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July 2015


"Bitter Sweet"

We've all heard the phrase "The only constant in life is change". It's been my experience that change is always right around the corner waiting for its opportunity to be invited into our lives or, in some instances, intrude on our lives. Change abounds from the smallest details in life to monumental aspects of life. Change is constant and it's everywhere.

We see monumental change every year around this time when clergy and their families are reappointed to serve new churches and communities. This time of transition comes with a variety of changes. Some of which are exciting and hope filled, while others are challenging and sad. Taking on a new appointment is always bitter sweet. Bitter in the sense that you're leaving behind people you've built meaningful relationships with and grown to truly love. Sweet in the sense that you'll build new relationships and grow to truly love those you're going to serve with.

Now as I have been thinking about Pastor Andy and his family transitioning to Alaska and my family and myself transitioning to Milbank, I couldn't help but think about Milbank Central and the transition or change all of you are going through as well. Often times it seems that the emphases is on the clergy and their families, when in truth those losing their current pastor and gaining a new pastor go through a bitter sweet experience as well.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us that there is a time for everything. The author of Ecclesiastes writes this beautiful poem (which includes verses 1-8) as words of assurance and encouragement.

As all of us experience the bitter sweetness of the change that's occurring in our lives, my hope is that we can all find joy and encouragement, not only through Ecclesiastes 3:1, but also through the grace of God the Father, the love of Jesus the Son, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God is good and faithful and when we put our trust in God we can experience the sweetness and get through the bitterness. Serving Christ while growing in Christ, Pastor Thom Bowsher

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven" Ecclesiastes

3:1 (NRSV)

Pastor’s Ponderings

Where Can You Find Us? Radio: on KMSD 1510 at 11:00 am, our 8:30 am service is broadcast. Television: ITC Cable Channel 1 Mondays 10 am and 7 pm; Midcontinent Cable channel 3 the previous week’s service on Sundays at 5:30 pm and the current week’s service on Mondays at 11:30 am and Tuesdays at 2:30 pm ITC customers with digital cable may watch the sermons free through their On Demand service. Web: Facebook and and #graceiscentral

Central United Methodist Church 201 S. 5th St. Milbank, SD 57252 605-432-4766 Summer Worship Times 8:30 am Traditional 10:30 am Contemporary Lead Pastor- Rev. Thom Bowsher [email protected] Emergencies: 432-5363

Associate Pastor – Rev. Dr. DeVern Schwenn [email protected] Emergencies: 432-5050

Youth Director- Melissa Gall [email protected]

Kids Hope USA – Kristy Liebe [email protected]

Office Manager – Jen Aden [email protected]

Office Assistant – Sandy MacMillan [email protected]

Custodians – Todd & Peggy Morton

Central Church is a Christian fellowship whose mission is:

To Know Christ – as Savior and Lord;

To Share Christ – by our Words and Actions

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July 2015


Articles for the August issue of Central Rays are due Tuesday, July 21.

June Recap On Wednesday, June 17, we held our June gathering for Middle School and High School

YOUNITED. We met at the church and watched the movie “When the Game Stands Tall” in the Fellowship Hall and ordered pizza for the youth that came.

Youth 2015 Trip On Sunday, June 21, a group of 21 (17 youth and 4 adults) from Central traveled to Orlando,

Florida for the Youth 2015 Trip. This trip of a lifetime included three days of mission work, four days at the national Youth 2015 Conference, and one day at Universal Studios. Thank you for all of your prayers for this group, as well as for a time of learning and growing spiritually for all participants. More information about this trip will be published in the August edition of Central Rays.

Upcoming Events Please keep an eye to the bulletin announcements, the Central Youth Facebook page, and e-mail

announcements regarding YOUNITED meetings for July and August.


Start training now for an exciting event to be held on Saturday, September 12! A twenty mile bike tour is being planned leaving from Lake Farley Park. We will head north on Hwy 15 for 4 miles, then turn west on county tar 4 and travel 6 miles. The return trip will be on the same route. Those of you who were involved in this event in the early 90's remember what a great time this is! Another great option is walking 4 miles to the first rest stop and riding the trolley from that point.

