Page 1: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more

Jim Mangassarian REALTOR® G|R|I, |C|R|S


Los Angeles, CA 90035

P |r |e |s |e |n |t |e |d | |b |y

Realty Executives Santa Clarita24106 | |L |y |o |n |s | |A |v |e |n |u |e

N|e |w|h |a |l |l, |C|A | |91321

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Page 2: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more

Criteria Used for AnalysisIncome:Median Household Income

Age:Median Age

Population Stats:Total Population

Segmentation:1st Dominant Segment

$76,421 38.3 30,006 TrendsettersTotal dollars:$76,421 out of $13,342

Total years:38.3 out of 30,006.0

Consumer SegmentationLife Mode UrbanizationWhat are thepeople like thatlive in this area?

Uptown IndividualsYounger, urban singles on the move

Where do peoplelike this usuallylive?

Principal Urban CentersYoung, mobile, diverse in metros of 2.5 + million people

Top TapestrySegments Trendsetters Urban Chic Laptops and Lattes Top Tier


% of Households 8,262 (61.9%) 3,210 (24.1%) 1,138 (8.5%) 463 (3.5%) 122 (0.9%)

% of Los Angeles 184,220 (13.4%) 73,321 (5.3%) 70,451 (5.1%) 55,136 (4.0%) 196,872 (14.3%)

Lifestyle Group Uptown Individuals Upscale Avenues Uptown Individuals Affluent Estates Next Wave

Urbanization Group Principal UrbanCenters

Suburban Periphery Principal UrbanCenters

Suburban Periphery Urban Periphery

Residence Type High-DensityApartments

Single Family High-DensityApartments

Single Family High-DensityApartments; SingleFamily

Household Type Singles Married Couples Singles Married Couples Married Couples

Average Household Size 2.1 2.37 1.85 2.82 3.04

Median Age 35.5 38.4 36.9 46.2 32.3

Diversity Index 75.2 45.2 47.1 34.4 88.3

Median Household Income $51,000 $98,000 $93,000 $157,000 $41,000

Median Net Worth $16,000 $226,000 $70,000 $567,000 $15,000

Median Home Value – $465,000 – $666,000 –

Homeownership 24.9 % 66.7 % 37.9 % 90.5 % 28.1 %

Average Monthly Rent $1,340 – $1,830 – $1,140

Employment Professional, Servicesor Management

Professional orManagement

Professional orManagement

Professional orManagement


Education College Degree College Degree College Degree College Degree No High SchoolDiploma

Preferred Activities Travelfrequently. Shop atWhole Foods, TraderJoe's.

Visit museums, artgalleries. Ski; practiceyoga; hike; play tennis.

Support theenvironment. Stayconnected via laptop,iPad, mobile phone.

Shop at high-endretailers andchains. Own lavishvacation homes.

Shop at warehouseclubs, specialtymarkets. Visit themeparks, play soccer.

Financial Seek financial advice;build stock portfolios

Own healthy portfolios Save for retirement Hire financial advisers Do not save or invest

Media Stay connected; prefertexting

Shop, bank online Listen to classic rock,jazz, blues

Access radio andnewspapers online

Listen to Spanish/Latinmusic on cell phone orradio

Vehicle Choose subcompacts,public transportation

Choose luxury imports Take publictransportation; walk;bike

Purchase / lease fullyequipped luxury cars

Take publictransportation

Los Angeles, CA 90035

Copyright 2019 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1/30/2019

Page 3: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more

Who We AreArmed with the motto "you're only youngonce," Trendsetters residents live life to itsfull potential. These educated youngsingles aren't ready to settle down; they donot own homes or vehicles and choose tospend their disposable income onupscale city living and entertainment.Dressed head to toe in the most currentfashions, their weeknights and weekendsare filled discovering local art and culture,dining out or exploring new hobbies. Theirvacations are often spontaneous, packedwith new experiences and chronicled ontheir Facebook pages.

