
Character Project Supporting Materials Ivy Martinez (Bay Area, 201)

In this document:

Student friendly character trait descriptions Character Desk Nameplate Template (to remind students of their pluses and delta, and encourage them to know this for one another) Character Desk Nameplate Sample Introduction to the Character Project Homework Ongoing Character Project Homework samples (assignments aligned to specific character traits) Guide for Initial Character Conferences Guide for follow up Character Conferences Sample Character Letter to students Closing student reflection for Character Project

Character Traits: Student friendly descriptions for desk plates

Zest- + This means I am full of energy and life!

- ∆ This means I need to work on being more excited about everyday life.

Grit: - + This means I always finish what I start even if it is hard.

- ∆ This means I need to work on finishing whatever is put in front of me even if it is challenging.

Self-control- + This means I am good at controlling my own actions and words.

- ∆ This means I need to work on controlling my actions and words.

Social intelligence

- + This means I am good at understanding others and myself.

- ∆ This means I need to work on understanding others and myself.

Gratitude- + This means I am aware of the good in my life and thankful for it.

- ∆ This means I need to work on being aware of the good and being thankful for it.

Love- + This means my relationships with others are important to me.

- ∆ This means I need to work on valuing my relationships with others.

Hope- + This means I expect the best in the future and I work towards achieving the best.

- ∆ This means I need to be more hopeful about the future and work towards positive outcomes.

Humor- + This means I like to laugh, make others laugh, and find the light side!

- ∆ This means I need to work on seeing the light side more often.

Creativity- + This means I am good at thinking of new ways to do things and I am open to trying

things in different ways.- ∆ This means I need to work on opening my mind to new ideas.

Curiosity- + This means I often find things fascinating or take an interest in things.

- ∆ This means I need to work on taking an interest in experience and finding more things interesting.

Open-mindedness- + This means I am strong at examining all sides before coming to a conclusion.

- ∆ This means I need to work on examining all sides before coming to a conclusion.

Love of learning- + This means I am interested in learning new things and my schooling.

- ∆ This means I need to take more of an interest in learning new things and my schooling.

Wisdom- + This means I am able to provide good advice to others.

- ∆ This means I need to work on being able to provide good advice to others.


- + This means I am good at speaking up for what is right and facing challenge, threat and pain.

- ∆ This means I need to work on speaking up for what is right and facing challenge, threat and pain.

Integrity- + This means I am honest and present myself the way I actually am.

- ∆ This means I need to work on being more honest and presenting myself the way I actually am.

Kindness- + This means I am good at doing favors and good deeds for others, helping them, and

taking care of them.

- ∆ This means I need to work on doing favors and good deeds for others, helping them, and taking care of them.

Citizenship- + This means I work well as a member of a group and I am good at teamwork!

- ∆ This means I need to work on teamwork.

Fairness- + This means I am good at treating all people the same and giving everyone a fair

chance.- ∆ This means I need to work on treating all people the same and giving everyone a fair

chance. Leadership

- + This means I am good at encouraging groups of people towards a goal and taking charge.

- ∆ This means I need to work on taking charge and encouraging groups of people towards a goal.

Forgiveness- + This means I am good at forgiving those who have done wrong and accepting people

as they are.- ∆ This means I need to work on forgiving those who have done wrong and accepting

people as they are.Modesty

- + This means I am good at letting my victories speak for themselves and I do not seek the spotlight (even when I deserve praise!)

- ∆ This means I need to work on letting my victories speak for themselves.

Prudence/Discretion- + This means I am careful about my choices and I do not take undue risks.

- ∆ This means I need to work on being careful about my choices and I do not take undue risks.

Appreciation of beauty- + This means I am good at noticing and appreciating all kinds of beauty and excellence.

- ∆ This means I need to work on noticing and appreciating all kinds of beauty and excellence.

Spirituality- + This means I have beliefs about a higher purpose and I think about the meaning of the

universe.- ∆ This means I need to work on having beliefs about a higher purpose and I think about

the meaning of the universe.

