my life. And trust me when I say, a woman in her 70s generally struggles even more to keep her figure…or at least a facsimile there of LOL.

My son, Chad, put me on a CBD regimen in the later part of 2017 for a pituitary tumor that had returned. CBD is also known to reduce, eliminate or keep tumors from advancing. I have had no growth for the past two years…BUT, in the fourth month I received the best gift ever. I noticed my weight started dropping without my changing anything in my diet. With that being said, please note that I have a pretty darn clean well rounded diet. I have never been a fast food junkie…a Twinkies has never passed through these lips…you get the point. Imagine the excitement when I started to drop a pound or two each month. I didn’t hit a semi plateau until I had lost 22 pounds due to my CBD regimen. My metabolic rate had been adjusted to what it should have been all of my life. THANK YOU CBD!!!

Today, I am still losing a pound here and there, and my friends notice…but an even better newsbreak, is that I am not gaining the weight back! It was at this point in time that I decided to learn all I could about CBD and how I can help others lose weight, get into better shape, and teach others how to relieve pain and inflammation…all of the health benefits that CBD has to offer. There is nothing better than being able to give the gift of health and a better life! Another personal revelation for me was that within a couple months, I could open up most lids that previously required me to use some type of jar opening apparatus to open in the past. The pain and inflammation in my right hand was significantly reduced allowing me more flexibility and use. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a natural compound gaining a lot of popularity in the natural health world…and rightly so! CBD is one of the compounds called cannabinoids in the hemp plant. Many people, such as myself, believe that CBD can aid in weight loss. I had my own first-hand experience. CBD can aid weight loss due to how it works in the body. The body has a built-in endocannabinoid system. This system responds to different compounds within the body through two cannabinoid (CB) receptors, called the CB1 and CB2 receptors. Usually, CB1 receptors exist mainly in the brain and central nervous system and are almost nonexistent in the rest of the body. CB2 receptors, on the other hand, exist throughout the body. In people with obesity, however, CB1 receptors become more widespread, especially in fatty tissue. Because of this, researchers believe that there is a link between the activation of the CB1 receptors and obesity.

Proponents of CBD for weight loss also state that it can convert white, or "bad," fat into

brown fat, which may help the body burn calories. White fat may also increase the risk of many chronic conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes. A 2016 study helps back up this statement. The researchers found that CBD plays multiple roles in how the body interacts with fat. Not only did CBD help convert white fat cells into brown fat cells, it also stimulated the body to break down fats more efficiently. The researchers note that CBD can be a promising therapy for preventing obesity, and more studies in humans are being conducted. CBD melts away fat in the body by breaking down and eliminating it from the body as waste. Research from 2018 helps explain this phenomenon. The process of turning white fat cells to brown fat cells actually changes how these cells act in the body. Brown fat cells appear to be a more active form of fat. They burn off energy as heat, meaning that they actually burn calories.

CBD Can boost metabolism and reduce food intake Preliminary research suggests that CBD can reduce food intake and boosts the metabolism, promoting weight loss. For example, CBD affects weight by interacting with CB1 and CB2 receptors in lymphoid tissue and the brain. These receptors are thought to play important roles in the body’s metabolism and food intake. In a two-week study, rats were injected with CBD daily at doses of 1.1 and 2.3 mg per pound of body weight (2.5 and 5 mg per kg). Both doses produced significant reductions in body weight, with the higher dose having the most pronounced effect. It’s important to note that CBD was injected, not given orally. In another rat study, CBD led to a significant reduction in food intake compared to other cannabinoids, including cannabigerol and cannabinol. CBD helps block off the CB1 receptors, meaning that it can reduce the risk of obesity. For instance, a treatment using CBD reduced total cholesterol by 25 percent in obese rats. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of CBD also appeared to decrease blood sugar levels and increase markers for liver health.

