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Index to

Monthly Catalogue

United States

Public Documents

Nos. 223-234

July, 1913-June, 1914




To Monthly Catalogue, July, 1913-June, 1914

C7> CM



A. L. A 527,584

Aanrud, P>ik J., homestead 408

Abbe, Cleveland:

continuous pictures of weather 659

meteorological kite 533

popular misconceptions 659

weather map on polar projection 533

zodiacal light ". 393

Abbe, Cleveland, jr.:

Koch expedition 533

meteorological optics 659

Sakurashima 659

Abbot, C.G.:

annals, Astrophysical Observatory 47

balloon experiments 595

sky, brightness at night 47

soiar radiation 138, 192

sun's energy-spectrum 47

volcanoes and climate 47

Abbot, Frederic \'.:

Beverly Harbor, Mass 516

New York City, rivers, etc 413

Abbreviations, official register of United

States 12, 20

Abel. Mrs. Mary, relief 539, 678

Abercrombie, John W., report made by 403

Abilene, Kans., cannon 78

Abilene and Southern Ry.:

cotton 35

grain 424

Abingdon, Va., public building 372

Abortion, cattle 113, 592

Abrain, Pedro, appointment 92

Abrasives 350

Abridgment^ The 13, 22

Absecon Inlet, chart 215

Absence, Leaves of, see Leaves. Absentee Shawnee Indians, see Shawnee In- dians.

Abu Hamama, chart 699

Abutilon moths 258

Abyssinia, carnivores and baboons 237

Acacia 259

Academy of Medicine of Paris 642

Academy of Sciences, National, see NationaL Accident bulletins. Interstate Commerce Com- mission 37, 425

Accidents, see Mine accidents Railroad acci- dents. Accounts:

Agriculture Department 391

Agriculture Department, hearings 74

Army oilicers 518

Chemistry Bureau 258

District of Columbia 221

electric railroads 690

farms 453

House of Representatives 267

Interior Department 281

Navy Department 292

Post Office Department 297, 373, 437

postmasters 437

Senate 274

State Department 302

telegraph 207, 229

Treasurv Department 303

United States, 1913 305

War Department 307, 374

Accounts and Disbursements Division...' 257

report, 1913 257

Accounts Committee 23,

74, 121, 169 268, 335, 402, 470, 538

hearings 121

Acid soils:

acid-tolerant crops 114

Porto Rico 163


arsenic 4^

citric, malic, and tartaric 258

Acme Portland Cement Co 228

Acoustics, Naval Academy 341

Acridia, see Locusts.

Active, ship 682

Acts, see Laws.

Actuary, Government, see CJovernment Actu- ary. Acute anterior poliomyelitis, see Poliomyelitis. Ad valorem rates, see Taritf.

Adair, John A . M., reports made by 401,


Adam, Port, cliart 90

Adams, Brooks:

Hiram, brig, Humphreys, master 345

Industry, schooner. Tinker, master 345

Lark, schooner, Saville, master 346

Mercury, schooner 346

Polly, schooner 683

Ranger, sloop '. 347

Sally, brig 347

Three Friends, schooner 348

Adams, Charles C, claim 276

Adams, Charles F.:

address. United States 107,125

Pearl, brig, llorton, master 347

Adams, Frank, irrigation 16

Adams, J. A., i- Sons Co., Ltd 357

Adams, Jolin Q., relief 79, 546, 663

Adams, N. C, sugar prices 133,184

Adams, William C, v. United States, etc 358

Adams Coimty, Colo., land 610, 681

Adams County, Miss.:

cotton. ." 482

landowners 539

Adams E xpress Co 84, 227

Adamson, Martha E., claim 278

Adamson, William C:

paper presented by 401

rejDorts made by 122, 270, 475, 541, 604, 665

Adaptation (biology) 137, 192

Addams, George S., defective and delinquent

classes 621

Adding machines, duty 654, 662

Addresses, copvrighted 40, 87, 88, 133, 185,

" 231, 292, 361, 362, 429, 503, 563, 630, 695

Aden, Gulf of, chart 696

Adjutant General's Department 51, 97 , 143,

197, 242, :m8, 376, 440, 514, 572, 643, 709

report. 1913.... 308

Administrative circulars. Education Bureau... 350

Admirals, Navv 478

Admiralty Inlet 710

Admiralty Island, chart 186

Adsorption, selective, soils 257, 261

Adulterated butter, see Butter.

Adventure, brig 276

Adventure, schooner 343

Advertising, foreign periodicals 154, 249, 265, 398

Aemere Bay, chart 233

AerodjTianiical Laboratory, see Langley Aero- dynamical Laboratory.



I.NDEX, 1913-14


Aerology, see Meteorology. Aeronautics:

Army 251,272,

Army, hearings

Navy 251,

see also Balloons Flying-machines. Aeroplanes, see Flying-machines.

Afognak Reservation 205,


birds 93,


eastern, antelopes 46,

eastern, carnivores

eastern, cotton

equatorial, carnivores and baboons

equatorial, ungulates and primates

hydrographic information


mammals 369,

southern, cotton

weaver-birds 46.

Agate Bay, chart

Age distribution, 13th census reports

Agee, J. H.:

Barnwell County, S. C

Robertson Coimty, Tenn

Agents, Canal Zone '.

Ageton, C. N., red clay

Agnes, schooner

Aguew, P. G.:

electric transformers 333, 467,


Agricultiu-al and Economic Geological Survey

of Nortl5 Dakota

Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas,


Agricultural Chemists, Official, Association of,

see Association. Agricultural colleges:

appropriations, 1914

extension work, cooperative



military department status

relation to Agriculture Dept

statistics, 1912 162,

Agricultural cooperation commissions, see Com- mission. Agricultural credit:

address by Gordon Jones

address by Harvie Jordan

American commissions 24, 63

American commissions, report

266^ 319, 410, 455, 457, 469, 652,

article by Frederic J. Haskin

Davis plan of rural banks

hearings 269, 335, 402, 411, 484,538,

historical sketch of present movement, by Senator Fletcher ".

how to use 651,

letter from David Lubin

personal or short-term credit 455,

plan for ITnitcd States

propo'.ed bill

report by F. J. n. von Engelken

report to British Board of Agriculture and Fisheries

rural banking and currency reform

see also Cooperation Land banks. Agricultural credit commissions, see Commis- sion. Agricultural experiment stations;


public documents

relation to Agriculture Dept

stati.stics, 1912 16?,

work, etc., 1912 162!

see also names. Agricultural extension work 268, 275, 339


in United States, 1912 162

in United States, 1913

Agricultural implements, see Farm implements

and macliinery. Agricultural laborers, see Farm labor. Agricultural lands, see Home.^tead. Agricultural opportimities 87, 132


170 218 ,124 208, ,665 274 24 ,548

320 ,658 24 ,469 76 411 170

24 24


Agricultural outlook 106, 113, 152, 153, 161, 208,

213, 328, 385, 393, 464, 532, 595, 659

Agricultural products, marketing 161

Agricultural research, Journal of, see Journal. Agriculture:

13th census reports ... 20, 208, 215, 330, 396, 660 13th census reports, abstract. . 71, 117, 165,596 cooperation, address by Gordon Jones. . . 170 cooperation, address by Harvie Jordan... 218

cooperation, address by S. A . Lindsey 274

cooperation, American commissions 24,

63, 124 cooperation, American commissions, re-

port 208,266,319,410,455,457,469

cooperation, article by Frederic J. Haskin 274

cooperation, Davis plan of rural banks 24

cooperation, demonstration work 212

cooperation, extension wprk 268,


cooperation, hearings 269,

335,402,411,484,538,548 cooperation, historical sketch of present

. movement 320

cooperation, letter from David Lubin 24

cooperation, plan for U. S 76

cooperation, proposed bill 411

cooperation, report by F. J. H. von Engel- ken 170

cooperation, report to British Board of

Agriculture and Fisheries 24

cooperation, rural banking and currency

reform 24

dairying, etc., in semiarid sections 67

education, folk high schools of Den- mark 456,493

education, high schools 68

education, Massachusetts . w 554

education, progress, 1912 162, 212

education, progress, 1912-13 620

education, aterville, ' ash 76

efficiency 591 , 657

letters from A L.Rogers 76

meadow larks in relation to 15

public high schools 68

reading course 162, 328

South "Atlantic States 87

South Central States 184

'\^'estern States 184

see also Farmers' bulletins headings be- ginning Agricultural, and names of special products names of States, etc. Agriculture and Fisheries, British Board of, see Great Britain.

Agriculture and Forestry Committee 275,


hearings 483, 677

Agriculture and rural-life day 2o5, 223

Agriculfure Committee.... 121, 169, 268, 402, t;dl, 666

hearings 16'), 402,601

Agriculture Departmeiit 15, 59, 67, 108, 113,

158, 159, 161, 205, 206, 207, 211, 251, 257, 318, 325, 391, 461, 524, 529, 583, 591, 655

accoimts 391

accounts, hearings 74

appropriations, 1915 402, 548, 665

Botanic Garden 405

corn exhibit 168

equipment 438

Executive order 136

general orders 325

housekeeper, what Department is

doing for 591,656

laws 115

leaves of absence 591

organization 260

promotions 257

publications 17, 68, 115, 152,


publications, explanatory notes 385

publications, issued since July 1, 1913 594

publications, of interest to farm

women 153, 161

publications, radical changes 8, 155, 322

report, 1912 14, 22

rcpon, 1913 257,391,591

reports, change in material 9



Agriculture Department Continued.

reports, for sale 29, 430, 492,

reports, publication



traveling expenses 3S6,

yearbook, 1906-10, index 7

yearbooA, 1912

yearbook, 1913 584,

yearbook, for sale 29, 459, 492,

yearbook, molification

sea also Farmers' bulletins.

Agriculture Department Expenditures Com- mittee, House, see E vpenditures.

Agriculture Dept. of North. Carolina.. 115,463,

Agricultiuo Department, Solicitor of, see Solic- itor.

Agriculture, International Institute of, see In- ternational.

Agromyzidae 302,

Aguada Bay, chart

Ahem, M. E., library activities

Ahnopee and cstem Ry., roofing

Aid ASS03. for Blind, D. C, report, 1913

Aidemosyne, see eaver-birds.

