
1 Chawki Nacef -

2 Chawki Nacef -

ABOUT THIS GUIDE BOOK DISCLAIMER: This guide book is based on Edexcel’s new specifications for GCSE Arabic (9-1). It is the fruit of personal understanding of the specification and the tasks of the speaking paper. For detailed information, please refer to Edexcel’s official support material and the specification published on their website. The guide book is based on my experience with other language examinations and specifications. Use this guide book as a practice resource for the teacher and the student. I do not claim that this guide guarantees success or predicts examination questions. If you have any feedback on this guide, please contact me on [email protected]

3 Chawki Nacef -


Ability to communicate and interact effectively through speaking in Arabic for different purposes.

Students are required to:

• Use accurate pronunciation and intonation • Use a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures accurately

• Make creative and more complex use of the language, as appropriate, to express and justify their own thoughts and points of view

• Speak spontaneously, responding to unpredictable questions, points of view or situations • Convey information and narrate events coherently and confidently

The topics of the speaking exam are as follows:

Theme 1: Identity and culture

● Who am I? ● Daily life ● Cultural life

Theme 2: Local area, holiday and travel

● Holidays ● Travel and tourist transactions ● Town, region and country

Theme 3: School

● What school is like ● School activities

Theme 4: Future aspirations, study and work

● Using languages beyond the classroom ● Ambitions ● Work

Theme 5: International and global dimension (Theme 5 is not part of Task 1, Role-Play)

● Bringing the world together ● Environmental issues

Foundation Tier

- 3 tasks last between 7 and 9 mns + 12 mns preparation time.

- Role-play: one to one-and-a-half mns (10 marks)

- Picture stimulus: two-and-a-half to three mns (24 marks)

- Conversation: three-and-a-half to four-and-a-half mns (36 marks)

- Total of 70 marks.

High Tier - 3 tasks last between 10 to 12 mns + 12 mns preparation time. - Role-play: two to -two-and-a-half mns (10 marks) - Picture stimulus: three to three-and-a-half mns (24 marks) - Conversation: 5 to 6 mns (36 marks) - Total of 70 marks

Preparation time

Students are allocated 12 minutes’ preparation time, under supervised conditions, immediately prior to the assessment for Tasks 1 and 2. The purpose is to consider the questions and stimulus for the role play and picture-based scenarios allocated.

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TASK 1, Role-Play

A role play based on one topic. This is allocated by Pearson at the time of assessment. All role plays are marked for communication only.

This task requires the student to ask and answer questions.

The role play relates to either formal or informal scenarios.

Each role play stimulus card includes an instruction to the student on whether to use language appropriate for a formal or informal conversation.

Theme 5 (International and Global Dimension) will not be part of the role-play.

Task 2, Picture-based task

A task containing a picture and questions drawn from one topic. This is allocated by Pearson at the time of assessment. Students are required to refer to past, present and future events in this assessment at both Foundation and Higher tiers, using different timeframes.

Task 3, Conversation

Students are required to convey information, give points of view, develop and initiate conversation and discussion and produce extended sequences of speech.

The conversation is based on any two themes and is in two parts.

PART ONE: The student selects one topic from one theme in advance of the assessment. The choice of topic must be agreed between the student and the teacher and must be selected no later than two weeks before the assessment takes place. This part of the conversation task starts with this first topic and then may move on to other topics within the same theme.

PART TWO: The conversation must be on a different theme. This will be prescribed by Pearson through instructions on a sequencing grid.

Students are required to refer to past, present and future events in this assessment, using a range of tenses and timeframes.

Teachers must ensure that an equal amount of time is allocated to both parts of the conversation.

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Instructions to candidates

Your teacher will play the part of your Arabic friend and will speak first.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

.عرب مع صديقك ال مدرستكتتحدث عن

.(2x صيلتفوصف ) - مدرستك •


.سببالرأيك و -م و العلمادة •

.(1xسبتمب )تفصيل - مخطط مستقبل •

.المواد المفضلة ؟•

6 Chawki Nacef -

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: أنت تتحدث مع صديقك. أنا صديقك

1 Ask the candidate to give two details about his/her school.

كيف ه مدرستك؟2 Allow the candidate to give two details about his/her school.

! Ask the candidate what he/she does at lunchtime. (Elicit one activity).

منتصف النهارماذا تفعل وقت الغداء؟ \ ف

3 Allow the candidate to say one thing he/she does at lunchtime.

Ask the candidate what he/she thinks of science and why.

مادة العلوم؟ لماذا؟ ما رأيك ف

4 Allow the candidate to give one opinion about science and one reason.

Ask the candidate what he/she wants to do in September. (Elicit one detail).

شهر سبتمب ؟ماذا تريد أن تفعل ف

5 Allow the candidate to give one detail about what he/she wants to do in September.


? Allow the candidate to ask you about your favourite subject.

Give an appropriate answer.


• You begin the role-play.

• You should ask the questions in the order given.

• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The candidate must be allowed to develop their responses as well as they are

able. To enable each candidate to do this, prompts are given for each

question. Only these exact prompts may be used. There must be no other

supplementary questions.

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Instructions to candidates

Your teacher will play the part of the receptionist and will speak first.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

فندق ف

الاستقبال ف . عمانتتحدث مع موظف

. شخصكم من -غرفة •

• !

(. 2xصيلتففة )نوع الغر •

أين.-تناول الطعام •

النقل. -الذهاب إلى المدينة ؟ •

8 Chawki Nacef -

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: أنت فندق ف

ف . أنا موظف الاستقبالعمانتتحدث مع موظف الاستقبال

1 Ask the candidate what he/she wants and for how many people.

، ي خدمةمرحبا سيدي / سيدب

؟ أ

2 Allow the candidate to say he/she wants a room and for how many people.

! Ask the candidate his/her nationality.

؟ه جنسيتكما 3 Allow the candidate to say his/her nationality.

Ask the candidate what type of room he/she wants. (Elicit two details).

؟أي نوع من الغرف تريد 4 Allow the candidate to give two details about the type of room he/she wants.

Ask the candidate where he/she wants to eat.

أن تتناول عشاءك؟أين تود

5 Allow the candidate to say where he/she wants to eat.


? Allow the candidate to ask you a question about transport to town.

Give an appropriate answer.


• You begin the role-play.

• You should ask the questions in the order given.

• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The candidate must be allowed to develop their responses as well as they are

able. To enable each candidate to do this, prompts are given for each

question. Only these exact prompts may be used. There must be no other

supplementary questions. .

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Instructions to candidates

Your teacher will play the part of your Arabic friend and will speak first.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

. عرب والمستقبل مع صديقك ال المدرسةتتحدث عن أنت

(. 2xصيلتفالزي المدرس )•

القواني • رأيك. - المدرسةف

. - الأول الدرس• مت

• !

مثالية. المهنة ال ؟•

10 Chawki Nacef -

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: والمستقبل. أنا صديقك المدرسةن ع أنت تتحدث مع صديقك

1 Ask the candidate about his/her school uniform. (Elicit two details).

؟ كيف هو زيك المدرس 2 Allow the candidate to give two details about his/her school uniform.

