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Classification and K-Nearest Neighbors

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Administriviao Reminder: Homework 1 is due by 5pm Friday on Moodle

o Reading Quiz associated with today’s lecture. Due before class Wednesday.



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Regression vs ClassificationSo far, we’ve taken a vector of features and predicted a numerical response

Regression deals with quantitative predictions

But what if we’re interested in making qualitative predictions?


y = �0 + �1x1 + �2x2 + · · · �pxp

(x1, x2, . . . , xp)

$360, 000 = �0 + �1 ⇥ (2000 sq-ft) + �2 ⇥ (3 bath rooms)

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Classification Examples


Text Classification: Spam or Not Spam

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Classification Examples


Text Classification: Fake News or Real News

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Classification Examples


Text Classification: Sentiment Analysis (Tweets, Amazon Reviews)

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Classification Examples


Image Classification: Handwritten Digits

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Classification Examples


Image Classification: Stop Sign or No Stop Sign (Autonomous Vehicles)

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Classification Examples


Image Classification: Hot Dog or Not Hot Dog (No real application whatsoever)

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Classification Examples


Image Classification: Labradoodle or Fried Chicken (Important for not eating your dog)

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Classification with Probability


In classification problems our outputs are discrete classes

Goal: Given features predict which class belongs to x = (x1, x2, . . . , xp) Y = k, x

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Classification with Probability


In classification problems our outputs are discrete classes

Goal: Given features predict which class belongs to x = (x1, x2, . . . , xp) Y = k, x

Conditional probability gives a nice framework for many classification models

Suppose our data can belong to one of classes

We model the conditional probability for each

and we make the prediction

k = 1, 2, . . . ,K

p(Y = k | x) k = 1, 2, . . . ,K

y = argmaxk

p(Y = k | x)

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Classification with Probability


In classification problems our outputs are discrete classes

Goal: Given features predict which class belongs to x = (x1, x2, . . . , xp) Y = k, x

Example: In Spam Classification, the features are the words in the email

The classes are SPAM and HAM

We estimate and p(SPAM | email) p(HAM | email). r

€0.75= o .zs y



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K-Nearest Neighbors


AllLabeledData TrainingSet ValidationSet

Our first classifier is a very simple one

Assume we have a labeled training set

Features can be anything: words, pixel intensities, numerical quantities

Instead of continuous response, now have discrete labels (encoded as 0, 1, 2, etc)

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K-Nearest Neighbors


General Idea: Suppose we have an example that we want to classify

o Look in training set for K examples that are “nearest” to

o Predict label for using majority vote of labels for K nearest neighbors

Questions: o What does “nearest” mean?

o What if there’s a tie in the vote?




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K-Nearest Neighbors



o Find : the set of K training examples nearest to

o Predict to be majority label in

Question: o What does “nearest” mean?

Answer:o Measure closeness using Euclidean Distance:


y NK(x)

kxi � xk2


gtest Example

Tnthimng vector

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K-Nearest Neighbors


Euclidean Distance:

o 1-NN predicts: _________

o 2-NN predicts: _________

o 5-NN predicts: _________

kxi � xk2

Classes = { RED ,Blue 3

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K-Nearest Neighbors


Euclidean Distance:

o 1-NN predicts: _________

o 2-NN predicts: _________

o 5-NN predicts: _________

kxi � xk2


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K-Nearest Neighbors


Euclidean Distance:

o 1-NN predicts: blue

o 2-NN predicts: _________

o 5-NN predicts: _________

kxi � xk2


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K-Nearest Neighbors


Euclidean Distance:

o 1-NN predicts: blue

o 2-NN predicts: unclear

o 5-NN predicts: _________

kxi � xk2


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K-Nearest Neighbors


Euclidean Distance:

o 1-NN predicts: blue

o 2-NN predicts: unclear

o 5-NN predicts: red

kxi � xk2

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What About Probability?


o 5-NN:

p(Y = k | x) = 1




I(yi = k)


: -


p ( Y = Blue / x ) - }=

ftp.REDK/)=3@I (b) = { 1 it b is true

0 IF b is FADE

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What About Ties?


Lots of reasonable strategies

Example: If there is a tie: o reduce K by 1 and try again.

o repeat until the tie is broken.

