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What You Need to Know That Your Doctor Isn't Telling You

Dr. David Sobers

Chronic pain can wreck your life.

Find out how thousands of peoplehave become pain-free

using therapy developed by NASA for the astronauts.


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Life Can Be Really Good, LLCpublishers

© 2019

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Chronic pain 5

How to get the most out of this book 7

Don't make these mistakes when treating your pain 9

Have you heard of PEMF therapy? 16

Scientific studies on PEMF 18

Medical conditions PEMF has been shown to help 19

Is PEMF safe? 20

How to choose a PEMF system 22

Why choose the Bliss PEMF? 29

Q&A 32

What conditions has PEMF been used for? 35

Why don't doctors tell us about PEMF? 36

Common side effects of pain killing drugs 37

How long should you use PEMF? 39

A quick review 44

10 Benefits of PEMF therapy 46

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Scientific Studies 48

The Bliss Professional PEMF 69

Other PEMF systems 70

Why is a double mat system better? 76

PEMF settings for various health conditions 78

How to reach us 83

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If you suffer from chronic pain, chances are that you have tried everything you can think of to get rid of that pain, pain pills like Oxycodone, perhaps THC and CBD, chiropractors, acupuncture, massage therapy, maybe even surgery.

At this point you may be skeptical about anything being able to help you become pain-free. I don't blame you.

You are not alone. One out of three American adults suffer from chronic pain. Chronic pain can wear you out. In some cases it can be totally debilitating. It can lead to depression and even suicide.

Let me begin by telling you that I can appreciate what you may be going through. A few years ago I fell right on my head, got a concussion that left me with a severe headache that lasted 24 hours a day for about two years.

At one point, the pain was so bad that I simply couldn't sleep. I went without sleep for nearly a week, at which point I was so exhausted that I couldn't smile. I was just too weak and exhausted to do anything.

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My wife also has not been a stranger to pain. Having type 1 diabetes most of her life, she developed painful neuropathy in her hands and feet. What made matters worse was arthritis in her hands. The pain was so bad that she could no longer play the piano, couldn't cut vegetables, could hardly do anything with her hands.

So we know what it's like to suffer from chronic pain. We know what it's like to feel that nothing can be done, that we'll just have to learn to live with pain.

Fortunately, there is a way, that you have probably not heard of and that even your doctor may not know about, that could give you considerable relief from chronic pain.

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How to Get the Most Out of This Book

Please do read through this book to learn about PEMF therapy. Then email us, call, or text us with

any questions you have.We are happy to help you any way we can.

In this short book I will cover a lot of science, but I will leave that at the end, because I know that most people will be more concerned about my answering these questions first:

1. Is there really something that could help me become pain-free that even my doctor probably doesn't know about?

2. Given my condition, is this therapy likely to help me become pain-free?

3. Is it safe?

4. Is it something I can use at home so I don't have to spend a lot of time and money paying a specialist?

5. Is this free of any bad side-effects?

6. Is this something I can afford?

7. Can I try this for free?

The good news is that the simple answer to all these questions is “YES!”

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There is something that thousands of people are using to be pain-free, that might help you, that has been shown to be perfectly safe without any bad side-effects, and is some thing you can use conveniently at home. And our mission -- our goal -- is to make this affordable for everyone who needs it.

If you suffer from chronic pain, what can you do about it?

You may have tried almost everything.

Your doctors may even have told you that you'll just have to get used to living with pain, or they may prescribe drugs that may have even made things worse.

What if there was a way -- something you could do at home -- to become pain-free without taking drugs with all their side-effects and expense?

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Don't make these mistakes when treating your pain:

1. The first and biggest mistake many people with chronic pain make is to treat the pain rather than aiming to improve their health.

For most people, pain is not the problem. That's right. Although pain is your immediate concern, and getting rid of that pain is your most pressing goal, treating the pain may be the wrong way to approach this problem.

Pain is your body's way of signaling you that something is wrong. Masking the pain may be like putting ear plugs in your ears when you hear your smoke detector go off. Wouldn't it make more sense to see what is causing the smoke and put out the fire, if there is a fire?

There are many things that can cause chronic pain. Wear and tear on your body, arthritis, injury from falls or accidents, misalignment of your spine, pinched nerves, damaged nerves, as well as a whole range of diseases such as fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, Lyme disease, and even low-grade infections. Whatever the cause, and even in cases where there is no discernible cause for your pain, the goal should be not just to get rid of the pain but to restore your body to health.

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Unfortunately, many of the treatments prescribed by doctors focus on quelling the pain rather than improving your health. Certainly that is true of pain-killing drugs like Oxycodone. The side effects of these drugs may even make your over-all health worse.

2. The second mistake many people make is to become so discouraged by trying so many treatments that don't work that they give up and assume they will have to live with the pain even though it may be totally debilitating.

You may have tried various prescription drugs only to realize that the side effects are too dreadful to live with. They may get rid of your pain for a while, but you realize they are undermining your health rather than improving your life.

Many people try a wide variety of treatments -- everything they can think of -- with little lasting results. Some try changing their diets, doing Yoga, meditating, even changing their life style to reduce stress. They may even undergo expensive and painful surgery. When nothing seems to work, they may give up the hope of ever becoming pain-free.

We understand. We've been there. We know what that's like.

Don't despair! Let us show you something that has helped thousands of people like you to become pain-free. Something that almost certainly you haven't

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tried, because chances are your doctor doesn't even know about it.

Learn about this amazing therapy. And try it for free.

First let us tell you about a few more things you should know about chronic pain.

3. Don't fall for the claim that your pain is just a symptom of your getting older.

A woman goes to her doctor and complains of a terrible pain in her right knee.

The doctor tells her, “Look: you're getting older. As we age, we have to expect some pain.”

She replied: “Don't give me that BS, doctor. My left knee is just as old as my right one, and it doesn't hurt.”

She is right. Absolutely right. There is a wonderful principle in science that goes something like this: Time is not causally efficacious.

What does that mean? It means that time doesn't do anything. Everything that happens takes place in time. If your car rusts, it is not time that is doing the rusting. It is oxygen in the air or in water that is mixing with the iron in your car and causing it to rust. If you take care of your car, if you keep it painted and out of salt water, it won't rust. Cars that are well maintained last a long time. Cars that aren't, don't.

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The same is true of your body. Eat a healthy diet, exercise moderately, avoid obvious toxins like tobacco, supplement with quality vitamins, and avoid becoming obese and chances are that your body will last a lot better than the bodies of people who neglect their health.

As so many people have ruefully reflected, “If I knew I was going to live so long, I would have taken better care of myself.”

The sad fact is that many people are not exactly living longer. They are simply dying longer.

The point here is that most likely your pain is caused not by your having attained a certain age, but by something that has happened to your body that needs to be corrected.

So... don't make the mistake of seeing getting rid of your pain as your only objective. Our goal is to get you pain-free while putting you on a road to better health.

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4. Don't make the mistake of expecting your doctor or some other health practitioner to heal you. They can help, but realize it's ultimately up to you to do your part.

A doctor tells his patient, “I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is we amputated the wrong leg.”

