
••• •

PERSONAL ASD LOCAL NOTES. AJF On T h a r e d a j evening of last week,

Ensign C. H. H a r l o t or the Greely Re­lief Expedition, delivered a lecture, or as he termed it, a talk, which to our I knowledge has nevor been surpassed i in this village. He held the earnest | attention of his hearers for about two I hours , and a t the eptf of that time, j had it not beeu for/fhe extreme cold, on aceount of there being no Arc in the room, we doubt nor. that they ; would have kept their seats for two hours longer if the Ensign bad contin- | ued. The history of so many interest­ing events and incidents one seldom has tho opportunity of listening to. The speaker is a promising young na­val officer and says that if a good chance again presents itself to make northern explorations he will be one of the first to volunteer. "We learn tha t the Adelphic Society are trying to in­duce Mr. Harlow to again appear be­fore the Society and talk upon tho pe­culiarities and curiosties of tho Arctic region as found by himself, and par­ticularly by Lieut. Greely.

Waller Hall! F, W. TO

Two weeks yinec brief item giving a combat hetwetn a (In.

a WijouehucK, as wituess'-d by ;>, K(>n-

we published a | description of a { k of c r o w s a n d i

(K Carson, Luckey & Towner, will dis­

play a very large and attractive


Cloaks, Dolmans,

Paletots, New Markets,

and Children's Cloaks,


Oct. 2imi i\M\ list.


MANVEL WIND-ENGINE, 12 yearn as M a n u f a c t u r e r s g iven exclus ive ly to t h e cons t ruc t i on a n d p e r f e c t i n g of t he se

Machines , with mechanics t ra inqd in tho bus iness to SET THEM UI>, enables us to furn ish a •

9 vwnmv, Self-Regulating ?M5MKNT, t ak ing water from anv place whore a good supp ly .

can bo had, and del iver ing it wherever dosire'd, USING NO POWER BUT T H E W I N D , which costs nothing. In USE by THOUSANDS of F a r m e r s

J/ffUm 5 \ Stockmen. Gardne r s , etc., and to supply Suburban Residences giv-F,i' 1 - ' •"* ing all the advantages of city water works . Fo r informat ion or cst i-

ates on cost of jobs, write s ta t ing a m o u n t of water desired daily, distanco to be convey-


m ed , e tc . , to

B . S. W I L L I A M S & C O . , K a l a m a z o o , M i c h .

B R A N C H O F F I C E S . : — R o c h e s t e r , N . Y .


TIxe Tii^xe

Ma§ Come

3 1 7 A r c h S t r e e t , P h i l a d e l p h i a , P a


When goods can be bought, cheaper than before the

w Monday f: Tu.^.lav r

j:i t " o p . nv.

:.! I>> S p . til..


Uemtr. of this viliago "f whose truth- j &" fuIrjf-Ms tlu'ro e;tn lie •:(> question. Monday's Times has a h;:!f i: >!::nin ;ic-couni «>f t h e y;mv» urcurrei.-.--- written by sofi-.t.1 '--tie who had >-vi'!. nrly read j Und the item in the IVallinnan. Tho writ- ' er gives a lenc^by (U-~fripti<>n of the crows' f-roevdira^ after they had driven the ground hog to his hole, how they detailed sentinels to watch for his appearance, and finally after a Yjsit had been made to tho burrow it Was found to have been dug out. This modern Gulliver goes on to say : "The man who had seen the proceedings on Friday declared his belief that the crows had grown weary of waiting for the woodehuck to come out and had set to and unearthed him." Who the imaginative writer is we know not, but we are certain tha t he is tho same mendacious wretch who distorted tho accurate and truthful history of Capt. Neil's encounter with the blacksnakes last spring into a blood-curdling ro- i roaoce that received a wide circulation i io the newspapers.

b a m p l e s >

W o r s t e d

\ \ \ - a



i f t i a e ! i v<

:s siiha,


Line of

LOOK:—Choice Calicos ,pe. Sheeting 7c. Gingham S and 9c. Cashmeres 15 to 50c. Cassimers, Cotto.nades, Den­nis, Ticking, Table Linen, Napkins, Oil Cloth, Matting, Shades and Fix­tures, .Laces, Embroideries.





The only lino r u n n i n g Pu l lman Day. Sleep­ing. Hotel, Buffet Sleeping and Buffet Smok­ing Cars , in Solid T r a i n s in both d i r e c t i o n s between New York and ChicagbL Double Track , Steed Kails. Wost inghduso Air Brakes , cars l ighted by gas . Mil Her Safety Platform and Coupler, and every modern appl iance . Two New York a n a Chicago routes—the'"Solid Pu l lman Line.", via Sala­manca a n d the N. Y.. P. & O . H . Ii. and the Chicago a n d Atlantic Rai lway: the " N i a g a r a Falls Route" via-Riiffiilo and the Grand T r u n k Railway sys tem.! Limited Express between New York and Cincinnati and St. Louis , with NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR FAST TIME. Tho only line r u n n i n g Pu l lman Coaches between New Y'ork and Detroi t via Niagara Fal ls . Best equ ipment and t ra in service. Fines t scenery. Rates as low as the lowest. Take the Er ie . Abstract of T i m e Table . Adopted October

Ctb . 1884. W E S T W A R D .