CBD Can promote ‘browning’ of fat cells As we stated prior, there are two types of fat — white and brown — that exist in your body. White fat is the predominant form, responsible for storing and supplying energy while insulating and cushioning your organs. It is also the type of fat most associated with chronic illnesses — such as diabetes and heart disease — when accumulated in excess. On the other hand, brown fat is responsible for generating heat by burning calories. Individuals with a healthy weight tend to have more brown fat than overweight people. You can convert white fat to brown by exercising, getting adequate sleep and exposing yourself to cold temperatures. Research shows that CBD can aid this process.


Unless you’re living under a rock, it’s safe to assume you’ve heard of both the keto diet and CBD. While many people acknowledge that they are each good for your health, there is a growing interest in using them together to produce an even greater effect.

In our current social media-dominated age, fad diets pop up more often than Trump's tweets. Honestly, it’s hard to decide which is more annoying. The problem with most diets is that they set unrealistic goals. We’ve all been there: you start a diet with high hopes and determination, then a few days later you’re on the couch watching Netflix and eating a pint of ice cream. In fact, 95% of all diets fail. Why is this the case? It is because a diet is the psychological equivalent of suffering, and who likes that? As humans, our instinct is to do everything possible to avoid unpleasant experiences; it’s no wonder the majority of dieters are going to crash and burn. It’s mind-boggling the extremes some people are willing to endure to lose a few pounds. When I lived in Ohio, I worked with a gal who had her mouth wired shut for a month so all she could consume were protein drinks. She lost weight…then as soon as she removed the wires she put it all back on again. Then there is the tapeworm diet, as another example of the crazy things people will do to lose weight. Yes, it does involve contracting a parasitic tapeworm. There’s also the new fad these days for brides-to-be: pay $1,500 to walk around with a feeding tube for 10 days. Aaaa…NA, no thanks. You might as well throw most of these ridiculous diets in the trash along with that unopened bag of kale you bought last month. That said, some diets are safe, effective and actually work. One of those is the keto diet.

Why so Keen on Keto? It may sound like the next Kardashian baby name choice, but thankfully it’s not. Instead, the keto diet is similar to the Atkins diet. Like Atkins, the keto diet works by restricting carbohydrates while increasing fat and protein consumption. And we’re not just talking about the “bad carbs,” like refined flour and sugar. Even the “good carbs” (l ike fruits and vegetables) are restricted. When you cut out carbs, your body activates ketosis. Because there is no glucose available for your body to burn, fat becomes your primary fuel source. In other words, your body starts making energy from ketones (fats) rather than glucose (carbs). Although it may seem like the hottest new trend, doctors designed the keto diet in the 1920s as a treatment for epileptic patients. To this day, it’s not clear why it works, but using ketones as the body’s primary fuel source somehow results in fewer seizures. Eventually, the development of anti-seizure drugs meant doctors no longer needed to rely on the keto diet, and it fell into obscurity for some time, until now. I know it seems counterintuitive that increasing fat intake promotes weight loss but the keto diet works by:

1. Reducing hunger 2. Regulating insulin levels, and

3. Boosting metabolism Advocates for the keto diet believe it increases energy levels, reduces the risk of developing cancer, decreases inflammation, helps improve heart health and improves skin conditions like acne; you get the “newer you” picture.

Why the Keto Diet and CBD? Now all this is good and well, but what does it have to do with CBD Oils? I know it might seem like the latest health fad, but CBD oil can be a great addition to your Keto diet.

