

Definitions of the report

Functions of report

Characteristics of a report

Format of a report

Mechanics of report writing

Oral presentation of the report

Definitions of the report

Reports are written accounts that objectively communicate information about some aspect of business. A report gives information, put forward ideas, gives survey findings and recommends actions. It can be oral and written. Informational reports

offer data, facts, feedback, and other types of information, without analysis or recommendations

Analytical reports

offer both information and analysis, and they can also include recommendations


offer structured persuasion for internal or external audiences.

Classifications of Business Reports

Source (voluntary or authorized)

Frequency (routine or periodic)

Target audience (internal use or external use)

Length (short or long)


Focus on facts to educate

Provide data analyses, interpretation, and a conclusion.

Functions /Purpose of Report

To oversee and manage company


To carry out company rules procedures

To comply legal or regulatory requirements

To document ongoing and completed


To obtain new business or funding

To guide decision on particular issues

To get products, plans, or projects accepted

by others

Major Categories of Analytical Reports

Report to assess opportunities – explain the risks and rewards of choosing a course of action (market analysis, due diligence reports)

Reports to solve problems – analyze problems and suggest solutions (trouble shooting and failure analysis reports)

Report to support decisions – judge the merits of past or future decisions (feasibility and justification reports)

Three-Step Writing Process for Reports and

Proposals (Adapted from figure 13.1, pg. 395,main text)


(ch. 13)


(ch. 14)


(ch. 15)

Analyze the Situation

Gather Information

Select the Right


Organize the


Adapt to Your


Compose the


Revise the message

Produce the Message

Proofread the


Distribute the


Checklist: A Work Plan(Ch. 13, main text)

A. Analyze the situation

Define clearly the purpose before start writing

Identify all goals to accomplish

Prepare the work plan

B. Gather information

Determine the need to have separate research project to collect necessary information

Reuse or adapt existing material whenever possible

C. Select the right medium

Consider audience expectations

Consider the need for commenting, revising, distributing, and storing.

Remember the medium chosen also sends a message

D. Organize information

Use a direct approach if audience is receptive

Use indirect approach if audience is skeptical

Use indirect approach to avoid risk meeting arrogant audience

Combine approaches if that will help support the primary message

Value of A Work Plan

A formal work plan makes the writing process more efficient and more effective by guiding us every step of the planning and writing process.

Work plan usually include:

1. A problem statement defining what you’re going to investigate

2. A statement of purpose defining why you are preparing the report

3. The task to be accomplished and the sequence in which they should be performed

4. A description of any product that will result from your study

5. A review of responsibilities, assignments, schedules, and resource requirements

6. Plans for following up after delivering the report

7. A working outline

Organizational Strategies for Analytical Reports (Adapted from Table 13.3, pg. 410, main text)


Focus on

Conclusions or


Focus on Logical Argument

Use 2 + 2 = 4 Model Use Yardstick Model

Readers Are likely to accept Hostile or skeptical Hostile or skeptical

Approach Direct Indirect Indirect

Writer credibility High Low Low

Advantages Readers quickly grasp

conclusions or


Works well when you

need to show readers

how you built toward

an answer by following

clear logical steps

Works well when you have a list

of criteria (standards) that must

be considered in a decision;

alternatives are all measured

against some criteria

Drawbacks Structure can make

topic seem too simple

Can make report


Readers must agree on criteria;

can be lengthy because of the

need to address each criteria for

every alternative

Two-Step in Composing/Writing Reports(Ch. 14, main text)

A. Adapt to Your Audience Be sensitive to your audience needs with a “you” attitude,

politeness, positive emphasis, and bias-free language.

Build a strong relationship with your audience by establishing your credibility and projecting your company’s image.

Control your style with a tone and voice appropriate to the situation.