STATIONS. No.l.*No.6.*j Noii* N. York L've.l 9.00AMj 6.00PM S.OOPM Je rsey City '





9.50 :10.50 7 . 4 3 P M

Paterson, T u r n e r s Groyeourt Goshen, ' ju.14 "j Middlet'wn ' :ii.28 " .' Pt. J e rv i s , Arr 12.03PM 9.00 " Bingh ' ton .L 'v ' 4.48 "I12.68AM E l m i r a . . . ' j- 6.40 "i 2.41 "

Rochester ArrH.OOI'M . . .

Buffalo... ' i 11.50 "! 7.25 Ni'g 'a Fill Is Lvil2.58AM i 8.88 Susp. B r ' g o ' ; 1.03 "i 8.45


8.471 "

io.'ioj "

lo.'a'c " " 10.52 " 11.351. " 3.58AM 5.48 "

Sl 'm'ea . . Dunk i rk .

' 11.50 PM j C.58AM 111.20A MI. ! 3.0D AM I I 1.30PM I




Carson, Lockei & Towner p ^ ™ ' other Dress Good Fabrics, Ho-

Wliit.e Goods, Notions

11 West Main Street,



Ripened by age for family and tonic pur­poses, these will moot the required want. Old and new vintages of t.he- various standard brands white arid red,,

Catawba, Port, Sherry, etc« Our Communion Wine in quality and.

purity is unexcelled. Each variety-sold' in quantity, age and price to suit purchas­ers. Pure Grape Brandy for rnoiliehie use only. The village druggists sell a t mode­rate prices. Send for circular.

Additional Local Trains Westward. 5.45 a. m.. dady . Je r sey City Itj.oo, Ruth

Pai-hrson 0.50.

7.15 p.m..from Goshen daily. Turners 8.30. Suffern 9.20, Paterson 10.18. Newark 10.«. ar­riving in New York at n.25 p. m.

c.45 p. TO., from Port Jervis. daily. Middle-town 8.1c Goshen 8.57. Paterson 10.57. Passaie 11.O8. arriving in New York 1L5C p%rn.

Trains leave Paterson for Now York a s f o l l o w s : 4.05 5.GO, 6.08, C.27, 0.50, 7.25; 7.55, R.14. 8.35. 9.11, 10.00. 10.34. !\. •m.. l'i.oo N o o n , 2.05, 3.10, 8.25. 5.Co, 545.G.50. 7.33, 0.15. 9.31. 10.18. 10.07 p . i h . S u n ­d a y s . G.08. 0.27. 7.25. 8.00. 8.57 a . m . . 1.30, 3 .25, •r).ir>, o.ii, 8.57, p. m. F o r New York via Newark. 5.50, 7.00, 7.25. 8.05 10.07 a. m., 1.30. 4.45. 5.57, 7.35-10.13 -p. m. "Sundays 8.C8. a. in. . 1.80, 5.15, 10.13 ]). ni.

• D a i l y . «a~Tl i rough Ticket^ to all points at ).!.'•

very Lowest liatos.*for sa le in the Company' .-Ofllce at the Depot.

Baggage will be checked onlv 0:: Tiekol:-Durehasod a t the Company 's ofllce.

.7. N. ABBOTT. Gen'l Pass . Ag't. N. Y.

NEW YORK ONTARIO & WESTERS T i m e T a b l e T a k ! n « Kfl'eot J u l y IHI, J S K 4 .



J. UJ ..'on & beshsteiO 50

^ a: ?2nrt St., N. Y.

J 15

urlve oepari Jersey <Jhy Haverstraw Wesi I'olni


0 40

(I \'i 5 13 6 3518 41 +~7J!O ocJ3 1:,

p m |) 1IIIU JI) 8 05.1000 7 509 50(1 HO

7 5W9 5d

p in )> in :' it. 0 M...:\:> 0> 7 0»M 1&|'J 'it

7'Q-S.'.YM)'r. 8 11|5 'W\\iM 8 35:0 orflO-.: 8 49}6 15|lllf.

