
Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi

CentreforCriminology&Vic�mology Na�onalLawUniversityDelhi

Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi

The Na�onal Law University Delhi has set up an exclusive centre for advanced research

training, policy analysis and consultancy in the broader fields of criminal law, criminal jus�ce

and vic�mology.

Objectives: The centre will have the following key objec�ves:

1. Promo�ng research and ac�on in this selected areas of criminal jus�ce and vic�mology.

2. To undertake specific research projects in the said areas.

3. To propose training programmes to the various wings of criminal jus�ce system including the

stakeholders in the field of Juvenile jus�ce.

4. To analyse and cri�cally examine the laws, policy and programmes from the stand point of vic�m

protec�on, rehabilita�on, par�cipa�on and jus�ce.

5. To strive for providing a Vic�mological thrust in the legal educa�on at graduate and under

graduate level

6. To organize students centric ini�a�ves in the form of vic�m advocacy, legal clinic and outreach

programme for extending vic�ms support services

7. To undertake publica�ons and coordinate with various Na�onal and Interna�onal agencies

working in the broader areas of vic�mology and criminology.

Chairperson’s Message

Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai

The Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology was set up to contribute to fundamental and

applied objec�ves dealing with Criminology and Vic�mology. In a se�ng of law University the

ac�vi�es of this Centre to bring important interdisciplinarity in Research and Learning. The

Centre has already taken up a series of Training and Research programmes in some exci�ng

areas dealing with Juvenile Jus�ce, Gender Jus�ce and Vic�mology. I invite the Researchers

and Students to be the part of this Centre as we have various ways to involv e interested

people on short and long term basis.

About the Centre:

Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi

Structure of Centre

Chief Patron

Prof. (Dr.) Ranbir Singh

Patron Prof. (Dr.) B.B. Pande


Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai

Coordinator Mr. Neeraj Tiwari

Members Mr. Mukul Raizada Dr. Ritu Sharma

Dr. Bhar� Yadav

Mr. Iqbal Ahmad

Dr. Anju Puneet Singh

Mr. Sidharth Dahiya

Students Member of Centre

Aayushi Ramesh Goyal Ayushi Agrawal Arshdeep Singh Neha Jha

Ipshita Pallavi Sahoo Meghandarshini M S Aditya Arora Nikhil Anand

Narayan Singh Neeraj Nainani Kumar Ritwik Arpit Agarwal

Nidhi Khandelwal Parthna Sharma Preetam Bhar� Surya Vasu

Ni�n Tyagi Abhishek Kumar Oshin Shah Abhishek Anthwal

P.M. Swapna Aasavri Rai Devagya Jha Pranav Krishna

Madhulika Agarwal Yusra Khan Prashasthi Bhat Harsh Arya

Kumar Raghav Siddharth Gautam Bhar� Chandan Kumar

Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi


Status of Crime Against Women & Gender Justice in Northern Region of India

This major project sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi has

been completed and the report has already been Submi�ed to ICSSR. This Study is highlighted

the implemebta�on of the law rela�ng to gender Domes�c Violence and the status of the

Vic�ms and responce by the agencies involved. This study significantly brought out the acrucial

factors responsible for the problem and implemen�ng law in this area. Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai is

the Project Director for this study.

v e-PG Pathshala (Criminology)

The UGC has entrusted this major project to develop e-text video lecture in 15 papers

consis�ng of more than 400 modules in criminology. This project involved as many as

150 persons to write e-text modules. Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai is the Principal Inves�gator for this



The Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology is to undertake Exploring cri�cal criminal Law - A

Research Study. The Project iden�fy and explore the development of cri�cal perspec�ves in

criminal law scholarship. To documents and analyse the specific works especially those carried

out by Ashworth, Duff Norrie, Nicola, Gardner, Husak etc. To Conduct a cri�cal analysis with

regard to the cri�cal outcomes in criminal process like acqui�al, wrongful prosecu�on,

wrongful convic�on, abuse of power, arrear of criminal process. To analyse documents and

cri�cal reflec�ons made by the supreme court in its selected judgements. To undertake a survey

of reflec�ons and abroad on the chosen parameters. Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai is Director for this


Exploring Critical Criminal Law


Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

The University has also been entrusted to develop MOCs Courses in the selected subjects of Law.

Presently 10 subjects have been chosen to develop modules. Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai is

Co-Principal Inves�ngator & Prof. (Dr.) Ranbir Singh is Principal Inves�gator in this Projects.

Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi

Short Term Course on Criminal Law: Contradic�ons & Cri�que under GIAN from March 14 – 18, 2016

The Centre for Criminology and Vic�mology and K.L. Arora Chair on Criminal Law, Na�onal Law

University Delhi organized a short course by Professor Alan Norrie, School of Law, University of

Warwick on the topic Criminal Law: Contradic�ons & Cri�que - a one credit course under the

Global Ini�a�ve of Academic Network (GIAN). Professor Alan Norrie is a dis�nguished authority

in the area of philosophy and cri�cal criminal Law. He is also the President of Interna�onal

Associa�on for Cri�cal Realism (IACR). Prof. Alan Norrie delivered lectures between 14-18, March

2016, which included two public lectures, the first Public Lecture took Palace at Indian Law

Ins�tute, New Delhi on the topic, ‘Between the Slaughter-Bench’ on 18th March 2016 at

Na�onal Law University, Delhi. More then 70 par�cipants including Students, Research Scholars,

Academicians, Lawyers and Faculty Members from NLU Delhi and other reputed ins�tu�ons

par�cipated in this course.

Programme organized Year 2016-2017

Short Term Course on Gender Sensi�za�on Training for Inves�ga�on Officers of Delhi Police, March 29-31, 2016

The Centre for Criminology and Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi has organised a three

days Gender Sensi�za�on Training Course for the Inves�ga�on Officers during 29 to 31 March,

2016. The course was a�ended by 106 Inves�ga�on Officers of South-West district of Delhi

Police. the in-house and visi�ng faculty conducted various sessions partaining to Inves�ga�ons,

arrest, vulnerable vic�ms by police and dealing with the women and child vic�ms. The course

received remarkable feedback from the par�cipants.

The Centre for Criminology and Vic�mology proposes to con�nue with such programme

in future as well.

Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi

1st Ver�cal Interac�on Course for IPS/Senior Police Officers from July 25-29, 2016

The Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology at Na�onal Law University, Delhi (NLUD) organized

a Five days Ve�cal Interac�on Course for IPS / Senior Police Officers from July 25-29, 2016 in

collabora�on with Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D). The program was

inaugurated by Shri Kiren Rijiju, Hon’ble Union Minister of Home Affairs, Govt. of India. The

event was graced by the presence of Prof. (Dr.) N.R. Madhava Menon, Dr. M.C. Borwankar IPS

(Director General, BPR&D), Prof. (Dr.) Ranbir Singh (Vice Chancellor NLUD).

During the Course of the program 18 Specialized lectures by specialized professionals were

conducted. The resource persons for the sessions included some very senior authori�es from

academics and law enforcement agencies such as Prof. (Dr.) N.R. Madhava Menon (IBA-CLE Chair

in Con�nuing Legal Educa�on, NLSIU, Bangalore; Mr. G.P. Joshi, Former Director, BPR&D, New

Delhi; Mr. Argihya Sengupta, Research Director, Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy; Mr. Praksh Singh,

Former DGP, BSF, Mr. K.P. Singh, DGP, Haryana. The course was directed by Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai,

Registrar and Chairman of Centre for criminology & Vic�mology at Na�onal Law University, Delhi.

Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi

Na�onal Workshop on Doctrinal Legal Research, August 08-10, 2016

The Centre for Criminology and Vic�mology headed by Prof. (Dr.)G.S Bajpai at Na�onal Law

University , Delhi organized a ‘Na�onal Workshop on Doctrinal Legal Research’ from 8th-10th

August 2016 under the auspices of Professor Thedore Eisenberg Centre for Empirical Legal Research.

The workshop consisted of 45 par�cipants and 6 resource persons. Total 12 session were done that

covered different aspects of doctrinal legal research including Atlas-T So�ware. The course was

designed to serve a systema�c introduc�on of doctrinal aspects of legal research. It aimed to

introduce specific tools and techniques including the applica�on of so�ware like Atlas Ti. The

workshop aimed at strengthening the faculty and researchers both. The resource persons were

invited from various fields of specializa�ons having vast experience and knowledge in their

respec�ve areas to cater the demand of the workshop. The workshop has achieved the object to

great extent.

Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi

2nd Ver�cal Interac�on Course on Police Leadership & Accountability in Democra�c Society for IPS/Senior Police Officers, September 5-9, 2016

The Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology at Na�onal Law University, Delhi (NLUD) organized a Five

days Ver�cal Interac�on Course on “Plice Leadership and Accountability in a Democra�c Society” for

IPS/Senior Police Officers from September 5th-9th, 2016 in collabora�on with Bureau of Police

Research and Development (BPR&D). The program was inaugurated by Dr. M.C. Borwankar, IPS

(Director General, BPR&D), Prof. (Dr.) Ranbir Singh (Vice Chancellor, NLUD) & Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai

(Registrar & Course Director).

