Page 1: Colombian Exchange Unit Part 3

World History 50min

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Unit Intro Use Prezi with map feature and share with all students. Intro essay assignment and essential questions so they can focus on them throughout unit


Admit Slip: Based on the reading, what do you know about Aztec Culture?


TPWS: Read your partners answer from day before. How do you agree and how do you disagree? Share your answers with each other.


Admit Slip: How did the Aztec culture and economics affect their relationship with surrounding tribes?

TTYPS answers


TPWS: Read your partners paragraph(s) and discuss what the differences are between each of yours. Add to your paragraph if necessary.

Primary Source Exercise: How to—groups provide example

Exit Slip: Focus on vocab for Aztec and assign reading

TTYPS answersPPT over Aztec societal structure and religionPrimary Source groups: Human SacrificeQuick Write: Summarize the source in your groups. What stood out most to each of you? Each student will write own answers.

PPT: Culture and economics

- Style of war, conquerors, tributary society

TPS: What seems to be the center of this culture? Why?Sharing WhipBegin PPT over local relationships with other groups in the area

PPT: Spanish culture, Feudal Structure, CatholicismQuick Write: How are Spanish and Aztec cultures different? Write 6-10 Sentences. (Formative?)

PPT: Spanish culture continued—Economic system in Spain and Western Europe.Start Alphaboxes: hand out alphabox and begin to fill in from notes. GRR this skillHand in Alphaboxes for me to reviewI will have a master alphabox for kids to reference.

Christopher Columbus interaction


PPT: Who was Hernan Cortes? What did he accomplish?

Siege of Tenochtitlan and Disease

Siege Simulation on PPT

Admit Slip: With a partner, reflect on what it was like to be in the city while it was being taken. Write down your responses.

Economic Systems New Spain

Encomienda PPT

Economic Systems Cont

Mercantilism PPT

QW: Compare and contrast mercantilism and the encomienda system.

Alphabox QuizHand back Alphaboxes and field questions.PPT: Who was

TWPS: Compare and contrast Columbus and Cortes.

QW: How is this system similar to feudalism in Western

Page 2: Colombian Exchange Unit Part 3

Christopher Columbus? What did he accomplish?Primary Source groups: Columbus lands in new worldQuick Write: Summarize this source. Considering what we now know about Columbus, was he a great man?

PPT: Montezuma profile and the glory of Tenochtitlan Homework: reading over Montezuma and Cortes interactions and the Noche Triste.

Europe in the centuries prior to this? How is it different?Create graphic organizer: get similarities and differences from all over the room.

Slave Trade PPT: Intro to slave trade and its origins

The Demand For Slaves: economics and development of racism in North and South America

TPWS: Why was Africa chosen to take slaves from for the new world?

Review Prezi expectations and field questions. Allow time at end to work.

Slave Trade

Middle Passage PPT

Primary Source Groups: Narratives from a slave about the middle passage experience and/or picture about the organization of a slave ship

Connect the dots to the American South

Last minute questions about essays and Prezi’s

Prezi Review activity and work day

In the same primary source groups, gather sources and information onto a Prezi and be prepared to present

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