
4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd ii

Table of Contents

1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 1

2 Applicant Details .................................................................................. 2

2.1 Attachment 1A: Proof of Occupier Status ...................................................................... 2

2.2 Attachment 1B: ASIC Company Extract ........................................................................ 5

3 Premises Details .................................................................................. 8

4 Proposed Activities (Attachment 3B) ............................................... 10

4.1 Construction ................................................................................................................. 10

4.2 Attachment 3A: Environmental Commissioning ........................................................... 11

4.3 Operations.................................................................................................................... 14

5 Approvals and Consultation (Attachment 5) ................................... 20

6 Emissions, Discharges and Waste ................................................... 22

6.1 Attachment 6A: Emissions and Discharges ................................................................. 22

6.2 Attachment 6B: Waste Acceptance ............................................................................. 24

7 Siting and Location ........................................................................... 25

7.1 Climate ......................................................................................................................... 25

7.2 Topography .................................................................................................................. 25

7.3 Geology and Soils ........................................................................................................ 25

7.4 Hydrology ..................................................................................................................... 25

7.5 Sensitive Receptors ..................................................................................................... 26

8 Additional Supporting Information (Attachment 8) ........................ 29

8.1 Odour Impact Assessment ........................................................................................... 29

8.2 Acoustic Assessment ................................................................................................... 30

8.3 Fire Water Management .............................................................................................. 30

9 Fee Calculation .................................................................................. 31

10 Limitations ......................................................................................... 32

11 References ......................................................................................... 33

List of Figures

Figure 1: Site Detail ..................................................................................................................... 9 Figure 2: Siting and Location ................................................................................................... 28

List of Tables

Table 1: Construction activities ............................................................................................... 11 Table 2: Project Approvals ....................................................................................................... 20 Table 3: Consultation Summary .............................................................................................. 20 Table 4: Emissions and Discharges ........................................................................................ 22 Table 5: Waste Acceptance ...................................................................................................... 24 Table 6: Sensitive Land Uses ................................................................................................... 26 Table 7: Environmentally Sensitive Receptors ...................................................................... 26

4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd iii

Table 8: Cost Estimate (Attachment 9) ................................................................................... 31

List of Appendices

Appendix A Design Drawings Appendix B Emergency Management Plan and Spill Response Guide Appendix C Trade Waste Approval Appendix D Fire Water Drainage Assessment Appendix E Inspection and Maintenance Schedule Appendix F Odour Assessment Appendix G Acoustic Assessment

4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd 1

1 Introduction

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd (Cleanaway Daniels [formerly Daniels Health Services Pty Ltd])

propose to relocate its operations from 19 Coolibah Way, Bibra Lake (L8461/2010/2) to a

purpose-built facility at 92 Radium Street, Welshpool, Western Australia. Cleanaway Daniels has

identified the need to relocate from the existing depot in Bibra Lake to Welshpool (a Cleanaway-

owned site) to facilitate growth and increase efficiencies to its existing operations.

The site will receive and store medical waste, incorporated in the following categories under

Schedule 1 of the Environmental Protection Regulations 1987:

• Category 61A: Solid waste facility: premises on which solid waste produced on other

premises is stored, reprocessed, treated or discharged onto land.

• Category 62: Solid waste depot: premises on which waste is stored or sorted, pending

final disposal or re-use.

Cleanaway Daniels specialises in the collection, treatment, and disposal of medical and health

related wastes with operations developed over 30 years of R&D and listening to the needs of

health professionals.

Cleanaway Daniels (Bibra Lake) is WA’s only fully licenced medical waste autoclave plant,

providing the most cost-effective and environmentally sustainable treatment for medical waste

in the state. However, at the existing facility, only one truck can unload/load at any point in time.

The new site at Welshpool will consist of six separate loading/unloading docks which, coupled

with process optimisations and stringent controls, will facilitate more efficient operations.

4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd 2

2 Applicant Details

2.1 Attachment 1A: Proof of Occupier Status

Please refer overleaf for:

• Certificate of Title for 92-94 Radium Street North, Welshpool (registered to Transpacific

Industries Pty Ltd)

• Certificate of Registration on Change of Name from Transpacific Industries

Pty Ltd to Cleanaway Operations Pty Ltd.

Cleanaway Operations Pty Ltd and Cleanaway Daniels Services Pty Ltd are both 100% owned

subsidiaries of Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd.

4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd 5

2.2 Attachment 1B: ASIC Company Extract

Please refer overleaf for a copy of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)

extract for Cleanaway Daniels Services Pty Ltd.

ASIC Forms Manager Australian Securities & Investments Commission Company Officeholders


Company details

Date company registered


Company next review date


Company type Australian Proprietary CompanyCompany status RegisteredHome unit company NoSuperannuation trustee company


Non profit company No

Registered office


Principal place of business


Ultimate holding company


ACN 101 155 220

Incorporated in AUSTRALIA

Document history

These are the documents most recently received by ASIC from this organisation.

Received Number Form Description Status 16-03-2021 2EDI76267 484 CHANGE TO COMPANY DETAILS Processed and imaged16-03-2021 2EDI76263 484 CHANGE TO COMPANY DETAILS Processed and imaged02-11-2020 1EUQ75191484 CHANGE TO COMPANY DETAILS Processed and imaged

ASIC Home | Privacy Statement | Conditions of use | FeedbackCopyright 2003 Australian Securities & Investments Commission.

4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd 8

3 Premises Details

Figure 1 (Attachment 2) depicts the general site location and prescribed premises boundary.

4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd 10

4 Proposed Activities (Attachment 3B)

The general site layout is depicted in the drawings included in Appendix A, as per the

Development Application (DA) that received approval on 15 February 2021.

The operational facility is expected to receive a total of 6,000 tonnes per annum, as per existing

Licence, of mixed medical waste and cardboard/paper (refer breakdown in Table 5).

The specialist equipment currently onsite at Bibra Lake that will be relocated to the new facility

in Welshpool includes:

• Boiler, with associated water treatment and blow down receiver

• Autoclave

• Shredder

• Washline (separate to the S2000 described below)

• Weigh docks.

Equipment that will be introduced to the site, includes a washline (S2000), which is specialist

equipment that will be mobilised directly to the Welshpool site from Cleanaway in Melbourne.

As part of the relocation to Welshpool, several key improvements will be incorporated into the

site design and layout, including:

1. Re-asphalting the site

2. Improved water management:

a. Replacement of two existing soak wells with sealed pits

b. Linking all pits and all down pipes to a sealed storm water network

c. Trapping and condensing of autoclave steam and disposal to Trade Waste

d. Dedicated bunding, sumps and pipework to Trade Waste

e. Bunding to forklift trafficable areas and factory

3. Single direction traffic flow through the site

4. Installation of an automated bin tipping and washline (S2000)

5. Bin lifters to eliminate manual handling

6. Change from LPG (bullet) onsite to reticulated natural gas

7. Increased area for site amenities and additional car bays.

4.1 Construction

The site works involve demolition of the existing hardstand area, as per the demolition plan

(20251-A101) included in Appendix A.

4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd 12

• Testing of hydraulic circuits – rams open and close per design

• Testing of conveyor line – runs the correct way, correct speed

• Testing of electrical circuits – motors turning the correct rotation, immersion heaters


• Testing of interlocks – microswitches ensure that equipment cannot operate without

guards / protective mechanisms engaged. Bins are successfully unlocked and emptied into

the cart.

The S2000 washline shall be dry commissioned with empty bins to ensure that the plant is

operating correctly. Once dry commissioning is complete, wet commissioning can be conducted

using waste. During wet commissioning, the waste is emptied via a hopper/chute into the waste


The S2000 unit is located within a bunded hardstand area connected to a lined sump. The waste-

collecting cart is positioned beneath the S2000 hopper/chute.

During wet commissioning, the washline shall be stopped immediately and the necessary

adjustments made, if:

• The water level fails to reach the required set-point

• The bins are not unlocked

• The bins do not empty correctly

• The bins are not washed properly. Unwashed bins shall be moved back to the start of the

washline and commissioning monitored

• The bins are not dried properly. Undried bins shall be moved back to the start of the

washline and commissioning monitored

• The water level inside the washline runs high and the water overflows the unit.

If there are issues during wet commissioning, the equipment shall be de-energised, plant

accessed and then bins removed. Personnel will wear suitable PPE for the task.

Any loss of containment within the bunded area shall trigger implementation of the procedures

within the Emergency Management Plan and Spill Response Guide, included as Appendix B. The

procedures include isolation, containment, neutralisation, clean-up, and disposal, including

diversion of water to the lined sump for Trade Waste disposal (refer Section 4.3.1).

Emissions from the commissioning of the washline are expected to include noise and

wastewater. Given the location is within the warehouse noise is not expected to be significant.

Wastewater is discharged to the lined sump for ultimate disposal to Trade Waste (approval

received 20 April 2021; Appendix C).

It is expected commissioning of the washline will take five business days to complete assuming

there are no major complications.

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Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd 13

4.2.2 Boiler

The emissions and discharges expected from the boiler commissioning process are noise and


A specialised Controls Contractor shall be engaged by Cleanaway to disconnect the boiler at

Bibra Lake and reconnect at the Welshpool site. The commissioning shall be completed by a

boiler maintenance provider who shall be responsible to ensuring the boiler is compliant with

Australian Gas Association (AGA) requirements. The contractor will be responsible for:

• Fitting a new burner suited to Natural Gas.

• Fitting a new burner control panel suited to the new burner and AGA approved.

