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Running head: CLOUD COMPUTING 1

Cloud Computing Technology

IT 640 – Telecommunications/Networking

Southern New Hampshire University

March 23, 2014

Ahmed Al Salih

[email protected]

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ 3

Introduction to Cloud Computing ………………………………………………………………………….4

Cloud Computing ......................................................................................................................................... .5

What Is Cloud Computing? .......................................................................................................................... 6

Characteristics . ............................................................................................................................................. 6

Service models .............................................................................................................................................. 7

Applications .................................................................................................................................................. 8

Storage .......................................................................................................................................................... 8

Database ........................................................................................................................................................ 8

Synchronization .......................................................................................................................................... 10

Database Services ....................................................................................................................................... 11

1.MS SQL ................................................................................................................................................... 12

2.Oracle ....................................................................................................................................................... 13

The Future of Cloud .................................................................................................................................... 14

Cloud computing security ........................................................................................................................... 15

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 16

References ................................................................................................................................................... 17

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The research paper that I would like to learn and write a paragraph it will be about the

Cloud Computing technology, it’s not like a new application or different way of connection

behind the scene or fancy GUI, no,,, it that new think that no need to take with you or worry

about saving files it will get rid of the high measurement of physically computers specifications

such as high processor speed or big capacity of hard drives or installing the applications


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Introduction to Cloud Computing

As we see today the multimedia and the technology got increase for example every

persona have a high tech digital camera plug in his phone and maybe an e-mail and some

applications or it could be games as well. For a daily use absolutely will need for extra storage to

refresh the phone and could work without fine without no-responding or out of storage.

Imagines the same thing happen in our home computers, a lot of data and not enough

resources to store that amount of data and information, or there are not enough resources for

processing the information and run the application, you could maybe will say I have a

sophisticated or advanced PC, and that computer is enough for my need and run fine, but here is

the question: are you able to use that advanced computer everywhere or take it with you

whatever you want? And how many days or how long that computer will be working as new and

updated devices to run and manipulate the new application and information.

On top of that the cost of keeping the computers and smart devices always updated also the price

of the new application that have been always released a new version.

All what I have been listing op top that for personal use, just imagine a company or organization

use how will be the needed for more resources and easy access from anywhere, especially for the

critical employees.

Cloud computing it could be a magic stick that bring everything in any time through the

internet for you and for that lets take a look more close about that new technology.

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Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a deliver some services of the computer that what the companies and

the people using will be need the Internet. Cloud a service that gives the ability for personal and

companies to use some software and hardware which have the latest updated software and

newest hardware also it is managed professionally by third parties from a remote location. For

instance of cloud services, the storage of file in online, social networking websites, email, and

online business applications or personal applications.

The cloud computing models have the ability to allow accessing to the

(information/applications) of the computer resources from anytime and anywhere if they have

the network connection available. Cloud computing provides some shared pool of the resources

which is contain space to data storage, networks, the power of computer processing , and

Specialized companies and user applications.

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What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing called by that name as an allegory for the Internet. The network diagrams

represented the cloud, as you see in Figure 1. This image represents that could store information

or hardware to process or run the application or offer application the charge per use.


The cloud computing has many characteristics as:

self-service on-demand

access to the network broad

pooling of the resource

rapid elasticity

Measured service.

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On-demand self-service is the users, that they organizations, can manage and request their

computing resources by themselves.

Access to the network broad allows services to offer through the Internet or the private


Pooled resources is the users can draw from some computing resources, and that happen usually

in remote data centers.

Services can be increased or decreased. Also, the use of a service is measured and users

are billed as accordingly. That means there are no needs to buy the resources if it is hardware or

software, but you can get a charge per using it.

Service models

The cloud computing is service models it could be mentioned and outlined in three parts are

1. Software as a Service (SaaS).

2. Platform as a Service (PaaS).

3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

In Software as a Service model (SaaS): the before made application with the first with the

required software, second the operating system, third the hardware, and finally the network are


In Platform as a Service (PaaS): the computer resource such as the operating system to

provide for the user installs or develops their applications and some software.

