Download - CHAPTER 1

  • CHNG 1Gii thieu ve QLSX (POM)

  • NOI DUNGCac khai niem c banVan hanhHe thong san xuatQuan ly

  • CAC KHAI NIEM C BANSan xuat la hoat ong kinh doanhSAN XUAT la cac qua trnh hay phng phap c khai thac nham BIEN OI cac AU VAO hu hnh nh nguyen vat t, vat lieu, ban thanh pham, linh kien va cac au vao vo hnh nh y tng, thong tin, tri thc THANH AU RA la san pham/dch vu

    SAN PHAM: la hang hoa, vat dung, phng phap, thong tin ap ng c nhu cau hay mong muon cua khach hang hay ngi s dungSan pham thng bao gom mot tap hp cac ac tnh hu hnh hay vo hnh ma ngi san xuat a ra ban cho khach hang

  • CAC KHAI NIEM C BANSAN XUAT ra SAN PHAM luon oi hoi s dung nguon lc au vao.NGUON LC SAN XUAT c mua hay khai thac trong t nhien co the bao gom:+ at ai+ Von+ Nhan lc+ Cong nghe, phng phap + Cac loai nguyen vat t va vat lieu Ngi san xuat HP LY luon quan tam ti viec lam sao at c gia tr cao nhat cua au ra t tp hp xac nh cac yeu to au vao ma anh ta co cNgi san xuat mong muon s dung phng phap ky thuat ket hp cac au vao mot cach co hieu suat sao cho at c gia tr cao nhat au ra

  • CAC KHAI NIEM C BANDOANH NGHIEP SAN XUAT la mot thc the kinh te thc hien cac hoat ong san xuat-kinh doanh. Kinh doanh co y ngha rong hn san xuat

    Stephenson nh ngha kinh doanh la hoat ong san xuat ra hang hoa/dch vu mot cach thng xuyen hay mua-ban hang hoa vi muc tieu la co c li nhuan hay thu c cua cai thong qua viec thoa man nhu cau cua con ngi

    Muc tieu chu yeu cua san xuat-kinh doanh la LI NHUANLi nhuan la phan thng cho doanh nhan

  • CAC KHAI NIEM C BANKinh doanh luon i vi viec tao ra cua cai (wealth)Viec kien tao ra cua cai buoc phai bao gom cac qua trnh trong o lao ong, thiet ke, vat t-vat lieu, thiet b, cong nghe, von va cac thanh phan khac c s dung mot cach co hieu suat sao cho co the tao ra li nhuan


  • CAC KHAI NIEM C BANTao ra li nhuan va cua cai quan trong oi vi cong ty v:Nhu cau kiem tien cua doanh nhanNhu cau duy tr kha nang tra n ngan hangNhu cau tai au t Nhu cau duy tr hoat ong san xuat-kinh doanhNhu cau phat trien kinh doanh

    Tao ra li nhuan va cua cai quan trong oi vi a phng v co the:Phat trien kinh te ben vngTao viec lam Phat trien cac nganh cong nghiepLam t thien

  • CAC KHAI NIEM C BANTao ra li nhuan va cua cai quan trong oi vi cong nhan vien v co the:Cai thien cuoc songBao am viec lamTrien vong phat trien nghe nghiep chuyen mon

  • CAC CHC NANG CUA SAN XUAT KINH DOANHResearch & development creates product and processesFinance obtains funds Marketing gets customers Accounting tracks money Top Management keeps people on task Legal makes sure the company is following the laws in purchases and sales HR manages benefits, compensation, compliance issues, recruiting, training, etc. IT makes sure systems work to support everyone else Operations is the answer to the question, What does your company do?. It is the day to day decisions and activities and the making of the products/services that are sold!

  • VAN HANHVan hanh (Operation) la mot trong ba chc nang quan trong nhat cua kinh doanh

  • VAN HANHFinance is responsible for securing financial resources at favorable prices and allocating those resources throughout the organization, as well as budgeting, analyzing investment proposals, and providing funds for operations. Marketing and operations are the primary, or line, functions. Marketing is responsible for assessing consumer wants and needs, and selling and promoting the organizations goods or services. Operations is responsible for producing the goods or providing the services offered by the organization. To put this into perspective, if a business organization were a car, operations would be its engine. And just as the engine is the core of what a car does, in a business organization, operations is the core of what the organization does. Operations management is responsible for managing that core. Hence, operations management is the management of systems or processes that create goods and/or provide services.