• Fitting a new burner fuel gas train suited to the new burner and AGA approved.

• Fitting a new insulation block as the current unit is not present.

• Engaging the WA EnergySafety representative to witness the installation and conduct

their own inspections to ensure compliance and provide certification before the

equipment can be operated.

The boiler shall be energised and control system verified to be working properly. The boiler

blowdown shall then be tested.

Once the boiler commissioning is complete then the autoclave shall be tested. Commissioning

for the boiler and autoclave is expected to take five days if no major faults are detected.

4.2.3 Autoclave

The emissions and discharges expected from the autoclave commissioning process are noise,

odour, and wastewater.

The autoclave control system shall be energised. The autoclave shall be heated to 150°C and

pressurised to 350 kPaG.

The programmable logic controller (PLC) shall step the process from start to finish and if any

issues arise, the PLC logic shall be adjusted or the suspect part replaced and the process

restarted. If a flange connection in the steam or condensate lines is found to be loose, the

process can be stopped, the flange re-torqued and the process re-started.

The autoclave is located on a hardstand in a bunded area that is designed to contain 1.8 m3,

which is greater than the volume of condensate produced per cycle. As a result, any loss of

containment shall be isolated, contained and diverted to one of the two 5,000 L lined sumps for

disposal to Trade Waste.

Once dry commissioning is successfully completed, carts with waste shall be loaded into the

autoclave for wet commissioning:

• If the boiler trips, the carts can remain in the autoclave and the process restarted

• If the PLC detects that the pressure, temperature or duration are not achieved then the

process shall fault and raise an alarm. Troubleshooting will identify the cause, which will

4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd 14

be rectified without needing to remove the carts from the autoclave. The process can

then be restarted

• If a flange connection in the steam or condensate lines is loose, the process can be

stopped, the flange re-torqued and the process re-started. Note that flange integrity

would have been previously tested during dry commissioning.

Once the internal commissioning is completed a representative from Industrial and Biomedical

Electronic Services (IBES) shall attend site and conduct their independent compliance and

certification testing. IBES install test tubes in three locations in each of the six carts to ensure

the integrity of the sterilisation process. IBES attend site on an annual basis to re-certify the

autoclave process.

After IBES sign-off, the autoclave then the autoclave waste could be used to then commission

the shredder.

4.2.4 Shredder

The only emission expected during the commissioning of the shredder is noise, however the

shredder is located within the main warehouse which will mitigate its impact to the surrounding

environment (refer attached drawings).

Installation and commissioning shall be undertaken by the specialist who installed the

equipment at the current location (Bibra Lake) and includes the following steps:

• Shredder is energised

• Testing of hydraulic circuits

• Testing rams open and close per design

• Motors turning in the correct rotation

• Testing of interlocks – microswitches ensure that shredding process cannot commence

without guards / protective mechanisms engaged.

The shredder shall be dry commissioned with an empty cart to ensure the plant is operating

correctly. Once dry commissioning is complete, wet commissioning can be conducted with

sterilised waste from the commissioned and certified autoclave.

The intention of the shredder is to remove any reference to a patient or hospital so that the

waste is no longer identifiable/traceable. During commissioning, if the shredder is not

functioning properly then the process can be stopped at any time with negligible risk of loss of


Commissioning for the shredder is expected to take three days if no major faults are detected.

4.3 Operations

Cleanaway Daniels propose to commence full site operations, including the receipt of waste and

operation of all infrastructure, following the completion of construction and submission of the

4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd 15

Environmental Compliance Report, and subsequent Licence Application. Operations are

proposed to commence under the conditions of the Works Approvals (time-limited operations).

Most of the waste is received and processed onsite before being collected for ultimate disposal

at an offsite licensed landfill facility, the remaining clinical waste that is not suitable for landfill

disposal is containerised and removed from site for incineration.

Truck drivers will arrive at the site early in the morning (0230-0500) in personal vehicles and

depart in Cleanaway trucks bound for various sites to collect waste. The trucks will be parked

facing the site exit so no reversing will be required in the morning and the time from engine start

to site departure is minimised. Trucks will arrive back at the site to process waste at staggered

times, but most typically during the afternoon (1400-1600), Monday-Friday.

Following waste collection and on arrival at the site, the drivers wheel the double stacked bins

out of the trucks to the weigh scales/bin lifter. Each bin is independently weighed and scanned

by the driver then wheeled into the full bin storage area. The drivers then load empty bins into

their trucks and make their deliveries, exchanging empty bins with full bins. The truck fleet

consists of seven (7) trucks; two large trucks that will load/unload via the larger loading docks in

the southeast area of the site, and five small trucks that will load/unload via the diagonal loading

bays in the central northeast area of the site.

Operations personnel move the full bins (typically the 120 L and 240L capacity bins) to the

tipping area and load the waste materials into the autoclave carts. Once six carts are full, the

autoclave cooking process is commenced. Following completion of the autoclave process, the

cart contents are transferred to the waste bin for later disposal (expected to be removed from

site daily). The emptied carts are then moved to the undercover storage area. The waste bin

(cooked waste storage) hardstand area is screened on the two sides visible from Railway Parade.

The smaller (14-50 L) empty bins are loaded onto the S2000 washline (refer attached drawings)

and automatically opened, washed, and dried, then transferred to the clean bin storage area.

The larger (120-240 L) empty bins are inspected, treated, and washed in the bin wash area. After

cleaning, the bins are moved to the clean/empty bin storage area.

Shred-X drivers attend site daily (0900-1600 Monday to Friday) in a van to collect paper and

cardboard in the loaded wheelie bins.

The containers of clinical waste that are dispatched to the eastern states for incineration (as

specified and contracted by the originator) are collected weekly, during operational hours, via a


The site is designed to facilitate a one-way traffic flow to reduce congestion and requirement

for trucks to reverse unnecessarily. Vehicles will enter the site via Railway Parade and exit via

Radium Street.

4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd 16

4.3.1 Water Management

The site water management design includes a stormwater circuit for ultimate discharge to the

drainage swale, and lined sumps for disposal via Trade Waste (Figure A).

The stormwater from low-risk asphalt surfaces (i.e. where no bins or containers or stored and

outside any of the bunded or washdown areas) and roof runoff via downpipes are connected to

a stormwater circuit, comprised of lined pits; there are no soak wells onsite. The inert water

from this circuit is ultimately discharged to the drainage swale in the northern corner of the site.

Stormwater collected from 240 m2 of external hardstand areas where bins and containers are

stored, washdown and external bunded areas, will be directed to a series of lined sumps, which

are connected to the two 5,000 L sumps, for ultimate disposal to Trade Waste. The sumps are

fitted with suspended sediment traps to collect any foreign material to prevent egress to the

Trade Waste system.

All water from within the factory area, including wash water contained by the rollover bunds,

and process water from the autoclave, condenser boiler, washline, and bin wash areas will be

captured and diverted to the 10,000 capacity lined sumps, for ultimate disposal via Trade


The Trade Waste approval was received on 7 May 2021 and is included as Appendix C, with

associated approved plans showing the lined sump circuit connected to the two 5,000 L pits for

ultimate disposal to Trade Waste. In accordance with the approval, a final site inspection will be

undertaken by Water Corporation prior to any discharge being permitted. Water quality

monitoring shall be undertaken, and sump contents must be within pH range 6-10 and below

38°C prior to discharge.

4.3.2 Fire Management

The fire protection system at the site (Figure B) include detectors, sirens, hose reels,

extinguishers, and strobe lights. Fire Water

A fire water drainage assessment report was prepared and outlines the site retention capacity

for fire water in combination with a 1:20 year stormwater event (Appendix D).

Rollover bunds shall be fitted within the factory space, including the loading docks and roller

door areas. Automated valves will isolate the stormwater circuit and sumps connected to the

two 5,000 L sumps in the event of a fire to ensure that no fire water will be discharged to either

the drainage swale or Trade Waste, respectively.

The assessment (Pritchard Francis 2021) concludes that the site has adequate buffer to retain

all firewater onsite with the ability for the fire water to be removed offsite via vacuum truck,

with a collection point accessible from offsite.

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Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd 17

Figure A: Stormwater Design (figure source: Norman Disney & Young 2021)

4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

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Figure B: Fire Protection System (figure source: Norman Disney & Young 2021)

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360 Environmental Pty Ltd 19

4.3.3 Emergency Response

In the unlikely event of a loss of containment during operations at the site, the Emergency

Management Plan and/or Spill Response Guide (both included as Appendix B) will be

implemented to ensure the incident is managed appropriately and to minimise any resultant

risks to human health and the environment.

4.3.4 Inspection and Maintenance Schedule

The autoclave is inspected and tested once every five weeks, in addition to biannual compliance


Maintenance for all infrastructure is undertaken as recommended in the manufacturer’s

specifications, or as required, with weekly inspections undertaken in accordance with

Appendix E.

4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd 25

7 Siting and Location

Cleanaway Daniels Health Services is proposing to relocate its operations from Bibra Lake to

Welshpool. The new purpose-built facility is going to be located at 92 Radium Street, Welshpool,

Western Australia. The location is in the Metropolitan Region Scheme industrial zone and under

general industry for Canning Local planning scheme (DPLH, 2021). There are no Aboriginal

settlements layout plan, Aboriginal Lands Trust Estate, Aboriginal Heritage nor Historic heritage

places or Historic heritage local heritage survey found within the proposed area.

Figure 2 (Attachment 7) shows the site location and nearest sensitive receptors.