There will be rest stops along the way with drinks and "power food" at each stop. There will also be a trolley along the way for spectators to cheer on the riders and weary riders to take a lift. A hot dog roast is planned at Farley after the ride.

We encourage all ages to join in the ride. Youngsters under 10 need an adult to accompany them. If you can't find an adult to ride with you, just let us know and we can help you adopt one for the ride. Each participant will receive a tour t-shirt for taking part in the bike tour. Those registering prior to August 28 will be assured to have their t-shirt for the ride. Those registering after the 28th may have to wait until after the ride to receive their t-shirt.

We will also need support staff. If you don't care to ride but would like to participate please consider assisting with the rest stops or helping with the hot dog roast after the ride.

Fellowship and Service and Children's Ministries have teamed together to plan the Gearly Beloved Bike Tour.

We will have the sign-up sheets at the welcome center in mid-July. Please join in this FUN event.

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July 2015


Central UMC Is scheduled for August!

Central Church has been asked to help deliver Meals on Wheels for the month of August. Volunteers are needed beginning Monday, August 3 through Friday, August 28. No Saturday or Sunday delivery. It takes less than 30 minutes to deliver the meals each day. Meals are picked up at Trevett’s Café at 10:50 am each day.

You can volunteer for one day or for a week. There are three routes a day. Directions and maps are provided for each route. If you are interested in helping, please sign up at the Welcome Center.

Contact Tammy Erickson at 949-0735 or [email protected] with any questions you may have.

WINTER IN ZIMBABWE! In July, a group of four adults will be

traveling to Mutambara Mission in Zimbabwe! As our family and friends, we would appreciate your prayers as we prepare for this trip. We will be out of the country from July 16- August 1. Those traveling are:

Arvid & Janet Liebe- Milbank, SD Gaylon & Andrea Ideker- Princeton, IA

The four of us are friends as we are together in Arizona in the winter. We will be experiencing winter in Zimbabwe as the temperatures are in the 50s at night and the 60s during the day. Goals for this trip include training farm workers on the corn picker, establishing an accounting system for the farm, supporting the waiting mother's program and continuing to encourage the future ministry of CBSI (Community Bible Study International).

Please pray for safety as we travel and discernment to follow the Lord's Leading in every way during this mission.

May we walk in a manner worthy of our calling, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1-3 Thank you for your prayers, Arvid & Janet and Gaylon & Andrea

CELEBRATE MILBANK Bring the Family and join us for a Summer

Picnic on Saturday, August 1, at Central Church. The Committee on Evangelism is planning a fun summer event for the whole family. We will be reaching out to the community, not just our church family, so please invite friends and neighbors. Everyone is welcome! Our goal is to bring people together for some free food, fun, and fellowship. We will have: inflatables and games which will run from 4-6 pm.

Free Hot Dogs & SDSU Ice Cream will be served from 5-7 pm.

Movie Night with Popcorn Starts at 7:00 pm.

CUP O’ JOY The Fellowship and Service Committee is

hosting special coffee times, “Cup O' Joy" on Sunday, July 19, and August 16. Please join us after the first service these two Sundays for flavored coffee, rolls, and donuts. Summer gets so busy that we lose contact with our church family...we invite you to stay after first service or come early for second service to enjoy fellowship. We hope to see you for "Cup O' Joy"!

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July 2015


Our People in Overseas Mission:

Staff at Gess (Kissy) Eye Clinic Agape School for Boys, Kenya Haiti Solar Oven Project, Rick Jost Dr. Emmanuel Mefor, Mutambara, Zimbabwe Mission

Our Seminary Students:

Chris Erickson Melissa Gall

Our People in Care Facilities:

Park Place:

Nadeane Buri Dorothy Bishop Dorothy Bracht Jim Loeschke Emmet Stengel

St. William’s:

Marie Buri Wava Butler Del & Betty Cardwell Shirley Hanson Blanche Reiners Kathy Trapp

Golden Living:

Velma Busk Mavis Knaus

Jenkins Living Center:

