Page 1: Community Concerns Expansion of Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant in the Penn Daw CBC 1.Inadequate and unsanitary refuse disposal system for solid wastes & food
Page 2: Community Concerns Expansion of Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant in the Penn Daw CBC 1.Inadequate and unsanitary refuse disposal system for solid wastes & food

Community Concerns

Expansion of Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant

in the Penn Daw CBC

1. Inadequate and unsanitary refuse disposal system for solid wastes & food wastes.

2. Location, size and lack of screening of solid waste disposal bins.

3. Litter control and maintenance of parking area.

Page 3: Community Concerns Expansion of Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant in the Penn Daw CBC 1.Inadequate and unsanitary refuse disposal system for solid wastes & food

Current Dumpster Location



Page 4: Community Concerns Expansion of Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant in the Penn Daw CBC 1.Inadequate and unsanitary refuse disposal system for solid wastes & food

Chuck E. Cheese Trash Dumpster Fall 2009North side of parking lot.Inadequate for volume produced and lack of controls to keep vermin out or to keep homeless population from using it as a source of food.

Page 5: Community Concerns Expansion of Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant in the Penn Daw CBC 1.Inadequate and unsanitary refuse disposal system for solid wastes & food

Existing screening for dumpster. Photo taken Fall 2009 shortly after dumpster was moved from site in preparation of redevelopment.

Page 6: Community Concerns Expansion of Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant in the Penn Daw CBC 1.Inadequate and unsanitary refuse disposal system for solid wastes & food

Spillage from the dumpster or trash and food pulled by animals andpeople was evident for years with restaurant employees making noeffort to maintain the area. Trash seen in this picture is in front of a storm drain leading to Quander Brook.

Page 7: Community Concerns Expansion of Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant in the Penn Daw CBC 1.Inadequate and unsanitary refuse disposal system for solid wastes & food

Evidence of trash in Quander Brook below the storm water outfall from the shopping center parking lot.

Page 8: Community Concerns Expansion of Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant in the Penn Daw CBC 1.Inadequate and unsanitary refuse disposal system for solid wastes & food

Restaurant patron parking area was another source of litter thatwas not routinely cleaned up and left to be carried by wind andwater into the surrounding properties and Quander Brook.

Page 9: Community Concerns Expansion of Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant in the Penn Daw CBC 1.Inadequate and unsanitary refuse disposal system for solid wastes & food

Parking spaces in front of Chuck E. Cheese restaurant duringFall of 2009 showing evidence of patron littering.

Page 10: Community Concerns Expansion of Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant in the Penn Daw CBC 1.Inadequate and unsanitary refuse disposal system for solid wastes & food

Lack of maintenance on thecurbs and sidewalks at the timethe restaurant was open forbusiness conveys an attitudeabout appearance that is notacceptable to the community.

Page 11: Community Concerns Expansion of Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant in the Penn Daw CBC 1.Inadequate and unsanitary refuse disposal system for solid wastes & food

Picture of the south side of the parking lot (opposite end from the restaurant and dumpster location). Wind blown refuse fromboth the dumpster and patrons is entering wooded areas that arethe back yards of residents on Fairview Drive.

Page 12: Community Concerns Expansion of Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant in the Penn Daw CBC 1.Inadequate and unsanitary refuse disposal system for solid wastes & food

Citizens in the Spring Bank community are opposed to any expansion of the Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant by thegranting of construction waivers or special exception without enforceable proffers or development conditions drafted and agreed upon that will put an end to the inadequate waste disposal system and negligent propertymaintenance issues brought before the MVCCA Planning & Zoning Committee in March of 2010.

Respectfully submitted, Martin Tillett Vice President Spring Bank Community Association

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