Page 1: Community & Civic Resources Committee - Devizes · 2019-02-15 · Community & Civic Resources Committee ... A copy of the Civic calendar for 2019/20 is appended to this Agenda (Doc


Community & Civic Resources Committee

You are summonsed to attend a meeting of the Community & Civic Resources Committee at the following, place and date. Date: Tuesday, 19 February 2019 Time: Immediately after the Planning Committee Meeting Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, St John’s Street, Devizes Enquiries: Town Hall - Tel: 01380 722160 The Town Mayor Councillor Geddes Chairman: Councillor Giraud-Saunders

Councillors: Bridewell Burton Carter Evans Godwin Hopkins

Nash Rose Stevens Von Berg


1. MINUTES To approve as a correct record and authorise the Chairman to sign the

minutes of the meeting held on 5 February 2019 and which have been circulated alongside the agenda.

2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 3. DISCLOSURE(S) OF INTEREST To receive any disclosure(s) of interest by a Councillor or an officer in matters

to be considered at this meeting, in accordance with provisions of Sections 94 or 117 of the Local Government Act 1972 or the National Code of Local Government Conduct.

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4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION At the Chairman’s discretion, members of the public attending the meeting will

be allowed to ask questions, make a statement or address the Council upon a matter of concern to that person which is relevant to the Council. A time limit of 5 minutes per person will be permitted, but this may be extended at the Chairman’s discretion and a maximum period of 20 minutes has been allocated by the Council for this item of business.


A Schedule of Accounts Paid is attached for information (doc 5/1). 6. NARRATIVE INCOME & EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT & KEY

PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2018/19 A Schedule of Income and Expenditure for the accounting period to 31st

December 2018 is attached for information (Doc 6/1). 7. REPORT FOR INFORMATION - REPORTS FROM UNITARY MEMBERS 8. REPORT FOR DECISION – CIVIC CALENDAR A copy of the Civic calendar for 2019/20 is appended to this Agenda (Doc 8/1). The committee is requested to note and approve the dates set out in the calendar. 9. REPORT FOR DECISION – USE OF TOWN HALL BY DEVIZES EISTEDDFOD

Recommendation That the committee considers a request by the organisers of Devizes Eisteddfod for free use of the Town Hall for the annual event in November.

Purpose of the Report To consider if the committee wishes to grant the organisers of the Devizes Eisteddfod free use of the Town Hall.

Background An application has been received for free use of the Town Hall for this year’s Eisteddfod which as last year has again been extended to a third day, being 21st to 23rd November 2019.

Should they have pay for the hire of the building, the cost would be £1,250 including VAT.

Attached to this agenda (Doc9/1) is a letter from the Director of the Eisteddfod setting out their application for concessionary use.

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Options Considered The Committee needs to decide if they wish to:

• agree to the request as it has been made

• agree to grant Grace and Favour status for one, two or three days

• agree how the grant should be acknowledged by the recipient. (The Committee could ask that the Town Council’s logo be added to all publicity material as a condition of the grant.)

Implications & Risks

Financial and Resource Implications For the space required, at the current venue charges the cost of hire of

the Town Hall is £396.00 per day including VAT based on the Community Hire Rate.

Legal Implications and Legislative Powers The Council will be considering this matter under its Power of General

Competence. Environmental Implications Officers are unaware of any environmental implication for the Council

associated with this decision. Risk Assessment Officers are unaware of any risk implication for the Council associated

with this decision. Crime and Disorder

Officers are not aware of any issues the Council should consider under Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder act 1998.

10. REPORT FOR DECISION – SUPPORT FOR THE DEVIZES FOOD & DRINK FESTIVAL Recommendation That the committee considers a request by the organisers of the Devizes Food & Drink Festival for support of the 2019 event, to include:

1. Free use of the Town Hall for monthly committee meetings. 2. Free use of the Corn Exchange for a day long Multicultural

Feast event. 3. Free use of the Market Place for an outdoor market. 4. A grant of £1000 to cover ingredients, hire costs of equipment,

disposables, first aid cover, children’s entertainment. Purpose of the Report To consider if the committee wishes to support the organisers of the Devizes Food & Drink Festival as detailed above.