B. Compose the Message Choose strong words that will help you create effective

sentences and coherent paragraphs throughout the introduction, body, and close of your report or proposal

Checklist: Writing/Composing Reports (Ch. 14, main text)

A. Review and fine – tune your outline Match your parallel headings to the tone of your report

Understand how the introduction, body, and close work together to convey your message

B. Draft report content Use the introduction to establish the purpose, scope, and organization of

your report

Use the body to present and interpret the information you gathered

Use the close to summarize major points, discuss conclusions, or make recommendations

C. Draft proposal content Use the introduction to discuss the background or problem, your solution,

the scope, and organization

Use the body to persuasively explain the benefits of your proposed approach

Use the close to emphasize reader benefits and summarize the merits of your approach

Checklist: Writing/Composing Reports(Ch. 14, main text)

D. Draft online content Establish your credibility with information that is accurate, current,

complete, and authoritative

Adapt your content to local audiences as much as possible

Compose compelling, web-friendly content in the inverted pyramid style

Present concise, scan-able content

Create user-friendly links that clearly identify where the reader will be taken upon clicking

E. Help readers find their way Provide headings to improve readability and clarify the framework of your


Create transitions that tie ideas together and show how one thought relates to another

Preview important topics to help readers get ready for new information

Review information to help readers absorb details and keep the big picture in mind

The Four Tasks in Completing/Editing Reports(Ch. 15, main text)

1. Revise the message Evaluate content and review readability, then edit and

rewrite for conciseness and clarity.

2. Produce the message Use effective design elements and suitable layout for a

clean, professional appearance; seamlessly combine text and graphical elements.

3. Proofread the message Review for errors in layout, spelling, mechanics.

4. Distributing the message Deliver your report using the chosen medium; make sure

all documents and all relevant files are distributed successfully.

Checklist: Producing /Completing Reports(Ch. 15, main text)

A. Prefatory parts Use your company’s standard report covers, if available

Include a concise, descriptive title on the cover

Include a title fly only if you want extra-formal touch

On the title page, list (1) report title, (2) name, title, and address of the group or person who authorized the report, (3) name, title, address of the group or person who prepared the report; and (4) date of submission

Include a copy of the letter of authorization, if appropriate

Include a letter of transmittal that introduces the report

Provide a table of contents in outline form, with headings worded exactly as they appear in the body of the report

Include a list of illustrations if the report contains a large number of them

Include a synopsis (brief summary of the report) or executive summary (a condensed, “mini” version of the report) for longer reports

Checklist: Producing /Completing Reports(Ch. 15, main text)

B. Text of the report Draft an introduction that prepares the reader for the

content that follows

Provide the information that supports your conclusions, recommendations, or proposals in the body of the report

Don’t overload the body with unnecessary detail

Close with a summary of your main idea

C. Supplementary parts Use appendixes to provide supplementary information or

supporting evidence

List any secondary sources you used in bibliography

Provide an index if your report contains a large number of terms or ideas and is likely to be consulted over time

Process of Report Writing

Process of report writing:

1. Planning and Gathering Data


2. Selecting data/information and Outlining

3. Writing the draft (Drafting)

4. Editing (Revising)

Format of a Report

1. Title Page: Title, author’s name, date of

submission, authorization

2. Table of Contents: List of sections, sub-

sections, appendices, etc.

3. Acknowledgements: Section thanking

people for their help

4. Summary/Abstract: Summary of entire


5. Introduction: Background, terms of

reference, scope

6. Findings/Discussion:

Presentation/analysis of facts obtained

7. Conclusions: Deductions based on


8. Recommendations: Suggestions and

advice based on conclusion

9. Bibliography: List of references

10. Appendices: Supplementary materials

(additional tables, charts and other

supporting data

















Stage 1:

Planning and Gathering Data (Investigating) You should answer these questions:

1. PURPOSE – WHY are you writing the report?

2. READER – WHO will be reading your report?

3. SUBJECT MATTER – WHAT are the facts/ideas you have to include?

4. SOURCES – WHERE can you get the facts and information?

5. FORMAT – HOW are you going to present the information/ideas?

Other sources of information for other situations can be: Written materials. E.g. newspapers, periodicals, magazines, letters,

memos, reports, books, etc.

Personal observation of the situation



Enquiries by telephone or letter

Stage 2:

Selecting data/information and Outlining

After initial planning stage, you will have already gathered all your relevant information, and can go on to outline your report.

