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Starting to Catch-Up Several families asked whether we were going to do Advent and Christmas as a ‘Take it Home’ event this year again –the event where we give resources to families to help them grow faith in the home. The problem is there are lots of great topics that we still want to cover. So we decided to offer our ‘Catch-Up’ events with the whole ketchup bottle as a logo and everything. As we receive feedback from the ‘Take it Home’ Events many of you said that we don’t need to buy the resources for you – just let you know what they are. That’s the idea with the Catch-Up event then – we’ll catch you up with what’s available for resources and what looks good. You can decide what you need in your home. We’d love to hear what you decide to do and how you do it! Catching up with Advent and Christmas For me, it always feels strange when you walk through a store in September and see Christmas trees and decorations. Sometimes we feel that Christmas is overdone and drawn out sapping the wonder and excitement of the season. But what if we need to catch-up with the big box stores rather than wish they would slow down to our schedule? Stores need to plan months ahead to make Christmas a success for them. Perhaps spiritually we as families need to be planning ahead on how we can make Advent and Christmas a success. Trying to figure out the details at the last minute, or on-the-fly amidst a busy schedule is difficult and like shopping for gifts last minute, leaves you with little choices for what you can do. The idea of this pamphlet is to give you some ideas to help you ‘catch-up’ on how you celebrate your faith through the seasons of the church year particularly through Advent and Christmas. Realistically there are three chances to focus on ‘Christmas’ on the church calendar - Advent, Christmas day, and the 12 days of Christmas that lead up to Epiphany (January 6). Advent is a time of expectation.

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Christmas Day we celebrate Christ’s birth and the 12 days of Christmas build on that until Epiphany – traditionally a day that celebrates the coming of the Wise men and Jesus being made known to the whole world. The point of sharing this is that as a family you don’t have to do everything all on one day. What we hope though is that you will be intentional, balanced and try to figure out what works for you. Some families find Christmas day so busy – gifts being opened, visiting with families, cooking, and eating. Here is how some families have found ways to balance and integrate a focus on faith with all the activities which celebrate Christmas. One family makes Christmas Eve a primary focus on the birth of Christ including a full birthday party for Jesus with a cake and everything so on Christmas day they’re not trying to force more into the schedule. This allows them to be intentional and take the time they need for what they want to do. Another family shared how they start with stockings and some gifts and then in the middle to calm down and refocus make hot chocolate and read the Christmas story before opening the rest of the gifts. Some families every year spend time on Sunday night lighting the Advent wreath. The point is that there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to celebrate faith throughout the Advent and Christmas seasons, but it helps to be intentional. Just like we plan out our special meals, shop for the perfect gift, and schedule our parties-- I hope that as families we plan out how to have a focus on faith throughout the seasons of Advent and Christmas. One of the best ways of being intentional – is to establish a tradition. Something that you do each and every year – though there may be variations on it – it is consistent and reinforces the truth while establishing itself among the other traditions you may already have. By working to establish traditions – you are teaching your children consistently and in an ongoing way how to celebrate faith in the home. A tradition started in your home could well be a tradition in the home of your child, and the home of your children’s children. You see the potential to impact your family for the long term, not just a few minutes this year. How you celebrate any holiday or event will impact you and your child and makes memories that are treasured. How you celebrate

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also makes an impression on your child. An impression of your relationship, an impression of the role of faith, and an impression of how we celebrate. To help you out – we’ve listed a variety of ideas and resources that are available for you and your family to use. We hope you find them helpful and meaningful. Thank you for the continued priviledge and gift of partnering with you as families to help grow faith in your homes and to help lead your children towards Christ. May the Lord bless you and keep you in the coming months.

Mike Engbers Associate Pastor – Children and Families

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Advent Wreath At church each Advent we set up a wreath with 5 candles – 3 purple, 1 pink, and 1 white. Each Sunday over Advent a candle is lit to remind us of the expectation of Christ. There are different themes that can be used to follow in lighting the advent candles. Here are two general sets of themes for each of the candles. The two themes are traditional themes that are connected. The connection is in italics. Some of the advent resources listed will contain ideas of family friendly readings with the advent wreath, as well searching for advent wreath on the internet can link you to resources as well. Week 1 Hope the Prophets Christ is our Hope, the prophesied Messiah Read Isaiah 60:2-3 Week 2 Peace Bethlehem The Prince of Peace was born in Bethlehem Read Matthew 2:1-6 Week 3 Joy Shepherd Celebrate, like the Shepherds, the good tidings of Great Joy for all the people. This is the Pink Candle. Read Isaiah 35:10 Week 4 Love Angel Celebrate the Love of God shown through us and the message of Good news proclaimed by the angels. Read Isaiah 9:6-7 Christmas Christ Christ This is the white candle representing that through Christ’s forgiveness our sins are washed away. Celebrate the birth of the Christ Child. Read Luke 1:68-79; Luke 2:1-20