During the Course of the program 18 specialized lectures by specialized professionals conducted. The

resource persons for the sessions included some very senior authori�es from academics and law

enforcement agencies.

Major themes that were covered:

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Police Leadership in a Pluralis�c Society

Changing dimension in police leadership

The models of police accountability

Ethical dilemmas in police leadership

Communica�on in police hierarchy and community

Police sub-culture and organiza�onal accountability

Good governance and transparency perspec�ves in policing

Human Research Management in policing

Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi

Three Day Workshop on "Designing Programme for Police Officers & Lawyers on handling Women & Girl Vic�ms of Violence" in associa�on with Sheffield Hallan University, U.K, September 19-21, 2016

Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi

The Helena Kennedy Centre for Interna�onal Jus�ce (HKC) delivered an innova�ve three-day workshop

to a group of senior police officers and NGO representa�ves from across Delhi. The workshop was

hosted by the Na�onal Law Univesity in Delhi (NLU), who assisted with access to the de legates. Over

a course of three-days par�cipants ac�vely engaged in, and contributed to, designing a training

programme for police officers and lawyers in handling women and girl vic�ms of violence. the

workshop used the method of mind-mapping, focused ac�vi�es and videos to encourange par�cipants

to inden�fy key themes and issues to be included jn the training programme.

The workshop was aimed at crea�ng a strong sense of empowerment and ownership to crea�ng a

programme on handling women and girl vic�ms Vic�ms of violence. Value was place on the delegates

sharing their work and experiences regarding violence against women and girls. Discussions and

contribu�ons by the par�cipants were insigh�ul, cri�cal and demonstrated huge awareness of the

challenges of dealing with violence against women and girls. There wal commitment to comba�ng

these challenges as delegates provided some well-considered solu�ons, which will be incorporated

within the training programme. In addi�on, the group work ac�vi�es encouraged posi�ve exchanges,

between NGOs and police officers, especially concerning sensi�ve areas partaining to vic�ms.

The result of the workshop has been a rich tapestry of key enforma�on (via the mind mspping)

regarding the core thems and issues that the training programme needs to include. The feedback from

delegates wholly stated they felt the workshop had been innova�ve, engaging, democra�c,

collabora�ve, and that they are keen to involve in the next stage of the projects.

The next stage of the project will now involve wri�ng the training programme for police officers and

lawyers regarding how they can more effec�vely deal with women and girl vic�ms of violence. The

programme will be based on a train the trainer model. HKC will train police officers and lawyers to be

trainers of the programme enabling them to have the materials and resources to deliver this to their

peers. On-going support to the trainers will be provided via a dedicated website.

We would like to invite 20 police officers working across Delhi to take part in a 5 day training

programme at NLU commencing on Monday 7th November 2016. At the end of the course

delegates be ones who are already trainers of mid level in their career andk seeking to develop their

professional skills and knowledge. Career aspira�ons and a commitment to improving access to

jus�ce for women and girls is a key requirement.

This is an innova�ve programme designed in collabora�on with key stakeholders in India as well as

interna�onal experts working in the field of violence against women and girls. HKC have significant

experience and success in delivering high quality programmes, projects and educa�on.

Training Programme for Trainers (Police officers) in Associa�on with Sheffield Hallam University, U.K. November 7 - 11, 2016

Training programme for Trainers for Police Officers was organised under the aegis of Centre For

Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi in collabora�on with The Helena

Kennedy Centre for Interna�onal Jusitce (HKC), Sheffield Hallam University, U.K. from November

7th - 11th, 2016. Twelve officers took part as the ac�ve par�cipant of this training programme

out of wich two officers were the Assistant Commissioner of Police from Delhi Police and ten were

inspector of Police. This programme was conducted by Mr. Peter Cronje who is an independent

consultant from South Africa, who imparted various training ideas and direc�ves in an interac�ve


Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi

Study Tour at Sheffield Hallam University, U.K. , February 06-11, 2017

The Na�onal Law University Delhi in associa�on with Helena Kennedy Centre for Interna�onal

Jus�ce Sheffield Hallam University, U.K. has organized a Study Trip for the Indian Police Officers

from 6-11 February, 2017. The delegates involves five Indian Police Officers namely Smt. Anuradha