Aids to navigation, see Litji'its.

Aiken, F. M., v. Southern Pacific R. R 181,

Aiken, ^-. yatt, papers presented by


holes 137,


nioisture, evaporation

Mount Weather, Va 164, 261, 393,


pressure, eflec-t on interference (light}

sugar testing, influence in

transparency for radiation

tuberculosis 652,

Aitkin Coiuity , Miiui., bridge 75,

Akaba, chart

Ake, Felix G., '.. United States 172,

Akutan Pass, chart

Alabama 69, 328, 594,



Federal reserve banks

fish-cultural station

iron ore 81,

malaria 205, 241, 642,


post route maps


public lands


Alabama and Vicksburg Ry.:

bananas 34,


Alabama Great Southern R. R.:

freight rates


V. United States

Alabama River

Alacrity Harb jr. chart

Alamo national fjrest, topographic sheet

Alaska 282,

agriculture 20, 184,

appointees of United States, additional


bays and harbors, chart

13th census reports 71,

charts 331, 597,


coal, utilization .555, 581,

coal lands, agricultin"al entries

coal lands, leasing 479,

coal lands, leasing, hearings 408,

coal lands, southern coast, hearings

coast, safeguarding

commission form of government

destitution from action of storm

diseases 439,

Education Bureau


Executive orders 136, 368,

executive residence at Juneau

fisheries 116, 118, 216,

fur-bearing animals, protection 205.

620 257

386 529 391 ,17 67 591 620 9

701 506 621 357 126


192 46 659 464 659 333 663 532 701 168 698 416 72 658 184 461 703 543 494 70S


367 329

44 406

689 37

227 559 ISO 377 186 624 493 327

547 597 117 660 711 631 343 490 479 273 .330 676 218 642 174 439 634 493 661 214

Pae Alaska Continued.

fur industries US, 216, 661

game law, 1913 591

general information 652, 684

Geological Survey publications 31,


glaciers 31

gold 175

Government publications 282, 587, 620

Harriman Expedition 581, 63fi

insane 420

lands. New England Fish Co., hearings.. 546

Legislature, laws 387

machmery from Panama Canal 310

mail contracts &1

map 557

marble 175

message of President 299

military reservations 634

mineral resomces 175, 223

moose 530

naval radio stations 698-

navigation 485

population, 13th census reports 215

post route maps 367

postal service 297

precious metals 32, 494,623

Railroad Commission 23

railroads 23, 273, 409, 468. 469

raih-oads, hearuigs 24, 124, 218, 273, 338

railroads. Income tax 481, 547

railroads, right of way 618

reindeer service 174

report, 1913 282

sanitarv conditions 439, 642

seal and seal fisheries 118, 216, 540

seal and seal fisheries, hearings 540

sheep 530

taxation, hearings 481,547,610

telegraph 136

Alaska Agricultural Experiment Station? 114

report, 1912 114

Alaska Peninsula, chart 597

Alaska Road Commissioners Board 376

report, 1913 376

Albano, Angelo, indemnity 75, 171 , 217

Albatross, Fisheries steamer 139, 370, 637, 704

Albert Lea, Minn., public building, hearings. . 479,


Albrecht, Charles H., Dominican Republic 662

Albright, Floruie A., claim 409

Albright, Francis G., claim 682

Albuquerque, N. Mex., public building 141

Alcatraz Island 673


denatured 142,240,375,466,512-

ethyl 2?

fiavoring extracts, tax, hearings 482

medicinal preparations 707

Alcoholic Liquor Traffic Committee 601

hearings 601

Alcoholic liquors, see Liquors. Alcoholism, International Congress on, see In- ternational.

Aider, M"illiam C, glaciers 6S4

Alderman, Edwm A., education 7

Aldrich, L. B., annals, Astrophysical Obser- vatory 47

Aleutian Islands:

charts 597, 660

map 557

Aleutian Islands Reservation 530

Alexander, A. B., halibut fishing groimds 118

Alexander, Charles P.:

crane-flies 139

Ptychopteridae 139

Alexander, Emma, and others, claim 682

Alexander, Joshua W . , reports made by . . . 543, 672

Alfalfa seed production 531-


Asiatic laborers 361

country of birth, 13th census reports. 396

education of immigrants 283

immisration laws 156, 184, 361

Panama-Pacific Internat. Expos., etc 695

regulation of immigration 269,

361, 409, 428, 429, 487, 502


I>sDEx, 1913-14


Aliens Continued.

regulation of immigration, expenditures,

1913 291

regulation of immigration, hearings 269,


mother tongue, 13th census reports 396

year of immigration, 13th census reports. . 397 see also Immigration and emigration.

Alifas, N. P., mechanics 476

Alimentary tract of salmon 21

Alkaloidalcontent of belladonna plants 211,327

Allard, II. A., mosaic disease 327

Allardyce Harbor, chart S9

Allen, E. W., agricultural experiment sta- tions 162, 259

Allen, Edward E. blmd 621

Allen, Hunton, relief 669

Allen, Irving C:

flash point of oils 557

petroleum, California 557

petroleum, problems 496,688

Allen, R. C, Creek Indians -182, 677

Allen, R. W., Umatilla experiment farm 114

Allen, RisdenT.:

Barnwell County, S. C 463

Christian County, Kv 463

Fairfield County, S. C 69

Allen administrative site 368

AUenbaugh, Williamina R. (Mrs. Charles T.)

claim 276

Allentown Portland Cement Co 34


District of Columbia 29

District of Columbia, hearings 472, 613

Marshalltown, Iowa 408, 490, 536

Marshalltown, Iowa, hearings 338, 674

AUin, Cephas I)., Canada 238,300

Allison, George W., claim 416

Allotted lands, see Indian lands.

AUoway Creek, examination 440

Almanacs, nautical. 1916 523,564

Almond, V. L., payment 74

Almshouses 330, 534

Almy, brig 276

Altai Moiuitains, mammals 370

Altamaha River, hearings 480

Altamaha Sound, chart : 215

A Iter, J. Cecil, crop safetv 69

Alton, 111., Board of Trade 355

Altstaetter, F. W., Wheeling, W. Va 444

Alum, food 523, 532

Alum Moiuitain, topographic sheet 421


Arizona 31

Nevada 31


production, 1912 420

production, 1913 622, 685

soluljle compounds 708

Alimite, see Alum-stone.

Alvordton, Ohio, topographic sheet 284

Alwood, William B., cream of tartar 461,530

Amahai Bay, chart 293

Amami Guiito, chart 505

. Ambassadors:

Argentina 473, 487, 600, 603, 610

Chile ,540, 550, 600, 610

Spain 75, 120, 193

see also Diplomatic and consular service.

Amboina Bay, chart 186

Ambrym Island, chart 696

Amebic dysentery 513


classification 206, 231

colonies 300, 301

history 238, 301

American Academy of Political and Social

Science 183

Atnerican Agricultural Chemical Co 228

American and British Manufacturing Co 220, 560

American Association for Promotmg Hygiene

and Public Baths 96

American Association for Studv and Preven- tion of liifant Mortality 513, 571, 708

American Association of Farmers' Institute

Workers 114

American Association of Medical Milk Comns. . 708 American Bankers' Association 125

Page American Bar Association :

addresses before 219,339

bill drafting and legislative reference

bureaus 274

judicial procedure bills, hearings 270. 476

judicial procedure bills, hearings, serial no. 588

American Bonding Co. of Baltimore 426

American Brake Shoe and Foundiy Co 229

American Can Co 288, 426

American Chemical Society 143

American citizens, see Citizens of United States. American civilization, influence of German life,

etc .121

American Coal and Supply Co 689

American Commission on Agricultural Cooper- ation in Europe, see Commission on Agricultural Cooperation in Europe, American (Southern Commercial Congress Comn.).

American Creosote Works, Inc 693

American doctoral dissertations, bibliography. . 361 American ephemeris and nautical almanac,

1916 .523, 564

American Express Co.:

BengtE.Sundbergt) 84,227

bonds 220

oysters 130

American Falls, Idaho, map *352

American Federation of Labor 483

American Hay Co ; 497

.American Historical .\ssociation ?:iR, 300

report, 1911 61, 208, 238, SOI, 318

."Vmerican Institute of Criminal Law and Crimi- nology 677

A merican Iron and Steel Institute 124

American-Japanese intercourse, etc 238, 301

American Library Association 527, 584

American National Red Cross 709

equipment 543, 601

report, 1913 709

American nautical almanac, 1914 235

American Petroleum Society 496, 688

American Pharmaceutical Association 143

American practical navigator 583, 632

American Refining Co., petroleum 627

American Republics, see Latin America

Pan American Union. American Republics, International Sanitary Conference of, see International.

American Samoa, map 557

American Steel and Wire Co 691

American Surety Co. of N. Y. . U. S 182,561

American Telephone and Telegraph Co 38, 358

American Thread Company 693

Americanists, International Congress of, see

International. Ames, Herman V.:

archives 300

Public Archives Comn 301

Amite River 308

Ammeter, high-frequency 266, 467, 662

Ammonia in illuminating gas 599

Ammunit ion 575

Amos, Jack, Charles F. Winton v 38,87,183

Ampat Island Anchorage, chart 294

Ampenan Road, chart 233

Amphipods, Pribilof Islands 370

Ampibabo Road, chart 294

Amundsen, Roald, South pole 138, 192

Amurang Bay, chart 294

Amurang Road, chart ' 294

Anacostia River:

boundary lines, Philadelpiiia, Baltimore

and AVashington R . R 514

reclamation, report, 1913 440

Anaho Island Reservation 136

-Analysis 387

see also name of substance analyzed.