Ask the candidate what he/she thinks about school rules. (Elicit one opinion).

القواني المدرسيةما؟رأيك ف

3 Allow the candidate to give one opinion about school rules.

Ask the candidate what time lessons start.

؟مت تبدأ الحصص المدرسية 4 Allow the candidate to say what time lessons start.

! Ask the candidate what his/her teachers are like. (Elicit one detail).

سون ر؟كيف هم المد

5 Allow the candidate to give one detail about what his/her teachers are like.


? Allow the candidate to ask you a question about your ideal job.

Give an appropriate answer.


• You begin the role-play.

• You should ask the questions in the order given.

• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The candidate must be allowed to develop their responses as well as they are

able. To enable each candidate to do this, prompts are given for each

question. Only these exact prompts may be used. There must be no other

supplementary questions.

• .

11 Chawki Nacef -


Instructions to candidates

Your teacher will play the part of your Arabic friend and will speak first.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

. عرب تتحدث عن التكنولوجيا مع صديقك ال أنت

نت • ة –الإنب . واحدة مب

• !

)نشاط واحد(. -الفيسبوك •

رأيك. -ألعاب الفيديو •

. المحمولالهاتف ؟•

12 Chawki Nacef -

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: أنا صديقكالتكنولوجيا ن ع أنت تتحدث مع صديقك .

1 Ask the candidate about the internet. (Elicit one advantage).

نت ؟كيف ه الإنب 2 ! Allow the candidate to give one advantage about the internet.

Ask the candidate to give one detail about his/her mobile phone.

ال ؟المحمول\ صف هاتفك الجو 3 Allow the candidate to give one detail about his/her mobile phone.

Ask the candidate what he/she does on Facebook. (Elicit one activity).

؟ماذا تفعل عل الفيسبوك 4 Allow the candidate to give one activity about what he/she does on Facebook.

Ask the candidate what he/she thinks about video games. (Elicit one opinion).

ألعاب الفيديو ؟ما رأيك ف

5 Allow the candidate to give one opinion about video games.


? Allow the candidate to ask you a question about your phone. Give an appropriate answer.


• You begin the role-play.

• You should ask the questions in the order given.

• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The candidate must be allowed to develop their responses as well as they are

able. To enable each candidate to do this, prompts are given for each

question. Only these exact prompts may be used. There must be no other

supplementary questions. .

13 Chawki Nacef -


Instructions to candidates

Your teacher will play the part of your Arabic friend and will speak first.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

. عرب تتحدث عن العمل والطموحات مع صديقك الأنت

(. 1x)تفصيل الآنالعمل •

ل العمل • (. 1xتفصيل)المفض

• !

عمل ؟• . صيف

. 1x)سبب( -المستقبل العيش مكان•

14 Chawki Nacef -

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: أنا صديقكوطموحاتك العملن ع أنت تتحدث مع صديقك .

1 Ask the candidate what work he/she is doing at the moment. (Elicit one detail).

الوقت الحاض ؟ما هو عملك ف

2 Allow the candidate to give one detail about the work he/she is doing at the moment.

Ask the candidate to give one detail about the job he/she wants to do.

المستقبل؟ماذا تريد أن تعمل ف

3 Allow the candidate to give one detail about what job he/she wants to do.

! Ask the candidate what he/she thinks about going to university. (Elicit one opinion).

الجامعةم الدراسة ف

؟ا رأيك ف 4 Allow the candidate to give one opinion about going to university.

حسنا? Allow the candidate to ask you about your part time job.

Give an appropriate answer.

5 Ask the candidate where he/she wants to live in the future and why. (Elicit one reason).

المستقبل؟ أين تريد أن تعيش ف

Allow the candidate to say where he/she wants to live and to give one reason. حسنا


• You begin the role-play.

• You should ask the questions in the order given.

• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The candidate must be allowed to develop their responses as well as they are

able. To enable each candidate to do this, prompts are given for each

question. Only these exact prompts may be used. There must be no other

supplementary questions. .

15 Chawki Nacef -


Instructions to candidates

Your teacher will play the part of your Arabic friend and will speak first.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

عن الحياة الصحية. عرب تتحدث مع صديقك الأنت

(. x1 صيل)تف ذا ما -صح ال -كل الأ •

• !

الوجبات السريعة )رأيك(. •

(. x2 )نشاط الإعتناء بالصحة•

. التدخي ؟•

16 Chawki Nacef -

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: أنا صديقكأنت تتحدث مع صديقك .

1 Ask the candidate if he/she eats healthily. (Elicit one detail).

ي ؟هل أكلك صح 2 ! Allow the candidate to give one healthy thing he/she eats.

Ask the candidate what he/she likes to drink.

ب عادةأن ت اذا تحبم ؟سرر 3 Allow the candidate to say what he/she likes to drink.

Ask the candidate what he/she thinks about fast-food.

ال؟وجبات السريعةما رأيك ف

4 Allow the candidate to say what he/she thinks about fast-food.

Ask the candidate what he/she does to keep fit. (Elicit two activities).

ماذا تفعل لتحافظ عل لياقتك البدنية؟5 Allow the candidate to give two activities he/she does to keep fit.

حسنا ? Allow the candidate to ask you a question about cigarettes.

Give an appropriate answer.


• You begin the role-play.

• You should ask the questions in the order given.

• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The candidate must be allowed to develop their responses as well as they are

able. To enable each candidate to do this, prompts are given for each

question. Only these exact prompts may be used. There must be no other

supplementary questions. .

17 Chawki Nacef -


Instructions to candidates

Your teacher will play the part of your Arabic friend and will speak first.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

مكأنت تتحدث مع موظف ف

. تونستب سياح ف

. تكجنسي•

(. x1صيلهناك )تف أنتلماذا •

• !

رأيك. -المدينة •

المدينة. ال ؟• مطاعم ف

18 Chawki Nacef -

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: أنت مكتب سياح ف

. أنا الموظفتونستتحدث مع موظف ف

1 Greet the candidate.

\ صباح الخب سيديسيدب

2 Allow the candidate to give his/her nationality.

Ask the candidate if you can help.

أن أساعدك؟ حسنا ، كيف يمكنت

3 Allow the candidate to say why he/she is here. (Elicit one detail).

! Ask the candidate where he/she is staying.

قيم أي فندق ت

؟ف 4 Allow the candidate to say where he/she is staying.

Ask the candidate what he/she thinks about the town. (Elicit one opinion).

مدينتنا ؟ما رأيك ف

5 Allow the candidate to give one opinion about the town.

حسنا ? Allow the candidate to ask you a question about the restaurants in town.

Give an appropriate answer.


• You begin the role-play.

• You should ask the questions in the order given.

• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The candidate must be allowed to develop their responses as well as they are

able. To enable each candidate to do this, prompts are given for each

question. Only these exact prompts may be used. There must be no other

supplementary questions. .