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Background The organisers of the Devizes Food & Drink Festival have formulated a programme for the 2019 event to build upon the successes of previous festivals. The newly formed committee are looking to continue with favourite events whilst introducing new ways at engaging with the local community. Being mindful of the calendar of events already in place in the town, they are also seeking to move the festival to September 2019. In line with other local groups, including the Devizes Arts Festival, the Food and Drink Festival is run entirely by volunteers. The majority of profit made from the event will, as in previous years, be donated to local charities. Costs incurred for this year’s event are taken from a small surplus left from previous festivals. To ensure all funds are spent directly on the festival itself, the organisers are asking for financial support from the Town Council:

• Free use of the Town Hall for committee meetings – should they pay for the hire of the Cheese Hall for twelve meetings per year, the cost would be £816.00 (£68.00 per meeting).

• Free use of the Corn Exchange for a day long Multicultural Feast event – should they pay for the all-day hire of the Ceres Hall, the foyer and kitchen, the cost would be £535.00.

• A grant of £1000 to cover ingredients, hire costs of equipment, disposables, first aid cover, children’s entertainment.

Currently, the Town Council supports a number of local charity and community organisations who can apply for one free Grace and Favour hire each year. Furthermore, members have agreed arrangements for both the Devizes Arts Festival and DOCA to receive support from the Town Council in the following ways:

• DOCA has free use of meeting rooms and facilities as and when they require for festival, carnival, Lantern Parade events. For events outside of this, they pay 50% of room hire. This roughly equates to £7600.00 of free use per annum.

• The Devizes Arts Festival is similarly supported and their free use of the venues for meetings, the two week Devizes Arts Festival, and member’s party roughly equates to £6500.00 per annum.

Attached to this agenda (Doc10/1) is a letter from two of the organisers of the festival setting out their application. Options Considered

The Committee needs to decide if they wish to:

• Agree to the request as it has been made.

• Consider each request separately and agree to support some requests if not all.

• If no support is to be offered, make an alternative offer.

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• Agree how any support should be acknowledged by the recipient. (The Committee could ask that the Town Council’s logo be added to all publicity material as a condition of the grant.)

Implications & Risks

Financial and Resource Implications The total amount of support requested for room hire is £1351.00, which

would be taken from the ‘Free Use’ budget. The proposed £1000 grant would be taken from the ‘Grants’ budget.

Legal Implications and Legislative Powers The Council will be considering this matter under its Power of General

Competence. Environmental Implications Officers are unaware of any environmental implication for the Council

associated with this decision. Risk Assessment Officers are unaware of any risk implication for the Council associated

with this decision. Crime and Disorder

Officers are not aware of any issues the Council should consider under Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder act 1998.


A short time is allowed at the discretion of the Chairman for councillors to ask questions on matters which are not on the current agenda but which are related to matters which have been previously discussed on an agenda relevant to the committee.

At least 24 hours’ notice must be given to officers of the intended question. All other matters should be raised on an agenda and the request should be submitted though the Town Clerk


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DOC 6/1



Operating Income

19,156 TWINNING 0 0 0% 0 0 0%

250 CIVIC & CEREMONIAL 367 100 0% 450 450 100%

840,287 CORPORATE MANAGEMENT 892,234 890,221 100% 890,334 893,034 100%

0 GRANTS 13,450 0 0% 0 0

287,475 COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 206,948 210,402 98% 284,223 276,415 97%

49,111 TOWN HALL 39,375 36,182 109% 45,800 49,922 109%

109,867 CORN EXCHANGE 79,680 88,920 90% 114,000 102,600 90%

48,017 HILLWORTH PARK CAFÉ 47,142 44,408 106% 52,000 55,382 107%

12,720 COMMUNITY SPACES CENTRAL SUPPORT 11,421 5,939 192% 12,840 16,098 125% Green hire income at full year budget at end of Q1

7,852 PUBLIC CONVENIENCES 5,347 6,000 89% 8,000 7,169 90%

3,347 CHRISTMAS TREES - BUSINESS 3,947 3,500 0% 3,500 3,947 113% Higher uptake on Christmas Trees than 2017/18

968 CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL & LIGHTS 968 847 0% 847 968 114%

64,978 CEMETERY 46,785 57,900 81% 77,200 62,380 81% Fall back in income from previous year

