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Some time ago, in an era of great concerns about taxation, immigration, and economic insecurity, a story was shared that goes as follows: ―They came and said to him, ‗teacher, we know that you are sincere and …teach the way of God in accordance with truth. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Should we pay them or not?‘ Knowing their hypocrisy, he said to them, ‗Why are you putting me to the test? Bring me a coin and let me see it.‘ They brought one to him and he said, ‗Whose image is this and whose inscription?‘ They answered, ‗Caesar‘s.‘ Jesus said to them, ‗Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar‘s and to God the things that are God‘s.‘‖ (Mark 12: 14-17) As election day nears, we have been inundated with an overabundance of political ads, most of which are negative and derogatory towards the opponent and opposing political parties. Some ads appeal to the voter‘s faith, and are directed to folks in both major parties. Implicitly, the ads suggest that Christians should vote in a particular way favoring certain agendas. Ironically, they are directed from both the ―right‖ and the ―left‖ of the political spectrum. The presumption is that there is only one ―right‖ way for Christians to express their political preferences. Sadly, neither of the major political parties wants the general public to think for itself; rather, they merely want the voter to jump on the ―bandwagon.‖ It has been said that faith and politics do not make good partners. In the heated rhetoric of who speaks for whom, when and where, the mantra of civility is often directed by an appeal to ―separation of church and state.‖ Some folks believe that is what Jesus had in mind when he stated ―give to Caesar the things that are Caesar‘s and to God the things that are God‘s.‖ Still others advocate that Jesus himself was being ironic, and that he believed that because everything is God‘s, people of faith should participate actively in (and influence) the way of governance, including legislation and regulation of the distribution of goods and services. The relationship of faith and politics has been hotly contested through the ages. Its favor or disfavor has often been relegated as to how the one perspective could be in service to and for the other. Should theology inform public policy or should public policy direct what is to be ―religiously‖ permissible? Is there room for debate and compromise?

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Faith and politics reach deeply into our emotions. Both arenas address matters of justice and morality in the face of fears arising from uncertainty, and through hope seeking provision and protection. Simultaneously, we are ―believer‖ and ―citizen.‖ Our faith should inform our votes. But because we are citizens within a larger citizenship, we should not use our faith to dictate to others the favor of one political persuasion over another. More importantly, because God has given us the gift of individuality and a mind to think for ourselves, we should not blindly follow those who seek ―power only for the sake of power and control over others.‖ In an era of fear and anger, rhetoric often characterizes those who believe and think differently as ―enemies,‖ ―infidels,‖ or ―demonic‖ or worse. This type of language is meant to be divisive and intended to incite. Often it has been used and directed by one religious group against another. Unfortunately, such talk has been adopted wholeheartedly in the political arena of our day. As Christians and citizens, we should be able to discuss the role of governance within our nation and the factors of government limits, obligations and responsibilities without ―branding‖ adversely those who might think differently about policy and outcomes or engaging in deceitful character assassinations. Under the one Lordship of Jesus Christ in whom we have received forgiveness, redemption and salvation, may we maintain the way of ―civility‖ in the political process and together seek God‘s goodness for all. --Pastor John


Meeting following 9:30 a.m. worship service. Congregational tureen-style soup & sandwich

meal will follow the meeting.

The annual congregational meeting will be held after the single 9:30 a.m. service on November 14. Sunday school will start at 8:30 a.m. A soup and sandwich potluck

dinner will follow the meeting. As we do at Advent Fellowship Day, we are asking for donations of desserts and crockpots of soup. Everyone is also asked to bring enough sandwiches and table service for their family.

COmmUNITy EVENTS AT CHRIST’S UNITED November 21 – 7:00 p.m. – Community Thanksgiving Service December 5 – 2:30 p.m. – Community Hymn Sing We hope you will join with us and members of our community as we offer praise and thanksgiving to our Lord through worship and song.

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We invite everyone to join us as we continue the study of the Book of Acts at our weekly Bible studies. October’s schedule is as follows:

10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m.

