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社團法人台灣防止虐待動物協會 2012 FEBURARY NEWSLETTER


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1. 寵物嘉年華會 謝謝大家抽空前往並參與了我們的魚翅問卷調查,



Thank you to everyone who came out and took part in our “Say No to Shark Fin Soup” petition! If you haven’t had a chance to sign our petition please visit :


歡迎加入SPCA工作行列! Nancy Lai和Nini Lee加入了SPCA成為實習生!從調查、翻譯、到行政管理都難不倒他們!



Nancy Lai and Nini Lee have joined the SPCA team as interns! From research to translations to admin work, we’ve got them very busy. Welcome girls!

NEWS 協會新聞

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3. 調查案件 過去兩個月,SPCA持續地調查發生於新北市附近的八起虐待動物案件.小黑的案件是由一位支持SPCA的民眾所報案.數個月以來,小黑的頸部承受著被小到無法喘氣的小狗頸圈所鍊住的痛苦.不幸地,由於對於動物的基本照顧常識上的不足,小黑的飼主認為只要在小黑的脖子上塗上藥膏,而非任何手術,傷口便將自動癒合.當我們一踏入屋內時,便聞到從小黑脖子所發出的強烈惡臭味,而頸部皮膚已開始腐爛.幾次拜訪後,我們將小黑帶去進行移除頸圈的緊急手術.現在,小黑已回到家中,而頸部的復原狀況也相當良好.同時,SPCA也教導小黑的飼主更多關於動物的基本照顧常識和得到飼主將更努力照顧小黑的承諾.如果你知道任何虐待/忽視動物的案件,請立即與以下聯絡:


Over the past 2 months, SPCA has been on 8 abuse and neglect investigations in and around Taipei City. XiaoHei’s case was reported by an SPCA supporter. He had been living in constant pain for months, with his chain puppy collar embedded in his neck. Unfortunately, due to a lack of basic an-imal care knowledge, his owners thought if they put antiseptic lotion on his neck, it would heal on it’s own, without surgery. As soon as we entered the apartment, we could smell a very strong odor coming from xiaohei’s neck; his skin had started rotting. Upon seeing the severity of his condition we took him to have emergency surgery to have the collar removed. XiaoHei’s neck has recovered well and he is now back at home. His owners were some given basic animal care info and have agreed to take better care of XiaoHei. If you know of any animal abuse or neglect, please report it here:

NEWS 協會新聞

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已領養! 恭喜Boo, 滷蛋, Chocolate (已移民到加拿大囉) ,Sammy以及他們新的家人, 他們一定會生活的很美滿!


Congratulations to Boo, Ludan, Chocolate (who traveled all the way to Canada!) and Sammy and their new families. We know they will have a very happy life together!

ANimALS 動物新聞

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ANimALS 動物新聞

bambi lucky didi niu niu

tian tian mei mei susie pepper

kung pao blackie

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某天在臉書上“很認真”閒晃時,右上角一看,出現的正是Taiwan SPCA的FB(很久前就知道SPCA是個全球性的動物保護機構,只是不知道原來台灣也有?!)幾天後,看到TSPCA正在應徵實習生的塗鴉動態,我心想,從小到大我總是想為動物做點事,順手捐錢給流浪動物已是習慣,撿小狗小貓回家養也引發過不少家庭革命,這次,就是有個直覺,或許我該應徵這個機會! 履歷表...按下 “SEND”! 終於找到了辦公室! 小街小巷的隱密地點,寒風陣陣加上陰雨綿綿,只差沒有人從後面摸我肩膀,就構成了經典恐怖電影的場景!鼓起勇氣,按了電鈴.一開門便看到Dofu,Mimi&Pookey三隻狗狗衝上來的畫面和Beki親切的微笑(內心OS,剛剛是在緊張什麼)!!目前,協會的辦公室人員都是女性,我們的共通性是:愛動物,想為所有動物盡最大的心力,我們以一個團隊為榮,最重要的是...我們每個人都有 “獨特魅力”!<瘋狂投履歷吧~男性們!:P > 現在,進辦公室也快兩個月了,前陣子的“新光三越寵物嘉年華”、“反魚翅調查&聯署”, 接下來的”TSPCA一年一度慈善晚會”..包括,無止盡的開會討論,規劃,網路調查,宣導教育,調查虐待動物案件,發新聞稿,流浪動物的領養急收容問題...等!雖然要做的工作超多,時間似乎永遠不夠,但當”流浪/受虐動物變健康並找到愛牠們的家庭一起展開新生活”,”路人接受我們反魚翅的調查和聯署並說支持你們”,”聽到民眾說因為你們所以我學很多並改變想法”等肯定時,一切都值得了!如果知道自己做的事是對的,那何必計較付出的有多少! 有個同事說過:”就是因為很難改變,所以我們才要去做!就是因為沒人願意去了解殘忍的事實,所以我們才要去了解”!!這提醒了我,小時候曾經夢想著”幫助所有動物得到尊重平等快樂的生活”~原來夢想沒有消失,現在才是實現夢想的開始! (貪心點,來個諾貝爾獎也不錯)

