Page 1: COk. R. H. G. MINTY AND THE IGHIGAN · Gal. R. H. G. .Minty and the ... Rome, Kingston, Dallas, Powder Spring,





Page 2: COk. R. H. G. MINTY AND THE IGHIGAN · Gal. R. H. G. .Minty and the ... Rome, Kingston, Dallas, Powder Spring,

\ \

COk. R. H. G. ·MINTY




Page 3: COk. R. H. G. MINTY AND THE IGHIGAN · Gal. R. H. G. .Minty and the ... Rome, Kingston, Dallas, Powder Spring,

• Gal. R. H. G. .Minty and the

4th Michigan Gavalry.

Repl'inted from the Louisvill~ Journal.

ONE of the cavalry camps near the fort on Shelby street was the scene of a very pleasant reunion on the 16th inst. The

4th Michigan cavalry, Colonel R. H. G. Minty's old regiment, after two years a.nd three months of uninterrupted. hard service at the front, had been sent here to remount. On the occasion referred to the Colonel, in behalf of the friends of the regiment in Flint, Mich­igan. presented his war-worn troops with a beautiful stand of colors, the gift of the ladies of Flint. The presentation lettet was

read by Captain Robert Burns, A. A. General of Col. Minty's brigade, and a committee appointed to reply.

Page 4: COk. R. H. G. MINTY AND THE IGHIGAN · Gal. R. H. G. .Minty and the ... Rome, Kingston, Dallas, Powder Spring,


The flag is a morlel of neatness and good taste. In the eenter

of a groundwork of rich blue silk is the national coat of arm.s,

with a star for each State. Around this center, tast.efullyarranged

in handsome gilt leUers, the names of twelve battles in which the

regiment has foughl. In the centel' of the opposite side there is

the coat of arms of the State of Michigan, aud this Latin motto,

.. In jure vincimus," and around the bonlcl", as on the other side.

the llames of twelve other battle-ficlds.* This flag was ready for

presentation in April last., tnt the regiment had left before it. cuuld

be forwarded, ami has on ly now become so settled in camp as to

give opportunity £'in· the presentation. On a silver-plate on the

staff stand engraved the names of sixteen othel· battles in which

this noble regiment has fought since the ibg was finished, tlm·iug

the memorable campaign against Atlanta. Among the battle-fiehls

on the flag are Stolle River, Shclbyville, Franklin, Sparta, Mi!ldle­

ton, Rover. UnionYill(', Liberty, Snow Hill, McMinville, Lebanoll.

Chickamauga, Reed·s Bridge, Hill Creek, Chattanooga, Cleveh~ml:

on the silver plate, Rome, Kingston, Dallas, Powder Spring, Big

Shant.y. Kinesaw MOlllltain, Cbattahoochie, Covington, Stone

Mountain, LaUil1lel"S Mills. Flat Shoals, Lovejoy's Station, Jones­

boro, and Atlanta. The whole number being forty, and this makes

no account of millor skirmishes whi~h might. be adele!l, swelling the

llum ber to hundreds. Immediately after the flag presentation, the

following order, 'Nhit'h explains itself, was read to the regiment,

the parties the1·ein named heing present:

*Tbe staff has a plate on which is engrayed: "Presented to the 4th reO"iment Michigan ca'mh·y by their friends in Flint; " "Blessings all our noble bOyS:" "Victory over el'cry foe ."



Regimental O,·rlcr No.4.

On the 14th day of Eeptember, 1864, Corporal C. M. Bickford, of Company G, was in comllland of twenty-three men of his regi­ment (only seventeen of whom were armed), garrisoning block­house No 19, on the Nashville auel Decatur railroad At noon all that day, Colonel Whcelt>l·, of the rehel army, callle in with a flag of t rllee, ami demanded the uneomlitional surrender of the ·block­h011se and garrison. Corporal Bickford rernse!l to surrendet·. Colonel Wheeler st.ated that Gen. Whceler was present in person with eight, thousalH.1 men and three pieces of arti Ilery. Corporal 13. still refused to surrender. At half-past twelve o·<:lock the rebels opened with theit· artillery, and for five hours and a half continued to shell the block-I)(Jllse, at one time being 1lot more than ten or fifteen rOils distant. ~even Hmes did this little garrison make the rehHls change the Pt) ' ilion of lheil" 1\1" ry. lin. I finally forced them to retreat at. about II 0' lock in t.he eyenillg wi h a loss of eight mel! killed, and sixty WPllIlfl c(l. Dnl'iu th n ngemeut the block­house was struck twclll,y-fil'c Lime by the :u·tille:·y,

The follOWing is a list of the names and companies of t.hese gallant, men; Corporal C. M. I?ickford, Company G; John Caldwell, Company U: Joseph H. Abb,ty, Company I; Soloman Powell, CO)ll­pany C; Edward Loman, Company I; Fre!leriek Uevinton, Com­pany G; John Hem·y: Company D; John Stedle, Company M; Edwin Potter, Company K; Lucius Keys. Company E; HalTis Donely, Company Ii; Lcvi W. Ailrill, C'olllpany E; Wm. Stedman, COll'lJany B; Thomas Hunter, Compauy D; John Patten, Company I; Orin S. Bates. Company 1; .John 'Vard. Company G; Chancey Eaton, Company G; R. M. Wood, Company D; Amos Lake, Com­pany K; Benjamin Hubbard, Company H; Wm. J. Smit,h, Com­pany C.

Subjcet to the approval of his Excellency, the Governor of


Page 5: COk. R. H. G. MINTY AND THE IGHIGAN · Gal. R. H. G. .Minty and the ... Rome, Kingston, Dallas, Powder Spring,


M. Bickford is appointed 2d Lieutenant, Miehigan, Corporal C. vice Jones, resigned.

Col. R. H. G. MIN"TY, Comma~ding. 1st Lieutenant and Adjntant.

By order of J. G. DICKINSON.

A few words about this noble regiment and its gallant com­

mander will hardly be considered out of place in this connection: The 4th Michigan cal· aIry, Colonel Minty commanding, crossed the Ohio river twelve hundrer\ strong, at the time when the rebel army, under General Bragg, was threatening Louisville. in October, 1862, and participated in t.he mil,itary moverrellts that drove the rebels from Kentucky. :'IIaking a hasty march from Crab Orchard to Munfordville, it joined in l.he hunt after John Morgan, and followed

that noted rebel and horse-thief across the Cumberland River. When General Rosecrans advanced towards Murfreesboro, the 1st cavalry brigade, of which the 4th Michigan was then a part, and to the command of which Colonel Minty had been appointed,

moved out in advance of the center column. The 4th Michigan cavalry fh·ed the first gun, and had the first man killed in the mem­orable series of desperate fights, which, spreading over many miles of country, and oecnpying many days, together constitute the hattIe of Stone Riyer. Colonel Minty, with his 1st brigade, the 4th Michigan included. led H. sabre charge on the evening of De­cember 31st, whieh ('hecke(~ the then victorious rebels. From that

time the enemy gained nothing. Minty's was the first cavalry to enter Mnrfreesbol'o, after Bragg's forces were withdrawn.

When Rosecrans ad vanced toward Tullahoma, Minty's brigade, after a hard tight. drolTe a heavy force of the enemy from Shelby­ville, killing amI wounding a great number and capturing 600 pris-


oners, with three pieces of artillery. When Bragg. reinforced by

Longstreet, fell upon Rosecrans's army on the 19th of September,

1863. Minty, with his brigade, fought the advancing columns ·of the enemy one day almost alone, and, by a series of brilliaut .c~valry movements, held the whole rebel army at bay until the General could collect his scattered troops; and the General himself said that his cavalry here saved his army. During Sherman's last cam­

paign, Minty, with his brigade, was always where bard work and desperate fighting were to be performed. His command was

detached from Garrard's division, and formed a part of the force that, under Kilpatrick, passed around the two armies, cutting the Macon Railroad, after the disastrous failures of McCook and Stone man. Here, near Lovejoy's Station, Colonel Minty led his brigade -his own old regiment, the 4th Michigan. being in the center-ill one of the most brilliant and successful cavalry charges of the war~ literally cutting his way through the rebel army and saYing Kil­patrick's command.

Minty's brigade has been known as the 1st brigade, 2d cavalry

division, and was composed of the 4th United States, 7th Pennsyl­

vania, aud 4th Michigar't cavalry. In the reorganization now going on it is to be known as the 2d brigade of the 2d division, and will consist of the 4th Michigan, 7th Pennsylvania, and 1st, 3d, and 4th


Col. Minty has been earnestly recommended to the President and Secretary of War for promotion. First, in 1861, for galla~t conduct while with the 3d Michigan cavalry. Second, by Maj.

Gen. Stanley, Chief of Cavalry, and Gen. Rosecrans in the spring of '63. Third, by Gen. Rosecrans in his official report in the

- -

Page 6: COk. R. H. G. MINTY AND THE IGHIGAN · Gal. R. H. G. .Minty and the ... Rome, Kingston, Dallas, Powder Spring,


autumn of 18G3. Fourth. by Generals Stanley. Thomas. and Elliot,

in the spring of 1864; and fifth, by Generals .Kiipatrick and Sher­man for ga\1anL conduct during the late campaign. The Governor

of Michigan, with the two U. S. Senators, and all the Representa­

tives In Congress bItt one, bave united in aHking of the War De­

partment a star for this successful and brilliant cavalry command­

er. His friends have ceased to look for justice. He is no favorite

wit.h 'Vest Point martinets, and SCO!'llS t.he sycophantic throng that

lie watching around the portals near Washington. He has been

more than two years Colonel comnlanC\ing a brigade. His friends

have 10]lg ceased to look for justice to this ~ruly worthy officer.

When this "cruel war" is over, and history does justice to ~hose who have fought. it will be seen how little minds invested with

temporary power, from motives of jealousy so mean that they can nardly be believed, have withheld that which was due honest merit,

while blustering pretence and w01;t.hless impudence haye stolen

honors due better men. Impartial history will do justice to the

soldier who has faithfully served his country and sllccessfully led

her armies during this her terrible struggle for life. F.

Louisville, N cv. 28, 1864.


. ,.

Saber Brigade.




By Robert H. G. Minty, Brevet 'Major-General, U. S.

Vols., Ogden, Utah.

Reprinted from the National Tribune.

W\" ANnOl'Tp.. 'lUCH. THI:: H":RAI~J) :-i'rEAl! 1~lt.t::.-:'SE8.


