  • Information and Intention: Framing the QuestionJoseph T. Tennis, Ph.D.

    ADDRESSING INFORMATION LITERACY FRAMES: Authority is Constructed and Contextual, Information has Value

    PRESENTER BIO Joseph T. Tennis, PhD, is an Associate Professor and Director of Faculty Aairs at the Information School of the University of Washington, Adjunct Associate Professor of Linguistics, and a member of the Textual Studies faculty at UW. He is the President of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (2014-2018). He is an Associate Member of the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Study at The University of British Columbia. He has been an occasional visiting scholar at the State University of So Paulo since 2009. His research has been funded by Microsoft, IMLS, and SSHRC. He holds a B.A. in Religious Studies from Lawrence University. He received his M.L.S. from Indiana University and an Sp.L.I.S. in Book History, and the Ph.D. in Information Science from the University of Washington. He works in classification theory, the ethics and aesthetics of information organization labor, the versioning of classification schemes and thesauri, subject ontogeny, information provenance, authenticity metadata, and the comparative discursive analysis of metadata creation and evaluation, including archival metadata, both contemporary and historical.

    THURSDAY, MAY 21st 12:45 pm 1:45 pm

    PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION In the twenty-first century we are faced with many information challenges. Some have proposed that we are living in the Anthropocene, a geologic time period marked by the human eect on the earth. It started with the industrial revolution. In terms of scientific investigation, Leslie Burkholder (1992 and 1998), Tyrrell Bynum (Cavalier 2000), and later Luciano Floiridi (2002) have said we are now in an Information Turn in relation to how we perceive the word and what we know about it. This mimics the linguistic turn declared after the work of Gottlob Frege (1884) and later Ludwig Wittgenstein (1953). All of these conceptualizations of where we are now give me pause. We are shaping the geologic record and we see what we know about the world through language and increasingly through an ontological commitment that everything is information. This means when we think about our work as information professionals (ne librarians) we must ask what we are doing to shape experiences. Are we acting with intention or are we merely reacting to what appears in our environment? In this talk I introduce a few conceptions I have been working on about intentionality and how we organize knowledge, and in companion I will talk about libraries as place in this milieu of an anthropocentric and information-focused world. I will do this with some history, comparative or even counter-arguments, and a few ethics arguments drawn from contemplative traditions.

  • Library as Natural Ecosystem & Portal to Other WorldsBrenda Peterson

    PRESENTER BIO Brenda Peterson is a novelist, memoirist, and nature writer, author of 18 books, including a New York Times Notable Book of the Year, Duck and Cover. Her newest work, Your Life is a Book: How to Craft & Publish Your Memoir, co-authored with New York literary agent, Sarah Jane Freymann, oers accessible and inspiring writing techniques, exercises, and publishing tips. Peterson lives in West Seattle and is the founder of the Seattle-based grassroots conservation group Seal Sitters. Since 1993 she has contributed environmental commentary to NPR and is a frequent commentator to The Huington Post. Peterson's recent memoir, I Want to Be Left Behind: Finding Rapture Here on Earth was named among the "Top Ten Best Non-Fiction Books" by The Christian Science Monitor. The book was also chosen by independent booksellers nationwide as an Indie Next Top Pick and a Great Read. Watch Nancy Pearl's BOOK LUST video interview with Brenda.

    THURSDAY, MAY 21st 2:00 pm 3:00 pm

    PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION Following Petersons presentation, she will be engage participants in an activity, Learners Tell Their Story.

    Peterson's first memoir, Build Me an Ark: A Life with Animals, was chosen as a Best Spiritual Book of 2001, and was translated into Chinese. Her non-fiction books include Living by Water and the National Geographic book, Sightings: The Gray Whales Mysterious Journey. Peterson's first childrens book, Leopard & Silkie, is a winner of the National Science Teachers Association for "Outstanding Books of 2013 for K-12." Petersons work has appeared in many national publications, including The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Utne Reader, Orion, and Oprah magazine. Since 1993 she has contributed environmental commentary for Seattles NPR stations.

  • Guiding Student Inquiry Through Semiotics and Research StrategiesHeather Jean Uhl, MLIS & Deborah Murphey, BA, MFA


    PRESENTER BIO Heather Jean Uhl, MLIS, is a Faculty Librarian at Everett Community College and supervises the acquisitions and cataloging unit. As an adviser to the Japanese Club Heather works with EvCC's Nippon Business Institute to provide cultural activities for the campus and community. Heather also gives lectures on academic aspects of anime and manga at Sakuracon. Heather is also an artist advocate for Meijipunk: a hybrid fashion aesthetic steeped in history and multiculturalism aligned with the international Steampunk movement. Heather also collects and studies kimono and oers demonstrations and workshops on dressing etiquette for both men and women.