EDUCATioN 教育新聞

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The other day as I was spending quality time on Facebook I coincidentally saw Taiwan SPCA on the upper right corner ( I knew that the SPCA was an international society for animal protection, but never realized that we also had one in Taiwan!). A couple of days later, I read an update from TSPCA looking for interns. I thought to myself: since I was a kid, I’ve always wanted to do some-thing for animals. I’ve often donated to help strays, and also have some experience in taking stray cats and dogs home, which all led to family upheavals. This time, my gut feeling told me that I should apply for this position, so I sent in my resume! Interview Day: Finally I found the office! Its location was hidden amongst small windy lanes, plus the cold and rainy weather on that day made me feel like I was in a horror movie scene and was expecting someone to sneak up behind me and tap me on the shoulder. I got up the nerve to ring the doorbell but when door opened I saw three cute dogs Dofu, Mimi, and Pookey jumping up to me, and Beki’s friendly smile ( then thought to myself: what was I afraid of just now??)!. Currently, all employees of our society are female and what we have in common is we all love animals, and want to dedicate ourselves to them. I am very proud to be part of this team. Above all, each of us is unique and charming (send in your resume, boys! )! So far I have worked here for almost two months. Not long ago we took part in the Pet Carnival at Shin Kong Mitsukoshi promoting our Anti Shark fin Campaign. What comes next? Our annual Charity Gala! My current tasks range from engaging meetings, event planning, internet surveys, animal abuse investigations, press releases, stray adoptions and foster program...etc. Although there is a ton of work to do, and there is never enough time, I do feel all my efforts are being well re-ceived when I hear so much positive response from the public and TSPCA supporters. When I hear people say they’ve learned a lot from us and that we’ve changed their perceptions I know I’m doing something right and aren’t bothered by how much time I dedicate to it! An SPCA colleague once told me “It’s hard to change the world, so we have to be the example for everyone else to follow” This reminded me that I did have a dream to help animals and as it turns out my dream didn’t disappear, it’s just begun!

EDUCATioN 教育新聞

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EDUCATioN 教育新聞


當你的狗狗了解”坐下”指令以後, 另一個非常有用的指令是“等待” 10 個最常使用到“等待”的例子:

1. 等待中的狗狗不會暴衝出大門.2. 等待中的狗狗不會爬到廚房桌子偷吃.3. 先令狗狗等待, 再把吃物放下.4. 先令狗狗等待, 再扣上牽繩去散步.5. 有需要時, 令狗狗在門邊等待, 給你時間準備.6. 等待中的狗狗不會跳到客人身上.7. 先令狗狗等待, 你可以好好的吃飯.8. 會等待的狗狗比較能自我控制.9. 等待中的狗狗不會暴衝別人或其他狗.10. 等待中的狗狗比較不會受外界影響至太興奮.

那要如何教“等待”? 等待有2種, “坐下-等待”與 “趴下-等待”,“坐下-等待”的目標是狗狗要保持坐下並同時保持與你視線接觸, 至等待結束為止.

教“坐下-等待”指令先準備一些狗狗愛吃的小點心放在口袋; 準備時不要給狗狗看到. 把狗狗帶到安靜沒有分散物的話地方. 叫牠的名字, 得牠的注意力. 當狗狗看著你時你向著牠說’等等’然後用手示在牠臉前. ‘等等’的手示就是平開手掌, 像表示’停’的手勢. 給手示以後馬上把手放到身旁. 與狗狗保持視線接觸. 默數至5, 然後給狗狗一塊小點心作為留在原地不動的增強. 在狗狗侶保持不動時給牠解除指令. 給解除指令時狗狗一定要看著你. 如果解除以前狗狗離位, 減短等待時間至狗狗能成功完成. 多次成功完成等待指令後可以漸漸加長等待的時間.

