  • 1.Division I College Athlete Stipends 1

2. 2 3. 3 Problem Thesis Statement We believe that Division I college Athletes should be compensated because their efforts result in significant revenue for the school, and the amount of time and work demanded for the sport affects them mentally, physically, and can have a significant impact on their future. 4. 4 Overview We will be discussing the main issues concerning the causes of why student athletes are not getting paid and the effects that it has on the athletes themselves. 5. 5 6. Presenting the Solution The Washington Posts Soraya Nadia McDonald, in a interview with U-Conn Huskies star guard, Shabazz Napier, reports that, Sometimes he goes to bed starving because he cant afford food (Singletary). We propose giving a standard monthly stipend, determined by the university, to Division I athletes participating in revenue producing sports, so that these students can cover additional cost of living expenses. NCAA President Mark Emmert admits that, Scholarships to not cover the full cost of attending college, and supported the idea of stipends for student athletes (Geary). 7. Proposal Stipends for Division I athletes, in revenue producing athletic programs, regardless of sport or the sex of those participating. Student athletes must prove competence and continued dedication to the program. Division I schools set the limit for this stipend. No student athlete paid off of private sponsorships or publicity. Current academic standards required to be maintained by all student athletes remains the same. 8. Complications Participating Division I schools must establish a budget, and allocate funds RESPONSIBLY. According to Peter Goplerud III, Professor of Law, Under most state statues, if the NCAA adopts a stipend provision the athletes on scholarship would probably fall within the existing definitions of employee (1099). Therefore Student athletes would need to be covered by workers compensation laws. Proposal is still feasible if schools budget appropriately! Can not prevent unionization. Should this occur, resulting in elevated costs, the stipend program would be threatened or discontinued. Student athletes must remember.the desire is to help them because of their dedication and hard work, HOWEVER, the schools do NOT have to pay them. 9. Advantages Consistent source of income enables student athletes to cover additional costs. Extra financial resources and worker compensation laws protect these athletes from being completely devastated by injury or disability. For stipend to be beneficial in this way, they must develop personal money management skills to save and prevent overspending. Making the amount standard among all athletes on the team will help prevent jealousy or sense of inequality that can be harmful to team unity. 10. Advantages Designating team profits/revenue as the source for these stipends, and allowing schools to set stipend amounts, will help prevent leeching from other programs. Referring again to Peter Goplerud III, he acknowledges, While there is no doubt that absorbing these costs would be difficult for most schools, there are sources of revenue which could support the proposal, and argues that many, Division I athletic programs have unnecessary extravagance and duplication (1103). 11. 0.34 0.15 0.14 0.07 0.3 Expenses in the FBS Coaching/Staff Scholarships Facility maintenance/rental Travel costs 12. How will it work? Examples? Well..its complicated. No current example exists of student athletes being paid, because they arent. However, an example of an effective program that includes students being compensated for services to the university is demonstrated with graduate students! Graduate students receive a salary, set by the institution, to act as teaching assistants in addition to completing their studies. Graduate students also receive health benefits. 13. 13 Meeting Objections Attempting to establish stipends for college athletes with no harm to other factors within the college experience, there are those who would like to raise objections to establishing such a practice. collegiate athletic programs accept the proposal of providing student athletes with stipends, there will still be a problem revolving around price fixing. Graduate students have an important role and provide a service to the college, as do student athletes, yet the salary and benefits they receive in return for this service is not questioned. Cultural bias objections is the realization that monitoring of stipend administration by colleges will be difficult to perform at first. 14. 14 15. 15 Visualizing The Results 16. 16 Paid athletes would create great advantages for their present and future life. 1. Afford day-to-day necessities 2. Creates a leverage for college athlete educational goals. 3. Life Net 4. Put an end to corrupt system! 17. 17

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