1) Protect Social Welfare
A Social Darwinist
A “conservative” Progressive
44 antitrust suits under the Sherman Antitrust Act
Didn’t really oppose trusts: TRUST-REGULATOR
Threatened to send in the army
**Fed gov expected to step in when public welfare was at risk**
The Pure Food & Drug Act
Halted the sale of contaminated foods and medicines
Called for truth in labeling
The Pure Food and Drug Act took
medicines with cocaine and other
harmful ingredients off the
National Parks Roosevelt, left, was an avid
outdoorsman – here he is with author
John Muir at Yosemite Park
The Environment
50 wildlife sanctuaries
Roosevelt’s Legacy (#1-5)
Used executive branch (bully pulpit) to solve economic & social problems
“Big stick” politics
Biggest mark: Conservation
But First, Some Fun Facts… (Don’t need to write this down)
The myth
The tub
The firsts
The cow
War Secretary. TR hand-
Accused of not being progressive enough (by TR)
“Busted” 90 trusts during his 4 years in office: more than TR
Biggest anti-trust lawsuit: US Steel
The Children’s Bureau
Investigated & publicized problems with child labor
Nearly every state limited or banned child labor by 1918
Taft’s Legacy (#1-3)
Not popular with the public, reform minded Republicans (or TR!)
DID pass many Progressive Reforms
Taft called the Presidency, “The
lonesomest job in the world”
1912 Election (Read & answer)
Republicans split in 1912 between Taft and Teddy Roosevelt (who returned after a long trip to Africa)
Convention delegates nominated Taft
Some Republicans formed a third party – The Bull Moose Party- and nominated Roosevelt
The Democrats put forward a reform - minded New Jersey Governor, Woodrow Wilson
Republicans split in 1912
W. Wilson U.S. President
Illegal to acquiring stock from another company (Anti-monopoly)
Act also supported workers unions
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
protect consumers from ID
Banks keep portion of deposits in regional reserve bank
Compromise b/w public & private interests
The Income Tax
16th Amendment (1916)
• Graduated income tax
• Redistribution of wealth?
Women’s Suffrage**
Expanded role of federal government & President
Not afraid to use American power abroad
Anti-imperialist/ “moral” diplomacy
WWI/League of Nations**
Limits of Progressivism
The KKK reached a membership of 4.5
million in the 1920s
W.E.B. DuBois & others
1964 Application
• Go to college

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