Page 7: COk. R. H. G. MINTY AND THE IGHIGAN · Gal. R. H. G. .Minty and the ... Rome, Kingston, Dallas, Powder Spring,



Page 8: COk. R. H. G. MINTY AND THE IGHIGAN · Gal. R. H. G. .Minty and the ... Rome, Kingston, Dallas, Powder Spring,

devoted himself aeth'ely to the work of reopening the milroaci anrt. accumulating supplies at the front ill sufficient, quantities to enable him to make a further ad,an('e,

On the first day of AUQ"ust, 1863, I was detal'lled from the 'Axulr)" "orps_ and orderel to cover the left of the army in its

:t 1\"l1.lll'e to Chal iftnoo~a, and incidentally to "clear the rebel <.:Il.yall'v out of the ("oll ntrv as we ad,am'ed,"

I I: ]>nrted 10 (j(>lI, I:i tl(~nt l ell, l 'ommnntiing Ihe I~rl win)!, :tJH\ \111(lel" 01"(1 1":' from him l)l"CI(o(!cil tl <I I lie to !\1(' l\1in I\ \'i 11\', wh I'e Gen, Vlln C'1~"(f . Dil-Linn h('11I th I fl (If lltll' po, iliulI,

My l)l'iO"ll.t1 > ('ulli'i ' teel or-l'h 4th .,', ('iL\',. ILl'\. S. B. Mdnlyr ('OlllIlIMdi llg, 'I he 4th Mil,h, ~ll,\'" MtLj. BOI'IH'P -i-nw l 'llIIuuandillg, The 71 h Pa. (,':w .. ('ul. W, B, ,'ipe ' ("\ llllnliln ~li IIg'. One h a ttllliOIl O'f I It 8r11ncl, 'ILY .. f.i ellt.-( 01. 'Ii Ill' ('(11111l\;nldi ng. One ~Iwtirll) Chic~tg'o I3nJl\' I of 1'1"11(\0 Bat le l."Y, 1,iClil. (hitii n

O"ommn.nliing, The re\)ld ('l1Yldl'~' whi<'ll J WlIS xp (·ted to "(·Iplu' our of tile

cOlllltl'j' .. was I iJe bl'j .... sllie of Gen. Dibrell , \\'h i(·lt 1\'aS IhclI (·:mIJlet! jn Lhe Yidniry IIf :-i]lIU'llI' '1'l'l1n" Ihe h()])1 I)f Dihl·e ll. to whit'll ]ll!ll'~. w(' mull;,\ '1tIO~, Ill' hlld l'etm'll"d fo\' th' Plll'p .... of 1'{·~·nlillng hu. ('OIllIlIU!! I of pi('king 11]> hi:- -lm~U'1 'I 'S whu hmf \'CI\ll'llClI I Ihl'il' hllllll'. "\1) sce Ihl'jl' fulks,"

IJP,ll'uillO' tllltt Dihr II w • • (':Ull] 1 al lal'k'" Mill. (HI mile J\()\,tll\\'I~:;r fl:Ulll ,'PlU'L:t, r delel'mine I, if puo<<<ihl , In !:'lII'pl'il!(, him, His pi('kel . (w('upi<'d Ih lin of Rod, !:ti\'CI', fl h(lld, I'n~I!I'1I $ll'eam, wil,1t n)('ky hllUk", llIh:mlllt~ lj' il1l11fl..S<.:ahh:· fIll' \':1,\':111')" I'X('('pt at a few point,' ktWWIl II ' fot'lt.-, Thl'ee oI Ihl'~e ((Ircl~ W(>I ' al"n.ilahle for nl\" »1tl'pns', The" weI' kllOWIl :~ , Dillon's POI'I\. Ro('k I~1:t1ll1 }'onl :uHI l~owcI' 1·( I'd: Any 01' all of Ihl>_"c ('011111 he held hy:\ in\\" delcl'mineLl JUen ft!!"}tinsl nfJ'll4)!'1 :l1'l\' fOI"\'(' Ihal ('(llIld 11(' J"H'uu!!"ht. 1l,:!'llinSI IIII'm, iOillg' ilowu ouc' b~uk, (·I'o:;.~illg IILI' :11'~ :1 1l1. :illl! going up III nIh 'I' h,\lIk, it \I'll .. " ne' ';~al')' III lI'ilid ylll1l' 11('1"\011' \\'a~' ill lim! on!. l"ClIl1l<l gl'c:Lll'o('ks :\11\\1 (\\\'1.1('1'::', S,I tlialtlw pll'~llg(' of Ilw l'i n'!I' W,lS clitlkull, with lIotllillg hill aaluml (lh.~I:wt() III ('()J) l() 1H I w it II, "

I left. M"Min~L\'il1e :II 4 1'. ~I .. AI\~. 4, and ani\'ed at Mud Creek, three miles fl'om Low I' Fm'cl. :11 I} I', ~I, At this llOint I deta('hed Col. Kline wi1ll his h,lIta1il1n, \\'ith onlers to ell( e:t\"or to make a C'l'ossing at Dillon's Ford; if he sueeecded, to g:,ill. as rapidly as


llt),..",ih!~, Ih,~ :-: PUL'\I.1 :Lilli 111-:\flnn\'i!l> I'Hat!: IIII'll, I .. hi" lef,t nnd ,·:tJltm·c the pi('k,,,, Itt E Ill·k l..slcuu \, III 1\ hll,h !?C)IIII 1 PI'UIUIS ,'U 1 III (!"I him 'll lIIi,\ni{!hl.

'''I' red hy Ih pill'hy (\;tl'kll , . I)f l~ ",il,l :\IId ::'torm~' Ili~ht , ('.,1 . .Klill· l'I'u --e,\ tilt' I'h' I', \\'itll "111" ()1IC' s l1\ll fil"\l\:\ him: bm Ihlll ~hot alarilled Ihe pi\-k I :\1 J{ o\,k f ' \UlHI. anll wht'll \\'( lll'I'h" ·.1 Iltl-rll shal'p :11 tllf' np)lointetl lil,l]C, lLlidllig:ht I fllllllc\ !hnl lim 1'I.1wl..: ILad ~{'at\el'el\ ,weI' the (,ol1l1h'Y, ('\" r,v fool or wh,,'11 Illey were fAmilial' with, and thus frustrated the intended surprise, A few lUoments later Col. Kline joined me; he hac! ('aptl1l'cd 14 men, 1 l'I'llIl'Ill'ci II) Mc·\jilllll'il1p, Ilrri\'il1g at 11 ,I. )1.. Allg, 5,

1 \\,:-15 illflwllIecilhlll Dil}rell mln' cd hi .. ':1111» frnlll (In(' 1(1(';)1it~t ttl :1110111>1' 1'\' 1")' tI:IY m' tWII, 1\1\(\ it \\':1," Ih'l' fUl" ,Ii Ilk II Il til knclI\'" ill:;t wl1\<rt~ III ,·tl'ike him. On tlH.' lith r W: infol'llwt\ II at h· \\,:i '

;"L111jlC'i1 t\\'o ll1ih·.~ ~cl\lth (If :O:Pill'I:t: '::(), al ~ P. ll, (111 lhnt dall.'. wilh ii4 men "I' ;Ill l'all\;~, I llllll'dwd 1'01' Sl't'II(' 1'. ~jlll:tt 'II ,,11\1(J":1 dil'C'l'lh' I'Ilsl froill M('i\lilllll"illc and ;;"mlL fl'lll11 , ·P:lI.·I: I, nnd lying :1111"11'; tIll' fo,,1hllI: of ihe CllIllilt'rhlHl M(llllltailn" "'r :l1'I'il'l.'1I :U, ,'))1'111 '1- 1' ,(I 11:3U \', JI" /tlll\ balt(KI 1t1J1,~ elltmgh 10 mHk(' coffcc lllllL fl'I'cI h'H'~('l",

TIIC' "0111111',1" \\'a~ I ITihly I' Il~h :111111'Itggl'd, 1I1H1111t' lIil-(hl W;1"

dllrk ,I)" ,EI"I·I)U~, How '\'('1', T 111111 a gllide whu W;to: I hOI'oll!!hl,v f:lIllili'll' wilh IIIP l,w>l.lilY, :lnd \\' f' plI::,lwd flll-\\' IU'tl. ( ' I'''~ '1,11 ':lIlr.\' FIll'\; It! Ill(> 11 nnt h or Calli' t'r ok. :lml :II 1)1' 'ak 'Jf d:\~' 1I'III:k lJiI.rc,II· ' pil'kels ahollt 1"1111' IItile ' ,'OUdl ,I' :':pal·I:L.

i\l\' ulll" :\l1\"1' \\' :1-~ It:) nwn of the 4th Mkh .. ('II11\11I:\lhlt>1I hy M:t.j, Hu rat"' GnlY, \\, h .. m J had in, tl'IU:I('d Iml tn 1m.\" IIII\' allC'nlitll1 1o 01' 1'f'tl1l'lI Ihl! IiI'I' of IlL(' reh -I ph'k<'I;o, hilI In tll"i ' t' ;t1ll1 fnllo\\' them 011 II ... g.lllop, :lIt,] I hI> I' \\'fllIhlleatl him din'l,tl,'" to tlll'il'l'lln: p,

The pit-kC't~ lell til< Ihl'ulLgll spal'lll, \\'hel'l' I w"" illftl!'n1('(1 Ihal Dihl'I'1I luul lLLol'NI ('lll1lp ~IH! CY <!ling ],cofo\"\'. ami \\':l: IlO\\' aiJuHl 1111'1'1" mi1(''; nUl'rh, on 111' 1\ l buuk I)fihe ':Ilr Kill,'1' ('1'1 ('k,

The IrJllg night 1I1(11'('h 1L1lt! Ihl' Illurnillg g:lllop had tired our hnr,;e', and '()II~ ''ill '1I11y I he I' h(~1 pkk('t,; ,',' )'f. enabled to alarm the ~'1I11111 bl'fnr(' I\,> \'011111 ,'Irike i1 'f"il1. Ml~j, Gray dislodged and <In)\' l' J)ihrt:1I :\l'I'II. Ih 1.'1' ·k hl'fO!'() Ih ,'nllllllil eould render any a~sistalH'e. '

Gen, Dibrell took np a strong positioll on a hill eOUlJUandinO' a nal'1'OW, L'i('.ket.y bl'ide, whi('h was the only mean,,' of ('l'ossing the . creek at thi" pili nt,

Page 9: COk. R. H. G. MINTY AND THE IGHIGAN · Gal. R. H. G. .Minty and the ... Rome, Kingston, Dallas, Powder Spring,


T '!'," , d Capt. l\'ldllt~' I"(',wjLh till' 4th H('gU1:11"l< al :\ 1"O('k,\' fllrtl "om~ ,lh (,Ul('C h,~JC)\~' the bnd~" and in',h'u('1 d hilll 1(1 111I1"))ly the ene~u) . !'Ight: Col. , 11)("~ wa UrN'1 II In lIppnl"t ' apt. ]'Ill-Intyre, willie WltlJ (/I 4th ~Li'('h, I\ml 3t1 Ind, T mat!. :\ !lil'('d attl1l:k n'l the l)I"id<re, "11' ilium nL his Ilflllk \V'\"IO\I~'he(1. Dib!'(~11 :IL)[wdoncd hi tl"()l)g Pl), illun nud ,'('fl.tler II n Ih(' 1'1111,

,My 10_ W, " 'ollJinetl eX("\\1 iI'ely to the 4th MidI .. whieli l'eglOlent h:\~~ Ihl' P 111('1\ killed l~lld (Ill omc'cr anel Clnc Illall 11' (JIlllci('d, '.\ • '111'. OIlC uftic'(>r a.n 1 IS of Dih\'(~ I1"" men ki lied, aIHI I' l'ltl)tlll" ' ,I OIIC (\nll'~1" :md nine m'l1.