    FRIDAY, MAY 22nd 8:30 am 9:30 am

    Join Deborah Murphy (EvCC English Faculty) and Heather Jean Uhl (EvCC Library Faculty) for a presentation about three years of collaborative work teaching ENGL 102 Composition II. In this course students acquire and apply research techniques and visual thinking strategies to the exploration and analysis of a planned, designed, and built environment. Hear from Deborah and Heather about how they have structured and re-structured the research process through information literacy workshops, flipped classrooms, Canvas, and other collaborative learning techniques, to support strong student inquiry through engagement with spaces both real and imagined.

    ADDRESSING INFORMATION LITERACY FRAMES: Research as Inquiry, Searching as Strategic Exploration

  • Guiding Student Inquiry Through Semiotics and Research StrategiesHeather Jean Uhl, MLIS & Deborah Murphey, BA, MFA

    PRESENTER BIO Deborah Murphey, BA, MFA, is a Senior Associate faculty member in the English Department at Everett Community College, where she created and has taught the English 102D themed courses based on designed and built spaces for the past 10 years. In this course, students choose a locally accessible place as their topic for a quarter-long research project. In addition to academic sources, students also engage in their own primary ethnographic exploration with a site visit and in-person interview around their topic-place in order to interpret culturally the meanings and messages therein. In addition to teaching English 101 and 102 courses, Deborah is a fiction and screenwriter and a continuing student of media-driven pop culture in America.

    FRIDAY, MAY 22nd 8:30 am 9:30 am

    ADDRESSING INFORMATION LITERACY FRAMES: Research as Inquiry, Searching as Strategic Exploration

  • Teaching Information Creation as a Process in an Era of Web-Scale Discovery

    Kevin Seeber, Ph.D.

    PRESENTER BIO Kevin Seeber is Assistant Professor and Library Instruction Coordinator at Colorado State University-Pueblo, where he also serves as the Government Documents Librarian. Prior to coming to Colorado in 2011, he earned his MLIS at Florida State University while working in that campus's main library for five years. His research interests broadly relate to instruction and assessment of information literacy, as well as the aective experience of information seeking. He subscribes to a lot of John Dewey's philosophies regarding Experiential Education, and also agrees with much of Paulo Freire's Critical Pedagogy. As this relates to library instruction, he supports James Elmborg's Critical Information Literacy, and thinks it is the duty of librarians to encourage students to evaluate not just "sources of information, but the processes which create, disseminate, edit, censor, buy, and sell that information.

    FRIDAY, MAY 22nd 9:45 am 10:45 am

    PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION Now that the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy has been filed, many academic librarians are wondering how to address its concepts in practice, asking questions like What does this look like in a classroom? This presentation addresses the frame Information Creation as a Process, and includes an overview of the concept itself, as well as discusses potential classroom activities and assessments. Although some of the session content will be theoretical, attendees will also see how the Framework could be directly applied towards teaching students how to navigate the rapidly changing world of online search.

    ADDRESSING INFORMATION LITERACY FRAME: Information Creation as a Process

  • Developing Visual Literacy: Images as InformationBridget Nowlin, MA, MLIS

    PRESENTER BIO Bridget Nowlin, MA + MLIS, is the Visual Arts Librarian at Cornish College of the Arts, and an educator with 20+ years of experience in libraries, the visual arts, museums, art history, curriculum development, and curation. She is an author of several curricula including Picturing America: Principled Dissent and Democratic Practice for the UW Bothell Goodlad Institute for the NEHs Picturing America initiative; Gene(sis): Contemporary Art Explores Human Genomics curriculum for the Henry Art Gallery; and The Visual Classroom: Integrating Photography into the School Curriculum for the Museum of Photographic Arts. She has curated several exhibitions and is currently working on her latest, Stitch in Time: Imogen at Cornish focusing on the work of Imogen Cunningham. She also curated Merce Cunningham in the Northwest at Cornish, as well as Outta My Light! Picturing the Processes of Photography for the Henry Art Gallery. She is a practicing visual artist, whose work is included in several private and public collections.

    FRIDAY, MAY 22nd 11:00 am 12:00 pm

    PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION Cornish College of the Arts oers a distinctive blend of visual and performing arts grounded in a core curriculum of humanities and sciences. With a focus on the visual and performing arts, and a campus community of visual/aural/kinesthetic learners, our patrons interests are often making and doing, rather than engaging in conventional academic research. Consequently, our librarians collaborate with faculty to align students own practices in the studio/performance space with more traditional academic research processes. This interactive presentation will demonstrate a pedagogical technique, utilizing the Visual Thinking Strategies developed by Philip Yenawine and Abigail Housen, that I use in our discipline-specific research studios to increase students visual literacy skills. Use of the term research studio is intentional -- the Library brings the concept of the studio as a place of creative practice into our students research practice.

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