Patient: “That's terrible. What's the good news?”

Doctor: “The good news is that your other leg is getting better all by itself.

Okay, I can hear you groan. Bad, sad joke. But the point of this tale is that it is our bodies that have to do the healing. Doctors and therapists can help, but ultimately your body is going to heal itself.

That is precisely why it is so important to see yourself as being on a path to better health.

5. Don't make the mistake of equating the cost of treatment with the effectiveness of the treatment.Some pain clinics charge you $4,000 a week. And this doesn't include the cost of your hotel, meals, and travel.

The main real therapy they offer beside modest exercise and massage is actually something you could do at home for a fraction of the cost.

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What are your options? What can you do?

1. Do nothing. Just live with the pain.How good a solution is that? Is that really what you want?

2. Take prescription drugs - opioids or medical marijuana.

What are the possible side effects?Do you really want to trade some pain relief for side effects that could possibly be worse?How easy will it be to get off these drugs?Are they likely to improve your health?

3. Is surgery an option?In some case this does work, but many times the expense and the time needed to recover may be a terrible price to pay, considering that it may even make your condition worse.

4. You may have already tried chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists and gotten some help, but for people suffering from a variety of health problems from arthritis, fibromyalgia, MS, Parkinson's, BPH, back pain, or migraines, such treatments may not provide long-term relief.

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If you have already tried almost everything, you may feel discouraged and even disheartened and skeptical about trying anything else. We don't blame you. We've been there. We know what that's like.

When my wife was suffering from painful neuropathy in her feet and arthritis in her hands, we were desperate to get help for her. We tried all the traditional routes to no avail. We are so grateful to have found at last something that did work. It is called PEMF -- Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field therapy.

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Have you heard of PEMF therapy?

This could be just what you are looking for. It has helped thousands of people around the world

become pain-free.

What is PEMF? It stands for

Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field.

NASA spent millions of dollars over 3 1/2 years doing research on PEMF for the astronauts. You may remember that, when the first astronauts came back from outer space, they were so weak they could hardly stand up. That is because the earth has a natural electromagnetic pulse that all living things have become accustomed to. When the astronauts were in space and away from this pulse, they lost bone and muscle and became very weak.

Living in space without gravity had its effect too, but being outside the earth's electromagnetic pulse was also a problem for them.

When the astronauts didn't receive these pulses, their bodies suffered. Now PEMF is built into the space station to keep the astronauts healthy.

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Why do we need PEMF?

We haven't left the Earth.

Good question! The problem is that, for the first time in human history, we are being exposed to what you might call electromagnetic pollution.

We are not getting just the earth's natural pulse. We are also being bombarded with thousands of other electromagnetic frequencies.

Think about all the radio, television, and cell phone signals that are passing through you every minute of every day. Wi-fi is everywhere, isn't it? We can't escape it. Because it's wireless, the signals are going through the air and right through our bodies.

It's in restaurants, libraries, schools, and now - even in most of our homes.

These are electrical signals of very high frequency. Cell phone companies in the U.S. use frequencies from about 450 MHz to 1900 MHz. That is from about 450,000 to almost 2 million vibrations per second! A microwave oven operates at 2,450,000 hertz.

Do these new, high-rate, electrical waves hurt us? Who knows?

What NASA discovered is how important it is for us to get enough of the natural electromagnetic waves for our bodies to thrive and stay healthy.

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Many benefits of Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (“PEMF”) therapy have been demonstrated through more than 2,000 University level, double-blind, medical studies done in many countries with many different PEMF therapy devices.

The use of pulsed electromagnetic fields began over 40 years ago in 1974.

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Here are just a few of the medical

conditions that PEMF therapy has been

shown to help:

AllergiesAlzheimer’s DiseaseArthritisBPH (enlarged prostate)Bone and Joint DisordersBronchitis Heart Disease HypertensionDiabetesFibromyalgiaHeadacheHerniated DiskHip Problems Lung Disease MigrainesMultiple Sclerosis Neck PainParkinson’s Disease Peripheral Neuritis (neuropathy)InsomniaTendonitis

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Is PEMF safe?

Over 10,000 studies have shown PEMF to be safe and effective for a wide variety of health conditions.

In 1979, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for the healing of nonunion fractures.

In 1998, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for urinary incontinence and muscle stimulation.

In 2004, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for cervical fusion patients at high risk of non-fusion.

In 2006, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for treatment of depression and anxiety.

In 2011, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for treatment of brain cancer.

Most PEMF devices are sold today in the U.S. as wellness devices.

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Why doesn't everyone use PEMF?

Until now, PEMF mats have been unaffordable for most people. A few of our friends have spent over $6,000 for one of the most popular units. And they are glad they did. They found the relief well worth the price.

And some PEMF units cost even $10,000 to $20,000. That simply isn't affordable for many people.

We at Life Can Be Really Good, LLC make what we believe is the very best PEMF system -

the Bliss PEMF.

Our mission is to make PEMF therapy available to everyone who needs it.


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You may be asking yourself,


Here's what you need to know to make an intelligent decision when getting your own PEMF system:

1. Don't make the mistake of looking at the hype - the selling points pushed by various manufacturers.

Many features they promote have no bearing on how effective their systems may be. Not all their features actually confer any benefit on the user.

PEMF units that boast of being super powerful may actually work less well than systems that follow NASA's protocol. Think of it this way: Imagine that you are dehydrated. If you are really thirsty and need more liquid, a glass of water could be very good for you. But you don't need to drink gallons of water.

Some units boast having restful lights or biofeedback. Some claim to decipher what you need by checking the frequencies emitted by your vocal cords when you speak. I hate to say this, but this really is more of a marketing ploy to get you to spend much more than you need to. Remember: If NASA found this was necessary, they would have built it into the systems they use in the space capsule for the astronauts. After all, unlike you and me, they have no great compunction about spending all they need to in order to protect the astronauts.

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NASA did some of the best research on PEMF that has been done. They spent more money than any other study that has been done. They spent millions of your tax dollars over three and a half years to figure out what works best. When it comes to research and scientific inquiry, you can't get any better than NASA. They wanted to make sure they could provide the astronauts the best system possible.

NASA concluded that it is best to use a square wave form, not the sine wave that some manufacturers use, best to use low intensity, not the super powerful 20,000 Gauss that some manufacturers boast of having. And they found that a low frequency is best.

If you have the time, you could spend the next few years, as I did, reading through the thousands of scientific studies done with PEMF on a variety of health conditions. What you will find is that a wide range of parameters do work. Different frequencies and different intensities have been tried with considerable success. This means that most of the commercial units, even the ones that don't follow NASA or the World Health Organization guidelines, will work at least to some extent.

But... the fact is that some of these scientific studies might have attained even better results if they had used parameters recommended by NASA.

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2. Don't make the mistake of thinking that spending a lot more money is going to get you a better system. Ask yourself why do some of these PEMF systems cost so much?

