
Chemistry project work

Chemistry project work on

Foaming Capacity of SoapAntara Choudhary Class - XIIRoll No -5643205 Delhi Public School DhanbadFoaming capacity of soap 1

Chemistry project work

CertificateThis is to be certified that this Project Report On Foaming Capacity of Soap is submitted by Antara Choudhary Student of class XII Board roll no. 54643205 in partial fulfillment of the requirement of practical examination of chemistry as per CBSE curriculum. This is an authentic work underFoaming capacity of soap 2

Chemistry project work

my supervision and guidance. The observations taken are genuine.Chemistry teacher: Mrs. Vandana Dutta Signature . Date: .

Foaming capacity of soap


Chemistry project work

AcknowledgeFoaming capacity of soap 4

Chemistry project work

mentSans appreciation and help none can reach the target completely and no work can finish successfully. So with honor, I would like to express my thanks to my Chemistry teacher Mrs. Vandana Dutta for her support and cooperation. I am indebted to her for taking interest in my project. I gratefully acknowledge her suggestions. I would also appreciate the incentive provided by my school authorities for carrying out the experiments in the project. In the end, my special thanks to my parents who encouraged me from time to time I think without their support fulfillment of this project would not have been attained. I also wish my heartfelt Thanks to my little brother, Partho, who helpedFoaming capacity of soap 5

Chemistry project work

me compiling and presenting the project successfully.Antara Choudhary

Aim: The aim of the experiment is to study the foaming capacity of soap.

Introduction: Soap are sodium and potassium salts of higher fatty acids. The higher fatty acids may be such as stearic acid (C13H35COOH), Palmittic acid (C15H31COOH. A soap molecule has a lipophilic (oil soluble) and a hydrophilic (water soluble) part. When soap is shaken with water, it produces foam, which is responsible for removal of dirt. A soap that produces more lather is more effecting cleansing agent. The cleansing action of the soap is depicted in the diagram appended.

Foaming capacity of soap


Chemistry project work

It can be explained keeping in mind that a soap molecule contains a non-polar liyophilic group. The dirt is held on the surface of the cloth by oil or grease, which is present there. When soap is applied, the non-polar alkyl group dissolves in oil droplets while the polar-COO-Na+ group remains dissolved in water. In this way each oil droplet is surrounded by negative charge forming a ring like structure called micelle. These negatively charged oil droplets cannot coalesce and a stable emulsion is formed.

Aim: To compare the foaming capacity of different samples of soaps. Requirement: Foaming capacity of soap 7

Chemistry project work

1.100ml conical flask with cork 2.20ml test tube 3.100ml measuring cylinder 4.50ml measuring cylinder 4.Test tube stand 5.Weight box 6.Stopwatch 7.Different samples of soap 8.Distilled water Theory: There is no quantitative method for determination of foaming capacity of soap. However foaming capacity of Different soaps can be compared qualitatively by following concept. Solutions of different soaps are prepared by dissolving their equal weight in equal Volume of distilled H2O. These solutions are shaken vigorously to produce foam and then they are allowed to stand. Time taken for disappearance of the foam is measured for different samples of the soap; longer the time taken for disappearance of the foam in a given sample of the soap greater is the foaming capacity of soap.

Foaming capacity of soap


Chemistry project work

Procedure: 1.0.5g of different samples of the foam was weighed. 2.Each of these samples was dissolved in 50ml of distilled water separately in different conical flasks. The solutions were labeled. 3.20ml test tubes were taken and 10ml distilled water was added to each of them. Then 1ml of different solution was added separately in different test tube and test tubes were labeled correspondingly. 4. Each test tube were corked tightly and was shaken vigorously for min tine then the test tube were placed in the test tube standard time for foam to disappear was measured.

Conclusion: The soap for which time taken for disappearance of the foam is maximum i.e. maximum Foaming capacity and best quality soap among soap tested. Test tube Brand nameFoaming capacity of soap

Time taken for9

Chemistry project work

no. 1. 2. 3.

of Soap to be tested Dettol Mysore sandal Dove

Disappearance of foam 40 min 45 min 32 min

Aim: To study the effect of addition of sodium carbonate (washing soda) on the foaming capacity of the soap.

Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 100ml conical flask 20ml test tube 100ml measuring cylinder 50ml measuring cylinder Test tube stand Weight box Stopwatch Different samples of soap Distilled water

Theory: Ca and Mg are present in the water infer theFoaming capacity of soap 10

Chemistry project work

foaming capacity of soap these ions combine with soap and forms the insoluble salts which gets precipitated C17H35COONa + Ca2+ (C17H35COO) Ca + 2Ca+2 Scum Therefore, in the presence of scum foaming capacity of soap decreases. When Na2CO3 is added to tap water Ca and Mg ions get precipitated as their Carbonates. Therefore the presence of Na2CO3 increases. Ca2++ Na2CO3 CaCO3+2Na+ Mg2+ +Na2CO3 MgCO3+2Na+ In order to demonstrate the foaming capacity of a given sample of soap will be determined first in the distilled water and finally in water containing Na2CO3

Procedure: 1. 0.5g of different samples of the foam were weighed. different conical flasks. The solutions were labeled. 2. To the first test tube 10ml distilled water was added to the second test tube 10ml ofFoaming capacity of soap 11

Chemistry project work

tap water and to the third M/20 Na2CO3 and 5ml of tap water solution was added. In each test tube 1ml of different solution was dissolved. 3. Each test tube were corked tightly and was shaken vigorously for 1 g min tine then the test tube were placed in the test tube standard time for foam to disappear was measured.

Conclusion: The foaming capacity of soap in maximum in distilled water. Foaming capacity of soap increases on addition of Na2CO3. Test tube no 1. Water used 10ml distilled water 10ml tap water Vol.of Time taken soap for solution disappearanc e of foam 1ml 45min

2. 3.

1ml 1ml

30min 32min12

Foaming capacity of soap

Chemistry project work

5ml tap water+5ml M/20 Na2CO3 solution

Foaming capacity of soap


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