Suggested format:

1. Give your report a title.

2. Write down your purpose in one short sentence to make sure that you know exactly what it is.

3. Consider your collected facts and data, and reject irrelevant portions.

Stage 2:

Selecting data/information and Outlining

4. Group your facts under main headings and sub-


5. Decide on the order to present the main


6. Review your title and section headings critically.

7. Consider what illustrations or diagrams are


8. Consider if any factual information can be lifted

from the main divisions and placed in an


Stage 3: Writing the draft (Drafting)

After the planning and outlining have been done, it is time for you to draft your report. The following steps are recommended:

1. Write out the Findings

2. Write the Introduction

3. Draw Conclusions from the Findings

4. Make Recommendations from your own Conclusions

5. Prepare a summary or Abstract

6. Prepare the Appendices and Illustrations

7. Prepare a Bibliography

8. Check and make corrections

Characteristics of a Report

1. Accurate – present factually correct and error free.

2. Complete – provide audience with necessary information to understand the situation, problem, or proposal and make decision.

3. Balanced – present all sides of the issue fairly and equitably and include all the essential information, even when the information doesn’t support author’s line of reasoning.

4. Clear and logical – describe in uncluttered sentences and logically organized with clear transition

5. Documented properly – giving credit to all outside sources of information on which the reports draws.

Obligatory Section: Introduction

Introduction has three purposes:

1. It provides general background information about the topic.

2. It gives the terms of reference which tell the readers the purpose of the report.

3. It further tells the readers what the report will cover, or scope of the report.

Common topics in Introduction:


Purpose and Scope


Sources or Methods used to gather information

Important definitions


Order in which various topics are covered

Obligatory Section: Body (Findings)

The Findings/Discussion section of a report is usually the longest. It usually presents, interprets and analyses information.

Numbering in a report is very important because it helps to distinguish main ideas from supporting points. It also makes for easy reference.

Common topics covered in Body (Findings): Details of the Problems


Facts and Evidence


Results of studies and investigations

Analysis of potential courses of action

Process, procedures and steps

Methods and approaches

Evaluation of criteria for options

Obligatory Section: Conclusions and

Recommendations Conclusions in a report may consist of:

Opinions based on facts in the findings

Evaluations of facts / opinions

Comparisons of viewpoints

Reference to future consequences

Recommendations Suggestions for action or non-action which are consistent with

the judgments made in the conclusions

Suggestions for further investigation into matters which you cannot solve on present information

Answers to four questions: What is to be done? By whom?, Where? How?

Conclusions and Recommendations are both itemized in descending order of importance. The order of ideas in Recommendations should follow the order of ideas given in the Conclusions.

Optional Sections of a Report

1. Title Page – this is either the cover or the first page of a report. It should include Name of company, Title, Recipient & his designation, Author & his designation, Date.

2. Table of Contents – all sections of the report are listed in the sequence in which they appear in the report along with the page references.

3. Acknowledgements – written to thank people for services rendered, particularly those who have made a special contribution in your work. Usually it written in the first person, in the active rather than passive voice.

Optional Sections of a Report

4. Abstract/Summary – this section summarizes the entire report, covering all the essential points but leaving out all the examples. Sometimes people will only read this part of the report to get quick ides of what the report is about.

5. Bibliography – this is a list of books and other printed materials referred to by the writer(s) of a report.

6. Appendices – this section consists of supplementary materials which if placed in the main report, disrupt or delay the reading process. It contains reference materials such as tables, charts, sample questionnaires and specifications.

Stage 4: Editing (Revising)

Put aside your draft for a day or two if time permits so that you can re-evaluate it objectively.

1. Examine the draft as a whole.

2. Check all the sections in relation to one another.

3. Check every statement for grammatical, spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors.

4. Check all your illustrations and appendices for accuracy and relevance. See whether they all have titles and labels.

5. If possible, show your draft to a qualified person to get his comments and suggestions.

Creating and Delivering Oral Presentation(Adapted from Figure 16.1, pg. 499, main text)

Plan Write Complete

Analyze the




Select the right

medium (ch. 17)



Adapt to Your


Compose your


Revise the


Master Your


Prepare To




•See checklist on pg. 516 and 542, main text

Oral presentation of the report

There are two stages in oral presentation:

Preparation and delivery of the report

Use of audio visual aids/equipment

Stage 1: Preparation and delivery of the report

When Planning Your Presentation:

Decide on your aim – to inform or to persuade/convince

Analyze your audience to find out: Their level of technical knowledge regarding your subject

Their attitudes towards you and your topic

Their status and relationship with you

The questions they will probably ask

The information they require to come to a conclusion or decision

The number that will attend

Preparing The Body:

Plan your outline – divide into sections, decide on the main points to cover in each section, break up main points into sub-points (if necessary), decide on supporting details and evidence

Stage 1: Preparation and delivery of the report

( Preparing The Body) Collect your information - from your experience and

researched information should be accurate, honest and factual. (examples, illustrations, comparisons, testimonials, humorous points)

Select best suited supporting material – eliminate anything that is irrelevant or duplicates other details.

Organize your points. Five main patterns for organizing materials: Chronological order – progression in time or sequence of events

Spatial order – the logical position or sequence of the parts

Topical order – categories, qualities, types, etc.

Ascending/descending order – according to degree of importance/worth

Problem-solving pattern – the statement of problem, details of cause/effects of the problem, and the solution

Stage 1: Preparation and delivery of the report

(Decide on your opening and introduction)

Introduction should first catch the audience’s attention and preview the topic and content. It should include whatever information the audience requires in order to understand the presentations.

Attention – Seeking Methods (can include humor) Make a startling statement

Ask a question

Tell a story or true anecdote

Give a quotation

Give a proverb/saying

State a little known fact

Preview of Topic Introduce group

Introduce subject

Preview sections and content

Summarize points

State purpose – tell audience what you want them to do

If necessary, you can also include background of the topic, procedure/research methods and related work in the same field

Stage 1: Preparation and delivery of the report

(Decide on your conclusion and ending)

During presentation, the members of the audience may not always 100% pay attention but they usually do pay attention to the closing section. So, it is important to decide carefully on what to be said in the conclusion and it should reinforce the message.

Conclusion usually is a summary or restatement of any one or combination of any of the following:


Benefits to the audience

Action or decision expected from audience

Future expectations or implications


The ending of your conclusion should be related to the aim of your presentation.

Stage 2: Use of audio visual aids/equipment

Visual have two-fold purpose:

To help the presenter get his message across,

To help the listener receive the message

Visuals Help The Presenter

To emphasize the spoken word

To display data

To clarify points

To add interest to the


To create a more lasting


Visuals Help The Listener

To focus attention

To visualize information

To comprehend

To maintain interest

To remember

Stage 2: Use of audio visual aids/equipment

(When to Use Visual Support)

You should use Visual Support when:

Presenting statistics

Describing objects, events, ideas, that you

want the audience to visualize

Showing how something works

Highlighting key words or ideas

Stage 2: Use of audio visual aids/equipment

(Choosing the Appropriate Visual Support)

Type of Presentation Purpose

Statistical graphs/charts

a. Line graphs

b. Bar charts/histograms

c. Pie charts

To present statistical information

a. To show trends over a specified time


b. To show statistical comparisons

c. To show the parts of the whole


Verbal Charts/diagrams

a. Tables

b. Flowcharts

c. Classification trees

d. Key words/phrases

To summarize points

a. To show relationships among factors

b. To show procedure or processes

c. To show relationships among similar


d. To highlight or define terms

Stage 2: Use of audio visual aids/equipment

(Choosing the Appropriate Visual Support)

Type of Presentation Purpose

Pictograms To show ideas or figures symbolically

Sketches/diagrams To show details of objects

Objects/models a. To show the real thing

b. To show how it works

Demonstrations a. To show how to perform an action

b. To show how to use an object

Stage 2: Use of audio visual aids/equipment

(Preparing Effective Visuals)

Nine (9) rules to Effective Visuals:1. SIMPLE: limit ideas to one per visual.