7.1 Climate

Welshpool is within an area described as having a Mediterranean climate, characterised by hot,

dry summers, and mild, wet winters. Rainfall is seasonal and generally confined to the winter

months. The mean annual maximum and minimum temperatures are 24.6°C and 12.2°C,

respectively. The highest daily temperatures are typically recorded in February, which has a

monthly mean maximum 31.9°C, where the lowest minimums are typically recorded in July,

which has a monthly mean minimum of 8.0°C.

Winds are typically characterised by easterlies in the morning and southwesterlies in the


7.2 Topography

The site elevation profile is 16 AHD, with areas to the south of the site elevation declining 10 AHD

and continues to decline further south of the site.

7.3 Geology and Soils

The site is located on the Swan Coastal Plain, which is divided into several geomorphological

features. The site is located within the Bassendean Dune system and the Perth 1:50,000

Environmental Geology Map indicates that sub-surface conditions generally comprise

Bassendean Sands: very light grey at surface, yellow at depth, fine to medium grained, sub-

rounded quartz, moderately well-sorted, and of eolian origin.

7.3.1 Acid Sulfate Soils

The site is located within an area of moderate risk of Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) within 3m below

natural ground level. However, the entire site is hardstand and hence ASS is not considered a

risk for this proposal.

7.4 Hydrology

7.4.1 Groundwater

The depth of the water table from the site surface is about 5m and the nearest base aquifer is

28 m going down. In terms of the water quality around the site, the ground water salinity ranges

4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd 29

8 Additional Supporting Information (Attachment 8)

8.1 Odour Impact Assessment

Environmental and Air quality Consulting Pty Ltd (EAQ Consulting) completed a Desktop Impact

Assessment (the study) for the relocation of the waste facility to Welshpool (Appendix F).

The study followed the DWER 2019 Guideline “Odour emissions” for determining the risk posed

by odour to the sensitive receptors, considering:

• The location, proximity and sensitivity of receptors

• The management of odour sources and activities

• The intensity and offensiveness of the odour

• Potential odour impacts from other nearby sources

• The topography and complexity of terrain

• The size and/ or complexity of the facility when compared with other Australian


• Any unusual configuration of odour sources or technology compared with other

Australian operations

• Whether the proposal is in a Strategic Industrial Area (SIA)

• The presence of multiple industry categories which may emit odours on the same site

• Current and cumulative impacts from odour

• Pathways and impacts on sensitive receptors.

The study shows that the location of the new facility is in an industrial land use area which

enhance mechanical turbulence at ground level due to physical structures and odour trapped at

ground level can be readily broken and dispersed. The site is not impacted by natural terrain

features and the wind types that may contribute to the dispersion of wind to nearby sensitive

receptors are the northerly and westerly winds.

The nearest sensitive receptor is a residential area which is 110 m away from the site. Odour

from the site will be originating from the autoclave located within the main warehouse on the

Railway Parade side of the site. Based on the existing Bibra lake operations the autoclave odour

emission risk is low, although the autoclave at Bibra Lake vents directly to the atmosphere. The

proposed site will have an upgraded autoclave process where the odour from the autoclave vent

will be drawn down through water scrubbing inside the vent and retained in the condensate.

Localised odours from the washed bins/receptacles and sanitised container storage areas are

low intensity odours that are largely retained within the site boundaries.

An operational odour analysis was conducted using information from the existing Bibra lake


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360 Environmental Pty Ltd 30

Odour Control Measures

The primary odour source at the site is the autoclave process and considering this, the new

autoclave process will involve two key operational controls to mitigate the odour emissions from

this aspect of the facility:

• Autoclave steam condensed using mains water (compared to the current operations in

Bibra Lake where the autoclave steam is a direct air emission via the stack). The

condensed steam will be captured and transferred directly to the lined sump via

underground pipework.

• Negative pressure vacuum created within the autoclave vessel prior to opening of the

vessel door, which will reduce the air emissions released following each operation of the

autoclave (compared to current operations in Bibra Lake where the pressure differential

within the vessel results in an emission upon opening of the vessel door).

The containment of condensate and process runoff liquids within bunds (where applicable) and

diverted via closed pipework to the sump. The 10 kL lined sump will have an interceptor

arrangement (2-chamber, each 5,000 L) that controls the flow of solids allowing free-flowing

liquids. The sump contents are discharged via the Trade Waste Unit designed to Daniels’ capacity

and in accordance with licensing through the Water Corporation.

The odour study concludes that the risk of odour to nearby receptors in Welshpool will be low.

The odour footprint from the existing Bibra Lake Facility, which is largely confined to the Facility

boundary, is not expected to increase due to the relocation; rather, the odour footprint will

decrease due to the upgrading of the process at the new facility.

8.2 Acoustic Assessment

Although the majority of the noise-generating truck activity (i.e. reversing, loading and

unloading) occurs 1400-1600 Monday to Friday and the noise-generating equipment (autoclave,

washline, pressure washer etc.) are located within the main warehouse, there is a residential

area within the 200 m buffer zone and hence a formal acoustic assessment was undertaken and

is included as Appendix G.

The assessment considered that the period with the greatest potential for loss of amenity to

residential receptors is the night-time period, prior to 7am. During this early morning period,

some truck movements are expected although it is unlikely that these movements will be

discernible from those on Sevenoaks Road, or Leach Highway. The predicted noise emissions for

the operations were modelled for both internal operations and truck movements as these were

considered the “worst case” scenarios for noise emission.

The acoustic modelling concluded that the facility will comply with the requirements of the

Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 (as amended) at all times.

8.3 Fire Water Management

The fire water drainage assessment is summarised in Section 4.3 and included as Appendix D.

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360 Environmental Pty Ltd 32

10 Limitations

This report is produced strictly in accordance with the scope of services set out in the contract

or otherwise agreed in accordance with the contract. 360 Environmental makes no

representations or warranties in relation to the nature and quality of soil and water other than

the visual observation and analytical data in this report.

In the preparation of this report, 360 Environmental has relied upon documents, information,

data and analyses (“client’s information”) provided by the client and other individuals and

entities. In most cases where client’s information has been relied upon, such reliance has been

indicated in this report. Unless expressly set out in this report, 360 Environmental has not

verified that the client’s information is accurate, exhaustive or current and the validity and

accuracy of any aspect of the report including, or based upon, any part of the client’s information

is contingent upon the accuracy, exhaustiveness and currency of the client’s information. 360

Environmental shall not be liable to the client or any other person in connection with any invalid

or inaccurate aspect of this report where that invalidity or inaccuracy arose because the client’s

information was not accurate, exhaustive and current or arose because of any information or

condition that was concealed, withheld, misrepresented, or otherwise not fully disclosed or

available to 360 Environmental.

Aspects of this report, including the opinions, conclusions and recommendations it contains, are

based on the results of the investigation, sampling and testing set out in the contract and

otherwise in accordance with normal practices and standards. The investigation, sampling and

testing are designed to produce results that represent a reasonable interpretation of the general

conditions of the site that is the subject of this report. However, due to the characteristics of

the site, including natural variations in site conditions, the results of the investigation, sampling

and testing may not accurately represent the actual state of the whole site at all points.

It is important to recognise that site conditions, including the extent and concentration of

contaminants, can change with time. This is particularly relevant if this report, including the

data, opinions, conclusions and recommendations it contains, are to be used a considerable time

after it was prepared. In these circumstances, further investigation of the site may be necessary.

Subject to the terms of the contract between the Client and 360 Environmental Pty Ltd, copying,

reproducing, disclosing or disseminating parts of this report is prohibited (except to the extent

required by law) unless the report is produced in its entirety including this page, without the

prior written consent of 360 Environmental Pty Ltd.

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360 Environmental Pty Ltd 33

11 References

Bureau of Meteorology. (2021). Climate statistics for Australian locations. Available at:

Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. (2021). PlanWA Tool. Available


Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. (2021). Aboriginal Heritage Places - GIS Dataset.

Department of Water and Environmental Regulation. (2020). Contaminated Sites Database - GIS


Department of Water and Environmental Regulation. (2021). Groundwater Proclamation Areas.


Department of Water and Environmental Regulation. (2021). Surface Water Proclamation


Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, (2019). Guideline: Odour emissions,

Western Australia: Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.

Environmental Protection Authority, (2005). Guidance for the Assessment of Environmental

Factors (in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1986, Western Australia:

Environmental Protection Authority.

4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd


4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd

Appendix A Design Drawings

4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd

Appendix B Emergency Management Plan and Spill

Response Guide

Emergency Management Plan Welshpool WA

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Revision Description Reviewed Date Approved Date

A Draft AP 20/12/2020 JR 20/12/2020

0 Issued for Use AP 23/12/2020 JR 23/12/2020

1 Updated AP 23/04/2021 JR 23/04/2021

Emergency Management Plan

HS – Welshpool, WA

Emergency Management Plan Welshpool WA

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1.0 Contents

1.1 Cleanaway Disaster Management Framework .................................................. 4

1.2 Site Emergency Details ......................................................................................... 4

1.3 Fire Fighting Media............................................................................................... 6

1.4 Muster Points, Assembly Areas, Shelters and Other Resources ....................... 6

1.5 Essential Services ................................................................................................... 7

1.6 Neighbouring Community .................................................................................... 7

2.0 RISK ASSESSMENT & RESPONSE PROTOCOL .......................................................... 8

2.1 Emergency Control Organisation ........................................................................ 9

2.2 Cleanaway Emergency Notification..................................................................... 9

2.3 Legal and Licence Requirements ......................................................................... 9

2.4 Notification to Government Bodies...................................................................... 9

2.5 Personnel with a Disability ................................................................................... 9

3.0 PREVENTION ARRANGEMENTS ................................................................................ 10

3.1 Preparedness ........................................................................................................ 10

4.0 RECOVERY ARRANGEMENTS.................................................................................... 18

4.1 Post Trauma Recovery ........................................................................................ 18

4.2 Stakeholder Management ................................................................................... 18

4.3 Recovery Planning ............................................................................................... 19

5.0 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................... 20

5.1 Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan Template ............................................. 20

5.2 Issue Resolution Procedure ................................................................................ 22

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6.0 Document Control Information ......................................................................................... 22

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2.1 Emergency Control Organisation

The roles of the Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) are detailed in AS3745 5.7 Primary Roles and Duties. The ECO is responsible for administering the Warden system and plans for the management of emergencies.