Betty Dammer

Long Term Prayer Requests: Ralph Schmidt Tim Lenards Del & Betty Cardwell Mavis Knaus Jesse Bergerud Shirley Hanson Joe Olson Jordan Volkenant Ken & Anna Mae Frost Brenda Bohn Joan Bohn (aunt of Richard Bohn) Ione Brehmer (mother of Renae Fox) Paula Berry (Richard & Roxie Bohn’s daughter-in-law) Matthew Smith (Jim & Myrtle Vincent’s great grandson) Roxanna Bohn Marland Schultz Mary Warrey Jim Weber Scarlett Holmquist (If you have any updates or know of a name that should be removed please call the church office.) Committee of the Month: Church History Committee Church of the Month: Christ Episcopal

Turban “Cut-Ups” will meet Thursday, July 9, in the Fellowship Hall @ 1:00 pm. All are welcome to attend!

Please contact Bev Jacobson for more information.

SEASONED CITIZENS PICNIC The Seasoned Citizens of Central will be having

a picnic at the LaBolt Dam on Wednesday, July 8. (Note the date: Wednesday, July 8.) This will be a dinner meal and the gathering will begin at 11:00 am.

The meal will be provided for a free-will donation. The program will consist of fellowship, singing, and a devotional. A few suggestions to consider: bring a pillow or blanket to sit on for comfort, inform us if you need a ride, and if you intend to go swimming bring your own swim attire.

In planning for the meal it is important to know about how many to prepare for. If you are planning on coming, please inform us either at the Church Office (432-4766) or by calling Lee Zuver (467-3902). Feel free to invite a friend. Just let us know.

Please pray for good weather. Pastor DeVern is in charge of the weather.

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July 2015


Rita and I would like to thank everyone who organized, attended, and donated items for my benefit. We would also like to thank those who helped at the event. Thanks so much for all the prayers for the last nineteen months, and for the visits from Pastor Andy and Pastor DeVern and other members of the church. Your thoughtfulness and kind words have meant a great deal to us. It means the world to us to belong to such a wonderful church. May God Bless all of you. Gregg & Rita Dunnihoo

I want to thank you for all the support the Church gave the FOP at the local pancake feed. It made me feel very good to see all the local faces at the event. The monies that were donated will be given to the Cancer Walk board and a picture will be in the paper in the next week. Pastor Andy was correct when he talked about all the good that comes out of this Church. It made me very proud to be a member of Central on Sunday. Thanks again. Boyd VanVooren Milbank Chief of Police

A sincere thank you for all the prayers given for my great nephew, Nick Wolf, thru the past 3 years. I am happy to report that Nick graduated on June 5 from Midland High School in Midland, Michigan and will be attending Saginaw University starting this fall. He has a job this summer with a gas/convenience store and is enjoying his work plus the pay check!! As we remember in prayer all of the young people starting a new chapter in their lives this fall, I am sure he will need them as well. Thanks again. May God richly Bless you. Sincerely, Deloris Richards

Dear Central Church Turban “Cut-Ups” Program, Enclosed is a gift to be used by the Turban “Cut-Ups” Program given in memory of my Mom, Darlene Hoffbeck. You have an amazing outreach program that touches the lives of people with cancer. Thanks so much for your time, dedication, and care as you make the turbans!! God’s Blessings Shelly Welter

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, Thank you so much for the warm send-off,

beautifully written cards, financial gifts, sculpture, assistance in getting the parsonage ready for the Bowshers, and so much more! We are blessed to have been part of the Central family for three years. We love you dearly. And you will always have a special place in our hearts. Our new contact information is: 1801 O'Malley Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99507.