TI .4Ih!{ gull'll's .• lhPu." ;l1118111111.5(,Olll· 01 the ('Clllllln' ill (l1'el'Y II 11'1"('1 1<111. hIli tbl'i.l· hoi'S!'!; ",al'c tnll til'('II ro (\\'1.'1'1<1 k(; I het fre h1Y-1l101I1It II I" b L

. In .: 'I~m)lu.ign , or Forrest," pa"'l' :.04, 11\t! :llltllllr. \" felTill" In llu ' I\!fllll', says, ,. TIl!' all!l.{'k W:I. mad(' wilh ~o IIllldl da, h. liml, (~:l':tpe ,~)r any of Dibl 'clI's III 11 \\'~ll dill> 1(1 IlIl' fic 'I IIC';" (If theil' hvl. e '

'" e "ClIll'llllllo Md\Jjllnl'iJ\(, on tllr flll)(""ing dll\'-Ihe 10111. ~n Aug, 1-lh' gr!H'I'I\ 1 a(h':~Il('e of Ih(· Ill'lll.l' ('Ollilll<'lIl·ed .

. lit ,Illilm' "f 1111\1'(,11 !'l:lqUII'·ll 111(' In lie al l'ik l' iIle, ill lhl~ equl.l'l. 'III~ Vl~lIex, 011 I he niglll or I h , 1, I h, 1 IInlrched frolll

M ,MIIHII'll1e III 2· .\, )1. OIl til '17th , Oil t.he dinwt nmd In ,' pa,rla. nnd :l$ we :cppl"lludtcfl th,u phl<'e leal'lwd thn Dihre ll \1' (1'" (';\lI lpctl )) 'IU' , l' I'ry '" mill , '111 thc biLllks of the alE Kill!'I'. . Th' 41h Mil-h. UI1.r17tll Pa., 'I\)()\'ed lip til e:l ' l hank. :1))clllI' 4t h G. , . ILnli 3d Illd. Ih(' west hlulk of rhl'(T' k , Th!' hl'OkclI 1I:lllim of tl~ gl"o lilt!. :lllel the ntlm 1'0\1;- IJr:l.tlc'h " Ill' ('I' cks I hal ('1"0,. <><1 Ihe.h.n of ILCh'allee, d I:lye(llh l:lll I" I'egim I1t nWI" Ihan 1 had antJl·l !llltell.

T Ie, 4th Mkh. amI :~h Pa. pn, lpcl fp!,\\'ltl'd 1·:.\Jlidl.\', nnd \\'em ,O(ln H('tl\' I,Y<l, IhcCIl 111' ,(·(!.tlel·cd alHlli1e lighl e,·tcllclf'11 ~'\' el" a lUI'ge 'xl I~ l .,f ('0\11111')' : thr), II' I" 11I'i\'(:1l ItS far :lS Yallkrc rOWll: 0\' )' 10 1l1l1e;- fl"OIll , 'peITY'~ .611111. H('re 1 ~11 " (ul( t llnccl I hfl

1)111';;111\ 11m I re lll l'n cI tn , ·\Mrlll .. , AbuliL fl~III' m~l ,; fro!11 , pn!·t:l Ihe roml I .w:1.. llwI'ing nil 1('11

C!1l il) the ,~lf liJllel'. WI,III n IlIgh, {v(lml!;,ll hili 011 Ilt<, \lp)l()llit(~ ~& .

.1 w!\, I'i li ng a,l)()nt 10 rOlls ill ndnlll'(, ' i~r Ilip 4th ,. ' .. whidl . n "gllllcnt w,~· n.r t~l(! head (If my l'olnmn. ~:lI1. BIII·II .. Ill)' . , A.-G .. :1.lld IlPl. vnlC', my A.. . 1.-G .. werc' I'idil1g ~ll II!)' :-,idE', .llIcl



Ihree 01,.1 'I'li following. ":en(l Bun·h, o rp 'l HOllges-wh l'<IJ'l'i d tile briO':ul baul flag-au'a l1'Y Bliglel' Bail y , a lluLr-breeu lndian, Ilf r.h 41h R ~ulal' .

Capt. Blll'll - l ul'I1l11gwme. aid:" olon 1, Ihi i th liJ,ttim J h.w kllOII'll )'011 tCl m()\' wil hOllt. all ndl'all(: ·gthU'Cl."

I l' plie I: " U i can; Iy n c al',Y we will hi"()Uil, ' imm -cliately: hu~ I Iwull1nil t,iC) i t, A holl h of 50 melt wCluld Lhl'oW Ihe hel\ll of the 'oluInll into cOllfn in." (Ion 1 h1millg in my 'addlo I . aid to t,he Bugl r: .. Bailey. gi l'e lUy c:omplinH'1l . to apt. Mdnlyr , and I' que t him to emL a do?: '11 men to the fi'ollt as un ,lei I>"

Vale, in .. Minty a nd the 'avalry," page 20(\ and 207, ay- : .. On this hill, across th ('I'eek,lw regiment of Dihl' II's \.!ommaud, whh'h h,ltl h .en 1'111, off l)y t]l pl'e<, cling a(lI~all(-e. w I' Iyill~ in :~llIbll;:h, h ing pl'ilte(·t d froln imm diat ,~ 8~tI1l1 hy t h ('1' k. thel' 1I11fnnlllhl. ... • ... As the Bugler wheel d hi " II( L'se IIUtl shufell 1)11 th gal lop , a I'tilley fr()m th III II 'in It mhll:h w!\.s fil' 1 at Ihe fir III II Ihu, I'iding ilion. 'apt. Vale hu I foul' II 1·- IIored aero, " hi ' "hl ull! I" l )y a I'Itldn . hot, from len Ie) !'i"'h. • el'j~' t Bur·h ')11 of I he 01'11 rli ", \I' shl)t i 11 th tlligh Illld11i. leg hruk 'II: '01. Minly'" hm's rec(lil'cd three 1>1\11 and the hm- ul1)0lh nlerlie. wel'E\ kille(l."

'rhe l> 1111111h I' of the ' h!ttmnoC)'[}' Rebel. e l ' ('l' puhlished in Ch:\th~I'II'flg>l. a shccl l. ,dwnl 12 iJwh , qnllrC'l, lliltl .prilll ,t1 on one side ollly. - ('Il llrllill d thl' rollI/willI! l);tl':lgrnph : .. III lh fight at !"pal't<l cm th.! nth. th lIotoriuu Y;\llk t' ('nl'alry G lIeml, Minty, w: ,., killPtI."

A f(II 'c' \I'll." ('I'/) - 'I'll It!). til :l qual' I' of 3 mill' delII'll the ('I'e ·k, whit-Ii :-"011 flL' Jflllg(~d Iht! PII .IlIY, II'h reI I' ,ltNl mpi II}' Inward l< illg,;t 1111, :lIll! ill lh~ mOl'll ing Ill) Intt· · \If rh(,ln I'olt1d b f lIud. (:X<: III 111 il'dl:j;\ll , wholl1 rh dti7.en · w(~r 11}'de)'(, .1 to bnry,

'\ III . ay!<. PRg- , 207 ': "Th 1'01101 Foree engacrcd 'I'll 1.500 m II: j\Jli n!,(\' " for<:<' \I'll'; 1.400. and ope r>l.ting in :ill 1I11kllOWll 1'0111111",1', while el'el'y I:tlw-path w!\,S I~unjli:tI" to t ile e llem~' : nolwilb­"t:lndillg wLl'il'1t Ihey \\" 1."0111'1\- 1\ fl'lIm poSiti HI aftor po. ilion from 4 to 1', )1., t\ clj"tlU1(-1~ of 14 mi l , ( ften :\1 a gallop, ... ;I: * The lI11ml)(\I', 'uPhll"(,cl dlll'ing Ih chI)' 1\':\. 25, I"epr('~ nlill~ COlll'llifft"l'en t rl'g:i1l1 lll,~ , I ut Ill", Ilelll()J'ali7.Mi u or thcil' l'onmhllICI \\'U' - -:ll('h that, DiJ)I'~l1 nffic-ially reports' that t he 8th Tenn. alone crossed the CUi\lhci·]an.1 M()an:~1ill s , an~l it, with le3s th'tll when he reached

Page 10: COk. R. H. G. MINTY AND THE IGHIGAN · Gal. R. H. G. .Minty and the ... Rome, Kingston, Dallas, Powder Spring,


'j),l rt"a. H ' Iik '\\"i ~f} 1'('1 <l1'llt;'\ In. is Ill' (' i.srhl ki Ih",1 ;\Il tl . !) 'I'<mml ,,1. " 1\1:y III . 1I"::i 1111(> dnl\\'llccl. till' e ,,'£tk I"' lUlII12 III II \\·(lUlul(',\.

/I t hl? ni <rtll (I f t hf' l~l h J ,\I'1"i\'ed :t l Pik('$\· ilJe. in Ih'" • ([ualt-hie' \ alIT)" ' : I abti h 01 ,t hlk Pi\ !L1 It III 1 ll'fL my W( Hllld(·d

th n~, with 11 11 ',;i l alll ~i ,rge(HI i ll d\al'~(" 11 t 11 , 11)(,11 I I"nk p, ' ;:, i nTl pi ~Illith' :i ("1'('$ ),(I:u \.' . ill ti ll!

T ClI -ee V::I,11",,,,. maki llg: 1)\ 'iii0l1 1'_ IIf 1:';(1 111('11. who w n' SLlI'p l'i ,'e \ a\ Ih fOOl of \¥nldrnn· .- Ricl g:(l.