This plan is to be discussed, with matters arising from the following: • Evacuation exercise requirements • Implementation of suggestions and ideas from other staff • Any modifications to Buildings or Plant necessitating changes to the Plan • Review the written Plans • Staff training needs

This plan will be reviewed every twelve months, and immediately following an incident, to ensure that the information it contains is accurate and current.

The ECO will conduct an Emergency Management Rehearsal at least twice a year.

2.2 Cleanaway Emergency Notification

Refer to the Issue Resolution Incident Response and Investigation procedure for details of Cleanaway’s internal reporting requirements.

2.3 Legal and Licence Requirements

• Licencing requirements – nil • Legal requirements – Reportable Incidents as per Work Health and Safety Act 2011

2.4 Notification to Government Bodies

• Injury, illness or dangerous incident as per WHS act & regulations 2011 • Environmental Incidents or harm as per Environmental Protection Act 1986

2.5 Personnel with a Disability

At the time of the EMP Risk Assessment, no persons with disability were identified.

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3.1 Preparedness

In addition to the preparation of this Emergency Management Plan, sites will: • Conduct Hazards and Aspect inspections to ensure site exposure to hazardous events is reduced as low as


• Identify sources of risk and manage those risks using the Risk Management process to ensure they are as low as practical.

• Fire/ Explosion Response

• All attempts to respond to an emergency should at all times ensure personal safety and only be attempted if within the capabilities of the individual.

• Upon discovering a Fire, the First Responder should:

• Alert and evacuate nearby personnel located in the vicinity of the affected area.

• Ensure evacuation is upwind where practicable by referring to wind sock.

• Immediately notify Emergency Response Team personnel and emergency services (if required).

o When contacting emergency services, state the following:

o Your name

o Company name

o Type of incident

o Address of incident and nearest cross street, state and suburb

o Types of injuries

o Any other relevant information

• Where safe shutdown plant as per shutdown procedure.

• Where safe isolate power source and ignition sources.

• Stay in communication until told otherwise.

• Attempt to contain, control and extinguish the fire (if safe and you are trained to do so).

• The Emergency Response Team will raise the alarm and proceed with evacuation if necessary.

• Ensure the safety and well-being of personnel and attend to the injured.

• Secure the scene and assist external emergency services.

• Institute a roll-call of personnel, contractors and visitors.

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• Terminating Emergency:

• After all clear is given from emergency services and Chief Warden.

• Chief Warden in conjunction with site management to debrief staff.

• Controlled / Orderly return to work.

• Damaged and affected areas to be barricaded or locked out until repairs are carried out.

• Ensure preservation of evidence and provide cooperation with statutory investigations.

• Notify local authorities (through relevant Sr HSBP and environmental business partner) including DWER, Local Council, Health Department, Comcare (where required).

• Medical Emergency

• All attempts to respond to an emergency should at all times ensure personal safety and only be attempted if within the capabilities of the individual.

• Check for threatening situation and remove persons from danger if required.

• Remain with the casualty and provide support.

• Immediately call the Emergency Response Team (specifically First Aid Personnel) for assistance.

• Where required, call emergency services.

• When contacting emergency services, state the following:

o Your name

o Company name

o Type of incident (e.g. if injury is of a High-Pressure Water Penetration nature, relay this immediately)

o Address of incident and nearest cross street, state and suburb

o Types of injuries

o Any other relevant information (e.g. if casualty is on a walkway with ladder only access, communicate this to emergency services)

• Stay in communication until told otherwise

• If conscious, try to ascertain what condition the affected person is suffering.

• In the case of a steam burn, put casualty under safety shower for a minimum of 20 minutes to cool burn, apply steam burn dressing and wait for emergency services.

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• Personal Threat

• In the event of a civil disturbance:

• Ensure your Chief Warden is notified immediately

• Notify the Police by dialling “000” (112 for mobiles) and request assistance

• Do not say or do anything that may encourage irrational behaviour

• Remove any objects in accessible locations that could be used as weapons or missiles by aggressive trespassers

• Alert other personnel in your vicinity of the threat

• Evacuation should be considered (if safe to do so)

• External Emergency impacting on Premises

• All attempts to respond to an emergency should always ensure personal safety and only be attempted if within the capabilities of the individual.

• Make the area safe and contact Emergency Response Team.

• Contact Emergency Services if necessary;

• When contacting Emergency Services, state the following:

o Your name

o Company name

o Type of incident

o Address of incident and nearest cross street, state and suburb

o Types of injuries, property damage or environmental harm sustained

o Any other relevant information

• Stay in communication until told otherwise.

• Implement any other applicable emergency procedure.

• Terminating Emergency:

• After all clear is given from emergency services and Chief Warden

• Chief Warden in conjunction with site management to debrief staff

• Controlled / Orderly return to work

• Damaged and affected areas to be barricaded or locked out until repairs are carried out

• Ensure preservation of evidence and provide cooperation with statutory investigations.

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• Bomb / Substance Threat

• Any person who receives a bomb / substance threat should remain calm and take the

following steps:

• Ask the following questions

• Where did you put the bomb/substance?

• When is the bomb going to explode?

• When did you put it there?

• What does the bomb/substance look like?

• What kind of bomb/substance is it?

• What will make the bomb explode?

• Did you place the bomb/substance?

• Why did you place the bomb/substance?

• Is the substance a liquid, powder or gas?

• What is your name?

• Where are you now?

• What is your address?

• Try to record the exact wording of the threat.

• Try to keep the caller talking and complete the Bomb Threat Checklist (do not hang up because the call may be traced).

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• In the event of a Product Spill or Environmental incident

1. Incident Identified

• It is the responsibility of each worker to be vigilant in the recognition of potential environmental conditions that may lead to environmental incidents. On identification contact the Emergency Response Team.

2. Can the Incident be contained locally?

• In determining whether the incident can be contained locally, employees involved must consider the risks to personal health and safety, protection of plant and property and protection of the environment including blocking drains, covering pits and stopping any product entering the sediment ponds. If there is any doubt as to local containment, the appropriate Emergency Services must be called.

3. Call Emergency Services

• In the event of an incident that is beyond local containment capability, notify the Emergency

• Services. If required by legislation, Cleanaway (through relevant National HSE Manager and Environmental Manager) will notify the relevant government authorities of the incident, including how the incident occurred, measures that have been undertaken to rectify the situation and any impacts that the incident has had on the environment. Government Authorities to be notified are:


• Local Council

• Health Department

• Fire and Rescue

• Comcare

4. Employ Containment Procedures

• Once an incident has been identified, all efforts must be undertaken to contain and minimise the effect of the incident on the environment. This can be achieved by isolating the cause and erecting suitable barriers to prevent the spread or flow of the incident. In most cases there are actions to isolate or eliminate the cause. These actions should only be undertaken if safe to do so, following correct manual handling procedures, using applicable equipment and wearing correct PPE:

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• In the case of punctured drum it can be rolled over so that the puncture is on the top

• In the case of fallen drum leaking from the top it can be stood back up

• Move the drum/container to a restricted area to prevent spill entering stormwater

• Broken/damaged pipe may be stopped by closing up-stream valve or shutting down a pump.

• For onsite spills, the site has a closed stormwater system from the yard back, however efforts should be made to protect the stormwater system and prevent further contamination. Should a product reach the stormwater system, go to the next drain in the sequence and check if the spilt product has reached it. If it has, go to the next drain in the sequence until there is no evidence of the spilt product. Remove the contaminated stormwater from drains using the yard truck or pump into the appropriate tank for treatment.

5. Notify the Branch Manager

• Every environmental incident must be reported to the Branch Manager as soon as is

• practically feasible; no matter how insignificant the incident may appear. The Branch

• Manager is required to contact & liaise with the nominated Environmental Specialist.

6. Instigate Clean-up and Rehabilitation

• The Branch Manager has the responsibility of co-ordinating the clean-up and rehabilitation of the affected site to an acceptable standard. All waste shall be segregated where possible and stored and disposed as per the Waste Management Plan.

• For external spills – please complete the External Spill Response Checklist

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• Spill Emergency Process – Onsite Liquid Waste Spill

Isolate Area

Report to Emergency Controller

Develop a specific emergency response plan in consideration of

the risks identified in the SDS

Contact Crisis Management Team if required

Spill identified

Identify substance – check SDS

Can the spill be controlled safety?


If possible, isolate the spill at the source.

Contain spillage from unsealed areas and stormwater drains

Clean up spill with absorbent or vacuum tanker

where possible.