Anam, chart 293

Anasari Harbor, chart 89

Anchorage 270

AnchoviamitchUli 598

Anclote River 98

Andai Anchorage, chart 234

Andalusia, Ala., public building 705

Anderson, A. C, Barnes County, N. Dak 393

Anderson, C.E., relief 471

Anderson, Carl C, eulogies 399, 536

July- June

Anderson, D. R., insurgents, 1811 238, 301

Anderson, E. F., relief 600, OSl

Anderson, Frank E., reinstatement 92

Anderson. John F., contagious diseases 572, 641

Anderson, Peirce, Fine Arts Coran 107

Anderson. Peter W., relief 667

Anderson, Rof)ert, claim -ilO

Anderson, William H., A Co 3J3

Anderson-Tully Co 627

Andrew safety appliance, hearings 169

Andrews, Charles M., colonies 300, 301

Andrews, Christopher C, claim 276

Andrews, Fannie F., peace day 621

Anfila Bay, chart 696

Angeles national forest, proclamation 45

Anglo-American peace centenary 93

Anglo-Dutch relations, 1671-72 238, 300

Angora goat 529

Angot, A., electric paragreles 659

Anguilla manabei 139

Animal industry, public documents. . . 127, 459, 492

Animal Industry Bureau 15, 67, 106,

113, 101, 211, 258, 325, 391, 461, 529, 592, 6.55

directory. . 392, 592

emploj^ees, hearings 601

files of correspondence 6.55

orders 15, 67, 161, 211, 257, 325, 391, 461, 655

publications 8, 17, 155

publications, for sale 388

report, 1913 258

symbol 386


aquatic 672

breeds 257

carbon monoxid 352

European, derivation of 137, 192

specimens, Smithsonian Institution 704

Animals for food, e.xports 21, 72,

1 19, 167, 216, 265, 332, 398, 467, 535, 598, 662

Ann and Mary, ship 343

Ann Arbor R". R.:

coal 497

grain 36, 691

Annandale, Va., Methodist Episcopal Church. 682 Annapolis, Md., see Naval Academy.

Anne Arundel County , Md 466

Anniston, Ala., maneuver camp 406

Annona 302, 704

Annuities, Indians 27,474

Ansberry, Timothy T., report made by 611

Ansonia, Conn., public building 141

Ansus Anchorage, chart 234

Ansus Road, chart 234

Antarctic regions;

paleogengraphical relations 137, 192

pencjuins 1.38, 192

Antelopes, British East Africa 46,137

Anterior poliomyelitis, see Poliomyelitis. Anthomyidae, see Diptera.

Anthony, Daniel R., jr., report made by 337

Anthozoa 534

Anthracite coal, see Coal. Anthracnose:

cotton 163

mango 327

Anthrax 375

Anthropology, Peru 434

Antikamnia Chemical Co 288

Antilles, Greater, pilot 232

Antimeningitis serum 643


Geological Survey publications 555

production, 1912." 31

Antirabic treatment, paralysis 196, 241

Antitrust act, see Trusts.

Antityphoid vaccination 642

Anton Lizardo Anchorage, chart 699

Ants 137, 192

Aowawa Roadstead, Guadalcanal I., chart 90

Apache Indians, depredations 416, 428, 693

Apalachicola IJiver 573

Apapas, Ambrosio, v. United States 288, 560

Aphis, see Grain-lice.

Api Island, see Epi Island.

Apishapa auadrangle 685

Apolima Island, chart 234

Apoon Mouth of Yukon River:

chart 397

examination 710

Apostle Islands, chart 516

Appalachian Mountains:

feldspar and kaolin 83, 108

watersheds 531

Appeals, customs 48, 63, 194, 371

Apple leaf-spot fungi 529, 594


freight rates 286

standard box 669

standard box, hearings 403, 669

western 611

Appointing commission 617

Appointment Clerk, Agriculture Dept 258

report, 1913. . . 258

Appointment Division, Commerce Dept 263

report, 1913 263

Appomatto.x River, chart 597

Appoquinimink River 97

Appraisers 49, 95,

141, 194, 239, 304, 372, 436, 511, 570, 640, 706

decisions 48, 95 ,

141 , 194, 239, 304, 372, 436, 511, 569, 640, 706

decisions, index 48,372

opinion on clause in tariff act, etc 570

rent of offices 436

report, 1913 570

rules of procedure, etc 510

stores building 272, 490


deficiency, 1913 123, 168, 169, 170

deficiency, 1913, hearings 121, 170, 402

deficiency, 1914 469,484,537,600,602,705

deficiency, 1914, hearings 402, 484, 602

estimates which failed to receive consid- eration, etc 569

1914, extending 666

1915 208, 239, 538, 612, 666

1915, hearings 538, 612, 666

62d Congress, 3d session 170,195

veto of President, hearing 154,169

see also Appropriations Com., House

Appropriations Com., Senate Ex- ecutive Departments names of Departments, bureaus, and objects.

Appropriations Committee, House 121,268,


hearings 121, 268, .335, 402, 470, 538, 602, 666

Appropriations Committee, Senate 170,


hearings 170, 411, 484, 548, 602, 612, 677

Aquatic animals, damage to fisheries 672

Aqueduct, D. C, report, 1913 441

Aqueous vapor, see Vapor of water.

Arabia, chart 696

Arang Arang Anchorage, chart 364

Arangkaa Anchorage, chart 295

Aransas Pass Channel and Dock Co 35

Arapaho Indians, depredations 230, 694


Austria-Himgary and U . S 705

Costa Rica and U. S 638

Great Britain and U. S 568, 638

Italy and U . S 637

Japan and U. S 638,705

laws 133

Norway and U. S 637,638

Panama Canal tolls 679

Paraguay and U. S 638

Portugal and F. S 638

railroad employees 6, 22, 27

railroad employees, hearings 27

report, industrial council, British Board

of Trade 184

Spain and IT. S 568, 638

Sweden and IT. S 510,638

Switzerland and U. S 637,638

Uruguay and U. S 238

Arcade, N. Y., switching charges 693

Arcadia Harbor, chart.. 199

Archaeology, Ste. Genevieve Coimty, Mo.. 509,705

Archbald, Robert W. , impeachment 24

Archer, George F. and Kate C 229

Archer County, Tex., soil survey 532


Index, 1913-14


Architect, Supervising 49, 95, 141, 194,

239, 304, 372, 436, 512, 570, 640, 706

report, 1913 570,582

Archives 300

Archives Building, National, see National.

Arecibo River, bridges 405, 468


ambassador 473, 487, 600, 603, 610

commerce 189

Arid lands, see Desert lands.

Arithmetic 185


agriculture 184

almiite 31

celestite 31, 685

copper 81

Corporation Commission 226, 424, 425

cotton boll weevils 211, 212

district courts 122, 168

Egyptian cotton 463

Federal reserve banks 703

fish-cultural station 54:>

forests and forestry 3;)4

homestead ." 27

mail contracts 1S9

post route maps 307

precious metals 12S, 494

prisons 170

. alapai Indians 45

Aiizona Agricultural Experiment Station 224

Arizona & New Mexico Ry 424

Arizona Eastern R. R 85, :>55

Arjuno Bay, chart 294

Arkansas: '

a.Ljricullure IS )

district courts 'k, Colo., water supplv 368

Blackleg ." 592

Blackrvater River 97

Blades, William A., military record 488

Blair, Henrv W., school statistics 219

Blakelv. John, & Son 500

Blalock, William C. , claim 682

Blanche Harbor, chart 91

Blanda, Labuan, chart 363

Blankenbaker, Ne vton J., and others 416

Blanks, Customs Service 395

Blashfleld, E. H., Fine Arts Comn 107

Blast furnaces, 13th census reports 117

Blasting-caps, see Detonators.

Bledsoe, Albert T., women 77,78

Bleecher, T. B., jr., Joseph, ship 346

Bleininger, A. V.:

clay 119

porcelain 467

Blights, conifers 260


Cebu 513

education, 1912-13 621

Blind. Aid Association for, see Aid.

Bliss, Edwin M., benevolent institutions, 1910. 330

Blister rust, white-pine 657

Bloeh, Adolphe, blonds 137, 192

Block-signals 286, 626

hearings 404

Blodget, Lorin, climatology of United States,

appreciation . . .' 533, 595

Blonds 137, 192

Blongas, Telok, chart 233

Blood, W. W., relief 472

Blood smears, malarial index work 307, 439

Bloomfield, Meyer, school and start in life 494

Bloomheld, Ky. , Baptist Church 344

Blount Coimty , Ala. , soil survey 393

Blubber Bay, chart 697

Blue, Rupert, typhoid fever 572

Blue book, see Official register of U. S.

Blue-grass, seeds 655

Blue Hill Observatory 164

Blue Island, 111., public building 194

Blunt, Eliza N. and Eliza S 347

Board of General Appraisers, see Appraisers. Boards of trade:

Alton, 111 355

Boston, Mass 85

Carrollton, Ga 85

Chicago, 111 38,426

Columbia, S. C 227

Elgin, 111 693

Great Britain 184

Lagrange, Ga 85

Louisville, Ky 35

Macon, Ga 691

Meridian, Miss 227

New Orleans, La 358

Paducali Ky 498, 500

Port Arthur, Tex 35

Sheridan, Wyo 179

Tampa, Fla 690

Washington, D. C 690

Wichita, Kans 424

Boast, Mrs. Rachel E. D., land 610,681

Boat-racing, patrol of courses 73


anchorage of vessels 270

building, 13th census reports 20

classification of income, etc 61,84

deck and boat book of Na\-y 563

free entry for materials for vessels 436

July- June


Page Boats Continued.

officers, 1913 333,600

officers, hearings 477

officers, licenses ti06

quarantine 99, (5 !2

radiote'.egraphy 21 , 64, 90

rats 96

records 61, 84

Revenue-Cutter Service vessels 241

seagoing vessels 265, 332

submarine work, varntng signals. 549, 600, 606

typhoid fever 513, 572

see also Carriers Launches Life-boats Light-ships Revenue steamers- Ships Steamboats War-ships Yachts Boatvrighl, Hal F., thymol administration.. 50,96

Bobane Bay, chart 295

Boca Ciega Bay 97

Boca Eiigano, I'ort, chart 331

Bock, Annie, voman suffrage 61,77

Boepple, J. F., mussels lis

Boise, Idaho, map 3" 2

Boise County, Idaho SI

Bolang Mongondo, chart 294

Bolang Uki Bay, chart 294

Bolivia, minister, address 455, 4S3

Boll weevils:

Arizona 211, 212

feeding liabits t'i."j5

ravages 390

study and investigation 121 , 257

Bolognesi.Hartfield & Co 471, 4.S5

Bonaud, Anthony, reinstatement 701


common carriers 610

common carriers, hearings 541

freight rates 226

income tax 240

New York Central and Hudson River

R. R 626

Bonds of officers, etc.:

marshals and clerks of district courts 413

recei%-ers 4.33, 6.35

Bonds of United States:

assigimient 94

caveat list 50, 90,

142, 196, 240, 306, 375, 513, 571, 641, 707

on deposit 50,96,

142, 195, 239, 305, 374, 437, 512, 570, 641, 707

postal savings 190, 565

see also Government Actuary Loans and Currency Division.