19 Chawki Nacef -


Instructions to candidates

Your teacher will play the part of your Arabic friend and will speak first.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

تحدث مع نادلتأنت مطعم ف

. لبنان/ نادلة ف

. شخصكم من - طاولة•

. أين - طاولة•

• !

ا الأكل• )رأيك(. للبناب

. "ياف –واي شبكة "ال ؟•

20 Chawki Nacef -

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: تحدث مع نادلتأنت مطعم ف

ـة\ نادل. أنا اللبنان/ نادلة ف

1 Ask the candidate what he/she wants. \ الخب سيدي مساء

. هل من خدمة؟سيدب 2 Allow the candidate to say what he/she wants and for how many people. Ask the candidate where he/she wants to sit.

؟ تريد مكان الطاولةأين 3 Allow the candidate to say where he/she wants to sit.

! Ask the candidate what he/she wants to eat. (Elicit two things).

أن تأكل؟ماذا تود

4 Allow the candidate to give two things he/she wants to eat.

Ask the candidate what he/she thinks about Lebanese food. (Elicit one opinion).

ما رأيك ف

بناب ؟الأكل الل

5 Allow the candidate to give one opinion about Lebanese food.

حسنا ? Allow the candidate to ask you a question about the Wi-Fi.

Give an appropriate answer.


• You begin the role-play.

• You should ask the questions in the order given.

• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The candidate must be allowed to develop their responses as well as they are

able. To enable each candidate to do this, prompts are given for each

question. Only these exact prompts may be used. There must be no other

supplementary questions. .

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CANDIDATE’S ROLE Instructions to candidates

Your teacher will play the part of the employee and will speak first.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

أنت مسرح ف

. تونستتحدث مع موظف ف

الليلة. موسيقية هذه حفلة•

(. x 1صيل)التف المفضلةالموسيف •

كم من شخص. •

• !

وقت الحفل. ؟•

22 Chawki Nacef -

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: فتحدث مع تأنت ـة/ موظ

مسرحف ف . أنا التونسف

ـة\ موظ

1 Ask the candidate what he/she wants. . هل من خدمة؟\ مساء الخب سيدي

سيدب 2 Allow the candidate to say he/she wants to go to a concert this evening.

Ask the candidate what sort of music he/she prefers. (Elicit one detail).

حبي أي؟ نوع من الموسيف ت

3 Allow the candidate to give one detail about the sort of music he/she prefers.

Ask the candidate how many tickets he/she wants.

ريد ؟كم من تذكرة ت

4 Allow the candidate to say how many tickets he/she wants.

! Say there are reductions for young people and ask the candidate how old he/she is.

؟هناك تعريفة خاصة للشباب. كم عمرك 5 Allow the candidate to give his/her age.

حسنا ? Allow the candidate to ask you a question about the time of the concert.

Give an appropriate answer.


• You begin the role-play.

• You should ask the questions in the order given.

• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The candidate must be allowed to develop their responses as well as they are

able. To enable each candidate to do this, prompts are given for each

question. Only these exact prompts may be used. There must be no other

supplementary questions. .

23 Chawki Nacef -


CANDIDATE’S ROLE Instructions to candidates

Your teacher will play the part of the friend and will speak first.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

فيه. أنشطة عن الموسيف و عرب تتحدث مع صديقك الأنت الب

. من مع –حفلة أمس •

• !

مثال • (. X 2ة )نشاطوذجيي ة نم ي س م أ

. مثال - أخرى ترفيهأنشطة ؟•

سبب. الموسيقية. الإختيارات؟ •

24 Chawki Nacef -

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: فيه. أنا صديقكتحدث مع تأنت وأنشطة الب صديقك عن الموسيف

1 Ask the candidate what he/she did yesterday. ؟اذا فعلت ليلة أمسم

2 Allow the candidate to say he/she went to a concert yesterday and who with.

! Ask the candidate why he/she likes going to concerts.

؟ لماذا تحب الذهاب للحفلات الموسيقية 3 Allow the candidate to say why he/she likes going to concerts.

Ask the candidate what he/she normally does in the evening. (Elicit two activities). المساء؟

ماذا تفعل عادة ف 4 ? Allow the candidate to ask you a question about your other leisure activities.

Give an appropriate answer.

5 ? Allow the candidate to ask you a question about your musical tastes.

Give an appropriate answer.


• You begin the role-play.

• You should ask the questions in the order given.

• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The candidate must be allowed to develop their responses as well as they are

able. To enable each candidate to do this, prompts are given for each

question. Only these exact prompts may be used. There must be no other

supplementary questions. .

25 Chawki Nacef -


CANDIDATE’S ROLE Instructions to candidates

Your teacher will play the part of the friend and will speak first.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

عن التعليم والوظائف. عرب تتحدث مع صديقك الأنت

طك• ط (. X 2صيلالتفسبتمب ) - مخ

• !

(. X 2صيلالتف) -جيد الموظف الصفات •

أهمية. -المال ؟•

؟• . بلدكالبطالة ف

26 Chawki Nacef -

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: أنا صديقك عن التعليم والوظائفعرب تتحدث مع صديقك الأنت .

1 Ask the candidate what he/she intends to do in September. (Elicit two details). سبتمب ستفعلماذا

؟ف 2 Allow the candidate to give two details about what he/she intends to do in September.

! Ask the candidate if he/she is going to continue studying Arabic and the reason why/why not.

؟ هل ستواصل دراسة اللغة العربية؟لماذا؟لم لا

3 Allow the candidate to say if he/she is going to continue studying Arabic and the reason why/why not.

Ask the candidate what are the qualities of a good employee. (Elicit two details). ف الجيد ما

؟ه صفات الموظ

4 Allow the candidate to ask you about the importance of money.

Give an appropriate answer.

5 ? Allow the candidate to ask you about unemployment in your country. Give an appropriate answer.


• You begin the role-play.

• You should ask the questions in the order given.

• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The candidate must be allowed to develop their responses as well as they are

able. To enable each candidate to do this, prompts are given for each

question. Only these exact prompts may be used. There must be no other

supplementary questions. .

27 Chawki Nacef -


CANDIDATE’S ROLE Instructions to candidates

Your teacher will play the part of the sales representative and will speak first.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

متجرأنت . كبب تتحدث مع مندوب مبيعات ف

ة • يتها مت -السب والسعر. إشب

(. x 2صيلف)الت ةكلمشال•

ة ؟• أخرى. سب

• !

. وقت الإغلاق – متجرال ؟•

28 Chawki Nacef -

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: متجر كبب تتحدث مع أنت مندوب المبيعات. أنا مندوب مبيعات ف

1 Ask the candidate if you can help. (Elicit two details). أهلا. أي خدمة؟ تفضل2 Allow the candidate to say when he/she bought the pullover and how much he/she paid.

Ask the candidate what is wrong with the pullover. (Elicit two details).

ة سيديهل \ هناك مشكلة مع السب ؟آنست

3 Allow the candidate to give two details about what is wrong with the pullover. نعم، فهمت

? Allow the candidate to ask you a question about what he/she would like to do.