Our NeighborhoodTrendsetters residents are singles--living aloneor with roommates or partners.Approximately 75% rent in upscale, multi-unitstructures.High-rent cities like New York; San Francisco;Chicago; and Washington, D.C. are popularamong renters willing to pay well above U.S.average rent.Commuting can take up to an hour; publictransportation, walking and biking are popular;many own no vehicle.

Socioeconomic TraitsThese residents are young and well educated;almost half have a bachelor's degree or more.Well paid, with little financial responsibility,these consumers are spenders rather thansavers. They seek financial advice and arealready building their stock portfolios.Image is important to these consumers. Theyuse the Internet to keep up with the latest stylesand trends and shop around for good deals.Trendsetters residents travel often, exploringnew destinations and experiences.Socially and environmentally conscious, theyare willing to pay more for products thatsupport their causes.Up-to-date on technology, they explore andexploit all the features of their smartphones.They are attentive to good health andnutrition.

Market ProfileNot only do Trendsetters residents spend freelyon fashionable and branded clothing, theyalso own the latest in cell phones and tablets.Particularly for residents that often work athome, wireless Internet access is a must. Manyare fans of Mac computers.To keep up with their busy social calendar,they are always connected. Texting is theirpreferred form of communication, but they alsodedicate time to social media, recounting theirexperiences via Facebook and Twitter.Trendsetters residents seek out new adventures--explore local arts and culture, take on newhobbies such as drawing or painting; oftenmake last-minute travel plans.These avid readers embrace e-books and e-newspapers but do prefer hard-copy versions ofwomen's fashion and epicurean magazines.Trendsetters residents jog, run or walk forexercise and occasionally attend a yoga class.These consumers shop at Whole Foods orTrader Joe's and buy organic when they can;however, their cart is more often filled withprepared or ready-to-heat meals.To suit their urban lifestyle (and parkingoptions), the cars they own are subcompact.

An overview of who makes up this segment across the United States

The demographic segmentation shown here can help you understand the lifestyles and life stages of consumers in a market. Data provider Esri classifiesU.S. residential neighborhoods into 67 unique market segments based on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Data Source: Esri 2017. UpdateFrequency: Annually.

This is the

#1dominant segmentfor this area

In this area

61.9%of households fallinto this segment

In the United States

1.1%of households fallinto this segment

About this segment


Los Angeles, CA 90035

Copyright 2019 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1/30/2019

Page 4: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more

Who We AreUrban Chic residents are professionalswho live a sophisticated, exclusivelifestyle. Half of all households areoccupied by married-couple families, andabout 30 percent are singles. These arebusy, well-connected and well-educatedconsumers--avid readers andmoviegoers, environmentally active andfinancially stable. This market is a bitolder, with a median age of almost 43years, and growing slowly, but steadily.

Our NeighborhoodMore than half of Urban Chic householdsinclude married couples; 30% are singles.Average household size is slightly lower thanaverage at 2.37.Homes range from prewar to recentconstruction, high-rise to single family.Over 60% of householders live in single-familyhomes; more than one in four live in multi-unitstructures.Two-thirds of homes are owner occupied.Major concentrations of these neighborhoodsare found in the suburban periphery of largemetropolitan areas on the California coast andalong the East Coast.Most households have two vehicles available.Commuting time is slightly longer, butcommuting by bicycle is common.

Socioeconomic TraitsWell educated, more than 60% of residentshold a bachelor's degree or higher.Unemployment rate is well below average at5%; labor force participation is higher at 69%.Residents are employed in white-collaroccupations--in managerial, technical andlegal positions.Over 40% of households receive income frominvestments.Environmentally aware, residents activelyrecycle and maintain a "green" lifestyle.These busy, tech-savvy residents use PCsextensively for an array of activities such asshopping, banking and staying current--a topmarket for Apple computers.

Market ProfileShop at Trader Joe's, Costco or Whole Foods.Eat organic foods, drink imported wine, andtruly appreciate a good cup of coffee.Travel extensively (domestically andinternationally).Prefer to drive luxury imports and shop atupscale establishments.Embrace city life by visiting museums, artgalleries and movie theaters for a night out.Avid book readers of both digital and audioformats.Financially shrewd residents that maintain ahealthy portfolio of stocks, bonds and realestate.In their downtime, enjoy activities such asskiing, yoga, hiking and tennis.