Boney & Harper MUling Co 226

Bongao, P.I 299

Bonham, Francis G., reinstatement.... 606,616, Oft?

Bonita administrative site 634

Bonsai, Leigh, Resolution, brig 347

Bonsteel, Jay A., truck soils 164

Bonthain Road, chart 363

Bookcases, Smithsonian Institution 46

Booker, William B.; claim 416

Bookkeeping and W arrants Division 195, 305


cop\Tighted 40, 87, 133, 185, 231,292,


customs officers 395

immigration service 291

Boone, George, claim 416

Boone County, Ind., soil survey 594

Boonville, Mo., public building 372

Booser, George A., bridge across Black

River 122,168

Booth, OlinR., ;;. United States 229

Boots and shoes:

Belgium 72

Egypt 72

interstate commerce, fraud, hearings 336

Spain 72

wages and hours of labor 361

Borah, William E.:

paper presented by 25

views on Paint Creek dist 487

Borates 1 75

Borax, production, 1912 so. .3.50

Borbondae 139

Borche-s, Charles M., report made by 475

Borel, Emila, mobcidar theories 138, 192


Boring, Edwin G., dementia precox 82

Boring, petroleum 352,557

Borneo, charts 89, 232, 293

Borneo, British North, see British North Borneo.

Borosilicate glazes 599

Boss, Andrew, farm management 463

Bostick, ]!:dward D., claim 491

Boston, Mass.:

Chamber of Commerce 85

1st civil service dist 19,214

fishery products 21,

72, 1 18, 166, 265, 332, 397, 466, 598

fishery products, 1913 466

hari or 644

harbor, chart 166

inland water way to Bio Grande 443

public liuildtng 707

rivers and harl ors, report, 1913 440

Boston and All any R. R 228

Boston and Maine "R. R 227

Boston Federal Reserve Bank 702

Boston Marine Insurance Co 343, 345

Botanic Garden 405

Botano'ijiinae 302,704

Botany, see Medical 1 otany names of plants. Botrychium virginianum, see Rattlesnake- ferns.

Botsford, Allen, v. United States 693

Botsford & Barrett 426

Boucher, A. C, Barnes Countv, N. Dak 393

Boughton, Solon J. , reinstatement 190

Bouillon cubes 205,212,322

Boulder Creek administrative site 45

Boulognc-sur-Mer, International Exposition of

Sea Fishery Industries, 1914... 568,670 Boundary Waters Ijetween United States and Canada, International Joint Com- mission on, see International. Bounty lands, sec Military bountv lands. Bourne, Jonathan jr.:

railway mail pay 410

roads 74, 121,334, 483

Boutres Anchorage, chart 699

Boutwell, Francis il., claim 682

Bowditch, Nathaniel, Amer. practical navi- gator 583, 632

Bowdle, Staidey E.:

address, German life, etc 121

patent models 478

report made by 606

Bowen, C. F.:

coal and lignite, Idaho 81

coal and lignite, Mont 642

Bowen, Charles, military record 862

Bowen, J. Chester, wheat 361

Bowen, Jolin T., milk 530

Bowen, W . II., & Co 288

Bower, Ward T.:

fisheries, Alaska, 1911 118,211

fisheries, Alaska, 1912 216,668

Bowers Brothers 693

Bowie, Sydney J., credentials of Frank P.

Glass 342

Bowie, William, precise level net, etc 596

Bowker, Frank S. , v. United States 79

Bowker, Richard R., letter 252

Bowling, George E., v. United States 500

Bowman, Donald S., plague 708

Bowman, Samuel H., v. United States 491,628

Bowman act 273

Bowring & Company 38

Boxelder Coimty, Utah 223

Boxer disturliances 473


freight rates 626

Government supplies 438

standard, apples 669

standard, apples, hearings 403, 669

tests 114

Boyce, W. D.^ Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama. 274

Boyden, Clarissa (Mrs. William), claim 416

Boykin, James C, educational legislation 493

Boys, C. v., soap bubbles 1.38, 192

Boys' clul's:

corn 212

corn, hearings 402

demonstration work 212


Index, 1913-14


Boys' clubs Continued.

pigs 32.5

poultry -58

Bozenian, Mont., pu^'lic Imildiug 707

BrachjThinidae, see Weevils.

Brackett, C. S., Co 499

Bradford, E. W., registration of designs 607

Bradford, Gershom, 2d, West Indies pilot 232

Bradford, R. I., coal depot, chart 597

Bradley, William O.:

opinion relative to Henry D. Clayton 274

reports made by ". 339,411,484

views relative to Blair Lee 342

views relative to Frank P. Glass 342

Brady, James H., reports made by 171,


Brady, Thomas M., claim 277

Brain syphilis 241

Brainard, David L., retirement 616,672

Braisted, W. C, address 631

Brakes 423

Brammer, Elise, claim 27S

Brand, Charles J.:

cotton, market conditions, Okla 212

cotton, methods of handling 68

Brandegee, Frank B.:

address on W illiam McKinley 219

papers presented by 77,170,219,482,483

report made by 679

Brandeis, Louis D., "railroads 692

Brandenburg, Frederick II., climatological

service.. 18,69,116,164,213,261,328,394

Brandy 707

Branson, R. W., claim 339, 472

Brant, Mo., railroad accident 86

Brasch, Valentine, heirs 667

Brashear, John A., address 192

Brass-furnaces 687

Bray, Arreu, claim 277

Brazil, consul general, address 455, 483

Brazos River, chart 331

Brazos Santiago Harbor 144

Breadstufls, exports 21, 72,

119, 167, 216, 265, 332, 398, 467, 535, 598, 662

Breathing-apparatus 129


cattle 258, 529

horses 592


animals, recognition 257

sheep 592

Brents, Thomas E., United States v 181,


Brentwood, Cal., topographic sheet 621

Breton Bay 97

Brewster, Clara L. (Mrs. Robert E.), claim 417

Brewster, Isaac, Agaes, schooner 343


country roads 107, 1 14

freight rates 1"9. 226

production, 1912 350

production, 1913 022, 685

Brickwood, John T. , relief 549

Bridgeport, Conn., harbor 644

Bridger, Fort 609


construction, 1912-13 327

typical specifications CO, 68

see also places where located. Bridges and Highways, National School of, see National.

Bridgham, Thomas S., appointment 544

Briesen, Fritz von, designs 673

Briggs, Lyman J.:

Tooele Valley 391, 393

water requirement, plants 163

Brigham, Utah, public building 239

Bright, Mary G. and George A 277

Brtnck, Dana B., claim... ^ 346

Briadle disease, see Mosaic disease. Brinkley, L. L.:

Johnston County, N. C 115

Pender Coimty,"N. C 659

Brinton, David B., v. United States 221


Cologne, Germany 33

investigations 352

Bristow, Joseph L.:

banking and currency

papers presented by 124,

post office appropriation bill, amdt

reports made by 339, 484, 488, 615,

British, see also Great Britain..

British Columbia, chart

British East Africa, see Africa, eastern.

British Museum, crtnoids

British New Guinea, chart

British North Borneo:



British North Borneo Co

Britton, Alexander, taxation, Alaska

Brockton, Mont., topographic sheet

Brodbeck, Andrew R., report made by

Brodie, John, relief

Bromine, production, 1912 32,

Bromwell, Charles S., Cleveland, Ohio

Brooke, Mazie M., Little Sam, brig

Brooklyn, N. Y., public building 141,

Brooklyn Navy Yard, memorial services

Brooks, Alfred H.:


geology 137,

mineral resoiu'ces, Alaska 175,

precious metals 32, 494,

Brooks, Eugene C, Agriculture and rural life

Brooks, H. B.:


transformers 536,

Brooks, Peter C:

Hiram, brig, Humphreys, master

Industry, schooner. Tinker, master

Lark, schooner, Saville, master

Mercury, schooner

Pearl, brig, Webb, master

PoUy , schooner

Ranger, sloop

Sally, brig

Three Friends, schooner

Brooks, T. J., markets bureau

Brooks Meadows administrative site

Brooms, freight rates 226,

Brose, Arthur, relief

Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers


Broughton, G. W. , United States v 629,

Broussard, Robert F.:

article on Commerce Court

Importation of cattle

Newlands-Broussard river regulation bill.

Brown, Albert K., promotion

Brown, Charles J. , reinstatement

Brown, Earl I., Montgomery, Ala

Brown, Ernest B., corn

Brown, G. H.:

clay, dehydration

clay, vitrification

Brown, Isaac S., v. United States

Brown, John, claim

Brown, Mrs. Josephine E., claim

Brown, Lathron, reports made by 272,

Brown, Nellie A., sugar-beets 257,

Brown, Rome Cr., rivers

Brown, Sarah P. , claim

Brown, Thomas, Hannah, sloop

Brown, Wrisley, monograph on impeachment .

Brown, Zephaniah, claim

Brown, Howard & Co

Brown-tail moths

Browne, Mrs. Hetty S., rural school

Brownmg, V\' illiam" J., Saturday half-holiday. .

Brownlee, Myron A., relief ". . .

Bruat Channel, see Wawa Channel.