•j :̂irr>ujiM:. iT)i6|(7IiTiT|7beu]jruri;3 5: y &3J7 loiiaoo ioi "

I 55 ;918

U ; : J | . > i>-><~> v i 5 -J 00

j 'ert 'ord 0.21, Passaic 0.31. oshen 9.40,

tons at ifept ltiver Lor i l la rds . •:t of Pater-


6kd'". Groeeries, Provisions & Flour. Granulated Sugar 53c. 7 lbs. I t will pay you to call on

T h e L a r g e s t

M e r c h a n t T a i l o r i n g

a n d C l o t h i n g H o u s e

in A m e r i c a .

Th^ tuitiou fers uf non-resident P ' i -

W A N A M A K E R &

B R O W N , O A K H A L L ,



Opposite Public Park, St. John 's Old Corner, Montieello, N. Y.

. 2888tf

JAQ e 9

Vineyards and Wine Collars at" Washing-tonville, N. Y. Gm2!)21

'Seek and you Shall Find!" WHAT SHALL I FIND ?

T u r n e r s 8.4ft. Groyeourt 9.23, G a r r iv ing at Middletown 10.00 a. in all. s ta t ions west ot Paterson, e St.. Hawlhorne , Sterl inglon and and on Sundays at all s ta t ions we: son except Lor i l la rds . u. in., Sundays excepted, from T u m ­ors (Newburgli Way) s topping fat all sta­t ions , and a r r i v ing in Por! Je rv i s nt 0.15.

7.50 a. m., Sundays excepted. Je rsey Oiiy 8.05, nut l ierford ,8.38, P a s s a k l o'.:i<'., ]'at-erson 8.40, T u r n e r s 10.00. Groyfour t 10.30, Goshen io.30 Middletown 10.50, a. in., itini a r r iv ing at Por t Je rv i s i i . :3 a.m. Stops at a 1 s ta t ions west of Paterson exeent Sterl inglon.

J>.00a, m., Sundays excepted- Day Ex­press from New York i.o the West. Connects for Cornwall , Nowburgh, Montgomery and Pino /si md. ami s ta t ions on thoN. if. Ontario «fc Western Itail-road, Midland l la i l road. Stoph on s ignal at Paterson for passengers g o i n ? west

10.30 a. ni. , daily, Milk and Way a r r iv ing at Port J e rv i s 3.45 p. m.

1.45 p . m.. Daily to Suil'ern. S topping a t all s ta t ions , a r r iv ing at Suil'ern 3.10 p. rn.

3.30 p. m., Ulster County and Metvburgh Ex­press , except Sundays , to Middletown, s top­ping only at Ster l ington, T u r n e r s , Monroe ,

Id]37 :57liW-. 101KJ7 45 12.31 l!«!ij7 WijlSSlS lihKjK 05;Vi I-

T~". ; H " ^ ; " I ~ 3 I ;


0i Middletown

KuirTJaks ~ t 1U5

1 ail wintcrion 1 30 Bloom'ngb'rgh 1 37| WurlsOoro

,.j5 C8'7 %i •

l....j"70f;j<i CM

1305 4 37 i0 5i«5 4 ! ;3')l,-!81;ii 5 3 ' ' 30

l . 5 - | >uni i i i i tv i i ie Vi 5 i : l SSJ](J 4i,l) an

. . . . . K l l env l l l e " " " . ! : ] " 5 5 ' < ; 1 > 5 | ~

-".Mountain D a l e . . . . . - |3 Ji!»jl a , .-.' •:••.• <;entervllie 1100:8 8.'il 3.'i^ •! j l ' \Ulsburgli

S 41,1 4

i:-.;.;.i n . . . . '.i J'3

-1 , . i , . • • - I v , r

• , . , . ,

I I I .

H u r l e y J.llx'!-:y f a l l s



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3 :'.'•>:, u: .; 11:


> v . ll4S,'.i -: •: 5 i :- ,o:! /y : ; rKiMManYl 3i>3 5n:.-j •&,,* -., V,l)i'.) 4.1.3 <•: I 41; H()i;;cl:i:t(1 |1 17 3 :)'.:> 1013 33

!|) IU'3 J I M I I . CooU'8 l-'alls [ . . . . 'i SJIJ'a lfl'tJ 07 . . . . ! . • . . . ! . . . j") !ih; 'J'rout I'.IOO^ . . . . ! . . . - j . . . . ! l 47

ro i | '3ir;

/ Ki'M, h r a n c i i I13J03 0 5 j . . . . i 4\i i f i s h ' s KCldy . . . . i * l .V) i . . . . l 3..-

lla'iCOCk : J 3 I ! M 4 5 . . . . I (.'". . . . . >» , t ! i ' j : Ji Cados la .Su iu ' i t | . . . . | 14 Uw — la in| — hi 2'.' l took J i l l t i ; .p ;» 1335 1 45'i^3.". |M' 5 50! Walto i , |l,135.1 05]j 10:13m 9 y - j . . . i>7~L:"]. i

- I -D311H ;l():W105|ij

a"ij>7":«.5 l.'-J-/":}'.! Krui^TiiTi ig55fj>i5J3 lolldso . . . . .I? 43 5 33 7 :,0S-(l,icy Ccnirc ....1,12052 5(5jl0.35

3 47'S 4'i;5 4:H ax ' s s idney [Depart 1'28 11452 !K) 1«W

Goshen and Hampton , and arr iv

HP rh« question is tinswered by calliuj lg on

A full l i n e o f card s a m p l e s of t h e g r e a t p i e c e g o o d s s t o c k

w i l l be f o u n d w i t h


Montieello, 1 Y.