Shankar, ADG, Madhya Pradesh. 2. Sh. Arshinder Singh Chawla, IPS. IGp/Law & Order, Haryana,

Panchkula, 3. Sh. R.A. Sanjeev, IPS, DCp/Es�./PHQ, Delhi Police 4. Sh. Vineer Kapoor, State

Coordinator, DGP Office, Police Headquartes, Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 5. Smt. Varsha Sharma,

DCP/SPUWAC, Delhi Police, �ok part in this one week Study tour at U.K. The delega�on was led by

Prof. (D.R.) Bajpai, Registrar Na�onal Law University Delhi and assisted by Mr. Sidharth Dahiya,

Assistant Registrar, NLU Delhhi.

This study trip gave an opportunity to the Indian police officers to learn about how the UK responds

to women and girl vic�ms of violence. They had mee�ng & interac�on with London Police. The

highlight of the tour was series of mee�ngs with ground level Police officials and study of certain

specialized ins�tu�ons like Domes�c Abuse Centre, Child Sexual Referral Centre and interac�on

with non-governmental orgniza�on helping the police in implemen�ng the important policies of the

state. This study trip enabled the Indian Police Officers to study the cases related to women and girl

vic�ms of violence in U.K.

Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi

3rd Ver�cal Interac�on Course on the Theme, “Vic�mological Applica�on to Police & Criminal Jus�ce Administra�on”, March 06 -10, 2017

The Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology at Na�onal Law University Delhi (NLUD) organised a

Five Days 3rd Ver�cal Intera�on Course on ‘Vic�mological Applica�on to Police and Criminal Jus�ce

Administra�on’ dated March 6-10, 2017 for IPS/Senior Police Officers in collabora�on with Bureau

of Police Research and Development (BPR&D). During the Course of the program 17 specialized

lectures by specialized professionals were conducted.

Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi

Conference on Pre Trial Processes, March 14-15, 2017

The Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology and The Centre for Cons�tu�onal Law, Policy and Governance at the Na�onal Law University Delhi in collabora�on with the Perpperdine University School Law organized a two day Conference on Pre Trial Processes under the aegis of IQAC on

TOT Workshop on 'Improving Access to Jus�ce for Women & Girl Vic�ms: Innova�ve Police Training' in associa�on with Sheffield Hallam University, April 5 -7, 2017

Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi

Center for Criminolgy & Vic�mology, NLUD and Helena Kennedy Center for Interna�onal Jus�ce, Shefield Hallam University organised a Training of Trainers workshop in Collabora�on with the BPR&D,New Delhi. An expert team consis�ng of Dr. Sunita Toor & Mr. Peter conducted an intensive three dayssession at Na�onal Law University Delhi from April 5-7, 2017 to mainly focusing on gender issues.

The first panel gave an overview of pre-trail processes in India and the US. Over one and a half days,

topics criminal jus�ce system, the role of sentencing guidelines in pre-trail case regula�on and plea

bargaining as a solu�on to case backlog were discussed. Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai talked about the

development and use of Plea Bargaining in India and Andrew Khuaka, Technical Advisor to Uganda

Judiciary presented a case study of Uganda on Plea bargaining as a solu�on to case backlog. Judge

Mike DiReda of the Utah Superior Court Prof. B.T. Kaul, Chairpersons, Delhi judicial Academy, Melissa

Mertens-Public Defender, Dr. Aparna Chandra, Assistant Professor of Law and Research Director,

Centre for Cons�tu�onal Law, Policy and Governance, NLU Delhi, Dr. Mrinal Sa�sh - Associate

Professor of Law and Execu�ve Director of the Centre for Cons�tu�onal Law, Policy and Governance,

NLU Delhi; Lisa Brackelmanns - Public Defender, Juvenile Division; Shabaz Shervani, Case work Director

Counsel to Secure Jus�ce; Dr. Bhar� Yadav, Assistant Professor of Law, NLU Delhi and Michelle

Mendonca , Project Director, Counsel to Secure Jus�ce Made presenta�ons at the Conference.

The concluding session on discussion of outcomes from the conference was chaired by Prof.

