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Intro to Radio/TV/Film

Some of the basics you need to know about its history.

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The birth of mass communicationIn 1439 the Gutenberg press was

invented.As a result, communication was


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Transfer of informationOnce was originally passed on

from the state or the church was no more.

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More milestones in the evolution of mass communication

1783 First daily newspaper established: The Pennsylvania Evening Post.

1877 Thomas Edison invents the phonograph.

1927 the first motion picture with sound is invented, The Jazz Singer.

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Two men helped develop Two men helped develop television:television:

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Philo T. FarnsworthPhilo T. Farnsworth1.




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Vladimir K. ZworykinVladimir K. Zworykin


Tried to get a patent but U.S. gave it to Farnsworth




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The emergence of broadcast The emergence of broadcast television gave television gave radioradio (and (and movies) competition. movies) competition. TV had its own challenges1.2.3.4.

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More strikes against TVMore strikes against TV More strikes against TVMore strikes against TV

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TV was the new TV was the new competitioncompetition

TV was not appealing to the masses because:

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TV timelineTV timelineThe year 1939 brought many changes:1. The RCA president,


3. B&W TV

4. The 3 TV networks were:

5. Originally only ___ channels

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1941 & 19421941 & 1942 _____ stations

The first commercial was

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TV in TV in 19481948 TV emerged as a mass medium with a growing audience of more than ________.

TV programming---


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Next Week: Discussion

Write a 1 page report on the (3) major challenges TV &

Radio face today.

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