Research shows that both the Keto diet and CBD help the same conditions: epilepsy, PTSD and mood disorders like depression, anxiety, PTSD and ADHD. Additionally, because of their shared therapeutic qualities, it is great news that they boost each other’s benefits. It might interest you fitness fanatics out there to know CBD can reduce inflammation and pain. This ability makes it an ideal post or pre-workout supplement that shortens recovery time so you can quickly return to training regimen. For sore muscles and joints, Your Releaf Center offers a variety of CBD topicals that can provide immediate relief. And if you need to start working out, but haven’t yet because those extra pounds make it too painful, now you won’t have an excuse all thanks to CBD oil or capsules. CBD compliments the Keto diet in that both promote better sleep, though in different ways. After starting the diet, your body goes through an initial adjustment phase during which some people may experience insomnia. Once your body has fully acclimated to the keto lifestyle, studies show that even if you may not sleep longer, you go into a much deeper sleep. Taking CBD oil before bed can help get you through initial insomnia and then continue to help you sleep better and longer. Mental health can also contribute to weight and health issues. Mood disorders like depression, anxiety, and stress can lead to overeating. It is not uncommon to use emotional eating as a coping mechanism. The good news though is that evidence suggests CBD can decrease appetite, boost metabolism, and is also a natural antidepressant, making it a triple-threat. Adding CBD to the keto diet can help improve your state of mind so that you feel positive and stay motivated to keep up that keto lifestyle. A healthier body and mind are sometimes all you need to improve your mood. An important fact to remember that during a transition from a previous carb-centric diet to the keto diet, is that you may experience something referred to as the “keto flu.” This condition mimics flu symptoms like fatigue, nausea, headaches, and feeling achy. Luckily, CBD oil is an antiemetic (non-vomiting), analgesic, and can promote alertness in small doses. Whether CBD, or the keto diet, reduces the risk of cancer, we can neither confirm nor deny. Cancer is a tricky disease. There is still so much we need to learn. That said, studies do show that CBD oil may help reduce tumors and act as a preventative measure. As cancer continues to plague humanity and more studies are conducted, medical experts are beginning to open up to the idea of CBD as a potential anti -carcinogen. Although CBD and the keto diet benefit each other mutually, it is not a proven scientific fact. Once the FDA regulates CBD, there can be more human clinical trials so the full scope of CBD’s amazing value can be fully understood. And while not everyone in the

medical community endorses CBD oil, it is growing increasingly difficult to ignore all of its uses for a variety of conditions.

Are you Interested in Adding CBD to your Keto Diet?

As more people experience the benefits of CBD oil, CBD products have become much easier to find. From food to beauty products, CBD is beginning to flood the mainstream marketplace. There has been an explosion of CBD companies, some of which are legitimate and some fraudulent. Until there are more regulatory measures put in place, it’s important to be skeptical before you buy from online companies and remember to always make sure they provide third-party test results. Last but definitely not least, always consult your doctor before starting a CBD regime or the keto diet. It can be overwhelming to decide which method of taking CBD is best. A good place to start when wanting to use CBD products would be Your Releaf Center’s oils, caps or tinctures which are available in a variety of flavor, bottle sizes and dosage strengths. These CBD oils, caps and tinctures are safe to use and keto-approved. The only ingredient with Keto CBD is MCT Oil - an oil extracted from coconuts. Are you concerned about ensuring you receive the correct dose of CBD oil every time? If so, CBD capsules can be the right method for you. It’s the same CBD oil found in the tincture, only in a convenient pill form. Adding a CBD oil capsule to your daily vitamin routine is a cinch, or if you find it makes you drowsy, keep the bottle on your nightstand and take it before bed. If you enjoy vaping, there are many CBD vape oils on the market at the moment. The benefits of vaping CBD for Keto, is that you feel the effects of CBD almost immediately, but the results are not as long lasting for some as with the caps or drops. Your Releaf Center offers a variety of flavors and strengths so you can customize the dosage (refer to our Dosage Guide) to suit your CBD needs. Transdermal CBD patches are similar to nicotine patches and release controlled amounts of CBD which becomes absorbed into your bloodstream. This discrete method provides CBD relief for longer periods of time. And since you are interested in the Keto diet, there’s a good chance you live - or are trying to live—an active lifestyle. CBD topicals are great for relieving aching feet, sore muscles and inflamed joints. Whatever method works best for you, CBD and the keto diet can help you achieve a healthier, happier mind and body. Coupling the fat-burning power of the keto diet with CBD oil creates the perfect combination of ingredients to achieve maximum health.