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In Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): model can bring the hardware and network to the user to

install or develop his operating systems, and setup his applications and some software.


The application that usually everybody use if it is personal use or business it should be

purchased and installed and configured as well to match and work fine with no problem in your

system also by time to time you need to purchase a new version that have more facilities or

provide more functions or it could also solve some past issue , imagine all the time and cost and

actually lose X lose, but in cloud the most updated operating system and applications are ready

to use over there with no need do to any type of configuration just pay per use or subscript for



The storage area is similar to HaaS. The benefits of cloud computing, if you lease storage

space from any vendor, you are unable for buy hardware equipment such a mobile hard drive, the

operation is just like pay to run it.


The concept of databases are warehouse for data and information with some links in index

form that help the user if would like to do some searchable.

The database is distribution like Amazon website which is spread information among

physically dispersed hardware. However, the users’ information look like coming from one


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The advantages of the database are:

Improved availability if somehow happen an error in one of the database storage

system. Then, it will be just affect one piece not the full database. Moreover, as I see in

my experiences of work in IT companies they use the RAD technology that makes a

mirror of data in different places (hardware devices) so the information will be saved

even with any fault.

Improved performance Database is located near the place that has site with the best

request happen. The DB systems are equivalent that will allow of loading being stable

between the servers.

Price To create a network it is less expensive of computers that come with the same

power and ability of one large one that the cloud provides.

Flexibility update and changes in the cloud without any effect to the DB or lose the


Here I will list some of the disadvantage

Complexity the big size of data so the DB administrators actually they stay overnight or

over time to make sure the database fine and backup the information

Labor salary for adding more capacity to the system it usually requests more workers as

an example on the payroll or other business needs for more employees.

Security Database segments must be secured and keep the information safe from hacking

or losing

Integrity at the most of the time it seems hard to fix the database or not that easy

especially if the database are complex or changes and updates happen on the database


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Standards There are currently no standards that could be used in distributed centers

around the area.


Synchronization: in our days as we use for example Microsoft’s Live Mesh or Apple’s

Mobile Me that can synchronized the account info or shared accounts. As a simple example, if

you have a spreadsheet and you upload it into your account in one of the cloud service and later

on you use another device or different account that already connected to the previous one, will

have the ability to download the same spreadsheet.

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Database Services

Is a cloud computing service model that gives the customers the ability to access the

database and upload , download and update with no need for maintaining and operate an

administrate work from the customer all of that have been taken care of from the service provider

and it’s called Database as a Service (DaaS). The idea is behind DaaS, or the main benefit is to

avoid the complication and some cost of running in your own database.

DaaS offers these benefits:

Ease of use you do not need to carry most expensive laptop with long time battery and

fix the database and do the sharing setup and proxy and make sure the backup or a lot of

just headache could be by thing about the cost and extra time without cloud.

Power The database even it is not placed physically closed by but that does not mean

database not a functional and effective.

Integration to achieve the goal of the cloud the DB it should be completely integrated.

Management most of the large databases are expensive resources.

With DaaS offerings management to the database and can provide service for more less


So it’s possible that you using the service in a different state like New Hampshire, and

the hardware server in California, and as we see some time the DB administrators are in India.

Now let’s take about the biggest provider of that cloud technology and if we thing about it

they are strong and famous database providers

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Microsoft’s offers SQL Server, and start provide the new technology of cloud as SQL Server

Data Services (SSDS)

SSDS looks very similar to the Amazon database, they both can start small and shrink to

bigger as the customer needs

The Amazon database (SimpleDB), basically its use for foundation a .NET library

because the SSDS provides Microsoft’s Sync Framework

Three cores of the SSDS listed below:




Microsoft built SSDS with large scale deployment is depends on SQL Server; absolutely it not

considering a redevelopment tool of SQL

SSDS: the early rezones was because its back steps of complexity instead of smart database have

the flexibility and the simply behavior.

