

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know

that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Colossians 3:23-24


• What to Expect

• Counting

• Reading

• Reading Quiz 1.1

• Shipwrecked

• Words and Numbers (and Place Value)

Don’t Forget

• Reading Quiz Daily

• Content Quiz Every Wednesday



Paper Chase

Today’s handouts:

• Course Outline

• Assignments Chapter 1

• Spelling Words

• Practice 1.1

• Homework Supplement

Monday, August 19th, 2019

Course Outline

• Quiz next time over course outline

• The quiz will be “open outline & notes”

• Must be familiar with outline before the quiz

Monday, August 19th, 2019

Kindergarten TEKS

• (2) Number and operations. The student

applies mathematical process standards to

understand how to represent and compare

whole numbers, the relative position and

magnitude of whole numbers, and

relationships within the numeration system.

The student is expected to:

• (A) count forward and backward to at least

20 with and without objects;

Back to School

Reading Quizzes

• Daily after Stumpers

• 5 minutes, 5 questions, 5 points

• Open book, open notes

• No make ups

• Lowest scores are dropped

• Today’s Reading Quiz is not graded

Read pages 1-6 in Text book

Reading Quiz Cardinal or Ordinal?

• That was the fourth fatal accident on Loop 1604 this week.

• The candidate hasn’t paid taxes in ten years.

• Mallory had to walk five miles to school.

• This is Ariana’s sixth tardy.

• Patrick can eat sixteen hot dogs in an hour.

Academic Integrity

• No copying. Don’t give anyone an opportunity to copy your work.

• Groups are OK. You may discuss how to do a problem. You may compare answers after everyone has worked the problem independently. You should not see anyone else’s homework paper, and no one should see yours.

• Generally good to use electronic devices during class, not during exam or quiz

Dear Professor McCarron

We are in process of reviewing our applicants for the Teacher Certification Program…As always, we value your input…if you have any endorsements or concerns, please feel free to comment accordingly.


• Letter grade as described in outline

• Letter of recommendation

– Always early for class

– Always prepared for class

– Positive attitude

– Desire to learn

– …

Dear Principal Smith

Sally Jones would be an excellent selection to be a teacher in your xxx program. I have been her professor through courses whose topics included mathematics content knowledge for elementary teachers as well as mathematics teaching methods….she has many fine qualities that would make her an ideal teacher….

Ms. Jones is dependable and mature. She pays attention to details and has the internal motivation to do superb work…. In short, Sally is determined to excel….


The Year: 1500 AD The Yucatan

Practice Exercises #1 & 2

AbstractConcrete Semi Concrete

Mathematical Manipulatives

• Physical models for abstract concepts

• Many, many manipulatives on the market

• At a particular grade level, focus on a few tools

AbstractConcrete Semi Concrete

Three Way Connection






Make the Connection





TEKS & Place Value Expansions

Grade 3: Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to represent and compare whole numbers and understand relationships related to place value. The student is expected to:

(A) compose and decompose numbers up to 100,000 as a sum of so many ten thousands, so many thousands, so many hundreds, so many tens, and so many ones using objects, pictorial models, and numbers, including expanded notation as appropriate;

Number words

• Commas appear in wording where commas appear in numerical representationFive thousand, two hundred twenty-one

• Hyphen is used in number words for twenty-one to ninety-nine

• “and” is only used for the decimal point or other fractions (follow your text book)

• Final exam “trick” question:Three billion, four hundred twenty-six thousand, three

Write in words

1. 36,713

2. 2,131,101 Spelling!

Practice Exercises #3 & 4 Base 10 Blocks

• Units (1 cubic cm)

• 10 Units = 1 Long (aka “rod”)

• 10 Longs = 1 Flat (aka “tile”)

• 10 Flats = 1 Block

Practice Exercise #5 Set Model or Measurement Model?

• Vianey invited four classmates to her party. Victoria and two friends crashed the party uninvited. How many came to the party in all?

• Jailene jogged 3 kilometers on Monday and then jogged 4 kilometers on Wednesday. How many kilometers did she jog all together?

• Bobbie got 5 parking tickets in September and 4 more in October. How many parking tickets did she get in all?

Practice Exercise #6 End of Chapter 1 Assignment 1

Do homework

Assignment 1

for next time


Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness..

James 3:18

Cardinal or Ordinal?

• He is the fifth guy who tried to buy Araceli a drink.

• He has called Maria four times this week.

• Darcie got only five hours of sleep.

Set Model or Measurement Model?

• Juliana got 2 kilograms of beef and 3 kilograms of chicken.

• Karly took a 2 hour nap in the afternoon and still slept 9 hours at night.

• Jenna shopped at WalMart 3 times in October and 5 times in November.


• Warm up

• Stumpers

• Reading Quiz 1.1

• Base 10 blocks

• Base 5

• Quiz

Don’t Forget

• Pick up

– Practice 1-2

• Quiz Every Thursday

Stumper Rules

• If I go over a problem before hand in, I expect you to correct your solution.

• If I want to see what you had first, I won’t go over it before hand in.

• Solutions will be posted on the course web site on request.