Bemer, one of the most popular companies, makes a very good unit (although not as good as ours, I believe). But understand that most of the cost of their units goes for their marketing. They use a multi-level, network marketing program. The first $1,500 you spend on one of their units goes directly to pay a commission to the first level distributor. More than half of the cost of their units goes to pay commissions upline and downline. There is nothing inherently wrong with network marketing, but do you want to have more than half of your investment in a PEMF go for advertising and marketing?

Our marketing has been by word of mouth. When people find our Bliss PEMF makes such a difference for them, they can't resist telling their family and friends. We hope that if you get a PEMF from us, you too will be so happy with how it helps you that you will spread the word and let others who need this know about us and our mission.

Do PEMF systems have to cost $6,000 or $10,000 or even $20,000? We don't think so.

Suppose you are going to buy a wristwatch. You could get a very lovely Rolex for$5,000 or $10,000. You could even opt for Patek Philippe watch for $100,000 or more.

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But the fact is that, if your main goal is to tell the time, you can get a Timex or Casio watch for less than $30 that will keep the time just as accurately as the Patek Philippe and the Rolex. A few years ago, I bought my wife a beautiful Timex wristwatch for only $25. It still keeps perfect time, and she loves it.

Okay, okay! It may not be quite as elegant as a $50,000 watch, but it is quite nice and does the job just fine. If you want status, get a Rolex. If you just need to tell the time, there are other options.

If you want status, get a PMT-120 PEMF for $20,000. If you want to get pain relief and improve your health, take a look at our Bliss system for a fraction of the price.

Our Bliss PEMF systems may not be as elegant as some of the more expensive units, but our electronics are second to none.

3. You do want to get a system that will work. You want a unit that will get the job done.

Having told you that you don't have to spend a fortune on a PEMF system, I need to warn you to be careful that you don't go completely to the other extreme.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that some very low cost units out there are really suitable for handling your pain or improving your health. Especially beware of some of the very tiny units. They simply will not do the job.

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4. Think about how, where, and when you are going to use your PEMF.

As any doctor will tell you, compliance is crucial for success in any medical treatment. If you don't use your PEMF regularly, how can you get the improvement you want in your health?

We began building full size PEMF mats. But we found that most people don't have a suitable place to use such a mat. Putting it on a bed works, but because a bed curves and sinks when you get onto to it, this is not ideal for a mat. A sofa or couch is even worse. It may not be completely comfortable and you can eventually wind up putting undue wear on the mat.

If you don't have a massage table in your home, probably getting a PEMF full-size mat isn't the best way to go. Where are you going to use your mat?Where will you store it? Is getting it out and putting it away likely to be a nuisance?

Also people would tell us that they just didn't have time to lie down to use the PEMF. If you are very busy, you may find that it is difficult to schedule time to use a mat that requires you to lie down.

That's why we made our mat system easier to use. You can easily use our mats when you are sitting down watching TV, or reading, or even just visiting with family or friends.

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5. Don't make the mistake of thinking that the more powerful a device is the better it is. Again, look at what NASA discovered.

You do need enough power, but for safety you should stay within the WHO (World Health Organization) guidelines.

If you are treating a race horse, and most race horses are now treated with PEMF, you do need a more powerful system. If you are a veterinarian who treats race horses, by all means, look into getting one of the very powerful systems that are designed for large animals rather than for humans. For your own use get our Bliss PEMF.

We have designed the Bliss PEMF to conform to the World Health Organization guidelines.

Our Bliss PEMF is powerful enough to be effective,

gentle enough to be safe.

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6. Make sure you will be getting the help and guidance you need to use your PEMF effectively.

We have shipped our Bliss PEMF across the country from Hawaii to New York. We care about everyone who gets our Bliss PEMF. Our goal is to do all we can to help you become healthier and pain-free.

We are here to answer your questions and put you on a path to better health.

Whether you decide to get PEMF from us or not, we are happy to help you

any way we can.

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Why choose the Bliss PEMF?

Our Bliss PEMF is designed to use the type of electro-magnetic wave and the intensity and the pulse rates that have been found to be most effective for promoting health and eliminating pain.

Through their research on PEMF, NASA discovered that a square wave pulsing at a low frequency and low intensity works best. Thousands of other studies confirm this.

Other systems use a single mat. What's wrong with that?

A single mat gives your body a very lop-sided treatment. The strength of the electro-magnetic pulse decreases drastically the farther your body is from your mat. This means that, on a single mat, your back will get a strong treatment, but your chest and the rest of your body will receive much less.

Our unique, two mat system provides a uniform wave between the mats, so your body gets a consistent, even treatment.

Think of the difference between having just one ear phone and having a full headset. You can't hear a full orchestra if the sound is going in just one ear, can you? Turning up the volume won't give you balance. For balance, you need the sound going in both ears.

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Similarly, with PEMF you need to receive the pulse through your body, not just one side. Using just a single mat is like trying to toast bread with the heat on just one side.

Why do some companies brag that their units are so very powerful?

They are right that getting a very powerful PEMF treatment may decrease your pain more quickly, perhaps with just one session. This is desirable for chiropractors who want you to see immediate results. But for the best health benefits, NASA showed that what we use -- low intensity -- is preferable.

Of course you do need adequate power. Imagine that you are dehydrated. If someone gives you a tablespoon of water, that really wouldn't be enough, would it? That's like some of the very inexpensive, battery powered PEMF units that are, for all practical purposes, useless.

The idea behind low intensity PEMF is that the goal is to bring your cells up to the healthy charge they should have - not to shock them. Having the right charge makes a huge difference in how well the cells can function. But we don't have to hit them with a sledge hammer to restore cells to their proper voltage.

Our Bliss PEMF is powerful enough to beeffective, gentle enough to be safe.

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So... to review...

Why is a Bliss PEMF your best choice?

1. It has the proven best wave form - a square wave.2. It has the right intensity - from 500 to 2,000 milligauss.3. It has a completely adjustable frequency from 1 to 1,000 Hz.4. Our unique two mat system gives you a uniform field that is best for your body.5. It is the most affordable, complete PEMF system - costing thousands less than other systems.

Why is our system so affordable?

Unlike multi-level network marketing systems that spend most of their income on dealer commissions and marketing, we do not spend vast amounts of money on marketing. Instead we rely on people joining us in spreading the word about PEMF. When you see what PEMF can do for you, we hope you will, like so many of our clients, tell your friends about us and our mission.

Our mission is to make PEMF therapy affordable for everyone.

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Q & A:

Are there any conditions for which one shouldn't use PEMF?

Yes. Most modern pacemakers are shielded and have built-in features to guard against outside interference. Still, it is not recommended that anyone with a pacemaker use PEMF without consulting their doctor first.

Also it is not recommended for pregnant women because there haven't been studies done on this group.

How does PEMF block pain?

Pain is transmitted along nerve cells by an electrical signal. Think of your nerves as phone wires that send a signal to your brain. For one nerve cell to communicate with another and move the signal to the brain, the signal has to cross a small gap between the cells called a synapse.

For the pain signal to cross this gap, the nerve cells use a chemical signal that raises the voltage in the recipient cell. Whereas a healthy cell has a voltage of about -70 millivolts, an unhealthy cell can have a voltage of only -30 millivolts.