An overview of who makes up this segment across the United States

The demographic segmentation shown here can help you understand the lifestyles and life stages of consumers in a market. Data provider Esri classifiesU.S. residential neighborhoods into 67 unique market segments based on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Data Source: Esri 2017. UpdateFrequency: Annually.

This is the

#2dominant segmentfor this area

In this area

24.1%of households fallinto this segment

In the United States

1.3%of households fallinto this segment

About this segment

Urban Chic

Los Angeles, CA 90035

Copyright 2019 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1/30/2019

Page 5: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more

Who We AreLaptops and Lattes residents arepredominantly single, well-educatedprofessionals in business, finance, legal,computer and entertainment occupations.They are affluent and partial to city living--and its amenities. Neighborhoods aredensely populated, primarily located in thecities of large metropolitan areas. Manyresidents walk, bike or use publictransportation to get to work; a numberwork from home. Although singlehouseholders technically outnumbercouples, this market includes a higherproportion of partner households,including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are moreinterested in the stock market than thehousing market. Laptops and Lattesresidents are cosmopolitan andconnected--technologically savvyconsumers. They are active and healthconscious, and care about theenvironment.

Our Neighborhood30-something single householders, with anumber of shared households; low averagehousehold size of 1.85.City dwellers, primarily in apartment buildings:with 2-4 units, 5-19 units, or 20+ units.Older housing, 2 out of 3 homes built before1970; 42% built before 1940.Most households renter occupied, with averagerent close to $1,800 monthly.Many owner-occupied homes valued at$500,000+.Majority of households own no vehicle at 36%(Index 398) or 1 vehicle (41%).

Socioeconomic TraitsThree out of four have a bachelor's degree orhigher.Unemployment rate is low at 5.3%; labor forceparticipation is high, more than 75%.Salaries are the primary source of income formost households, but self-employment incomeand investment income complement thesalaries in this market.These are health-conscious consumers, whoexercise regularly and pay attention to thenutritional value of the food they purchase.Environmentally conscientious but also image-conscious: both impact their purchasing.

Market ProfileSupport environmental groups, recyclefaithfully and contribute to arts/culturalorganizations.Invest in mutual funds (bonds) and maintainretirement savings plans.Use their laptops, iPads and mobile phonesextensively to stay connected.Spend money on nice clothes, dining out,travel, treatments at day spas, and lattes atStarbucks.Physical fitness a priority, exercising at a clubor other facility on a regular basis.Enjoy sports such as jogging/running, biking,tennis, soccer, skiing, yoga and Pilates, as wellas participating in fantasy sports leagues.Participate in leisure activities includingpainting, reading books or the newspaper ontheir iPad, watching movies rented fromNetflix, hiking, backpacking,canoeing/kayaking, as well as going tobars/clubs, the beach, movies, art galleries,museums, the theater, opera and rock concerts.Listen to classic rock, pop/top 40, classical,jazz, reggae, blues, folk and alternative music.Favor organic food, purchasing groceries athigher-end markets.

An overview of who makes up this segment across the United States

The demographic segmentation shown here can help you understand the lifestyles and life stages of consumers in a market. Data provider Esri classifiesU.S. residential neighborhoods into 67 unique market segments based on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Data Source: Esri 2017. UpdateFrequency: Annually.

This is the

#3dominant segmentfor this area

In this area

8.5%of households fallinto this segment

In the United States

1.1%of households fallinto this segment

About this segment

Laptops and Lattes

Los Angeles, CA 90035

Copyright 2019 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1/30/2019

Page 6: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more

Who We AreConsumers in Top Tier, Tapestry'swealthiest market, earn more than threetimes the average U.S. householdincome. They have the purchasing powerto indulge any choice. Aside fromexpenses for the upkeep of their lavishhomes, consumers select upscalesalons, spas and fitness centers for theirpersonal well-being and shop at high-endretailers for their personal effects. Whethershort or long, domestic or foreign, theirfrequent vacations spare no expense.Residents fill their weekends andevenings with opera, classical musicconcerts, charity dinners and shopping.These highly educated professionals havereached their corporate career goals. Withan accumulated average net worth ofmore than $1.5 million and income from astrong investment portfolio, many of theseolder residents have moved intoconsulting roles or operate their ownbusinesses.