. نعم. حاض

4 ! Ask the candidate the size and the colour. (Elicit size and colour).

؟أي لون تريد؟ أي مقاس تريد 5 Allow the candidate to say the size and colour. ? Allow the candidate to ask you what time the shop closes. Give an appropriate answer.


• You begin the role-play.

• You should ask the questions in the order given.

• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The candidate must be allowed to develop their responses as well as they are

able. To enable each candidate to do this, prompts are given for each

question. Only these exact prompts may be used. There must be no other

supplementary questions. .

29 Chawki Nacef -



Instructions to candidates Your teacher will play the part of the friend and will speak first.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

تتحدث مع صديقك عن التكنولوجيا والشبكات الاجتماعية. أنت

(. X2لصيالتفاستخدام التكنولوجيا مؤخرا )•

. 1X) سبب(المحمولة الهواتفأهمية •

• !

فائدة. - الشبكات الاجتماعية ؟•

الليلة. خططم- الشبكات الاجتماعية ؟•

30 Chawki Nacef -

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: صديقكأنا . تتحدث مع صديقك عن التكنولوجيا والشبكات الاجتماعيةأنت

1 Ask the candidate to give two details describing how he/she has used technology recently. (Elicit two details). را؟

هل إستعملت التكنولوجيا الحديثة مؤخ

2 Allow the candidate to give two details describing how he/she has used technology recently.

Ask the candidate about the importance of mobile phones and his/her reason for the response.

؟لم لا \ الهواتف المحمولة مهمة لك؟ لماذا؟هل 3 Allow the candidate to say something about the importance of mobile phones and his/her reason for

the response.

! Ask the candidate when he/she uses social media and for how long.

مت تستعمل فيسبوك عادة؟ كم من الوقت تستعمله؟

4 ? Allow the candidate to ask you about the importance of social media.

Give an appropriate answer.

5 ? Allow the candidate to ask you a question about your plans for this evening on social media. Give an appropriate answer.


• You begin the role-play.

• You should ask the questions in the order given.

• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The candidate must be allowed to develop their responses as well as they are

able. To enable each candidate to do this, prompts are given for each

question. Only these exact prompts may be used. There must be no other

supplementary questions. .

31 Chawki Nacef -


CANDIDATE’S ROLE Instructions to candidates

Your teacher will play the part of the friend and will speak first.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

عن البيئة. عرب تتحدث مع صديقك الأنت

مدينتك ) -البيئة • ف ة (. X 2صيلالتفالمبادرات الأخب

مدينتك ) حركة المرور مشاكل • (. X 1صيلالتفف

• !

ل إستهلاك الحد من ؟• المب . أهمية -الطاقة ف

البيئة. حمايةالعمل عل ؟•

32 Chawki Nacef -

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: صديقكالبيئة. أنا تتحدث مع صديقك عن أنت

1 Ask the candidate what his/her town has done to improve the environment. (Elicit two details). ؟ البيئة لحمايةفعلت مدينتك مؤخرا ماذا

2 Allow the candidate to give two details about what the town has done to improve the environment


Ask the candidate what traffic problems exist in his/her town. (Elicit one detail).

؟وماذا عن حركة المرور 3 Allow the candidate to give one detail about what traffic problems exist in his/her town.

! Ask the candidate if he/she prefers to travel by bus or car and the reason why.

؟هل تفضل التنقل بالحافلة أو السيارة؟ لماذا 4 Allow the candidate to say if he/she prefers to travel by bus or car and the reason why.

? Allow the candidate to ask you about the importance of energy use reduction at home. Give an appropriate answer.

5 ? Allow the candidate to ask you a question about protecting the environment. Give an appropriate answer.


• You begin the role-play.

• You should ask the questions in the order given.

• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The candidate must be allowed to develop their responses as well as they are

able. To enable each candidate to do this, prompts are given for each

question. Only these exact prompts may be used. There must be no other

supplementary questions. .

33 Chawki Nacef -


Instructions to candidates

Your teacher will play the part of the friend and will speak first.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

والمستقبل. عن المدرسة عرب تتحدث مع صديقك الأنت

را رحلة مدرسية • (. X 2صيلالتف) ذهبت إليها مؤخ

• !

(. X 2صيلالتف)ي درسمع الم علاقتك•

. هميةأ -الحياة المدرسية ؟•

. المخطط ؟• سبتمب ف

34 Chawki Nacef -

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: صديقك. أنا والمستقبل عن المدرسة عرب تتحدث مع صديقك الأنت

1 Ask the candidate about a recent school trip. (Elicit two details). ة مدرسية؟ هل ذهبت سابقا إلى رحل

2 Allow the candidate to give two details about a recent school trip.

! Ask the candidate if he/she likes school trips and the reason why/why not.

؟لم لا \ هل تحب الذهاب إلى رحلات مدرسية مع مدرستك؟ لماذا؟ 3 Allow the candidate to say if he/she likes school trips and why/why not.

Ask the candidate how he/she gets on with his/her teachers. (Elicit one detail).

سيك ر؟كيف ه علاقتك مع مد

4 Allow the candidate to give one detail about how he/she gets on with his/her teachers.

? Allow the candidate to ask you about the importance of school life. Give an appropriate answer.

5 ? Allow the candidate to ask you a question about your plans for September. Give an appropriate answer.


• You begin the role-play.

• You should ask the questions in the order given.

• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The candidate must be allowed to develop their responses as well as they are

able. To enable each candidate to do this, prompts are given for each

question. Only these exact prompts may be used. There must be no other

supplementary questions. .

35 Chawki Nacef -


CANDIDATE’S ROLE Instructions to candidates

Your teacher will play the part of the waiter and will speak first.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

ــمع نادل/ تتحدث أنت مطعم ف

. مص ة ف

اسمك. - الحجز أمس •

• !

. موقع جميل –طاولة ؟•

مشكلة. -قائمة الطعام •

. ؟• نباب

36 Chawki Nacef -

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: ــمع نادل/ تتحدث أنت مطعم ف

ــة\ النادل. أنا مص ة ف

1 Ask the candidate if you can help. ؟ مرحبا. كيف لى أن أساعدكم

2 Allow the candidate to say he/she made a reservation yesterday and to give his/her name.

! Ask the candidate at what time and for how many people.

؟أي وقت أردت حجز الطاولة ولكم من شخص 3 Allow the candidate to say at what time and for how many people.

? Allow candidate to ask if he/she could sit at a nice table in the restaurant. Give an appropriate answer.

4 Give the candidate the menu. (Elicit one detail about the menu).

ء. هل قائمة الطعامحسنا هذه ؟مناسب لك كل سر

5 Allow the candidate to say what the problem with the menu is. (Elicit one detail).

? Allow the candidate to ask you a question about vegetarian options. Give an appropriate answer.


• You begin the role-play.

• You should ask the questions in the order given.

• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The candidate must be allowed to develop their responses as well as they are

able. To enable each candidate to do this, prompts are given for each

question. Only these exact prompts may be used. There must be no other

supplementary questions. .