November 1 November 3 November 8 November 10

November 15 November 29

ANGEL FOOD ministries

Angel Food orders for November will be taken on November 5 from 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon and November 8 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. As requested a copy of this month‘s menu is included in this newsletter. There are also menus and order forms available on the bulletin board outside of the office. Orders for December will be taken on Friday, December 3, from 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon and December 6 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Help will be needed with the distributions that will take place on November 20 and December 18 from 9:00-10:00 a.m. If you would like to make a donation toward the purchase of an Angel Food package to help those in need, a donation box is in the hall for your convenience. If you have any questions about any aspect of the Angel Food program, talk to Al Pantaleo or Kim Blyler.


On November 14, March Forth will present the final concert of 2010. The concert will start promptly at 6:00 p.m. and last until approximately 8:00 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. A free will offering is collected and refreshments are served.

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A potpie supper is scheduled for November 6. Serving will begin at 3:30 p.m. Tickets will only be sold at the door. Adults - $8.00 Children (6-12) – $4.50 . Children 5 and under – No charge Quarts - $6.00 Pints of Pickled Cabbage - $2.50 Workdays will begin at 9:00 a.m. on November 4 & 5. We are also going to need people to roll potpie on November 6 starting at 9:00 a.m. If you are available to help make cabbage, cook and debone meat, or roll potpie, please come and lend a helping hand. We also need cakes. If you could provide one or two it would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, talk to Shirley Kerstetter or John Stamm, Jr.


The Christ United Crafters have been very busy making the crafts for this year‘s bazaar. The bazaar will be held in the fellowship hall on Saturday, November 13, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Lunch will be served for hungry shoppers. There will also be a special "Kids Korner" where

children can do their own shopping. This year's proceeds will be given to the West End Library. Mark your calendars and stop by and see what the crafters have created. If anyone has made any crafts at home and would like to donate them for the bazaar, please bring them to the church by November 4. Any questions, call Sue Pantaleo at 966-5068. Hope to see you at the bazaar.


Help is desperately needed to decorate during the Advent Family Day and at least one time in December. Contact Barry Spangler for more information. We are also looking for at least two trees (purchased or donated) as well as greens.

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The banquets scheduled for the remainder of 2010 are as follows: November 20 November 27 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. IHC Buffalo Valley Riding Club Help will be needed in both the dining room and kitchen. Watch the bulletin

board across from the sanctuary for sign-up sheets for dining room help. If you are able to help in the kitchen, talk to Shirley Kerstetter (966-0034). Cakes will also be needed for these banquets. If you are able to provide one or two, sign up on the attached form or talk to Shirley. All help is greatly appreciated --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


I will provide a cake(s) for the following banquet(s). Please list number to be provided ______ November 20 ______November 27 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. IHC Buffalo Valley Riding Club Signed_______________________________________________________________________ Telephone____________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ADVENT FAMILY DAY The event will be held after the 10:15 a.m. service on November 28. Congregation members are asked to bring soup and cookies to share and enough sandwiches, as well as table service, for your family. After the meal, we will begin to decorate the church for the Christmas season. All ages are welcome! More details will be coming. Contact Barry Spangler for more information. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



I will provide ________soup ________cookies

Signed______________________________ Telephone__________________________

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We will be having a stand at the Christkindl Market again this year, selling baked potatoes, schnitz un knepp and bon bons. The dates are December 9- 11, with workdays taking place on December 6 and December 8. We are going to help, AND LOTS OF IT

On December 6, we will be making bon bons to be sold during the event. Help will be needed at 9:00 a.m. to mix and shape the bon bons. We also will be cooking and cutting up ham for the schnitz un knepp at this time. At 6:00 p.m. the bon bons will be dipped and packaged. At 5:00 p.m. on December 9 help is needed to prepare the potatoes for baking. We will have 600 potatoes to be washed, oiled and wrapped in foil. And last, but certainly not least, we will need help at the stand during the hours of operation:

December 9 (4:30-9:00 p.m.)

December 10 (10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.) December 11 (10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.)