Bruce, Elizabeth (Mrs. John H.), claim

Bruce, Eugene S., flumes

Bruce and AA'est Manufacturing Co

Bruceton, Pa., coal

Bruhn, A. T., cheddar cheese

Brule Harbor

Bruli5 Indians, depredaf ions

Brumbaugh, Clement, railroads, Alaska

Bruner, Elwood, income tax, railroads, Alaska. Brrmer, Lawrence, Orthoptera 139,

206 218 483 678



186 193 187 547 624 337 538 351 441 221 194 635

555 192 223 623

599 599

345 345 346 346 347 683 347 347 348 404 701 558 667 25 139 705

170 601 483 299 190 442 327

73 119 126 417 683 546 260 275 279

28 411 277 417 326 223 476 668

482 C57

37 495

15 197 694 273 481 370




Rruni River, chart 294

Brunswick, Ga., Confederate Veterans' Re- union 23

Brunton, David ^\^:

timnels, safety 224,3r)3

timnels, safety and efficiency 6SS

Brushes, Government supplies 438

Brussels, Belgium, International Congress on

School Hygiene 250

Bryan, A. Hugh, sorghum sirup 592

Bryan, James \V., views, sailors 672

Bryan, Nathan P.:

papers presented bv ITO, 483

reports made by . . ." 2e, 339, 341,411,

412, 414, 415, 4S5, 489,537,548, 612. 678

views on Templin M. Potts 552

Bryan, William J.:

constitutions 677

report upon Panama Canal treaties 523

Bryan, Ohio, topographic sheet 624

BrVan, Tex., public building 512

Bryant, J. E., Co 354

Brvant Pond, Me., topographic .sheet 624

Bualemo Road, chart 294

Bubonic plague, see Plague.

Bucar, Anton, he irs 501 , 655

Bucas Island, chart 118

Buchanan, Eugene, United States !' 94, 288

Bucher, Floyd S.:

Barnwell Coimty, S. C 463

Barton County, Mo 594

Cass County, Mo 393

Macon (jOunty , Mo 69

Buck, George M., Senate election cases 276

Buck, John M., dourine 211, 325

Buckatimna, Miss., railroad accident 356

Buckhom, Ky., topographic sheet 284

Buckingham," Edgar, turbines ,- 333, 467

Buckman. steamship 337, 340, 400

Bud All Anchorage, chart 699

Bud-moth, lesser. . ; 591, 656

Bud-worms, see Cucumber beetles. Buffalo, N. v.:

American Historical Assoc 238, 301

harbcr, chart 310

harbor, examination 308

International Congress on School Hv-

giene 196, 250, 283

poliomyelitis 307, 439

public building 373

rivers and harbors, report, 1913 440

State Institute for Study of Malignant

Disease 598

Buffalo-gnats 530

Buffalo lithia v.ater 458, 464

Buffalo Pitts Co 560

Buffalo. Rochester and Pittsburgh Ry.:

freight ". 424, 690

salt 37

Buggies, see Carriages.

Builders, school 350

Building and loan associations 438

Building materials:

Colorado and California 32

Government supplies 438

Building of a state 274

Building regulations 473. 602

Building trades 107. 132

Puja Anchoraze, chart 293

Buka Bav, chart 235

Bula Bav, chart 294


experiments in growing 207, 212

postage 478, 537

tulips, etc., distribution 114

Bulbuls 434

Bulbar Anchorage, chart 6'i6

Bull Run, Va 376

Bulletins, see Farmers' buUet ins bureaus is- suing bulletins.

Bulukumba Road, chart 363

Bumping Lake, dragonflies 139, 704

Buna Roads, chart 89

Bunder Road, chart 1 ying-in

Asylum 420

report, 1913 173

Col imbia Institution for the Deaf 174

report, 1913 174

Col imbia River:

bridge 336, 340, 400

charts wl, 597, 660

examination and s ir\-ey 51 , 573

fisli-cult'iral stations. 013

improvement, hearings 481

Columbia Valley, weather reports 18,

69, 116, 164, 214, 262, 329, 394 Columibus, Ga.:

ind'istrial education 30

p iblic building 141

Col imbs,Ky., levees, hearings 481

Colum brs, Ohio, Constit tional Convention 677

Colmb s, Delaware and Marion Ry., relief 068

Colville Indian school, hearings 482

ColviUe Reservation:

Great Northern Ry 75, 78, 121

lands 31

Colvin, William S. , relief 069

ColwelljN. P., medicine 085

Comanche Indians, deijredations 3.58,

417, 501, 619, 028

Comanche Reservation, hearings 611

Combinations, see Tr-sts.

Cornea ix, Henry, claim 344


classification of merchandise 263

Federal control, bibliography 4.55. -503

Page Commerce Continued.

foreign commerce and navigation of

U. S., 1913 6-53,661

promotion 216, 534

regulation 455, 497, 627

revie'.y of foreign commerce of U. S., 1913. 534

rules of practice 354

trade of U. S 584,598

see also Impjrts and exports names of countries and places.

Commerce, ship 344

Commerce and finance, monthly summary 21,

72," 119, 167, 216. 265, 332, 398, 467, 535, 598, 662 monthly summary, advance sheets, dis- continuance 654

monthly summary, price 318

Commerce and Labor Department, report,

1912 14, 22

see also Commerce Department.

Commerce Committee 171,

220, 340, 412, 4.So, 549, 613, 678

hearings 340, 412, 485, 549, 613, 678

Commerce Court 116, 214, 262,330

appropriation 262

article by R. F. Broussard 170

expenditures 330

expenditures, t j^pogiaphieal error 330

opinions i. 262

Commerce Department 19, 70,

116,165,205,214,263,330, 395, 453, 465, 533, 596, 660

ac'ting Secretary 701

appropriations, 1914 263

Executive order 45

history, etc 105, 119, 153, 165

publications, available for distrilnition... 399 publications, received and distributed. . . 395

report, 1913 263, 465

reports, preliminary work for Internat. Maritime Conf. for Safety of Life at

Sea ". . . 108, 116, 165

travel regulations 70, 1 18, 596

traveling expenses 330

useless papers 19, 79, 465, 618

see also Commerce and Labor Depart- ment. Commerce Department Expenditures Com- mittee, House, see Expenditures. Commercial Congress, Southern, see South- em. Commercial organizations:

Germany 598

southern and western cities 387,535

Commercial travelers:

in South America 508

in South America, samples and 317, 398

Commercial Travelers' Life and Accident

Association 374

Commercial weather map 18

Commissary General, see Subsistence Depart- ment.

Commissary supplies, contracts 297

Commission, see also name of commission.

Commission form of govt. , Alaska 676

Commission on Agricultural Cooperation in Europe, American (Southern Com- mercial Congress Comn.) 24,63,124

report 208, 266, 652

Commission on milk standards, rp 96, 142

Commission to Investigate and Study Aeri- cultural Credits in Europe (United States Comn.) . . 63, 266, 334, 401, 469, 665

report 208, 266, 652, 665

Commission to Study Operation of State

Workmen's Compen.sation Laws... 483 Commissioners, D. C, report, 1913. 221,280,-348,619

Committees, House of Representatives 335,666

see also nanies of committees.

Committees, Senale 677

see also names of committees.

Commodities, fraud, hearings 270

Common carriers, see Boats Carriers Rail- roads. Community centers, see Social centers. Commutation tickets, see Railroad tickets. Compass, earth "s magnetism 397


Index, 1913-14


Compensation, see E^lploye^s' liability and workmen's compensation Pay Salaries Wages .

Comptroller of Currency 50, 95,

142,153,195,233,305,374, 437,512,570,534,641,707

decisions, national banks 707

report, 1913 305,374

ComptroUer of Treasury . . . 195, 240, 305, 374, 437, 571

Alaska, government 676

appropriations 374

decisions 153, 195, 240, 374, 571

report, 1913 305

Compulsory school attendance 454,493

Computing machines, Governinent supplies. . . 43S

Conant, Charles A., report 64

Conciliation and arbitration series . 107, 132, 184, 503

Conclusion, Port, chart 597

Concrete 217

Condensed milk 67

13th census reports 71

freight rates 354

Condit, T>. Dale, reimbursement 128, 667

Condore, Pulo , chart 296

Condron, Delia C, lot, D. C 542, 549, 600

Conecuh County, Ala., soil survey 658

Coneculi River 515

Confederate States 105, 124

Confederate Stockade Cemetery 27

Confederate Veterans' Reunion 23


graves 337, 414, 469

monument, address of President 701

navy 653, 695

officers, relief, hearings 547

property 271

Conference, see also name of conference.

Conference Committees 121,

168, 267, 401, 469, 537, 601, 665

Conference for Education in the South 31

Conference for the Common Good, Columbia,

S. C 410

Conference of State and Territorial Health Au- thorities with U. S. Public Health

Service 306

Conference on Weights and Measures of U.S.. 599

Congaree River, examination , 441

Congr6s International des Ephemerides As-

tronomiques 5'23

Congress, see name of congress.

Congress Hall, Philadelphia, Pa 168, 218

Congress of United States 22,73,

120, 167, 217, 265, 334, 399, 467, 533, 599, 663

proceedings, for sale 174

publications, numbers 321

reports to be made to 268

salaries 267

time for convening, etc 413

see also Committees, PTouse of Represen- tatives Committees, Senate House of Represeniatives Laws - Senate names of committees.

Congressional directory 78, 105, 249, 266, 399, 600

Congressional documents:

numbering 321

publications on forestry 323

publications on insects" 322

62d Cong. 1st and 2d sess., index 29

62d Cong. 3d sess., index 455, 492

62d Cong. 3d sess., schedule of vols 222

63d Cong. 1st sess., mdex 4.55, .5P-a, 620

63d Cong. 1st sess., schedule of vols 419

see also Government publicatisns. Congressional Library, see Library of Congress.

Congressional record 22, 73,

120, 167, 217, 266, 33 1, 359, 468, 538, 599, 663

articles on forestry 3'23

articles on insects 322

index 22,73,

120, 167, 217, 266, 334, 399, 468, .536, .599, 663

63d Cong. 1st sess 467

size .521, 582

Conifers 260


Federal reserve banks 702

marshal 472

post route maps 367

Connell, Richard E., eulogies .399

Conness, Leland S., franchise 547

Connolly, E. L., poultry 212

Connor, W. D., engineering schools 198

Conoby Creek . . . . ! 242

Conover, Helen F. (Mrs. Frin'is S.), cliitn 417

Conrey, Guy, Columbia County, Wis 163

Conservation Commission of California 16

Conservation Congress, National, see National. Conservation Exposition, National, see Knox- vUle, National Conservation Expo- sition, 1913. Conservation of natural resources, see Natural resources.

Consolidated Fuel Co 35

Consolidated index, see Document index;.