Dispose of waste appropriately

Notify Environmental Specialist and Line

Management in accordance with reporting protocol


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• Gas Leakage

• In the event of a Gas Leak:

• Isolate the Gas supply at the source (if safe to do so)

• Notify the Fire Brigade by dialling “000” (112 for mobiles)

• Shutdown the air conditioning to prevent the spread of any flammable or toxic gases

• Remove any ignition sources (if safe to do so)

• Evacuate to safe area and contact the Branch Manager

• Await advise from emergency services

• If Branch Manager not on site, advise the Branch Manager of outcome.

• Natural Events

• In the event of a flood, severe storm, earthquake, bushfire:

• If safe to do so shut down plant as per shutdown procedure and isolate any other power, gas, water sources.

• Contact Emergency Response Team.

• Contact Emergency Services if necessary;

• When contacting Emergency Services, state the following:

o Your name

o Company name

o Type of incident

o Address of incident and nearest cross street, state and suburb

o Types of injuries, property damage or environmental harm sustained

o Any other relevant information

• Stay in communication until told otherwise.

• Implement any other applicable emergency procedure.

• When the natural event occur outside hours, where safe to do so the Chief Warden or their representative should visit the site to isolate any power, gas and water sources and provide access to emergency services where required

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5.1 Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan Template


Name: ...........................................................................................................


Building/Facility ...........................................................................................................

Floor ...........................................................................................................

Room Number ...........................................................................................................

Is an Assistance Animal involved? Yes _ No _

Are you trained in the emergency response procedures (including the evacuation procedures)?

Yes _ No _

Preferred method of receiving updates to the emergency response procedures: (Please state, e.g. text, email, Braille etc.)


Preferred method for Notification of Emergency: (Please state, e.g. visual alarm, personal vibrating device, SMS, etc. Add lines as necessary)


Type of assistance required: (Please list procedures necessary for assistance. Add lines as necessary)




Equipment required for evacuation: (Please list. Add lines as necessary)




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Egress procedure:

(Give step by step details. Add lines as necessary)

1. .........................................................................................................................................

2. .........................................................................................................................................

3. .........................................................................................................................................

4. .........................................................................................................................................

Designated assistants and contact details: (Please list name, phone, mobile, email. Add lines as necessary)





Are your designated assistants trained in the emergency response procedures (including the evacuation procedures)?

Yes _ No _

Are your designated assistants trained in the evacuation equipment?

Yes _ No _

Diagram of preferred route for assisted evacuation:

(Please provide diagram)

Issue Date: ..... / ..... / ........ Review Date: ..... / ..... / ........

Occupant approved: .................................................................. Date: ..... / ..... / ........


Chief Warden: ............................................................................ Date: ..... / ..... / ........

Spill Response Guide Version:

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4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd

Appendix C Trade Waste Approval

Conditions of approval:

• Acceptance criteria for trade waste

• Trade waste charges

• Trade waste monitoring points

• Trade waste permits

• Trade waste flow metering

Drawings • Cooling pit boiler blow down

• Trade waste monitoring point

• Trade waste sampling point

General Conditions1 Discharge

(a) The approval holder must ensure that trade waste is discharged:(1) from waste producing processes;(2) by pretreatment and monitoring equipment; and(3) within the quality, quantity and rate discharge limits specified in this approval.

(b) The Water Corporation will determine, in its absolute discretion, whether the approval holder has complied with the quality, quantity and rate oftrade waste discharge limits specified in this approval.

(c) The approval holder must immediately report to the Water Corporation any failure of a fixture, fitting or pipe that is part of or connected to theproperty sewer connection or any other event that impacts or is likely to impact on the quality or quantity of trade waste discharged by the approvalholder.

(d) The approval holder must obtain the Water Corporation's written consent before changing:(1) the process of discharging trade waste;(2) any fixture, fitting or pipe that is part of or connected to the property sewer connection; or(3) the nature, quality, discharge rate or discharge volume of trade waste.

2 Maintenance of fittings, fixtures and pipesThe approval holder must:(a) appropriately maintain all fixtures, fittings and pipes that are part of or connected to the property sewer connection;(b) appropriately install any fixtures, fittings and pipes that are required to be installed as a condition of this approval in accordance with Water

Corporation requirements and standards(c) provide the Water Corporation with written notice of any pump out of trade waste pretreatment and monitoring equipment within 7 days of the

clearance.3 Charges and fees

The approval holder must pay all charges and fees applicable to this approval.4 Close of business

The approval holder must provide the Water Corporation with written notice within 14 days of the approval holder selling or closing its businessconducted on the property applicable to this approval.

5 IndemnityThe approval holder indemnifies the Water Corporation in respect of any claim, action, damage, loss, cost, charge, expense, outgoing or paymentwhich the Water Corporation suffers, incurs or is liable for in respect of any accident, damage, loss or injury to:(a) the Water Corporation's sewer or other property;(b) any authorised officer, servant, agent, contractor or employee of the Water Corporation; or(c) any third party,directly or indirectly arising from the approval holder's breach of the conditions of this approval.

6 Interruptions to service(a) The Water Corporation may from time to time, prevent or restrict the approval holder from discharging trade waste during any maintenance or

inspection of the Water Corporation's sewers or related works.(b) The approval holder will not be compensated for any interruption to the approval holder's ability to discharge trade waste.

7 Right of entryThe Water Corporation or any authorised officer, servant, agent, contractor or employee of the Water Corporation may, at any time and without notice,enter the approval holder's property to read meters, conduct an inspection, review maintenance records, take samples, attach identification tags to anyfixtures or fittings that are part of or connected to the property sewer connection or obtain evidence in relation to the approval holder's breach orsuspected breach of this approval.

8 Approval details to be correct(a) This approval is void where any information or detail included in this approval is altered or incorrect.(b) The approval holder must immediately provide the Water Corporation with written notice of any incorrect information or detail included in this

approval.9 Compliance with laws

The approval holder must comply, and ensure that all officers, servants, agents, contractors or employees of the approval holder comply, with allrelevant laws and the conditions of this approval, when discharging trade waste.

10 Breach of approvalIf the approval holder breaches any condition of this approval, the Water Corporation may do one or more of the following:(a) give a compliance notice to the approval holder;(b) amend the conditions of this approval, including so that the discharge of trade waste is no longer covered by this approval;(c) revoke this approval; or(d) seek an order against the approval holder under section 127 of the Water Services Act 2012 (WA) for the recovery of the water service charges,

including interest.11 Transfer of approval

At the written request of the approval holder, or an incoming occupier or owner of the property applicable to this approval, the Water Corporation may,in its absolute discretion, transfer this approval to the incoming occupier or owner of the property.

12 Amendment of approval(a) This approval and its conditions supersede any other trade waste discharge approval or permit issued by the Water Corporation prior to the date of

this approval.(b) The Water Corporation may amend or remove any condition of, or impose a new condition on, this approval at any time by written notice, including

upon the transfer of this approval under condition 11 of this approval.(c) At the written request of the approval holder, the Water Corporation may, in its absolute discretion, amend the conditions of this approval.

13 PrivacyThe Water Corporation may provide grease arrestor clearance information to liquid waste contractors engaged in the servicing of grease arrestors,including:(a) the grease arrestor barcode;(b) the required pump out frequency; and(c) business identification details,for the purpose of ensuring that the conditions of this approval are complied with.

4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd

Appendix D Fire Water Drainage Assessment

Pritchard Francis 20-250 Daniels Health Relocation Fire Fighting Drainage Assessment Report

Table of Contents

1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 3 2 Site Conditions ............................................................................................................................................... 4 3 Fire and Stormwater Quantities ....................................................................................................................... 4

3.1 Fire Water Discharge Volume ........................................................................................................... 4 4 Site Fire Water and Stormwater Retention Capacity ........................................................................................ 5

4.1 Existing Inground Infrastructure Retained Volume ............................................................................. 5 4.2 Pavement Surface Retained Volume ................................................................................................ 5 4.3 Building Floor Area ........................................................................................................................... 5

5 Summary Chart of Areas and Volumes ........................................................................................................... 5 6 Fire Scenario .................................................................................................................................................. 6

6.1 Stormwater and Trade Waste Isolation ............................................................................................. 6 6.2 Operation in Fire Mode and the FIP Interface .................................................................................... 6 6.3 Contained Fire Water and Stormwater Removal ............................................................................... 6

7 Completion ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

Appendix 1 Feature Survey 2002275 FS-001-B

Appendix 2 Fire and Stormwater Detention Drawing 20250-FW-01-A

Appendix 3 Civil 3D Generated Fire Water Storage Extents 20250-C9-SK-01-A

Appendix 4 AS 2419.1 Fire Hydrant Installations Cover Sheet AS2419.1 – 2017 Cover Sheet

Appendix 5 City of Canning Stormwater Drainage Information Sheet

Appendix 6 Isolation Valves and Actuators

Pritchard Francis 20-250 Daniels Health Relocation Fire Fighting Drainage Assessment Report

1 Introduction

Pritchard Francis have been engaged by Cleanaway to undertake a review of the existing and proposed works at Lot 23 (# 92-94) Radium Street Welshpool and provide an assessment of the site retention capacity for firefighting surface water in combination with a 1:20 year rain event.

