
Chiropractic Clinic StudiesChiron and Achilles. Vase painting, 5th century B.C.E. (Louvre)

The Centaur Chiron holds baby Achilles, his student. Chiron's job was to teach Achilles the art of medicine, and how to be a good man. This centaur has human legs instead of horse legs, to show that he is more civilized than other centaurs. In the Iliad, Achilles had the spear that Chiron had given to Peleus, Achilles' father. (Iliad 4.219; 11.832; 16.143; 19.390)

The McTimoney Method The McTimoney method distinguishes itself from many other types of chiropractic due to its whole body approach. Whilst the McTimoney method appreciates every system of the body separately it also sees that all systems work together to create one system, the person.

It is a gentle yet incredibly effective treatment, and often preferred by members of society who dislike cavitations.

The adjustments comprises a variety of low force, high velocity adjustments and done completely by hand.

Chiropractic Clinic Studies

What a Chiropractor does and why?

Evaluate your health through questions, by performing a physical evaluation and conducting body tests.-observe how you stand and move, palpate your spine, head and pelvis and may request x-rays.-you may be adjusted while standing, sitting, lying down or in combination. Depending on your symptoms and the judgment of your Chiropractor.-you may hear a click or clunk sound from an adjustment which is usually painless.-Chiropractor may use a number of different methods of adjustments that use various degrees of hand pressure and specialized equipment including:   * using their hands to press or push.   * positioning the body to use gravity and the bodies own weight.   * placing wedges under the body and using the bodies own weight.   * using specialized adjusting tables to assist the adjustments.   * using slow and sustained hand pressure or swifter events (eg. Toggle)   * using mechanical instruments (eg. Activator)-reassessing at end of treatment any differences from initial examination.-reflective notes on what transpired during the appointment.-may give advice/"homework" and/or exercise/stretching routine to follow between appointments.

Why?To empower those that are interested and willing into a healthy way of life and free of dis-ease.

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How to look after yourself after treatment

-immediately after an adjustment drink lots of water, avoid coffee and alcohol. If possible have a walk, don't sit down right away.-avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours and very hot baths.-for swollen or inflamed areas use ice.-don't use heat.-don't rub, probe or poke the areas your doctor adjusted.-between appointments get active. Exercise! Doesn't have to be a lot, go for a walk. Stretch!-strengthen weak muscles, especially work your core strength. Yoga and Pilates are great exercises for this.-don't bend at the waist, keep your spine straight and bend at the knees to lift items. Hold item your lifting close to you like you're hugging it. Then contract and engage your core and abdominal muscles before lifting.-avoid carrying bags on one shoulder. Use a backpack to distribute the weight evenly, if need be.-hold your handheld devices and reading material at head height and avoid looking down into them on your lap.-it's a good habit to stretch your neck up and back several times a day.-try every day to mentally and physically relax (meditation is good!)-keep wallets out of back pockets.-sleep enough: 7 to 8 hours, at least.-sleep on a firm mattress and feather pillows are preferable (if allergic find an alternative.)-don't sleep on your belly.-"A healthier spine will improve your body's ability to adapt to its environment. Therefore, listen to your body! Truthfully, there is no "one right way" to stand, sit, walk or sleep. A well adjusted spine will empower your nervous system to be well "connected" so you may better trust your body's own clues." (Hardwick, 2014)

Chiropractic Clinic Studies

The Process of Healing

This isn’t an instantaneous event it’s a process which takes time.In today’s fast fix society people have come to expect instant results, which are very often unachievable. It is important the patient understands that Chiropractic IS NOT a quick fix.There are 3 steps to actual physical healing

1, Inflammation-The swelling often surrounding an area of damage is the body’s natural response to a trauma. A reaction occurs whereby chemicals are sent to the damaged area causing the area to take on more fluids than are normally stored in this area which is why the area swells. Making it harder to move the area as the body naturally wants to protect it from further damage.

2, Scar tissue repair- After 2-6 days of swelling the body quickly lays down new tissue to stabilise the area, although this is done quickly and not always the most effective tissue for long term use. Scar tissue is easily damaged again if the area isn’t allowed to heal correctly which can take from 6 weeks to 6 months depending on the trauma.

3, Remodelling tissue- This occurs when scar tissue starts acting like normal tissue, but depending on the type of tissue damaged, will depend on the length of time it takes for the scar tissue to behave like normal tissue, examples such as nerve damage can take longer to repair compared to muscle tissue.

Chiropractic Clinic Studies

So what is a subluxation?

Subluxations are misalignments that occur in your spine which causes nerve interference by choking signals to the rest of your body

Your brain controls and coordinates all the functions of the body and to do this it needs a clear pathway through the vertebral column to help keep you functioning and performing at your optimal health.Billions of impulses a second are whizzing from your brain to your cells via the CNS with instructions and it only needs one or more joints to be locked up causing negatives effects on the nerves and surrounding muscles.

