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How do we engage in experiencing Healthy Sex?

There are many factors opposing the reality that single women, single men, and couples can still enjoy the sacredness of Healthy Sex.

Stress from everyday life challenges outside the home

Medically generated imbalances = diseases

Former Medical Sex Related Notions=Masturbation

Indigenous Tribal practices=Circumcision in both Females/Males

Career Choices

Self Esteem Issues that spill over into our relationships

Ratio of Good/Available Men

Socially indoctrinated structures defining Relationships

Religious Doctrine about Sex

Biological Challenges from birth

Diet, Nutrition and Exercise

Sex and the Drugs we take

All of the factors listed above are the portals to our biological selves experiencing hormonal, bio-energetic and emotional distressed imbalances. When imbalances are triggered they sometimes produce other imbalances (dis-eases within our biological temples) that are rare and oftentimes unknown to the medical profession.

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It is amazing how our ancestors knew the exact amounts of certain NU.trients that needed to be present in our Biological Reproduction Temples in order to continue the cycle of life.

NU.trients such as ZINC, VITAMIN B6, OMEGA-3 (fatty acids that are found in fish oils and linseed oil) must be present in appropriate amounts within the seminal fluid. Healthy seminal fluid is high in Zinc. Statistically, a large number of men especially teenage boys show an increased deficiency in these nutrients. More so in our teenage boys because of frequent masturbation. These same deficiencies have also been found in schizophrenic individuals.

Recently, in a scribd document entitled: Masturbation, Madness, and The Modern Concepts of Childhood and Adolescence written by Carol CoBillard, she states in her introduction:

“More than sixty-five years ago, the English sexologist, Havelock Ellis, wrote that “the study of auto-erotism is far from being an unimportant or merely curious study.”1 Among other things, the importance of such a study lies in the fact that for two centuries before 1914 many of the best-informed and respected medical authorities (and, unfortunately, their patients) labored under the belief that masturbation, particularly among children and adolescence, caused myriad ills ranging from acne to homicidal insanity. . .”

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However, our ancient ancestors revered masturbation as a means of pro-creating life.

“In the Heliopolitan creation myth established in the sixth dynasty, he (Atum) was considered to be the first god, having created himself, sitting on a mound (benben) (or identified with the mound itself), from the primordial waters (Nu). Early myths state that Atum created the god Shu and goddess Tefnut from spitting or from his semen by masturbation in Heliopolis.” [1] (

Deficiencies in zinc can lead to underdeveloped male sexual organs which in turn later on in life leads to enlarged prostate gland. Nutritional awareness is a priority. High and imbalanced levels of dopamine are connected to orgasm and schizophrenia.

Are you depressed frequently?

This is an indication that you’re experiencing low levels of dopamine.

In a medical journal entitled, “Arthritis can be Cured by Bernard Aschner, MD (The Julian Press, 1957, or Arco Publ. N.Y.)”, according to Dr. Aschner, a medical arthritis specialist, reports that regular ejaculation can cause arthritis to worsen.

We have studied in earlier chambers how hormonal imbalances, particularly when levels of dopamine are High or deficient can contribute greatly to addictive behaviours. Meanwhile, with the appropriate levels of oxytocins present can prove to have beneficial influences to help these conditions: Drug Abuse, Compulsive Behaviour, Gambling, Aggression, Violence and Attention Deficit Disorders.


Even the gods had sex in ancient Egypt. Ra (in the form of Atem) masturbated his

children Shu and Tefnut into existence!

Atem is he who masturbated in Iunu (On, Heliopolis). He took his phallus in his

grasp that he might create orgasm by means of it, and so were born the twins

Shu and Tefnut.

-- Pyramid Text 1248-49

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When we are experiencing high levels of stress our biological temples become incapable of discharging bio-energetic statically. What is bio-energetic static? Well, let’s get a better overstanding of bio-energetics.

Bio-energetics definition

bio·en·er·get·ics (-en′ər jet′iks)


a branch of energetics that deals with how a living organism converts food, sunlight, etc. into useful


Related Forms:

bioenergetic bi′o·en′·er·get′ic adjective

Whenever we become overly emotional about something without a way to release that energy, it becomes non-productive or static—TRAPPED ENERGY=INDUCED TENSIONS=FRUSTRATIONS.