Documents used for reference and to provide this assessment are as follows with copies located in the appendix at the rear of this report:

Land Surveys Site Feature Survey Drawing (2002275 – FS -001) Pritchard Francis Fire Water In-Ground Infrastructure Layout Drawing (20250 – FW – 01 A) Pritchard Francis Appendix 3 Civil 3D Generated Fire Water Storage Extents 20250-C9-SK-01-A AS 2419.1-20017 fire hydrant installations (cover sheet only for reference) City of Canning Information Sheet – Stormwater Drainage Belimo brand valves and actuators

The site is as indicated below

Pritchard Francis 20-250 Daniels Health Relocation Fire Fighting Drainage Assessment Report

2 Site Conditions

Based on site visit investigations, the Land Surveys site feature survey, and Pritchard Francis layout drawing, the site will be predominantly impermeable surface (building and asphalt) drained via two drainage points. One being a pit and pipe stormwater drainage system into the City of Canning piped stormwater drainage network, with the second being discharge of process water via two 500 litre cooling sumps into the metered trade waste discharge to sewer.

Site pavement levels generally vary between RL 12.40 at the lowest point in the north west corner up to a maximum of RL 13.45 at the western side. The pavement is undulating to create stormwater flow into the stormwater drainage pits and then via the inground piped system to the City of Canning stormwater connection point at the north west corner of the site.

To create the extent of fire and storm water storage indicated on the Pritchard Francis drawing 20250-C9-SK-01 as included at Appendix 3, a rolled asphalt formed edge bund finished at RL 12.80 will be installed along the eastern boundary and part of the northern boundary to the extents shown on the drawing to provide the water containment as indicated.

The flow path of fire and stormwater to the catchment containment area shaded green on the drawing at Appendix 3 is via overland flow path direct to the catchment area or via overland flow path into pits and then via the underground stormwater drainage infrastructure.

The City of Canning stormwater pipe discharging from the site is 375mm diameter and is currently a direct connection without any means of isolation between the site and the City of Canning drain. A new automatically activated stormwater isolation valve linked into the fire alarm system will be installed as part of the new works on site to enable isolation of the stormwater outlet in the event of a fire situation.

Trade waste discharge to sewer from the site, per Trade Waste Permit Number 18410, will be via two 5,000 litre inground cooling pits, connected into the Water Corporation sewer system at the north west corner of the site. The trade waste connection is inclusive of an existing manually operated isolation valve. This valve will be upgraded as part of the new works on site to an automatically activated valve linked into the fire alarm system.

3 Fire and Stormwater Quantities

3.1 Fire Water Discharge Volume

Firefighting water supply is provided in accordance with the requirements of the Australian Standard for firefighting installations AS2419.1-2017. In the event of a fire, firefighting water will initially be applied by on site personnel using the existing fire hose reels until fire brigade arrive, at which point firefighting will be undertaken by the fire brigade using existing street hydrants located adjacent and outside of the site on Radium Street and Railway Parade.

In accordance with AS2419.1 – 2017, the flow rate per hydrant is calculated at the rate of 10 litres per second over a duration of four hours.

Utilising the two street hydrants simultaneously, this equates to a fire water volume over a four hour period of 288 cubic metres.

3.2 Stormwater Catchment Volume

Assuming the fire occurs during a rainfall event, the required design parameters for stormwater design capacities as defined within the City of Canning Information Sheet – Stormwater Drainage, requires a design for a 1:20 year rainfall event.

Utilising the City of Canning design criteria, a 1:20 year event is calculated by multiplying a drainage coefficient of 0.0150 by the impervious lot area to establish the stormwater volume.

Utilising the total site area of 5,570 square metres x coefficient of 0.0150 the volume of stormwater equals 83.55 cubic metres. By using the total site area, this then includes total building roof area plus total external pavement area to establish the total rainfall water volume.

Pritchard Francis 20-250 Daniels Health Relocation Fire Fighting Drainage Assessment Report

6 Fire Scenario

6.1 Stormwater and Trade Waste Isolation

In the event of fire within the building, the building fire alarm will be activated by detectors located within the building.

Fire alarm activation will also trigger automatic actuation of the isolation valves installed on the stormwater and trade waste disposal systems at the point of connection into the offsite disposal systems.

These automatically activated valves will be in-line butterfly type valves with large torque multi function actuators, all compliant with “WATERMARK” requirements as administered by the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB). An example of the actuators and valves is the Belimo brand products as included at Appendix 6. Activation of the valves will shut off any disposal of liquids from within the site to external sources via the infrastructure drainage systems, noting that the fire water and stormwater containment volumes are based on a four hour duration.

6.2 Operation in Fire Mode and the FIP Interface

The automatic valves are spring operated and are powered open under normal operation, thereby creating a fail safe spring operated closing operation in the event of power failure. Power to each valve would be switched through a 24VDC fire shutdown relay. On activation of a fire alarm, power would be disrupted to the electric actuator holding the valve open and the valve would then be closed by spring activation. The fire shutdown relay will be located in an electrical control enclosure for each valve and wired back to the FIP general fire alarm cabling.

When the fire alarm is re-set, each valve would drive open for normal discharge operation.

The selected Belimo actuator is inclusive of a handwheel for manual operation to re-set to open in the event of power failure, with details and data sheets located at Appendix 6

6.3 Contained Fire Water and Stormwater Removal

To enable removal of the contained fire and stormwater in the event of a fire, a new 225mm diameter drainage line with a new pump pit will be installed from the north east corner of the site to the north west corner of the site along the alignment of the northern access driveway.

The 225-diameter pipe will be laid to falls to provide gravity flow to the new pump pit located inside the site at the north west corner. The pump pit has a raised lid to prevent local water inundation and is located such that fire water can be removed from the site by vacuum truck without the need for the vacuum truck to access the hot site.

The pipe and pump pit are shown on the Pritchard Francis drawing Fire Water In-Ground Infrastructure Layout Drawing (20250 – FW – 01 A) located at Appendix 2 of this report.

7 Completion

Once the environmental requirements have been completed and signed off by relevant personnel with respect to disposal of fire fighting water, and the site is ready to return to operation, the stormwater and trade waste isolation valves will be reset to the open position.

A site management plan and suitable training of site personnel will be provided and undertaken by Cleanaway to ensure the system is controlled, maintained, and operated in accordance with the requirements of this report and Authorities approvals and licenses.

Pritchard Francis 20-250 Daniels Health Relocation Fire Fighting Drainage Assessment Report

Appendix 1 Feature Survey 2002275 FS-001-B

Pritchard Francis 20-250 Daniels Health Relocation Fire Fighting Drainage Assessment Report

Appendix 2 Fire and Stormwater Detention Drawing 20250-FW-01-A

Pritchard Francis 20-250 Daniels Health Relocation Fire Fighting Drainage Assessment Report

Appendix 3 Civil 3D Generated Fire Water Storage Extents 20250-C9-SK-01-A

Pritchard Francis 20-250 Daniels Health Relocation Fire Fighting Drainage Assessment Report

Appendix 4 AS 2419.1 Fire Hydrant Installations Cover Sheet

Pritchard Francis 20-250 Daniels Health Relocation Fire Fighting Drainage Assessment Report

Appendix 5 City of Canning Stormwater Drainage Information Sheet

INFORMATION SHEET - STORMWATER DRAINAGE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS All developments within the City are required to provide stormwater drainage within their lot boundaries. Stormwater management needs to be designed such that each lot manages and disposes of stormwater without impacting neighbouring lots. A stormwater drainage plan must be approved by the City for all developments.

The stormwater disposal method will vary depending on the site conditions, and various stormwater disposal systems can be implemented, which include the following:

• On-site disposal via soakwells • On-site disposal via soakwells with an overflow connection to the City's drainage system • Detention on site (via Drainage Pits) and discharged into the City’s drainage system.

STORMWATER DISPOSAL METHOD On-site disposal Within the City of Canning, most developments are suitable for on-site disposal of stormwater via soakwells. The capacity of the soakwells can be determined using the calculations below.

Off-site disposal (Connect to the City’s Drainage System) Where a development is not suitable for on-site disposal of stormwater via soakwells, connection to the City’s stormwater drainage network will be required.

Drainage Pits, also referred to as ‘Sumps’ or ‘Tanks’, will detain stormwater on-site and discharge into the City’s stormwater drainage system, via a Lot Connection Pit, at a maximum rate of 4 L/S. On-site detention capacity can be determined using calculations below.

All connections to the City’s drainage infrastructure must be approved by the City of Canning prior to construction.

CALCULATING DRAINAGE CAPACITY All developments are required to provide drainage infrastructure within their lot boundary, whether they are suitable for on-site disposal, or connecting to the City’s drainage system. The required stormwater drainage capacity can be calculated using the following:

• Where an Overland Flow Path is provided, the development shall manage stormwater for a 1 in 20 year Average Recurrence Interval (ARI).

For a 1 in 20 year storm event, a drainage coefficient of 0.0150 can be multiplied by the impervious area of the lot. Where lots are less than 300m2 in area, the entire lot area shall be used to calculate the required capacity.

• Where NO Overland Flow Path is provided, the development shall manage stormwater for a 1 in 100 year Average Recurrence Interval (ARI)

Where a development is required to provide for a 1 in 100 year storm event, a certified stormwater management plan will be required that has been designed by a suitably qualified engineer.

An Overland Flow Path is considered as the provision of a 300mm clearance from the Road Level to the Lot Level, as per the Stormwater Management Manual for Western Australia.

CONNECTING TO THE CITY’S DRAINAGE SYSTEM Prior to connecting to the City’s Stormwater Drainage System, all stormwater connections must be approved by the City of Canning.

The Stormwater Management Plan is to be submitted to the City of Canning, demonstrating the proposed stormwater connection that aligns with the City’s Standard Drawings and Specifications. The plan can be submitted electronically to [email protected] or in person at the administration building, and marked for the attention of Development Engineering.