  • VAN HANHOPERATION or the creation of goods or services involves transforming or converting inputs into outputs.

    Various inputs such as capital, labor, and information are used to create goods or services using one or more transformation processes (e.g., storing, transporting, cutting).

    To ensure that the desired outputs are obtained, an organization takes measurements at various points in the transformation process (feedback) and then compares them with previously established standards to determine whether corrective action is needed (control).

  • The operations function involves the conversion of inputs into outputsThe conversion system.

  • Examples of inputs, transformation processes, and outputs

  • Operation output: GOOD AND SERVICEGoods and services often occur jointly. For example, having the oil changed in your car is a service, but the oil that is delivered is a good. Similarly, house painting is a service, but the paint is a good. The goods-service combination is a continuum. It can range from primarily goods, with little service, to primarily service, with few goods.Because there are relatively few pure goods or pure services, companies usually sell product packages, which are a combination of goods and services. There are elements of both goods production and service delivery in these product packages. This makes managing operations more interesting, and also more challenging.

  • Operation output: GOOD AND SERVICEDistinction between Manufacturing Operations and Service OperationsFollowing characteristics can be considered for distinguishing manufacturing operations with service operations:1.Tangible/Intangible nature of output2.Consumption of output3.Nature of work (job)4.Degree of customer contact5.Customer participation in conversion6.Measurement of performance.

  • The goods-service continuum.

  • Differences between production of goods and service operations

  • VALUE-ADDEDThe essence of the operations function is to add value during the transformation processValue-added is the term used to describe the difference between the cost of inputs and the value or price of outputs. The greater the value-added, the greater the effectiveness of these operations The value of outputs is measured by the prices that customers are willing to pay for those goods or services. Firms use the money generated by value-added for R&D, investment in new facilities and equipment, worker salaries, and profits.Consequently, the greater the value-added, the greater the amount of funds available for these purposes.


  • PRODUCTION SYSTEMSYMPLE SYSTEM: has the following characteristics:Production is an organized activity, so every production system has an objective.The system transforms the various inputs to useful outputs.It does not operate in isolation from the other organization system.There exists a feedback about the activities, which is essential to control and improve system performance.


  • PRODUCTION SYSTEM+ nh ngha he thong He thong la mot bo/tap hp nhng thanh phan/yeu to co quan he vi nhau va co quan he gia cac ac tnh cua chung cung moi quan he cua chung vi moi trng xung quanh tao thanh mot tong the

    + Cac yeu to/thanh phan cua he thong co the la: au vao: nhan s, thong tin, tien, nguyen vat lieuau ra: san pham, dch vu, thong tinqua trnh: cac hoat ong bien au vao thanh au raQuan he: rang buoc qua lai gia cac thanh phanac tnh: la tnh chat ac thu cua ca cac thanh phan va cac moi quan he cua chung

  • PRODUCTION SYSTEMMoi trng: la nhng g nam ngoai tam kiem soat cua he thong va ong thi quyet nh ban chat cua he thong. + Mc o kiem soat cua he thong la nang lc s dung cac nguon lc cua he thong e kiem soat cac yeu to ben trong va ben ngoai he thong.

  • PRODUCTION SYSTEMClassification of Production System

  • PRODUCTION SYSTEMJOB SHOP PRODUCTIONJob shop production are characterised by manufacturing of one or few quantity of products designed and produced as per the specification of customers within prefixed time and cost. The distinguishing feature of this is low volume and high variety of products.A job shop comprises of general purpose machines arranged into different departments.Each job demands unique technological requirements, demands processing on machines in a certain sequence.

  • PRODUCTION SYSTEMJOB SHOP PRODUCTION Characteristics: The Job-shop production system is followed when there is:High variety of products and low volume.Use of general purpose machines and facilities.Highly skilled operators who can take up each job as a challenge because of uniqueness.Large inventory of materials, tools, parts.Detailed planning is essential for sequencing the requirements of each product, capacities for each work centre and order priorities.

  • JOB SHOP PRODUCTION Advantages1.Because of general purpose machines and facilities variety of products can be produced.2.Operators will become more skilled and competent, as each job gives them learning opportunities.3.Full potential of operators can be utilised.4.Opportunity exists for creative methods and innovative ideas.LimitationsFollowing are the limitations of job shop production:1.Higher cost due to frequent set up changes.2.Higher level of inventory at all levels and hence higher inventory cost.3.Production planning is complicated.4.Larger space requirements.

  • BATCH PRODUCTIONBatch production is defined by American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS) as a form of manufacturing in which the job passes through the functional departments in lots or batches and each lot may have a different routing.