Our NeighborhoodMarried couples without children or marriedcouples with older children dominate thismarket.Housing units are owner occupied with thehighest home values--and above-average useof mortgages.Neighborhoods are older and located in thesuburban periphery of the largest metropolitanareas, especially along the coasts.

Socioeconomic TraitsTop Tier is a highly educated, successfulconsumer market: more than one in threeresidents has a postgraduate degree.Annually, they earn more than three times theU.S. median household income, primarily fromwages and salary, but also self-employmentincome and investments.These are the nation's wealthiest consumers.They hire financial advisers to manage theirdiverse investment portfolios but stay abreast ofcurrent financial trends and products.Socially responsible consumers who aim for abalanced lifestyle, they are goal oriented andhardworking but make time for their kids orgrandkids and maintain a close-knit group offriends.These busy consumers seek variety in life.They take an interest in the fine arts; read toexpand their knowledge; and consider theInternet, radio and newspapers as key mediasources.They regularly cook their meals at home,attentive to good nutrition and fresh organicfoods.

Market ProfileThey purchase or lease luxury cars with thelatest trim, preferably imports.They contribute to arts/cultural organizations,educational and social groups, as well as NPRand PBS.Top Tier residents farm out their householdchores--every service from property and gardenmaintenance and professional housekeepingto contracting for home improvement ormaintenance projects.Consumers spend money on themselves; theyfrequently visit day spas and salons, use drycleaning services, and exercise at exclusiveclubs.Near or far, downtown or at the beach, theyregularly visit their lavish vacation homes.When at home, their schedules are packed withlunch dates, book club meetings, charitydinners, classical music concerts, opera showsand visits to local art galleries.Top Tier consumers are shoppers. They shopat high-end retailers such as Nordstrom (readilypaying full price), as well as Target, Kohl's,Macy's and Bed Bath & Beyond, and online their level of spending, it makes sense toown an airline credit card. They make severaldomestic and foreign trips a year for leisureand pay for every luxury along the way--a roomwith a view, limousines and rental cars are partof the package.

An overview of who makes up this segment across the United States

The demographic segmentation shown here can help you understand the lifestyles and life stages of consumers in a market. Data provider Esri classifiesU.S. residential neighborhoods into 67 unique market segments based on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Data Source: Esri 2017. UpdateFrequency: Annually.

This is the

#4dominant segmentfor this area

In this area

3.5%of households fallinto this segment

In the United States

1.7%of households fallinto this segment

About this segment

Top Tier

Los Angeles, CA 90035

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Page 7: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more

Who We AreInternational Marketplace neighborhoodsare a rich blend of cultures, found indensely populated urban and suburbanareas, almost entirely in the Middle Atlantic(especially in New York and New Jersey)or in California. Almost 40 percent ofresidents are foreign-born; 1 in 4households are linguistically isolated.Young, Hispanic families rentingapartments in older buildings dominatethis market; about two-fifths of householdshave children. One-fifth of householdshave no vehicle, typically those living in thecity. Workers are mainly employed in whitecollar and service occupations (especiallyfood service and building maintenance).One-fifth of workers commute using publictransportation and more walk or bike towork than expected. Median householdincome is lower, but home values arehigher, reflecting the metropolitan areas inwhich they live. Consumers are attentive topersonal style; purchases reflect theiryouth and their children. True to theirculture, residents visit Spanish languagewebsites, watch programs on Spanish TVnetworks, and listen to Hispanic music.

Our NeighborhoodDensely settled urban periphery of largemetropolitan areas, East and West Coasts.Young, diverse family market: 41% familieswith children (married couple or single parent),plus married couples without children and anotable proportion of multigenerationalhouseholds.Approximately 72% of householders inmultiunit apartment buildings, 30% in 2-4 unitstructures.Majority of apartments built before 1970(68%), 30% built before 1940.1 or 2 vehicles for two-thirds of households;22% have no vehicle.