Sept . 1 M>lj . ( ' I·UV . wit h the4rh lVlil-h .. O J) ,lied ('omllmnit'uli"I1S wHit Gen. illu'l\sidc'" l'ighr (It f(inIlS!OIl. and madl' [lI"iSO llC'I'S of 121') m II f)'om BlH·k ne l' · ~ <-"1 11)" !\n([ o n 111 :M J 1'(!l)fll"l l'd tn (:; 1'11.

.. itll'lH\(~Il : " l~m'k n(>r';: "nl1ltl),\ml hll~ {'I'''., Nt I hr "j't'lIl1 (>.-S('(' Rin'I' at Loudon, and is now being pushed as fast as possible t01Yarcl

'h:tit;lllll(I:'::I." " 011 ,-' t'li . 13 I ~· I·os.:-ed lhr Tenlles~e(' Hiver hy fording. (letadlPd

11. !3d Jilt!. III !h:l\tano/\t!a fOl' piC'ket and ('onrier duly, and wilh \ he I"CllI:l ill' I(~ I" Ilf llI~' 11I'iJ{ 'Ir ' droye Pegram's ("al'alry throug-h Gnlp·ill('. lInd ,thulll millnif!hl reported to G(>ll. CI'ittenden at L!'l~ & GordCln',. Mill. On Iht' 14th, mi(ler ordel's fl'om Gen. Crittemlell. T "1'0",,(,,1 :\·Ji .. ~i(""t1 · \· Uill!!)' illto Lookollt V;tll(,\' nil I rCIIII'ned III Uot'dlll ' - , !i11 IIIlXI ',Iav. ' '

011 tI l!' 1'1 ninJr ,';r !he liilh (:P.ll. CI'i(!('nd('1l IIi 1'('('11>:1 III " to PI'(lt' 'II :~, "II,'!' 1<) P II. Villi' Y :l.!IC)· tlntl ("la[, li",h nl~' 1\));'1<[1( \1 :\1'11" " in 1111> \ il"illllY. I.i Ll'('\'" '1'( ''''~r(JI\'I. · ,

CI· .. ~"IIll!'t h(' CIIi(,k:tllh\Uj!:1 :11 Ii '1'<1'" .l3t·id f!', I llIto\' ,',1 ill l " l' ':\ Vin' V:lll 'y , (!lL ';t of l"tJII Vim' Rill!!!,. :lllll :It tlar k l 'lllllt}(·,I al 1«(' ltol'-" i\liil. Oil Pra Yilll' ('1'(' k, 1\ al' IfI(' Bingg-nhll"Il:Ht. :1 11,1 ,"'nt llfltl ·O\. in th ~ lIil'ccrion of t:nt)Tillt·, Biu):!;g.'ul!l, 1.(' -\'.' :Hld R",''!; ' pl·iIlW';. hI tIll' r£>lnrll of tit Illi I'U\. t111 l'i 11!{ 11,.. ni~h 1. I !'cvnr1t'd

To n;',. ('l-i llenrl('n the ill!" I1"rn:trioll ~lliJl('I !. liUlI l\ :\h ,l\ll ,J .1. ~I . l"(>['cil'l,d lhe rollowing r<,)}ly frnm ':lpt. (III ,l'-;hll\\", 1\..-"i.I:II11 Adjlllunt-(;(>IH'I·lll. '('1\'('111 y . /i r . .;! ('UI'II,,; .. TIH' ~l:ljor-lJcllt'l':l1 ("lilli­

llHll1ding <lit'Pl"I~ me. III :LC kll nil' 1('1 <r<, til!' rp['pipt or )'01.1 (' INW!' of ,hi;:;' \Iat ," iniol'lllin rr him llmt F.Il·I·(·"t j,; al H i ll g-~C)I<!. 1",1l11~, InN ILl D,dtun. I? LrI":l1l\ 1\1 L(! I', . all,1 B tl'kll(!l' ~I l'l.<wk , 'pl'ingi<, Alllhi~ \\'(>nlIT illilic',llt' iIlCIl.1l'll·,'" whil'lI Ih i\[:\j01.,( j !H'ml (' (1111l1l:l1ldlllg ('llIlIlClt Iwll("'(>,"

V,t11 HOI'II!. ill hi .. Hi, tol"\' uf Ih ' Arlll" elf Ihl' ' II III h(' r1:1I11\. .. }l:tg(' 3~7, ::1Y·"; I, DllI'i njl: Ihr I~.h :ll i1ll ,' ""('1)I1I1IIi[('I'(>11 thi;> fn)J1t. :11111 I·l'porll.! llMt Ih(~ 'iWllI.1' was il l f' II"' I! a l D,dlun. J{in~'II!",



L eel' - T:-tnya nl find l: \ ·k 'pring' bun·h. " . 011 th 1l:.liJd l" porte 1 L) , n. ' rittellli 11 t hat a (01'U6 of III f:\lI t l'Y

had Ihat Illumillg m (1V d frolll Lhe lli)'~ ,ti<)Il' f Ih,~'k. ' 'pring towltnl Ringgc)ld.. He r .pliet! \. ry, 'ut,tly "It was Ilothlllg lmt a 'm,,11 fon'e of dl I1l ullteu Cll.rah·y. '

I per ollally we nt \0 :T rdO!l' Mill to see Gen. Cl'~rte lll! n, alld f f} \Ioll'ed him <l Cra'l'l'li 'h 'prlng , whe\'e r .fC)lInu bll1l wllh Gell. Ro. rallS. I did my be t to ('omin e him tlill. Ge n, BI'ltgg I\"a ma' ing on hi left; t hat h had b,eel1l'e inforc.ed by G n. Long t reet wi th t\ ·orps. He <'0 1I te(l he Idea, and said;

.. LI)ntl"tl' et. i ~ in il'ginia." r _ai f: .. Pa.rdoll m . General ; Lon~treet was ~'e_.terd~.y a>

lJ",lton, wit,h t wo "oi'p from the Artily of Northerll Vll·gllll~. , 'en . Ho e railS made , ()me l'e lli lLrk. J do Il()L reco\1ect It wlth

.'I,II'liciellt learn 0 ql1 te i now; but. iL in Ii aLet.! I hat he wa i ll ·lined to place ' nlid(~ llr in my I' POI'L, ('rit U}nd n s prang to his f eel and , rai ing hi han I abo\' hi 11 a(\ exc laimed :

.. General. I will guarantce, willi my orp_ to whi p e l'el'Y l'eb I wi~hi, l1 20 [l.liles 0 ,[ us."

This settled the matler, Her W:lS a Iii tingl1i ' hell ; ner a !. \';JIlllllil'l1ding a m!lglliliccl~t corps, the !eft, wing of the army. a~l I ~ only a 01 nel. CotnlU:1llchng:!l httle bl'lgade. of candry. I tno k my 1 al" with a heavy he.u·( ann ha. tened back to my c:()nlDllllld.

n the retUl'n f my patrilis. on Lhe ]7th. I ' em 11\)' re port. n IISIII\L to Gen, rill ncl n. When my '.)uriel·I'Cl11rn ed he infol'll.H!d me that 01. Wi lder wa ' al AI xander' Bl'ictg , hetween my p()i'ition and Goni o n' Mill , Thi w. Ilbe.~rlng ne'~1' , f~)r i f 1 "'~\$ i n a li bt phwe I wOllld rl\the l' ha~' "" tit! I', wl lh hI ' ,:pleud~d hri gade of mOllnted infallLty, tlpp r tlllg m , 1111111 !111)' b l'lO'll\1 111 rhe al·my. We ha.d worked finO f.mghr t<)ge~hcl" ami he wo hl 'ig ades had full al1d perfect conorlen\! in each, lher.

13 fore daybreak on lhe 1 'Ih I had -ll'ong patl"C Is . n the l'oa~ ~ 1 aliillg to Ringgold and Leet's . ~hOllt 6 o'clo 'k ,oul''rulle 111 ft'l)m 1)oth direuu()(l ', repol'iing the ellE'm ~' ad"allc1llg 1Il f Ol" ' '. [ at 0 1l1:e reported this facllO en. ordon Gl'angel·. commanc1l1lg Ih Be en' e Corp~, In Ro :ville; 10 ell. Tom W .od, at. ~.oI·lon·s l\fill : n , ' I'il en<ie ll, aL raw/i 11 :pring' : and (II. Wild 1'. a t AI Xllll lel" s 13l"idge, and ook po 'ti()n on th < Lern 1'1.1)6 of Pea Vine Ridge.

1 will now drop my narrative for a while, and quote from the

Page 11: COk. R. H. G. MINTY AND THE IGHIGAN · Gal. R. H. G. .Minty and the ... Rome, Kingston, Dallas, Powder Spring,


legend on the oflicialmaps that portion which makes mention of my brigade,

LEGE~D ON MAP A, Prelilminary MO'Iiements,

l\linty's IH'aIry Brigade in front and ell. t of Reed's Bridge, ill addition Lo he clJl'ealening deu10n trations made by tlte enemy on the 16th and 17th from the direction of both Ri uggold and Lafayette. was early on ~he 1 th appt'ized. by srt'ong 'pat~ Is ut out in both direcLi.>I1', that the enemy \V!\S advII.n 'mg lU lJ&w), force it'om Ringp:olt! as well a Lafayette. .. ... T

At noon 011 r,lle 1 til Minty \\fal> iOl'ced back to he west ide of 'Chickama.uga ' reek. at Re d' Bri(.lge. by a heavy column of infantry precedfd by c8.\·ah'y, will 11 had approached from Ringgold, WildeL" Bl'igad.e uf Mounted Infantry, which w nt Alexander' J3rillge, cwo mil above Minty' p~ ilion, was ahl attacked dtll"ing the forenoon of Lhe 1, ~h, but no III SllCh sLt'ength as to fOI'ce Wilder away fl'om the po 1&1011. He W!l_ ttll'U enab1ed to end LW of hi regiments (the 7 ... d 1n(1. and the Wei 111. ) an(l two guns 01 Lilly's baLt.ery to Minty's as istance when c:tlleclltpon at noon. .