    It is characterised by the manufacture of limited number of products produced at regular intervals and stocked awaiting sales.PRODUCTION SYSTEM

  • BATCH PRODUCTIONCharacteristicsBatch production system is used under the following circumstances:1.When there is shorter production runs.2.When plant and machinery are flexible.3.When plant and machinery set up is used for the production of item in a batch and change of set up is required for processing the next batch.4.When manufacturing lead time and cost are lower as compared to job order production.

  • BATCH PRODUCTIONAdvantagesFollowing are the advantages of batch production:1.Better utilisation of plant and machinery.2.Promotes functional specialisation.3.Cost per unit is lower as compared to job order production.4.Lower investment in plant and machinery.5.Flexibility to accommodate and process number of products.6.Job satisfaction exists for operators.LimitationsFollowing are the limitations of batch production:1.Material handling is complex because of irregular and longer flows.2.Production planning and control is complex.3.Work in process inventory is higher compared to continuous production.4.Higher set up costs due to frequent changes in set up.

  • MASS PRODUCTIONManufacture of discrete parts or assemblies using a continuous process are called mass production.This production system is justified by very large volume of production. The machines are arranged in a line or product layout. Product and process standardisation exists and all outputs follow the same path.PRODUCTION SYSTEM

  • MASS PRODUCTIONCharacteristicsMass production is used under the following circumstances:1.Standardisation of product and process sequence.2.Dedicated special purpose machines having higher production capacities and output rates.3.Large volume of products.4.Shorter cycle time of production.5.Lower in process inventory.6.Perfectly balanced production lines.7.Flow of materials, components and parts is continuous and without any back tracking.8.Production planning and control is easy.9.Material handling can be completely automatic.

  • MASS PRODUCTIONAdvantages1.Higher rate of production with reduced cycle time.2.Higher capacity utilisation due to line balancing.3.Less skilled operators are required.4.Low process inventory.5.Manufacturing cost per unit is low.Limitations1.Breakdown of one machine will stop an entire production line.2.Line layout needs major change with the changes in the product design.3.High investment in production facilities.4.The cycle time is determined by the slowest operation.

  • CONTINUOUS PRODUCTIONProduction facilities are arranged as per the sequence of production operations from the first operations to the finished product. The items are made to flow through the sequence of operations through material handling devices such as conveyors, transfer devices, etc.Characteristics1.Dedicated plant and equipment with zero flexibility2.Material handling is fully automated.3.Process follows a predetermined sequence of operations.4.Component materials cannot be readily identified with final product.5.Planning and scheduling is a routine action.PRODUCTION SYSTEM

  • CONTINUOUS PRODUCTIONAdvantages1.Standardisation of product and process sequence.2.Higher rate of production with reduced cycle time.3.Higher capacity utilisation due to line balancing.4.Manpower is not required for material handling as it is completely automatic.5.Person with limited skills can be used on the production line.6.Unit cost is lower due to high volume of production.Limitations1.Flexibility to accommodate and process number of products does not exist.2.Very high investment for setting flow lines.3.Product differentiation is limited.

  • MASS CUSTOMISATION PRODUCTIONPhat trien cong nghiep t au the ky th 18 a tao ra chuyen bien c ban t san xuat tieu thu cong sang san xuat hang loat (mass production)Cuoi the ky 20 a xuat hien xu the mi trong san xuat CN: san xuat theo n hang cua khach hang (mass customisation)Mass customization is also commonly referred to as Build to order Assemble to order Con gure to order Make to order Engineer to order

  • MASS CUSTOMISATION PRODUCTIONSan xuat theo n hang cua khach hang (mass customisation) vi cac ac trng sau:Thiet ke co tnh ac thu, tc ap ng ung yeu cau cua khach hang (nh trong san xuat tieu thu cong)Vong i cua san pham rat nganTh trng b phan manhSan xuat theo mo hnh san xuat hang loatS dung cong nghe (thong tin), t ong hoa..: body scanning,

  • MASS CUSTOMISATION PRODUCTIONAdvantages1. Product differenciation is unlimited, improved customer satisfaction)2. Affordable price3. Lower total costs4. Competitive advantages5. Flexibility under changing market condition 6. Higher quality product7. Broader product line8. Higher profit9. Avoidance of forecast errors10. Avoidance of purchasing delays11. Optimise margin by standardising service12. Consistent response time and delivery

