Download - Cola cao vs Nesquik


colacao vs nesquik

Once upon a time a little ColaCao came to Asturias to see his friend Galleta María. But Galleta María went to Barcelona to see ColaCao. So Mr. Cola-cao needed help from Nesquik because he was the boyfriend of Galleta María, but ColaCao loved Galleta María too.So ColaCao and Nesquik went to Barcelona to get her back….

They were fighting against each other to get Galleta María back but they couldn’t find Galleta María because she had gone to Central Lechera Asturiana to see Mr Milky. So they went to see her in Central Lechera Asturiana and they found her and asked “María, Who is your love?”

And María said….

‘I love Mr Milky’

But a monster came to get María to eat her but ColaCao went to rescue her so ColaCao

became a hero and María loved him.

And they got married!!

WRITTEN BY: Lucía M ,Lucía C and Nicolás.

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