Socioeconomic TraitsAlmost 40% of the population were bornabroad; almost 1 in 4 households haveresidents who do not speak English.29% have no high school diploma; 29% havea high school diploma only.Labor force participation rate is 68% andhigher than the U.S. average; unemploymentis also higher, at 10.9%.These are hard-working consumers, striving toget ahead; style matters to them.Preserving the environment and being in tunewith nature are very important.Media used most often is the Internet.

Market ProfileNo extra money to invest in retirement savingsplans, stocks or bonds.Shop for groceries at warehouse/club stores, aswell as specialty markets.Read baby magazines and purchase babyproducts.Family activities include visiting theme parks,going to the beach, playing soccer and goingout for fast food.Use the Internet to visit Spanish languagewebsites and chat rooms, access social mediasites, watch movies and play games.Watch programs on children's channels and onSpanish TV networks.Listen to Spanish/Latin music on their cellphones or on the radio at home.

An overview of who makes up this segment across the United States

The demographic segmentation shown here can help you understand the lifestyles and life stages of consumers in a market. Data provider Esri classifiesU.S. residential neighborhoods into 67 unique market segments based on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Data Source: Esri 2017. UpdateFrequency: Annually.

This is the

#5dominant segmentfor this area

In this area

0.9%of households fallinto this segment

In the United States

1.2%of households fallinto this segment

About this segment

International Marketplace

Los Angeles, CA 90035

Copyright 2019 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1/30/2019

Page 8: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more

20172022 (Projected)

Total PopulationThis chart shows the total population inan area, compared with othergeographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

20172022 (Projected)

Population DensityThis chart shows the number of peopleper square mile in an area, comparedwith other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

20172022 (Projected)

Population Change Since 2010This chart shows the percentage changein area's population from 2010 to 2017,compared with other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually


Total Daytime PopulationThis chart shows the number of peoplewho are present in an area during normalbusiness hours, including workers, andcompares that population to othergeographies. Daytime population is incontrast to the "resident" populationpresent during evening and nighttimehours.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

Los Angeles, CA 90035: Population Comparison90035  




Los Angeles, CA 90035

Copyright 2019 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1/30/2019

Page 9: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more


Daytime Population DensityThis chart shows the number people whoare present in an area during normalbusiness hours, including workers, persquare mile in an area, compared withother geographies. Daytime population isin contrast to the "resident" populationpresent during evening and nighttimehours.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

20172022 (Projected)

Average Household SizeThis chart shows the average householdsize in an area, compared with othergeographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

20172022 (Projected)

Population Living in FamilyHouseholdsThis chart shows the percentage of anarea’s population that lives in ahousehold with one or more individualsrelated by birth, marriage or adoption,compared with other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

Women 2017Men 2017Women 2022 (Projected)Men 2022 (Projected)

Female / Male RatioThis chart shows the ratio of females tomales in an area, compared with othergeographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually





Los Angeles, CA 90035

Copyright 2019 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1/30/2019

Page 10: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more

20172022 (Projected)

Median AgeThis chart shows the median age in anarea, compared with other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

20172022 (Projected)

Population by AgeThis chart breaks down the population ofan area by age group.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

Los Angeles, CA 90035: Age Comparison90035  

Los Angeles, CA 90035

Copyright 2019 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1/30/2019

Page 11: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more


Married / Unmarried AdultsRatioThis chart shows the ratio of married tounmarried adults in an area, comparedwith other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

MarriedThis chart shows the number of people inan area who are married, compared withother geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

Never MarriedThis chart shows the number of people inan area who have never been married,compared with other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

WidowedThis chart shows the number of people inan area who are widowed, comparedwith other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

DivorcedThis chart shows the number of people inan area who are divorced, compared withother geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

Los Angeles, CA 90035: Marital Status Comparison90035  





Los Angeles, CA 90035

Copyright 2019 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1/30/2019

Page 12: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more

20172022 (Projected)

Average Household IncomeThis chart shows the average householdincome in an area, compared with othergeographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