Consolidated Pump Co 37

Constants of spe'?tral radiation, etc 467

Constellation, frigate 407

Constitution of United States 8, 24

amendment, prohibition 605

amendment, prohibition, he.irings 270,

542, .551, 615,679

amendment, woman suffrage 605, 618, 677

amendment, woman suffrage, hearings... 28

amendments, validity 311,413

article bv Elihu Root , 77

documentary history 319, 388, 415

including 16th and i7th amendments 94,

1.53, 165

Constitution Publishing Co 85

Constitutional Convention 677

Constitutions 677

Construction and Repair Bureau 185,


report, 1913 362. 504

Construction materials, see Building materials. Construction of Post Roads, .Joint Committee

on Federal Aid in, see Feder-^1. Consular officers, see Consuls. Consular regulations, see Consuls. Consular reports:

daily 21, 72,

1 19, 166, 216, 265, 332, 398, 466, .535, 598, 662

daily, index 72,216,398.662

daily, subs?ription 389,453

special. . . 106, 1 19, 154, 166, 318, 332, 398, 535, 662 Consular servi^'e, see ConsulsDiplomatic and

consular service. Consuls;

instructions 94, 193, 302, 370, 435, 510, 705

invoices, merchandise 701

judicial authority 679

see also Diplomatic and consular service. Contagious diseases;

approprixtions 569

children's institutions 438

control of infectious diseases 435

etiolog V of in fectious diseases 572, 641

laws. . : 456, 51 3

prevalence 375, 438, 572, 641

prevention, expenditures 306

Contested elections;

Carney, T laude S., v. Smith 23, 269, 336

Cnrne.y, .Tohn J., v. Morgan 74

Carney, John .!., v. Morgan, hearings 670

Davis !J. McGuire 169

Davis p. McGuire, hearings 670

Gill I. Dyer 121,-336,603

Mac Donald v. Young 74

Senate. 1780-1913 - 276

Whaley, Richard S., charges against. 269, 336

Wilkins ". Loft, hearings 670

Continental Congress 4;?0

Continental Paper Bag Co 470

Contracts, reclamation acts 671

Contributions from national herbarium 47,

03, 302, 369, 370, 434, 568, 704

Contributions to economic geologv 250, 283, 386

Contributions to general geology. ... 62, 318, 386, 387

Contributions to hydrology 386

Contribatory plan of retirement, hearings 470


railroad employees 6, 22, 27

railroad employees, liearings 27

Conventions, see Treaties.

Converse Countv. Wvo 350

Convict labor. . ."....." 271, 477, 488, 551, 615

hearings 477, 482, 551, 615

July- June


Cook, F. C, bouillon cubes 212

Cook, Lemuel E., relief 612

Cook, O. F.:

cotton, culture 657

cotton, Louisiana 114

cotton, relation of buying to growing 392

cotton, seed 327

farmers, cotton farming, Southwest 17

zapote 302

Cook, Pliilip, relief 488

Cook, R. T., payment 268

Cookeville, Tenn., public building 707

Coons, A. T.:

brirks 350

slate 686

Cooper, Morton O., cows 327

Cooper, Robert E., paper pulp, pine 594

Cooper, Thomas P., farm management 463

Cooper, William F., patent 286

Cooper River 98


agricultural, address by Gordon Jones 170 agricultural, addresr, by Harvie Jordan. . 218 agricultural, address by S. A. Lindsey... 274

agricultural, American commissions 24,

63, 124 agricultural, American commissions, re- port 208,

266, 319, 410, 455, 457, 469, 652, 665 agricultural, article by Frederic J. Has-

kin 274

agricultural, Davis plan ol rural banks... 24

agricultural, demonstration work 212

agricultural, extension work 268, 275, 339

agricultural, hearings 2G9,

335,402,411.484,538,548 agricultural, historical sketch of present

movement, bv Senator Fletcher. .. 320 agricultural, letter from David Lubin 24

agricultural, plan for U. S 76

agri :ultural, proposed bill 411

agricultural, report by F. J. H. von

Engelken 170

agricult iral, report to British Board of

Agri:'>ilture and Fisheries 24

agricultural, rural banking and currency

reform 24

vocational education, hearings 403

Cooperative agri jultural plan 274

Coos Bay, improvement, hearings 481

Coos Indians 369

Coos River, improvement, hearings 481

Coosa R iver 377

Copepods, Panama 46

Coplans, Myer, Atlantic Ocean 364


Arizona 81

bibliography 686

Geological Survey publications ... 32, 494, 5.55

melting points ' 178

Mount Lyell 47

production, 1912 175

production, 1913, advance statement 622

Copper Center, A laska, land 701

Copper mines and mining:

Michigan strike 429, 503

Michigan strike, hearings 406, 478, 544

Coppinger grant 618


" law 272,337,429,563

rules i'or regis^tration 185, 468

secondary meaning right, hearing 673

see also Copvright Office.

Copyright Olhce. ." 40, 87,

133, 185, 231, 292, 361, 429, 503, 563, 630, 695

branr li 456, 503

report, 1913 292

Coquille River:

examination 644

improvement, hearings 481

Coquille River, East Fork of, see East Fork. Coquille River, North Fork of, see North Fork.

Corbett, L. C, vegetable products 68

Corbctt Tunnel 269

Corbin, Mrs. C. D., relief 539

Corbin, Mrs. Mar? S.. relief 539

Corcoran, William W., Fair Columbian, brig... 417

Cordage, see Rope.

Cordelia, H. M. S 90


Core Sound, chart 516

Corinto, Nicaragua, harbor, chart 363

Corky scab, see Powdery scab. Corn":

freight rates 84. 226

grading 163

Hopi maize 325, 327

Louisiana 327

National Com Exposition 122, 168

Oklahoma 327

pop-corn 107, 114

seed 260

seeds of maize 17

shelled, shrinkage 260

statistics 386

Texas 327

use in home 162

weather, effect 595

Com Ijelt, economical cattle feeding 055

Corn clubs for boys 212

hearings 402

Com Exposition, National, see National.

Com-leaf blotch miner 529,530

Corn-meal, see Flour.

Corn root-worms, see Cucumber beetles.

Cornell, Rose M., payment 268

Cornell University Agric. Exper. Station 658

Comick, Mrs. Mary, relief 668

Coming, Ark ". 122,168

Complanter Refining Co 130, 180

Comwallis, Port, chart 505

Corporation commissions:

Arizona 226,424,425

Oklahoma 226


Federal control, bibliography 455, 503

interstate commerce, regulation, hearing. 487

Russia 332

special excise tax, etc 306, 374, 375, 438

Corporations Bureau 331, 397, 466, 534

publications, available for distribution. . . 466

report, 1913 897

report on development of water power. . . 386 Corps of Engineers, Army, see Engineer Corps. Correspondence, see Letters. Corrosive sublimate, bichloride of mercury tab- lets 241, 306, 513

Corthell, Elmer L., bridge 671

Cortland, N. Y., public buildmg 49

Cosbj', Spencer:

Fine Arts Commission 107

public buildings and grounds 445

Cost keeping. Lighthouses Bureau 662

Cost of living:

District of Columbia 487

retail prices... 87, 106, 133, 153, 184, 231, 429, 562 see also Prices. Costa Rica:

arbitration 638

isopods ; 139

minister, address 4o5, 483

Sapindaceae. .^ 434

Cosumnes River 282

Cota, George, t'. Menoramee Indians 79

Cotton, J. S.. economical cattle feeding 655

Cotton, W. E., abortion 113, 592


anthracnose '


boll weevils 121, 211, 212, 257

buying and growing

culture o'oio

Egyptian 24, 212

exports 21, 72,

167, 216, 265, 332, 398, 467, 535, 598

freight rates 35,84,227,354

future delivery, tax on sales


industries, wages, etc

Louisiana -

marketing 24, 68, 124, 206:

marketing, etc., hearings - 23

production, 1912

seized during Civil Vv'ar



spinning tests . . . standardization.

163 160 ,396 392 657 ,463 119, ,662 690 666 484 184 114 ,212 169 20 491 327 17 657 484


Index, 1913-14


Cotton Contin ued .

statistics 596

supply and distribution 263

taken" from Adams County, Miss 482

tariff 25

tests, standardized 327

Yuma reclamation project 260

Cotton-boll weevils, see Boll weevils.

Cotton Congress, International, see Inter- national.

Cotton E.xchange, Meridian, Miss 227

Cotton exchanges, regulation, hearings 601


Africa 535

13th census reports 215

report on foreign tariff systems 19

yarn 239

Cotton-see i:

distribution, 1914 327

Egyptian 212

freight rates 84,354

products 653, 661

selection 260

Cotton-seed meal, northern Europe 653, 661

Cotton-seel oil, exports 21,72,119,

167, 216, 265, 332, 398, 467, 535, 598, 662

Cottonwood, Mississippi Valley 326

Couden, Heru-y N., prayers 123, 415

Coughlan Harbor, chart 188

Coulson, Charles A., record 606

Coulter, John L. :

American Commission on Agricultural

Cooperation 63

statement before Banking and Currency

Committee, Senate 411

Counterfeits, suppressing, appropriations 039

Country houses:

malaria 205, 241

shower baths 143

water supply, etc 392, 524

Country life:

addresses by S. A. Lindsey 274

bibliography 30, 60

Country schools:

Bartholomew County, Ind 439, 642

Montgomery County, Md 127

Rock Hm, S. C 223

rmal education 622

sanitation 205,240

Wmthrop College. . .' 223

Country's forests 585, 593

Couplers, see Car-couplers.

Court, Ignatius, statement 550

Court of Claims 28, 79, 126,

172, 220, 276, 343, 416, 491, 553, 619, 682

cases, calendar 28,172,220,344,491,553

cases, decided 1912-13 417

cases, for dismissal 79, 172, 417, 491

cases, index 344

certain claims referred to ... . 482, 550, 605, (i76

Davenport Female College 611

decisions on assignment of claims 481

judgments 38, 278

judgments against U. S 48,371,510,705

jurisdiction to hear, etc., claims of Sis-

seton Indians 550

NichoUs, Joshua 611

see also, for cases printed by Com-t of Claims or by Justice Department, names of claimants.