Character: Desk Nameplate Template

One of my character strengths is

This means

One thing I am working on is

This means

Sample Student Character nameplate

Introduction to Character Project Homework

Self-Cultivation= working every day on becoming a better person!• zest • grit • self-control • social intelligence • gratitude • love • hope •

humor •• creativity • curiosity • open-mindedness • love of learning • wisdom •

bravery •• integrity • kindness • citizenship • fairness • leadership • forgiveness •

modesty •• prudence & discretion • appreciation of beauty• spirituality•

Remember, The Character Project is our class’s exploration into building our character. Our character is what makes us who we are. It is basically a fancy word for our personality. Everyone, including all the adults you know, needs to work on their character. It is a lifelong exploration. The more time you spend working on your character, the more you become a BETTER PERSON. This is our ultimate goal. Every time you do something good, whether someone notices it or not, you are building and improving your character. The 24 traits we are focusing on will help us build our character and become better people.

Answer the following questions:

What does character mean?


Are you ever done working on your character?


Look at the list of traits (top and bottom of the page). List all the traits that you think you know the definition of.


Look at the list of traits again (top and bottom of the page). Now, list all the traits that you need help understanding (it’s okay if you write every single one here, please be honest!)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Character Homework, specific examples aligned to particular traits (1 of 2)

• zest • grit • self-control • social intelligence • gratitude • love • hope • humor •• creativity • curiosity • open-mindedness • love of learning • wisdom • bravery •

• integrity • kindness • citizenship • fairness • leadership • forgiveness • modesty • • prudence & discretion • appreciation of beauty• spirituality•

We often think of wisdom as something only really old people can have. One part of wisdom IS having experience (like old people), and being able to give great advice because of your experience. Another part of having wisdom is having good judgment. This means that you are able to make good decisions that make sense. This is why Miss Martinez says she has met young people who are far wiser than the adults she knows. Every day our judgment is tested. The choice may be easy: should we eat a vegetable at lunch or skip the healthy choice? Or it may be difficult: should we side with our best friend who we know has hurt someone else or tell an adult the truth? Because we have to make these judgments every day, it is important that we work on our wisdom so we can make the best decision possible.

Talk to someone in your house who you think has wisdom. Who is that person?


Ask that person to give our class some advice. Write their wise advice below.





What is one situation where you think you have been asked to show wisdom? Explain the situation and how you were wise.





• zest • grit • self-control • social intelligence • gratitude • love • hope • humor •• creativity • curiosity • open-mindedness • love of learning • wisdom • bravery •

• integrity • kindness • citizenship • fairness • leadership • forgiveness • modesty • • prudence & discretion • appreciation of beauty• spirituality•

Character Homework, specific examples aligned to particular traits (2 of 2)

• zest • grit • self-control • social intelligence • gratitude • love • hope • humor •• creativity • curiosity • open-mindedness • love of learning • wisdom • bravery •

• integrity • kindness • citizenship • fairness • leadership • forgiveness • modesty •

• prudence & discretion • appreciation of beauty• spirituality•

It is easy to think of kindness as just being nice. But kind people usually go far beyond that. Kind people put others first (they are considerate). Kind people would rather give than receive (they are generous). Kind people are often “love” people too, because they value others so deeply. Kind people care for others, do favors for them, and help others. I see many of you exhibit kindness every day (whether it is to your classmates or to me, your teacher).

Even though kindness seems easy enough, it is sometimes very hard to be kind. Why do you think it might be hard to show kindness?




Think of a time you showed kindness to someone else. How did you show kindness? What

did you do?




Who is one person you are going to show kindness to this week? How will you show to that





• zest • grit • self-control • social intelligence • gratitude • love • hope • humor •• creativity • curiosity • open-mindedness • love of learning • wisdom • bravery •

• integrity • kindness • citizenship • fairness • leadership • forgiveness • modesty •

• prudence & discretion • appreciation of beauty• spirituality•

Guide for Character Conferences: (used before the first character conference)

Your Name: _______________________

What do you know you have? What do you know you are good at? (put a + by that number)

What can you work on? (put a ∆ by that number)

Zest: approaching life with excitement and energy; feeling alive and activated

Grit: finishing what one starts; completing something even if there are obstacles; a

combination of persistence and resilience.