增加距離當你能夠往前往後移動一步而狗狗能繼續保持’等待’時, 你就可以把距離增加至兩步. 準備5~10塊小點心在手中; 往後退一兩步, 馬上往前, 給狗狗小點心增強. 再發’等等’指令, 往後退. 重覆訓習至發完5~10塊小點心. 當狗狗能重覆做到等待時, 你又可以再增加距離; 或保持相同距離但增加等待時間. 目標是在狗狗離位前把等待指令完成. 如果在解除指令前狗狗動了就表示距離太遠或等的時候太長了.

加入分散注意力事物當狗狗有可靠的’坐下-等待’時, 替狗狗扣上長一點的牽繩以作安全. 給狗狗’坐下-等待’指令. 然後加入一些分散注意力的事物; 例如玩具或朋友經過. 狗狗在家裡訓習等待時可以請家人敲門或丟玩具在狗狗附近. 每一次你加入新的事物請減短距離和等待時間; 這樣會確保狗狗的成功率. 手拿著5~10塊小點心; 每當分散物注意力事物發生時每3秒就給點心增強一次; 把狗狗注意力保持在你身上. 重覆練習; 當狗狗能夠不受分散注意力事物影響而能夠保持對你注意時. 就可以增加距離和等待時間.

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Dog TRAiNiNg TiPS 101Once your dog knows how to “sit” on com-mand, the next very useful command to teach is “stay”; the 10 most common uses for “stay” are-

1. To keep your dog from rushing out the front door.2. To keep your dog from counter surfing in your kitchen.3. To have him wait for his meal until you say OK.4. To have him wait while you put on his leash and collar before a walk.5. To wait at doorways when needed.6. To prevent your dog jumping up on guests.7. To put your dog in a relaxed mood during your dinner.8. To help teach your dog self-control.9. To keep your dog from rushing other people or dogs.10. To keep dog from getting over stimulated by any exciting situation.

So how do you teach your dog to stay? There are two kinds of stay, a sit-stay and a down-stay. The goal of the “sit-stay” is for the dog to calmly remain in the sit position while making eye contact and waiting to be released. The dog is required to hold the sit position even if he/ she wants to move somewhere else.

IntroducIng the sIt-stay cueStart by stocking your pocket with the dog’s favorite treats. Do not let the dog see you do this. Go to a quiet area that the dog is comfort-able in. Make sure there are no distractions. Do not bait your hand, say the dog’s name to get his attention. Once the dog is focused on you, face the dog and say, “stay” and give the “stay” hand signal in front of the dog’s face. The “stay” hand signal is a flat open palm and resembles signaling someone to stop. After giving the signal, immediately drop your hand down to your side. Do all of this while maintaining eye

contact with your dog. Count to 5 silently, then give the dog a treat for remaining in the stay position, while the dog is still in a focused “sit-stay” pose, give the release cue. Remember; do not release the dog unless he is focusing on you. If the dog breaks the stay position. decrease your waiting time to a lesser amount at which the dog can succeed. When the dog is repeated-ly successful, increase your waiting time in very small increments until you are up to 10 seconds of stay time. IncreasIng the dIstance Have 5 to 10 treats in your hand, rather then ending the stay with treats, step away, come back, give a treat and repeat the exercise at the same distance until you given all 5 to 10 treats. Once you’ve completed one or two 5 to 10 treats exercises in a row, you can increase the distance by another step. Or you can keep the same distance but increase the waiting time. The goal is to get back to your dog before he breaks the stay. If he gets up, it means you went too far away or were away too long.

Introduce dIstractIonOnce your dog has mastered a solid sit-stay with distance, it’s time to add distractions. Use a long leash for safety. Put your dog in a sit-stay and starting adding some mild distractions like a toy or friends walking by. At home, practice sit-stay while another family member knocks on the door or throws a toy towards your dog. Remember each time you add a new distraction, you should decrease the distance and time so your dog can be successful. Continue with the exercise giving treats every 3 seconds while an-other person makes a distraction. Once the dog can focus on you instead of the distraction, the distraction can then be increased. Once your dog manages to stay focused on you with the distrac-tions, you can increase distance and time.

Once you and your dog master the sit-stay, you will both have a happier, calmer life together.

