
Character costumes and props: (updated)

Scene 1 : This is going to include the characters walking into school. The characters will need a bags in order to make the setting look realistic. The mobile phone will be needed for the twins Jade and Olly in order to create the suspicion.

Props needed:



Scene 2: A notepad and pen will be needed in order for Jade to write the letter to her mum. An envelope will also be needed in order for the to leave it on her mums desk at school. This can help to highlight the secrecy.

Notepad and pen-

Scene 3: Not many props are needed within this scene as it is focusing on the relationship between the family almost like a flashback for jade when writing the letter. This then reverts back to her placing the note onto the desk for her mum.



Scene 4: This will be where Jade and Cara meet, so not many props are needed, a bench will be needed and phones in order for the disruption to occur.

Bench- Phone-

Scene 5: This will be where the disruption happens within the film, therefore not many props are

needed from before, this will be the same as the bench and the phone.

Scene 6: This will be the head teacher scene. A variety of props are needed in order to make it look realistic.




Scene 7- This will be where Jade finds out even more bad news. This will be filmed outside and will only feature 2 main props including a bench and letter.

Character costumes:

Jade: This costume has been chosen as it is suitable for the sixth form attire.

Olly: This has been chosen as it is suitable for the sixth form attire.

Cara: This is also suitable for the sixth form attire.

Carol: As carol is the mum and teacher there will need to be a difference in what she wears.

The head teacher: This will need to be a smart dress in order to portray the role.

Creating the costumes and props is important in order for the actors and actresses to know what they are needing to bring, it also helps give a guideline.

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