
October 18, 2015

“Putting on the Full Armor of God” Service of Baptism

Call to Worship “Sing Sing Sing”

By Chris Tomlin | Daniel Carson | Jesse Reeves | Matt Gilder | Travis Nunn

Chorus 1: (We will) sing sing sing, And make music with the heavens

We will sing sing sing, Grateful that You hear us

When we shout Your praise, Lift high the name of Jesus

Verse 1: What's not to love about You, Heaven and earth adore You

Kings and kingdoms bow down, Son of God You are the One

You are the One we're living for

Verse 2: You are the love that frees us, You are the light that leads us

Like a fire burning, Son of God You are the One

You are the One we're living for Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing Used by permission CCLI License No. 796382

“I Wonder” By Leeland Mooring

Verse 1: At the stars in the night I wonder

At Your lightning in the sky I shudder

Your glory is a blanket, That covers ev'ry living thing

Pre-Chorus: And it feels like, There's not enough praise inside of me

With all these words all my heart can sing is holy, You are holy

Chorus: Jesus Christ You bled Your love, Laid down Yourself and gave me life

In naked shame You hung and You were lifted high, Here I lay in awe and wonder

I am afraid for no one's ever, Sacrificed and loved me this way

So on my face I fall under Your heavy grace, Here I lay in awe and wonder

Oh, oh and I wonder

Verse 2: I'm in awe at the majesty of who You are

Your love is a seal burnt inside my heart

All of the day I want to be where You are, Holy Father (Pre Chorus, Chorus)

Oh, oh and I wonder (Chorus) Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing Used by permission CCLI #796382

Announcements & Ministry Opportunities

Prelude Karen Cox

Choral Introit “Open Now These Gates of Beauty” Chancel Choir

*Responsive Reading: Psalm 91 Leader: “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the

Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I


People: “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your

ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a


Leader: “He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will

deliver him and honor him.”

People: “With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

*Hymn of Praise No. 292 “God of Grace and God of Glory”

*Invocation and Lord’s Prayer (debts/debtors)

*Greet One Another/Children Please Come Forward

Children’s Moment Jonathan Delgado

Ministry Moment Sunday School Testimony



*Prayer of Dedication

Challenge 52 Memory Verse Psalm 118:1

Praises and Testimonies to God’s Faithfulness

Call to Prayer ~ Hymn No. 493 “It is Well with My Soul” v. 2

Morning Prayer

Anthem “Lead On, O King Eternal” Chancel Choir

Sermon Scripture (page 1824~pew Bible) Ephesians 6:17

Sermon “Confident, Powerful and Fruitful” Dr. Kurt Busiek

*Hymn of Commitment No. 345 “Blessed Assurance”

*Benediction “Super Hero” Chorister Choir


As you leave, greet one person you do not know. *All able, please stand


8:30 a.m. Early Morning Worship

10:45 a.m. Morning Worship

9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages

5:00 p.m. Celebration Ringers Rehearsal

6:30 p.m. Evening Worship

Monday- October 19

12:00 p.m. Women’s Bible Study in the Conference Room

6:30 p.m. Leslie Turley Circle at Linda Gainer’s, 1953 Foley Drive, Parkersburg.

Tuesday- October 20

9:00 a.m. Mothers of Preschoolers in the Fellowship Hall

10:00 a.m. Bible Study in the Parlor


10:30 a.m. Staff Meeting

4:30 p.m. Praise Team

5:00 p.m. Dinner

6:00 p.m. Bible Study, AWANA, Youth, GriefShare, DivorceCare

7:10 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Thursday-October 22

6:00 p.m. Breaking Free Recovery Ministry in Crusaders Room

Friday-October 23

6:00 p.m. Youth LifeGroup at the Lallemont’s home

Kroger Community Rewards Program Make “Emmanuel Baptist Church” your charity of choice. You may call

this number 1-800-853-3033 for assistance. They will guide you through

the process of signing up for the program.

tService radios to assist the hearing impaired are available for your use in the Sanctuary.

If you are interested, an usher would be happy to assist you. You may also purchase your

own personal unit from the church office for a donation.

We’re on the radio Sunday morning on FM 93.9 AT 9:30. Listen & tell a friend. The

program includes a broadcast of the previous week’s sermon and special music.

Follow us on Facebook! Look up Emmanuel Baptist Church Parkersburg for regular

updates from the church and check out our family ministry group page


Emmanuel Baptist Church

1710 – 23rd Street Parkersburg, WV 26101

Title: “Confident, Powerful and Fruitful” October 18, 2015

Scripture: Ephesians 6:17

Speakers: Dr. Kurt Busiek

“Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

Ephesians 6: 17

This Week’s Memory Verse: “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love

endures forever.” Psalm 118:1

Spiritual Challenge To encourage your personal study and growth, here is the

listing of the Lectionary Scripture Readings.

Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost: Isaiah 53:4-12; Psalm 91:9-16;

Hebrews 5:1-10; Mark 10:35-45

Evening service tonight at 6:30 p.m. Music: Cody Ratliff and the Praise Team ~ Message: Jonathan Delgado

Ephesians 5:1-2 – “The Example of Christ in Love”

Childcare and Children’s programming available through 5th


TUESDAY BIBLE STUDY 10 A.M. IN THE PARLOR Pastor Busiek ~ Mark 4: 35-41: The Power of Jesus in Calming the Storm

WEDNESDAY~6 P.M. BIBLE STUDY IN THE CHAPEL Pastor Busiek ~ John 9: 1-11- Jesus Heals a Blindman

Chancel Flowers The flowers on the chancel this morning are given by Michele and

Mike Johnston in loving memory of Alberta Weaver

on what would have been her 80th birthday.

Worship Banner The banner today is in loving memory of Frances Stump.


NURSERY/TODDLERS: Birth–age 2: childcare available for Sunday

School and Worship. DURING 10:45 A.M. WORSHIP (following the

Children’s Moment) children are invited to attend: PRECIOUS ONES (2

& 3 years old); PRE-K/K (4 & 5 years old); or JR. CHURCH (1-5th

grades). After worship, preschool children wait for an adult in their

classrooms, elementary students wait in the new Narthex.

CHURCH STAFF Senior Pastor .......................................................................................................... Dr. Kurt W. Busiek Family Life Pastor. ........................................................................................... Mr. Jonathan Delgado Director of Music Ministry .................................................................................... Mrs. Pam McClain Organist............................................................................................................ Mrs. Candy Lindstrom

Pianists .............................................................................................Mrs. Pat Barnes, Mrs. Karen Cox

Music Ministry Intern ................................................................................................ Mr. Cody Ratliff

Secretary ............................................................................................................. Mrs. Lynn Nicholson

Secretary. ............................................................................................................. Ms. Rebecca Busiek

Church Cook .............................................................................................................. Mrs. Jewel Lusk

Treasurer ....................................................................................................................... Mr. Gary Beall

Visual Worship Coordinator ................................................................................. Mrs. Bekah Brooks

Custodian ....................................................................................................................... Mr. Gary Barr

EBC e-mails ~ [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Website ~, Fax ~ 304-485-5194, Phone number ~ 304-485-5171

EMMANUEL PRAYER PAGE A long term prayer list is in the narthex with

prayer concerns over the last year.

Ministry of the Week: Pat Barnes, Music

College Student of the Week: Lauren Casto, Box #559 ~ WV Wesleyan College, 59

College Avenue, Buckhannon, WV 26201

Homebound: Mrs. Joyce Rountree, Apt. 118 Oakmonte Village, 1001 Royal Gardens

Circle, Lake Mary, FL 32746

We Praise/Thank God for: Melissa Southall received a service award at work

this week; PHS girls volleyball team won the Snowball tournament and Mackenzie

Sims was voted the MVP; Jan and Mary Beth Steele (daughters of Sharon Steele)

were in church last week; they live in DC; The surgeons felt that they got all of Glenn

Miller’s melanoma with no evidence of cells in the lymph nodes; He is RAH; the

amazing generosity and kindness of our church members; the inspiring choir

anthems; Maria McKinley being baptized today; the meaningful memorial service for

Tom McKenzie this past week; the WVBC State Convention in Hurricane celebrating

their 150th year; Jim Nordeck’s daughter Cheryl has been visiting from TX.

Our EBC Family Concerns: (RAH-RECOVERING AT HOME) Pastor Saeed Abedini has been in a prison in Iran for three years. Pray for his health

and release.

Jan Adams (friend of Karen Cox) grieving the recent loss of her husband. (10/4)

Keith Boggs, (friend of Ken Barton) needs prayer, going through a difficult time. (10/4)

Julia Truman Buzzard (friend of Lu McVay) is beginning bone cancer treatments

soon. (10/11)

Jayden Carvell (Jennifer Gatewood’s co-worker’s 20 mo. old grandson) RAH; need to

balance sugar levels. (10/11)

Christians , like Asia Bibi, being persecuted and killed all over the world. (6/29)

Church families who have children who are seeking employment, struggling with

addictions and life issues. (10/11)

Tim Curry (Lindstrom’s neighbor) is headed to Iraq for a 9 month deployment. (10/4)

Frank Davis, now at Eaglepoint; on-going tests, treatments and rehab on his right knee.