With tl1is reinforcement Millty smbbornly)" i ted the crn' l illY

.a Reeel' Bt"idge lluti!IIJtel' 3:80 J>. ,~l .. \\'hen It, was forced t~ Iletire tnwl\l'd Lee an I onloll' Mill. The enemy force c()n I ted of four 'brigades of in.fantry IIlIcLel' B, R. John on and Roou, PI' cded by Pegl'aro'. Divi ion f Cavalry, U1\:cler Forre L, This fOL'ce wt\ the column design~ted to initia~ t}IC n.ttar.k upon til left of Ge~: Ro eN'an" a l'lllY, 1ll cu. J3rngg (:1I'Im\;\I', (lntetl ept" 1 ,a LeeL Tanya.l'd,

LEGE~D ON MAP 1. Minty's Brigade of C,walry was posted in front of Reed's

Bridge, toward Ringgold, LEGEND ON MAP 2,

On Ule afternoon .of the 1 Lh, while to enemy was ~r()ssi!1g Hood 's and W,tlkar's comma.nd below Lee & GOt'dOIl MIn,

l'ittenden' lhree di.isi n w re ll1 (l\'etl into po 'ition at the mill, tlle'ir lef [mnt and flank cOI'ereel \.Iy Minty' Bl'igade f 'aya~ry and Wilder' Bl'igad of lVlouoted lnfaunry, in cIo 'e conta .L wlLh Ho cl's c lUUln.

LEGE~D O~ MAP 3, Minty's Brigade of Ca\'alI'Y was posted on the foothills of


.Missionary Ridge, back of Widow Glenn's, covering the wagon trains moving along the Dry Valley road through McFarland's Gap to Chattanooga.

LEGEND ON MAP 4, 'l'[le Bivouac.

The train of 'Ib mil.' and I'ittenden's Corps had been moving a.1I day from 'l'aw/i h'pl>ings !llong the Dry Valley road througb M 'Farlan \' Gap Iowan] hnttanooga, guarded by Minty's Brigade of nvah'y, which bivouacked. after nightfall ahout two miles south of Ro "ville,

LEGE:';'D ON MAP 5. Minty'S Brigade of Cavalry was sent forward northeast to­

Missionary Mills, on Chickamauga Creek, to reconnoiter, LE END OX llAP 7.

Minty found no enemy at Mi ' ionary Mills and returned to­McAfee's Church duril1g the n[tel'lI nn, after GI'anger's infantry ] I:lli departed. Minty then mO\' ed nUL toward Ringgold Bridge. wbere he a fa ked ,'cot t ' andl'y lale in the afternoon, At night Millry re il'ed toward lio ville.

rA~GEN"D 0"' )IAl' ~,

Thelllol'lliu~of · ept, 21.Ro ecmn'snnnyw. aLRo ' \'ille, folll' miles IW1'Lh or tbe battlefield. Mln~y co\'ered the imnt towRt'(l .Ringgold witb three l"egi\11ent ~ of c:.w;\lry. * * ..

At 9 A, ) 1, limy, wbo e iki rade of Ca\'lt.!l'y was in fl'Ollt and e, t of Ro ville at the iutel ' e(' iOIl of Lhel"oad leading to Rin ~o.ll, ~\nll to the battlefield, I' ,pol'ted in G n, Tholll h approacn of Fon L'S 'antll'3' by bOWl roali , After briskly 'kirmi ' bing wirh this fo.rce uUlil nOOI1, Minty fell ba k through th ;tap, and wa:­s nt to a position on Mi ~iotlary Rillgebe\'on 1 tbe leI' f ·rittemlen. <It .. .. ~

Gen. Ro eCl'3.l1' It.l'my during. Lhe night of the 21st was wi ll\<ll'awn to hatltlnooga, leaving M.inr,y' C(w:1lry alone on the Ri,lg; nOJ'th of Ro svi Ile Ga.}),

'0 11 after unl'i e of !:he 22d. li' I')I're, t ' ll\'ah'y forced Minty aIVay from Ro. ville Gnp towilrd 'hatlltnooga,

Page 12: COk. R. H. G. MINTY AND THE IGHIGAN · Gal. R. H. G. .Minty and the ... Rome, Kingston, Dallas, Powder Spring,



To I' . Dille my n;lt'l'nt.h'e: By 0:80 o· ·Io(·k on thc morning f l he 1 \.h I II' ; in PI) ilk II on the e t. Jope of Pea Vine Ridge, ready 1.0 conte- I. the nth'an 'e of tJl appr()aching c lIcmy. A r W'

lllom 'nt' liller my p;~tJ'(}1 I'ame in: tbey werc cfo, ly followed 11y the rebel, who ad"ltllC cI a t\'()ng kirmdl-line, follow tI hy 11 :wy eol umn" on th Ringgoll :\nd L eV (01' Lnfayerte) road.

The heat! of one of th . c;0 11l1l111 g tting within range, Lient., Griffin opened lire n it with hi ' two ~lIlr, and, 0 far as we ("oulel judge, did con i lenthle execution. TILis checkecl the encmy :\ml call sed them to deploy. Theyevidently npposed that there W:lS :~ trong Ion'e opposing them. alld they occupiecl consicl ralJle lime

in !retting inl!) pOilivlI, - At l1.bont 11 o'('\l)tk r bsen'ed:t Ilea-I,)' C(litlmn of dust moving

fl'om t.h direction of G·ray "illa tuward Dyer' I:' reI. IIway to m ' left amll'cal', I ClIt, an ollit: I' to CuI. Wild I'to explain the P ' it ion

binI, and to k him to e n I a I'egiment to bold Dj' el" ~ P(m.1 alJll to '{)I'er my .laft. I enllllY "l.Iubuh11J(; - I\CL'O" th hickt\ lllO,llga, and leaving n kinlli h,I£IIO aL Ihe to!.> of tile en L - Ivp of tit ridcy~, fell back to Reed' Bridg. A auum 12 o'c:!od,; ()J. ~Uller. from Wilder' Brigade, I' porled to me with bi 011'11 rcgirlJcm (the j:M Illll. ), Lbe 123d L11., lWei two gnn- fl'Orn Lilly" IJ:LLtel'J', lillst ... nC'le,l

'oL Miller to proceed at once to D,veL'" Ford und [0 bold it :tgain-u the fOL'ce ~Ul\':lncillg from Gray·\i.lle.

My . kil'mj"ltel'~ were IWW making tlleir app ru'anc'e \'C!t'tlte top of lIl1,' riel ." , b il\g dl'iI'ell by Lh l' bel kit'llli It-line. 1\1y J fL amI r at' 1) iug I.ltk II l'}U'e of, J ad ralll'ed to Ule. \I PPOl'l of "he 'kil'mi ' h61'-, a 1111 til nemy' ;kinni ' h-line Wfl tlL'il'ell b:wk on their line of battle in Pea Vine Valley. I estimated this line at 7,OO(); 13 -ets of regimental · olell . were yisible.

The rebel lin lIOW udl'tlnted, aml I was steadily clrh'en lJa('k a 1'0,, ' th ridge. At)(\\1l 301) yards above the bridge there was a 1)0<)1' ford, Ilcal' which \\'(1 loe'uled Reed's house and orchard; here 1 lW <t (l nJ.\' twu gun', ' upportetl by Capt. McCormick's lJattalioll of the 4lh '. '. ' ;1\-.

The position of the hrigade was now 1110 t pcdloll. : it was ill line on the east side of the Chil'amallgll. th IIllly me;lns ()f crossing which was the n:trro\Y bridge, ouly will en(lugh LI :tlllH\' t\\'O mell


oll1iertike -teallines' of the men PI'e\'ented to ride abrCMt. but th :my Illi bap.

Thc enemy's skim]i -hCL"' wannctl Oll the west fal'e of the l;clge. whi("h i lUudl more precipittll1:> tluUl the eHilt, allli a strong c·olllmn wa- ruO\'illg OLIL of the g!L}), wh "n I ordered the guns to c)pen 1)11 them.

I ,lire(·t d 'IlJlt. j\lc:Jlltyre io rn . Lhe brill' wilh th ·Ub '. '. 'Il \·., to III ve at a "'OC)c! h:u-p walk. lllld to kc p hi ' In n well

(·It) ' e,1 L1Jl. I l'lcl'clth blltt ry and 11,;; snppOl'I til '1'(1:< the fClI'\l :lIld rnke p iLion on high g-round. nelll' ,,"me old farm bui IdinCl", when> they woule! comm:l.nd ol)lh the brid 'and ford.

Th 4th Mich_ followecl the 4th . S .. lWei it Wa,~ [c)l1ol\'c,1 by the 'jlh Pa.: ettc:b I'cgimcnt beill« pla("cd in PI) 'itioll aftcr cI'o.>~ illg ill bridge,

:My entire bl'igade-exc pt l\ pi!:k t of the 4th Mie-h .. (:oIllIlHlnrlell l>y Licnt. J, H. ' impsoJ!, rIl' the Harri-l'll I·():HI. Irin« b tweell Pelt Vinc Ricls:e anclthe hi(:kalllllllgfl, wLtll h14c1 Ul!e ll "ut ~,tf I)S the ht~t ad vanceof the el my-wai' now on th \\. it! > ui lhlit.'ltkkllllllLllaa. j~ielll. illlp ' on joinellme h~ter wlth()ut Llie II)S' or a 111.111, hdring ' w:tm th cl·eek.

The rebel ' ma Ie It II ' perate If"rl 0 ~ain possession of the hridge, which a " (Itlad l'Oll Qf (.he 4t h U. "" undel' Lieut. Wirt Da\-i;; -110\\' a Major' in Lhe same \. ~imell,-wa ' de3tl'oying. The planking Itn,c1 f 1I\:e-mil:- w re 'ent BOllting down the strealll, while Griflin' ~ gun raked the npproache - 50 thul'Oughly that the enemy .had to fan back in (:onfusioll.

On Map A I am shown in this position from 2 to 4 1'. )[. In the legend it is stated I .. was for~etl across to the ,,'est

side at 12 o'cloek. " Th '\')/) irion Illl t be map i COlT ct: t he legend i' wrona, 1 hno ent ' apt. V'l.le my A. A. I. G .. WiLh a r purl "lei (; 'n .