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K-Nearest Neighbors


Predict with

Closest Points:


y K = 1

N, 1×1

= { Coin }

ya= RED

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K-Nearest Neighbors


Predict with

Closest Points:


y K = 2

[ Nzlx ) > 310,4/11,4 ) }

t µ , (1) a { ( 0,2 ) }

RED =p

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K-Nearest Neighbors


Predict with

Closest Points:


y K = 3

N } ( x ) = { ( 0,2 ) , 11,4 )( 2) 4)}

ya= BLUE

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A Subtle Distinction


o KNN is an instance-based method

o Given an unseen query point, look directly at training data and then predict

o Compare to regression where we use training data to learn parameters

o When we learn parameters we call the model a parametric model

o Instance-based methods like KNN are called non-parametric models

Question: When would parametric vs non-parametric make a big difference?


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Naïve Implementation


How much does KNN cost?

Suppose your training set has n examples, each with p features

Now you classify a single example

Naïve Method: Loop over each training example, compute distances, cache min indices

o The naïve method is ___________ in time

o The naïve method is ___________ in space


klxi - x 113

ocpn )olpn )

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Tree-Based Implementation


Build a KD- or Ball-tree on the training data

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Tree-Based Implementation


Build a KD- or Ball-tree on the training data

Higher up-front cost in time and storage to build data structure

Up-front cost is ___________ in time and ___________ in space

Now you classify a single example

Classification time for single query is ______________

Good strategy if lots of data and need to do lots of queries


ocpnlogn) Ocpu)


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Performance Metrics and Choosing K


Question: How do we evaluate our KNN classifier?

Answer: Perform prediction on labeled data, count how many we got wrong

Question: How do we choose K?

Error Rate =1




I(yi 6= yi)

[# wrong PRED


# predictions

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Performance Metrics and Choosing K


Like all models, KNN can overfit and underfit, depending on choice of K

K = 1 K = 15 DECISION


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Performance Metrics and Choosing K


Choose optimal K by varying K and computing error rate on train and validation set

o Note: Plot vs 1/K

o Lower K leads to more flexibility

o Choose K to minimize validation error

0.01 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.50 1.00













Training ErrorsTest Errors.


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Feature Standardization


o Important to normalize/standardize features to similar sizes

o Consider doing 2-NN on unscaled and scaled data


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Feature Standardization


o Important to normalize/standardize features to similar sizes

o Consider doing 2-NN on unscaled and scaled data


= BLUE ya = RED

0 o

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Generalization Error and Analysis


Bias-Variance Trade-Off: o Pretty much analogous to our experience with polynomial regression

o As , variance increases and bias decreases

Reducible and Irreducible Errors: o This is more interesting, and more complicated

o What follows applies to ALL classification methods, not just KNN

1/K ! 1

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The Optimal Bayes Classifier


Suppose we knew the true probabilistic distribution of our data:

Example:o Equal prob a 2D point is in Q1 or Q3

o If point in Q1, 0.9 probability it’s red.

o If point in Q2, 0.9 probability it’s blue.

o If classifier uses true model to predict…

o will be wrong ______ of time on average

o Bayes Error Rate = ____________

p(Y = k | X)



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The Optimal Bayes Classifier


The Bayes Error Rate is the theoretical measure of Irreducible Error

o In long run, can never do better than the Bayes Error Rate on validation data

o Of course, just like in the regression setting, we don’t actually know what this error is. We just know it’s there!

0.01 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.50 1.00













Training ErrorsTest Errors




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K-Nearest Neighbors Wrap-Up


o Talked about the general classification setting

o Learned how to do simple KNN

o Looked at possible implementations and their complexity

Next Time: o Look at our first parametric classifier: The Perceptron

o Kinda a weak model, but forms the basis for Neural Networks

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If-Time Bonus: Weighted KNN


Question: What should 5-NN predict in the following picture?

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If-Time Bonus: Weighted KNN


Question: What should 5-NN predict in the following picture?

Standard KNN would predict red, but it seemslike there are almost asmany blues and they’recloser.
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If-Time Bonus: Weighted KNN



o Find : the set of K training examples nearest to

o Predict to be weighted-majority label in , weighted by inverse-distance

Improvements over KNN:

o Gives more weight to examples that are very close to query point

o Less tie-breaking required


y NK(x)

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If-Time Bonus: Weighted KNN


Question: What should 5-NN predict in the following picture?

Red Distances:

Blue Distances:

Red Weighted-Majority Vote:

Blue Weighted-Majority Vote:


0.5, 0.5
1/0.5 + 1/0.5 = 2 + 2 = 4
4 > 3 -> predict Blue
1, 1, 1
1/1 + 1/1 + 1/1 = 3
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