PRES Will be inaugurated Slsireh 4,1885.


pils ut our villa^'o school already amount to a sufflcicDi sum to pay the salary of ono of tho 'tcachors, with ocou^h left to half pay-another one.

ELECTION RKTST.NS.—Tho Western Union Ttdegraph Co. promfee full re-turnn of the election on Tuesday ni<?ht p.ext, to be announced at t}ni Skat in" Rink. Tickefa for sale a t T h o r n t o n ' s Drug Store. ' Admission 25 c.0.

A difficult and dangerous surgical operation was peformed on Calvin

• Wood, or Bethel, a t St. Luke ' s Hospi­tal in New York-city on Friday last. Tho operation was the removing of a large tumor whrch had been growing on Mr. Wood's neck for a Ions time. Tb© operation, was witnessed by a number--ot eminent surgeons. Mr. Wood bore the ordeal bravely and it Is thought be wi l lbe l ib le to return to Ms "home in two or three week.

Mr. David S. Avery and Mr. J. R. M. Hernz of New York, who has been stopping a t the Mansion House for the past three months, went deer hunting last week and each secured- a deer. One was a doe weighing about 130 lbs., and the other was a fawn weighing 72 lbs.

Las t Sunday was the d a y sot apar t by the Prison Association of New York as "Pr leoners ' Sunday," and was generally observed in churches of all religious denominations in this county. The money collections will be used for promoting the improve­ment of county jails throughout the state and for tho relief of worthy dis­charged convicts.

The Clebrated Delhi Flannels and Yarn formerly sold by W. H. Cady & Co.. may hereafter be found a t S. L. STRONG'S. 2m2945

Miss L. A. Stewart 's select school opened Oct. 6th, a t her residence. Latin and drawing in the regular tui­tion. Calisthenics. French, Music and Painting extra. Pupils from a dis- > .

accommodated with board at Twenty por oMit. may be retained for

GEO. 11. BULL A M There you will Find afiig Stock


Sfcottk Sus t . foe &ol(8 by

Softer '1st.

b ^ f



The Only Democratic Paper IS New York, j EVERY DEMOCRAT SHOULD READ ITv j

D a l l y , ® ( > ; S c m r - W e e k l y , 8 2 ; S a n d & y > S l v f i 1 h

W K E K L Y , O N E D O L L A R P E R Y E A R .

MONEY CAN BE MADE By any Man or Woman, 'Girl or Boy,

Who Will Orsantae Clubs for

The Weekly Edition, The Great Farm ynd Home Newspa­

per, Complete iu all i u departments.

AGENTS PAID IN CASH. For 100 ssbscribetH at $1 each §25 will

be paid ; for 50 subscribers, §12 ; for 25 subscribers, $6 ; for 15

subscribers, $3 ; for lOsuh-scriberz S2 ; for 5 subscribers, 81.

immense Sacrik G-OOIDS



dlotown at. 0.04 p. m. Connects for Gormva and Nowburgh. via S h o n Cut.

3.50 p.. m., Goshon Way. o.veeut Sun­days. S topping a f Rutherford. Passaic

I Pa te r son . and all s ta t ions west .except l t iver | St., a r r i v ing at Goshen at <;.25 p. ni. ; 4.U0 p. in.. Orange Co. Express , Sundays

excepted, for Pt. J e rv i s . Stops at J Udffewood Greenwood. Turner/ ; . Monroe . Greyeourt and all s ta t ions west, a r r i v ing at ]>ort J e rv i s at 7.48 p . ni. Stops on Saturdays it Ster l ing-ton to leave passengers from N. V <Jonnoels for all points on Nowburgh auc Warwick and Pine Is land Branchfjs, and at Goshon