(Dr.) G.S. Bajpai, Registrar, Na�onal Law University Delhi. The conference was a�ended by students

from the Pepperdine University as well as the students of Na�onal Law University, Delhi. The

concluded reitera�ng the point the the criminal jus�ce system needs to be specialized and that the

criminal law in the country becomes a People’s law, rather than the State’s law.

the 14th and 15th of march 2017. The inaugural session was presided over ny Prof. (Dr.) Ranbir Singh,

Vice Chancellor, Na�onal Law University Delhi. Prof. Singh in his introductory remarks emphasised on

the importance of collabora�ons between universi�es to Understand the difference in culture and

to make the best out of available resources.

Interna�onal Workshop on Legal Research Methods, May 22-28, 2017

Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi

The Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology at Na�onal Law University Delhi organized an INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP on LEGAL RESEARCH METHODS, Under the aegis of Professor Theodore Eisenberg Centre for Empirical Legal Research & Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) from May 22-28, 2017. The inaugural session of the workshop was held on 22nd May 2017 & it was graced by the presence of Professor (Dr.) Shashikala Gurpur, Director Symbiosis Law School Pune, Prof. (Dr.) Ishwara Bhat, Vice Chancellor, The WB Na�onal University of juridical Science, Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai, Registrar Na�onal Law University Delhi. The 7 Days workshop covered around 20 lecures by some prominent speakers namely Mr. Harish Narasappa, Founder, DAKSH, Dr. Bhawna Bali, Assistant Professor, Teri university, Dr. Sudeshna Ghosh, Mr, Rahul Magan, Chief Execu�ve Officer (CEO), Treasury Consul�ng LLP and Dr. Neeta Goel, Senior Evalua�ons Specialist, Interna�onal Ini�a�ve for Impact Evalua�on and many More. During the workshop following interac�ve sessions were held.

· Basics of Empirical Legal Research.· Empirical Legal Research approach to the selected issues rela�ng to judicial administra�on and judicial reforms (like research on arrest, bail, review & revision, delay & pendency, etc.). · Judicial Impact assessment Methodology. · Developing research design for Empirical & Doctrinal Legal Research.· Developing research proposal for Empirical & Doctrinal Legal Research. · Training in tool construc�on for data collec�on in ELR. · Training in data analysis techniques. · Repor�ng of research findings.· Atlas Ti· Data Processing

More than 50 par�cipants including students, research scholars, academicians and law teachers from the reputed ins�tu�ons across the country and faculty members from NLU Delhi took par�cipa�on in the workshop. The par�cipants appreciated the sessions, very posi�ve feedback was received from the par�cipants.The program was anchored by Prof (Dr.) G S Bajpai and coordinated by Mr Sidharth Dahiya, Assistant Registrar (Academic & Coordina�on).

Stakeholder’s Dialogue on Restora�ve Jus�ce on May 20, 2017

The Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology at Na�onal Law University Delhi in associa�on with Counsel to Secure Jus�ce (CSJ) organized an event “Stakeholder's Dialogue on Restora�ve Jus�ce onMay 20, 2017. Mr. Jonathan Derby from Counsel to Secure Jus�ce (CSJ) introduced the no�on ofRestora�ve Jus�ce. He men�oned the need to raise awareness about the same by increasing theunderstanding of it and listening of thoughts of prac��oners, government officials and experts. Healso focused on Child Sexual Abuse and discussed its status quo in India

Mr. Jonathan Derby along with Ms. Urvashi Tilak (CJS) took session. Some of the significant conceptual no�ons which were deliberated upon were:

· Interroga�on with Offender· Jus�ce and accountabilityØPunishmentØPreven�onoffurtherharmbytheoffenderØRemorselessness· Punishment and Acknowledgement · Rehabilita�on and DevelopmentØMedicalneedsØCounsellingØRepairingbrokenrela�onshipsØForgiveness

It was a collabora�ve talk on the topic of Restora�ve Jus�ce a�ended by approximately thirty peoplefrom different fields across the state. All the par�cipants were from varied fields such as Psychologists, Criminal lawyers, judicial persons of District Legal Service Authority, Social workersand academia. Such diversity represented the common interest and responsibility towardsprogressing society.

Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi

Na�onal Conference on Wrongful Prosecu�on: Rights, Protec�on and

Assistance on November 18, 2017

Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi

The K.L. Arora Chair in Criminal Law, Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology (CCV) in associa�on with Indian Society of Vic�mology Organized a one day Na�onal Conference on Wrongful Prosecu�on:

thRights, Protec�on and Assistance on 18 November, 2017 at Na�onal Law University Delhi. The Conference began with welcome address by Prof.(Dr.) Ranbir Singh, Vice-Chancellor, NLU Delhi. HMJA.P. Shah, delivered inaugural address on the occasion, addressed by HMJ Mohan Peiris & Prof.(Dr.) B.B. Pande, Dis�nguished Professor, NLU Delhi.