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Advent Calendar The idea of using a calendar to count down to Christmas is very popular in our culture. A walk through Walmart or any other store will show you any number of different Advent calendars filled with chocolate for Advent. Consider finding one with a Christian theme at a Christian book store. Another option is to make your own Advent calendar. Technically these calendars are not ‘true’ advent calendars. They count down from December 1st, while Advent starts four Sundays prior to Christmas. Nativity Set So often these are provided as decoration – a do not touch for children. Consider buying a nativity set for your children. There are nativity sets from VeggieTales, Little People, there are cute nativity sets, plush and soft sets, pretty and delicate, or rough and tumble style sets. Children need to engage scripture by playing with it—that can mean any number of things but when it comes to a nativity set they can play out the story of the Nativity. Help them understand what each of the pieces is for – imagine what it would have been like. Have fun. Imagine. Dream. Celebrate what the Christmas story is not just in words but in play. Jesse Tree This practice is not as well known but has roots historically going back to the middle ages. There are a variety of ways to set up this tradition – but in it’s most basic form is a series of ornaments with pictures reflecting parts of the story of Christmas going all the way back to Creation. Each day a new ornament is added working your way up the tree. This could be done as a way to add decorations onto an existing tree already, or to use a smaller table top tree. You can find resources online by searching for ‘Jesse Tree’. Explore traditions and practices Many of our traditions either have roots, or have had legends created that tie them to the birth of Jesus. There are books out there with legends of the candy cane, stockings and Christmas tree. These are some examples of how you can tie regular Christmas items with Christ. Please keep in mind just because it’s in a book it isn’t always true.

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Just have Family Time Read stories about Christmas, play games, do activities, do some baking. Just have some informal time together celebrating. At the end is a list of resources of story books, videos and cd’s in the church library. These are there for the benefit of you as a family. Use Previous Resources Not every Christmas has to be new – use the same resources year to year. The story doesn’t change and with a year passed by something familiar is a great way to refocus on the birth of Christ. Here are the three resources given away in our Family Faith: Take it Home event.

Getting Ready for Christmas A daily advent prayer and activity book for the family. This is great for young children – each day is a short verse, prayer and activity. ISBN 0758608608

Before and After Christmas Daily activities and ideas for advent, Christmas all the way through to Epiphany. A great resource to help broaden and expand a family’s understanding of Christmas. ISBN 0806641568

The 25 Days of Christmas A series of family readings, scriptures, and

activities for the Advent Season. Suitable for

older children. Each day has a story, a prayer and

an activity for the family to do.

ISBN 0849918359

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Other Advent Resources and Idea Books:

The ADVENTure of Christmas: Finding Jesus in Our Holiday Traditions Your kids know that Christmas means the birth of Jesus- and they want to celebrate. Join the author on a 24-day expedition to discover the Savior in the center of all things holiday-shopping, baking, decorating; and even the candy cane, the pear-tree partridge, the Santa suit, and the meaning of the mistletoe kiss. ISBN 1590520890

What God Wants for Christmas This kid-friendly, interactive nativity - with seven gift boxes, a colorful pop-up, and an illustrated poem - contains a surprise ending that will open a child’s heart to Jesus. Use this hands-on lesson in Sunday schools, outreach events, or family devotions, over multiple days or all at once. It’s simple, easy to use, and fun for all ages! Share the good news this Christmas season with those who need to hear!

Waiting for Christmas A story about the Advent Calendar. Included in it are a list of activities and ideas that you can do throughout advent, including providing you with an advent calendar. A great way to introduce the idea of Advent to your children. It teaches children that they must wait patiently as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Ages 4-8 ISBN 0310710154

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Family Nights for Advent and Christmas A book with weekly themes and events for Advent, Christmas all the way through Epiphany. Very age appropriate for children and easy to adapt for a family. Includes activities for each week, family time, snack ideas, and prayers. Would require some preparation each week by the family. ISBN 0870292722

Just 25 Days ‘Til Christmas: An Advent Celebration for the Entire Family This interactive Christmas book aims tohelp you and your family get the most out of the Christmas season. Includes daily devotionals, practical ideas for incorporating children into your planning, fun activities, and a Christmas checklist for holiday preparations. ISBN 1591855675

Bringing God Home: family Devotions for the Christian Year This guide to family worship, which follows the

Christian calendar, aims to help establish a family

tradition of worship and Bible study through a

systematic reading of the Bible and a practical

setting for home worship. Each of the entries

includes a Scripture passage and worship activity

such as an object lesson or hand craft. This book

targets children of all ages with concise, hands - on

approach to worship and study.