3,500 ADMIN SUPPORT SERVICES 0 0 0% 0 0 0%

2,086 CAPITAL INCOME 0 0 0% 0 2,500 0%

1,449,614 Total Income 1,347,664 1,344,419 100% 1,489,194 1,470,865 99%

Running Costs

44,596 COMMITTEE SERVICES 27,703 34,813 80% 46,489 36,937 79% Apportionment of Salaries lower than anticipated

26,111 MEMBER SUPPORT 15,942 22,761 70% 28,534 21,796 76% Apportionment of Salaries lower than anticipated

28,934 TWINNING 3,773 2,800 135% 3,620 4,631 128% Majority of twinning spend during first quarter of year

24,942 CIVIC AND CEREMONIAL 18,778 18,941 99% 27,058 27,205 101%

10,595 COMMUNICATIONS 9,267 8,400 110% 11,804 12,320 104%

114,136 CORPORATE MANAGEMENT 66,441 154,313 43% 137,235 84,099 61% Should management structure remain considerable savings in this area

16,050 GRANTS 13,649 16,196 84% 21,700 18,316 84% Low uptake on Grace & Favour & free lettings

71,607 COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 61,535 41,099 150% 56,836 73,403 129% Significant repair costs to cellar in 3 Albion Place

27,089 ARTS DEVELOPMENT 35,933 20,688 174% 27,299 28,615 105%

136,069 TOWN HALL 118,135 93,192 127% 139,380 155,742 112% Year to date marginally above budget, anticipated to fall back by year end

153,800 CORN EXCHANGE 118,936 106,654 112% 157,330 154,186 98% Year to date marginally above budget, anticipated to fall back by year end

64,894 DEVIZES LEISURE CENTRE 50,307 50,133 100% 66,842 67,076 100%

67,745 HILLWORTH PARK CAFÉ 61,386 53,192 115% 73,009 77,209 106% Higher costs due to higher turnover. Gross Margin around 50% of turnover

295,145 COMMUNITY SPACES CENTRAL SUPPORT 272,647 265,095 103% 378,044 342,155 91%

64,918 PUBLIC CONVENIENCES 49,498 56,520 88% 78,133 69,234 89% Lower utility costs

13,761 CHRISTMAS TREES - BUSINESS 11,538 10,064 115% 13,994 14,787 106%

28,080 CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL & LIGHTS 27,971 16,377 171% 28,594 33,067 116% Spend on Christmas Lights earlier than anticipated

57,755 CEMETERY 40,865 46,476 88% 64,659 53,515 83% Lower income than in previous year, costs therefore consequently lower.

26,131 COMMUNITY SAFETY & T C MANAGEMENT 23,744 13,730 173% 28,728 28,728 100% Grant to Devizes Youthy paid in Q1 2018, CCTV grant paid ealier than anticipated

-500 ADMIN SUPPORT SERVICES 0 0 0% 0 0 0%

54,096 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 60,126 97,905 61% 100,405 89,546 89% Costs associated with asset transfer currently not expended

1,325,954 Total Expenditure 1,088,174 1,129,348 96% 1,489,693 1,392,566 93%

Income and Expenditure Account for Period to 31 December 2018

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Doc 8/1

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Doc 10/1



INTRODUCTION: The Devizes Food and Drink Festival has run for over ten years and has

gained momentum, audience approval and become a welcome fixture in Devizes’ event

calendar. Its Outdoor Market is usually very well supported. Other events, such as meals,

cookery demonstrations, tutored tastings, have had varied levels of success.

An entirely new team plans to run the 2019 Festival, with greater emphasis on community,

and affordable events, as well as the popular regulars such as the Food Quiz, and Come Dine

with Us.

It is planned to move the Festival to the Autumn, as we believe holding it immediately before

the Arts Festival puts too much strain on supporters’ purse strings.

A new committee is currently being formed

THE FUTURE: An outline of events planned, provisional dates 28th Sept – Oct 5 2019

Ist Saturday Outdoor Market, with stalls restricted to food and drink producers, or

organisations with a strong link to local food. While we would

welcome, and not charge for, a stall for the Devizes Food Bank, we

would rather not have people selling unrelated gadgets and crafts

1st Sunday A Multicultural Feast.