A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board outside of the sanctuary, or you can talk to Bev Catherman or Shirley Kerstetter to find out the times that help will be needed. If you find yourself with time on your hands on any of the dates above, please come help with the tasks

Community arts center comedy

―Away in the Basement, A Church Basement Ladies Christmas‖ is the third in the series of musical comedies inspired by the book Growing Up Lutheran written by Janet Letnes Martin and Suzann Nelson. We are planning to attend a performance of the show at the Community Arts Center on December 16. We will carpool to Williamsport, stopping along the way for supper. If you would like to go along, please sign up A.S.A.P. on the bulletin board outside of the office. We need to know how many will be going and who can drive NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 15. The price of the tickets will depend on what seating is available when we make the reservation (Maximum cost will be $30.00). You will also be responsible for your meal. Talk to Shirley Kerstetter if you want more information.

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We are in need of winter clothing at Hope‘s Haven. When disposing of appropriate unwanted items, consider giving them to Hope‘s Haven. We are also in need of food items. In the past, Weis Markets has very generously supplied us with provisions, but they are receiving more requests from other food banks and have had to limit what they provide us, in order to meet other‘s needs. Please remember the food bank when you do your grocery shopping and include some items for Hope‘s Haven in your purchases.

Elijah’s Table The next Elijah‘s Table meal will be a Thanksgiving-style dinner with turkey and all the trimmings on Sunday, November 21, at 2:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to partake of this Elijah‘s Table meal.

Gifts for the Kids of Hope’s Haven Again this year we will be giving Christmas gifts to the children who come to Hope‘s Haven. As we did last year we are asking for donations of gifts of $5.00 or under. They can be for either a boy or girl. Unwrapped donations can be put in Margie‘s office where they will be collected and stored for a Christmas party for the children. Thank you all in advance for helping us brighten the party for the kids.


Many people have been asking for church cookbooks again and a committee has been formed to get started on the project. If anyone would like to help in any way or have any suggestions, please contact Kim Blyler. The committee will be meeting soon to pick the cover and categories for recipes. Sheets to submit your recipes will be available soon thereafter. There will be a pre-order form on the bottom if anyone wished to reserve copies of the cookbook. This will help in deciding the quantity to order. Recipes will be accepted through mid spring and it is hoped to have the cookbook in time for the 2011 West End Fair.

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Sewing Days

The last blanket knotting day of the year is scheduled for November 9. We invite you to join us beginning at 9:00 a.m. to craft quilts, which will be donated through the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to Lutheran World Relief for disbursement to refugees and people in need around the world. Anyone is welcome to join us. If you have never sewn a quilt, come anyway. There are tasks that even the novice can participate in. We need all skills including sewers, cutters, and knotters. You will find fellowship and friendship while participating in an important ministry. Clean fabric and filling (new or used from old sheets, clothing, etc.) for the quilts are always welcome. Also, don‘t throw out that old mattress pad. Bring it to the church and it can be used for filler for the quilts.

Servicemen’s Boxes We will be mailing care boxes for our members serving in the military to four men and women this year. Items such as snack foods, personal care items, etc. are now being sought. Donations can be dropped off in Margie‘s office. Help us to let these folks know they have our support and have not been forgotten.

RADA Shopping for yourself or for those on your 'list' is as easy as coming to church! Christ's United Woman's Circle continues to offer RADA Cutlery to help you shop and support our ministry's all at the same time. You may choose to shop out of the catalog that is in Margie's office or pick up any of the in-stock items today. All items are priced below the suggested retail value. Talk to Audrey Crone if you want more information. ALL WOMEN OF CHRIST'S UNITED ARE INVITED TO JOIN US AT ANY OF OUR MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES.

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CHURCH COUNCIL COMMUNIQUE (1) We need to find new Council members for 2011. We will need a maximum of four ―regular‖ members and one youth member. Contact Pastor John or any of the present council members if you would be willing to serve on council (2) Thrivent information can be secured from Doug Gemberling or Kyle Natter.

DISHWASHER NEEDED We are in need of a new dishwasher. The new machine, with installation, is quoted to be $3,500-$4,000. The council has voted that it not be purchased until funds become available. If you would be willing to contribute toward the purchase, a jar is in the hallway each Sunday for your convenience. Donations can also be put in your offering envelope or dropped off in the office.

Help wanted

We are in need of a council secretary. Duties include taking minutes at council and congregational meetings. If you are interested, talk to Pastor John or any council member.