ISBN 1573120146

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Christmas Books, DVD’s and CD’s from the ‘Book Patch’ The Book Patch is our Church Library off the foyer – come check out the

resources we have for you and your family. Books for Children ages 0 – 6 Angel's story, An

Lucado, Max

Animals First Christmas Board

Book, The

Goldsack, Gaby

Annika's secret wish

Lewis, Beverly

Away in a Manger Board Book

Baby Boy, Bundle of Joy

Taylor, Damon J.

Baby Jesus is born

Christmas candle, The

Evans, Riard Paul

Christmas is…for me!

Tangvald, Christine

Christmas miracle of Jonathan

Toomey, The

Wojcieowski, Susan

Christmas rhymes & carols

Rock, Lois

Christmas troll, The

Peterson, Eugene H.

Christmas with Night-Light

Lingo, Susan

Crippled Lamb, The

Lucado, Max

Clopper, the Christmas donkey

King, Emily

Do you see what I see?

Mead, Arden

Emma’s gift

Idle, Molly Schaar

Erik's Christmas gift exchange

Taylor, Jeannie St. John

Gigi, God's little princess: the

perfect Christmas gift

Walsh, Sheila

God gave us Christmas

Bergren, Lisa Tawn

Greatest Shepherd of all

Gerth, Holley

Have you seen Christmas?

Howie, Vicki

Huron Carol, The

De Brebeuf, Jean

J is for Jesus, The


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Legend of the candy cane

Walburg, Lori

Legend of the Christmas tree

Osborne, Rick

Mommy, Was Santa Claus Born

on Christmas Too?

Knoll, Barbara

My Christmas stocking

Bowman, Crystal

Pinetree parable, The

Higgs, Liz Curtis

Prairie Christmas

Van Steenwyk, Elizabeth

Santa, are you for real?

Myra, Harold Lawrence

The Shepherd Boy's Story

Board Book

Goldsack, Gaby

Solomon and friends learn about


Hawkins, Jonny

Star for Jesus, A

Bowman, Crystal

Star of Christmas, The

Cindy Kenney

Story of Christmas, The

Fehlner, Paul

Story of Christmas for Children,


Story of the Nativity, The

Winthrop, Elizabeth

Clopper and the Night Travelers

King, Emily

The Legend of St. Nicholas A

Christmas A Story of Giving

Dandi Daley Mackall

Nate the Great and the Crunchy


Sharmat, Marjorie

The Very First Christmas

Paul L. Maier

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Books for Children ages 7 – 12

Best Christmas pageant ever,


Robinson, Barbara

The Crazy Christmas angel


Lewis, Beverly

The Last Christmas

Bibee, John

Mandie and the unwanted gift

Leppard, Lois Gladys

My life as reindeer road kill

(bk. 9)

Myers, Bill

Candle: A Story of Love and

Faith Smith, Sally Ann Shepherd's Christmas Story, The Dandi Daley Mackall Story of Christmas: A Biblical Account of the Christmas Story Jeffs, Stephanie What Nick and Holly Found in Grandpa's Attic Carlson, Melody

Shane (Young believer on tour ;

bk. 5)

Arterburn, Stephen

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Children’s Media

Adventures in Odyssey: electric Christmas (Adventures in Odyssey ; no.

7) (VHS)

Baby Faith: God made Christmas (DVD)

C hristmas at home: 20 kids’ favorites (CD)

Christmas Carols: 15 classic Christmas carols for children (CD)

Hermie and Friends Series #5: A Fruitcake Christmas (DVD)

The Incredible Singing Christmas Tree (CD)

KidSing! Christmas: 17 Carols & Hymns (CD)

KidzBop Christmas (CD)

Little Drummer boy, The (VHS)

Little troll prince, The,: a Christmas parable (VHS)

Rock-a-bye Christmas (DVD)

Songs kids love to sing: 25 Christmas songs (CD)

VeggieTales: the star of Christmas (VHS)

VeggieTales: the toy that saved Christmas

Worship JAMZ Christmas (CD)

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