Wood. tit l7t l'dl)Jl'S Mill. J W [l 'c ' fllily hnhling my)w ition wh n I I'c/:einl l t il foll/HI"ing I' porL fmm ·;lq>l. Vale:

.. 'vViider h, - had to fall I);lck (mill lexltllcler's Bridge: he btlJ> l"tircd t \\,<11'11 ~oL'lon' Mill, lln li the enoUl" i ~ ero "illg al all 1>')illl ill for(·e. .. •

J :1. t ou 'e recnlled Col. i\1iller from Dvel" Ford, inrol'lIlin'" him of the po ~iw/)n, alld nrderinCT him tfl join' me with Ihe lea, P<' ilJle clehty. I hel<l1n.\' ~I'mllld nn iI his :lI'l'h' nl lIt nl)<)(J{ 4:<30 I'. )1., when 1 (1'1) bad: W\\':U'<Il]o;'c[cJI\" Mill. 1 W<l~ ':u~c ./ Iu llow d by til >

Page 13: COk. R. H. G. MINTY AND THE IGHIGAN · Gal. R. H. G. .Minty and the ... Rome, Kingston, Dallas, Powder Spring,


~neruy, and had to eoutinnally tlll'll a lld th ck Ihelll. One hundred and tWo I'ebel gnl \'e III R \1" Bridge attest the

'Cffectiveness of our re ' i~tallt at. tllal pOint.. 011 page 1ll3," Uillpn.i<rll f Fon' t, " 11 i taled: "Johnsoll

was i ll mol,ion arty 011 FI'iday mornin"', 1 th, \\·it.b four brigade -4,300 ha.von ts, (1.11 112 gnll. .Fon t 'O\'er d Ih i ('Ollllllll in [I'onl .and right Balik, IllIO 'all) in 'ont3.(' witb lhe Fed ral (,(lsalry at Keelel" Mill , 011 Pen ViII I'e k, "wirtlyeli mounting his Hlen ~t harp kin,ni. h ,too~ p\;Ll:C, Imt J ohn. on pre ' ing u\) and tLu'O\\'in,g

fm'\\,;trd hi kll'llli hel" , Ut enemy were swept lark to Reed s Bl'idge, whel' another hal'p afl'lIi I' , witb severe loss, occllrred before .the bridge w: seized."

011 page 314 he SllY : . , Lnw's and Robertson's Brigades had. ·come np hom Riuggold and Maj,-Gen, Hood had joined at Reed's Bl'idge, ..

Abonr a mile unci II lu\Jf fmm Lee & Gordon's Mill I fonnri v\ i1d erin PI) iLion fa 'ingnol'Lhea' . I , Hid: ., \'\' i1ler, whel'(l 110 YOll 'want lilt"! " He replied: I. r t,hink yOll\' I), t po~it iOIl will be to my right, " l a (lIH'e tli lUollntecl l11y III 11 and fonned on l1is l'ight. Lal el' WI'I'c\plllcn frolll lJi(lk" nrigt~de, of Van I \'e's J)1\' i ion, took pinon 011 my right, WiLh lllilir L'igh retired. tlln-Ia 'ing til hillka,mauga. Ileal' Hall s Ford.

Tb mRp en-one01 lsly plac ' me in this latter position, and. Dick's lUen ill th posi ion which Io('cnpied.

As 80011 , 1 hall placed Illy J1l II I galloped over to Lee & {;ol'don b Mi ll to repOl'll Gen, Wouc\, I fonnd him writing, Col. Hal'k I' ittillg neal' him, A I approached, Harker sprang t·o his ieeland aid :

.. G nera\ here i C(,1. Minty now. " Gen, Wood luoked up and said: .. I am glad to see yon. I ha\'e

just l'epol'ted to en , ' ri tenden that your brigade had been cut off :and eaptured, "

.. My brigi~d i all right, General, and is now with Wilder's, ' CO\· rina your position,"

(Jen , WOod alided It posl cr ipt to his dispatch, "Col. Minty has jl1~t come in with hi bl'i~'lde," closed and handed it to a mounted iOrderly, who was waitlll"; theil, turning to me, said: ""'ell, Minry, what ba\' yon b ' 11 doing all day '?"

"Fighting th > ~nemy , " ,. W 1I:t: 1t.II' Y III l,pen fi <rhting?"


" Evel'yl,hing-illf:tnlry, al'tillery :\nd c,wl'll!'y, " .. Where are tJley'! ' " 10 t.o Y01l1' pre ent pO ' itiO'll, whi 'h i - flOW (:O\'e1'cd by

Wilder' Brigade amI Luine. " .. Do you T,uean on Oua' side of I.he 'l'eek'f " ., On Our ide of the cl'e k, General. " .. Well, come along and IV 'II dl'i\'e tltem acl'o to their own

ide." (Jen, Wood and the writer monnted their hOl',es and, followed

hy a cOIl"!>le Of. Ol'c\erlies, rode to the front to dl'b'e Bragg's army acro tl~e Chlcamauga, As we rode up to Wilder's BriCJ'ade Gen. Wood ",lId:' .,

.. Where are they, Wi1(lel''i''

.. Ri Ie fOl'\\';tr t a dozen pace, Gener'al ami you will see t.hem, , )' plied Wilder, '

, - t thaL moment here wa the I'oar of musketry in front of my lmgl'lde followed by 11 rehel yell , and a lat'ge force came forward on the ron,

Gen, Woo,d turned his head in the direction of the charging' enemy, and WIth a look of blank astonishment, exclaimed: "By --, they are here, " and wheeling his horse galloped back to his. command,

Befol' 1 could join my gallnn men a oul-stil'l'ing cheer lUl'st from them, a.fH\lheir. p l1(:e1' (:arbinesbegan to spea.k. and to QllIe pm'po e, 1)0, for the l'ebe l yell ceased. the ch:u'gina lill halted, tmuecl, ami weUL b!\ck Con icler:1.blv fa. tel' than it half ad ml\(' cl -

By tlli time i w quite dat'k:' Lhe rout nc1ing force wel'e'ill! lIeh ,10 ~ ontl\ct Lilat e \'cry 110\' meuL (;ould be heard by the

oppC)., mg ror(!e, A the long and all~ i ol1 night Wore lowly (In, and no reli ef OJ

S\lPport for my \\:ol'n nt ane! wl;Illry mell malle Lhcir appcarallce, [ l~ec!\r:ne vel'~ nnX IQll', I well kn w t,h:tL jf we remained in OUl' thCLl p,0SltlOll lInct! a.~Lel' daylight, nothing bot a mintCle could ;:;a\'e 11 , The overwhelming numl;cI'S f th en my could have cru It d n il a 1110ment.

About 2 o'clock in tLa morning r mounted and rode back toward G()rd~m's Mill to LI'Y und p1'OCl1re as i ' ran ' , I had gone, but a ~hort dIstance when r III t ' en, Palmcl', a oltliel' who c'('ul(\c l~e l'ehed on at all times, eithel' in Nlnn('i1 or in tiaht, Before r had' tIllle to E::!)' a won! he :l~! ' (;d mc ,dmul ~ llc lJ( I ... . li ~ 1I Ilf the oppo3ing;

- -

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armie:. r mpirtly gal" him i\ sketch nf th d~l~"_ work. :\IlII. (\ ;;l' ril)ill.~ Lhe rh Jl ))0 'iUllll nf Illy 1 told hill! r w. ' !III illY way lO . i thel' Cril t mien 01' ",,"ooel to ask fOl" I'clief or 'uppm'L for my 1\.11110 t w rn III ('n111maml. 'j'1lI'lling to (lne of his slaff Clffi('el' Gen. Pa,lmer nid: "'1' II G n. Rw.·n to mOI'e fU\"II":I,rd ~lt un"e amI l'elieve Col. Mint\.' Brigfld ."

I replic(l: .. Thank YOIl. venE'r a.!; my \)')01' f llo ws hl!\'c n ot halt a bite ro al 111)1' ;'I. llwmelir r ;t f,w Il fLl 'l y 24 hoUI . a,ml Lhi wil l he:t 1l.)o:t u{'ceprnblE' rellef to .tl.lem; Imt WHIl r i ()II my I, ft. amI Ii; in. exact.l)" Ih same ('(ll1rll tlOn: he ha lH"en (.ppo Illg on 01 L 11 g;;u'eet·:; ("urp _i twe y sten! n,~ [ , r en(1( n . ..

G n . Pidllli>I ' aL 011('e ('l"(iel"cd :mothl' l' b r igrlll forward tn 1" li \'e Wil~1 r. I h;\,·' :llwtty fclt gmt (nl I 'hi ' gallnnl :1 Ill! distingui h II soldier r'll' hi" pl'l'llllpt ;H~tion on that II ,('3 ·i n . aud it all'nnl 111e _im'el'(~ p I I ' ul'e III h:\\" Ihis oppurtonity { makill~ pllblir: arknow\ llgm 111. '

The illfanlry mO\' et! illl P silinn hehind .. 1- :1m\ WIl with(\n! I\' '<I"ilh,\\1\ :llly C\i-:l.s\el· :w I t'til' rl lei a Ifll"gr 1·U1·nfield. \\'e6\ £1" .111 (jonlnll'" l\IIi11. where w f'lI hOI" ' s. filii! :\1 ni)out 7 ()(J' IO('k on Ihe l ll(u'nillj! or Ihl! l!)lb gut the tir·~ mOl\lhfl.11 or [Iloll we II:\<\ b:ul for ;20 IIl)ul":O.

\ \-"hi\(' I \\"11'" wldng Illy cup of ntree and fLling a l)i 'l·p .. r hllnlHlI"k. il.lI o11'il' r t;[ thl! 15th Pa. ('a\' . inform I UP I h:lt ( .. I'll, 1t"';('I ' !'nn ~ \' ql1 ·-I ·d III 10 1'~I)(\J"t 0 him in per- Oil, !tntlHtlile\l: ,.\ will guide ron to hi 111. CI) jc)uel.·'

1 fnl1l1 'l (;('11. Ro~e('ran , . Ul"l"oUIl,lcII h.v his . Iaft'. Ifln liug ill ·ft'Ollt uf I h Wid, II' HI 1111'S hO\l~ , . 1 di lllCIIlllled nml l'lllJorlt>!1 " him . Hr aid; .. 'I)!. l\'lillty. il I,; I" porr ,[ th.Lt ~() lTe · t I,; bel\\"' 11 \1 , :~n\1 l'hattall(l(l<T(l. p .lnying han c' wilh onl" tl"an-pol'tation :1.11\1 T WllUI r"l1 tn .... 0 ha('k I,here alltl IILke ~' ,W(l of him, . .