Foreplay builds up the excited anticipation of being fulfilled. Yet, there is truly little release for women when their sexual partner ejaculates too early and this can lead to emotional problems, gynecological or nervousness conditions.

Dr. Sebi speaks

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Sometimes, it turns women off altogether and they no longer desire to engage in sex with that particular partner. Commonly, it is thought that men are emotionally unaware of these frustrations in women and they in turn can develop physical symptoms such as, prostate problems, impotence, heart disease and hypertension.

Frustrated women when experiencing bio-energetic tension can try taking a warm douche at bedtime that should last about twenty minutes in a tub of warm water.

Note: This is not done to induce orgasm. However, it should help to relieve the bio-energetic tensions, be relaxing and assist in a peaceful sleep.

Unhealthy sex practices lead to health problems and diseases of the sexual organs. Imbalances such as cancer, infections of the sexual organs that can affect other parts of the body are tumors, and Metastasis. To the rescue once again is Oxytocin. Again, our ancestors programmed our biological units with healing receptors such as oxytocin to inhibit the growth of tumors, especially cancerous tumors (prostate and breast cancers), if high concentrated amounts of it are present within the biological temple. Oxytocin can help also with decreasing stress hormones which help to increase the effectiveness of ones immune system for speedy recovery purposes.

To increase the presence of Oxytocin in one’s biological temple here are some simple remedies with scientific references:

frequent hugs between partners associated with lower blood pressure and more oxytocin

touch and psychological support are health-promoting due to increased oxytocin

oxytocin strongly protects organs from damage due to blood infection

kissing may have positive implications those with allergies

oxytocin speeds wound healing and reduces pain

oxytocin counters addiction and soothes withdrawal symptoms

massage aids detoxification for alcohol, oxytocin rises during massage

oxytocin positively affects health and counteracts stress

oxytocin reduces anxiety and stress

less oxytocin results in more aggression and less caring

oxytocin regulates cell proliferation and inhibits breast and prostate cancer

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oxytocin increases the receptivity of females

oxytocin imbalance may underlie impotence and alleviate erectile dysfunction

patients with autism and psychiatric disorders improve with increased oxytocin levels

oxytocin involved in learning and memory

Remember there are also some disadvantages to Releasing Bio-chemicals ‘Gasmically.

Sometimes just a simple change in one’s sexual practices can result in less stress, the alleviation of hypertension, high blood pressure, stomach ulcers, and depression. This is note to advocate that changing one’s sexual practices is a cure to these often times serious imbalances. However, much research is being done to document Healthy Sexual Practices. One of the greatest benefits of a healthy loving relationship is the experience of close-bonding, especially if a person is emotionally fragile. Ever notice how couples began to resemble each other?

Well, sex hormones can also begin to mirror each other while producing different attitudes in both genders. Men can become less aggressive (producing more estrogen than testosterone), gentle and experience greater spiritual tendencies. Women can mirror that attitudinal response by exhibiting tendencies of being bolder due to production of higher testosterone levels that balance out excessive estrogen levels.

Scientific studies are proving that high levels of testosterone are non-beneficial and are found present in prostate cancer patients, and high estrogen levels are equally non-beneficial in most breast cancer patients.

Science of Sex Appeal - Testosterone vs.


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WE SHOULD HUG OUR CHILDREN MORE. Many of our children without being aware of it, miss the warmth of their mothers wombs and hugging (cuddling effect) provides that warm, nurturing and close feeling that can help to our children grow up healthy and happy emotional beings (it makes them feel SAFE and feeling safe produces Oxytocin=BIO-ENERGETIC BOOST).

Another tragedy that has happened to Afrikans during the slave trade was the loss of our parents being able to teach US how to become expert lovers from puberty up and in turn we have loss the ability to teach our children how to become expert lovers by training them how to effectively release their bio-energetic tensions (static) after reaching puberty beyond the techniques of safe self-erotism in healthy conditions; and environments. Now we are faced with the urgent task of teaching ourselves how to engage in Healthy Sexual Relationships.

May our Ancestors safely guide US…Peace

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