At the recent Church in Society committee meeting it was decided that over the next several months we will seek to receive a special donation for several area charitable groups. Each Sunday there will be a box available for your gifts. The organizations selected to receive these financial contributions are:

November - Expectations December- Women in Transition

If you have any questions and concerns or suggestions, please direct these to Kim Blyler or Pastor John. As God has blessed us, may we be a blessing to others.

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Chemo caps

There are so many children and adults in need of a bright colored cap to wear when they lose their hair to chemotherapy. At a time when their lives are in enough turmoil, perhaps having a cap someone has made just for them, will bring some renewed hope

into their life. Chemo Caps are lovingly being knitted or crocheted by members of our church family. Upon completion, they will be donated to Geisinger Medical Center and Janet Weis

Children‘s Hospital. If you knit or crochet, please help today. This is an ongoing project, an outreach ministry you can do at home. There is no time limit. Please give completed caps to Margie or Sue Pantaleo.


1) Softer yarns: cotton, baby yarn, soft worsted like 'Caron Simply Soft' or 'Lion Brand Pound of Love' are more comfortable to wear, and cotton is really nice for summer. 2) Thinner, seamless (crochet or knit in the round), non-lumpy caps for sleeping/increased comfort on

the recipients heads. 3) Please use yarns without WOOL content. 4) Please wash and machine dry hats before sending, as this will often soften them. 5) Do not use scented fabric softeners as many people are allergic to them. 6) From Breast cancer survivor, Barbara B.: "I DO want to pass on my personal feeling, relative to cancer caps, that when I was bald, I wore hats and caps to cover that up. So speaking only for me, I preferred solid caps and hats. A shell stitch or a V-stitch or a granny-square cap would show the baldness through the spaces." Patterns for Chemo Caps are attached to this newsletter or are available from Sue Pantaleo.

When the trees their summer splendor

Change to raiment red and gold, When the summer moon turns mellow,

And the nights are getting cold; When the squirrels hide their acorns,

And the woodchucks disappear; Then we know that it is autumn, Loveliest season of the year."

--Carol L. Riser, Autumn

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Blanket Sunday Report Blankets -47 School Kits – 78 Dollars – $175.00

Communions Communions for all confirmed members must be recorded in the parish register annually. If you do not commune on a regular basis, we ask that you fill out a communion record card (one per year is all we need) so we know you have communed. The cards are located in the racks on the back of the pews. Cards may be put in the offering plate or handed to an usher.

Memorabilia The following memorabilia items are still available for anyone interested in purchasing anything:

Wooden Miniatures of the Church - $18.00 Church Prints - $25.00

Blankets - $25.00 Christmas Cards - $15.00

12 cards per box feature a winter picture of the church

Talk to Judy Moyer if you have questions about, or would like to purchase, any of these items.

Informants Wanted We like to publish news about our members in the newsletter, but we need your help to do so. If you know of interesting information about any of our members (youth or adult), i.e. an award or recognition, a funny tale or exciting adventure, please let Margie know about it so we can include it in an issue of Christ’s United’s News & Views.

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Do We Have Your E-Mail Address? If you have an e-mail address that you have never given to us or if it has changed, please fill out the following and drop it off on Margie‘s desk or give her a call. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name_________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address_________________________________________ ________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Have a Favorite Hymn? Over the past few years, some of you have been requesting favorite hymns and gospel songs and for that we give many thanks. Because of U.S. copyright laws, we do not have permission to reproduce or copy many of our favorites. You may choose selections from the following hymnals: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW), Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW) and With One Voice (WOV). We are also permitted to use hymns that are in the ―Public Domain‖. It‘s all very complicated. So, keep your suggestions coming and the Worship and Music Committee will be happy to sort out and use all of your suggestions that copyright laws permit. Please put the title or first line of your song(s) on a piece of paper and give it to Margie, or any member of the Worship and Music Committee (Bev Catherman, Paula Christy, Gary Hackenberg, Judy Mecouch, Dave Reed, Amy Shuck or Barry Spangler). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hymn Request -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fellowship Committee Request The fellowship committee would like input from the members of the congregation regarding what social/fellowship activities they would like to have. If you have any suggestions, drop a note on Margie‘s desk or talk to John Stamm, Jr. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fellowship Events -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Building & Ground Needs Do you know of any physical problems (or potential problems) that should be addressed by our property committee? Your insight is important. Maybe you have seen something that no one else