We know God will bless you incredibly with Pastor Thom leading you. Grace and Peace to you all! Andy, Kate, James, & Angus Bartel

Thank you to those of you who financially support the Turban “Cut-Ups” ministry. We recently purchased some fleece for the winter turbans we are currently making. Donna Armstrong Cheryl Lindeman Marlys Denhom Yvonne Pauli Barb Ellingson Marian Storm Bev Jacobson Jan Zuver

Thank you, sincerely, for your most generous gift of $4,535.00. I so enjoyed coming up to Milbank on Mother’s Day for your celebration and focus on mission impact. Like the wonderful rain we received that day, Milbank Central’s generosity is the nourishing, life-sustaining force that keeps this ministry alive. We can’t thank you enough! Solar Oven Partners has been gaining momentum for 15 years, delivering the benefits of cooking, baking, and water pasteurization through the free energy of the sun to so many families…all as a result of wonderful caring partners like you! Thank you and God Bless! In Mission Together, Cathy Hoss Associate Director Solar Oven Partners

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July 2015



July 1 Elli Grabow July 2 Parker Grabow Landon Brown July 3 Caden Schmieg July 4 Tammy Wellnitz Amberly Warren July 5 Nancy Copeland July 6 Tom Graham July 8 Carson Erickson July 10 Marie Buri Kevin Krueger Scott Niedert July 11 Amy Thue Chandler Peery July 12 Jane Roehr Charlie Peery July 13 Jerry Stengel

We are continuously trying to update our lists. Please notify the church office with any additions or corrections at [email protected] or (432-4766).

July 14 Gracie Jo Korstjens July 15 Max Gonzenbach Kendra Grong July 16 Mary Dahl July 17 Lois Unzicker Jordin Stricherz Jason Kettwig Makenna Young July 18 Del Cross July 19 Dell Stengel Darcy Hupke July 21 Renae Wollschlager Whitney Erickson July 22 Courtney Trapp Jim Remund Evan Hausauer

July 24 Mary Hoff Doug Aden Cheyenne Stengel Bree Townsend July 25 Randy Unzicker July 26 Andrew Falk Christine Knaus July 27 Scott Stengel Ruth Wibbens Beckham Berry July 28 Duane Winquist July 30 Jim Wendland July 31 Tom Tillman Amy Davis Mindy Giesen

July 1 Duane & Jerelynn Steege July 5 Whitney & Justin Erickson Ryan & Jennifer Wollschlager July 9 Brian & Debbie Folk Dave & Denise Page July 11 Jim & Nancy Anderson July 14 Scott & Jessica Stengel July 16 Dick & Mary Skoog July 18 Mark & Linda Comstock July 20 Neal & Jaimee Bender July 22 Tyler & Melissa Gall July 23 Tyler & Hilary Grabow Doug & Dell Stengel July 15 Erek & Alysha Holmquist July 28 Doug & Linda Buri

Humpton, Jason & Cyndie *Jacobson, Bev Ludwig, Brian & Julie Page, Dave & Denise Prisinger, Dale & Linda Radtke, Allen *Radtke, Judy Sampson, Scott & Shannon Townsend, Eric & Christine Trapp, Charles & Sandy

Comstock, Mark & Linda Ahles, Steve & Peggy Berry, Justin & Brynne Brakke, Clee & Paula Buri, David & Monica *Buri, Marie Fox, Brian & Renae Frink, Robert & Judy Grabow, Greg & Wendy Graham, Tom & Kathy

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July 2015


No Matter What…… God will not let you go. God’s promise remains. Happens. This love is for you. I will not let you go.

“No matter What” is the theme for this year’s VBS. We are so excited to have everyone be a part of this exciting week! Registration has gone great. If you have not gotten your kids registered, please fill out the forms at the Welcome Center.

Preschool VBS is for children ages 3-completed K. Their day begins at 9:00 am and goes until noon. This age group will enjoy music, stories, crafts, games, and snack.

Day camp is for ages completed 1st-5th grades. They go from 9:00 am-3:00 pm each day. Their activities are lead by the group from NESODAK.

Both groups need to remember the following:

Bring a sack lunch everyday!

VBS takes place at American Lutheran Church!

Bring shoes that you can run around in!

Apply sunscreen, as we will be playing outside!

Come with a great attitude!

We will kick the week off on Sunday, July 19, with a meal of hot dogs, chips, beans, and s’mores at 5:30 pm and introduce the staff from NESODAK. Monday through Thursday the kids will attend during their designated groups based on their ages or grades as stated above.

BIG CHANGE FOR THIS YEAR- There will only be one program for both groups on Wednesday night!! There will be a meal of BBQ’s, salads, chips, and root beer floats beginning at 5:30 pm in Fellowship Hall at American Lutheran Church. The program will start at 6:30 pm in the Chapel for both age groups. Hope to see you there!!