Louie Dobson is living with Butch and Carol Dobson as he deals with the effects of his

recent brain radiation treatments. (8/2)

Families in Roseburg, OR who are grieving the loss of their family members and

friends. (10/1)

Verna Garrison (Diane Shreeves’ mother) will see her doctor this week to get a

progress report on her first three months of chemo. (6/14)

Bill Harden is in Selby Hospital for on-going rehab (10/4)

Joe Hays is making progress and feeling better with his leg blood clot issue. (9/20)

Jeneal Huddleston (Beverly Walkup’s sister-in-law) recovering from brain cancer

surgery and focused radiation treatments last week. Pray for continued healing. (9/27)

Deanie Kendall’s daughter Terry and her sister, in South Carolina along with the

state recovering from flooding. (10/11)

Barbara Kirsch making progress with her respiratory issues and feeling better. (10/11)

Gary and Neisha Lockney are providing care for two infants taken from a troubled

family situation. (9/20)

Lu McVay is recovering from a fall in her home. She is healing well. (10/18)

Stacie Moore (Lu McVay's cousin) will have heart surgery in Morgantown on 10/27.

Isabella Ramirez (18/ friend of Bev Walkup) after a year of chemo, pet scans reveal

need for further treatment. (10/11)

Rich Shawver seeking diagnosis and treatment for discomfort in his feet and legs.

Hazel Spencer (friend of Pam Beha) recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer. (10/4)

Nora Vega (relative of Maria Keen in FL) recovering from surgery, dealing with

pancreas complications and in need of God’s peace. (10/18)

Bob Weimer struggling with poor health, requests support and prayers of his church.

Greg West (Susan’s husband) will have follow up chemo and radiation in

Columbus through November to address his recurring cancer. (8/9)

Mel Williams has 12/3 doctor appt where they will deal with treatment options. (8/3)

Ashley Wiltsey (friend of Dee Lallemont) recovering from cancer surgery; on-going

chemo. (10/4)

Jared Wince and his family (Sara and baby Clara) are stationed with the Navy in

Jacksonville, FL: Their address is: 1248 Homard Blvd E Jacksonville, FL 32225

Jim Zotti (Jane Graham’s friend in IL) RAH from Legionnaires' disease. His wife is

also not feeling well. (10/11)

HOMEBOUND: Russ Beall, Beverly Boggs, Jerry Evans, Janet Hotsinpiller

ASSISTED LIVING: Colonial House: Viola Moellendick, Barbara Reed Willows:

Richard Johnston, Corinne Wade, Blanche Wentzel, Dolores West / Cedar Grove:

Lorene Wigal / Eagle Pointe: Frank Davis, Ida Lee Lamm, Aileen Wortman

Wyngate: Sam Bolian, Prudence Kinney, Peggy Oyler, Euna Singleton / Ohio Valley:

Grace Smith / Appletree in Vincent OH: Alonzo Moore Woodridge ~ Vienna:

Jim Allen Worthington: Doris Folden

OUT OF TOWN: Betty Bailey, Imogene Buckley, Phyllis Crone, Joyce Rountree,

Boots Sinar

ACCOUNTING OF OUR STEWARDSHIP FOR 10/11 Gen. Fund ........ $4315.55 Designated Funds:

Missions .............. $490.40 Debt Reduct. .… $255.00 Short Trm Miss ...$15.00

Maint. Fund ......... $98.08 WMO ...................$70.00 Missions/Frees ....$20.00

Total ................. $4904.03

Attendance last week: Sunday School: 81; 8:30 a.m. 20; 10:45 a.m: 188 PM: 48

Put a Star by your name on the attendance book if you have invited someone to church

or have spoken to someone about his/her salvation. Last week was a 6 star Sunday.

18. Jonathan and Tyler Brooks 21. Annaliese Felker, Norma Myers

19. Jean Beatty, Frank Dotson 23. Keith Wharton

20. Lisa Beatty, Mike Ferrell 25. Winona Halterman, Carole Morgan

October Usher: 8:30 a.m. Evan Frees

10:45 a.m. Ray Lusk, Bill Holbert, Jack Raitz, John Shreeves

Greeters: Betsy Jefferson and Rich Shawver

Salvation Army Meal Ministry Serving Teams Today: Lusk Team Next week: Encourager’s Class

Lawn Schedule~Ready for Sunday: October 25~Brian Lallemont November 1~Lyndall Jones, Evan Frees

Thank You From Joe Hays: “Thanks to a terrific church family, for all the

prayers, cards and telephone calls during my time of doctoring a blood


A Gift for You There are 2016 Calendar Booklets available in the Narthex. They

are filled with pictures, scripture, a place for prayer requests

and a daily Bible Reading Plan.