Homework Stumpers


AbstractConcrete Semi Concrete

Mathematical Manipulatives

• Physical models for abstract concepts

• Many, many manipulatives on the market

• At a particular grade level, focus on a few tools

AbstractConcrete Semi Concrete

Three Way Connection






Make the Connection





TEKS & Place Value Expansions

Grade 3: Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to represent and compare whole numbers and understand relationships related to place value. The student is expected to:

(A) compose and decompose numbers up to 100,000 as a sum of so many ten thousands, so many thousands, so many hundreds, so many tens, and so many ones using objects, pictorial models, and numbers, including expanded notation as appropriate;

Base 10 Blocks

• Units (1 cubic cm)

• 10 Units = 1 Long (aka “rod”)

• 10 Longs = 1 Flat (aka “tile”)

• 10 Flats = 1 Block

Practice Exercise #5 Reflection

A gentle answer turns away wrath,

but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Proverbs 15:1

Memory Experiment Today

• Warm up: Working Memory Span

• Expanded Form

• From Base 5 to Decimal

• From Decimal to Base 5

• Vocab Wrap

• Modeling addition and subtraction

Don’t Forget

• Pick up

– Graded Quiz

– Graded RQ

– Practice 1-3

• Next week

• One copy of recommended books on reserve in the library

How homework is graded Write in Expanded Form

• 57

• 329

• 2467

Practice Exercise #1 Why?

Why do white collar workers often carry a briefcase to and from work?

Positional Number System

• Each system has a special number called the


• Each position has a place value, determined by

powers of the base

• Each digit in a written number has a value, the

digit times the place value.

value = digit place value

Convert Base 5 to Decimal

• 23

• 41

• 113

• 340

Practice Exercises #2&3 Convert Decimal to Base 5

• 23

• 57

• 119

• 348

Practice Exercises #4&5 Vocab Wrap

End of Chapter 1 Assignment 2

Do homework

Assignment 2

for next time

Quiz 2 Content

• Questions will look similar to Practice 1.1 and Practice 1.2

• Usually when vocabulary is tested, it is in matching question

Inside and Outside Class

• Reading will introduce Semi Concrete Activities (pictorial models)

– Why reading is assigned

– Why written homework is assigned

• Class time will often emphasize Concrete activities

– Can’t always go over things covered in reading

– Can answer reading and homework questions in class

• Testing covers both class and reading


Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Matthew 6:25-26

Warm up

Change to decimal: (412)5

Change to base five: 408


• Warm up

• Stumpers

• Reading Quiz

• Modeling Addition and Subtraction

• Symbols

• Properties

• Mental Math

• Quiz

Don’t Forget

• Turn in

– Chapter 1 Assignment 2

• Pick up

– Nada

• Labor Day Monday

• Tuesday Movie Day

Gifted Hands Essay

• 1st Draft (5 points) due 9/22

• 2nd Draft (5 points) due 10/6

• Final Draft (20 points) due 10/20

• 300-500 words, double-spaced

• Describe the scene or thread you are referring to

• Explain how it will influence you as a teacher


If you do not find any “take aways” in the movie “Gifted Hands”, you may use a book you have read instead for the essay assignment. State the book and chapter you are referring to. (Probably best to get the book approved ahead of time.)

Extra credit opportunity

I made an error going over vocab last time.

My Bad

• Composing a Ten versus Tens Combinations

• Decomposing a Ten

Homework Stumpers Reading page 15, middle

There is a hyphenated word you should cross out and replace.


Pairs practice

• Practice modeling Addition and Subtraction within 20 with the following models (quiz each other):

– Walk the line

– Bears

– Another counting manipulative (buttons, beans, etc.)

• I will come around and quiz you after 8 minutes

The Math Religion and its symbols

Practice Exercises #1-5Properties of Addition of Whole


• Closure property

• Identity property

• Commutative property

• Associative property

Closure Property

Closure property for whole numbers under


If a and b are whole numbers, then a + b is a

unique whole number.


3+5 is a unique whole number.

Closed under Addition?

The set of even numbers

The set of odd numbers

G={4, 8, 12, 16}

H={4, 8, 12, 16, …}

L={0, 1, 2 }



addition) (of


Commutative Property



addition) (of


Associative Property



0addition) (of


Identity Property

Use your device to navigate to

Practice Exercises #6-13 Mental Math Progression

• Single-digit addition facts (number bonds!)For example: 2 + 4 = 6

• Single-digit addition and place valueFor example: 20 + 40 = 60

2000 + 4000 = 600020 + 400 = 420

• Multi-digit addition without regroupingFor example: 23 + 41 = 64

• Tens Combinations

• CompensationSlightly different for addition and subtraction

Compensation in Addition

29 + 44

37 + 58

67 + 35

51 + 63

77 + 13

Either addend can get the “loan”

Subtract from one addend, add to the other


The addends are on the same team. For one

addend to gain, the other addend has to give

something up.

Compensation in Subtraction

34 18

46 23

64 39

41 26

76 48

Get the subtrahend up to a multiple of ten

Add same amount to subtrahend and minuend


The subtrahend and minuend are on different

teams. When we add to one, we add the same to

the other to be fair.

End of Chapter 1 Assignment 3

Do homework

Assignment 3

for next time

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