EDUCATioN 教育新聞

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saturday march 3rd, 2012

taiwan spca 第三屆慈善晚會 third annual taiwan spca charity gala

目的為TSPCA調查部門與教育部門籌備經費 [所有當天捐款可抵稅]Purpose to fund-raise for TSPCA’s Investigations Department & Humane Education Program [All donations on the night are tax deductible]

特別嘉賓 special guests: 范曉萱&100%阿雅 Aya林嘉綺 Patina Lin陽帆&Julie林柄存 Joshua Lin李崗霖 Alex Lee林子良 Johnny Lin陳嘉唯 Renee Chen顧名儀 Ming-I Ku

GET yOUR TICKETS NOW! Email [email protected] or call 02-2921-7530 to reserve your tickets!

saturday/ sunday march 10th - 11th, 2012 | 12pm-8pm uk in taiwan

華山文化中心台北市中正區八德路一段一號HuaShan Cultural Park- #1 Bade Road, Section 1, ZhongZheng District

義賣活動 &彩繪! 義賣的產品都全新的! 衣服,書, 玩具, 傢具, 餐具 等等。 SPCA 的 T-Shirts, 帽子,杯子。SPCA Charity sale & face painting for kids. We will

be selling all brand new items: clothes, books, toys, kitchenware, house ware etc. Also SPCA merch, t-shirts, mugs and hats!

UPComiNg EvENTS 活動訊息

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special support 特別協助

SPCA Board/Supervisors 理事/監事/ 顧問團隊SPCA Translation Team 翻譯小組

SPCA Foster 中途志工們SPCA Volunteers 志工朋友們

SPCA Sponsors 贊助廠商Phillip Hsu & 阿國 @寵物公園

Karen TurngAlleycats

Joanne Cheng + Mavis FanVivian Wang & Charles

廖小姐-得魚會計師事務所The DinerRenee Chen

陽帆哥 & Julie 姐Lisa Sung

PurinaJoshua LinW Hotel

Nancy LaiNini LeeAnn Liao


Mong Shu MienClaudia Lu姚介堃孫儷倩賴淑麗曾怡綺劉宛奇吳愛文

Elva Hsiao許心琤李皓寧

ThANk YoU 感謝

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ThANk YoU 感謝

®®F O O T W E A R G R O U P


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The SPCA needs your help. We currently do not receive

any government funding and thus have to rely on ourselves

and fundraisers to continue our work. If you support our

mission and want to help the animals of Taiwan, please

make a tax deductible contribution today. Thank you.

(Monthly donations now accepted)

國泰世華館前分行 (013)

帳號: 001-50-6059867

戶名: 社團法人台灣防止虐待動物協會

郵局劃撥: 50198373

Paypal: [email protected]

我們開始接受使用信用卡,7-11 Ibon,和全家Family

Port 捐款系統,捐款變得更方便!更多資訊請至www.!

We now accept credit card, Ibon and Family Port donations

to make donating convenient, fast and easy! Please go to for more details!

contacts 聯絡方式 Media Inquiries 公關/媒體 [email protected]

Adoptions 領養訊息 [email protected]

Investigations 虐待案件 [email protected]

Community Outreach 社區教育 [email protected]

General Inquiries 問題/留言 [email protected]

Donations/Sponsorship 捐款/_贊助 [email protected]

DoNATioN 捐款

donation boX locations


Toasteria (Shida 師大)

Salt Peanuts (Shida)

Grandma Nitti’s (師大)

The Diner 樂子 - 和平 & 敦化店

Yong Kang Vet 永康獸醫院 - 新店

Alleycat’s 餐廳 - 華山,_天母

Macho Tacos 瑪丘墨式餅舖 - 延吉店

Polo Pet Plaza 寶羅寵物用品- 公館

早餐店 - 文化路二段182巷3弄97

全國動物醫院 - 內湖店

犬王貓記 - 漢生西路105號1樓

Friends and Family Vet - 福和路316之1

Yoga/Pilates Studio - 光復南路260巷25號之3

Frankie’s Pies - 永和文化路15號-1樓

URBAN45 Restaurant (45區公寓)

- 臺北市忠孝東路四段181巷45號

KIWI 義式餐廳 - 台中市中美街452-1號


永和晶華 - 台北縣永和市中正路197號

忠孝班特 - 台北市忠孝東路3段98號之1

林森勝豐 - 台北市林森北路516號

新莊萬旺 - 新莊市復興路2段184號

土城萬旺 - 土城市金城路3段151號

寵物公園 - 板橋市文化路2段501號

寵物公園 - 北投光明路214號

Trinity Huang -


Pet Park Xindian - Ryan’s北新路三段199號

Pet Park Roosevelt - 羅斯福路五段144號

咕咕G寵物城 - 台北縣永和市中山路一段24號

通化萊恩 - 基隆路二段110號1樓

Support TNR Restaurant -


京樂串烤 - 台北市延吉街62巷6弄1號

內湖班特 - 內湖區成功路3段16-1

中信房屋大安仁愛店 -


錦城漫畫影音租售館 -


Macho Tacos - 師大Shida

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