Court of Customs Appeals 173, 280, 419, 619

appropriations, 1913 280

calendar 173, 280, 419, 619

eases adjudged 419

decisions 48, 95, 141,

194, 239, 304, 372, 436, 511, 569, 640, 706

decisions, index 48, 372

decisions, review by Supreme Court 672

hearings 542

hearings, serial no 589

judgments, certification 476

Courts, James C, statements 170


manual, changes 576

orders 40, 88, 133, 185, 232, 362, 504, 631 , C95

Courts of United States:

appropriations 358

China, hearings 122

judges, hearings 122, 270


Courts of United States Continued.

judgments, Louisiana 542

judicial procedure 271

judicial procedure, hearings 270

laws 271

pleading, etc 476

proceedings 105

register 428

rent, appropriation 628

reports on 88

see also Circuit Courts of Appeals Court of Claims District Courts Justics Department Supreme Court of United States. Covert, C.C:

rivers, gaging stations 82

St. Lawrence River 555

CovUle, Frederick V.:

reseeding 162

soils 114

Covington, J. Harry, reports made by 270,541

Covington, Tenn., public building 640

Covington County, Ala., soil .survej'' 594


coloration of sjed coat 529, 594

use in home 162

Cowdon & Cowden 403

Cowlitz R ivcr valley 81

Cows, raising, cost 327

Cox, Grace, heirs, etc 338, 351

Cox, H. R . , thistles 17

Cox, Henry J., climatological service 18,

69 115 213 394

Cox, Isaac J., Monroe .'. . . .'238,'301

Cox, John H., flour 327

Cox's Bazar, India, chart 505

Coyle, Thomas, relief 678

Coyotes, nematoid worms, etc 94, 704

Crab Orchard, Ky., Clu-istian Church 344

Crabb, G. A.:

Chester County, S. C 260

Fairfield County, S. C 69

Winston County, Miss 115


brachyrhynchous 637

Grapsidae 369, 637, 704

Ocvpodidae 139, 309, 037, 704

West Indian 139

Crafts, Wilbur F., Federal motion picture com- mission 603

Craftsmen, master 350

Craig, Charles F., syphilis 99

Craig Cove, chart. ." 42

CraighUl W. E,, Portland, Me 443

Cramer, Le Grand C. , claim 402

Cramp, William, & Sons, v. United States. . 289,093

Crampton, Charles A., alcohol, denatured 466

Cramton, Louis C:

report made by 604

statement on Pere Marquett e R . R 475

Crane-flies 139

Crater farm 673

Crater Lake, geological history 11

Crater Lake Nai ional Park 420

Engineer Dcpt., Army, report, 1913 444

general information 620

G overnment publ ications 684

panoramic view 174, 554

report, 1913 420

revenues 415

Crawford, Coe I.:

banking and currency 206

reports made by 5-IS, 678

Crawford, David L.:

Delphacidae 510, 705

jumping plant-lice 704

Crawford, J. C.:

Hymenoptera, Dominican Republic 637

Hymenoptera, new 302, 370, 704

Crawford, Mrs. Maud B., transfer 566

Crawford, Sandj^, relief 471

Cream, see Milk".

Cream of tartar 461, 530

Creek Indians:

agreement with V. S 614

equalizing allotments 482, 677

Creel, Richard H.:

plague, Cuba 642

plague, Porto Rico 50

rats 50, 96




Cretaceous deposits 494

Cretaceous period 622

Crime and criminals 78

Criminal Law and Criminology, American In- stitute of, see American.

Criminal procedure. 677

Crimson clover, see Clover. Crinoids:

British Museum 300

fossil 302, 434, 704

Himerometra 238, 704

Homocrinus Hall 434, 704

skeletons G85

Crisfleld, Md., public building 617

Criswell , Therese f Mrs. Hanson), claim 344

Critical ranges, iron 399, .599

Crittenden, E. C:

flame standards in photometry 663

pentane lamp 399. .599

Crittenden, John J., papers 7, 40

Crocker, Frank, trustee Postal Device and

Lock Co 183. 221

Crocker, R. W., electric switch-gear 352

Crockett Lake 710

Croft, George W., heirs 676

Cronin. Edward W., reinstatement 191

Cronlv, William, relief 680

Crooked Channel 573

Crop correspondents, weekly news letter 9,


Crop reporter, final number 8, 61 , 156


acid-tolerant 114

13th census reports 396

public moneys, movement, etc 95

safety, mountain slopes 69

statisti'"-s 67

stal Lsti"s, publi'^'ations 79, 323, 349

zones, New Mexico 107, 1 13

Crosby. Dick J., agriculture 68

Cross, Whitman, dike rocks 685

Crossfield, A. S.:

flash point of oils 557

petroleum, California 557

Crowdus Bros 424

Crowe, .T. J.:

critical ranges, iron 399, 599

ocean temperatures 134, 266, 467

Crowell, Charles C., reimbursement 339, 539, 664

Croxton, Fred C:

boot, shoe, etc._, industries 361

cigar and clothing industries 291

cotton, woolen, etc., industries 184

lumber, mill work, etc., industries 133

steam railroad cars 5G2

Crude petroleum, see Petroleum.

Crumb, S. E., tobacco splitworm 320

Cnistacean parasites 1 39

Crutchfield, Woolfolk & Clore ISO

Ciiajan Island, .see Guam. Cuba:

acts, treaties, etc 103,711

longitude 232

plague 513. 642

tariff 662

Cucumber beetles:

Southern com rootworm 114

Western com rootwcrm 114

Culbreath, L. W., relief 3.35

Culebra, chart 466

CuUen, Richard, reinstatement 299

Cullison, Kans 139

Cullom, .Shelby M., Lincoln Memorial 400

Culpeper County, Va., St. James Protestant

Episcopal Church 344

Cultivatine, see Tillage.

Culverts, frei'jht rates 287

Cumberland, Rarlcw, patriotic societies 301

Cumberland, Md., Pleistocene fossils 94,704

Cumberland R iver:

improvement, hearings 481

mussels .332, 661

report of R ivers and Harbors Board 516

Cumming, Hush S., water pollution 572, 642

Cummins, .\lbert B.:

reports made by 78. 276

views on amendments to Constitution 413

Cunard, Ludwell M., claim 277


Cup current meters 591, 656

Cupp, John W., relief 484.668

Currant grapes 105, 124, 152

Currency, see Money.

Currency, Comptroller of. see Comptroller of Currency.

Current educational publications 127,

153, 174. 223, 283. 350, 420. 455. 494, 555

index 6.53, 684

Current-meters 591, 656

Currents, Gulf Stream 698

Currie, James N., cheese, roquefort 529, 530

Curry, Charles F.:

railroads, Alaska 273

report made bv 606

Currv & Whvte Co .". 560

Curtis, Henry S., playgrounds 223. 621

Cashing, William B., Camp 30, Sons of Vet- erans 543

Cushman, Joseph A.:

ChilostomelUdae, Globigerinidae, and

Nummulitidae 519

Lagenidae 302

Textulariidae 139

Cushman, R. A., calliephialtes 257.259

Cushman Indian school, hearings ,547

Custer Countv, Colo., cerusite 622

Custer Countv, Idaho 2&3

Custer County, Mont 128

Custom House Cove, chart 397


appeals 48, 65. 194, 371 , 569

decisions 48. 95,

141, 194. 239, 304, 372. 4:;!6. 511.. 569. 640, 706

decisions, index 48, .372

regulations 160

see also Tariff. Customs Appeals, Court of, see Court .

Customs Division ." 196. 437

Customs duties, refunds, 1913 512

Customs ports 263

Customs seals 510

Customs Service 94

appropriations 371

books and blanks 395

launches 270

officers, emolumcTits 305

recommendations made by conference of

collectors of customs". 437

salaries, hearings 547

San Francisco, Panama-Pacific Interna- tional Exposition, 1915 510

scales 372

Tampa, Fla 611

unclaimed goods 48

Cutting, , beet-suKar 124

Cuttings, postage 478, ,537

Cuyahoga River 573

Cynoscion regalis 398

Cypress R iver, mussel fisheries 264

Cy.sticercus ovis 160, 161 . 530

Czamowskv, Charles H., alias, see Rayfield.

Daffron. William C., v. United States." 172

Dago Bay, chart 295

Dahab, chart 698

Dahlberg, Arnold O., bacteria, milk 461.529

Daily consular and trade reports, see Consular reports.

Daily mail, London 411

Daily postal bulletins, see Postal service, orders.

Dailv statement, Treasurv 48. 95,

140, 194. 239, 303. 371, 436. 511, 569, 639, 706

Daingerfleld, Tex., topographic sheet 556

Dairy Congress, International, see Intemational. Dairy products:

exports 21. 72,

119, 167. 216. 265. 332. 398. 467. 535, 598. 662

legal standards 15. 211


public documents 127.459,492

semiarid sections 67

Dairymen's Association, Dixie, see Dixie.

Dairymen's Supply Co 227

Dale, Harrv H., report made bv 544

Dale, T. Nelson, slate ". 32

Dall, William H.:

-Pliocene period, fauna 302, 704

shells, Pacific Ocean 376


Ikdex, 1913-14

Dallas, Tex.:

district courts, hearings 542

dutiable merchandise 120. 124

National Corn Exposition 122, 168

public building 371

rivers and harbors, report, 1913 441

Dallas Federal Reserve Bank 703

Dalles, Greg 340

Dalles Military Road Co 411

Daloli} .\nchorage, chart 235

DaUell, Mrs. Adelaide 1'., claim 693


cost of operating, etc 643

hearings 604

regulation of construction 541

standard wooden weirs 423

see also names of rivers and places.

Danae Bay, chart 42

Danciger, "E., overalls 356

Danforth, Henry G., reports made by. 476.605,672

Daniel, I'eter, claim ." 491

Daniel, Rowland I?., industrial education 30

Daniels, Josephus:

A. Goldberg v 2:30

address at Naval Academy 77

address at Naval Medical School 631

making Navy real training school 232

Danley, Epps, reimbursement 669

Darmemora, N. Y., topographic sheet 176

Dapa Chaiuiel, chart 118

Darien River 308

Darling, Charles K., v. United States 553, 019

Darling, William L., claim 682

Darton, N. H., Luna County, N. Mex 623

Darur, Mersa, chart 699

Darwin silver-lead mining d istrict 494


cultural requirements 213, 463

forcing and blanching 327

recipes 213

Dates 17

Dau, W. H. T., church schools 684

Daughters of American Revolution, National Society of, see National.