37 Chawki Nacef -


CANDIDATE’S ROLE Instructions to candidates

Your teacher will play the part of the employee and will speak first.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

أنت مكتب سياح ف

. تونستتحدث مع موظف ف

هذا الوقت ) أين السكن• (. X1صيلتفف

معلومات عن المنطقة. ؟•

. اليومالممكنة الأنشطة ؟•

(. X2صيلتفأمس ) -زيارة •

• !

38 Chawki Nacef -

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: أنت مكتب سياح ف

ــة\ موظفتونس. أنا التتحدث مع موظف ف

1 Ask the candidate if you can help. مرحبا. كيف لى أن أساعدك؟ 2 Allow the candidate to give one detail about where he/she is staying at the moment.


? Allow the candidate to ask you for some information about the area.

Give an appropriate answer. 3 ? Allow the candidate to ask you about the possible activities today. Give an appropriate answer.

4 Ask the candidate what he/she visited in the area yesterday. (Elicit two details). رت يو

منطقتنا ماذا ز

؟م أمس ف 5 Allow the candidate to give two details about what he/she visited in the area yesterday.

! Ask the candidate what he/she thinks of the town and why.

مدينتنا؟ لماذا؟ ما رأيك ف

Allow the candidate to say what he/she thinks of the town and why.

Give an appropriate answer.


• You begin the role-play.

• You should ask the questions in the order given.

• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The candidate must be allowed to develop their responses as well as they are

able. To enable each candidate to do this, prompts are given for each

question. Only these exact prompts may be used. There must be no other

supplementary questions. .

39 Chawki Nacef -


CANDIDATE’S ROLE Instructions to candidates

Your teacher will play the part of the employee and will speak first.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

أنت محطة للحافلات ف

. الأردنتتحدث مع موظف ف

. إلى –تذاكر الحافلات • أين ومت

• !

للطلاب. التذاكر أسعار ؟•

. حافلة إلى العاصمةآخر وقت ؟•

الع • رأيك ف

. (X 2سبب)ل ط

40 Chawki Nacef -

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: أنت محطة للحافلات ف

ــة\ موظف. أنا الالأردنتتحدث مع موظف ف

1 Ask the candidate what he/she wants. مرحبا. كيف لى أن أساعدك؟ 2 Allow the candidate to ask for coach tickets - where and when.

! Ask the candidate how many adult tickets and how many children tickets needed.

كم من تذكرة للكبار و كم للصغار؟3 Allow the candidate to say how many adult and children tickets he/she needs.

حسنا تفضل.

? Allow the candidate to ask a question about prices for students.

Give an appropriate answer. 4 ? Allow the candidate to ask about the last bus departure to the capital. Give an appropriate answer. 5 Ask the candidate if he/she is having a good holiday and why.

يت عطلة جيدةلم لا؟ ؟ لماذا؟هل قض

Allow the candidate to say if he/she is having a good holiday and why.

سف! \ جيد! هذا هذا مؤ


• You begin the role-play.

• You should ask the questions in the order given.

• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The candidate must be allowed to develop their responses as well as they are

able. To enable each candidate to do this, prompts are given for each

question. Only these exact prompts may be used. There must be no other

supplementary questions. .

41 Chawki Nacef -



CANDIDATE’S Photo card Theme: Identity and culture Topic: Customs and festivals

• Look at the photo during the preparation period (12 minutes).

• The picture-based task is recommended to last between two-and-a-half to three minutes.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.

• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and the related topics.

:التالية النقاطلإلجابة عن لألق نظرة عل الصورة الـمرفقة واستعد

. الصورة وصف•

. حفل زفاف مؤخرا إلى ذهابك•

. مع عائلتك علاقتك•

. المفضل كوصف صديق•

. أصدقائك خلال عطلة نهاية الأسبوعمع نشاطك•

42 Chawki Nacef -



TEACHER’S Photo card Theme: Identity and culture Topic: Customs and festivals

الصورة؟ لى صف•

ء آخر؟[ ذهبت إلى حفل زفاف مؤخرا؟هل • ]أي سر

]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ مع عائلتك؟ أنت متفاهم تماما هل •

ء آخر؟[ . المفضل كصف صديق• ]أي سر

ء آخر؟[ ماذا تفعل مع أصدقائك خلال عطلة نهاية الأسبوع؟• ]أي سر

PART 3 – Themes for the General Conversation

• Identity and culture

• Future aspirations, study and work

43 Chawki Nacef -



CANDIDATE’S Photo card Theme: Identity and culture Topic: Customs and festivals

• Look at the photo during the preparation period (12 minutes).

• The picture-based task is recommended to last between two-and-a-half to three minutes.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.

• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and the related topics.

:التالية النقاطلإلجابة عن لألق نظرة عل الصورة الـمرفقة واستعد

. الصورة وصف•

.الماضية السنة بعيد ميلادك إحتفالك•

. هدية عيد الميلاد المثالية•

عائلتك• . عادات عيد الميلاد ف

الإحتفال المفضل لك. •

44 Chawki Nacef -



TEACHER’S Photo card Theme: Identity and culture Topic: Customs and festivals

الصورة؟ لى صف•

ء آخر؟[ ؟ماذا فعلت للإحتفال بعيد ميلادك السنة الماضية• ]أي سر

]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ؟ ما ه هدية عيد الميلاد المثالية بالنسبة لك•

عائلتك• ء آخ[ . كيف تحتفل بأعياد الميلاد ف

]ر؟أي سر

]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ؟ هو الإحتفال المفضل عندك ما •

PART 3 – Themes for the General Conversation • Identity and culture

• Future aspirations, study and work

45 Chawki Nacef -



CANDIDATE’S Photo card Theme: International and global dimension Topic: Environmental issues

• Look at the photo during the preparation period (12 minutes).

• The picture-based task is recommended to last between two-and-a-half to three minutes.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.

• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and the related topics.

:التالية النقاطلإلجابة عن لألق نظرة عل الصورة الـمرفقة واستعد

. الصورة وصف•

.رأيك . التدوير إعادة•

. التدوير إعادة• العائلة. الأسبوع الماض

البيت. الطاقة توفب • ف

المرور حركة• . مدينتك ف

46 Chawki Nacef -



TEACHER’S Photo card Theme: International and global dimension Topic: Environmental issues

الصورة؟ لى صف•

إعادة التدوير؟• ]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ما رأيك ف

ما • ]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ؟ أعادت عائلتك تدويره الأسبوع الماض

البيت؟كيف • ء آخر؟[ توفر الطاقة ف

]أي سر

المرور ةحرككيف ه • ء آخر؟[ ؟ مدينتك ف

]أي سر

PART 3 – Themes for the General Conversation

• Identity and culture

• Future aspirations, study and work

47 Chawki Nacef -



CANDIDATE’S Photo card Theme: Local area, holiday and travel Topic: Holidays

• Look at the photo during the preparation period (12 minutes).

• The picture-based task is recommended to last between two-and-a-half to three minutes.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.

• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and the related topics.

:التالية النقاطلإلجابة عن لألق نظرة عل الصورة الـمرفقة واستعد

. الصورة وصف•

.الأنشطة عل شاطئ البحر•

العطلة الماضية. •

. الشتوية العطل و الصيفية العطل•

. مع الأصدقاء والعطلة العائلية العطلةمقارنة •

48 Chawki Nacef -



TEACHER’S Photo card Theme: Local area, holiday and travel Topic: Holidays

الصورة؟ لى صف•

يمكن أن تقوم بها عل شاطئ البحر ما •ء آخر؟[ ؟ه الأنشطة الت

]أي سر

العطلة الماضية• ء آخر؟[ ؟ ماذا فعلت ف

]أي سر

]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ؟هل تفضل العطل الشتوية أو الصيفية•

ء آخر؟[ ؟فضل العطل مع الأصدقاء أو العائلةهل ت• ]أي سر

PART 3 – Themes for the General Conversation

• Identity and culture

• Future aspirations, study and work

49 Chawki Nacef -



CANDIDATE’S Photo card Theme: School Topic: What school is like

• Look at the photo during the preparation period (12 minutes).

• The picture-based task is recommended to last between two-and-a-half to three minutes.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.

• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and the related topics.

:التالية النقاطلإلجابة عن لألق نظرة عل الصورة الـمرفقة واستعد

. الصورة وصف•

.مدرستك وصف•

فعلت ماذا • . بالأمس مدرسةال ف

سك • رك المفضل \ مد

ست ر

. ــة\ مد

الوجبات• . المقصف ف

50 Chawki Nacef -



TEACHER’S Photo card Theme: School Topic: What school is like

. الصورة لى صف•

ء آخر؟[ مدرستك. صف • ]أي سر

فعلت ماذا • ء آخر؟[ ؟ بالأمس مدرسةال ف

]أي سر

سك \ من هو• رك المفضل \ ه مد

ست ر

]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ؟ــة\ مد

الوجباتكيف ه • ء آخر؟[ ؟المقصف ف

]أي سر

PART 3 – Themes for the General Conversation • Identity and culture

• Future aspirations, study and work

51 Chawki Nacef -



CANDIDATE’S Photo card Theme: Future aspirations, study and work Topic: Ambitions

• Look at the photo during the preparation period (12 minutes).

• The picture-based task is recommended to last between two-and-a-half to three minutes.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.

• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and the related topics.

:التالية النقاطلإلجابة عن لألق نظرة عل الصورة الـمرفقة واستعد

. الصورة وصف•

العمل• .أهمية إستعمال أجهزة الكمبيوتر ف

.عملك المستقبل •

الذهاب إلى الجامعة. •

بلد آخر • بلدك أو ف

. العمل ف

52 Chawki Nacef -



TEACHER’S Photo card Theme: Future aspirations, study and work Topic: Ambitions

. الصورة لى صف•

العمل هل إستعمال أجهزة الكمبيوتر • ]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ . مهم ف

أن يكون عملك المستقبل ماذا • ء آخر؟[ ؟تتمت

]أي سر

]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ؟مهمي هل ترى أن الذهاب إلى الجامعة •

بلد آخر هل تفضل الع• بلدك أو ف

ء آخر؟[ ؟مل ف ]أي سر

PART 3 – Themes for the General Conversation • Identity and culture

• International and global dimension

53 Chawki Nacef -



CANDIDATE’S Photo card Theme: Identity and culture Topic: Cultural life

• Look at the photo during the preparation period (12 minutes).

• The picture-based task is recommended to last between two-and-a-half to three minutes.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.

• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and the related topics.

:التالية النقاطلإلجابة عن لألق نظرة عل الصورة الـمرفقة واستعد

. الصورة وصف•

.نوع الأفلام المفضل•

.آخر فلم شاهدته•

مشاهدة التلفزيون. •

السينما أو البيت. • مشاهدة الأفلام ف

54 Chawki Nacef -



TEACHER’S Photo card Theme: Identity and culture Topic: Cultural life

. الصورة لى صف•

]لماذا لا؟/؟لماذا [تحب؟الأفلاممننوعأي•

ء آخر؟[ شاهدته؟ فيلم آخر هو ما • ]أي سر

ء آخر؟[ عادة؟ التلفزيون تشاهد مت • ]أي سر

الأفلام مشاهدة عائلتك تفضل هل • البيت أو السينما ف

]اذا لا؟لم / ؟لماذا [ ؟ف

PART 3 – Themes for the General Conversation • Future aspirations, study and work

• International and global dimension

55 Chawki Nacef -



CANDIDATE’S Photo card Theme: Local area, holiday and travel Topic: Town, region and country

• Look at the photo during the preparation period (12 minutes).

• The picture-based task is recommended to last between two-and-a-half to three minutes.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.

• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and the related topics.

:التالية النقاطلإلجابة عن لألق نظرة عل الصورة الـمرفقة واستعد

. الصورة وصف•

لك رأيك• .بمب

مكان عيشك• .المستقبل ف

الأنشطة و المرافق • . منطقتك ف

النقلوسائل • . مدينتك ف

56 Chawki Nacef -



TEACHER’S Photo card Theme: Local area, holiday and travel Topic: Town, region and country

. الصورة لى صف•

لك رأيك ما • ]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ؟بمب

تعيش أن تريد أين• ]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ المستقبل؟ ف

نفعل أن يمكننا ماذا •ء آخر؟[ منطقتك؟ ف

]أي سر

النقله وسائل كيف •ء آخر؟[ ؟مدينتك ف

]أي سر

PART 3 – Themes for the General Conversation • Identity and culture

• Future aspirations, study and work

57 Chawki Nacef -



CANDIDATE’S Photo card Theme: Future aspirations, study and work Topic: Ambitions

• Look at the photo during the preparation period (12 minutes).

• The picture-based task is recommended to last between two-and-a-half to three minutes.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.

• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and the related topics.

:التالية النقاطلإلجابة عن لألق نظرة عل الصورة الـمرفقة واستعد

. الصورة وصف•

المكتبة• مدرستك. ف

.الامتحانات بعد المخطط •

رأيك• . الدراس اليوم ف

رأيك• . الجامعة إلى الذهاب ف

58 Chawki Nacef -



TEACHER’S Photo card Theme: Future aspirations, study and work Topic: Ambitions

. الصورة لى صف•

المكتبة ه كيف• ء آخر؟[ ؟مدرستك ف

]أي سر

]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ الامتحانات؟ بعد تفعل أن تريد ماذا •

رأيكم ما • ]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ؟الدراس اليوم ف

]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ جيدة؟ فكرة الجامعة إلى الذهاب هل •

PART 3 – Themes for the General Conversation • Identity and culture

• International and global dimension

59 Chawki Nacef -



CANDIDATE’S Photo card Theme: Identity and culture Topic: Customs and festivals

• Look at the photo during the preparation period (12 minutes).

• The picture-based task is recommended to last between two-and-a-half to three minutes.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.

• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and the related topics.

:التالية النقاطلإلجابة عن لألق نظرة عل الصورة الـمرفقة واستعد

. الصورة وصف•

. الزواجأهمية •

. عل علاقتك مع الأصدقاء مع عائلتك علاقتكأهمية •

. المفضل كوصف صديق•


60 Chawki Nacef -



TEACHER’S Photo card Theme: Identity and culture Topic: Customs and festivals

الصورة؟ لى صف•

نظركهل • ]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ؟الزواج مهم ف

]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ؟ ترى أن علاقتك مع العائلة أهم من علاقتك مع الأصدقاء هل •

ء آخر؟[ . المفضل كصف صديق• ]أي سر

ء آخر؟[ ة الأسبوع؟مع أصدقائك خلال عطلة نهاي تفعلماذا • ]أي سر

PART 3 – Themes for the General Conversation

• Identity and culture

• Future aspirations, study and work

61 Chawki Nacef -



CANDIDATE’S Photo card Theme: Identity and culture Topic: Customs and festivals

• Look at the photo during the preparation period (12 minutes).

• The picture-based task is recommended to last between two-and-a-half to three minutes.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.

• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and the related topics.

:التالية النقاطلإلجابة عن لألق نظرة عل الصورة الـمرفقة واستعد

. الصورة وصف•

أصدقاءك وأعياد الميلاد. •

المكان المثالى للإحتفال بعيد الميلاد حسب رأيك. •

س • . الإحتفال الذي لا ين

• !

62 Chawki Nacef -



TEACHER’S Photo card Theme: Identity and culture Topic: Customs and festivals

الصورة؟ لى صف•

ء آخر؟[ ؟أعياد الميلاد للإحتفال ب فعل أصدقاءكيماذا • ]أي سر

]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ؟ ما هو المكان المثالى للإحتفال بعيد الميلاد حسب رأيك•

ثت عن•يس حد

ء آخر؟[ ؟إحتفال لا ين

]أي سر

بلدك• ]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ؟ما هو أهمي إحتفال ف

PART 3 – Themes for the General Conversation • Identity and culture

• Future aspirations, study and work

63 Chawki Nacef -



CANDIDATE’S Photo card Theme: International and global dimension Topic: Environmental issues

• Look at the photo during the preparation period (12 minutes).

• The picture-based task is recommended to last between two-and-a-half to three minutes.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.

• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and the related topics.

:التالية النقاطلإلجابة عن لألق نظرة عل الصورة الـمرفقة واستعد

. الصورة وصف•

.رأيك . التدوير إعادة•

منطقتك. • المشاكل البيئية ف

المرور حركة• . مدينتك ف

• !

64 Chawki Nacef -



TEACHER’S Photo card Theme: International and global dimension Topic: Environmental issues

الصورة؟ لى صف•

إعادة التدوير؟• ]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ما رأيك ف

منطقتكما • ء آخر؟[ ؟ ه المشاكل البيئية ف

]أي سر

المرور ةحرككيف ه • ء آخر؟[ ؟مدينتك ف

]أي سر

المستقبل لتحسي البيئة• ء آخر؟[ ؟ماذا ستفعل ف

]أي سر

PART 3 – Themes for the General Conversation

• Identity and culture

• Future aspirations, study and work

65 Chawki Nacef -



CANDIDATE’S Photo card Theme: Local area, holiday and travel Topic: Holidays

• Look at the photo during the preparation period (12 minutes).

• The picture-based task is recommended to last between two-and-a-half to three minutes.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.

• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and the related topics.

:التالية النقاطلإلجابة عن لألق نظرة عل الصورة الـمرفقة واستعد

. الصورة وصف•

الأنشطة عل شاطئ البحر. •

مقارنة العطلة مع الأصدقاء والعطلة العائلية. •

. القادمةالعطلة •

• !

66 Chawki Nacef -



TEACHER’S Photo card Theme: Local area, holiday and travel Topic: Holidays

الصورة؟ لى صف•

يمكن أن تقوم بها عل شاطئ البحر؟ء آخر؟ [ ما ه الأنشطة الت

]أي سر

]لماذا لا؟ / ؟ا لماذ[ هل تفضل العطلة مع الأصدقاء والعطلة العائلية؟•

العطلة القادمة؟• ء آخر؟ [ أين ستذهب ف

]أي سر

]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ؟هل العطل مهمة بالنسبة لك•

PART 3 – Themes for the General Conversation

• Identity and culture

• Future aspirations, study and work

67 Chawki Nacef -



CANDIDATE’S Photo card Theme: School Topic: What school is like

• Look at the photo during the preparation period (12 minutes).

• The picture-based task is recommended to last between two-and-a-half to three minutes.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.

• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and the related topics.

:التالية النقاطلإلجابة عن لألق نظرة عل الصورة الـمرفقة واستعد

. الصورة وصف•

.مدرستك وصف•

القواني المدرسية. •

الحياة• . أهمية المدرسة للنجاح ف

• !

68 Chawki Nacef -



TEACHER’S Photo card Theme: School Topic: What school is like

. الصورة لى صف•

ء آخر؟[ مدرستك. صف • ]أي سر

القواني المدرسية• ]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ؟ما رأيك ف

الحياة• ]ذا لا؟لما / ؟لماذا [ ؟ هل المدرسة مهمة للنجاح ف

ء آخر؟[ ؟كانت مدرستك الإبتدائيةكيف • ]أي سر

PART 3 – Themes for the General Conversation • Identity and culture

• Future aspirations, study and work

69 Chawki Nacef -



CANDIDATE’S Photo card Theme: Future aspirations, study and work Topic: Ambitions

• Look at the photo during the preparation period (12 minutes).

• The picture-based task is recommended to last between two-and-a-half to three minutes.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.

• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and the related topics.

:التالية النقاطلإلجابة عن لألق نظرة عل الصورة الـمرفقة واستعد

. الصورة وصف•

.عملك المستقبل •

الخارج• بلدك أو ف

. العمل ف

ا • . ما كنت تريد أن تعمل عندما كنت صغب

• !

70 Chawki Nacef -



TEACHER’S Photo card Theme: Future aspirations, study and work Topic: Ambitions

. الصورة لى صف•

أن يكون عملك المستقبل ماذا • ء آخر؟[ ؟تتمت

]أي سر

• العمل ف

الخارجهل ترغب ف المستقبل بلدك أو ف

]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ؟ ف

ا ماذا كنت تريد أن تعم• ء آخر؟[ ؟ل عندما كنت صغب ]أي سر

الوظيفة؟• ]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ هل ترى أن المال مهمي ف

PART 3 – Themes for the General Conversation • Identity and culture

• International and global dimension

71 Chawki Nacef -



CANDIDATE’S Photo card Theme: Identity and culture Topic: Cultural life

• Look at the photo during the preparation period (12 minutes).

• The picture-based task is recommended to last between two-and-a-half to three minutes.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.

• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and the related topics.