The event was graced by the presence of prominent speakers who ac�vely shared their views. The proceedings of the Conference were devided into Four main technical sessions with each sessions containing 6 - 7 presenta�ons which involved as many as 22 Resource Person focussing on the fields like Wrongful prosecu�on, Miscarriage of Jus�ce, Human Rights, Law Rights, false criminal offences, Jurisprudence, Vic�mology, such as Prof.(Dr.) Gerd Kirchoff, O.P.J.G.U., Sonipat, Prof.(Dr.) Arvind Tiwari, TISS, Ms. Vrinda Grover, Sr. Advocate, Mr. Ravi Nair, SAHRDC, Dr. Jyo� Dogra Sood, Associate Professor, ILI Delhi, Dr. Priyamvada, University of Madras, Mr. Vishavjeet Chaudhary, O.P.JGU, Sonipat, Ms. Deepali Vashist, VIPS, Ms. Archana Singh, The NCU, gurugram, Dr. Upma Gautam, Assistant Professor, GGSIPU; and many more.

More than 40 par�cipants including students, research scholars, academicians and law teachers from the reputed ins�tu�ons across the country and faculty members from NLU Delhi took par�cipa�on in the conference.

The conference was directed by Prof (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai, Registrar and Chairman of Centre for criminology & Vic�mology at Na�onal Law University Delhi.

Two Day ToT for Indoor faulty of P olice Training College, Jharoda Kalan,

New Delhi, November 20-21, 2017

The Na�onal Law University Delhi organised two days' workshop for indoor faculty of ptc/pts officers “ToT On Teaching Skills”, from November 20-21/11/2017. The objec�ves of the programwere:

1) To familiarize Police Officials about current developments in innova�ve Teaching Methods2) To sensi�ze Police Officials about the need about the Pedagogy Techniques3) To impart/update the knowledge and informa�on about recent Judgements of the Supreme Court of India related to Police.4) To highlight the significance of Teacher/Trainee bounding.

It was a�ended by 30 police officers from Delhi Police. The program was coordinated by Mr. Sidharth Dahiya, Assistant Registrar, Na�onal Law University Delh

GIAN Course on Empirical Methods in Legal Research, December 4-8, 2017

The Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology (CCV), Na�onal Law University Delhi in associa�on with Asian Law Ins�tute (ASLI) organized MHRD GIAN Course on “Empirical Methods in Legal

th thResearch” under the GIAN scheme of the MHRD, from 4 to 8 December, 2017. The coursewas conducted by Professor William H.J. Hubbard, Professor of Law and Ronald H. Coase

Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi

Teaching Scholar Affilia�on: The University of Chicago Law School. The course was co-taughtby theDirector of the course Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai, Registrar Na�onal Law University Delhi. Thiscourse was of one credit and had 10 hours lectures and 5 hours discussion sessions. The coursereceived an overwhelming response and was a�ended by 55 par�cipants, including bothstudents and faculty members from Na�onal Law University Delhi, and external par�cipants which consisted of Law Professors, Research scholars and students of Law from variousprominent law ins�tu�ons across India. The course was followed by one hour wri�en examina�on for the purpose of credit transfer.

Centre for Criminology & Vic�mology, Na�onal Law University Delhi



This book was released by Hon'ble Ms. Jus�ce G. Rohini, Hon'ble ChiefJus�ce, Delhi High Court and Chancellor, NLU Delhi. This book hasbeen wri�en a�er undertaking painstaking research on Vic�m Jus�cewhich is one of the significant areas of the Criminal Jus�ce Systemof India.


This book was released by Hon'ble Mr. Manish Sisodia, Deputy ChiefMinister, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. This book has been authored a�erexamining some of the landmark Supreme Court rulings from 1950 – 2016, that underlines the emerging perspec�ve in shaping the evolving jurisprudence in India.


The present book is therefore selected compila�ons judicialpronouncements on arrest, inves�ga�on, search and seizure. Dividedinto 11 Chapters this book collets cases available in the public domainin a synop�c form. Presented in a snapshot view, this collec�on offersa quick view of the facts of the cases and the ra�o of the cases in most elusive manner. As on many occasions the researchers, lawyers,judges and jurists are in need or a quick consulta�on to know about the contents of the cases. It is in this context this book becomes an easy reference for consulta�on by the researchers and any other person inclined to undertake a search of this subject.

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