Davao Gulf, chart 264

Davenport, James S.:

reports made by 547, 676

views on railroads in Alaska 273

Davenport, R. W., Yukon-Tanana region,

Alaska 175

Davenjiort, Mrs. V. R., claim 279

Davenport Female College, claim 412, 611

Davey, Charles A., v. United States 181

Davidson, Charles A., claim 472, 678

Davidson County, Tenn., Hobson Methodist

Church 682

Davis, Charles A., briquets 33

Davis, Charles H., agricultural credit 24

Davis, Henry E., District of Columbia 410

Davis, Jeff, memorial addre.sses ' 22

Davis, John A.:

tunnels, safety 224, 353

tunnels, safety and effieiencj^ 688

Davis, John A. "and William B., United

States V 140, 181

Davis, .John J., contested election 169

Davis, John June, grubs 08

Davis, John S., contested election, hearings 670

Davis, Jonathan, Fair American, schooner 694

Davis, Mrs. K. C. , tireless cooker 593

Davis, R. O. E.. soil erosion 591,658

Davis, Robert H., patent 353

Davis, Samson, relief 606

Davis, Cal., farm 162

Dawes, Charles G . , banks and banking 76

Dawson, William, jr., technical education .iSO

Dawson County, Mont 128

Day, Arthur L., geophj'sical research 137, 192

Day, David T.:

asphalt 31

oil shale 686

petroleum 175

platinum 12S

Day, J. G. & I. N 358

Day, P. C, West 262

Day, Warren E.. relief 614

Day of rest, D. C, hearing (i(;9

Deaf, education 621

rage Deaf, Columbia Institution for the, see Colum- bia.

Deakyne, Herbert, Kansas City, Mo 442

Dean, H. J., Mississippi River". 32


causes 117, 165

infants 39, 143, 151, 183, :j06, 502

mortality statistics l(-5, 330

on high seas 271

res'iltiag from occupations 487

resulting from occupations, hearings 275

see also Vital statistics. Debt:

131h census reports 331, 387

District of Columbia 51,74,197,376,572

DistrictofColumbia, half-and-half system 437 District of Columbia, Treasurer of U. S.,

report, 1913 307

see also Public debt. Decisions:

Appraisers 48, 95, 141,

194. 239, 304, 372, 436, 511, 569, 640, 706

Appraisers, index 48,372

bounty-land 30, 80,

174, 222, 282, 349, 420, 493, 55-1, 620, (;S4 Comiitroller of Currency, national banks. 707 Comptroller of Treasury. 153, 195,240,374,571

Court of Clauns, assignment of claims 481

Court of Customs Appeals, review by

Supreme Court 672

Cuba 105, 711

customs 48, 95, 141,

194, 239, 304, 372, 436, 511, 569, 640, 706

customs, index 48, 372

food inspection 15, 113, 580, 591, 655

food inspection, index 113

Geographic Board 29,

173, 222, 281, 349, 419, 492, 683

income tax 160,

196, 240, 252, 305, 310, 374, 375, 385. 438

Interior Department 30, 80,

127, 174, 222, 349, 420, 493, 554, 620, 684

internal revenue 48,95, 141, 154, 160, 194,

239, 304, 372, 375, 436, 511, 569, 640, 706

internal revenue, inde.x 48, 372

Interstate Commerce Commission 62, 84.

106, 153, 179, 227, 423, 626, 653, 690 Interstate Commerce Commission, index. 62, 84,179,559 Interstate Commerce Commission, opin- ion nos 206

mines and mineral resources 6, 3.3, 557

noncontiguous possessions of United

States 105 , 71 1

patents 34, 83,

129, 179, 225, 286, 353, 423, 496, 626, 689

patents, index 129,225,353,689

pensions 30, 80,

174, 222, 282, 349, 420, 493, 554, 620, 684 Philippine Committee on Geographical

Names 29, 222

public lands 30, 80, 106,

127, 174, 222, 282, 420, 554, 620, 653, 684 Reserve Bank Organization Committee.. 567

safety appliances 180

Santo Domingo 105, 711

Supreme Court... 78,105,300,328,417,464,512

Supreme Court, assignment of claims 481

Treasury 48, 50, 95,96, 141,

142, 154, 160, 194, 196, 239, 240, 304, 305, :306, 372, 374, 375, 385, 4.36, 4.38, 510, 511, 512, 513, 569, 570, 640, 641, 706, 707, 708

Treasury, index 48

Deck and boat book of 'Navy 563

Decker, Perl D., reports made by 75,


Decks 430

Declination of compass, see Compass.

Dee, Patrick, claims 277

Deeds, District of Columbia 2(9

Deegan, James, land patent 553

Deel, Peter, claim 470

Deep Creek 515

Defective and delinquent classes, education 621

Deffenbaugh, W. S., compulsory .school attend- ance ^ 493

De Golyer, E., see Golver.

Dehon, Theodore, claim 409

July- June



Dehvdration, clays 73

Deit'rick, Frederick S., reports made by. . . 477,672

Delafield, Richard and John 344

Dclapcnha, R. U., & Co., refund t dS

De l;i Table Anchorage, chart 42

Delavan, Wi^., public building 194,707


chart 534

Federal reserve banks ^ - 702

loblolly pine 326

plant growth I 59

post route maps 3G7

postmasters 214

skunks f'5 1

Delaware and Chesapeake Canal, see Chesa- peake and Delavi'are Cansl.

Delaware Bay, chart t (.1

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Coal

Co 300. r93

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R. R.:

coal - - 35

litigation 181 , ( 93

Delaware River;

buoy list 119

chart lis, 597

Delight, brig 277

Delight, schooner 344

Delltnger, J. H., ammeter 2ti6, 467,062

Delphaeidae 510. 705

De Lusignan, Joseph, see I>usignan.

Dementia precox S2

Democracy and efTiciency 170

Democratic party and Philipiuiie independem e 77 Demography, Hygiene and. International Con- gress on, see International.

De Moll, O. J.. & Co (-90

Demurrage 354, 497, 627

Demurrer 427

Demuth, George S., honeybee chister 593

Denatured alcohol:

daily record 240

maiiafactiire, etc 375

production, etc 466

pyroxylin plastics 512

restarriptng 143

nenby, J. R., lands 676


education 420

folk high schools 456, 493

mothers' pensions 095

Dennett, Frederick, r. Cornelius C. Watts 127

Denney, Marcelkis, v. United States 172

Dennis, James H., claim 471.4S5, 612. 664

Dermis-Simmons Lumber Co 263

Demiison, .Vlfred D., claim 417

Dennison, R. E., letters of War Dept 514

Density, see Specific gravity.

Densmore, Frances, ( 'nippewa music 205, 238

Densmore, John B., copper strike rp 429,503

Dent, S. Hubert, jr., reports made by... 76.. 337. 406

Dent Haven, chart 233

Dental Congress, International, see Interna- tional.

Dental Corps, -\rmv 52

Dental Corps, Navy 88. 185

Dental educat ion 621

Dental Reserve Corps, pavmasters 88

Dent ists. Navy ". 88. 185

Denver, Colo.:

National .\sscciation of Postmasters of

1st Class 44. 1 69

park 2:i7. 634. 675. 6S1

public building 373. 706

Denver and Rio Grande R. R 35

Deogarh, India, harbor, chart 505

Department Methods Committee 109

Departments, .see Executive Departments.

Dependent ch ildren series 695

Deported persons. Canal Zone 136

Depositaries, see Public money,s.

Depository libraries 10,29

Deposits, postal savings-banks 565

De Queen, Ark., topographic sheet 176

Derelicts 196

Derr, H. B., plants 658

Dershem, Frank L., report made by 673

Deschutes national forest 50S


Desert basins 595

Desert lands:

entries, 2d 273.343,553

entries, statutes and regulations 285.625

CJrant County, Wash 79. 217

Desertion 171, 672

hearings 271, 337, 477

Desha, John R., Hawaiirailway .system 409

De Shields. George D., reinstatement 433

Desiccated milk 67

Designs, hearings on registrat ion 544. 607, 673

" sec also Official gazette.

Des Moines, Iowa, public building 640

De Soto, Mo., public building 437

Des Plaines R iver 515

Detonators, investigations 5, 33

Detroit, Mich., rivers and harbors, report, 1913. 441

Detroit, Minn., 1st National Bank 358,500,569

Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee Rv. v.

United States 344

Detroit R iver, chart 516

Devol, George H., claim 277

Dewey, Lyster H., hemp 591,658

Dhiba, Mersa, chart 698

Diabrotica, .see Cucumber beetles.

Diamond Bay, chart 89

Diamond Coal and Coke Co 35S

Diamond. Port, chart 91

Diana, ship 344

Dia.'. regime, Mexico 77

Dibai, Oman, chart 698

Dice. Lee R., minor fur industries 216,661

Dickinson, H. C, v. Ann Arbor R. R 497

Dick in. son, Robert C:

calorimetric resistance thermometers .... 22

ice, latent heat 333

ocean temperatures 134. 266, 467

Dickson, T. C, Ordnance School of Applica- tion 200

Dickson, Port, see ,A.rang Arang

Dies, Martin, reports made by 470. 538, 666

Diet, see Food.

Dietetic hygiene 435

Diffuse reiiccting power of various substances. . 73

Diegs, Maurv I., United States v 23. 75

Dike rocks. : 685

Dikelocephalus 636

Dilhi Harbor, chart 235

Diller, Joseph S.:

asbestos 31

chromite 622, 685

geological history 11

Oregon 555, 686

talc and soapstone, 1912 32

tale and soapstone, 1913 686

WeaverviUe, Cal 82

Dillingham, William P., report made by 486

Dillingham Immigration Commission, sec Im-

micration Commission. Dillon. Charles H., reports made by. .. 402.602.666

Dillon, Harriet A. (Mrs. Robert), claim 611

DiUon, Nelson D., relief 412

Dillon Coal and Transfer Co 84

Dimya, .see Mollusks.

Dinagat Island, chart US

Dinosaurs 509

Dinsmore, A. F.:

California 82

Oklahoma 557

Dip Point Anchorage, chart 42


prevalence 438. .572. 641

prevent ion and control 708

Diplomatic and consular service:


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