20172022 (Projected)

Median Household IncomeThis chart shows the median householdincome in an area, compared with othergeographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

20172022 (Projected)

Per Capita IncomeThis chart shows per capita income in anarea, compared with other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

Average Disposable IncomeThis chart shows the average disposableincome in an area, compared with othergeographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

Los Angeles, CA 90035: Economic Comparison90035  




Los Angeles, CA 90035

Copyright 2019 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1/30/2019

Page 13: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more

Los AngelesLos Angeles CountyCaliforniaUSA

Unemployment RateThis chart shows the unemploymenttrend in an area, compared with othergeographies.Data Source: Bureau of Labor Statisticsvia 3DLUpdate Frequency: Monthly

Employment Count byIndustryThis chart shows industries in an areaand the number of people employed ineach category.Data Source: Bureau of Labor Statisticsvia Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

Los Angeles, CA 90035

Copyright 2019 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1/30/2019

Page 14: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more

Less than 9th GradeThis chart shows the percentage ofpeople in an area who have less than aninth grade education, compared withother geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

Some High SchoolThis chart shows the percentage ofpeople in an area whose highesteducational achievement is some highschool, without graduating or passing ahigh school GED test, compared withother geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

High School GEDThis chart shows the percentage ofpeople in an area whose highesteducational achievement is passing ahigh school GED test, compared withother geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

High School GraduateThis chart shows the percentage ofpeople in an area whose highesteducational achievement is high school,compared with other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

Some CollegeThis chart shows the percentage ofpeople in an area whose highesteducational achievement is somecollege, without receiving a degree,compared with other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

Los Angeles, CA 90035: Education Comparison90035  





Los Angeles, CA 90035

Copyright 2019 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1/30/2019

Page 15: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more

Associate DegreeThis chart shows the percentage ofpeople in an area whose highesteducational achievement is an associatedegree, compared with othergeographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

Bachelor's DegreeThis chart shows the percentage ofpeople in an area whose highesteducational achievement is a bachelor'sdegree, compared with othergeographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

Grad/Professional DegreeThis chart shows the percentage ofpeople in an area whose highesteducational achievement is a graduateor professional degree, compared withother geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually




Los Angeles, CA 90035

Copyright 2019 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1/30/2019

Page 16: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more


Average Commute TimeThis chart shows average commute timesto work, in minutes, by percentage of anarea's population.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually


How People Get to WorkThis chart shows the types oftransportation that residents of the areayou searched use for their commute, bypercentage of an area's population.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

Los Angeles, CA 90035: Commute Comparison

Los Angeles, CA 90035

Copyright 2019 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1/30/2019

Page 17: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more

Median Estimated Home ValueThis chart displays property estimates foran area and a subject property, whereone has been selected. Estimated homevalues are generated by a valuationmodel and are not formal appraisals.Data Source: Valuation calculationsbased on public records and MLS sourceswhere licensedUpdate Frequency: Monthly

12-Month Change in MedianEstimated Home ValueThis chart shows the 12-month change inthe estimated value of all homes in thisarea, the county and the state. Estimatedhome values are generated by avaluation model and are not formalappraisals.Data Source: Valuation calculationsbased on public records and MLS sourceswhere licensedUpdate Frequency: Monthly

Median Listing PriceThis chart displays the median listingprice for homes in this area, the countyand the state.Data Source: On- and off-market listingssourcesUpdate Frequency: Monthly

12-Month Change in MedianListing PriceThis chart displays the 12-month changein the median listing price of homes inthis area, and compares it to the countyand state.Data Source: On- and off-market listingssourcesUpdate Frequency: Monthly

Los Angeles, CA 90035: Home Value Comparison

Los Angeles, CA 90035

Copyright 2019 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1/30/2019

Page 18: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more

Best Retail Businesses: Los Angeles, CA 90035

This chart shows the types of businesses that consumers are leaving an area to find. The business types represented by blue bars are relatively scarce in the area,so consumers go elsewhere to have their needs met. The beige business types are relatively plentiful in the area, meaning there are existing competitors for thedollars that consumers spend in these categories.Data Source: Retail Marketplace via Esri, 2017Update Frequency: Annually