I for Montgomery and Kingston. '-Connects j a t Main St... Middletown. with N. V Onta-I rio & Western li . Ji.. Midland ii. l\., j 5.00 p . in., excep toundays , to Suil'ern l<av-l ing J e r s ey City 15.15. s topp ing a t Pi .torson r> 52 j and all s ta t ions west of Paterson. a r r iv ing at • Suffern <;.'jr> p. in. ' I .r).:̂ > p- >n., oxcept Sundays , to Si: (Torn.loav-! ing J e r s ey City 5.12, via l iergon Co. ".-nhOrt ] Cut, s lopping at all s ta t ions, except Uiver^'t I a n d Hawthorne , and a r r iv ing at | Suffern at I 0.10 p, m. I ~>M p . in., except Sundays , to P I N e w a r k , s t o p p i n g a t all s a t ions <

t iac ; Nev/ark o.'28. Paters

ng at Mid-dl

. . . !•.) l.r.-i5.V. 3 ih !> Wit •>'•• 3 2:1 0 0,0 ).': 3 50jlo30:fl 30

N e w nerl ln . ...'.iulliOrd CenU

(Guilford .. . (ixtord ... I Norvvlcli ;? '-Arrive Depart

7 oi)j.."7j. ITS 1 :ia\, 11211 2 5 .

'J 51 1109)1 0 0 j . . . . 'J ."JO, 1050 12301... .

•p mj 3 Q ,

4 . . . . p R i p in a in

1C46I : — ia in

Z 00 2 30'C 35 7 30, Norwich 0 30 . . . . ! . . . . j . . . . . . . . iW.^i 4tJ6 40)7,42; North Norwich t908ll036 7 18 *415:3 0717 OOJ? 50] Smyrna r868'l026|C 5'/ 4~24 3 22:7 OtljS 051 karjvllle

7 20-0 20

l \ » i l rk • 1 n T I - I I I t i ac ; Newark o.'28, Paterson7.01 p

Pillows, Bolsters & Feathers, i ^tt&$&$,£ssi •; trom Nowburgh.



torson via xeep tPon-m. iss for all rs for and

6.10 p. rn., except Sundays , to Su I p ing at all s ta t ions , and a r r i v ing I 7.37 p . m .

0.30 p . m . , Sundays only, for I Stopping at all s ta t ions except


#t&"" Parlor Suite, Bedsteads, Cbairs and Tables. I have also tbe] most perfect <

o p

Agents Wanted in Every Town and Vil lage. Circu­

lars and Sample Copies Free. S e n d f o r T h e m .

From Now to December.

Try It. Try St. . Try St,


her house. Opportunity for dancing lessons during the winter.

Utt 1

C I D E R . — Andrew Thompson in­forms his patrons that ho will run his cider mill on Fr idays of each week un-Jtil further notice. Those having ap­ples will please como on tha t day.

} 3w2944

ALBERT EDWARDS has jus t re­ceived a large stock of underwear, woolen and cotton hose, cloth skir ts ,

t nubias fascinators, hoods, mittens, leggiogs, pocket books and shipping bags, silk and linen handkerchiefs, black cashmeres, napkins, towels and tablo damasks, ' collars, ribbons, ruf-fliDgs, laces, hambuTgh corsets, but­tons, umbrellas, rubber cloaks, hoop ekir ts and bustles, stationery, combs and brushes, tooth-trrushes and tooth-powder, neta, knitting cottons and yarns, worsteds, canton flannels, tow-«llng and dress linings, fancy goods, notions, & c , &c. He will sell these Ijoods unreasonably k m for cash only.

k 3wW

orders of 10 or more copies to one address.



The Third Quarterly Conference meeting of the M. E. church of this village will be held on Saturday and Sunday next, the following being the order of exercises:

Saturday.—Sermon at 2\ p. m. by presiding Elder, J . W. Ackerly. Four o'clock Quarterly Conference business meeting. Seven o'clock general pray­er service under direction or the Pre­siding Elder.

Sunday.—9J o'clock General Love-Feast . Eleven o'clock sermon by Pre­siding Elder. 12J o'clook p. in.. Sacra­ment of the Lord 's Supper.

Velvets, Silks, Black Goods, Dress Goods, Table Linen and all House-Keeping Geods, Hosiery, Gloves and Fancy Goods.

#59* New business engagements make a change of residence necessary, and tho goods must go.

fi&y- Extra House on South Street for Sale.

JOHN W. ROSS, No. 29 North Street,

Middletown, N. Y>. 2895


canvass for the sale of Nurse ry Stock ! Steady employment gunranteod. &ALA.HY A N D K X l ' E N S E S P A I D ; A p p l y a t o n c e .

(Itofer to th is paper . )

CHASE BROTHERS, Rochester, H (Y.


" WELCH'S SUPERIOR BALSAM. A Posit ive Curo for Couphs. Colds, Hoa r se ­

n e s s , Whoopiner-CouKh, and all other Bronchia l Affections. (

I t is a Posi t ive-Cure for Inc ip ien t Con­sumpt ion . I t speedily alleviates tho wors t eases of Whooping-Cough if taken accord­ing to direct ions . I t is ent i re ly a now de­p a r t u r e from all other Balsams a n d Syrups . I t conta ins no m o r p h i n e or other in jur ious d rugs . I t is made ent i re ly of Boots a n d Herbs , which a re combined in such a m a n ­n e r a s to m a k e a perfect and p u r e r emedy for Coughs. Colds and L u n g t roubles . Mon­ey will be refunded if tho Balsam does n o t give perfect satisfaction. j . , .