:التالية النقاطلإلجابة عن لألق نظرة عل الصورة الـمرفقة واستعد

. الصورة وصف•

.نوع الأفلام المفضل•

.آخر فلم شاهدته•

؟الجيد فيلمخاصيات ال•

• !

72 Chawki Nacef -



TEACHER’S Photo card Theme: Identity and culture Topic: Cultural life

. الصورة لى صف•

]لماذا لا؟/؟لماذا [تحب؟الأفلاممننوعأي•

ء آخر؟[ شاهدته؟ فيلم آخر هو ما • ]أي سر

ء آخر؟[ ؟الجيد فيلمه خاصيات ال ما • ]أي سر

الأفلام مشاهدة ئلتكعا تفضل هل • البيت؟ أو السينما ف

]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ف

PART 3 – Themes for the General Conversation • Future aspirations, study and work

• International and global dimension

73 Chawki Nacef -



CANDIDATE’S Photo card Theme: Local area, holiday and travel Topic: Town, region and country

• Look at the photo during the preparation period (12 minutes).

• The picture-based task is recommended to last between two-and-a-half to three minutes.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.

• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and the related topics.

:التالية النقاطلإلجابة عن لألق نظرة عل الصورة الـمرفقة واستعد

. الصورة وصف•

لك رأيك• .بمب

مكان عيشك• .المستقبل ف

الأنشطة و المرافق • . منطقتك ف

• !

74 Chawki Nacef -



TEACHER’S Photo card Theme: Local area, holiday and travel Topic: Town, region and country

. الصورة لى صف•

لك رأيك ما • ]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ؟بمب

تعيش أن تريد أين• ]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ المستقبل؟ ف

نفعل أن يمكننا ماذا •ء آخر؟[ منطقتك؟ ف

]أي سر

العيش وعيوب مزايا ه ما •ء آخر؟[ ؟المدينة ف

]أي سر

PART 3 – Themes for the General Conversation • Identity and culture

• Future aspirations, study and work

75 Chawki Nacef -



CANDIDATE’S Photo card Theme: Future aspirations, study and work Topic: Ambitions

• Look at the photo during the preparation period (12 minutes).

• The picture-based task is recommended to last between two-and-a-half to three minutes.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.

• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and the related topics.

:التالية النقاطلإلجابة عن لألق نظرة عل الصورة الـمرفقة واستعد

. الصورة وصف•

. المواد الصعبة هذا العام•

.الامتحانات بعد خطط ال•

الخارج• . الدراسة ف

• !

76 Chawki Nacef -



TEACHER’S Photo card Theme: Future aspirations, study and work Topic: Ambitions

. الصورة لى صف•

]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ ما ه المواد الصعبة هذا العام؟•

ء آخر؟[ الامتحانات؟ بعد تفعل أن تريد ماذا • ]أي سر

الخارج • الدراسة ف

]لماذا لا؟ / ؟اذا لم[ ؟هل ترغب ف

]لماذا لا؟ / ؟لماذا [ جيدة؟ فكرة الجامعة إلى الذهاب هل •

PART 3 – Themes for the General Conversation • Identity and culture

• International and global dimension

77 Chawki Nacef -


Theme: Identity and Culture

صف •كت صي

خ ما . ش ه

مات الس

ة الهام

ل؟ لصديقك

ض المف

ا •عل ماذ

ف ست

ة ف ل بوع؟ عط س

ا صف الأ

رجان ا مه بي ع


ف تك



ف • ي ت ك

ن ما ك

د ت عن

ن ا؟ ك صغب

ت ثليد عن حد

ق ت

ف تك



و من •ص ه

خ الش ح


ب الن ؟ حس


ا؟ رأ

ما لماذ

ق ر

الف ئيس ة بي الر س

ة الأ عربي

ة ال وروبي

ا والأ

ق ؟ وف

ك ل

Theme: Local area, Holiday & Travel

ا • ماذ

يوجد؟ ف



ا من

عل ماذ

فل ت

ة خل

ل عيد عط

ما ال

د عن


ك؟ مع ت



ا • ماذ

ككن يم

عل أن

ف ت

؟ ف تك


ا من

ت ماذ ي

ب ايا؟ اش


؟ ك لمن

ما • ش مزايا ه عي ال

ة؟ ف مدين

و ما ال


طك ط

ة مخ

ل ا لعط

ذف؟ ه ي الص

ب ب خ عن أ


ا •ح ماذ ب ت

نعل أ

ف ت

ة؟ ف ل ل العط

ل ه

ضفاء ت

ضت ق


دك ف و بل


ارج؟ ف خا؟ ال


ن • ي ت أ ب

هل ذ

ة خل

ل ماضية؟ العط

صف ال

كت / مدين


من ال

عيش الت .فيها ت

ا •ت إذ

ن ك



ن، أ

ق سو

ت ت

ن إلى ي ب؟ أ

ه ذ ما ت



ن أ ب

غن / ت حس


؟ ف تك



إذا •ان ك

ك ي

دن الخيار، ل ي



نعيش؟ أ

ما ت ه

ش مساوئ عي ال

يف؟ ف الر

Theme: Future Aspirations, Study & Work

ل •ب ه

غ ر ت

عمل ف ال

ف ت؟مك ا ب

عل ماذ

ف ست

د ج بع ر

خجامعة؟ من الت

ل ال

واصل ه

؟ ست

كن؟ دراست ي


ما • ل ه ض ة أف


؟ ف يك

ا؟ رأ

ل لماذ


قدت ع ت

هنمهم من أ


م أن

علت ت

ةغ رى؟ ل

خ ا؟ أ


ا •ب ماذ

طلتل ت

ة ك


؟ ف يك


ل •ت ه

ان ك

ك ل

ةوام وظيف

ي بد

بئ ل؟ من جز ب ما ق كه

ة سمات صي

خة الش


ف ؟ عملك بل

قت مس


78 Chawki Nacef -

Theme: School

صف •كرست

ما صف . مد ا يو جي



رسة ف مد .ال

ما • المو ه اد

ب الت غ ر ت

دراستها ف عام ف

بل؟ ال

مق ال

ما • ه واعد

ق ال

؟ ف رستك

ل مد

حب ه

اء ت

تد ؟ الزي ار رس

مد ال

ما • ه ةل ح الر

ة رسي


ت الت ب هها ذ ي

ل؟ من إل ب

؟ ق مت

ن؟ إلى ي ف أ ي


؟ك ت ان

م •ة من ك

رس؟ ماد

د ما ت ذه ه

؟ ه


ل ال

م ه

ت ن ت

اد إلى؟ ن ي رس

ا؟ مد


Theme: International and Global Dimension

• ،يك

ما برأ م ه

هة أ

كل مش

دهدب ت

ك و ض؟ ك ر

عل ماذا الأ

فة؟ال لحماية ت


ا •عل ماذ

ف ت


ةش؟ لحماية مد


ل •وم ه

ق؟ بعمل ت ي ع

طوا؟ ت


ما • اسبات مزايا ه ة المن تماعي ة الج ياضي ة؟ والر بب

ك ال

79 Chawki Nacef -

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