For a pain signal to be transmitted, the electrical potential of the cell has to go from -70 millivolts to +30 millivolts -- a difference of about 100 millivolts.

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If a cell is only at about -30 millivolts to begin with, then going to +30 millivolts is a change of only 60 millivolts instead of 100 millivolts. This means that the pain signal doesn't have to be as strong to change the voltage in the unhealthy cell in order to transmit the pain.

This is like putting your nerve cells on a hair-trigger, ready to fire when they normally wouldn't. What's the result? You'll experience more pain.

Besides decreasing pain, how does PEMF help improve our general health?

Many illnesses are caused to a great extent by inadequate blood flow.

If your red blood cells coagulate, if they become sticky and get stuck in lumps together, they aren't going to flow very well. PEMF charges your red blood cells so they repel each other, and instead of clumping together, they flow more easily. Improving your circulation can help you get rid of inflammation that may be causing your pain.

Another very important effect of PEMF therapy is that, charging the trillions of cells in your body lets nutrients get into your cells and lets waste products (toxins) get out more easily.

A human cell is sort of like a house with doors and windows that let food in and garbage out.

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If a cell was like a house with the doors and windows stuck shut so you couldn't get any groceries, and you couldn't take out the trash, that wouldn't be a healthy situation, would it?

Imagine that your whole body was the size of all of North America.

A simple atom of oxygen or hydrogen would be only as big as a BB. A simple molecule would be the size of a cat. A complex molecule would be like a large truck. And a human cell would be the size of a cruise ship with something like a billion chemical reactions taking place every second.

There is a lot going on in your cells! If anything blocks this activity, health problems result.

Just as an airline company will disassemble an airplane as part of routine maintenance, each cell in your body is constantly busy taking apart and reassembling every molecule in it at a rate of about 7% a day. Every 2 weeks the cells in your body rebuild 98% of the molecules in your body! Isn't that amazing? But it can't do that if your cells aren't properly charged and if they can't get the nutrition they need.

Do you see the importance of proper blood flow?

Good health starts at the cellular level. And PEMF is one of the few therapies that can reach all your cells.

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What are some conditions PEMF has been used for?

Here is a picture of the effect of using PEMF on a leg wound that would not heal.

On the left you can see a non-healing diabetic ulcer of 3 years duration, where the leg was scheduled for amputation.

The middle picture shows the improvement after only 4 weeks of treatment.

And the picture on the right shows it almost completely healed after just 8 weeks of treatment.

Before after 4 weeks after 8 weeks treatment

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Many of our friends have had dramatic improvement in their health by using PEMF.

Can you see why we're so excited about PEMF therapy?

Why don't doctors tell us about PEMF?

Some doctors do use PEMF for their patients. But it's much easier for your doctor to prescribe a pill than to ask you to come back every day, day after day, for weeks or months for treatment. How convenient would that be for you or your doctor? And how expensive would that be?

It is easier for your doctor to write a prescription for pain medication. That is what doctors have been trained to do. But do you know the possible the side-effects of these drugs?

Lyrica is a drug that is frequently prescribed for pain from diabetic neuropathy and fibromyalgia.

Just look at common side effects from Lyrica.

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Common side effects from this drug include:

• Dizziness • Loss of balance or

coordination• Constipation• Tremors, shivering,

shaking, and twitching• Blurred or double vision• Problems with memory,

concentration, confusion, delusions and dementia

• Slurred speech• Seizures• Burning, tingling,

numbness or pain in the hands, arms, feet or legs -- and if you're taking this drug, you already have these symptoms!

And this isn't even the complete list of

possible side effects!

Drugs like Oxycodone aren't all that much better. Nausea, vomiting, constipation, light-headedness, dizziness and drowsiness are just a few of their side effects -- and, of course, addiction with its several, serious, possible outcomes.

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Even if drugs like this can decrease the pain, do they really improve your health?

Is a drug that can lead to dementia, blurred vision and seizures likely to be really good for you? These drugs mask the pain, but they aren't designed to make anyone healthier.

Did you know that over 100,000 people die in this country every year from taking prescription drugs as prescribed?

That’s like a huge jumbo jet airliner crashing every day, killing everyone aboard. If that happened every day, how confident would you feel about flying?

Another 2.1 million patients have serious complications because of medications.

-- Journal of the American Medical Association

Taking prescription drugs is the 4th. leading cause of death in this country. Although Americans are only 5 percent of the world's population, we consume almost 70 percent of the world's opioids.

I think it makes more sense to get rid of pain

by actually improving your health - using what NASA

developed for the astronauts, and that now the

Russians use for their athletes, and that the FDA has

approved, don't you?

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How long should you use PEMF?

For many conditions, using PEMF for just ten minutes once or twice a day seems to work very well, however people with serious, acute conditions may want to use PEMF as much as they can. For example, when I fell and developed bursitis in my elbow and my hip, I used PEMF all day and even all night. In just a day and a half I was able to get off my crutches.

People with insomnia may want to use PEMF for an hour while they are going to sleep at night or even use it all night. Unlike many other systems, the Bliss PEMF lets you set the frequency for better sleep.

With every one of our units, we include a complete list of settings - frequency and time - that people have used with good results for a variety of health conditions.

Will you feel anything while using PEMF?

Most people do not feel anything while using PEMF. However, people who are very much in tune with their bodies and who are sensitive may experience a sense of relaxation, warmth and increased blood flow. Many people relax so much they go to sleep while using our Bliss system.

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Do you have to lie down to use PEMF?

No. One advantage of our system is that you don't have to lie down to use it.

One of the main concerns for health care is compliance. If people don't do what they need to in order to improve their health, they are less likely to get well.

One problem with a single mat system that requires people to lie down is that some people complain that they just don't have the time to use it. That's why we made our system so that you can use it while doing other things - like watching TV, reading, or socializing with family and friends. This means that you are more likely to use it every day and get the health benefits you seek.

How long do you have to use PEMF to see an improvement or a reduction in pain?

This varies widely from individual to individual, depending in part on their overall health.

Many people notice a great reduction in pain from the very first treatment.

However, some conditions may take weeks, or even months, to achieve results.

Studies with osteoporosis have shown an increase in bone density after 9 months.

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Should I continue using PEMF even after I am better or no longer feel pain?

Yes, because PEMF not only works to reduce pain, it

also improves blood flow, increases cellular flexibility,

and improves tissue oxygenation.

“Clinical evidence shows that PEMF therapy reduces pain associated with trauma from accidents, sports injuries, surgeries, and burns as well as from disease and degeneration.”

The data even suggest possible benefits in controlling malignancy. As I mentioned, the FDA has approved PEMF for brain cancer.

A recent study concludes that PEMF can significantly reduce postoperative pain and narcotic use by having an effect on nitric oxide signaling, which also improves the speed and quality of wound repair.

Nitric oxide is a gaseous signaling molecule that plays a key role as a biological messenger for a variety of biological processes. With a lifetime of only a few seconds, it is highly reactive and diffuses freely across cell membranes. The inner lining of blood vessels uses nitric oxide to signal the surrounding muscle to relax, thereby promoting vasodilation and increased blood flow.