Inspection Requirements Once approval is granted, the City will be required to inspect the infrastructure prior to any works commencing, and again upon completion of the works. It is the responsibility of the applicant to notify the City when the works are proposed to commence, so that inspections can be carried out accordingly.

Standard Drawing 03 – Stormwater Connection Details Standard Drawing 05 – Manhole Standard Details Standard Drawing 06 – Side Entry Pit Standard Details

Figure.1 - Soakwell Sizes and Capacities Calculation Table

HPRM: D19/154367 Last updated: October 2020

Diameter (mm) Depth (mm) Capacity (m3)600 600 0.17 0600 900 0.25 0760 600 0.27 0900 600 0.38 0900 900 0.57 0900 1200 0.76 0

1070 600 0.54 01070 1200 1.08 01200 600 0.68 01200 900 1.02 01200 1200 1.36 01200 100 1.7 01200 1800 2.04 01500 600 1.06 01500 1200 2.12 01500 1500 2.65 01500 1800 3.18 01800 600 1.53 01800 900 2.29 01800 1200 3.05 01800 1500 3.82 01800 1800 4.58 01800 2400 6.11 01800 4800 12.21 0



Volume (m3)

Total volume proposed

Pritchard Francis 20-250 Daniels Health Relocation Fire Fighting Drainage Assessment Report

Appendix 6 Isolation Valves and Actuators

4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd

Appendix E Inspection and Maintenance Schedule

1 | P a g e Cleanaway Daniels - Weekly PM schedule


Cleanaway Daniels Representative:

Week Commencing:


Air Compressor

1. Check for leaks 2. Check for unusual vibration 3. Check lubricant levels 4. Grease all nipples 5. Ensure guard is installed 6. Blowdown water from water trap 7. Visually assess air pressure 8. Clean any foreign materials


4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd

Appendix F Odour Assessment

Medical Waste Autoclave - Odour Impact Assessment Cleanaway Daniels: Medical Waste Services EAQ-21010

EAQ21010-DanielsHealth-WorksApproval-OIA_Final P a g e | 2 21 April 2021

Cleanaway Daniels: Medical Waste Services

Prepared for: Cleanaway Daniels

Project Ref: EAQ-21010

April 2021

Environment | Air Quality

Medical Waste Autoclave - Odour Impact Assessment Cleanaway Daniels: Medical Waste Services EAQ-21010

EAQ21010-DanielsHealth-WorksApproval-OIA_Final P a g e | 4 21 April 2021


1 Background............................................................................................................................................ 5

1.1 Regulatory Guidance for OIA ......................................................................................................... 5

2 Welshpool Locality & Screening Analysis .............................................................................................. 8

2.1 Screening Analysis.......................................................................................................................... 8

2.1.1 Screening Distance .................................................................................................................... 8

3 Detailed Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 11

3.1 Operational Odour Analysis (OOA) .............................................................................................. 11

3.2 Location Meteorological Review ................................................................................................. 18

3.3 Risk Evaluation ............................................................................................................................. 20

4 Summary of Odour Impact Assessment .............................................................................................. 21

5 Summary Table for Detailed Analysis ................................................................................................. 22


Figure 1-1: DWER Odour Guideline – Odour Analysis Procedure ................................................................ 7

Figure 2-1: Locality of Welshpool (Radium Street) ...................................................................................... 9

Figure 2-2: General Arrangement of Proposed Welshpool Site (Radium Street) ...................................... 10

Figure 3-1: Wind Characteristics of Direction and Velocity Frequencies (Annual and Seasonal) .............. 19


Table 3-1: Summary of Current Operations (Bibra Lake) ........................................................................... 12

Table 3-2: Summary of Proposed Operations (Radium Street, Welshpool) .............................................. 14

Medical Waste Autoclave - Odour Impact Assessment Cleanaway Daniels: Medical Waste Services EAQ-21010

EAQ21010-DanielsHealth-WorksApproval-OIA_Final P a g e | 5 21 April 2021

1 Background

Environmental & Air Quality Consulting Pty Ltd (EAQ) was engaged by Cleanaway Daniels (Daniels) to

undertake a Desktop Odour Impact Assessment (OIA) of Daniels proposed relocation of its Bibra Lake

Medical Waste Services operations to Daniels proposed location in Welshpool, Western Australia (the

Site). The relocation requires an application for a Works Approval.

The Works Approval application process is regulated by the Western Australia (WA) Department of

Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP


The Site, under the EP Act would be classified as a Category 61A – Solid waste facility, and Category 62 –

Solid waste depot where the main environmental issues associated with the Site are odour and noise;

however, within the current Bibra Lake operations’ licence (L8461/2010/2) there are no requirements

to monitor and report emissions related to odour. Given this, the current Bibra Lake operations would

be considered by DWER a low risk for odour nuisance and subsequent odour complaints from everyday


Notwithstanding, a Works Approval application is required to undertake an odour impact assessment to

further assess the risk of odour impacts from the proposed relocation to the Site.

1.1 Regulatory Guidance for OIA

The OIA follows the most recent Government of WA DWER Guideline “Odour Emissions” June 2019

document [1] where the Guideline provides assessment methods for delivering adequate odour data and

information to the DWER for the assessment of applications under Part V of the EP Act; where, “Part V

Division 3 of the EP Act provides the Department with mechanisms for regulating odour, by way of

conditions on works approvals and licences applied to prescribed premises”.

The DWER employs a risk-based approach to its assessment of applications for instruments under Part V

of the EP Act.

In determining the risk posed by odour, DWER considers:

the location, proximity and sensitivity of receptors;

the management of odour sources and activities;

the intensity and offensiveness of the odour;

potential odour impacts from other nearby sources;

the topography and complexity of terrain;

the size and / or complexity of the facility when compared with other Australian operations;

any unusual configuration of odour sources or technology compared with other Australian




Medical Waste Autoclave - Odour Impact Assessment Cleanaway Daniels: Medical Waste Services EAQ-21010

EAQ21010-DanielsHealth-WorksApproval-OIA_Final P a g e | 6 21 April 2021

whether the proposal is located in a Strategic Industrial Area (SIA);

the presence of multiple industry categories which may emit odours on the same site;

current and cumulative impacts from odour; and

pathways and impacts on sensitive receptors.

The key components of the OIA in following the DWER Guideline are:

a. Screening analysis; and

b. Detailed analysis (where required).

The DWER’s odour analysis procedure (step-wise) is as follows:

Medical Waste Autoclave - Odour Impact Assessment Cleanaway Daniels: Medical Waste Services EAQ-21010

EAQ21010-DanielsHealth-WorksApproval-OIA_Final P a g e | 8 21 April 2021

2 Welshpool Locality & Screening Analysis

The proposed Welshpool Site is to be located at 92-94 Radium Street, North Welshpool. Welshpool

resides mainly within the City of Canning Local Government Area (LGA).

Immediately to the north and west of the Site are industrial land uses. Urban land uses exist to the

south of the Site and to the east, however; there are industrial land uses immediately to the east also.

Welshpool is one of the main industrial precincts within the Perth Metropolitan Area.

The Site Locality is not impacted by natural terrain features that would otherwise affect wind flows and

therefore enhance or diminish dispersion of odours.

The industrial land uses’ enhances mechanical turbulence at ground level due to physical structures.

Odours trapped at ground level can therefore be readily broken-up and dispersed. Alternatively, the

physical structures can also provide channeling pathways for ground level odours.

Wind characteristics that may cause the flow of odours from the Site toward the closest sensitive

(urban) receptors are northerly and westerly winds.

The nearest urban receptors to the boundary of the Site are approximately 110 metres (m) to the south,

followed by 330 m to the east.

The Locality of the Site is illustrated in Figure 2-1 to follow.

Figure 2-2 illustrates the Sites’ Facility general arrangement (the Facility) which shows that all waste

movements, to include unloading of incoming waste trucks, takes place within the purpose built Facility.

2.1 Screening Analysis

2.1.1 Screening Distance

The proposed Sites’ design capacity, in accordance with the current Bibra Lake licence, is for 5,000

tonnes per annum of Category 61A wastes, and 1,000 tonnes per annum of Category 62 wastes.

For Category 61A facilities the minimum separation distance from the nearest sensitive receptor, urban

in this case, is 500 m.

The Sites’ classification however, with regard to odour emissions, is likely to be within Category 62

where the separation distance is 200 m.

Notwithstanding, the nearest urban receptor is approximately 110 m to the south. A detailed analysis is

thus required.

Medical Waste Autoclave - Odour Impact Assessment Cleanaway Daniels: Medical Waste Services EAQ-21010

EAQ21010-DanielsHealth-WorksApproval-OIA_Final P a g e | 9 21 April 2021

Figure 2-1: Locality of Welshpool (Radium Street)

Medical Waste Autoclave - Odour Impact Assessment Cleanaway Daniels: Medical Waste Services EAQ-21010

EAQ21010-DanielsHealth-WorksApproval-OIA_Final P a g e | 10 21 April 2021

Figure 2-2: General Arrangement of Proposed Welshpool Site (Radium Street)

Medical Waste Autoclave - Odour Impact Assessment Cleanaway Daniels: Medical Waste Services EAQ-21010


P a g e | 11 21 April 2021

3 Detailed Analysis

Odours from the proposed Site will originate primarily from the Medical Waste Autoclave process (the

Autoclave), as follows:

Contaminated wastes arrive in bins/receptacles via trucks;

The bins/receptacles are weighed and moved to the holding/unloading bays of the Facility;

The waste bins/receptacles are sorted in accordance with processing requirements;

Approximately 2 tonnes of contaminated wastes are loaded into the Autoclave where the

system reaches 150 degrees Celsius at 400 Kilopascals (kPa) of pressure for 15 minutes. All

pathogens are then destroyed and the Autoclave cycle is complete;

The Autoclave is designed to retain process condensate using a countercurrent misting spray

within the Autoclave exhaust vent. The exhaust vent, free from condensate odours, emits steam

to atmosphere as per current operational processes;

The Autoclave remains closed and under vacuum to remove the condensate to a fit-for-purpose

5,000 Litre sump(s);

o The sump drains to Trade Waste as per Water Corporation licensing.

