
Clearworks Persona Templates


SUMMARYHigh level summary of this persona

“Representative quote from research”



Representative Photo


GOALS What goals does this user have for their solution

TECHNICAL SAVVYHow comfortable is this user with technology

PAIN POINTSWhat pain points does this user experience

IDEAL FEATURESWhat features does this user use to compare solution options

“Representative quote from research”

DEMOGRAPHICS• Gender • Age• Occupation

Representative Photo

USER PERSONA SAMPLEJoe the Active Retiree

MEET JOEJoe is 67 and newly retired. Joe managed a large retail store and is married to Susan, a retired high-school teacher. They have 3 children and 5 grandchildren, all of whom live close by. Joe has always dreamed of traveling the country in an RV, going at a leisurely pace and really soaking in the landscape. Joe and Susan are excited for a new adventure but are worried about missing their family, and not being around to attend their grandchildren's concerts, games and other events.

Joe has never had a smart phone before, only a basic flip phone. He is nervous about using the new technology but excited that he will have an easier way to connect with his grandkids. His son convinced him that having GPS and mapping features on his phone would make life on the road easier. Joe doesn’t know what an app is, but a sales rep could easily show him how to use the smart phone plus the 2-3 apps he needs most, and he would be happy with that. Joe is eager to learn the best ways he can use the smart phone to stay in better touch with his family back home.



recommendations• AARP Magazine• Nat. Geo Adventure


“We really look forward to getting out and traveling… but it is going to be really hard to leave our family, so I am counting on my new phone to be able to stay connected.”

5USER PERSONA SAMPLEJoe the Active Retiree

DEMOGRAPHICS• Male• 67 • Retired


Joe wants to be able to stay connected with his family while he travels the country. He also wants to be able to use GPS technology while on the road.

TECHNICAL SAVVY Joe has never used a smartphone before. He knows how to use a computer to get on the internet. With some training he should be able to use most smartphone functionality.


• Nervous about using new technology

• Cost of upgrading to a smart phone


• Ease of use

• Ability to share photos

• GPS Navigation

• Apps that help him stay connected

• Long battery life

“I need someone to show me how best to use a smartphone to stay connected with my family.”


“Representative quote from research”

DEMOGRAPHICS• Gender• Age• Title • Company size• Number of Employees

SUMMARYHigh level summary of this persona

Representative Photo


PRIORITY INITIATIVESWhat are drivers for this buyer in searching for a new solution

LENGTH OF BUYING CYCLEHow long does this buyer spend evaluating potential new solutions

PERCEIVED BARRIERSWhat prevents this buyer from purchasing a new solution

TECHNICAL SOPHISTICATION How knowledgeable is this buyer about underlying technology considerations

SUCCESS FACTORSWhat results does this buyer expect from the successful implementation of a new solution

ENGAGEMENTHow this buyer wants to interact initially and ongoing

DECISION CRITERIAWhat factors does this buyer use to compare solution options


Out of the multiple channels available where is this buyer likely to purchase

“Representative quote from research.”

MEDIA AND INFO SOURCES• xx • xx• xx• xx

Representative Photo


“We are a small company and there are only two of us devoted to IT. Our budget is small so we look for value in our solutions. We can’t afford the Cadillac solution with all the bells and whistles, we just want something that works and meets our needs.”

DEMOGRAPHICS• Male• 37 • IT Manager• Small Business • < 100 employees


Matt is 37 and is the IT Manager for a retail company. His company has 2 storefronts and carries children’s toys. Matt has worked in IT Management for 12 years. In addition to being in charge of deploying and maintaining the IT infrastructure for his company, he also provides IT support to employees. He has one staff member that provides additional support for IT. His department’s budget is small and his goal is to stretch his IT dollars to get the best value out of the solutions he purchases. Matt seeks out recommendations from other IT professionals in his network and values recommendations from colleagues higher than industry publications, reviews or rankings. His company has no formalized process for purchasing new solutions. Matt is the primary decision maker for IT purchases and his recommendations are usually chosen as long as there is available budget.


PRIORITY INITIATIVESMatt wants solutions that help the business run more effectively and require minimal man-hours to maintain.

LENGTH OF BUYING CYCLEMatt’s company does not have a formal evaluation process and as a result the buying cycle is short. Matt makes a recommendation and the owners usually go with it.

PERCEIVED BARRIERSMatt is working with a tight budget so being able to prove ROI is key. Matt has strong relationships with his current vendors.

TECHNICAL SOPHISTICATION Matt is less technologically sophisticated than his counterparts at larger companies but he knows about newer technologies and likes to keep up to date on advances in the field.

SUCCESS FACTORSMatt is looking for a solution provider to be able to show operational improvements and for the solution to integrate effectively with existing solutions.

ENGAGEMENTMatt likes to build a relationship with his solution provider. He likes to feel that he is getting personalized attention and that they are there for him when he needs them.

DECISION CRITERIAFor Matt, recommendations from colleagues and the value of the solution are important.


Matt prefers to purchase directly from the vendor.

“It is important to me that if I have a problem my solution provider is there for me. I know I am not a large player but I don’t want to be left out in the cold after the contract is signed and I make the purchase.”

MEDIA AND INFO SOURCES• Colleagues • Independent Reviews• Gartner

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