J 'fmlllll t'iHl rnad kading Ie Ch~Ltt:\II()ngtl enlirely 1I11(lbstl'llcle,l h)' tIl(' Illl my, nlHl _ () l'epul"ted to Gen. RO,CCl"III1 .• whl) directed me t ,:, 1"E'1)01'\ \ " (~ 11. Thomas. who. ill Itu'n. ol'lle r~l m 1(1 I' purl to (; n. (} nil II 'ral\~ I'. COl"Ullmnding Iho tt 'CI"\" nrp!i. ill fronl of llo "\·ille. Gen. Gmnger tie iroll ItiC 10 nlm'e to hi lerl 1111 I to .... 11:\nl the furl III ;\1111 il l\I" Mis ional·.\' Mills, nnd hew')llld like III fo O"et ill pfl"iI ion: l\ I'l \' :W po. ' i b Ie in lhe 11 om i ng, 11 \\":\ IIOW ne.:;"r mitlllight. By Il(ll:1 r'nk lilY pick t,- had po 's iun of lhe 1'01'11'. nntl d1lring t·lll> mornillg :\ .lrOIH! pntrnl pa -.:e,l thrOll;!! Chicl':l lllll.llga ."tali '11 :tnd GI':lys\' i11 wil lwll l me liug the n~JIly ,



About 2 P. M. on [<; n, ' I'nng I' " staff officer;; infllrm d nil! that the General was IllClI"ilig t hi ri?"bt to l'einf(ll"l,e G II , Thoma:;. and requested me to tak p s >. iOIl of the Rossville and Hin .... golcl road. '"

. \~i h II 1 O:I'I"h'~d at my new po:ilioll T 'enl Il patrol 10 Ih front \\'Ith III trUCIII)Il' to go l\." fur a, 'he .. Hed HUll e BI'idn-o. ·· The 11.atl'ol rapOl"te~1 Ihat Gen. (:ntl. with hi hl"l~:\lle. Wa.· 'l:': the west 'Ide of ~bc hlckumau a. 'rhl I (:on illered lUI encrotwhment on

Olil' tel"n tOl'~" anel at I)lIccattal"ke<lllllc\ (\I"O'-e him acl"OS Llle hl'idO"e 10 the >;1-t Side of the "['eek, b

By Ihi lime r had gained "po, esSillll or ~he u.-i(lge. .r'ight W;tS

'IP 11 liS. fe ll bnck t l Mc:Afe " Chnn'h, til ',po ition wbi('h (?~Il, (l.r.lln% I" ha.d (.(·~U! i ~~ . ltnd i: II 1\' 1I to th .right rOI" Ih purpose of r l Ining ~ J\llIl'II~)I1 "I t-h Ih .I!lfantr,r, 11111, In Ihllll,trk fa jl d 1(, liml th n~. \\ e r lUlUlle(l ln po 1(11)11 all nighL itJill1! on Ih O"roUlltJ. hollt.~g (lUI" 11tH'" ''-;. and pn ('\lring bllt little I' , I. '

'~ .e weI'\! pretty II' 1I worn out " '.iLll Olll' Ihl" e €lilY' lighling fino. " ,.W I or :~(l<l 3;11 I r ·t, :ll1\1lh ft> .1111 T Lhat lhe Imltle \\"m; gllill~ p!!;all~ t u .. .Lhl' l1I~h~ \I'M ('old, and IV WCl' thOI"OlJO"hly I'Ilill ~(1. 'rhe ImpreSS ion pI" ::t1led Lhl"ou?,li o ll t the army thnt Buni ' id Wll': (lU lhe ~l]rLl'C'h fl'om I'.ast T 'llno eo to reinfol'('e Gell, Rosel"rans, . .A ht:le before break of d~y .we h~aJ"d eheet'ing away in 0111"

lea.!. .E\el'Y .man spI:an~ to hI,S feet, Tl~e blood ('oursing thl"Ough OUI .vems walmed OUI dulled hmbs and wfusel! new life into our bO(~les. More than one called out; .. There's Burnside and we'll whl]l them ,vet. .. '

I , ~~11:1 ('ouplE' (If Onl 'rli ;; Imck to leam whatflll'ce \\"1 ill our rear. 11~flY re unlet! ~"ith I!l infol'mation LhnL th \\' hole of (:('11, ~ ~eC:l'nll _ lwm.y '~' a;; III po Ilion nt RI)~;;\' i II , t h l'e~ 111 ile ' (I II·CI·t I \" 1Il Olll' rem'. A n}..,e jJo!9Lion to be in. ' tnily. • IiLth, briP;l\\1 • ,ir <:a'"lI.lry (three re I~llen . ) and one ection o(artillery, in ,~il nl nut ~,()()O III II. tllme> Illlias In Fl"Onlof OlIl·al"l1:JY. and dil'e('tir between ]1 !lnt! tJ,)~ :'I'm.\" \\~e luu l been I:itl"Jlling fOI' tllrec <Ill, : •

, J \\~I,\ unl,llI hll~1 l'eC"ell'('lcl UI I' pUl't,;; fmlll my pil·ker;;, "h n, 1,Ikll1g II ~lafl olh~' el' aut! ;\ (, upl rl( Onlerlic: willi 1llC', r 1\'''Il\operl ))~{'k to no, 'nil , aud l·cpi.n II my p,). ilion 10 (j II, f hOllln., "helm I fon I1cl III lhe ffLlI1OlI _ gl'O\' or l:u'tyE' I r ,,' 11l1l)1I.1I!rlllely hl)ck oJ I h(' Gnp, '"'

A;;;<wln a-< T l'E'pol"lE'd Ip himll!" , lIi 'l: . . Y <Ill -hollill 1IC11 bu I h~l'c. ·ulotw!."

- -

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• -18-

I replied: " I know that, General: but there I am, " After a mOment's t.hought II ;, Well, a, ' YOIl are Ihel' delay the et'emy all you elLn, ~ive

m : much t.ime a Vo ' ble to pl'epal' to get. ready forthem .' I t tUI'n d 0 11'Iy brigade, a.nd vel'y soon had ['epor . from my

ll.itk eL' that the euemy WI). ad van ing 011 the I'oad from th~ battle­fi Id an I fl'oro Ringgo ld, Thi wa all cavalry, ltu~l . n J ted of P egl'alll's Dilrision and cot.t' - anti Dnvili "on', Bl'lgad " J fell haCk t,o the junction of those road, ab Ilt hAlf a mIle from. McAfee's, and there gn,\'e them battle, l\nd taking athant,age of e\' el'y po 'sible/o i.tion. fought th III , tl~bbo!'~l~ all, til way back to RossyiUe, pa ed tlll:ollgh egley DI\'I I~n III t·he q.a.p :l about. 1 P . ... , and !Lt on e moved to the left, ta)nng po:se I?~ of tit passe 0\' I' ~1iionary Ridge, noL'th or en, ~bomas poslLlOn.

In the e ven ing I re iv d :fIl ol'der to :'eport 1I1 pel' Oil to G~D, Thuma, He was a th _arne place at whloh I had I'eported to hlln t hat lllQl'n i ng,

In lli qui t,. imp!' il'e manner, h aid: " o\. Minty, I am, going to fall back to hattallooga tonig!lL; WI\g?I1', amunlanl'C :'lnd t UUlbril have fLlready gOlle: ~he. ~lI'tllJel'Y w111 follow hc}t,tly, and dlU'ing the nigh. the illfantry will b.e ,wit,hdra\~ n , . 1 wnn~ y n~ t.1I take p,osse sion of Olll' pre ilL PO-ILl(ln, dec Ive t he ene~lY I:\~ long as po~ ible. bll noon t.lley attack fall back lUld, r, tll'~y)O

hat tan oga, D not endanger yOlll' 'Oltll~)and ll!'ln ee' ,1,l'Ily , , maLI picket weI' I ft in the IUO t 1I\Ip01'tlln pa ses, wltl~

O1'(l I to I' main there UtILi! ll·rtel' daylight , whe~l ,they cClll l,d see v l'~, thing in the Yalley bero\' th ttl, 111llL then to JOlll the lmgael e'

( n til Ro 'viTI and 'hattanooga road, .By 2 ,\, , I. . pt, 22, I wa - at RO ' svil1e with my lwigade, an I as

the infantry withdrew ::1. thiu line of dismuunted ('Il.\'alt-y 0 'c\lpi e~L the lin , 1'h 1I11 Wa - well IIp h fOl'1:! the nemy' skil'mih el'~ b an to feel om' po itio'n, alld ,a,her a IlghL i!,tel' 'hltl,lge Of, hots. Ihey ach>ancefl to the aLtack. Ihe4Ul , , '!lV" wlllch reglll1Clll oCl'upied the Ul ~ aell'ane d 1)0 'lioll, wilhdrew anti I11m'cd .Jowly hack, By 7 ()'(:Io 'k w IV re again itl rl\lr -acl.dl.', howing a bold front, on erel'y p _"ible 0 c; i n a.nd hecking t ile enemy a nnl!'ll ;\.~ pc) 'ible, We po. ccl in ide OUI' lit~ ill front of ~hllttano()ffa at ahout 1 P, )I. 11 lonk th Teh I .'IX l1onl' to dl'l\,(~ 11" rhe f'lnt mile ' bccWl;! n BI) ' " ' ill alll!. ou r adl'anl!c.1 works III 'hartanoogll_



The baltl of 'hi('kamallga, a told of in 11' tory, lastetl two .(lays, lhc 10th an<t 20th of eptcrnhct" 1 63" .For Llle .. ::.-abSl' ]31'ig~de" it la t.ed Ih'etlay_, n c \'el'Y oue of wblch, except the lllt h, 'wh n it was l)I'otc<:till'" the tmill Oil Lhe Dry (tHey 1'0:\(1. it. harl it full lare of el'el'e lightjng: II st~1bbol'n fighting on th 1 t it 11Il. nc\'el' I) 11 propel'1y apPl'ecmterl at Its filII \'l\.ln, H l' I will tmn cri\)e Gen, Bra~g's cil'cnlal' nt' 01"<lel' of bl\.ttl :

HEA DQL;AR'fBR AR~I y O~' T~:~-x ~~,' E~:, I, L" TITE FIELD, L~:'ET' '!":SYA RO, ept, 1~ , 1 6!3, \

1. John on's column (Bood' ), on (U'I) ,iing at 01' neiU' It d' .BI'idge, will tlll'n to the I it b r th mo t pl'a.criMble route, net 'weep up ttJe hi 'kallla~lga t.owanl Lee ~~ GO~'d n' ¥ill. " ,

2, Walker, on 1'0, ~l ngat AI ,"lllldel' Bl'1Clg , wJilumte an thIS move an(l pll h \'igol'oll Iy Ott ~he nemy ' Hank and. rem' ill the

'~am tlil'el,tion, 3, Buckner, crossing at Telford 's Ford, will join us in the

moyement tothe left, and press the ellemy up ~he stream from Polk's 'front to Lee & Gordon's Mill.