The Paleo Diet and CBD are two of the hottest wellness trends! The Paleo diet has stood the

test of time because it's easy to stick to and the benefits include weight loss and a natural energy boost. As more people give the paleo diet a try, they’re beginning to wonder which health supplements work well with the paleo diet. CBD is one supplement that gained significant popularity over the past few years for reducing inflammation, increasing energy and balancing the body's systems. Several users have found that it helps them with various diets, like Intermittent Fasting or the Ketogenic Diet.

The Paleo Diet

Though it's called the Paleo Diet, it's really the Paleo Lifestyle. The paleo diet is based on the idea that humans should be eating as they did during the Paleolithic era. This era began 2.5 million years ago and stretched to 10,000 years ago. During this time, humans were hunter-gatherers and ate many foods that are available today. However, some of the foods popular today were not available to hunter-gatherers.

• The paleo diet eliminates dairy products, legumes, grains, sugar, and processed foods. Our ancestors did not eat this type of food. They do not fit into the paleo mold.

• People following the paleo diet eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, lean meats, fish, and certain oils. The diet of those living during the paleo era consisted of these primary foods.

The paleo diet centers around the ‘discordance hypotheses. This is a concept that states that our bodies are not matched to today’s diets. Because farming came so late in human history, and products of farming (such as dairy, grains and legumes) became staples so quickly, it’s possible that the human body could not efficiently and effectively evolve fast enough. Paleo dieters believe this is the reason that disorders such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease are so common. Paleo dieters can vary on the spectrum from extremely austere to somewhat relaxed. A lot of Paleo dieters enjoy the occasional cup of coffee or glass of wine, while others like to eat and drink only what they hunt or grow themselves – essentially going back to being a true Paleolithic human. As the paleo diet has risen in popularity, there have been many studies examining the potential health benefits of the diet. One study examined the ability of the paleo diet to reduce the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease in patients with type 2

diabetes. The study found that after consuming a paleo diet for 3 months, subjects showed reductions in the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease.1

Is CBD Oil Paleo? All cannabinoids work great with CBD because they come from hemp! Early hunter-gatherers consumed

hemp for centuries. However, not all CBD products on the market are paleo. CBD oils with added sugars or CBD gumdrops aren't for a paleo diet. To know if a CBD product is paleo-friendly, check the ingredients. Your Releaf Center uses MCT oil (Fractionated coconut oil) - which is paleo-friendly - as the carrier oil. Thus, Your Releaf Center’s CBD drops, soft gels, and vape juice are all

perfectly fine - and beneficial - to consume while living the paleo lifestyle. Vaping CBD is considered to be the fastest-acting CBD delivery method, but also lasts the shortest amount of time. An important note on vape products…it is VERY IMPORTANT THAT THE VAPE YOU PURCHASE DOESN’T CONTAIN PG, PEG OR PPG IN THE INGREDIENTS! These ingredients are a synthetic chemical consisting of dimethicone, a silicon-based polymer and polyethylene glycol (PEG)-polypropylene glycol (PPG) polymer. PG, PEG

and PPG may cause a popcorn effect on your lungs that can impair your breathing. Our

products do not contain PG, PEG or PPG.

CBD and the Paleo diet Hemp is a species of the cannabis family, but one that doesn’t contain much THC. Marijuana contains between 20-40% THC, while hemp (by law) contains 0.3% or less. This makes hemp non-psychoactive, a property our ancestors probably loved since it allowed them to move around unhindered. Hemp has a long history of cultivation, having been around for about 10,000 years. Hemp seeds are an excellent source of essential fatty acids, protein, vitamins, and minerals, which explains why it is an ancient superfood. Since parts of the hemp plant do contain trace amounts of CBD, which is how everyone prior to the late ‘40s received a continued supply to maintain optimum health, it is important to understand that we had been consuming cannabinoids for

centuries, and there’s no reason to stop now! Our receptors were created as part of our bodies for a reason. Heed that reason!!