Summer is flying by and it is already time to think about school shopping! We

will be taking our Kids Hope kids shopping on Wednesday, July 29, from 3-5:30 pm.

Each year we buy the kids the supplies they need to be prepared for school. They get

a backpack, all the supplies on their list, socks, underwear, shoes, and three outfits.

This is an awesome activity that the kids love! Mentors please mark your calendars! It

really helps to have you come to help and the kids love seeing you!

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July 2015


Prayer is the foundation of all the work we do as the hands and feet of Jesus. Though our prayer group continues to meet on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m., we want to find other ways to unite our hearts in prayer and extend this ministry to our entire church body.

So, we are extending a challenge to each of you. The following prayer was written by Bishop Bruce Ough. Use this prayer once a day, at 7:12 a.m. or 7:12 p.m.

Let’s see what God is waiting to do in us and through us in our community.

Prayer for Unleashing New Life

(from Dakota Annual Conference, Bishop Bruce R. Ough)

Gracious and Holy God, send your Holy Spirit to:

Break through and renew and revive our churches, unleashing your vision for our mission of making disciples and transforming the world.

Empower our clergy and lay leadership to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with you, O God.

Boldly use me, without limits, delays, or excuses, to defend the poor, offer abundant life, and heal a broken world.

Create in me a clean heart and a joyful desire to follow your way of light, love, and truth.

I pray in the precious and powerful name of Jesus. Amen

HERE COMES THE BUS One of the more testing times for people, especially when they are in the more senior age class, is having

to give up their private form of transportation. They can no longer go where they want to go when they want to. So they either have to rely upon the good graces of others or they have to remain in their residence. When we were younger and had to battle the weather we commented on how nice it would be if we could just stay at home. But when staying at home is a form of confinement, we wish we could be out and about with other people.

Central Church is in the process of acquiring a bus that is especially equipped to assist more elderly persons in getting to church and to church activities. The bus was used by a care center for that very purpose. It has a wheelchair lift and is equipped to secure all passengers, even those in a wheel chair. The Evangelism Commission along with members of Seasoned Citizens of Central plan to be working to form a ministry of transportation for the more seasoned citizens of Central Church.

As we anticipate the formation of this ministry we will need volunteers to assist us in this new venture. These volunteers will work as a team using the bus on Sundays or for special events for bringing people to the church events and then returning them to their residences. Give this some thought and look for future information regarding the development of this important bus ministry. Pastor DeVern

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July 2015


FINANCE Total Budget Offering $233,135

Total Budget Goal $250,325 As of June 21, 2015

June Designated Giving

Father’s Day – Mosquito Nets $3,005 Turban “Cut-Ups” $100 BackPack Program $400

Gess UMC Eye Clinic/Kissy $100 UMCOR/World Hunger $100 UM Special Offerings $7

Trustees: Central Chore Corps $120 Student Seminary Fund $500 2015 Mission Trip Fund $25

MEET & GREET As we prepare to Welcome Pastor Thom and his family, Central Church will be having a series of

Meet and Greet events. The purpose of these 5 smaller, casual events is to provide an opportunity for Pastor

Thom and his family to meet us in a smaller setting rather than what one big event can provide. Each member

can look forward to receiving a letter in the mail inviting them to one of these events being held at different

times and locations over the next few weeks. It is our prayer that this transition for Pastor Thom, Deb,

Madison, Wesley, Carter, and Braylen and the families of Central Church will be one of blessing as we

celebrate together what God has in store for us and His Kingdom.

Denise Page (605-467-0302) Staff Parish Relations Committee Chair


If you’ve ever thought you’d like to read through the Bible but get through the stories of Abraham or Moses and then get bogged down, join us on July 1. The readings cluster on Proverbs and Psalms. So this is a great time to jump in. The Chronological Bible makes it easy to start on any date. This Bible is available in the church office for $10.50 per Bible.

“Your word is a lamp for my


it lights the path before me.”

Ps. 119:105

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July 2015


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