This is inspired by a Trowbridge Multifaith event, and is something

that could do so much for community cohesion, involving people who

are possibly new to the area, on restricted incomes, and currently not

involved with any community projects.

While the Festival’s aim is largely to feature ‘local’ foods, we believe

that embracing Devizes’ expanding multicultural groups can only add

interest and diversity to the Festival.

This project involves people of all nationalities making their national

dish, to be served in taster portions, for a modest price – say 50p a


This is the prime area where we believe, and hope, the Town Council

could give support, and areas where we are seeking help are shown on

Appendix A.

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Monday – Friday Events we are hoping to progress are:

Food Quiz

Tea Party

Visits to local food producers, both manufacturers and growers

Meals in ‘unusual places’. Previously these have been held in a church

spire, fire station, prison cell

Erlestoke Prison dinner [historically a very popular event, organised

entirely by the Prison authorities]

A drink event – wine tasting/gin tasting or similar

Once the committee has been formed other ideas will doubtless come

into the mix

2nd Saturday Come Dine With Us - a popular dinner party event that has been

successful over many years.

We understand the Wiltshire Beekeeper’s annual Honey Event is

scheduled for this date, in the Corn Exchange, and are liaising with the

organisers to explore possible joint activity to bring this, or part of it,

under the Food Festival umbrella.

As in previous years, a substantial part of any profit from the Festival would be donated to

local charities, with the balance being used for the 2020 event.

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The main outdoor event is the street market, scheduled for 28th September, and we would ask

for Council support for the Market Place being made available free of charge by Wiltshire


Once a more detailed programme is established, there may events that would benefit greatly

by being held in Council venues.

We would very much appreciate the use of a Council venue for committee meetings.

Most of all, we seek Council support for an entirely new event, a Multiculural Feast, based

on a similar event run in Trowbridge. Food is a wonderful icebreaker and we see this as

helping to integrate newcomers to Devizes, in the interests of community cohesion, as well as

an exciting and interesting food event.


• The idea is to invite people to cook 100 taster portions of their national dish.

• Attendees buy strips of 50p tickets that are each redeemed for a small portion of food,

thus allowing a good selection of dishes to be sampled at very modest cost.

• There is no entry charge

• Those cooking would not have to pay anything for their table, which should attract as

wide a section as possible from the Devizes Community.

Following a Facebook appeal, we have had interest from an astonishing number of people

wishing to prepare dishes from their countries of origin, including: Belgium, Cornwall,

Cyprus, Fiji, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, South Africa, Sweden, Trinidad, Turkey, USA,

Wales. We are exploring additional routes to reach other groups and nationalities

In keeping with the ethos of being inclusive, we believe participating cooks need to be

funded for ingredients in advance, as we do not want them to decide against participating

because of fear of the initial outlay. We will seek sponsorship from a local supermarket that

could go towards this, but to be realistic we feel participants need a float. Some dishes could

warrant a greater amount, and receipts would be required for additional claims, as well as

accounting for the float.

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Depending on the number of cooks, the Corn Exchange would seem the most appropriate

venue, as that could accommodate food stalls all round the walls, and a long communal table

up the middle.

Based on the Trowbridge event, hire of hot trays, slow cookers and microwaves would be

required, plus disposable cutlery and plates/bowls, and napkins, tablecloths and ‘set dressing’

in the form of national flags etc. All stalls would be required to display laminated signs

listing all ingredients as allergy warnings, which would mean the purchase of a laminator and

pouches. A large number of waste bins/bags would also be essential

Cooks would prepare the food at home, with Food Hygiene guidance given by the committee

members holding Food Hygiene certificates [our understanding is that currently this requires

3 certificate holders per 13 cooks] – there will be sufficient qualified people to meet the

requirements for this.

The Trowbridge event also included live music, and face painting/henna tattoos for children,

which helped attract people to the event, and made them linger longer.


We would like to be able to advertise this event as being sponsored by Devizes Town

Council, and are seeking your support for:

• £1,000 Funding, to cover ingredients, hire costs of equipment, disposables, first aid

cover, children’s entertainment.

• Free use of the Corn Exchange, including access to the kitchen and WCs.

We very much hope that you will consider our application favourably and are available to

answer any queries you may have.

December 2018

Rosalind Ambler

[email protected]

Jenny Groom

[email protected]

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