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This is just one of the ways PEMF has been shown to have an important role in improving one's health.

“The electro-potential of healthy cells causes a steady flow of ions across the cell membrane. In an unhealthy or damaged cell, there is a sodium influx resulting in cytotoxic oedema. Injured tissues are categorized by higher healing potential as compared to an unbroken skin.

“The actual mechanisms by which electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce biological effects are under intense study. Evidence suggests that the cell membrane may be one of the primary locations where applied EMFs act.

“Electromagnetic forces at the membrane's outer surface could modify ligand-receptor interactions, which in turn would alter the state of large membrane molecules that play a role in controlling the cell's internal processes.

“The mechanism of action of EMF signals at the molecular and cellular level is now much better understood and strongly suggests ion/ligand binding in a regulatory cascade could be the signal transduction pathway.”

It is reported that cells respond to the rate of change in magnetic field and not to the peak field magnitude or total flux exposure.

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Please feel free to contact us if you require more

information on scientific studies that have been done

on PEMF showing the chemical and biological


Our mission is to make PEMF therapy

affordable for everyone.

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A Quick Review

Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field therapy has helped thousands of people become pain-free.

What you probably want to know is:

Will it work for me? I don't know if it will work for you. But the odds in your favor are pretty good. Most people who try it find that it gives them considerable relief from pain.

To find out if it will work for you, you'll have to try it. And we'll let you try it for free here in Albuquerque.

Is it safe? Absolutely! It is FDA approved for a variety of health conditions, and thousands of scientific studies have shown it to be safe for people of all ages.

The only contraindications are: pregnant women, because this is one condition where medical studies haven't yet been made. And people with pacemakers and implanted cardioverter defibrillators should probably check with their doctor first.

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Is there good, scientific evidence supporting this therapy?

As I mentioned earlier, there have been thousands of scientific studies done on PEMF and a variety of health conditions, including Arthritis, Alzheimer's,

Back pain, BPH, Hypertension, Diabetes,

Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, Neuropathy, Tendonitis, and Insomnia.

Can I afford it?

Until now, unfortunately it has not been affordable for many people. Our mission is to make PEMF affordable for everyone who needs it.

Let us know your situation. We'll work with you to make sure this fits your needs.

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The 10 Benefits of PEMF –

Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy

1. Reduced inflammation

2. Reduced pain

3. Increased range of motion

4. Faster functional recovery

5. Reduced muscle loss after surgery

6. Increased tensile strength in ligaments

7. Faster healing of skin wounds

8. Enhanced capillary formation

9. Accelerated nerve regeneration

10. Reduced tissue necrosis

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Medical PEMF therapy has been accepted in many countries around the world. Canada has accepted PEMF devices for many uses. In the European Union PEMF therapy is used for healing, recovery from trauma, degeneration and the treatment of pain.

Most PEMF devices are sold today in the U.S. as

wellness devices.

Many benefits of PEMF therapy have been

demonstrated through more than 2,000 University

level, double-blind, medical studies done in many

countries with many different PEMF therapy devices.

Some of the positive effects of PEMF therapy were

well established by the mid 1900’s.

Although some medical doctors do use PEMF for their patients, many simply do not know about this

therapy yet.

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These are just a few excerpts from hundreds of studies I have reviewed to design and build the Bliss PEMF.

Note the wide range of health conditions that PEMF has been shown to help.

Notice also that in many of these studies the best results came from using PEMF therapy over several months.

When you read these studies, you can see why we feel compelled to let more people know about the value of using PEMF and to help make this more available to everyone.

Tendonitis Results of this double-blind, placebo-controlled study indicated that pulsed electromagnetic field therapy exhibited significant beneficial effects in the treatment of patients suffering from persistent rotator cuff tendonitis.

Alzheimer’s Disease On review, after applying external electromagnetic fields ranging 5 to 8 Hz, large improvements were detected in Alzheimer’s patients. These included improved visual memory, drawing performance, spatial orientation, mood, short-term memory and social interactions.

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Arthritis A double-blind, placebo-controlled research study on the effects of pulsed electrical fields administered over a 4 week period revealed significant improvement in patients receiving the therapy relative to the controls.


Rheumatoid arthritis patientsAn obvious improvement was seen after 3 days of treatment, with greater improvement by patients suffering from mild to moderate levels of the disease. End results computed into a 90 percent patient improvement rate.


Nonunion fracturesThis review article notes that the use of pulsed electromagnetic fields began in 1974, and that 250,000 nonunion fracture patients have received the treatment since.

The author argues that success rates are comparable to those of bone grafting, and that PEMF treatment is more cost-effective and free of side effects, although it remains widely unused due to physician misunderstanding and lack of knowledge concerning the treatment.


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This 7-year study examined data on more than 11,000 cases of nonunion fractures treated with pulsed electromagnetic fields for up to 10 to 12 hours per day. Results indicated an overall success rate of 75 percent.

===This review article looks at the history of pulsed electromagnetic fields as a means of bone repair. The author argues that success rates have been either superior or equivalent to those of surgery, with PEMF free of side effects and risk.

Bronchitis; Results of this double-blind, placebo-controlled study indicated that both low-frequency electromagnetic field treatment and treatment with pulsed electromagnetic fields proved effective in patients suffering from chronic bronchitis when coupled with standard drug therapies. Magnetic field treatment consisted of a total of 15, 15-20-minute daily exposures.


Heart Disease Results of this study found that the addition of magnetotherapy to the treatment of patients suffering from ischemic heart disease and osteochondrosis led to clinical improvements.


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This study examined the effects of millimeter wave therapy in approximately 450 patients suffering from a variety of diseases, including those of the musculoskeletal, digestive, pulmonary, and nervous systems. Treatment consisted of 25-30 minutes per day and generally lasted for a period of up to 10 days. Results showed positive effects in over 87 percent of the patients.

Patients with HypertensionResults of this placebo-controlled study demonstrated a 76-percent effectiveness rate for running impulse magnetic field therapy in a group of arterial hypertensive patients. Treatment consisted of two 25-minute exposures per day .


Another double-blind, placebo-controlled study on patients suffering from first-or second-stage hypertension:

Results: The treatment improved headaches in 88 percent of patients, dizziness in 89 percent, and irritability in 88 percent. In general, 95 percent of hypertensive patients experienced beneficial effects from the treatment, and the morbidity rate decreased twofold following one course extended over a period of 5-6 months.

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Diabetes In this study, 320 diabetics received impulsed magnetic field treatment while 100 diabetics (controls) received conservative therapy alone. Results showed beneficial effects with respect to vascular complications in 74 percent of the patients receiving magnetotherapy combined with conservative methods, compared to a 28-percent effectiveness rate among controls.


Methods: Fifty-six women with FM, aged 18 to 60 years, were randomly assigned to either PEMF or sham therapy. Both the PEMF group (n=28) and the sham group (n=28) participated in therapy, 30 minutes per session, twice a day for 3 weeks. Results: The PEMF group showed significant improvements in FIQ, VAS pain, BDI score, and SF-36 scale in all domains at the end of therapy.