SST Pr ice 35 Cts. for a full 4 oz. bottle of tho Balsam. Ask your Druggis t for It.

F o r sale by ' A. A. CItAIN, 3m29io Montieello, N. Y.


INVALID BEDSTEAD ever invented, for which I have the exclusive right of aale for this town. COME AND SEE. 2929tf

SALE OF LAND. .0 . .


O. S. THORNTON distinctly states t ha t Acker's English Remedy has and does oure contracted consumption. Ask for circular. An entirely new medi­cine, guaranteed.



ALBANY, Aug. 22nd, 1884.

Pursuant to a resolution of the Com­missioners of the Land Office, passed at a meeting held on the 5th day of August, 1884c and by virtue of power vested in me by law, I shall offer for sale a t Public Auction, a t the office of tho State Engineer and Surveyor, in the City of Albany, ON THE 21st DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, a t twelve o'clock M., all t he title of the State of New York'in the following lot, piece or parcel of. land, lying in the County of Sullivan, described as follows :



Lot 42. Containing 1 GO Acres. i

E. SWEET; State Engineer ai\d Surveyor.

8w2937 ! ;


i)epot Street, Montieello,

E. Everard, Proprietor . Foreign and Domestic Cigars: Wines

and Liquors of all kinds.

J5&"* Good Livery Stable attached. Fine Horses and Carriages, Barouch­es, Platform Wagons ready a t a rno ments notice. 1928

lern. Ktop it Huffern

orf J e rv i s . Soeaucus,

and West Ru the r fo rd , K(x;rling;on. Lori l ­lards and Main St.. Middletown. le rsey City c.45. Paterson 7,w. Suffern ff.18. T a m o r s 8.07. Goshon 9.31, Middletown 0.49, and ar r iv ing at Por t J e rv i s at 10.10 p. in.

8.15 p. m.. except Sundays . Je rsey City 8.40. Stopping at Pa terson 9.25. Ilidgeivood, Ho-hokus . Allendale.9.49, Suffern io.d8 T u r n e r s 10.51. Groyeour t 11.12. Goshen 1127 Middle-town 11.51 a r r iv ing at Port Jorviu 12.45 a. m. Stops at Kamseys only to leave pnss<:nKers.

12.00 Midnight, daily, J e r s ey City 12.10a. m.. Rutherford 12.JJ5. Passa ic 12,4a, Pa terson 12.55 a. m., a r r i v ing a t Suffern 1.28 a. n other s ta t ions only lo leave passengers . 8.30a. in.. Sundays only, for P e r t J e rv i s .

Stops a t all s ta t ions except Secajucus, West Rutherford , H a r r i s o n St. and Ster l ington. Connects for Newburgh, Montgomery and Pino I s land .

T r a i n s leave foot of Chambers St., N. Y., for Pa te r son a s follows: G.45. 7.2). 7.50. 9.30 and 10.20 a. m.. 12.00 m.. 1.46. 3.00. 3.50, 4.40. 6.00,5.10,5.30,6.10, p. m.. and

4 33;3Jl7i7_lS|8 10] R.-indallsvlllc •445J1 55'|T 'MS 28i Eaton 4 5l!l !i97 3Cj8 :)ii MoiTlsvlllc ti5C.j4 36].. _ jS3a| ]_,',^-'-S_ 5 05'4 5:'7 r>oj« 50j 'ftiunnsvllie

...;'.io 1:;'.v.>i'83J! stockbridj^e i."ji0i'50y« ii:1;? 50! valley Mills '.-,175 • 1 *; s 07:9 04; Community 5 3a« 13,9 l7:one:da CastlP

..|*.S21 "U21j DurhamvllK

..••Has/'J^i s u a e Urld-re I

..*«38 ;9:«i Flrsli Creek !

5 32.3JJ3:8_2J 9 2>jj »53fi J5Wl


G K)j. U 1C|.

0 ";M>-C4S| . • C M . 7_Q~».. ;712U


i) O) 3 40

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52l9 22!5 4(U 25

. I 7 25' : 7 50

a rn!

..j8 4*9 45. North Uaj' 1": 1H.s M

..i'6-lK'ain! West Vienna "712'«835

.. |8 58 ! Cleveland 1.7 01.8 2i

. • •94 ; . . . . . i r rn i i i i rd ' sHay 'O 58,'821

..'•J 18 — ! 'constant!a~''"> 528 14

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..'1030'.. .'n m'..

r 43|9 H ji 2',1-i (HI

MijTJoirwriiaw 32t85' "Sir 1244 2 |«85CJ') 0' UZ'M

' 'l"0f. 1215

Caughdcnoy i"(;^i,'74,.!!