The spinal bone is a strong structure with a built in shock absorber that helps disparate forces and help along with smaller joints to supply a certain amount of flexibility.

Chiropractic Clinic Studies

So what causes a subluxation?

This could be a slip or fall and bump or even your birth and 90% of your nerves have no pain fibres so you shouldn't wait for pain before you go and get yourself checked.

There are 5 parts to a subluxation

Kinesiopathology - an abnormal alignment of the vertebra and when this happens it effective the nerves.

Neuropsychology- when nerves are involved this is what you feel as pain whether it be localised or down your leg or arm or headaches.

Pathology- myo means muscle and there are muscles that go all the way up and down your spine on either side and these tighten up and this maybe because of a subluxation.

Histopathology- this incorporates or the ligaments, tendons and blood vessels and when a subluxation happens  this area can become swollen.

Biochemical abnormalities- this is your bodies natural reaction your bodies internal pharmacy that is going to release chemicals to try and get you back to normal function around that spine or damaged tissue.

Of all 5 parts kinesiopathology is the one the chiropractor will work on as your body will do the rest once the interference by the bone has been put back to its proper alignment.

Chiropractic Clinic Studies

You have the Power!

Inside your body you have all the power you need to heal. Chiropractic care is based on the major premise that universal intelligence exists in all matter.

Intelligence is a plan, intelligence is an order and is the opposite to chaos and randomness.So the universal intelligence that makes the universe and spins the planet's and make the sunshine is in a little bit in all of us in the form of innate intelligence.


For examples women's every month releases an ovum which is moved along into the fallopian tube and then into the uterus and then washed out in the menstrual blood and everyone gives a sigh of relief, and so the next month it produces another and another.

And then one point one of those sperm rushing through the ovaries gets fertilised.Is that luck or is there a planning in creation? Is there an intelligence involved?

It's a natural process pre planned for 1000 of year but of course one ovum is missing half its chromosome and cannot survive this meets with a sperm cell and is also missing half its chromosomes but when the 2 unite they become a single cell and starts to grow. How does it know to grow?

And the menstrual blood instead of washing it away nurtures it and feeds it and implants on the wall of the uterus and grows and divides and grows and divides and then splits again and has another identical cells but they both came from the same cell. But these identical cells have a personality, how did they get these personalities and then something happens which is a Miracle, some of these cells differentiate to form an organ, how does a cell know how to identify itself and become the very first organ which is the brain and spinal cord.

The brain is an organ granted by the body as these brain cells effects other part of the body as an idea and send nerves down the spine to become another cell which may become the heart or the hand or the eyes, how does a cell know how to make something we look out of? How do some become eye lashes or hair.

Creation is something we cannot explain why or how but we are born with an innate intelligence that favours life over death and the body with all its wisdom will do all it can to survive.

Chiropractic Clinic Studies

Definitions of Chiropractic differ between organisations and practitioners.The Founder D.D.Palmer“Vertebral joint misalignments, termed vertebral subluxations, interfere with the body's function and its inborn (innate) ability to heal itself. D.D. Palmer theorized that vertebral subluxations cause altered nerve vibration, either too tense or too slack, affecting the tone (health) of the end organ. Chiropractic is the philosophy, art, and science of removing said interferences ”

World Federation Of Chiropractic “A health profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and the effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health. There is an emphasis on manual treatments including spinal adjustment and other joint and soft-tissue manipulation.”

British Chiropractic Association“Chiropractic is a primary health-care profession that specialises in the diagnosis, treatment and overall management of conditions that are due to problems with the joints, ligaments, tendons and nerves, especially related to the spine. Chiropractic treatment mainly involves safe, often gentle, specific spinal manipulation to free joints in the spine or other areas of the body that are not moving properly. Apart from manipulation, chiropractors may use a variety of techniques, as well as advice about posture and lifestyle. Although chiropractors are best known for treating back and neck pain, which they do very well, patients also consult chiropractors regarding a range of other, related conditions.”

McTimoney Chiropractic Association “Chiropractic is a straight forward method of adjusting the bones of your body to improve the alignment of your skeleton, and through this process help the nervous system to work more efficiently. The purpose of chiropractic care is to realign and rebalance your body to relieve pain and discomfort, and increase mobility.”

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The College logo depicts Cheiron, who was the wisest of the Greek centaurs. A teacher and a healer, Cheiron was tutor to both Achilles and Jason. Apart from his obvious connection with teaching and healing, Cheiron admirably illustrates the dual application of the McTimoney technique to both humans and animals.

In his hands he carries the flame of healing, the caduceus of knowledge, and the Latin motto, In Manu Vis Medendi, meaning ‘in the hands is healing’. 

Chiropractic Clinic Studies

Chiropractic Clinic StudiesThe Education of Achilies by the Centaur Cheiron Francois Rude (French 1784-1855)

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