Clinical Journal of Pain: October 2009, Volume 25 , Issue 8, pp 722-728 PEMF therapy for women with fibromyalgia

Studies in RussiaThis review article notes that low-intensity millimeter waves have been used for treating a wide variety of medical conditions in the former Soviet Union since 1977, with more than a million patients treated and more than a thousand treatment centers in existence. This therapy has been approved for widespread use by the Russian Ministry of Health, and over 300 scientific publications have described its effects. A typical course of treatment involves 10-

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15 daily exposures ranging from 15 to 60 minutes each.

C.A. Bassett, “Beneficial Effects of Electromagnetic Fields,” Journal of Cell Biochem, 51(4), April 1993, p. 387-393. =====

AthletesThis review article notes that treatment with an “Infita” apparatus, used to deliver low-frequency magnetic fields, has been shown to improve general hemodynamics and microcirculation in addition to exhibiting anti-inflammatory, sedative, and analgesic effects in Olympic-level Russian athletes.

===This study examined the effects of extremely-low-frequency magnetic fields in the treatment of a group of 650 patients suffering from a host of various diseases. Treatment consisted 15-25 minute daily exposures 5 days per week over a total of 20-25 days. Most patients experienced improvements after 2-3 exposures. Marked improvements were seen with respect to analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and immune-enhancing effects.

V.I. Kovalchuk, et al., “Use of Extremely-Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields in Clinical Practice,” Fizicheskaia Meditzina

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Glaucoma In this study, patients with primary open-angle glaucoma with compensated intraocular pressure were administered magnetotherapy using an ATOS device with 33-mT magnetic field induction. The procedure was administered to a patient in a sitting posture with a magnetic inductor held before the eye. Sessions lasted 10 minutes and each course included 10 sessions. Following 4-5 months of therapy, results showed improved vision acuity 0.16 diopters, on an average of 29 out of 30 eyes with vision acuity below 1.0.

Hair Loss This double-blind, placebo-controlled study examined the effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on hair loss in men suffering from male pattern baldness. PEMF exposures were administered to the head for 12 minutes and were given weekly or twice weekly over a period of 36 weeks. Results found the PEMF treatment both prevented hair loss and promoted regrowth without side effects.

====Headache Results of this double-blind, placebo-controlled study demonstrated that the administration of a pulsed magnetic field for less than one hour to headache patients produced significant beneficial effects, as shown by subjective patient reports, as well as EEG activity.

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This study examined the effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields (20 minutes per day for 15 days) in the treatment of patients suffering from chronic headaches. Results indicated the treatment to be most effective in patients suffering from tension headaches, with 88 percent of such patients reporting positive results.


In this study, 90 headache patients were treated with pulsating electromagnetic fields via large coils to the body for 20 minutes per day for a total of 15 days. Results found the treatment to be either excellent or good for those patients suffering from migraine, tension, and/or cervical headaches.


Herniated Disk This double-blind, placebo-controlled study examined the effects of magnetotherapy in patients following herniated disk surgery. Results showed that 52 percent of patients receiving the treatment compared to 30 percent of controls reported being free of symptoms at the time of hospital release.

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Hip Problems This double-blind study examined the effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on loosened hip prostheses. Results showed an increase of bone density in all patients receiving PEMF treatment compared to only 60 percent of controls. The authors argue such findings suggest PEMF elicits early bone reconstruction, which enhances early weight bearing.


Lung Disease This study examined the effects of low-frequency magnetic fields coupled with conventional therapies in rats suffering from inflammatory lung disease. Results showed that rats receiving the magnetic fields experienced significant reductions in lung abscesses and associated symptoms, and similar beneficial effects were seen among a group of 165 human patients receiving comparable treatment.

===Multiple Sclerosis This article reports on the case of a 55-year-old female chronic progressive multiple sclerosis patient who received a single external application of low magnetic fields (7.5 picotesla; 5-Hz frequency) which lasted 20 minutes. The treatment quickly led to improvements in a variety of areas, including fatigue, sleep, vision, bladder function, movement and speech problems, and mood.

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This article reports on the cases of three patients suffering from long-time symptoms of multiple sclerosis who received treatment with extra cerebral pulsed electromagnetic fields over a period of between 6 and 18 months. Results showed all three patients experienced significant improvements in cognitive functions.


The cases of three female multiple sclerosis patients exhibiting suicidal behavior are discussed in this article. Treatment with pulsed pico tesla-level electromagnetic fields resolved the suicidal behavior in all three patients, an improvement that was maintained over a follow-up period of 3.5 years.


This article reports on the case of a 36-year-old man severely disabled with partial paralysis and lack of coordination. Three treatment sessions per week with pulsed electromagnetic fields over a period of one year led to a range of improvements, including improvements in gait, balance, bowel and bladder functions, vision, mood, and sleep. No progression of symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis was seen throughout the course of EMF treatment.


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Neck Pain.This double-blind, placebo-controlled study examined the effects of low-energy pulsed electromagnetic fields administered via soft collars on patients suffering from persistent neck pain. Results indicated significantly beneficial effects following three weeks of treatment.


Osteoarthritis Results of this double-blind, placebo-controlled study indicated that exposure to pulsed electromagnetic fields had beneficial effects in the treatment of patients suffering from painful osteoarthritis of the knee or cervical spine. PEMF therapy consisted of 18 exposures lasting 30 minutes and administered 3-5 times per week.

The Effect of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee and Cervical Spine. Report of Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Trials,” Journal of Rheumatology, 21(10), 1994, p. 1903-1911.

Osteoporosis This controlled study examined the effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields in women suffering from postmenopausal osteoporosis. Treatment consisted of daily 30-minute exposures for 20 days every six months. Results showed that PEMF treatment combined with 100 IU per day of nasal spray synthetic salmon calcitonin arrested bone decrease and significantly increased bone mass relative to patients receiving drug therapy alone.

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Parkinson’s Disease This article reports on the case of a 73-year-old male Parkinson’s patient suffering from disabling resting and postural tremors in the right hand, as well as other symptoms. Two successive 20-minute treatments led to improvements in visuospatial performance and a legible signature. Significant improvements in Parkinsonian motor symptoms were also seen following additional treatments.


This article reports on the case of a 68-year-old male patient suffering from Parkinson’s disease over a period of 7 years. The patient had experienced little relief from traditional medical therapy. Treatment with PEMF led to quick improvements with respect to tremor and foot dystonia, gait, postural reflexes, mood, anxiety, and cognitive and autonomic functions.


This article reports on the case of a 69-year-old Parkinsonian patient who was able to discontinue most medication for two weeks following two treatment sessions with PEMF therapy. Symptoms recurred after three weeks, and the patient received four more magnetic field sessions on consecutive days after four weeks. The patient was then able to discontinue medications completely.

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Peripheral Neuritis In this study, patients suffering from peripheral neuritis were exposed to high-frequency electromagnetic radiation on acupuncture points. Treatments were daily and lasted 25 minutes. Results showed full restoration of nerve function in 87 percent of patients.