4. Polk will pl'e- his {oree to the front of Lee & :To!'flon's Mill, lll1t:1 if met by too mnch \'esi tall . will helL I' to I,h I'igh and , 1'0 . at Dalton' li'(wd III' at Telfor I' • may I.>e ne - aI'S'. antl 'oin in lhe attack \\'hel'o" '1' the nemy may be,

5, Bill will COVCI' OUt' I rt flank from an Illi vanee of Lhe enomy fJ'011l tho !love and bY]>l'el:' ing the <:a\'a!t') in hi, fn)lIt, ('I!I'tain if the enemy is reinfor('i ng at Lee e Gordon' .Mill, in which e \"ent he 'will altn ~ them in !lank

6, "heeler' In-all'y will hold the gap ill Pigeon MOllntain, ;and 'O\'el'"olll' I'oar !tnclleft and bring up stragglel ,

7, All team,. at .. 1I0t WiLh troop, Sl10111d go toward Ringgoltl :nnd Dalton, l)e), Ill! Taylor' Ridge, , .By command of G E~, BAA G.

, W, BREN"r. Asistant Adjulant,(,' enera1. If Wilder ' Brigade a.t Alex-andel" , ~l'idg atl~l !llil~ty' at

Reed' Bddge had Itor made th tubl orn hgh t theynld. wLlIch fae is a tesred by tit 105 rebel dea I left Itt AI xanclcr ' Bridge, the 102 I'(lhel dead lefl at R ed" BI'i Ige an l the unknown l1umber left ill Pelt VIne alley, lit Dy I" F!lrd, on ,he line of l'en'eat fl'?l~l Reetl's Bridge f .. e & Gol'd(nJ' l\itll. an I 'In front of o Ill' posltton nen.' t,hnt pl:w , and by the I .. of the pntire clny to Gen , Bnl2'~. whllt \\\,ould 1t:1I' IW()II lhl! 1·e.:;1IIlI0 tbat gloriollS :'II'l1\y. lit AI'III.\' I)f the

Page 16: COk. R. H. G. MINTY AND THE IGHIGAN · Gal. R. H. G. .Minty and the ... Rome, Kingston, Dallas, Powder Spring,

• -20-

ellm herland ~ . If Bra g h!ul I.» II ~1I1t}~\' t1 ( ':lI'ry ( ul hi II' lI-planrH..'d 111'1101'

(I I baltic, a ' hilI UOWIl III hi ' or leI' t)f the 1 rh, Cl'ilLOnden' " 'OI'P­wOllld h:\\'e be!'n ll'lH'k ()!1 it ~ left flank by the c(.rp ' of HO\ld, W a.lker al1 «1 BIl('k nel', while hi f1'00I wouhllla\'e beel1 alta 'ked by Polk, allcl ml! - hit" be n ;j.l1nihilatCtL befoJ'c ThonH could ha\'e got I,:il hill - lIJlpOt'I illg eli (ali t' , allel C!.lauanuogll, whi eh har! been WOIl In I 11 n ma~ lt>,rly l11;Wllel' by Ollr command ,,', U,at illu, tI'iIHI$ sf,hli 1', Gen, VIf, , ' , Ro eer an' , would bal'e beeTI 11l"1', The 'fnliL .)f t 11'0 ' 1\('(' - fnl cum plligns, t hose elf 1'nllahnlUa and 'Iln tanuoga. "\\'ould hal'e been l1(l.t 'bed from II , '

"Ol"l, " the histol'illll' I)f "Hood' 'IImp;li"'ll in Mid"l Tenl1e,,~ee, " IITitillg 10 the t hhi l Tribune of t,hi day', lighting s'll": ': Pre lOll' Di\'i inn 0' ('led ltll 1I1l01J lI'lIt'led Cl'O ill a t HUll('S (Dn! nn " ) .Ford : III I . 0 wil,h J ohn 'Oil a nd \""III1\e r al Re d 's <llId Alf'~Il:l(ler' B ridge, I~II] witho ut. I he,m I lim" 11'/\ 'no sweeping tip tLle Chi '"kll.mauga atilt I'Ig I' uslS 1)\' lll"th cnemy' - liank alHl 1'1'.;\1', " '

rn "Vall Hom' Hi 'LOl'y t)f lhe AI'my of t he Cllmbel'lal1!1, " Jl~l!e ' l}130 alld 831, \\' e find: .. III prepal'illg 1'0[' hallIe 011 the 1 'th he It. II, BI':lgg) ha<1 ol'etlooked <:flU es of ttctenLi()!l, and til i l11i , tltke ~:\\'c GOIl: Ro c< rans tlme Lo 1.hl'o\ hL- arl11S th 1 ' fl, lJet\\'celi hllll and haltanoogll , ..... ~ At llighlfu.lI Oil t I1ll 1,' tll Bragg WllS by no 11l :Ill ' ready rUI' ultltl Oil Lhe 1I)lh, h>l."ill~ el~til ely faile\!, l<l deli I' 'I' it 1111 th 18th, a,~ h had plan lied, .. " :, l\liuly alll l ,'\ lid ,I' II'cr I II the lI'al(;h at Re d" ami AI xanticI" " Bridge" , ~ ... .;0. The: tl\' bl'ign(\\!src ' i. ted '0 I cI'si '(I'mh' l haL (; II, Bnlg-g menLinllctilheil':\ 'lion a ' lin enll • M delay, " •

'l'hHlt'!t I', ill hi ' " A. Hundred Bnttle ' ill ~he \\' e l," pago 1.J4. ,::ty ' : "On Ille 171 h 3,11(1 1. th of , ' plumber • * • \\Ie btl 'an m ,' III l! lhe bat.lle 'af:1,I' off. ' for UCCl -iollally an tu'ti llel'Y liJ!hl :tW:IY In Ih .... left, towa!' t l ,h:tt.t!Lnooga, COlllrl he.hcanl, and we aCte l'Wnl'il. I anI rI th:!.. '"I. Mil1l~' witb his I)\'ig;tde w:c; Lite I' dl -PlIlillU' th\~ pass: g~ of the eh icknl1l:Ulg:l at 1 ced' , Bl'idg', " On p:tge ,jO It • :ulds: "i\1ore C,.xleuded l' 'ai' 'Il 'how (iJat 'ri l l IIl1 en had ~ )('cHJ)ie, 1 :1. I t) 'II inn : - flU' ea itS Ri lIggo!<l :tne! I hu Ctmy had 1I)5i,,\ d. art I' 'rill IIdell had joined Tholll:'!!' , t.hat lal'g l)llclie..~ eli' ('ouf dera( - ,w re 11!lwing f1'ol1l I,be Ilol,tll !III I ell.~L t(l Bragg' ~t'l' p~.l't. ,If '" " ..tlnl y had h· n r po ned \'Ilpt nrecl Im~-n!'HI RI' '(1 ' Bl'ldge, alld li lat e:lla lI'lIph\! 11':1 ' :werLcd lJuly bv I'tlpid


, .

.. ~ " ,~

- 21-

nlOl'e Uiellt :lncl cI pet'at fightina, " n pug 302 he 'iLl' : "Minty, 011 OUl' le[t, gave lime ly 'I'al'ni na

«)~ Bragg' plnn again I, 'hartanooga, llne! withon t hi - sen i('es i;'; lhe I' i<liuity of Reecl' s Bridge and toward Ringgold, Rus (,I'all , 'i'i tll'lllY wouiel never ha.l-a ha I the l'olnl to haLtllnooga. npen L them afler tbe 11100'l)ing oj' 19th eprellliJel', '

Val , in " Min ty and lh aYah'y," paO'p. 220, ay : "The nl\' Union fOl'ce beyond th ' hi 'k a manga, from it.s, O\ll'C' \0 it ' mOIlII" on th I'ening of the 17t h, wa, 'lIlJl,Y' BI'igad at Re d' lkidge nnd in the P a. Vine all y," On page 231, h ay:" Th import.anc of thi day' op I'ation, of Min ty" and Wild r' s Brigade M n only I aPl'l'Cciated I y r lnembal'i ng that it \\'11$ Br~J5"intonl'i()n to ha.l'e C 11'011'11 Hood , 'Walk r, Blld~ner. Forre ' t. nnd 1', grllm 011 'rit.! udell' · left flauk, in delermined assault, ~" carly a ' <11' 10 0' 'Io(:k in t he lllol'11ing of the 1 th o \l'h 11 Polk '"

, 1'(> Was to overwhe lm him in an us, ault ft:OJU the front: :1 1111 lU<l'inf; di po ed of him. I) n Thomus up in McLemol'e' 'ol'e, tlms defeating tlHl al'lI1\, in tlelail. If * * The pCI i"l nl Eightina :tllli dal'ing ~h:LI'gc o(Minty' men, ()( whinl! the 102 rel"r gm~ - a l Ii,ceil's ~l'idg Itl' lnday lln,ll uut nnd en ialJl I\'it ne ell compell Il hUll to tie;ht a long, 11 t I'lUlIled batt I h fot' ' 1'0 i na; and to Jill\' , l'ant,illll m I' 111 l , with freqnent hall and lieploYIII nl ' in hi aft r p I' gr ' , - 0 IIa.mpcn),d and detay II hi - march I hal thel' wa.; no • - I\' epin~ Ill) lhe tr ek,' and prel' marl the blow lhalll':\ ' planned to fatl till I'ill mien , "

Myoid (;OJDI'ad ' or th .. :abel' Brigarle," J hal' e triel! to gil'e ill lhe lot' g illg :"l true a nd corre.;l narrati \'e of lI' hat yon <lid- fill' 0\11' (:ollnlty 011 those memol'able OCC.'t~iUIl -, t be ('h)Ulanoo .... :1 (, :;nd the batl! of 'hickamallga, I hil\'s end!';lI'()I'e<l ttl 1ulhe1'e sLl'letly to fact . 9.11([ not La exagaN:ue ill lh ' lighl~" c\C1!ree, ,

011 l' afling whnt. 1 hal" IITillen I nm nOI Illtlf ati.:;1i Ii, [t _eenl ru' if r ha.l'e n l l It! ne lilhe of yom' g:dlanllle d ' : Itt YOll l' , t('ruly. he rrlli. o!tliel'like bearing, YOUI' 1111('Ollll>bi'nillg' .t 'l' ' plnllct' ()f fatigu • hung I' all i l I,hil' t: YOlll' gl'!lIld alld h ll'oi<­fighti n IY , I feal' thai in t\1'oi(ling exaggemlion J huxe fallon intu t h ot lu!1' eXll'eme,

I ha"e written t hi ~ na1'rn.tb-e wi th Ih , in",lE' pur})o e and tie 'ir' I hal hi ' t J'y may tin ju;ti(:e to you , rhe aggreg'ate of noble me n who fOl'IIl -\I a grand n brigade a e\'er elrew $:1 be l" ill t!'fen e of t heit' nllllll'y n.nd tina,

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