Once the Autoclave is free of condensate, it is equilibrated to atmospheric pressure and the

process is complete;

Empty bins/receptacles are wheeled to the Wash Line which is an enclosed process;

The Wash Line automatically unlocks/locks and moves the containers through the Line, cleaning

them with a combination of 85 degrees Celsius and compressed air;

The liquid runoff from the Wash Line is diverted to the fit-for-purpose 5,000 Litre sump(s);

o The sump drains to Trade Waste as per Water Corporation licensing.

Cleaned bins/receptacles are stored within the Storage Container area until removed from Site;


Soft wastes are shredded/binned and stored before waste disposal off Site.

The existing Bibra Lake operations are of a low risk for odour impacts, albeit the existing Autoclave vent

which presently can release odours to atmosphere. Given the proposed Site will have an upgraded

Autoclave process, those odours within the Autoclave vent will be drawn down through water scrubbing

inside the vent, and retained in the condensate. Localised odours from the washed bins/receptacles and

sanitised container storage areas are low intensity odours that are largely retained within the Site


3.1 Operational Odour Analysis (OOA)

The following Operational Odour Analysis Tables summarise the current and proposed processes, odour

emissions, process controls, triggers and corrective actions and overall risk rating for odour impacts.

Medical Waste Autoclave - Odour Impact Assessment Cleanaway Daniels: Medical Waste Services EAQ-21010


P a g e | 17 21 April 2021

The risk of an odour impact from the proposed operations at the Welshpool Site, are unlikely to

increase above any existing risk from operations at the Bibra Lake site.

The upgraded Facility and corresponding operational controls for the proposed Welshpool Site exceed

those of the existing Bibra Lake site. This logically implies that odour controls also improve with the

proposed Welshpool Site.

FIDOL factors are important in considering the risk of odour impacts on sensitive receptors. These

factors are dimensions of odour nuisance, and are:

Frequency of odour impacts;

Intensity (or strength) of the odour;

Duration of the exposure events;

Offensiveness of the odour; and

Location of the impacts (the sensitivity of the receiving environment).

When considering the FIDOL factors within this OIA, in particular Frequency, Intensity and Duration, it is

highly unlikely under normal operating conditions that the proposed relocation of the existing Daniels

Bibra Lake Facility to the proposed Welshpool Site would increase the existing odour footprint from

normal operations.

Moreover, in the unlikely event of a break-down that may result in uncontrolled odour release, the

controls proposed ensure that odours are contained and the processes remediated/cleaned in a timely


Those processes most likely to result in localised odours and potentially offsite odour observations at

the nearest receptor are the Autoclave exhaust (steam vent) and the control, handling and disposal of

liquid/condensate wastes, however;

a) Odours within the Autoclave gas exhaust are scrubbed using fresh water (countercurrent flow)

and diverted to the sump(s);

b) Condensate and process runoff liquids are contained in process bunds (where applicable) and

diverted via closed channels-pipework to the sump(s);

c) The sump(s) have an interceptor arrangement (2-chamber) that controls the flow of solids

allowing free-flowing liquids;

d) The sump(s) are discharged via the Trade Waste Unit designed to Daniels capacity and in

accordance with licensing through the Water Corporation; and

e) There have been no odour complaints in the past two (2) years, where previous odour

complaints within Bibra Lake were localised to the Autoclave exhaust vent which is now

proposed to be process upgraded to ‘scrub’ the gases prior to release and retrieve them


Medical Waste Autoclave - Odour Impact Assessment Cleanaway Daniels: Medical Waste Services EAQ-21010


P a g e | 18 21 April 2021

3.2 Location Meteorological Review

The Welshpool Site Locality is approximately 7 kilometers from the Perth Airport Bureau of Meteorology

(BoM) Automatic Weather Station (AWS).

EAQ constructed a 5-Year Meteorological dataset from BoM observations for the Perth Airport AWS.

Data availability was 99.56% over the 5-Year period.

A Wind Rose analysis of the meteorological output is presented in Figure 3-1.

It can be seen from Figure 3-1 that Winter would be the most likely seasonal period where odours may

be pushed from the Site toward the nearest sensitive receptor toward the south, however; during the

Winter periods where northerly winds are prominent the dispersive conditions are usually highly

favorable due to high wind speeds, possible rain and turbulent conditions and favorable mixing heights.

These northerly winds represent approximately 9% of the entire 5-Year dataset (355deg – 25deg).

North-westerly winds pushing odours towards the south-east are negligible in frequency.

Typically the most problematic times are early morning and late afternoon. Middle of the day

timeframes usually represent those periods where convective dispersion (temperature) and mechanical

dispersion (wind flows across surface roughness) are the most effective.

Within those morning periods the winds can be mild-calm and temperatures low, this is also the case in

the late afternoon/evening periods. Under these conditions atmospheric stability tends to be more

stable than unstable. Under stable conditions there is diminished dispersion.

Operational hours are between 6AM – 4PM daily from Monday – Friday. There are no weekend


Within these hours, the frequency of winds between 355deg – 25deg is < 5% annually (19 days or less),

further representing a low risk for odour impacts within these seasonal Winter periods.

Medical Waste Autoclave - Odour Impact Assessment Cleanaway Daniels: Medical Waste Services EAQ-21010

EAQ21010-DanielsHealth-WorksApproval-OIA_Final P a g e | 19 21 April 2021

March 2016 – February 2021 Annual Windrose





Figure 3-1: Wind Characteristics of Direction and Velocity Frequencies (Annual and Seasonal)

Medical Waste Autoclave - Odour Impact Assessment Cleanaway Daniels: Medical Waste Services EAQ-21010

EAQ21010-DanielsHealth-WorksApproval-OIA_Final P a g e | 20 21 April 2021

3.3 Risk Evaluation

In consideration of the (then) Department of Environmental Regulation (DER)’s Guidance Statement:

Risk Assessments (February 2017), the overall relocation of the existing Daniels Medical Waste Facility

to the proposed Welshpool Site (Radium Street) Consequence of odour impacts at the nearest sensitive

urban receptor is Minor for Public Health and Amenity, where:

Onsite impacts: low-level;

Offsite impacts local scale: minimal;

Offsite impacts wider scale: not detectable;

Specific Consequence Criteria (for Public Health) are likely to be met; and

Local scale impacts: low level impact to amenity.

And, the Likelihood of the risk occurring is Rare, where:

The risk event may only occur in exceptional circumstances.

Based on the above, and in consideration of the OOA (refer Section 3) the future risk is considered to be

Low. The proposed relocation to the Welshpool Site will bring with it improved process controls and

subsequently improved odour emissions controls.

The land uses within the Welshpool locality align with those proposed by Daniels and those industrial

receptors adjacent to the Site are also unlikely to be impacted by odour nuisance.

Medical Waste Autoclave - Odour Impact Assessment Cleanaway Daniels: Medical Waste Services EAQ-21010

EAQ21010-DanielsHealth-WorksApproval-OIA_Final P a g e | 21 21 April 2021

4 Summary of Odour Impact Assessment

Cleanaway Daniels proposes to relocate its existing Medical Waste Facility from Bibra Lake to

Welshpool (Radium Street);

Activities to include unloading, sorting, Autoclave, Wash Line and storage of used/clean

bins/receptacles to be housed within the Facility;

The relocation will include the improvement of existing processes and process control by:

o Upgrading Autoclave operations,

o Reducing gaseous discharge of odours form the Autoclave exhaust stack by

countercurrent water scrubbing of the gas stream, and

o Capturing and diverting condensate from the Autoclave directly to the holding sump(s).

The Wash Line is proposed to be fully automated to include automatic wash and dry prior to the

Wash Line being emptied;

Captured condensates, process leachates and site-runoff to be held in twin-chamber covered

sumps that separate solids from liquid flows enabling ease of clean of obstructions and ensuring

liquors flow through to Trade Waste;

Trade Waste Unit to receive all liquid wastes for discharge to sewer;

Historic Complaints of the existing Bibra Lake Facility nil within the past 2 Years; and

Previous odour complaints prior to this 2-Year period were confined to the Autoclave exhaust

stack which is proposed to be designed and operated under new controls that mitigate odour


On the basis of the above, EAQ assesses the risk of odour impacts for the proposed relocation of the

Facility to Welshpool as Low. The odour footprint from the existing Bibra Lake Facility, which is largely

confined to the Facility boundary, is not expected to increase due to the relocation; rather, the odour

footprint will decrease.

4286AA_Rev3 Works Approval Supporting Information Welshpool

Cleanaway Daniels Pty Ltd

360 Environmental Pty Ltd

Appendix G Acoustic Assessment


Rochdale Holdings Pty Ltd A.B.N. 85 009 049 067 trading as: 

HERRING STORER ACOUSTICS P.O. Box 219, Como, W.A. 6952   (08) 9367 6200  [email protected] 










MAY 2021     

REFERENCE: 27699‐1‐21199 

Herring Storer Acoustics 






















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