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has noticed yet. You can talk to Pastor John, any council member or Margie if you know of something that needs attention, or fill out the following and put it on Margie‘s desk or in the offering plate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building & Ground Needs: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Prayer Chain

If you would like to be a part of the prayer chain, please fill out the following and return it to Margie

How does the prayer chain work? When a prayer request is received, that request is passed on to the second person on the prayer chain who in turns passes it on to the third person, the third person to the fourth, and so on. When and how you pray is up to you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Prayer Chain Calling List

I would like to be included on the prayer chain calling list. Name____________________________________ Telephone Number__________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ongoing Collections (Collection boxes are in the hallway) (1) Haven Ministry (no deadline) Packaged & Canned Food Items Personal Hygiene Items Cleaning Supplies (2) Rock Point Mission (no deadline) UPC codes and box tops from:

Campbell‘s Franco American Pepperidge Farm Swanson Market Day V-8 Juices

PLEASE NOTE!! There has been a change in what Campbell's is accepting in the label redemption program. They are now taking only the UPC CODE piece from the label and box tops, not the front label. Susquehanna Valley Women in Transition (no deadline) Paper Towels Large Size Diapers

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Baby Car Items Prepaid Phone Cards Gift Certificates to Department Stores Toilet Paper Laundry Detergent Clorox 60 Watt Light Bulbs AA and AAA Batteries ―Sippy‖ Cups First Aid Ointment Sterile Pads First Aid Foam/Waterproof Tape Alcohol Swabs Children‘s Tylenol Children‘s Motrin Comtrex Advil Cold and Sinus Robitussin CF & DM Freezer Bags: Quart & Gallon Size Cling Wrap & Aluminum Foil Garbage Bags: Kitchen, Lawn & Garden (3) The Shriners Can Tabs

DEAR GOD (Children’s Letters to God)

Dear God: My brother told me about being born but it doesn’t sound right. They’re just kidding, aren’t they? --Marsha Dear God: I do not think anybody could be a better God. Well, I just want you to know but I am not just saying that because you are God already. –Charles Dear God: Are you in charge of babies? I have three sisters, which is good. But I would like to put in an order for a brother. I hope this special order won’t upset you. --Paul Dear God, old pal: How’s it going, man? Can you fix it so my friends and me can stay out later in the summer? --Chris Dear God: Thank you for my parents, my sister, Anita, and my grandma and grandpa. They are all real warm and special. I forgive you for my brother, Jeff. I guess you didn’t finish working on him. --Daniel Dear God: My dad thinks he is you. Please straighten him out. --Scott Dear God: My sister, Tina, has a girlfriend named Wendy. It would take a miracle to shut Wendy up. Got any left? --Samantha Dear God: In Sunday school they told us what you do. Who does it when you are on vacation? --Jane Dear God: Please put another holiday between Christmas and Easter. There is nothing good there now. --Ginny Dear God: Sometimes I think about you even when I’m not praying. --Elliott Dear God: Is it true my father won’t get into heaven if he uses his bowling words in the house? --Anita Dear God: Did you mean for the giraffe to look like that …or was it an accident? --Norma Dear God: Thank you for the baby brother, but what I prayed for was a puppy. --Joyce

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Births Congratulations to Stella Walters on the birth of her grandson, Jabril Madie, on October 10, and to Bev Catherman on becoming great-grandmother again on October 12 to Dylan Wayne Catherman.

Engagements Best Wishes to Tiffany Schnure and Tim Spencer upon their engagement. A June wedding is being planned.