Why CBD Works Well With The Paleo Diet If you are participating in a paleo diet lifestyle, CBD oil like Your Releaf Center provides, can actually help your diet. Even if you've been on the paleo diet for a year, starting to use CBD has benefits. Here are a few reasons people on the paleo lifestyle and CBD are a good combo:

• PROMOTES WEIGHT LOSS One of the main reasons people start on the paleo diet is because of the significant weight loss benefits it offers. One study published in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry found that CBD stimulated the proteins and genes that encourage fat breakdown. The study also found that CBD could encourage activity and energy use within cellular mitochondria (which generates energy for cells to carry out activities).

When mitochondria are active, they encourage the burning of calories. Researchers in the study mentioned above also noted CBD may change “white fat” into “brown fat.” White fat is commonly believed to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and disease, whereas brown fat can promote weight loss because it is burned for energy.


Along with promoting weight loss, CBD helps to promote a balanced appetite. Have you ever had a day where you felt like you could eat everything in your pantry? Or a day where you just didn’t feel like eating at all? Chances are if you’ve experienced either of those you may have had an endocannabinoid system that was out of balance. CBD works within the endocannabinoid system supporting balance and proper functionality.


• Balances every system in the body: The endocannabinoid system balances out all of the 11 physiological systems of the body and many other biological processes.

• Plays a major role in regulating hunger.

• You are more likely to develop metabolic syndrome when your receptors within the endocannabinoid system get

overstimulated. This condition is associated with increased blood sugar, higher blood pressure, eating more, and increases in body fat.2

• In a study where all endocannabinoid receptors were blocked, appetite totally disappeared.3 This indicates that when the endocannabinoid system reaches a state of imbalance, you will be either extremely hungry or not hungry at all.

• CBD works to balance out the receptors within the endocannabinoid system. By balancing out this system of receptors, it may be possible to find a sweet spot for appetite where you eat neither too much nor too little.

With a balanced appetite, you will be less likely to overeat or get cravings for foods that aren’t paleo friendly. It may be tough to fight food urges when you first give up sugar and processed foods. CBD could make the transition to a more healthful diet easier by curbing those cravings. Paleo and CBD is a total win!

CBD IS GREAT BEFORE AND AFTER A WORKOUT A Paleo lifestyle incorporates natural movement and exercise into the overall wellness routine. Exercise is, without question, one of the best ways to improve your health.

Many people report feeling a general feeling of calm and happiness after taking CBD, which can benefit you if you don’t feel like working out. By improving your mood, you may feel more motivated and excited to work out. After your workout, Your Releaf Center’s CBD balm is helpful to reduce muscle soreness and inflammation after a tough workout. CBD helps the body recover quicker after exertion. Apply it whatever feels sore and start to feel better.

How to incorporate CBD into your Paleo lifestyle: There are several options for those looking to combine CBD and Paleo:

• CBD products can be taken every day in the morning for a brain-body boost. You can also mix these into your meals. Take them sublingually (under the tongue) for the best effect.

• CBD capsules can be taken every morning, which are metabolized slower to give you effects that last all day.

• CBD vape oil can be used pre-workout. This kicks in more or less immediately, so it’ll give your workout an enhancement. IMPORTANT: An important note on vape products…it is VERY IMPORTANT THAT THE VAPE YOU PURCHASE DOESN’T CONTAIN PG, PEG OR PPG IN THE INGREDIENTS!

These ingredients are a synthetic chemical consisting of dimethicone, a silicon-based polymer and polyethylene glycol (PEG)-polypropylene glycol (PPG) polymer. PG, PEG and PPG may cause a popcorn effect on your lungs that can impair your breathing CBD balm can be used to massage sore muscles post workout.

Final Thoughts on CBD and The Paleo Diet If you’re thinking about starting the paleo diet, CBD can be the perfect supplement to accompany you on your journey to better health. Because of its impact on weight loss, hunger, energy level, mood, and the general benefits it gives for working out, CBD is the perfect companion to the paleo diet. Both Paleo and CBD will continue to be a strong pairing in the world of health and wellness.

Sources: 1. 2. 3.

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