Page 1: Committee Chairs Newsletter


Hey Key Clubber!

I’m proud to introduce you to the first Monthly KCCC (Key Club

Committee Chairs) Newsletter. At the April New Board Training

Session, the newly appointed Chairs and the Executive Board came

up with the idea of creating this awesome KCCC Newsletter. The

Newsletter is designed to help you get the latest information,

educate new members, and guide every one of you throughout the

year. If you have any questions, whether it’s about club chartering,

project ideas, or opinions on something, each of the KCCC members

and I will be there for you at all times so don’t hesitate to contact

us. For this month, we are going to introduce our 2014-2015

Committee Chairs along with some of their duties, goals for the year,

and some of the latest updates. If you have any questions regarding

to anything that KCCC talked about, please let us know.

Thank you,

Shiyue Xie

2014-2015 District Director

of Committees – Shiyue Xie

Contact Information


[email protected]

Phone : 262-215-4307

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2014-2015 District Eliminate

Project Chair - Celia Nalbach

Hello Wisconsin Upper Michigan Key Clubbers!

My name is Celia Nalbach, and I could not be more excited to call myself

your 2014-2015 District Eliminate Project Chair.

I am a junior at Neenah High School where I am involved in many

activities. Outside of Key Club I am a part of the Neenah Girls Cross

Country and Track teams, the National Honors Society, Vex Robotics,

and Math Team. All these activities, including the heavy load of

homework high school provides keeps me quite busy, however, there is

always time in my life for Key Club.

When I was presented the opportunity to serve as District Eliminate

Project Chair this year and the rest of the Wisconsin Upper Michigan Key

Club Committee Chairs, I was extremely honored. I am very passionate

about this cause, and I have big plans for the upcoming year. There is

only one year of the Eliminate Campaign remaining, yet there is still a

lot to be accomplished. The Eliminate Project is also Erin Idler’s

Governor’s Project this year, which makes it that much more important

to support and advocate. It is our goal as a District to raise $5 per

member by DCON 2015. We can do it! I ask that all WIUM Key Club

members share my enthusiasm for the Eliminate Project, and together

we can make a difference by helping to eliminate neonatal and maternal

tetanus from the face of the earth. Please do not hesitate to contact me

if you have any questions; I look forward to working with all of you!

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2014-2015 District Eliminate

Project Chair - Celia Nalbach

Since DCON I have been working on formulating ideas for the upcoming

year in WIUM. Each division should look forward to having a big

Divisional Project sometime throughout the year…maybe even this

summer! Also Eliminate Week recently happened on May 5-9. WIUM

held a competition during that week to see which club could raise the

most money per member. Reminder: if you participated in the

competition, your money and Eliminate Project Donation Form (located

on the WIUM website) is due by June 1st. But don’t worry…if your club

didn’t get a chance to participate in Eliminate Week on May 5-9, feel free

to make your own Eliminate Week! Every week is a good week to help

save the lives of mothers and babies from neonatal and maternal


Also, be on the look-out for Eliminate Committee applications. In the near future, I

will be setting up my committee, and anyone who is interested is highly

recommended to apply! Enjoy these last few weeks of school, and continue to serve

your homes, schools, and communities with pride.

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2014-2015 District Preferred

Charities Chair - Taylor Hurst

Hello Key Clubbers!

My name is Taylor Hurst, and I am thrilled to be your Committee Chair of

Preferred Charities for the Key Club year of 2014-2015. This year is going to

be phenomenal, and I can’t wait to start it with all of you!

Helping people is my biggest passion, and it’s because of Key Club that I’ve

been able to do just that! I’ve always had a desire for helping others, but I

wasn’t sure how to get started. I joined Key Club not knowing what to expect,

but since then I have fallen in love with this club. I’ve met so many amazing

people, and I have grown as a person and as a leader. I am proud to say that I

am a dedicated member of Key Club. In addition to Key Club, I do many other

things to get involved. I am currently a freshman at Kimberly High School and

I take part in Forensics, Free3, Choir and the Theatre program. I love working

with others and I always keep an open mind for new possibilities.

As the Committee Chair of Preferred Charities, my goal is to have effective

communication among club members and raise awareness for Key Club’s

preferred charities. I am super excited for the upcoming events in honor of the

amazing charities that Key Club supports, and I want to get as many Key

Clubbers involved as possible! I’m open to any ideas to get the word out about

these wonderful charities. Please feel more than welcomed to contact me via

Facebook, email, text or give me a call. I would love to answer any questions

that you may have, or even if you just need someone to talk to.

I believe that when we come together, we can raise awareness and make a

difference in many people’s lives! I cannot wait to see how much of an impact

we make in this upcoming year.

Yours in Service,

Taylor Hurst

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This is the first year that the Preferred Charities Committee will be taking off!

On the committee, we will be coming up with ways to raise awareness and

support of the Preferred Charities, as well as planning fundraisers and events

in their honor. We have so many awesome events coming up, and I can't wait

to see how much of an impact we make this year!

If you have any questions or ideas, please feel free to contact me at

[email protected], or send me a call or text at (920)257.6517.

Together we can change the lives of many!