Anniversaries November 2 – Curtis & Donna Duke (1974) 6 – Jim & Sandy Sanders (1976) 9 – Sterling & Audrey Crone (1952) 15 – Ken & Diane Reamer (1967) 17 – Kim & Sue Blyler (1972) 20 – John & Wanda Stamm (2008)

Birthdays November 2 – Lance Wagner 3 – Patricia Emery (Mrs. Ken) 5 – Victoria Kahler 10 – Donna Duke (Mrs. Curtis) 13 – Ryan Klose 15 – Keyan Blyler (Joel & Amy) 18 – Amy Shuck (Mrs. Chad) 19 – Robert Lukens 22 – Jeremiah Zimmerman

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23 – John Ruhl 24 – Alexa Spigelmyer 25 – Doug Shaffer Ferlin Zimmerman 26 – Justin Gemberling Evelyn Rice (Mrs. Tom) Diane Valentine (Mrs. Cliff) 27 – Shirley Kerstetter 28 – Duane Miller Jody Strowbridge (Mrs. Ken) 29 – Maurice Clouser Pauline Gemberling 30 – Stacey Veley (Mrs. Joe)

Remember In Thought And Prayer Please help us keep our prayer list current by letting us know of any names that should be added or removed

Our Members Gordon Aikey Carolyn Bowersox Bob Lauf Diane Reamer Alice Reitz Carl Sampsell Ethel Wenrich Our Friends & Relatives Alexandra Bankes Karla Benfer Matt Bowlan Kaya Bush Betty Cressman Forrest Emery Annette Feltman Tillie Folk Ann Freed Adam Garman Liz Gaugler Mary Gonzalez Eleanor Hackenburg Sara-Todd Hammer Richard Harvey Charles Howerter George & Jackie Jones Linda Katherman Karen King Robert Kline Mary Jane Koonsman Roy Laudermilch Madeline Layos Brianna Lohr Carl Mignot Candy Mitchell Harry Moyer Sandra Murphy David Noblit Molly O‘Keefe Mike Osgood Zachary Prochasko Alexis Ripka Shirley Rishel Jack Rudesil Bill & Bess Ruhl Brandi Schlief Marcella Shingler Barbara Stamm John Swartz Richard & Rita Tinnes Mark Wise Ed Zimmerman

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Our Shut-Ins Merrill Buoy Carolyn Catherman Mary Erdley Margaret Himes Sally Kenamond Bob & Betty Lauf Richard Schnure Connie Wagner Wes Watters The Men And Women Serving In The Military John Hosterman Brandi Gemberling David & Kristin Huston Tristan Roupp

SIGNS SEEN NEAR CHURCH The following are actual signs found on church property:

“2 things you can count on: Death and Taxes. Are you ready for both?”

“7 days without prayer makes 1 weak”

“A closed mouth gathers no foot”

“A cold church is like cold butter, it doesn't spread well.”

“A good place for the "buck to stop" is at the collection plate.”

“A man’s character is like a fence. It cannot be strengthened by whitewash.”

“Are you wrinkled with burdens? Come on into the church for a facelift.”

“Aspire to inspire before you expire.”

“Be ye fishers of men....You catch them, He'll clean them!”

“Can’t sleep? Try counting your blessings.”

“Carve your compliments in stone. Carve your complaints in sand.”

“Christians who bury their gifts make a grave mistake.”

“Church. Cheaper than NFL tickets.”

“Come early for a good back seat.”

“Come in and have your faith lifted.”

“Come in and pray today. Beat the Christmas rush!”

“Come work for the Lord. The work is hard, the hours are long and the pay is low.

But the retirement benefits are out of this world.”

“Do you ever wonder what goes on here between weddings and funerals?”

“Dusty Bibles lead to Dirty Lives”

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ARC Blood Drives November 10 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Playworld, Lewisburg November 19 1:00-7:00 p.m. Christ‘s United Lutheran Church Call 524-0400 or visit for an appointment. Walk-in donors are always appreciated but appointments are available if your time is limited.

ARC Health & Safety Classes November 2 6:00-10:00 p.m. Adult CPR & AED November 9 6:00-9:00 p.m. Infant/Child CPR November 16 6:00-10:00 p.m. First Aid November 23 6:00-9:L00 p.m. Adult/Infant Child CPR & AED Recertification All classes are held at the Red Cross office at 249 Farley Circle, Lewisburg. Contact the chapter at 524-0400 or [email protected] to register for any of these classes or to gain more information.