Los Angeles, CA 90035

Copyright 2019 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1/30/2019

Page 19: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more

Daily Traffic Counts: Over 100,000 / day50,001 – 100,00030,001 – 50,00015,001 – 30,0006,001 – 15,000Up 6,000 / day

79,0402008 Est. dailytraffic counts

S |t |r |e |e |t |: W Olympic BlvdC|r |o |s |s |: S Hayworth AveC|r |o |s |s | |D|i |r |: WD|i |s |t |: 0.02 miles

H|i |s |t |o |r |i |c |a |l | |c |o |u |n |t |sYear Count Type

2007 37,668 ADT

2001 38,702 ADT

73,7092007 Est. dailytraffic counts

S |t |r |e |e |t |: S la Cienega Blvd

C|r |o |s |s |: Airdrome StC|r |o |s |s | |D|i |r |: ND|i |s |t |: 0.02 miles

H|i |s |t |o |r |i |c |a |l | |c |o |u |n |t |sYear Count Type

66,1852001 Est. dailytraffic counts

S |t |r |e |e |t |: S la Cienega Blvd

C|r |o |s |s |: W 18th StC|r |o |s |s | |D|i |r |: SD|i |s |t |: 0.09 miles

H|i |s |t |o |r |i |c |a |l | |c |o |u |n |t |sYear Count Type

1993 53,000 MPSI Estimate

64,8101999 Est. dailytraffic counts

S |t |r |e |e |t |: S la Cienega Blvd

C|r |o |s |s |: Pickford PlC|r |o |s |s | |D|i |r |: SD|i |s |t |: 0.02 miles

H|i |s |t |o |r |i |c |a |l | |c |o |u |n |t |sYear Count Type

62,4781999 Est. dailytraffic counts

S |t |r |e |e |t |: S la Cienega Blvd

C|r |o |s |s |: Pickford StC|r |o |s |s | |D|i |r |: SD|i |s |t |: 0.01 miles

H|i |s |t |o |r |i |c |a |l | |c |o |u |n |t |sYear Count Type

1993 48,568 Old S tudy

Traffic Counts

N|O|T|E|: | |D|a|i |l |y | |T|ra|f f i |c | |C|o|u|n|t |s |a|re| |a| |m|i |x |t |u|re| |o|f |a|c |t |u|a|l | |a|n|d| |E|st |i |m|a|t |e|s |( |* |)

Los Angeles, CA 90035

Copyright 2019 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1/30/2019

Page 20: Commercial Trade Area Report€¦ · couples, this market includes a higher proportion of partner households, including the highest proportion of same-sex couples. Residents are more

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Realtors Property Resource® is a wholly owned subsidiary of the NationalAssociation REALTORS®.RPR offers comprehensive data – including a nationwide database of 164 millionproperties – as well as powerful analytics and dynamic reports exclusively formembers of the NAR.RPR's focus is giving residential and commercial real estate practitioners,brokers, and MLS and Association staff the tools they need to serve their clients.This report has been provided to you by a member of the NAR.

About RPR's DataRPR generates and compiles real estate and other data from a vast array of sources.The data contained in your report includes some or all of the following:

Listing data from our partner MLSs and CIEs, and related calculations, likeestimated value for a property or median sales price for a local market.Public records data including tax, assessment, and deed information.Foreclosure and distressed data from public records and RealtyTrac.Market conditions and forecasts based on listing and public records data.Census and employment data from the U.S. Census and the U.S. Bureau ofLabor Statistics.Demographics and trends data from Esri. The data in commercial and economicreports includes Tapestry Segmentation, which classifies U.S. residentialneighborhoods into unique market segments based on socioeconomic anddemographic characteristics.Business data including consumer expenditures, commercial market potential,retail marketplace, SIC and NAICS business information, and banking potentialdata from Esri.School data and reviews from Niche.Specialty data sets such as walkability scores, traffic counts and flood zones.

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Los Angeles, CA 90035

Copyright 2019 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1/30/2019

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