  • 7/23/2019 Cluster Excellence Programme


    COSWP 2014-3-04 - Cluster Excellence Programme

    The overall obect!ve o" th!s Call "or #ro#osals !s to #ursue the E$ e""orts a!me% to

    strengthen cluster management excellence !n the E$ as a &a' to #rov!%e more

    #ro"ess!onal bus!ness serv!ces to Euro#ean S(Es through clusters an% there"ore

    contr!bute to the %evelo#ment o" more &orl%-class clusters !n the E$)

    This Call for proposals is the first action in the framework of the Cluster Excellence

    Programme to be supported under COSME, and aimed to promote cluster excellence across

    the EU for the benefit of European SMEs inoled in clusters! The present action will assist

    cluster organisations, business networks and their managers to proide high "ualit# serices to

    SMEs in different areas, including access to foreign markets!

    The interested cluster organisations and business networks should be engaged into a strategic

    industr#$drien collaboration %or are planning to work together& along a common alue chainor on a transnational pro'ect in an# manufacturing or serice sector, and are facing some

    common challenges, and willing to(

    )mproe their management practices as well as their market*competitie adantages or

    alue$chain anal#tical capacities and+

    Proide top "ualit# serices to their SMEs, especiall# on integrating creatiit# into

    their business, facilitating SMEs internationalisation, better exploiting and diffusing

    e# Enabling Technologies %ETs&, assisting SMEs on )P-s protection and further

    addressing resource$efficienc# issues within their cluster!

    El!g!b!l!t' o" a##l!cants

    .pplicant organisations must be established(

    in EU Member States+ or

    in countries participating in the COSME programme under .rticle / of the COSME


    o European 0ree Trade .ssociation %E0T.& countries which are members of the

    European Economic .rea %EE.&, in accordance with the conditions laid down

    in the EE. .greement, and other European countries when agreements and

    procedures so allow+

    o acceding countries, candidate countries and potential candidates in accordance

    with the general principles and general terms and conditions for the

    participation of those countries in the Union1s programmes established in the

    respectie 0ramework .greements and .ssociation Council 2ecisions, or

    similar arrangements+

  • 7/23/2019 Cluster Excellence Programme


    o countries falling within the scope of the European neighbourhood policies,

    when agreements and procedures so allow and in accordance with the general

    principles and general terms and conditions for the participation of those

    countries in the Union1s programmes established in the respectie 0ramework

    .greements, Protocols to .ssociation .greements and .ssociation Council


    Moreoer, eligible applicants are cluster organisations and business networks which can

    demonstrate that proide or channel cluster and network support serices to local businesses,

    in compliance with the definition gien in the section 3!4 of the Communit# 0ramework for

    State .id for -esearch and 2eelopment and )nnoation!

    Consortia implementing the actiities hae to be made up of a minimum of three cluster

    organisations or business networks and come from at least three COSME participating

    countries! 0or more details, please consult the text of the call aailable below!

    Subm!ss!on o" #ro#osals

    The deadline for electronic submission is 2* October 2014 1+,00 .russels t!me/!

    The submission s#stem for this call will be aailable shortl# and the link will be added on this


    The electronic submission reference for this call will be COS-C$STE-2014-3-04!

    ocuments Call for proposals

    5rant agreement

    5uide for applicants

    2escription of work template

    6udget template

    2escription of cluster*business networks+

    7ist of past pro'ects+

    C8s %Europass format recommended+to be uploaded in the electronic submission


    Partner search
  • 7/23/2019 Cluster Excellence Programme


    )f #ou are looking for partners to appl# to this call, #ou ma# use the Cordis databasewhere

    #ou hae the option to create partnership re"uests!

    0or people who alread# hae a Partner profile in Cordis database, the# can select a specific

    COSME call when the# create apartnership re"uest! Each partnership re"uest will then show

    up as being associated to the call to attract others interested in the same call!)n the case #ou don9t hae a profile #ou can create one!

    Should #ou encounter an# difficulties with the Cordis database, please contact the Cordis


    :ou ma# also contact #our nearest Enterprise Europe ;etwork memberwho could assist #ou

    in finding potential Partners!


    Potential applicants should address "uestions related to the content of this call b# e$mail to

    E.SME$COSME$C7USTE-$E?@Aec!europa!eu!Onl# "uestions sent to this

    functional mailbox will be answered!

    .nswers will onl# be published periodicall# and within a reasonable period of time on this



    The content of this page is for information purposes onl#! The releant legal instruments and

    the text of the call shall take precedence oer the information contained in this page! The

    European Commission or E.SME does not accept responsibilit# for an# use made of the

    information contained therein![email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]

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