Lecture Wednesday, January 19, 2011 7:30 p.m. Stretansky Concert Hall Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove

“Sustaining the Commitment to Social Justice” by Dean Brackley, SJ

After members of the Salvadoran military killed six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper, and her daughter in 1989 at the University of Central America in San Salvador, Fr. Dean Brackley volunteered to take the place of one of the martyred Jesuits. He has taught at the Universidad Centroamericana in San Salvador ever since, and now serves as pastor of the university parish. Lecturing extensively in

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the U.S.A. and Europe, Brackley has done much to keep the memory of the martyrs of El Salvador alive and to continue their struggle for social justice.

The lecture is free and open to the public, and no tickets are required.


THANK YOU TO… Sterling & Audrey Crone, June & Ethel Wenrich for taking the blankets and school kits to the LWR drop-off site Meda Struble and Marie VonNeida for folding the weekly bulletins. Maurice Clouser, Sterling Crone and Eugene Hassinger for trimming the shrubbery and putting storm windows on the sanctuary windows. John & Wanda Stamm, Idella Zimmerman and their Crew for organizing, preparing and serving the Senior Member dinner. All of our Sunday School Teachers for their dedication Barbara Clouser and Barry Spangler for scheduling the greeters and lay helpers each Sunday Our Organists, Pianists and Digital Music Arrangers for their commitment to providing our worship music Also to all those who work anonymously and those whom we neglect to thank….Thank You! You are appreciated!! If you know of someone in our church who could use a pat on the back for a job well done, and for ministry that was meaningful to you please let us know at the church office and when you see these people remember to thank them for helping to make Christ’s United a church that ministers in Jesus’ name.

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Pot Pie Supper

Christ’s United Lutheran Church (The 4-Bell Church)

Rt. 45 – 3 Miles West Of Mifflinburg

NOVEMBER 6, 2010

Serving from 3:30 p.m.-?

Ham, Beef, Chicken/Turkey Pot Pie

Applesauce, Pickled Cabbage, Drink, Cake

Adults - $ 8.00

Children 6-12 - $4.50

Children 5 and under FREE

Takeout Meals - $8.00

Quarts of Pot Pie $6.00

Pints of Pickled Cabbage $2.50

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Christ’s United Lutheran Church

Shirt Order Form

Item Colors Available Price

Short Sleeve Adult 50/50 T-Shirt

Style 29

Aqua, Azalea, Bamboo Green, Birch, Black, Burnt Orange,

California Blue, Cardinal, Classic Brown, Cornflower

Blue, Cyber Pink, Dark Graphite, Dark Lavender, Deep

Purple, Forest Green, Fossil Grey, Gold, Green Mist, Island

Yellow, Jade, Kelly, Khaki Brown, Kiwi, Light Blue, Light

Orange, Maroon, Natural, North Carolina Blue, Olive

Green, Oxford, Periblue, Pink, Safety Green, Sandstone,

Tennessee Orange, Texas Orange, True Navy, True Red,

True Royal, Vegas Gold, Yellow Haze, White

S – XL.….. $ 6.25

2X, 3X..…..$ 9.50

Youth 50/50 Short Sleeve T-Shirt

Style 29B

Azalea, Birch, Black, Burnt Orange, California Blue,

Cardinal, Classic Brown, Cyber Pink, Deep Purple, Forest

Green, Gold, Island Yellow, Jade, Kelly, Khaki Brown,

Kiwi, Light Blue, Light Orange, Maroon, Natural, North

Carolina Blue, Oxford, Periblue, Pink, Safety Green,

Sandstone, Tennessee Orange, Texas Orange, True Navy,

True Red, True Royal, Vegas Gold, White, Yellow Haze

XS – XL….$ 6.00

Ladies Short Sleeve 50/50 Polo


Style 337

Black, Light Blue, Maize, Oxford, Pink, True Navy, True

Red, White

S – XL…...$12.75

2X….…… $16.00

Adult 50/50 Short Sleeve Polo Shirt

Style 437

Birch , Black, Burnt Orange, California Blue, Deep Purple,

Forest Green , Gold, Jade, Kelly, Light Blue, Maroon ,

Maize, Oxford, Putty, Safety Green, True Navy, True Red,

True Royal, White

S – XL……$12.75

2X, 3X….. $16.00

NOTE: Pricing is based on an order of 24 shirts or more. Order will be placed after we have 24 shirts ordered. Please fill out bottom portion and return to Margie. If

you would like to see the actual colors, please see Margie or visit the web site at Please note: Polo Shirts will be printed on left chest and T-

Shirts will be printed on Left chest and full back. Dark colored shirts will have White imprint and Light colored shirts will have dark imprint.