Self-control: regulating what one feels and does; being self-disciplined

Social intelligence constantly thinking of motives and feelings of other people and


Gratitude: being aware of and thankful for the good things that happen

Love: valuing close relationships with others; being close to people

Hope: expecting the best in the future and working to achieve it

Humor: liking to laugh and tease; bringing smiles to other people; seeing a light side

Creativity: coming up with new and productive ways to think about and do things

Curiosity: taking an interest in experience for its own sake; finding things fascinating

Open-mindedness: examining things from all sides and not jumping to conclusions

Love of learning: mastering new skills and topics on one’s own or in school

Wisdom: being able to provide good advice to others

Bravery: not running from threat, challenge, or pain; speaking up for what’s right

Integrity: speaking the truth and presenting oneself sincerely and genuinely

Kindness: doing favors and good deeds for others; helping them; taking care of


Citizenship: working well as a member of a group or team; being loyal to the group

Fairness: treating all people the same; giving everyone a fair chance

Leadership: encouraging a group of which one is a valued member to accomplish

Forgiveness: forgiving those who’ve done wrong; accepting people’s shortcomings

Modesty: letting one’s victories speak for themselves; not seeking the spotlights

Prudence/Discretion: being careful about one’s choices; not taking undue risks

Appreciation of beauty: noticing and appreciating all kinds of beauty and


Spirituality: having beliefs about the higher purpose and meaning of the universe

Character Conferences: Student Reflection for follow up conference (note: we see excerpts from these conferences in the video)

Name: _________________________________________

The Character Project: An Update

Which letter has been your favorite so far? Why was it your favorite?




We are about to have our second round of character conferences! Do you think you have gotten better at your delta? How do you know?______________________________________________________________________



Do you want to change your PLUS (what you’re good at)? _____________What do you want to change it to?______________________________________________________________________


Do you want to change your DELTA (what you’re working on)? _________What do you want to change it to?

Match each character trait to its definition by filling in the letter of the definition!

1. Modesty _______

2. Forgiveness _______

3. Leadership _______

4. Citizenship _______

5. Kindness _______

6. Bravery _______

7. Wisdom _______

8. Love of Learning _______

9. Creativity _______

10. Love _______

11. Gratitude _______

12. Social Intelligence _______

a. Being grateful for all the good in

your life

b. The experience of finding

something you want to learn about

and being joyful about learning

about it

c. Giving good advice that helps

someone figure out a problem

d. Asking WHY about yourself and


e. Being nice even when it isn’t easy

to be nice

f. Letting your actions speak for

themselves without talking about

what make you great

g. Appreciating and valuing others ad

yourself; really caring about your

relationships with others

h. Doing things that are hard or may

hurt you

i. Seeing something special where

others see something boring

j. Trying to put yourself in someone

else’s shoes and staying positive

about things that others do to you

k. Showing compassion for others

and working well with them

l. Understanding all perspectives to

lead a group of people to the best

work they can do

Sample Character Letter to students:

Character Project: Closing student reflection template

Name: ____________________________________________

Date: ________________________________

The Character Project: A Wrap Up

What is character? Write in your own words! (4 sentences)


Why do you think we did The Character Project this year? (5 sentences)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What changes in your character are you most proud of? You can write about one big one or many small ones! (5 sentences)


How will you continue to work on your character after this year? (4-6 sentences)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Which character trait do you find the most interesting? Why? (4 sentences)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Which character trait do you think is the most important for Middle School? Why?(4 sentences)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Which character trait do you think is the most important for life? Why?(4 sentences)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

When do you think you’ll be done working on your character?(4 sentences)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If you had to give a “Character Award” to someone in our class, who would it be? Why would you choose that person to win the award? What evidence do you have that they have improved their character the most?(5-6 sentences)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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