  • MASS CUSTOMISATION PRODUCTIONLimitations1.High needs for sound consumers information 2.Cross-trained and empowed workers3. requires a highly flexible production technology4. requires unique operational capabilities.5. requires an elaborate system for eliciting customers' wants and needs.6. People are not willing to pay to have everything customized. 7. requires a strong direct-to-customer logistics system

  • MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGYCong nghe san xuat (manufacturing technology) la thanh phan ac biet quan trong trong he thong san xuat va van hanh. ay cung chnh la trach nhiem trong tam cua ky s trong POMCong nghe san xuat trc tiep thc hien qua trnh bien oi nguyen vat lieu thanh san phamCong nghe san xuat bao gom nhieu thanh phan. Cac thanh phan cong nghe co quan he mat thiet, bo sung cho nhau nhng co gii han toi thieu va toi a cho moi thanh phan e thc hien c qua trnh bien oi mot cach hieu qua.Cong nghe san xuat (manufacturing technology) a va ang khong ngng phat trien va luon la cot song cua nen kinh te cua ca cac nc phat trien va ang phat trien


  • MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGYQUA TRNH SAN XUAT la mot chuoi cac hoat ong san xuat-cong nghe tao ra mot san pham hoan chnh. Qua trnh SX oi hoi ap dung ong thi nhieu loai hnh CN san xuatCac loai hnh cong nghe cua nganh det may:Keo siDet thoi, det kimNhuom, hoan tatMay Cac loai CN khac: cong nghe nhiet, CN san xuat linh phu kien: kim, day keo, nut.


  • Lch s phat trien cua cong nghe che tao (manufacturing technology)

  • MANAGEMENT Quan l la mot qua trnh lam viec vi va thong qua ngi khac nham at c cac muc tieu cua n v trong mot moi trng co nhieu thay oi. Nhiem vu trong tam cua qua trnh nay la s dung cac nguon lc b han che mot cach co hieu suat va at hieu qua.



  • CHC NANG CUA QUAN LY1. Lap ke hoach va ra quyet nh la qua trnh xac nh cac muc tieu va cac phng tien, bien phap e at muc tieu. Xac nh cac van e can giai quyet, nhu cau can phai thoa man: YEU CAU NAO PHAI AP NG VA U TIEN AP NG TRC TIEN?Phan tch cac van e, nhu cau, cac moi quan he cua chung trong qua kh-hien tai va tng lai: CAC NHAN TO/YEU TO NAO A HAY CO THE ANH HNG EN VIEC AP NG CAC YEU CAU A NH?Xac nh cac anh hng va qui mo cua cac anh hng len nhu cau. AU LA NHNG YEU TO/NHAN TO QUAN TRONG NHAT?Xac nh cac phng tien, bien phap co the phat huy cac anh hng tch cc va han che cac anh hng tieu cc ti nhu cau can at. AU LA BIEN PHAP TOT NHAT?

  • PRODUCTION OPERATION MANAGEMENT Definition 1The design, operation and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the primary product and service combinations Definition 2The design, operation and improvement of the internal and external systems, resources and technologies that create and deliver the firms primary product and service combinations.Definition 3The design, operation and improvement of the internal and external systems, resources and technologies that create product and service combinations in any type of organization.

  • PRODUCTION OPERATION MANAGEMENT POM in thi subject is a process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the activities of the production function. It combines and transforms various resources used in the production subsystem of the organization into value added product in a controlled manner as per the policies of the organization.

    E.S. Buffa defines production management as, Production operation management deals with decision making related to production processes so that the resulting goods or services are produced according to specifications, in the amount and by the schedule demanded and out of minimum cost.


  • PRODUCTION OPERATION MANAGEMENTPOM: ieu khien QUA TRNH SX nham at c hieu suat-hieu qua

  • PRODUCTION OPERATION MANAGEMENTHIEU SUAT-HIEU QUA CUA HE THONGLa cac muc tieu quan trong ma toan bo hoat ong san xuat, kinh doanh phai nham ti va nham ti ong thiCh co the ap dung cho he thong khong ap dung cho thanh phanCh co the anh gia c sau khi mot giai oan san xuat a c hoan tat vi mot so lng nhat nh san pham a c tao thanh, dch vu a c thc hien cho khach hang.

  • PRODUCTION OPERATION MANAGEMENTHIEU SUAT-HIEU QUA CUA HE THONGoi khi mau thuan vi muc tieu hay mong muon cua mot n v va ca nhan nhng ch trong ngan hanPhai o c khach quan e biet chnh xac he thong ang i ve au, co can phai ieu chnh hay thay oi khong, theo hng naoKhong bao gi co the at c 100% hieu qua va hieu suat cung khong bao gi co the at mot mc o nhat nh mot cach chac chan 100%.