Sleep Disorders Results of this double-blind, placebo-controlled study indicated that low-energy emission therapy significantly improved sleeping patterns among patients suffering from chronic psycho-physiological insomnia. Therapy was administered 3 times per week, always in late afternoon and for 20 minutes, over a period of 4 weeks.


Tendonitis Results of this double-blind, placebo-controlled study indicated that pulsed electromagnetic field therapy exhibited significant beneficial effects in the treatment of patients suffering from persistent rotator cuff tendonitis.

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PEMF – Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field Therapy Devices have been used in conjunction with

medical treatments for:

Diseases of the nervous system: encephalopathy of different genesis, atherosclerosis, post-traumatic, toxic, vertebrobasilar insufficiency with transient disorders of cerebral circulation, neuropathy, plexopathy compression-ischemic, post-traumatic, toxic, alcohol, radiation, infection, allergic, infectious neuritis, toxic etiology, consequences of closed head brain injury, multiple sclerosis, migraine, cerebral palsy.

Diseases of the circulatory system: neurocirculatory dystonia of hypertensive type, hypertension, coronary heart disease with stable angina, heightening tensions, obliterating atherosclerosis of the extremities, varicose limbs with venous insufficiency of phlebitis, thrombophlebitis; lymphostasis postoperative and post-traumatic stress.

Respiratory diseases: chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive bronchitis, acute pneumonia in the stage of resolution, chronic pneumonia in the acute stage, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, pulmonary tuberculosis during treatment with antibiotic therapy.

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Diseases of the digestive system: chronic gastrodoudenit, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic colitis, dyskinesia of the digestive system, chronic hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue: osteochondrosis with vertebrogenic radiculopathy; deforming joint disease, arthritis of different etiology (rheumatoid, infectious, arthritic, psoriatic); osteoarticular tuberculosis during treatment with antibacterial drugs, and the consequences of traumatic injuries of the locomotor system (fractures, dislocations of joints, damage to the menisci of the joints), inflammatory diseases and traumatic injuries of soft tissues, tendons, ligaments, joint capsule (bursitis, ligament, tenosynovitis, etc.), hematoma.In 2004, pulsed electromagnetic field system was approved by FDA as an adjunct to cervical fusion surgery in patients at high risk for non-fusion.

Diseases of the genitourinary system: chronic pyelonephritis, chronic cystitis, a chronic inflammatory disease of female genital mutilation, chronic prostatitis.

Endocrinopathy: diabetic macro-and microangiopathy, diabetic polyneuropathy.

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Know anyone suffering from

enlarged prostate?



Enlarged prostate is a common problem in older males (both humans and non-humans!). Parsemus Foundation sponsored a study by Dr. Raffaella Leoci to investigate a potential new non-invasive treatment in dogs with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The method was very effective at reducing the size of the prostate gland and we expect that it is relevant for human use too. The study was published in the journal The Prostate.


Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an age-related enlargement of the prostate gland. BPH is one of the most frequent medical problems in elderly males. In humans, it can result in urinary tract problems, obstruction of the urethra, sexual dysfunction and blood in the urine. One of the most frequent symptoms is having to get up to use the bathroom multiple times during the night. Older dogs also commonly have BPH and there is little difference from humans in anatomy, physiology and symptoms of this disease.

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The most common clinical sign of BPH in dogs is bloody fluid dripping from the penis not associated with urination. In severe cases it can obstruct the colon and result in constipation.

BPH results from urogenital aging. Recent studies suggest that an age-related impairment of the blood supply to the lower urinary tract plays a role in the development of BPH and thus may be a contributing factor in the pathogenesis of BPH.


The new method used in the study to treat dogs with BPH was pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF). PEMF is a noninvasive method that generates both an electrical and magnetic field and is used in orthopedics, neurology, and urology. It has been reported to have an anti-inflammatory effect and increases healing and blood circulation. The idea of using this method for BPH is to improve prostate blood flow and reduce the size of the prostate gland.

The study included 20 dogs with BPH. They received treatment with PEMF for 5 minutes, twice a day for three weeks. The device was simply held over the skin where the prostate is located. The study used a Magcell® Vetri device from Physiomed Elektromedizin AG, Germany.

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An average 57% reduction in the size of the prostate resulted from PEMF treatment in only three weeks, a remarkable improvement. There was no interference with semen quality, testosterone levels or libido. Doppler parameters showed a reduction of peripheral blood resistances and a progressive reduction in resistance of the blood flow in the dorsal branch of the prostatic artery.

The efficacy of PEMF on BPH in dogs, with no side effects, suggests that it might be a great treatment in humans. The study also supports the hypothesis that impairment of blood supply to the lower urinary tract may be a causative factor in the development of BPH.


The mechanism of action of PEMF on canine BPH is not exactly known and could involve several modalities. It may have an effect on nitric oxide or directly on inflammation. Recent research has shown that PEMF is mediated by an increase in nitric oxide synthesis, which may contribute to the pathogenesis of BPH. By reducing inflammation PEMF may prevent complications or may play a role in reducing changes linked to BPH and related conditions. By producing an increase in blood circulation, PEMF may also help to prevent secondary complications caused by reduced arterial blood flow such as prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland) and improve BPH symptoms.

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A 2011 study in 20 humans indicated that clinical symptoms of BPH were significantly reduced after PEMF application and that the effect lasted at least 12 months.

Further clinical trials could provide additional information on the efficacy of this treatment in humans. While Parsemus Foundation can’t fund a human clinical trial, it is making the information available so that others can.

Since clinical trials are expensive and take time to arrange, some men who are particularly bothered by BPH symptoms, haven’t had success with herbal medicine (like saw palmetto) and don’t want surgery may decide in conjunction with their doctors to get one of the devices and try it.

(Exerpted from the journal The Prostate)


Raffaella Leoci, Giulio Aiudi, Fabio Silvestre, Elaine Lissner, Giovanni Michele Lacalandra (2014). “Effect of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy on prostate volume and vascularity in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: A pilot study in a canine model.” The Prostate. June 9, 2014. (Available online)

A study was done in Greece in 2011 on men 68 to 78 years old suffering from BPH that showed great improvement with PEMF. "There was also a significant improvement in clinical symptoms in patients of the electromagnetic group. Follow-up of the patients of this group for one year revealed that results obtained by PEMFs treatment are still remaining."

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Here is my own experience with BPH. My prostate

grew so large that I was getting up 7 or 8 times a night to

urinate. When I asked my urologist about a minimally

invasive procedure to staple open the urethra called

Urolift, I was disappointed to learn that my prostate was

too large to qualify for this. My doctor told me that my

only option was to have massive surgery to remove my


Fortunately this was right about the time I built our

first PEMF system. At that point, my prostate had become

so large that the only way I could urinate was by using a

catheter which, as you can imagine, was no fun.

My surgeon kept urging me to schedule surgery,

but I decided to try using my Bliss PEMF instead. I did

not get relief right away. It took a while. Two years later,

when I returned to my urologist and asked for another

ultrasound to determine the size of my prostate, he said,

“David, you are older now. Your prostate will not have

gotten smaller. Most likely it is even larger.” But the

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ultrasound showed that indeed my prostate had become

smaller, and now I was eligible for the Urolift treatment.