Compliments of Emmanuel Baptist Church.

Operation Christmas Child

Shoebox Ministry 2015

It is time to shop and share! Empty Shoeboxes will

be available in the Narthex on Sunday, October


for you to fill or you may provide your

own. Suggested items: toys, school supplies, non-

liquid hygiene items, hard candy, small Bibles,

etc. Do Not Include: war-related items such as guns knives, military figures, seeds,

chocolate or food, no liquids. Please bring in your boxes by November 15th

. If you

would prefer to bring in items to be used in the boxes instead of filling one, there will

be collection boxes in the narthex. We will be having a shoebox packing Church

Family Night on November the 8th


New Sunday Evening Opportunity for You and Your Family Come and worship with us on Sunday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in

the Sanctuary. We will have praise and worship music with

Cody Ratliff and members of the Praise Team and the message

will be delivered by Pastor Jonathan Delgado. The children

ages 5 through 5th

grade will have an opportunity to be together

enjoying a new curriculum “The Dog Ate My Homework”!

Bible Lessons about Not Making Excuses! Childcare will

also be available for children, nursery through 4 years old.

Help Needed

House to Home is in need of our help. Free services are

provided to the homeless and marginally housed

individuals in the Parkersburg area, such as day-time

shelter from weather, use of phone and computers,

shower and laundry facilities, clothing, food and

beverages. They say “As the winter approaches quickly,

our numbers are increasing, and any help we can get

would not just be greatly appreciated, but needed!”

Items they need are canned foods and soups (non

perishable items), coffee, creamer, sugar, styrofoam coffee cups and bowls, plastic

forks and spoons, any and all toiletries, soaps, shampoos, tooth paste, etc. There is

a box designated for House to Home in our Narthex for your donations. Thank You…

SIGN UP Name_____________________Phone__________________

WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNER Please sign up by noon on Tuesday; for a carryout,

call by noon on Wednesday.

Menu: Sausage, Bacon, Eggs, Quiche,

Gravy and Biscuits, and a Fruit Cup Cost: Adults $4 Children 12 & under $2.50

($13 max. per immediate family)

Number: Adults______ Children_______ Carryout______

Emmanuel has a long history of offering a positive and

helpful children’s ministry to our church and the

community. As our church family grows, we are in

need of more people willing to help love and teach our

children. If you are interested in learning more about

children’s ministry at Emmanuel, please sign below and

Jonathan Delgado or Rhonda Johnston will contact you.


Veterans’ Sunday 2015

Veterans Day honors ALL American veterans, both living

and dead. This day is intended to thank veterans for

dedicated and loyal service to their country. November 11 of

each year is the day that we ensure veterans know that we

deeply appreciate the sacrifices they have made in their lives

to keep our country free. So we invite you on Sunday,

November 8th to bring in a picture or photograph of a

veteran, living or deceased that you would like to remember

or honor this day. We would also invite you to bring in the same for those that are

currently serving so that we can honor and pray for them as well. There will be tables in

the front of the Sanctuary where you may place your pictures.

Hearts Made Whole Support Group The Hearts Made Whole Support group is for family

members and caregivers of loved ones living with

mental illness. This group provides prayerful,

welcoming, confidential and caring support for those

who are battling mental illness with a loved one.

The group meets on the first and third Mondays of

each month at 6 p.m. at

First Presbyterian Church, 1341 Juliana Street,

Parkersburg, WV.

For more information, contact

Patrice Pooler at 304 210 7046 or

Sarah Townsend 304 422 5426 ext. 13.

Habitat for Humanity’s Impact “If you want to see God working through people, volunteer with

Habitat for Humanity!! It’s awesome what a team can accomplish for

others and for our community!” Patti Wilson, Women Build volunteer;

It was great to see and interact with the families that we were able to

help as we worked right by them. It was a blessing to see their

expressions as they saw small parts of their house come together little

by little.” Joshua Ferrari, Fellowship Baptist Church volunteer; You or your group

can schedule a work day on job sites any Thursday, Friday or Saturday!

Call 304-422-7907 and find an available date!

If you are interested in your child attending this event please fill out the

back of this insert or see Rhonda Johnston or Jonathan Delgado.

The Children’s Ministry budget will cover the

cost of this event, no cost to the participants.

Van will leave at 8:10 a.m. and return by 5 p.m.

Fall Children’s Rally Registration November 7

th 2015

Parchment Valley



Phone number________________________

T-Shirt Size_________ Age/Grade_______


Contact in case of emergency____________


Who will be picking up your child?_______


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