…………………………………………………………………… Name

Phone E-Mail

Shirt Quantity Color / Size Price

Total Due $ __________

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If you would like to be added to our list of volunteers to help with one or more of the following positions,

please fill it out and return it to the church office.


(10:15 service only)

I/we will serve as an usher




(10:15 service only)

I/we will help with children’s





(10:15 service only)

I/we will operate the sound


Name_____ _______________________________



(8:00 & 10:15 services)

I/we will serve on the altar





I/we will serve as a

communion helper

Schedule me at: ______8:00





I/we will serve as greeters

Schedule me/us at: ______8:00





I/we will serve as a lay reader

Schedule me at: ______8:00




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ALTAR GUILD Dianne Shuck Janice Wagner USHERS Maurice Clouser, Capt. Audrey Crone Sterling Crone Barry Spangler LAY READERS 8:00 a.m. 7 – Jonna Zimmerman 21 – Bonnie Greeney 28 – Steve Moyer COMMUNION HELPERS 8:00 a.m. 7 – Debra Wilson 21 – Bonnie Greeney 28 - Steve Moyer MUSIC PROVIDERS 8:00 a.m. 7 – Dave Swartz 21 – Dave Swartz 28 – Gary Hackenberg


NOVEMBER 14 9:30 A.M.

Greeters – Lay Reader - Greg Shuck Communion Helpers – Dianne Shuck Janice Wagner






SOUND SYSTEM Lee Spangler 10:15 GREETERS 7 – Josephine Haggy 21 – Forrest & Torey Showalter 28 – Becky & Kyla Forcheskie LAY READERS 10:15 a.m. 7 – Drew Christy 21 – Barry Spangler 28 – Janet Hackenberg COMMUNION HELPERS 10:15 a.m. 7 – Bev Catherman Tom Catherman 21 – Audrey Crone Don Everitt 28 – Janet Hackenberg Judy Mecouch MUSIC PROVIDERS 10:15 a.m. 7 – Paula Christy 21 – Paula Christy 28 – Gary Hackenberg

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Christ’s United Lutheran Church 13765 Old Turnpike Rd Millmont Pa 17845 570-922-1860 church’s e-mail: [email protected] pastor’s e-mail: [email protected] website address: Office Hours: Mon-Thu – 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Fri – 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon The Congregation ..................... The Ministers The Rev. John D. Yost ......................... Pastor Bette McCrandall .......................... Missionary Margie Dunkle .................... Sec/Asst Tr/Editor Al Pantaleo & Dianne Shuck ......... Treasurers Janet Hackenberg & Greg Shuck ...... Asst Trs Tom Catherman ............................. Custodian Al Pantaleo Angel Food Ministries Coordinator

COUNCIL MEMBERS Dave Bickhart ................................ Vice President Kim Blyler .................................. Church & Society Drew Christy ................................. Mutual Ministry Doug Gemberling ............................... Evangelism Judy Moyer ........................................ Christian Ed Dave Reed .............................................. Property Doug Shaffer ................................ Fellowship Hall Chad Shuck ........................................... President Barry Spangler .......................... Worship & Music John Stamm, Jr. .................................. Fellowship Debra Wilson ..................................... Stewardship Idella Zimmerman ........................................ Youth


…when a member of your family is sick or is admitted to the hospital, so that visits can be made and the proper people notified. …when your phone number is changed, so the church records can be corrected. …when you move—out of town or locally. …when a new baby arrives in your family or in the family of another church member. …when a member of your family leaves home for college or to establish a new residence. …when a new family moves into your neighborhood. …when your class or group plans to have a meeting, so that it can be cleared and placed on the church calendar. …when something good happens to you or your family. …when you feel the church can assist you in any way.





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