2. COMPLETE: present all necessary visual information.

3. READABLE/VISIBLE: make sure the people in the back row can see and read your visuals.

4. NEAT: make them as professional as possible to give a good impression.

5. ACCURATE: draw your charts and graphs according to scale.

6. APPROPRIATE/RELEVANT: ensure the visuals give the message you intend to convey

7. VARIED: choose different ways to present your ideas

8. LIMITED IN NUMBER: restrict the number by preparing only essential visuals.

9. INTERESTING: make your visuals eye-appealing

Stage 2: Use of audio visual aids/equipment

(Presenting Your Visuals)

1. Make sure that everyone can see the visual

2. Talk to the audience, not to the visual

3. Point to the part of the visual you are talking about

4. Give the audience time to see the visual

5. Organize your visuals

6. Show the visual only when you refer to it


Stage 2: Use of audio visual aids/equipment

(Make Audience Follow Your Message)

1. Written vs. Spoken Language

2. Relate to Your Audience

Be informal

Be personal

Ask questions

Be dynamic

3. Emphasize Your Points

4. Link Your Ideas

5. Develop your Outline into Spoken Language

6. Practice Being Fluent

7. Make Your Meaning Clear

Use simple words

Avoid jargon

Define terms

Use short, simple, active sentences

Give specific details

Be precise

Be concise

Use correct grammar

Stage 2: Use of audio visual aids/equipment


Delivery is how you present yourself and your material to an audience.

It is the most important part of your presentation

To be successful in Delivery: Plan your message carefully by organizing and developing

your points

Prepare visuals carefully and present them effectively

Use clear spoken language

Use your voice effectively

Use meaningful non-vocal behavior

Prepare yourself for answering questions

Rehearse many times

Appear confident and in control

Grammar, Mechanics and Usage of Report Writing


Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Other Parts of Speech, Sentences.


Periods, Question Marks, Exclamation Points, Semicolons, Colons, Commas, Dashes, Hyphens, Apostrophes, Quotation Marks, Parentheses and Brackets, Ellipses.


Capitalization, Underscores and Italics, Abbreviations, Numbers, Word Division


Frequently Confused Words, Frequently Misused Words, Frequently Misspelled Words, Transitional Words and Phrases

Review Q

Indicate True or False

1. A report is a document which does all the following: gives information, reports findings, puts forward ideas, recommends a course of action.

2. A report only travels upwards to supervisors and management policy-makers.

3. All reports must be in written form.

4. All reports follow the strict format with the same sections, i.e. Introduction, Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations.

5. A report must be objective and impartial.

6. A report must have a specific purpose

7. A report is always written with a specific reader in mind.

ExerciseNo Situation YES/




1 You want to tell a group of part-time student workers

about organization of your department.

2 You witnessed a head – on collision along Prince Road

this morning and you have to tell the police what you

actually saw.

3 You have just completed a survey on the feasibility of

building a flyover above Princess Road. Your boss

wants a detailed account of the survey findings.

4 You have just come back from a tour of Hawaii and now

you want to tell your colleagues about the trip.

5 You have just come back form a business trip to Hawaii

and you want to tell your company about the links you

have established and the follow-up actions which you

think are important.

ExerciseNo Situation YES/




6 One of your subordinates, Mr. Long and Mr. Lee, will be

promoted. Your boss wants you to recommend one of


7 There is a flood prone-area in a district you are

responsible for. You have just come up with a method

to prevent flooding and you want to recommend it your

senior officers.

8 You read about a dishwasher in the papers this

morning and you want to tell your mother about the

advantages of such machine.

9 One of your workers injured his arm when he was lifting

a load from the shop-floor. You have to relate the

incident to a group of supervisors and Industrial Safety


10 You are the Sales Manager of ABC Company. The

director of your company wants a detailed account of

the sales of your new product “Superbroom” in the first

quarter of the year

Subject : Chinese Names - Annie Wan (Anyone)

Caller : Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan? (anyone)

Operator : Yes, you can speak to me.

Caller: No, I want to speak to Annie Wan!

Operator: You are talking to someone! Who is this?

Caller: I'm Sam Wan (someone) And I need to talk to Annie Wan! It's urgent.

Operator: I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone! But what's

this urgent matter about ?

Caller: Well... just tell my sister Annie Wan that our brother Noel Wan (no one) was

involved in an accident. Noel Wan got injured and now Noel Wan is being

sent to the hospital. Right now, Avery Wan is on his way to the hospital.

Operator: Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then

the accident isn't an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't

have time for this!

Caller: You are so rude! Who are you?

Operator: I'm Saw Lee. (sorry)

Caller: Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!!

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