  • PRODUCTION OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT HIEU SUAT-HIEU QUA CUA HE THONGCo the at c vi kha nang cao nhat khi mc o can at la kha thi trong pham vi ve nguon lc va thi gian cho phep va cac yeu to ben ngoai la kiem soat c (kha nang d bao c kha nang xuat hien va qui mo anh hng, co kha nang ngan chan hay han che anh hng tieu cc khi xay ra)Khong ch chu anh hng cua cac thanh phan/nhan to ma ca quan he gia cac chung

  • PRODUCTION OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT V DU VE CH SO HIEU SUAT VA HIEU QUA CUA HE THONG SAN XUAT Hieu qua:Li nhuan/1 san phamDoanh thu/1 nhan vienThu nhap trung bnh/thangChat lng san pham: cac ac trng cua san pham va tnh phu hpSo lan giao hang ung hanSo lng tham phien cua khach hang/1 mat hangThi gian dch vu khach hang

  • PRODUCTION OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT V DU VE CH SO HIEU SUAT VA HIEU QUA CUA HE THONG SAN XUAT Hieu suatChi ph san xuat n vThi gian san xuat/1san phamNang lc san xuat (so san pham/thi gian)Hieu dung cua may moc (so gi lam viec/tong thi gian san xuat) Chi ph nang lng/1san pham




    OUTPUT: gia tr th trng cua hang hoa INPUT: chi ph cho toan bo nguon lc c s dung e tao ra OUTPUT


    OUTPUT: gia tr th trng cua hang hoa INPUT: chi ph cho toan bo nguon lc c s dung e tao ra OUTPUT


    OUTPUT: gia tr th trng cua hang hoa INPUT: chi ph cho nguon lc nhat nh c s dung e tao ra OUTPUT


  • Cac nguyen nhan lam giam nang suat

  • PRODUCTION OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT THE OBJECTIVES OF POM is to produce goods services of right quality and quantity at the right time and right manufacturing cost.1. RIGHT QUALITYThe quality of product is established based upon the customers needs. The right quality is not necessarily best quality. It is determined by the cost of the product and the technical characteristics as suited to the specific requirements.2. RIGHT QUANTITYThe manufacturing organization should produce the products in right number. If they are produced in excess of demand the capital will block up in the form of inventory and if the quantity is produced in short of demand, leads to shortage of products.

  • PRODUCTION OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT THE OBJECTIVES OF POM 3. RIGHT TIMETimeliness of delivery is one of the important parameter to judge the effectiveness of production department. So, the production department has to make the optimal utilization of input resources to achieve its objective.4. RIGHT MANUFACTURING COSTManufacturing costs are established before the product is actually manufactured. Hence, all attempts should be made to produce the products at pre-established cost, so as to reduce the variation between actual and the standard (pre-established) cost.

  • PRODUCTION OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT THE SCOPE OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENTOperations management people are involved in product and service design, process selection, selection and management of technology, design of work systems, location planning, facilities planning, and quality improvement of the organizations products or services.The operations function includes many interrelated activities, such as forecasting, capacity planning, scheduling, managing inventories, assuring quality, motivating employees, deciding where to locate facilities, and more.


  • PRODUCTION OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT EXAMPLE: A GARMENT FACTORY. Assembly operation: buying components such as fabrics, threads, needles, accessories, and other items from suppliers, and then assembling garment. Fabrication work, patern cutting, embroying, and buy mainly yarns, couloring substances and a few parts and materials such as stabilising and polishing substances.Key management tasks in either case are scheduling production, deciding which components to make and which to buy, ordering parts and materials, deciding on the style of garment to produce and how many, purchasing new equipment to replace old or worn out equipment, maintaining equipment, motivating workers, and ensuring that quality standards are met

  • A primary function of an operations manager is to guide the system by decision making. Certain decisions affect the design of the system, and others affect the operation of the system.System design involves decisions that relate to system capacity, the geographic location of facilities, arrangement of departments and placement of equipment within physical structures, product and service planning, and acquisition of equipment. System operation involves management of personnel, inventory planning and control, scheduling, project management, and quality assurance. The operations function also includes purchasing, industrial engineering, distribution, and maintenance.






  • Lch s phat trien cua cong nghe che tao (manufacturing technology) cung vi POM

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