Page 1: Collaborating with other teachers can help you discover new ways to get out of old ruts

Flexibility, as displayed by water, is a sign of life. Rigidity, its opposite, is an indicator of death.- Anthony Lawlor

“Flexibility in thinking about solving a com-

munication problem is perhaps one

of the greatest gifts we

can give our students.” – Bill Heller

“The trick really is to decide what works best not only with your own personal-ity, but also with the personality of the students that you have. Each group is different. What works for one, may not work for any others. Flexibility is key in this profession in order for a higher number of student successes.” – Bill Mann

“As teachers we should be [flexi-ble] when it comes to students' sit-uations. WE are not perfect, why in the world should THEY be? Have you ever turned in lesson plans late? “Were you “written up for doing so?” Yes, we're preparing them for "real life" but we ARE NOT their bosses... we SHOULD be concerned with their self-esteem.

– Devin Browne

Collaborating with other teachers can help you discover new ways to get out of old ruts.

Professional communities offer

flexibility and versatility to participating


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