2014-2015 District Preferred

Charities Chair - Taylor Hurst

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Hello Key Clubbers!

I am Stephanie Rink, the Bylaws & Policies Chair. Do not feel bad if you’ve

never heard of the position. It was created just this year, so that means this is

the first year it will be around. It also means my own work for the committee

may outline the work for future chairs. My role this year with the brand new

committee is to discover what this position means for WIUM.

For those of you unfamiliar with bylaws or policies, you would be surprised

that you know a lot more than you think you do, especially if you had

previously attended DCON or the House of Delegates. There you are able to see

bylaws or policies in action; all the procedurals that some people may find

boring or repetitive are actually specifically written out to fit an exact purpose

so that Key Club can continue running smoothly. Though that is not all that

bylaws and policies are, that is what they look like in their most recognizable


2014-2015 District Bylaws

and Policies Chair –

Stephanie Rink

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My goal for this month is to familiarize myself with the bylaws and policies

and to brainstorm ways to educate Key Clubbers about them. This way, many

more people will have a better understanding of the organization of Key Club,

which many Key Clubbers are unaware of. There will be much more to come

as my role as the Bylaws & Policies Chair develops, and I hope to have more to

report soon!

-Stephanie Rink, Bylaws & Policies Chair

2014-2015 District Bylaws

and Policies Chair –

Stephanie Rink

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2014-2015 District Public

Relations Chair – Chelsey


Hello Key Clubbers!

My name is Chelsey Barnes and I am your new head of the Public Relations

Committee for 2014-2015. I am so incredibly excited to make this Key Club

year a success by working and getting to know each and every one of you!

I am currently a junior at Kimberly High School and love being an active

student body member. I am involved in various activities such as Varsity golf,

National Honors Society, Badger Girls State, Soccer, and of course, Key Club!

In my school’s Key Club, we do many great events, but one of my favorites is

Top Soccer. This is where we help children with disabilities stay active by

playing soccer with them every Saturday. One thing that you should know

about me is that I have a lot of spirit and positivity. I hope to use this as an

asset to the Public Relations Committee to raise club and District passion for

service. Through the use of technology and creativity, my goal is to make

videos, posters and use online media to promote upcoming major events and

increase knowledge of what Key Club is all about! Going into this new Key Club

year, I look forward to working closely with the Director of Technologies and

the Director of Committees to advertise and publicize Kiwanis events. I also

am very excited to get to know and make memories with all of the advisers,

officers and club members! If you have any questions please feel free to

contact me!

Yours in Service,

Chelsey Barnes

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Contact Information

Email:[email protected]

Phone :( 920)378-9204

2014-2015 District Public

Relations Chair – Chelsey


Before I tell you what I'm planning on accomplishing for this month, let me

explain what the head of Public Relations does. I am in charge of raising club

spirit and I help members gain a great appreciation for Key Club. Along with

this, I inform Lieutenant Governors and general members about upcoming

events through social media. For the month of May, I am currently planning

the creation of a video for the ELIMINATE Project. This video’s goal is to have

Key Club members more informed about what the ELIMINATE Project is all

about and will cover the basis of what their mission and goals are. In this

month of May, I will also be staying in touch with the Lieutenant Governors by

calling them and chatting with them about how they plan on reaching out

towards their Division members of Key Club!

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Hey there, Key Clubbers! My name is Ashlee Trotter and I will be serving as

the WIUM District Membership Development Chair for the 2014-2015 Key

Club year. Before I start to go on a rant about how amazing our District is, let

me tell you a little about myself. I am a Junior at Gladstone High School (way

up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan) and am so happy to be able to say that

I have been a member of my school’s Key Club since Freshman year. Along

with this being my second year as the Gladstone Key Club President, I am also

involved in many other different clubs and organizations within my school

and community, which include tennis, bowling, Drama Club, and being

involved with my church.

You may be wondering, “What in the world does a Membership Development

Chair do??” As Membership Development Chair, I will be working to build our

district as a whole. You, the members of the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Key

Club, are what makes us who we are. Without dedicated members who are

willing to serve their communities and the world, we would be nothing. That’s

why I will be working to gain membership in the clubs within our District.

After all, you can’t spell Key Club without “u”! :) I hope to be able to stay in

contact with all of you, whether regarding the membership of your clubs or to

get to know you in general! I can’t wait to be able to meet everyone at the

2015 District Convention, but until then don’t be afraid to contact me! I’m

here to help and would love to talk to you about all things Key Club! This is

going to be a great year!

2014-2015 District

Membership Development

Chair – Ashlee Trotter

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2014-2015 District

Membership Development

Chair – Ashlee Trotter

Contact Information


[email protected]

Phone : (906)420-2581

Do you know of any schools that don't have Key Clubs, but would be a perfect

addition to our District? If so, make sure to contact me (and your Lieutenant

Governor!) so that we can get an awesome new club started at that school. Or,

are you a club officer that would like to discuss anything regarding the

membership of your club? Feel free to call or email me with anything, whether

you have questions or just want to chat! You can find my email and phone

number listed below. I hope to hear from you soon!

Yours in service,

Ashlee Trotter

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