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2. Oracle

Oracle Company starts at the fall of 2008 presents the cloud and the new technology

was accept of the new term of the three tiers to give a full package to the customer all

have a perfect customer service have the name of “Oracle”

Oracle Database 11g

Oracle Fusion Middleware

Oracle Enterprise Manager

Oracle company want to cover the concept from A to Z by develop and manufacture the

most advanced technologies’ using the strong Oracle database and the popular launches Java,

that with interface application such Oracle E Biasness suet, and that install on the middle tier for

example the Fusion, and behind the scenes using Oracle database, On top of all of that Oracle

developed a Linux open source Operating system as another version of Red hate servers OS. All

of what I have listing above to give a most convenience company to deal with, Oracle deliver

almost everything that could be requested in small or complex big company or organization or

even a government and one customer service that help for setup and fix the issue and chatting

24/7. Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module addendum the most security, cloud database is by

enabling encrypted data backups and that addition offer helps to ensure full privacy for the cloud


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The Future of Cloud

Refuse the new technology and the all benefit that I have been listed in my short research I can

say the cloud computing technology concept with the economy change that could make with best

monitoring and maintenance and secure it will be the new word of no devices will be store at

home with high cost hardware and a lot of expensive software and maintenance costs.


Software vendors Support

Request from small business of high end features

Request from the effectives customers to find extra solutions that affect the cost.

Co-Op tools supply

Prove in the market already passed and become the most popular.

The industry economically and today markets is demanding cloud computing in the

world, they are defiance of what the news says about the cloud s are slow for maintain and that

makes a lot of businesses company thing about it thousand time to take anew step to change to

component IT structure and use the new tech (Cloud). Business all the time want to reach one

goal to increasing, however the true situations are in that struggling economy many companies

the facing hard time to do so. That means, it is not prudent to cut those areas if the business

needs to cut expenses that contribute to the company's overall missions. The best solution to all

type of business or we can say the only one solution to increase the income or get more revenues

by go more and pay less, and that could happen easly by using the cloud so the employee will be

working less hours and more convenience and high tech and no need to maintained and follow-


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To compare the history life time of the platform between the Cloud and the Desktop

computers in the diagram bellow you can see the infrastructure by software that has been used

and the providers per time.

The cloud is evolving in the same ways as prior computing platforms

Cloud computing security

Cloud computing security is the combination of database, application and network

management technology and the design of the policies, achieve the organizational goals, related

to cloud computing utilizes. The rezones of the clouds are resource shared nature's, identity

management, privacy and access control have specific concerns.

A huge number of organizations are using cloud computing they related to the data

operations providers, there is a need for proper security to solve the overcome of this issue.

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In the small paper that I have been presenting for my course final paper it was a small

tunnel that could be understanding the benefit of the cloud computing technology, it is give you

everything with one click in anywhere any time and you know there are big company that

manage and backup all the information ether it is personal or company, and if look from another

corner we can say the cloud provide the highest, best and fast hardware component , and the

software will be much more less cost because it is install virtualization for cloud use, or it could

be char per use, at the end of my short research paper I would say Cloud computing technology

is more convenience, less money, best security, pickup and save your information and data

forever and finally use the newest and the best software/hardware anywhere and anytime.

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Fundamental Cloud Architectures by Thomas Erl, Arcitura Education Inc. and Amin

Naserpour, Technical Consultant, Hewlett-Packard.

NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture Recommendations of the National

Institute of Standards and Technology.

Oracle Solutions for Access to Cloud Communications Services.

Cloud Computing: Automating the Virtualized Data Center.

Venkata Josyula Malcolm Orr Greg Page Copyright© 2012 Cisco Systems, Inc.

Published by: Cisco Press

CLOUD COMPUTING MADE EASY by Cary Landis and Dan Blacharski.

Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach by Anthony T. Velte ,Toby J. Velte, Ph.D. &

Robert Elsenpeter

The Basics of Cloud Computing by Alexa Huth and James Cebula.

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