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llfK) ITWJ

.jlo;;r. 9 4(i

lnge.l!s i*C101733 . . . . j 9 10 Ful ton 111 01;7 25 . . .18 55

Oswego Ii 35 7 00.....j? 5t! i r r l v e De tn r i >i ni a ml . .la tu

Stops at

12.00 Midnight . Sundays . 6;45, 8.30 a. m., 1.45,6.30. 8.00, 9 00 p. m.- and night .

F o r Pa te r son via Newark, c.45, ^.40.11.30 a. m.. 3.10, 4.20, 6.20,6.50 6.20,7.30 p. rn night , Sa turday n ights only. Su a. m., 3.10. 6.30 p. m.

and 10.20 12.00 mid-

. 12.00 Mid-adays, 9a5

E A S T W A R D .

STATIONS. 1 N o . 8.*

Dunk 'k . Lv Sl 'm'ea '.

Sus . B g e ' Ni ' ra P'ls

Buffalo ' Roch' ter ' E l m i r a ' Bing' ton ' P t J o r v i s ' Mid't 'wn ' Goshen ' Pa te rson '


8.18 AM 8.23 "

N o . *12."

1.05 P.M. 3.50 "




7.45 7.60

8.50 9.00

! 1.40PM 9.05 I 3.19 " 11.05 ; 7.26 " U.:JK A M I 8.00 " 4.110 " j 8.18 " . . . 1 9.31 "i 6.03 "


2.V1A 4..TO 8.30 9.05 9.17

10.34 A

Newark Ari 10.40 7.30

Je r ' y City" N.York. ' 110.20

0.50 7.10

Train 1 stops at WurLsDoro on signal, and -A'. Wlnterton to leave New York passengers, only.

lYaln 2 stops at Guilford Centre for New Yori-pas'-;( n jei"s only..

Tram 5 stops at, Wlnterton, P.loomlngburgft, Wurtslioro, FaliBhurgh, to leave New York pas­sengers only.

Going North, Train 1 connects at Raudallsvllle for all points on the Utlea Division 01 the I), and H. G GO., arriving at taica U:V.) ]). m., and at Komc 8:50 p. ni.

Train 5 connects at Karlvlllc Tor all jwlnts on theH. O. and N. Y., arriving at Syracuse 10:15 a, in.; connects at Kandallsvllle for all points on the Utlea Division of tin: J), and II., arriving at L'tlca 11:15 a. in., and at Rome 12:10 a. in.; con­nects at. oncldaGastle Willi the Is"; Y., W. fs. and B. K'y. for all points West; connects at Central Square with the It. W. and O. K'y for all points North. ' .

Train 3 connects at Karl vine for all points on the 8. O. and N. Y., aud at KandalLsville for all points on the Utlea Division, of the I), and if., and at Oneida Castle for Syracuse and Inter­mediate points.

Trains 9,10,5 and 0 runs dally; all others daily ;xcept Sunday.

* Stop on signal. J Stop to leave and take ou New York, passengers only. .

New York Depots at root of. Gortlandt, Des-brosses and West 42nd Sis. • 3. £ . CIIIWIN, J . C . A n d c . m o u ,

Gen'l Sup't, Gen. Paa'g'r. Agu

4."'No. 2."



3 . 5 5 P M 4.01 "

j 4.40PM . . . ' 5 . 1 5 " M.; 10.05 '" " 11.58 " " ! 4.15AM

4.5G " 5.08 "

.M. 6.27 "


LI S ' W» 1

. . J 7.30

7.10 111.10, 11.25A.M. 7.30

A d d i t i o n a l Loca l T r a i n s E a s t w a r o . 0.30 a. m., from P o r t Jo rv i s . oxcopt S u n - '

days . Middletown 7.13, Goshen 7.27, Grey-cour t 7.39, (leave Newburgh 7.101 Cornwall 7.28), T u r n e r s 7.53, a r r i v ing a t Now York at 9.30 a. in. j

6.22 & 7.22 a. m., from Suffern. except Sun­days. Pa te rson 6.55 and 7.55, a r r i v ing at New York 7.50 and 8.50 a. m. S t o p p i n g at all sta­t ions .

7.00 a . in., from Suffern. except Sundays, ; Maliwah 7.03. Kamseys 7M38. Allendale 7.11, Hohokus 7.14, Ridgewood 7.17. Ruther ford 7.37. New York 8.10 a. nv. \

8.20a. m.. from Middletown. ejxeept Suii ' ^p i r

Monroe. Ster l ington. Pa te rson . Arriving in

ixceot I Di, Gos lien.