I continue to use my Bliss PEMF faithfully every

day and am pretty much free of prostate problems. While I

can't claim that using PEMF did shrink my prostate, that

was the only change in my lifestyle, and since then, many

other men using our Bliss PEMF have reported similar

results, so this certainly seems to confirm the results in the

scientific studies that have been done.

If you know anyone suffering from enlarged

prostate, please let them know about this. You could be

doing them a big favor.

-- David Sobers

When we see how many people could benefit from using PEMF, our goal is to do all we can to

make this available to everyone.

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Here is our Bliss Professional

PEMF unit:

Notice the 2 mats

1 in front of her

and 1 behind her.

$1495 complete*

Ask how you can get it for as little as

$79 a month.

Why pay thousands moreto get a unit that is not nearly as good?

*price subject to change

limited availability

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Here is the competition:

The Bemer Pro unit sells for $6,000

The Bemer is very popular and has been around for a long time.

It is a good system.

But we believe our Bliss PEMFis better.

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Why do we believe that our Bliss PEMF is as good as or better than

the $6,000 Bemer?

1. We have a unique 2-mat system that provides an even field through your body.

2. Our system uses a square wave that has proven to be more effective.

3. Our Bliss PEMF is fully adjustable, so you can use frequencies that work well with different health concerns. The Bemer uses just 2 settings: 10 and 33 Hz. Our system is adjustable from 1 to 1,000 Hz.

4. The intensity of the Bemer is very weak -- from just 35 to 350 milligauss.

Our system goes up to 2,000 milligauss. 5. Our clients tell us about the great results

they have gotten with our system. 6. Much of the cost of a Bemer goes to pay

distributors through a network marketing system. You get our Bliss 1600 directly from the manufacturers - us.

And our mission is to makePEMF affordable for everyone who needs it.

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Why pay so much when you can getour proven system that works,

for so much less?

Many people simply can't afford

these expensive units that

really don't accomplish any more than

our Bliss PEMF system.


Take a look at these units that

are much more expensive

but we believe are not as good as

our Bliss PEMF:

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TeslaFit +

This has a control unit, a 12” single

loop coil, a 7” double loop coil, a

half-body mat, a power cord,

and a travel bag.


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Our Bliss 1600 may not look as sleek

as some of these very expensive units,

but our electronics are second to none.







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$21,000 - $21,900

Rental Period: 90 days

Rental Fee: $2,000

Security Deposit: $1,000

The PEMF 120 may be a good unit,

but you can purchase our Bliss PEMF

for a fraction of the cost of

renting the PEMF 120 for 3 months.

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Why is our unique double mat

system better?

This illustrates how quickly the field from a magnetic pulse dissipates as you move away from a PEMF

mat, so when you are lying on your back on a PEMF mat, the top of your

chest is receiving much less treatment than the part of your body that is actually touching

the mat.


only 1/16 the power 4 inches away

only 1/9 the power 3 inches away

only 1/4 the power 2 inches away

1” from source FULL POWER


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Common Frequency Settings Used With Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

For general use, we recommend setting the frequency to 20 to 30 Hz.

For insomnia we recommend 4 or 8 Hz.

Here are some settings that have been used for various conditions:


Fractures 20 minutes 10 or 20 HzOsteoporosis 20 min. 8, 9, 10, 15, or 19 HzTendinitis 10 min. 8 HzLigament injuries 20 min. 10-15 HzFrozen shoulder 20 - 30 min. 7-8 HzTennis or golf elbow 10 min. 8 HzDislocations and sprains 20-30 min. 10 HzHerniated disc 20-30 min. 16-20 or 30 HzRheumatoid arthritis 20 min. 10 or 20 HzFibromyalgia 20 min. 18 HzMusculoskeletal pain 20 min. 10 Hz

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Hypertension (high blood pressure) 20 - 30 at 1-5 40 minutes for chronic cases

Arrhythmia 20-30 at 7-8 HzAngia pectoris 20-30 at 2-8Arteriosclerosis 15 min. at 7-10Poor blood supply (e.g. diabetic foot ulcer)

20 min at 2-6 or 20 HzStroke 15 min. at 7-10 or 20Alzheimer's disease 20-30 at 2-8 HzParkinson's disease 20-30 at 20Headache 15 min. at 3 or 6-10Spinal injuries 20 min. at 20Multiple sclerosis 20-30 at 5, 13, or 20Sensitivity to weather fronts 10 min. at 11-15Stress 15 min. at 3 or 5Depression 10 min at 3 or 20


Diabetes mellitus 15-20 min. 20 HzInflamed liver, pancreas, or colon 20-30 min at 20Crohn's disease 20-30 min. at 20Dental and oral diseases 30 min. at 30Stomach/duodenal ulcer (if no bleeding) 30 min. at 30

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RESPIRATIONBronchitis 12 min. at 4 HzPneumonia, respiratory diseases

20-30 min. at 20Asthma 20 min. at 7-10 or 12-15

WOUNDSWound healing 15 min 1-5 HzPain associated with wound healing

15 min. at 11-15, or 17Bruises 15 min. at 10Phantom pain 15 min at 16-19

OTHERMenstrual pain 20 min. at 5-7 HzErectile dysfunction 20 min. at 6 Hz


PEMF devices are not sold to treat any disease.They are to promote general well-being.

We do not diagnosemedical conditions or prescribe any treatment.

We suggest you look at the scientific studies that have been done to make your own decisions on whether and

how to use this therapy.

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Why suffer from pain if you don't

need to?

Call, text, or email now to

set up an appointment

to try PEMF therapy

for FREE

with no obligation.*

Just say “I'd like to try it.”

*(May be limited to Albuquerque area.)

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Please understand that PEMF mats are sold as general wellness devices. We encourage you to look at the scientific studies that have been done with PEMF in order to make your own decisions about whether and how you may wish to use this therapy.

The information and opinions provided on our website are based upon reputable published journals and first-hand experience but should not be construed as medical advice. If you choose to use any appliance made by us, we make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied with regard to the information or how you use it. Users accept all responsibility for self-experimentation.

We are happy to share with you our own experience using PEMF and that of many of our friends, but we do not know and do not claim that your experience will be similar.

Studies, videos, PEMF customer reviews, papers and links provided here or on our website at LifeCanBeReallyGood, or on any of our websites or others we link to, are not offered to suggest or imply that you will achieve similar results with use of any pulsed electromagnetic field device. Information is for reference purposes only and is not intended to recommend any pulsed electromagnetic field therapy device system as a diagnosis for any illness or disease condition, nor as a product to eliminate disease or other medical condition.

- David Sobers, Ph.D.

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Life Can Be Really Good, LLC

Dr. David Sobers, President &

Jean Sobers, Vice President

Email: [email protected]

Phone (do not text): 505 - 369-5083

Text only: 505-386-3063

Our mission is to make PEMF units affordable for everyone who needs one.

Please tell your friends about us

and about PEMF.

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