A fall assortment of" Dressed Pine, Spruee and Hemlock, Shin^ gles and Lath constantly on hand aad for sale by JOHN RUDDICK.

^?n°r^wf«?flS^KniCTrec^ 0y8" 0 f f l c e i n rear of I>, €. Pelten's ter Crackers are sold by S.L.Stroog. m ^ ^ ^

day, s topp ing a t Main Ht. Hampto Monroe. Ster l ington. Pa te rson . p. New York at 10.50 a. m. Leave Kingston 6.55. Newburgh 8.35 a. m.

8.20 a. m.. from Suffern. Sundays only s tops at all s ta t ions , a r r i v i n g in Now York at 9 55 a. m. On Mondays in September a n d oh Monday October 1st only th is t r a in will start-J rpmCal l l coon . s topp ing at alllsUUions to. Middletown.

6.48 a. m., from Goshon., Goshen Way. Stopping at all s ta t ions , except S te r l ing ton , River St.. Lake View. Passa ic Br idge and Se-caueus , and a r r i v ing in New York at 9.00 a. m.

8.30 a. m.. from P o r t J e rv i s , daily, s tops at Middletown 9.05. Goshen 9.17, T u r ­ne r s 9.42. a. m.. Paterson 10.34. a r r i v i n g in New York at 11.25 a. m. On Sundays s tops at Passa ie .

12.00 Noon, except Sunday , from Paterson . s topp ing a t all stations. ' except Har r i son St. a n d west Ru the r fo rd , and a r r iv ing , in New York at 12.65 p . m.

12.20 p . m., from P o r t Jo rv i s , daily. Mid­dletown 1.10, Goshon 1.30, Groyeour t 1.47, T u r n e r s 2.14, Pa te r son 3.25. a r r i v ing a t Now York 4.20 p . m. Stops a t all s ta t ions , except Main s t„ a n d Lor i l l a rds . j

3.10 p . m.. from Por t J e rv i s . Sundays onjy. Middletown 4.oo. Goshen 4.17, Greycour t 4.29 T u r n e r s 4.51. Pa te r son 6.11, a r r i v i n g a t New York 7.25 p . m. Stops at all s ta t ions except S ter l ington. j

4.4.5 p . m. . f rom Por t J e r v i s . e x c e p t 8 u n d a y 8 . StopB a t all s ta t ions , except S ter l ington. Riv­e r St., L a k e View. Clifton, Passa io Br idge , a r r i v i n g a t New York 8.26 P, M. |

6.16 p . m.. from Suffern. except Sundays . Stops a t all s t a t ions , -arriving a t New York 6.40 p . m.

5 ® - Domestic Liquors of all Kino.*; Including

M o n o i i g a h e l a , K y e , W h e a t :5H<t K o n r b o n ,

Corner Pike SI. and Railroad Aveinw,


2709W , Nearly opposite It. 11. Depot.

T e r m s o f C o u n t y C o u r t nni*. C o n r l '*

S e s s i o n s o f ( h o C o . o f S u l l i v a n .

I, the unde r s igned . County J u d g e of the county of Sul l ivan , do hereby o r d e r and a p - . po in t t h e T e r m s of the County Cour t and Court of Sessions of the county of Sull ivan to be held thereafter, and until fu r ther o r ­dered at the Court House in the vil lage of Montieello at tho t imes following, viz:

On the second Monday of F e b r u a r y . On tho third Monday of -lune. On the second Monday of October. I t is fur ther ordered that a Tr ia l J u r y he

drawn and summoned to attend each of sa id t e rms , and a G r a n d J u r y a t the F e b r u a r y T e r m . . #»&

It is further ordered tha t t e r m s of tlu* County Court, for the h e a r i n g and dec is ion of motions and-appeals and t r ia l s and oTh^r proceedings w i t h o u t a . I u r y . b e held a t t h e

/Judge ' s office in the village of Montieello on the F i r s t Monday of each mon th , except ing tho mon ths of F e b r u a r y . J u n e . Augus t and October.

Montieello . Dec. 17th. 1883.

W . L. T H O R N T O N , 2 7 0 9 County J u d g e of Suii. Oo.

DR S . J . N. & J . B . H O B E N S A C K , 1 u, k ° - 2 w Second St., above Race, Phila­

delphia , for »o years hnve been engaged in t rea tment of Secret B i a s e s as R e g u l a r / Practitioners. Read " W i s d o m In a N u t s h e l l . " Sent to any address on re­ceipt of two-cent stamp. Useful Informa­tion to tho afflicted. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 2 P. M. and from c to 9 P. M. Consul­tation by mail strictly private and confiden­tial. Office closed Sunday. ly2944

C. S. Thornton guarantees positive relief for any cougb. cold, croup, or lung complaint by using Acker's) En­glish Remedy, or will refund the mon­ey.


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